The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 24, 1899, PART 1, Image 1

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    ?p 'I I
NO. 34
sfGwrfflit Again RemsTei Til's
Tims 30 Miles Away.
Generally Conceded That Further Op
position to Americans is Useless
Filipino Leaders Have Been Ready
for Several Days to Surrender.
Maniu, May 19 0:40 p.m. General
Lm ii reported to be making defperate
sfforts to restrain educated Filipinos
within the limits of bis self-appointed
jurisdiction from communicating with
ths Americans, even to arresting
Eocamino and Herrera, two of the inoet
influeutial officials coming via San Isidro
This and the removal of the seat of
government to Tanic, thirty miles north
of Sao Fernando, may lead to complica
tions and delay in pacification, but it is
generally conceded that further oppoei
lion to American sovereignty is useless
ind ridiculous. Neither General Luna
nor Rio del Pilar has sufficient Iorce to
resist or compel submission.
Sew York, May 1U. A dispatch to the
Herald from Manila says: Definite
peace propositions from the Filipino gov
ernment are imminent. The Americans
positively have entire control of the situ
ation if the rainy season does not set in
within ten days and make further mill
Ury operations impossible, should the
Incurgents still ptove Intractable.
The purpose of the Filipino leaders to
give op the struggle against American
authority was made known by two dele
jjtetof the Filipino peace commission
ibo remained in San Isidrowhen it was
captured and surrendered to Law ton's
iitrarca guard. In conversation with
American officers they stato that the
Filipino forces have been for the last
loir days willing to secure peace on any
terms that General Otis might see fit
hoffrr. They declare that General Law
ton, )j hia rapid and energetic advance
from tialipag, has not allowed their
forces a moment's cessation from fighting-.
The delegates add. at their most im
portant piece of informnlion, that Agui
naldo liims.-lf will sue for peace through
the peace commission w ithin two days.
If he does not so act, the Filipino gov
ernment will repudiate him. as four
ths of the natives are weary of the
ar and desire an early ending of
Halt at Hons Kong, Where the
Olympia Will He Thoroughly Over
hauled and Put in Trim.
NkwYoiik, May 19. A dispatch to
'l Journal and Advertiser from Hong
0Bliyi: Admiral Dewey will leave
nilon Saturday morning, the 20 Inst.
o-s well, he will arrive here next
"day morning. Arrangements have
made here to put the Olympia, the
Mahal's fl iK(ilP, in drydock toon as
"ives. Her long so mrn In tropl-
ters has fouled her bottom so badly
"'hswlll need a thorough scraping
"der to fit her for her trip acrots the
'"dian ocean.
nil""'" 0ther mlt. oo, that will
J:Jl,Wlalter, Her machinery
' completely overhauled. New
will be added and the "gtnger-
ntih. "rk ,,lch WM diepented Hh
time she was put In war rig will
"placed, hhe will be male.) and pro
''one.1 here, and when she steami out
ih. ' rUr ,U,ut two we', heoc
'J1 ti In shape to make another
a-breaklng 0yage with her record
ing dn,lr,.
w Mines Closed Down,
t HlM,"tR, IJho' M,y 18.-The Bunk
ths cl now the on,T "! running In
IkJ Jt1""- The mill Is being
M r J " nihl and d ,ui,tf A"
0P re closed under General
Merriam orders. A company of troop
i nl 10 eariven today to guard the
property. n, new prision Is nearly
completed, and will be occupied Satur
day. There are 3'J5 pi ieoners. The in
qiest is progressing, an 1 may last two
weika !ongt r.
The Pcsrl Fishery Coast of Xorth
Queensland Visited by a Hurricane
That Destroyed Everything in its
Victoeia, B. C., May 20. Shortly be
fore the jiut arrived steamer Miowera
left Sydney for this port, the cutter Mys
tery returned to Cookstown from the
scene of the recent disaster by hurricane
on the North " Queenetown coast, by
which practically every vessel engaged
in the pearl fishery was wrecked, and
much property lost afloat and ashore.
The sights that met the eyes of the relief
expedition along the deeoltte coast were
h irrifying beyond deicriptl n. In one
place, where a picturesque fishing village
with a population of 300 had stood,
neither hone nor tree nor living thing
was left. The site of the little settlement
looked like newly plowed land, and the
survivors amcng the fishing folk had
fled for safety to an inland town twelve
milda distant.
There and further along tho coast
mangled bodies of men and domestic
animals were found. Several were se
cured with somedifficuty, wedged in the
branches of trees that had defied the
storm, whither they had been blown
from distances as great as a quarter of a
mile. The MyBtery's officers and crew
recovered in all fifty-eight bodies, of
which eighteen were identified and
claimed by mourning relatives. Of the
remaining forty, thirty-six were natives,
whose remains were given respectable
burial in one great trench. An official
report says that eighty-six vessels were
wrecked and that 385 persons lost their
Presbyterians Discuss What Shall Be
Done on that Day.
