The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 20, 1899, PART 2, Image 6

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V f-aarwfii..? 5-
" H. T- S rrri a at a
lira. .Jiia C-n". w a a twf t
J. r. Carrt.'.i n f
yerdy 4i mo-ufi 3J. naj.
Kr. W m. Cm V rr i I Prnr-
w-U yt.:riay i.d jea j- i 'jrJt
F.-rvd Afi.T. w is f re-cery nTMpat-d
rtn nf ei
.r Flmttt lTAy.
graJt-ll a Iffi J
X-a. 1. I FJ :", 1 $,
-: ti tier i- 'itoeviaHi
Mr. axd X-f E Cat wf"
9 tt c. :t a it il . y d I. iuit.
iearji.f to: ta mil; &rt i-n- Ar-infr-
bwx.t. T-m -fur .-j.:tu. ' J i wa-rf t
Jir. Jfi-It aik.i a uott Lirtc-xr ti , .ej-3. iMn;r
H'CH mm tfcr . ...
Xtf vi 1-itr una;.! as f ; M,i,ri.j;iri. riktB 111 . .
Lfci. f is Cai-m- r.txj vr rri i s.t j J;dJ fcan, in j; r?r
c3Titu.- j hib-xi.ji trt, cnri j mic-f -.
iajn rti ii iik.sji. . f Cri, i:
KnL H. TBTta-- n iram r.nrt- M m vt-ar, oia a (mm ti T 3 b i:r
ii. Ehiisv. i-r'u. -.1 r.:. M,H Wiiom. jeft, fw
(1 H Tf. vrc 3 M- tret .
Apt, ti iit if tsu-t Mr. tra
Mr. Cii. isoilm.. "$ i' 'n
Gmi ftctrnnd ; tifit
fnus PorutaiL worm d
MioiiV "'tt 40ai
ibon uaK.
i.m 5v Ifi t rri A3d
Frrl T. Turn rta-xttl amt
t-wn a icsjrf ir- u Mwii.u c:x.n-.
ltr.C. Mi.T. A- Eo3
M Jr-n c U-r ajTrti.A Ir.. i.r a
msten tea; ia f jrLxi.
J. T. rtairtwaii. r7wea!i;.i: X-t"j
ml fici. it ia ii ittt iiOr. tcr-
lasa X-iri;" trcrm Tacnroa. and iJ tiki
JCnL A'i- IttliBnd cum rw a it-
vutfr IHSST tr;iiB oidc.- j-i
tp i Jti li mi'tlitir aid totii J. a
lt iaf.
JL-. ik. riai. wii l.ftf ix i
frmtR i JC. Kafir. n t:-At Jr
a irm l " ma l i'uruiiii. s-i 0
rectra .:triT.
13 A. E. Lr i a r5s"-.i Ij ti ti-j-
Uair:.ia Kilnmi k ta tie ehy
itirplT., ii la twa
t;fu :ra lr ic-r. Jira. 3. P. ,
Lsefc uJ a:if-2di f s-i. K17
liiTT, i.kf rKsrucd as 1T at
t-tXrr C :t.
K-t. O. S. ad rtCBrwd Itt
Fir.anjts ti iut a.ift.1. ti
ensm Mtd ar noa. Frtl, aa far k(
EM 1 , aui t i 4 aa J rati
"!aXir'" U.i rri:r 10 j ja tu 5".lrr :
is Aiaaa.
Xra. 14. E. Xt"Aie -a r r tie
traia t-tt isira, bT ;
1 in- liriiiM lr avrcv. Mr, j
Ojrer. atd r: 1 i a '
atr ji.-ni. !r. and Kb. W. E. Ti-
"t. . and ir. M crri; are roa :
Ic-..1 at l.-ttfiam. bf-re ire i.t e
f rJ ia tt froowT KEBrtf.
Waaaaac iaa aaa Oar
The Vatemaa and Kifhtippt I::! tiirf .
that erer a maie i J. Kisf'a Nee- .
