The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 24, 1899, PART 1, Image 2

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1 ... ....
Tie Weekly GhroDicle.'.'.
Xtae Xaree r4
V" )- -'JK "i tW f"" -
.-nTt jk3 - a
ja mrt ana. rwl - - . XT ST
Oa-r j m ajj tnir xzr jkj i
0 .? fcltt jo Wert J
.a t . .
rrr .
j iKA a T4I1UO u -i XX
ivr:. II- -?:-ce s
r tx c J c .,
UnMfi ;jit, A:: Tlt X,T Xt ti erri:, t
ixa trx! al ii esrai5.':x cf m ;U Kit l ;
liw-v-mkaiHM. P.e;J-I Ii uJtitc.nnta:u wxii;-..r.r.
Axtrftkxx ill A n i fii xJ .al
xt.pri; I t ixT -1 i l
frei: p: .-a xi-J ii isCis-I
1 fx,.: -it ia ti Kwf-
Xieaa t l.r4
tK, m4 lie ! Jerra- I
Ti- CVrimf;iyCAl e.cnch was Ol .
F:i.'ay treairf :th larfear.d apprtci- j
.:.- isi tut, ti occasion being the i &?..Trti by ProVsavr W. I.
L,xa, 'J Whitcan Col;e, upoa j
F::s Fltli:it." j
t P;f. Gavia, who c:ade a few
brief 1
I: i ti i-:ct ti
i-J rj:ee i;..t ti -
txt x; stl.:' -v sr ;ts:t; t;
x t:4 if . n t iv ac
ccy if i.i: ? 'r.i i-v
g ij.t:.t IxjI ..'.-.a-x u L f.r
liiT C'ii :t tc:: .c;i,
oi ti-i 5-1. Ti cvsa:".;
a-:: f.-rijii ; j-:: li ;i
5-1' S3 ia.T-f LL'-.nJ
irj Z--ZL f,i:xii'f jftjllT Kit
t? c-c- xi:t.L c i;j idjr:iC-:c .
L-v i; t::.:. e ;i x J Ali
ces i-.'c c ri-s cc jrrii. ;
;!t:Jj Win x;jica t3 s-:c
:lxty liJ it, 1 tit
rt.-Z'-.- - : ."- J frcs :i
:j:ciw l:e-J H lirf- !: tf
i ifsUr il:e-s jrc-sti". f.r Lis
C"2 i-ui It.HM lit PT-Slj-
ij ;ctr li j'.u.a
ivits lj zztz: : life wi-rt ii
-f:i: ci:'. i:ffi nLz.-i
lim, zl '.Liz!.-: a t:i; J tn
cvr: F,; jirs. kLas l-iii-i
Ic2 Eii; t-ia-:ci to
fc- s it : -i !; r-il t-L tlzz
fri-i toe f -lv.c I. Az. to i;-tyni-ih
ti es i it Lt lj
rj U frt.i.;i:'i ti r-.i;:i Tir--j
;r dT tii. t tx.e-:;
J 5fU: Ti r tw J :ti:rj ,
M tilt ry 5. ri.i: f ti-
jrdc i tr u-i ;4fT- I : ',
. - - . . - - - . , . -
?J?rf. Frtk". t:" in -i3-ren tatory. (
Est:, fcrrcu; J. C- ty t rtertc. to T..e ,
rftr.rr.Ei:t. E- J. ii- I '-. 1 it J- i:h L i
. - 3 .. - . .-w pf- r --'-r- 1 T
rr, w M- t.f, - Krrtfz t - r- -
: .-r- - i: J. I..if-rti it J y Jy.
Is UTfA:!rf iA '.t t
brirSj er a
ii the ff-eaktr
Ja rep-
-t 4 w 5. rr.; .'iirt iixrj-M -i J. 1--
Ti : -- -r tr:c':t 17
til s.;r;;f ui cii; ;i2 tir;:
H.:.f. Orcca Lt 3 C.miP Fr
T G C.x t 5" X Wty ;
x " .1 ! Uia: MSBfr tiri. Lid the
fr-rit.; L .n 1 r i Uit :;i Ca ti
J. is tr n 0lrsi ?;rT; "
t I ari 5 S
r;a ti I. II 13 J el.sslait jT-jr
Ti lka cf ti: cx-cis
. :-
z t:c!ir-r. is-i 5ai,- Tis Mti-ilit tLr
f -:-ir icr"" j -r.A No j,rt"Ctir. TL Cti-x;c c?