Minneapolis. May 19. Sunday obser
vance was the question which took up
the major portion of the Fresbyterian
assembly today. Most of the afternoon
was devoted to an earnest discussion oi
the report ot a special committee on
Sabbath observance. In the end the
committee's resolutions were adopted
wi'h a slight amendment ana two more
were added. In diecuesion of the Sun
day street car, Sunday newspapers, the
Sunday working Presbyterian and every
form of work which is not In harmony
riih a literal obevance of the fourth
commandment was condemned. A speci
al committee reported that it had en
deavored to keep congress and the presi
dent from granting the Roman catholics
permission to erect a chapel on the
West Point military academy reserva
lion. In a debate on the Sabbeth resolution
almost every speaker gave evidence of
being imbued with the feeling ex
pressed In the words of the committee.
Homeward Bound.
Manila, M.y 20.-The cruiser
Olympia, with Admiral Dewey on board,
left here on her homeward iourney at
4 o'clock this aftei noon. As she steamed
away, the Oregon, Baltimore and Con
cord fired an admlral'a salute. At the
first shot the band on the flagship
pla ved a lively air, and the crew crowded
the decks and gave thunderous cheers.
As the Olympia passed the Oregon,
the crew of that battle-ship gave nine
cheer for the Olympians, who responded
hv throwing their capa so high that dot
ens of them were left behind in the wake
of the cruUer. Then followed the noleest
half hour known In this harbor since
the battles which linked III name with
that of Deway.
Hotel foe Hale.
A good paying hotel in Eastern Ore
gon. This ! very desirable property
and may be obtained at a great bargain.
For particular address "B" at tbii
office. '
Conissim Settls Their Disse
It Will Recommend the Lull Route as
the More Desirable.
WAbiiiNGTox, May 18. The Nicaragua
canal commissioners, Admiral Walker,
Colonel Haines and Mr. Haupt, are un
derstood at last to have settled the
serious disagreements which have so
long delayed the report of the commis
sion, aivl which for a time threatened to
make necessary the appointment by the
president of another commission under
the authority conferred by the last ses
sion f congress.
The compromise effected among the
commissioners results in their fixing
the coat of the proposed waterway, which
is prononnced entirely feasible, at $125,
000,000. It is believed the report will
be signed and delivered to the president
immediately upon his return from Hot
Springs to Washington.
The members of the commission hav
ing agreed after the elaborate and
thorough consideration they have given
to the subject, it Is believed that the
last objection to the beginning of the
interoceanic waterway has been swept
aside, and that congress may ba relied
upon promptly to authorize the canal's
A modified route Is recommended. It
was the opinion of the commission that
of the two routes estimated for, the Lull
route was the more desirable, because
it is easier of construction, presents no
problems not well witniu good engineer
ing precedents, and will be a safer and
more reliable canal when completed. It
is also the expressed conviction that the
demensions and form of construction
preferred by the commission were better
than the cheaper form with smaller dim
ension which would undoubtedly call
for extensive improvements within a
short time after its completion.
Arrangements Being Made by the War
Washington. May 18. Secretary Al
ger had n long conference today with
tho heads of the staff bureaus of the de
partment regarding arrangements for
the return of the volunteers. Nearly
every state has requested that the regi
ments bo returned to the states whence
they came, as tho people want to see
them as organizations instead of as in
dividuals. If this be decided upon,
while awaiting muster out, they will be
held in camp either at San Francisco or
at state cainns. w here these exist.
It is expfcted that the Minnesota reg
iment will be sent to Fort Knelling ; the
Drpunn rei-lment to Vancouver barracks
and the Washington troops to tl.e post
near Seattle. It is asserted, however,
that the soldiers prefer to lie mustered
out at San Francisco, as they then will
receive travel pay to their home, and
can make transportation rates, lliai win
give them tome extra money.
Sliding Into the Sea.
Tillamook, Or., May 18,-No cause
can be given for the mysterious moving
of a large number of acres of land toward
the beach at the sand spit. The land is
moving every day. throwing up the
rocks on the beach as it gradually makes
Its descent. Theodore Stelnliber't sum
mer resort, which was worth 000, is
practically destroyed. The house has
been moved between sixty and seventy
feet toward the beach.
Danger on the Lakes.
Fiaowat, May 15, via Union Bay, B.
C. May 20. The mounted police at
Lake Bennett have posted notlcee warn
ing persona against attempting to go
down to Lake Bennett, as the lakes are
breaking np in places. It is now almost
impossible to cross over. Several men
tried crossing Mouday, before sunrise,
but the ice had not frozen during the
night, and they barely escaped with
their lives, From the summit o'
Bennett all the smaller lakes are getting
soft, but without a heavy psck they can
be croeeed. The police at Atlin have Is
sued a similar order for Atlin lakes.