Lie P.i;. Ererr jeJ ia a rofaraatetd
riliWailja'b tr:af :aTMa Mkaa
iaf w,e lata eterrr.
kaia-f af iata ae3ia waer. Therr're
aroftirrlsJ ia bu.dirif a ti iea'.th.
k H noflilns. 3
Risialts FitsUj Ri
Cub Fc::3 at UsL
poi.xi o Ibe blood, cirrulxg xhnmzteci tbe rrFtem, aod a2-Jxurfi
W CT CiTlf-r nvirn it IK
tcaiwa remaiia ia the blood, and
rpsxwr3 VKiraoe. "
Tbe aroodwftil nxvess cS.S.S.ia ctiririg cteliaate, Wfetd
blxai disclaims arLkb arere conrideml irxruratae, iadaced a fear 6&-
Kaairm ruzerew to try it for Cancer, after crhaustir. tbe cf
tbe fiysciaas arnbost a care- Mach to tbeir ielirfit S. S. S. rro-red
qiaal to tbe disaaae and prcsnTXiT
fpraaa rarcjT, ana it ara loan derocicstrated
beyood dembt that a csre had at last been
fvixad for deadly Cancer. Evykwe baa accrj
malated arhich is iricXKtrorrwrible, cf artich
tbe f caUoarirjj is a Fpecsmen :
"Caaoer ia beraditary ia oar fasairy, are father, a
euaer mad aa mast bartne 4fie4 frcxa tin dreadfU
rati an. My feeuiixca aaay V iaiaiae4 rae tie kaar
wisim ilimaai taai na afrnaraacw cm fay atoa. It -aa
a anaUf-aact Oaaoer. eaxiz Brwantiy ia aach a war aa
aacawaie Croat aiarxa. Tie daaaa an rut d bnrrad'th
aaria t ia Aarvca. for thetr trealxaeat did ao r-K4
arhaarew. tie Caaor- rrvariiia' arrjrae aU ta fciL
yaaiatnaa raaaeiliaa arera ased for it. hot tie Caaoer
rrea atnad'Ty aenraa. aavtj at awaBad tiat I araa docane4
aa IJLkrm tea otiera ec the iasaiij. iVr I kaerv aa- 6rar Caaoer ta. ecTraaTT
-hem bihenlod. I waa adeiaal to 07 8nft' Prwrsfle (A S 8 t ariica, fma li
rat dar. caresd cam La poanat I ctastjzaad ixa mae ux.tJ I mad takea eaf-t.tewa
fcactW. raa I ea rarrd anend ami areO. ami aaa had mo w auivaaa of ta
draavlral afiirriam. Vmr aoarT raaia bar eazaei. a & & at 11 cJt rare
lor Caacer Mas. & M. loOL, H caacat X. C 9
Oar book a Cancer, 00c lain inir clber tastirriocaals ar? 'ralaal.l
iaformatioa, arCl ba aect free to aoy address by tbe Swift Sja5e
Ocxapftcy, At..ta, Georgia,
5ira rp li tapiiy -. frr
Hta:i.t t.aat i a." t'iim'.s li - it, I.riiri! iiva;r.t s
irtaje. t.5 ani.-ictj aTuaei ard vie
"c-ct fJtuwi n jeered at the
i Kay terras ISWi. ii li C:itr-y Cocrt
' STir f -errir T; tuwai
i calm 5: a h t-a ti .
i 5rt are
j 7 IfjTK'ittW
i ida T ked..i, : 1 rul. -
' K. irt.L it;f ....
34 X Co:, an i-corat
S Cf ', E -
ii k H -1. nivict. wit itw ....
14 ft!-
it JO
sii L-trt. turn;. tE
) l 1' I-mm. r nm jm
i V! r r:n7 adir3). Itlr
:e hi
1 55
23 Si
S ii
ii TO
r 00
: to
s i
A A - ti, Ji, vi Haxov
O C HoIIacer. af Btaie 11
Carte i lit, ndir.t, fc;T
, kaev A Betlaa. erj jJ)
'Iia". e Lmir C wxi and
! taiUr
' Oreyna Tcp; li :ne A Tefrar-a
1 C . reiit as 1 jf
Hra-r i 1 anja, wwt
Ira-iaH 4ci dc Co, recje d ic
jek'i t&i
Gia k FrBdt;Bai, r-crQ ijt
ciera't tSr
J E KarjT.Tfcrii f iif and frt-
r - -
Cr-r"" Tertoie and ieyfrafi
i Ca.. rt and f
' riI Ct Wa;er Wt-. a:r
V !.vie, eimeai e-Tie .
E E Ttion. reSi-e u
t.' Cliflr. retire iif
E F.artir rf.5. a i- j. cr
J F Wan. M I , serrire z.d
njidir-2e .
t S fansdMT. jiacjiert
C A C:arke, Cfi ijr fiac ;-r . . .