E.ik:ra Lrf-f;a Liii Co t if t
Erx-tf ; :::ii-3.
s-r:i"-iJ i H S Hi::i;
C P I. ti--i:a F W Ar;t-i
til c:is;livsv, :! pr;r:T r-
WAJ:iti:a t Jm KUivill ; d-t-i
rKp.&:atcotia Jar term.
Win Htrr Tf L O'Eriea : tt:!d ail
ii 1 :it i 5rrect ii l.v
T--'f j TiriiSf lTij. Ia tLif coc-
!:.:.: r.-:- Ly!i;a n-er.:i:-.iei Frank
: e, A .iiairr Hii:..c, l-an':t! Wtb
f.r, Atraiias Litca nJ
Eii '1 Irwt:! as ci tiLg tLe ex
;r:r ty; J a i:Jcrrt tf tLe
Lie i4 tie tti:oa. TLe Ciretr cf FraLk
: .r, t riifb a'l i:t Titierfi! cbangee
ai-i ti;-err., the ff-eaker mc in
ttit:i :;ttua of the auJience.
i aii re aa i-.4.eatioj i i jxasy, iiirh
i sLt -J.J r?t U.'x p:, tf what a
s-'fity jl'Wt liri jixln 1'rat.k'ia p!aytd
stir li-ra.t;a tf Acce-riom ic'.:'tu-
i Mr. Iyu.ia" Irs was rf Itte with
j ti:ajcrn VaL, Liie tie wLo was
!e:-B-l ia .argasf siiLp.e at.1 yet
i .-rs-ir.' ;o i:.f iairresslTeiie.
I.. !ct5re as dciiered onJer the
" :! ci lie Tie tUf, aci waa :a
( '.In tie cn:Ters:ty extfesioa move
I xt-ct "rr:t"i oa by iracy icitita
s t3-:rf if tidier !eara:L;, and in which
! WL;:a:5 Cc'.-t-e it takjeg a prominent
j frt It a the exrref-ioa of those
( la teari fc:f addri lait evening that
f ti c-x- cf TLe Da.e wocIJ ho to
afa;a i.:a ti an aJUres-i by I rut.
LTa.10 at e fotore tia;e.
T-y jrs. i4i St tis.. ittrfret ctrtxia ftvv
B-:t f aii tii ftr:-ti sz ixczi 1 to lLx. cl
a-;iu: c kx Lit xri ct ft;1 Fei" c&l t J;g!T :
Sia. i cc i 4u hi.1 x pivrt is - w.t to ti rreat cf cLHdrtB
i-a.f ua aii ixiiaii sir-; t5tg reartl ia ProttstAil '
tiilxz- Ti;z-it. ffaiti. Ea cctgnesa hai demxdoJ
O D I;s.e Tf G E S-asi?-, rt a
J H Gi-Jf Tf J H W3wcrta ;
'V U Yaa B.bier 11DW Est:T; 1-
Ui'x. aa-J jiifavttt as i crier to eell
attiLd trcpTty.
O-ca-bfla rcklx( Co Tf II Laaretrea ;
tiat ti Is J'a k i b rea.cTtI d:aiid.
rT?rrC THZ L0SZ1XE. froa ti ixi of itk-o. -tK T"" " Afk VcCartsey;
feui :.-.v.:o it u a
T f Btisii Vint Oar It j and
F t4 SlrWI4 TTcaikcr.