Both the Bennett and At'.in lakes are ex
pected to run out intide of two weeks,
and boats are exptcted to move by
June 1.
Threatened Attack of Iloilo by Rebels
Failed to Come Off Movement of
Koppe's Expedition.
Manila, May 20. Major-General
Otis has declined to recogniza the rebels
to the extent of agreeing to an armistice,
but he has notified the American com
mandora to lefrain temporarily from ag
gressive action. Thus he is in a posi
tion to resume hostilities at any time.
This w ill defeat any subtcrluges to gain
time which would not be the case if the
general agreed to an armistice.
The Filipinos are so deceptive that the
people hesitate to credit with good faith
their lotett overtures. But more atten
tion is now paid to them than to their
previous advances. The Filipino com
mittee is under inbtruction from Aguin
aldo and the congress, but it is possible
that if peace be agreed to, General Luna
and Pilar will continue a guerrilla
Senor Gonzaga carries instructions
from Aguinaldo, which, he states, if ac
ceded to by General Otis, empower tbem
to conclude peace. Otherwise they
must return to their capital at Tarlac
for a further conference. They will, it
is said, ask for autonomy. The mem
bers of the present commission say that
the first commission was never recog
nized by Aguinaldo, but was elected by
the Filipino congress, which declared
for peace on May 0. The Filipino mili
tary power controls the situation, not
the congress.
The Filipino commissioners called
on Major-General Otis this afternoon
and arranged to meet the members of
the American commission Monday, when
they expect their colleagues wiil have
arrived. Tho chairman and the secre
tary of their commission have been
Threatened Attack of Iloilo.
At Iloilo an attack on the Americans
was expected. The Filipino leader
boasted that he had 1500 riflemen and
10,000 bo!n men, and had the impudence
to send an ultimatum to the American
commnnder, ordering him to leave the
As a result many of the native left the
town and for several days the outrost
were doubled. In addition, the York
town and the Iris anchored in positloi.s
commanding the mouth of the Jura
river, where the attack was expected to
take place, but it failed to materialize.
A Woolen Mill Trust., Or., May 20. A Chicago cor
poration having for its ol ject the con
solidation of all woolen mills on the
Pacific coast, is negotiating with the
manager of the Thomas Kay woolen mill,
n this city. Thomas Kay said this even
ing that no definite agreement had been
reached, nnd that be could not say
whether or not hit company would go
into the trust. He expects that tl.e
matter will be settled in a few days.
I consider it not only a pleasure but a
duty I owe to my neighbors to tell about
the wonderful cure effected in try case
by the timely nre ot Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
I was taken very bally with flux and
procured a bottle of this remedy. A few
dojes of it effected a permanent cure. I
take pleasure In recommending It to
others suffering from that dreadful di
eaie. J. W. Lynch, Dorr, W. Va. This
remedy it told by Blakeley & Houghtou.
never been claimed that Chamberlain's
Pain Balm would cast out demons, but
it will cure rheumatism, and hundreds
bear testimony to the truth of thlt
statement. One application relieves
the pain and thit quick reliel which it
affords It alone worth many time tits
cost. For sale by Blakeley A Houghton.
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
A GoYeraor-GbBcral anil Cabinet Ad
pointei President Couacil
Elected U ttis People.
Filipinos Acknowledge It to Be Liberal
Fighting Continues Rebels Are
Anxious About Their Heads.
Manila, May 22.-3 :15 p. ra. Prof.
Schurmann, head of the .United States
Philippine commission, today submitted
the following wtltten propositions to
the Filipinos:
While final decision n to form of gov
ernment is in the hands of congress,
the president, under his military powers,
pending the rcticn of congress, stands
ready to offer the following form of gov
ernment: A governor-general to be
appointed by the president; cabinet to
be appointed by the governor-general;
all judges to be appointed by the presi
dent; heads of departments and judges
to be either American or Filipinos, or
both ; also general advisory counc'l, its
members to be chosen by the people by
a form of suffrage to be hereafter care
fully determined upon; the president
earnestly desires bloodshed to ceaee, and
the people of the Philippines at an early
date to enjoy the largest measure of
self-government compatible with peace
and order.
The commission prepared thisicheme,
and the president cabled his approval.
The Filipinos have made no definite
proposition except for cessation of hot
tilitiet until they can present the ques
tion of peace to the people.
Manila, May 22.-2:10 p. m. In
spite of the presence of Filipino com
missioners in Manila, military opera
tions continue with unabated vigor.
Visitors are apparently ignorsnt of the
true condition of affairs here.
They had been led to believe every
thing was chaotic and are therefore de
lighted at the r option accorded them.