Yrt lia Ca5"'(i, EEr;rt G3
PrifiA Xilsrt.k. iti:r(
Mr Fraz, k-tirx jas
Mcirrwoa Era. -ntr
51 SC
?i al
23 TO
Nitt t crce, mipe
Lax rD. re:, nit taxf
I. A- M. Xe'niT, Cosr:y Crk far
asc3 esstr. aie ti Kp m. "
cert-rr tiat tne ascT? at-a lire-
ct lie elauti routed aai anica take
tirna t7 tie CwsEtr ten ef Waeoo
corttT. O.-egaa. ftttirt for ti traaaae- 1
uaa t f rocr'T borisest at ti Ma
term. 4-. liereci:, nre aoa exoept a j
jnt ti tawarTcr fee I:-aiici are
jirciied 1d -r KaTnte. j
n iie at 1. a Da asj tie eri- ca tne
Ct,stj Ctrt ai3. tii Ifna day
.tl-; A. Ji. KtUlT, 1
K Ba IrM ta Cam
TTa tie li3 that Lit G. B. teadoiaa j lacifd aai the estLTiaty irree
of Sea-a.-k, Mkh.. ia the Crii War. It! care their Jcya'tv, at dj they in
j aeed btriV elm tiat xo treat-j11-1 J Mr. P. H. Leria, io ha
oext he'ped . teaiy year. Then . rr&rea Lianeif a jriert c?t.taiaa ia
Eofla' ATBa S-are cured Lire. ItJT ;rt ia ii 5alx m:-Js tie
core n't, tie, inmi fekAC. j f-1 d the c'.cb, erer arxk'O l da
caret, t-iia ersjooua. Eet j-i core oa , rij-it by ail roixwrrjed. Tbce a bo tare
earta. TaeatT-tre cettt a bcx. Care
? B akey i HV
Fa. i:a of tl'rl tark'e at
TLi fe-Arfal di-oe cf ten rrt &tf&&rs
as a mere sorajii, a rirr jie, cr lump ia
tbe laagt. too KruiJ to attract anr
rvto?, Tistl is mhzij ajes, lie Jt&djv ;
disfie is f tilly deTelcped. j
Cancer can not be cured tr a rarcical 1
bwauae tbe tiisease is a Timicrt
1'nn.w-mir U -rr aw- V-
r'rarar.tJv breaks out aire&hl anih
5ecteid a cure.
Tbe grlaa xeara
a x. race
If new- f rt tmn fcy
At : ;oe iit, a rwitida
;C ""A fisB'W't Fatir" a f.rea AS
r.ifit ii. ciaivarr 1 9 1 Karir , a
as.a lrBe fr-f-i t:e jrwaababce cii3j tie rrai-i" a
prii.i a tiat ca lit f ri.a luctt, Ti
d.Jiasj:ii neaof d t j a ice a laf o' t&
T.a f utt jtrnn u.t tie ttt
V5. ire, -co 10 a culler aadieztce at.J
iaitie iiz 11 irt ii lie jii;raf.
Ti 7nujiie t t J. i . HascT
P. B. Ler'.a t r, ii-aerer. a f-at
aJi-UM & tie jil-, arJ Terr 'jea.ttf
't ti njear.
It a a ii JLorti re.w-ir tixt IV
n :- ri t: r ptt e tie re;aivks.
tut r it. ?i M;Kttant fe.ll a:
ti i: :!.l" jrii.Tjttiif abes li-ey
er tia;7ti ta ta a atrt
rzca."--of je re ti a ttr It"- t
la err 1 ptfi 15 tidjre, t3
ijaij: tiiat jrt-ir it a iae ta
ti iarl J-t cct i M t trtaad-
edtiat inrti taxt rttd f re a ritJ .ti a eek"f re-bearsal, it
; aa ociiei 1? rj-M It aiii ex-deartsr ts
at rcei ti eiie t4 tictb a:tte
".aft t'f i'. Tie jinoe r tiereJMie
iieinred aai !f-r jnah."e ittro-
inefi, t, t C:e I li lart tiat li
trtl eTiTriai. a o tifily t fokea
tier Lire 1 a t a t iti Ia
tt ; : w . :, l, ,i. i j
Jtrjaltai lllii II 3ea
; tiat !; are (flea ca-ied cpaa ta ia-
lirt xjkm tiert!re ti tcinara cf
".if U i t ic. taxt k ti mtit ei
l."i4f a'oi. ti cast or iki lie i
etteriaitrwit is trra. at tbe aair '
tis ti JaJ tc t filter lien. ae' re j
. tiat ptzroahfe it ( f rea to trave;)- j
iEiaioag atirb are itfa-ie'e iaienor, '
... .'