Ti raT. :i terse f f-rani Sanday,
aai aiser fix weekt of a'.aiot enremit
tast iai noraif. fie pat on ber beat
behavior an 3 thcwexl enr rieitors jost
what Bice weather we can LaTe, and
ti wune waf di'.r arpreciatei by them.
rt3vsjsi LCI' C .1 At . - . t r T- t t r. ... '. . ... .
fasti K f. 1; r J Fc?i tare tad a dackktr and if the
i AW prvc cja;iaxavj oe- .-.if wuan wpa 1164 im- raa ti 5cre cut for rcomtct there
f-.ii ?-i.;at tf Ci! fvrxa f:ca 1?IJ
to liil. a. w .II l;cs E'X a
tiLi :
Mcrihtj if U:;Lt ia ti rit
i - et a, ie frt :c.
11 tiilJ if XJtrf A Crowe r H E
' ier4 arJ exxs..
lv4 s.3- ,;i i." ;i.i
i-K'''.'. .0.
I; ww cc-; artiJ 1
, si jwa ti TiI cf tn, cf str&cz aci i f a.:4-J.
... irltt-cf ifas:tr. of cE:i:i Artisr Ere,- t i: J
. ..' . ---
ia ttiil a; J tIr, extrr tfort wirj
to is3j ftji.'cai aa J x ft. til rr-
. 5.'..-:j
. ."i j! J "
. . ::-..: fttka. It tu wifiT ta oreri
'i ti aa- i r-sT'"a l w li fretl$ ia
At aliMi i2:4 lie excursion train
pc::-i ia at tie Uffi.a:i::a IIocj. wi;h at
t:d ' It-aft J exrsnk-a:;.. who were ereeted
w;;i scasit by tie band. The con.
M:'r. et ai. . a..:tee cf rrtk.a ui rU-tnrm in
tawlicrwi (ehtrfe aid ictt of tieni tuade their
E E G t it Caseroa ; J Lxi;t.arter at tie Ea:dwia, while
'ot4rt KEsb .T ci tie covl
The Girl of To day
will be the woman of to-morrow.
She does not know it, perhaps
her mother doe not fully
the "to-day when sne i& Kj
& dirl and the to-morrow" 1rt'-f.tli
v.rwn .he will be a woman. ?I i
nr i r fer iiAiiiiiiiT.aa a iiu wa -
health art in the balance.
ir snc ia tv u a u-uniu,
.trond. healthv woman she
most develop rightly now.She
is at a crisis. She needs more
strerrdth. more blood to tide
it over. Or. Willioms Pinh Pills
for Pale People are the one
medicine that will dive her
the strength and make the
new blood.
Our new book. PLAIN
TALKS TO YyOflEN. explains
why these pills are of special benefit to dro
ing girls. A copy will be sent to any addres'v
free, on request.
M Im Frankle Bathawaj. of Sixteenth Mreet, Hollaod, Mich mm.
"1 am 21 rear old. at 16 I hi pale and weak and did not itnu under ih
doctor's car. Otfaar treatment brouftat no better rwuit andbrth.
time I waa nineteen year old I wita o weak I could not walk arrrwu
the floor. I wa terribly amaeiatod and tny skin bad kjt all iin
Tb doctor pronounced tb diveoM anemia. On of my frionH.
vised me to trv lr. WlUlams' Pink PU1 tor Pal Peopl. i bouiht
box and betor 1 bad taken ail of the Dili I found tbat they were d.,ln.
me good. Appetite lncreaiwd and tLe baltby color heirtui to ihow in
ray ebeks and lip. I eootlnued to us the pill until 1 had taken fit
teen boxes and found myself permanently cured. Nine then I bars
bad no return of my aid trouble nd cannot remember when I w. J.
strong and bealtby as now. I know thai Itr. Williams' Pink Pin. fJU
Pale People saved my life, and I believ tbat no other roe-licne could
have dooclU" 1- BANKia llATBAWAT.OtXawa Times, UuUand, jteu
Look for the fuD name on the packate. At drugeists or direct from the Dr
William Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y. 50c per box. 6 boxea $2.50.
v.. i Am i
m il
H f
w Tfcey XitCinii(.