Reports received from persons who
have arrived f;om the interior, show
that no troops are left in the northern
provinces. They were nil drafted south
after the outbreak of war. Villages un
the west coast aie almost deserttd and
the Ilocanos especially are desirous of
joining Americans, if only for the pur
pose of crushing the Tageles. Many
natives of Benguot and Ilocou said if
Americans had not arrived, civil war
would n charily have rmued, owing to
friction between Tagalea and inhabit
ants in other provinces. It is added
that the only Filipino troops left now
are 7000 men nnder General Luna at
Tarlae, an I about 4000 under General
Pinar del Pilar. The-e are short of arms
snd supplies. Many of their rifles are
disabled and the Filipinos are unable to
repair them owing to lack of mechanics
aid materials for so doing. A coasting
steamer which has arrived here report!
the Spauiah garrison at Zamboanga, is
land of Minandao, it held by rebels in
much the tame mauner as Americans
held tbem while they were in the vicinity
of Manila. Kvery night the Spaniards
are subjected to an ineffectual fire, and
if they are not toon relieved, will be n -duced
to the condition of the Spanish
garrison at Ilo Ilo just previous to the
evacuation of that place.
Want Life Guaranteed.
Nxw Yobx, Mity 22. A dispatch to
the Journal and Advertiser from Manila
"The Inturgentt are anxiont to surren
der, tot want the assurance first that
there will be no i utting to death of the
leaders in tl e rebellion, and tome proof
that Americana will carry out the gener
ous statements in their proclamation.
We bare been acquainted with the
Americans but a short time. If they
are sincere, we will agree to uncondition
al surrender."
A Poisonous Plant.
Pbndi.eton, May 21. David Casey,
an experienced livestock-raiser, h as
found a plant which he declares baa
been killing so many sheep hereabouts,,
when all the time sheepmeu thought il
was some other plant. It kills hogs and
cattle, horses not being injured for the
reason that they masticate what they
eat, and the action of the glands serves)
to exclude the poisonous substance from
themoutb before itgettinto tho stomach.
The plant resembles a wild onion the long
green leaves, however, drooping and not
standing erect, as in the case of tho
onion. It has also a yellow blossom.
The plant comet up in the spring be
fore any other vegetation, sayt Mr.
Casey, and the livestock eut it tor that
reason. For some tima there have been
numerous deaths of livestock for eating
tome plant, and it has been said that the
poisonous substance was in the form of a
grass. From his observations, Mr. Casey
believed he has found the most danger
ous plant to livestock interests that
grows in this section. Il w iil be sent to
the Oregon experiment station for
The Ranges Being Scoured by Eastern
Oregon Stockmen.
Ontario, O.-., May 21. There Is un--usual
activity among borse-ownert thit'
spring, nearly every one having horses
on the range taking particular paint to
gather everything of his brand that can
be found. The increased fatality among
horses in Eastern Oregon the past winter
is already tetng felt in the demand for
work horses on the ranches for spring
work. The larger sized broken horses
sell readily for f 100 tof 125 per span. The
demand on the railroads now building
just across the stale line In Idaho is much
greater than the supply. Horse buyers
are now abent as pier t 'ul at cattle buy
ere, and parti is bhi 14 ai y kind of an
old broken horse cjd dispose of it at a
fair figure. Horsemen say there will be
more attention paid to the breeding of
horses thit season than there has been
before for many years. The grades will
be improved, and the future Eastern
Oregon hories will consist of heavy draft
ami light-limbed driving animals, while
ttie ' ((lass-eyed cayu-e" of a calico
pattern will take its place among the
Millions OItcu Away.
It is certainly gratifying to the public
to know of one concern in tho land who
are not afraid to be generous to tho
needy anil itiffering, The proprietor
of Dr. Kinj'a New Discovery for con
sumption, coughs and colds, have given
away over ten million trial bottles of thia
great medicine ; and hu6 the satisfac
tion of knowing it has absolutely cured
thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma,
bronchitis, hoarseness and all diseases
of the throat, chest and lungs are surely
cured by it. Call on Blakeley & Hough
ton, druggist, and gel a free trial bottle.
Regular lze, 60 cents and $1. Kvery
bottle guaranteed or price ref jn led. 3
At the Picsidio.
Wahhinqtox, May 22 In anticipa
tion of the prompt return of tho volun
teer troops in the Pliilipfinep, the sec
retary of war today telegraphed intmc
tU ns to General l after, commanding
the department at San Francico, to es
tablish a model ramp at the Presidio
for the accommodation of about 4C00 vol
unteer! from Manila, pending their
muster out.
CmtH la luar !.
All county warrants registered prior
to July 13, 1895, will be paid at my
office. Interest cease after April 19,
1890. C. L. Prillipi,
County Treatnrer.