-! jllt! Cafix fa to'." 41 -mn ii, ti-f !na c ecit
jef Academy Tark a a f::;cg place to
iib-hratliHyafiaaalreaiy eiar- ? Vt? t3t fjr " ooSice
... , -i B K ptTlet tOtD fDCh
, . ... j. .
""f -aci -Jjwa ti x.octiaI e:rt. To oh
f;r.y b a t Jwrj
anuies. fxc'.c ia ti TiIJ tcr u-? Jaoa..Exi:ofex:
C ti f T Of B
jet dciTfri cs
Jrjtt Z-zt&z are ?
J i -. v . : .tl cai. la Isoifnirai. uiti I
I tS rsi&e, c K tT; er, t, a I ti ciarr. E. Ciavix w.tJ, a I ' ei to U competed of
iiicrr- -iS b dt.l. Towx? Toa3ctlLe iJaj cf Dr. .ElftfttMilUilEE Wl j l. rwnab tt-xeo. of PortJand,
i-ca .fcxiz ip i. . rear, ; throw tie tit KiooU iato yot.uwkia waaajoti flir of rwpit from doty
. . . ta tfc 1 tn tavisx-aT awl4 sV - - - . v
Uirr:-Ji aJ I f jr-rtlea. If r.n1"031- t vtry c-c ol a score or tt rasJ jxry ia ti caw of lie " '." nount
-. , - . . TV . r.'- . . .. .
i idu tr.e
fteoerr aia: it oa aaart seek a hif her
3Tj. tfcaa enx&d street.
tb experience of lart year when
excri. Tinted enr city, manv
i m r i. j . . . . - ; - ....... .:. , . i -- irit mui s a repetition
ferer -Uwitr. BO nere - -" " " w cU ram pe.c: in., ,h.
i Xa. IWfX a arm.J-aw id I rl laaarwT am Mttal f - - - " w-uv
t rvaavi. - eiarrf-J w.a o teals .a r bqt aa-ie
tv.t e.a a dJl-T Jberwu ia eTerr state ,v ' 1 "
ti Txiot.;" wrr.torr. Laar .a sjsteo a ins UZ. TtuUti where tb !
cxjtaita. ,
-xrtx is sU focii aroaa-1 Dawxos .
:ctc:ioea wai aoUced ia their de
mM r 9 m?' m..-wn. ' t t . J V VTlB- TS11 r-KmMt m V k.'u;w.U
" . . ... . . aatojccr. w are aim j Km nuit
a . .. -. . . - - . rctmzr a ar .Lv-v m ...p.- . j - -
CStr. ti t:x a a- dlt .ia ; .a.rprtauoB ot CBriruattttj jV; ;tokawti.ttbo.iydi.tnrbanc
tit 1t cx? d be-coc a eera- ,a lb PotLc scbooU of A . cl u j, w d-3" ?roJa tie Loc3:n!n ant of oar
cry witi Oro F.eo, ll Ctj, Wil ' ,ts -'J. aJ beard ciarfrd froa ti cBttadr of ti eccatv. tV.'' from oar Tititor.
BvaJ iKrtcf ir tLxtt U 80 teliotM ai Ci.xi, ai A-.Va wd mtr, ' Jt'lZT f r
... ' : A 1 v . tat.:--- x , are cypeevJ to Saodar excuraioni
atf, glory. " . " "r.rr" rU.traCrJi- .dir., ,h day ia a direction. U, ween Port
show, by your pretence, that Oregon
teachers are not behind the times.
Hotel accommodations may be had at
the fjliowiDg rates: Hotel Westmin
ister, the executive commitlee'a head
qaarterg, European plan, 1 to 4.
American plan, 2.o0tof6; Van N'nrg,
European plan, 1 lo 4, American plan,
12 50 to 6; Ro-syln, one block from the
Westminister, European plan.fl, Amer
ican, 2 50; Holltnbeck, European plan,
fl and op, American, 2 50 and op;
Nadean, the eame; Hotel Broadway,
European plan, 50 cenli, American plan,
land op; Hotel Catalina, European
1, American 2; Hotel Baltimore,
European, 75 centa to $1.50. This Jist
might be made longer, but the above
are (officient to give one an idea of what
it will cost to live after reaching the
convention city. All the above hoteif
give special rates by the week or month.
All are centrally located. Within a
radio, of two llocVa fiom the West
minister hotel over fifteen hundred good
rooms can be obtained. The earliest
applicants will, of course, secure the
most satisfactory accommodations.
The several transportation companies
offer the following very liberal rates :
Southern Pacific A $33 round trip
rate, Portland to Los Ange'er. and re
turn, exclusive of sleeping csr privileges,
and conditional upon party of 100 or
more leing secured from this section,
account of National Educational Asso
ciation meeting, has been decided upon,
and tickets will be placed on sale from
July 5th to Stth inclusive, with final limit
for return August loth. Tickets good
only for continuous trip going, and with
stopover privileges returning within the
time limit.
There may and probable will be dele
rates who will prefer to travel on reg
alar trains and on separate date from
the excursion, and for these the $-10 rate
previously quoted, exclusive of sleeping
car accommodations, will be available.
Oregon Railway and Navigation Com
pany Will sell from rail points in Ore
gon, Washington and Idaho, round trip
ticket based on a one and one-fifth fare
to Portland and return in connection
with the following rates which will be
in effect from Portland :
Portland to Los Anirel-a an.1 ...
A private letter received Iron. StokitJ
mis morning tells of the death of )!
Annie M. Funk at that place Snadi;
corning ol cerebral meningitis. D.;;
people will remember Mrs. Funk u
being the wife of one of the FunkBro
who were merchants in this city i In!
years since, being proprietors ol t!i
New York Cash store. She had been i;
but two weeks, the trouble bejjonitj
with the ear drams and extending
the brain. Her body was taken to
Weston for borial. Mrs. Funk wit.
yeas of age. With some who ire u
familiar with the names of the tvo
Mrs. Funk, there may be a question a
to which of the two ladies it ii. Hi
w ili probably be remembered u ttt
tall brunette, the sister-in-law ix:;;
short and light omplexioned. H
friends here will learn of her deatb lit!
deep regret.
farm fur Sale.
Six miles south of TI e D.illet, coa-l
poeeJ of 495 acres 200 in grain .'nd lit
ia summer fallow. A good house an: I
other building?, and all manner of fars-l
i ing implements. This is a deairabitl
firm at a bargain. For terms, apply tc
G. W, P.UTERS05,
6-tw The Dalles.
i'Jtll S'sLtZS THE PFS.p.t Fit Sx-v;:- :. i toretara t.
' .if. Wtaecart crsd tLr atMeif at fcj ti To.aatj J4 prst colJ..oi5 tor x2 9ci,;.S. Fir, a Gerxaax. r
actn. aULUE g im ti Pai'Jfn,' . eJcexiiM wiica siouli be 6siversxL s.c-at Hxi E.rr, wa s-ai
to tiir fneaij at woes dn. aoi give PffcjtnxtifBa. - Catbolicxsa. Melh-
aar sarcort u th Atiia.-.a ... oJ a si otir fxhUs wi'.l coo-
C.iai, who .re r,".to U UB6-i
r K&ooi grotia-1.
fox era a st otcafitaty of it tern- ' mmmm
to-rr, tT ti fft;:. WiZa 1'a.os.
5 CTfrext scaaaer, the eopI did not
' Mwaa ix:iei ta distnrb that qaet by
.tkts.ef ct draskenoeM and the
itraj xrd wt t 6 o'clork with
xa Kf ti Fx.:4 ?
aai P -. K-;k
. Jtt i,1t,i,Jc,",le7iois.;,, v-. " Cxosicia vent urea the
wt-a ale re
Xee-if a:txxrr ;t aray t test t reaier
ll fmxii'.j, bat c eirs' J rms.rr
Tj Grc.x&-Asaer.cx3 w Lo ix
TVs tor wa-a Live lis far jt g'A I'mlm'S ttto jrisos ta Gcr
litr goTerxsest it rtlia- rtacj for ajfv.rz aa oiTesKT
17 H a . 5 llat i sr.-. .u.e- , ; a V. . r .1 .. . -
" "-;t,'.m uuirac jTio Vi sxir Dcstent a att rr5rrt ra.i
wr;t tit: -Ti: ii a i c:it.-j. ' wCl Urdlr aroo ncth ysft.iT --l ia avii. Ti l as,i wct
W wast to kp tL PLII.-ffcejv. ia ii Ut.ted tve. Ttl itnca K;'tfrtr;;ie ti 5yrp
i- Tta.ttcf: Lt Lire .. ta
Ttw-I bx. loi ti Uj !, tot
wxal to o. AH tie tj a:e wi:!.
ts res.x;3 tat.. :i wxr is ever, ia Gercacj a il.: it
I ti.xk if tl I't w l uti wr. g.rt coBtUy. A r; kit cr ti
I - mm
MKkiv;fHaS'l asl esxr- eosntry ncrt ctj ti
ai'.. t ti 5 t.e. f-e.K-.-f
paxy I iu t
bipe tiut Sasday extxrrioas to our citv
Tipet:ijxrr was exrxti at i - l lr"t oerarreDc. at the
k.5?i tiv wiZ mi: at behave as or-
; -ei.y at ci ti i-sc ti Herman.
lev M t aneex a etleea
t-timmml 4-rstia
ianj ana an Francisco and between
Saa Francisco and Port of Los Angeles.
$35. Portland to Port Los Angeles and
return, steamers in both direction be
tween Tortland and San Francisco, and
rail from San Francisco to U Angeles
and return, $35. Portland to Port of
Lo Angeles and return, all steamer
route, parties of twenty-live or more,
$30 per capita. Conditions of sale gov
erning limits and sailing days have not
jet been agreed upon. We will pro,,.
ably be ablo lotive you this information
in the next few days.
It enllM K. ....11 a- . ...
rll lu nomy ml,n
airw. Or.
cittvLxveknowa. a-4 docfJvM T C:U:xU J Teactr,: Ti
di-l ksow. tixt to seta Llerty to
,T t (."as soon as you d.cld to go. stat
btij ti L J of ti. f ute i Ixw-l
e-t-a..o tu roates a: Ix) Axfte
..;in.i.;??. Asitwi.u
k.(a fur etllu(i.
Eggs for setting from A 1 steel.
B. B. Red Games, per 15, $1.25.
S. C. Black Minorcas. per 15, $125.
S. C. Brown Leghorn, per 15, $1 25.
lm-2d-w The Dalles, Oregon.
Par a ar
11 :5op.i
ft:0 p. m.
Faow Daxxxs.
Sett lakr, Denver. Ft.
Worth. Omaha, Kan
see tltv. st. IauU,
Cbieaco and East.
Sp. ta.
p. m.
Wslla Walla. 8nokane, 8p
MInreapolia. M. Paul.
iiQlotl, attiwauaw,
Vhicaco and EuL
From poaTXixn.
(mo ttteeni.hiits.
For ban Freurix-o
January ii,
and every lire days
4:1 (.a
Ei.sundar ( Rt. Rtramer-. Ii.bI
.To ATai and Way
8alur-tay Landiujm.
a. M I - jKlB.-
Ka.auiittay OiT" Itr. J-ewlf'."1"'
1 eaieia A w ay Land .
Ta m. Wiu-aarrra ao Ya-. tj
and Eel. .Oreeon t ltv. I'arton. sniirn
I and Way landing.
i(kl as4 Day " . " Jimuw Q a. .
T m 4 . Mw.:eteruL:t ti ur- in.
ii.iev,;.a,aalei, Ks'ej'f yw tl 1 F-wto. Chkomc, x :-Mv v.U The
!3 a i?:,p-, r .; . . . if a2Jf -f aa ri: i t.v.'h.-i-i.. ' " ,n L. ci
' ' -t-t e-; . . --- - --a naj urawn Ol rhiw an. I ... I ..'.7"-
f.KIj'-TI rr'm I .I...V u-.ttUCH ;a !Ita li'-l V.a 1. . ... ' ' 1 " '
- - - . .i riiim - - -t-ri i wisn UirnU.h tl
. mi i m ' -zl . a mi - A . - i
: Ji: eter.T, . " v su: ap-
a WTTI. VTT. lm.F 1 If . 1 IV "T". 7 " sr A tafC ITT - -
ia i. We defeaJ ti ubal, icxa, IuLaArica, B--aiaa- l1 "- ! 0-7. V,?... . ! aM.
.n-! s.-r. a-.- .- .v i. . . . v it t'.l i tx. tr Elaieex s.iejtieiM
i j arr aiencxs tr AZtrk-xs-xcerna a . !.- ' . 1 t atkaa! r -.,:..i
v " - . IM C. ,41U,jAt.H tn 1 . n ..... . .
IS yta 6t a.-. crix ii. Xoiasrlraii ,a: courtesies an J nniform kind-
at a w. a.-... n !j0.1
Tl r... n a a ......Hi. Tilt?..
"Hi, I HRH4 - - i.
and uj ay Siia
Ril-aria U Lcwlaton.
Cr-.i.I Cl tfa- Ixwa al re 7T.---.-jr- rr ti'., ta?j etre.,-?,
s-tUlera ia lii cctseiustces. Ti Gr?xiv l -a.. beal-fr ;v tt
your paper to thus
, tse tnemtyrs of "A
he roltiiniia of i
publicly express U L. ..
I irl
u-rmoert ol " Summer's fmrv" '"I" ih.. m I.. H'Tr"'
y. Corrpanv, the rresa an. I ... i n Ul"' Nrt Wurf il lll i " J,i
VI Tr ' M'ia!ly to! JaM. rt(r,vW.el,erl..r.. at llMM'"",-
a JaJg G. C. Blakelev, my ,p.f..i. I ''" nll., .l,re.-lr..Bni tl..n t M
n;.. , . i Jimritoii Mali No, I. arriving al Ibe l11
n ir.atkf and sincere apprec at on of the I-
is tvj oa. t -- tier Axerkis tc
ti c: Txlxxt: pt cf acy coci'y ; wbo T:;p.f L cua al-oj kxirs.
tixt ti Ua:tJ ;i exer cUii-l iirr, xai cixrx ta ti.r
XX T, i Jf
a i-iiJT rur.)..;..i i . . ,-.v,vvo,tn i uirtrfv .i i..s .. .
letVncf ti . . --I. v". ill 7 : - "!v . . F' ;T e emioeat ' qnaintaincea ao r,! .'i- 1. ' . . .
. ... j---v (n -.-a ir.i. i ev..a:ors ot waosa this boi v is eyvm ' a t- . "'' ' in
c f:oa ti Tuai'.r, a: dU ia tl Cait-J State nttat t r"r yw IWitt Wttd aoeed. It .. eppoei011i,T t7, 1 Tt" " ,h 1 1'u'- p' yinsj wlih
.a. IaiiL.:!rftv. fw.'. r . , Haxi Salv. It tas lent lai,l Vt mre " ms i -. it 5r' tM teort. One more w lih
- tii .ui.-ja.i.i a vtry izt:orxri .. ... . . . , .. -w u rwm:r izati i . iui,..-. .
' - Fw-avTTT-j x.-rtf I. txiMTwra.. a "a " ' "y nn.erelv.
'. m. Mil
eerrr nwui, r. uhim H..) a. ! u
'-' . i,
Nv .', tc-nsl trvlaht, earrlee r"""""!
knd. arrive I . p. m . drperts ! J "V
S.v wl, e. hound lhrHih Ireulil. 'rL,rl
rarry paweugvu; am v. . 01
a "' P Hi. . . Mff
No. w, we.1 taMind lor I frelM. rrrl
Seliaera. .rritiai n. m, . ri.-timi ta !
r tnlt partlmlars rail nn O. R. '
tii t h lUua. dlrre .
0. fa. AgU. 1'ortlauJ.
s v iifau, ua i
racv II, LxriN.