; aed ti Ol vtace 1 BPt to t :
cwi Iwiit eiar5tab r or&M or ta
; - " - - -
bezt are x-aJ isrtitatios.
i ios tin alace Learixc that the
- . v w-i.i''
i o tieir .t t, Ptla.d. ad xvc wi.b-
Ivt to i lis CiT ritT t refae liern
estertalSrext and reeeire tiereiT
adrm:eiDeat wbiti tieir j.reec iH
i icenre e-verir tber riit, lie Crm-
... ssrercia! Cc itnted tiea l stop ever
j,;, 1 ia 11; ciir acd gy dcaa co ti b:t. j
1 TO j Fii eotertaiaffiieBt arjIJ cdsi aonietiir 1. j
; ai a tbere iare iea rcnverc-nt call j
?J ' on cor eaiizesi laie. :t aas itsi&
I Jv'. . , .1
5 ; iet to ia.p:ore tr orpMBn'.tT to f.rt j
S 77 tbera a:.xesi:r ia ret cm !: their j
M OS. jaoiier, aod abea Mr. Levin r::teii ocr
( cat r-r:!?3s:.r;fT 13 jrre a pity with onr 1
j aBj reoemr Lot S5 tr eext of tie
et i
. rr,., it ,M ttonrit tiat m better '
J lht ajriC01lt c., fnrg ol
j wng ae Mx.,
, fiven aj ca KixXar occaf j ona. Bet roc-i
apt tie cae, ana ie;3 ol riaj-jxi
: 0 tvje
trrt Bfit a periarma&ce to
: t-
ione, the .roseedi aere cm'
Hcareres-. rauis ior. aka a'ariva
arrreciale tie lart tiat ocr ban. nau.
. pTe titdr eTitie
prew-jjioe. at ti'
eatre tijn orerjookir-j any deficiezicy
ricratrt-IDesT, t i,ocj J sot t CTer-
eirfcicraft-rrjeTit, eiocid c I
ewkeid -:ti fcjra and the nas-iiM
1 bo tare dealt aiti lira a
S ; Lira kitd.
la Ai Bnlc
Batta Citt, May 17 Aa a br:4e
hi u rerra r traia oa tie Sob,t.5
a.ey ra.;ay tf ;a i c 3er r-ree can-
, vtm, lid eerera. carina: to
jaoc ard lotihtr aere dznrti ixwth
river. Tie Trala e!ca"r:d tj a Jt-
;arre, tao xaexper -uarie aid
(tae:recar ioaiei ai:h tvrdaxd atd
r cat S tie txck.
, Erakercaa Ei-i.ardm :jzn.?ei tr:m
i-ir ua i-,K a y. r t,i rcat at-a a
ererey it.jn-d. The er taeitv
paetiMifert a tie
raia. Wt tiiiae a a
Lined FnBotiM.
WaiBTKGrc.s, May 17. The rrHliari
a:J1" cf Coa fon-rr. t.,.d-
. . , ,r . UJ
Lira a
i er-.-r ner-a. o:LH.Tiaa. Ctuw:
j aaeTa 1 aca con.niaid at a brifrade,
oi :J lheT xry ia the
1 a-J at tee.
! ur-raj refia', tioc a extitd
1 ec,n t'r' far frcm MaaHa,
ojannf the brxa: i ti Laat a camv
Fifa. aad mity aot i lrk ahea the
a..s .e 11 mtrt c u raica
f BiDet aotth J Tf l": "e, rr.nv-
pond U 4 acres ia fraia and iClD
ia nmaDtr iaov. A rnd ia aad
aniee baixfiara. and aU Boaraee af farm.-
. farm al a t-.' VT , .
1 -- . .r. mir. afj. t ia
" FTTxt:-:..
, .
a -a.m.
aaa Bar i iaaa.
E,r Ijt ef.tiaf iron A 1 eVck.
a. B. EJ Oanxv, rwr J,
R. C Brk M.anrcaa. r J JS.
S. C tree a Lef-hora. per 12 2S.
H. F. 7.:iue,
at 2d-ar Tt laie, Urefoa.
It-f T
1 ;:. p. m.
Jul Jj.
tii ri try 1 T dsTi
It ' ? ra
luiicis ' uirta Et. riniT.
la AfT.'iai id y
fit'jrai t I AiujT.g.
ji a. ix.
. niim Brria. 4 SO p. m.
Ixauiaij Crt a liif. rmt-rr. x.eua(U
ok.tni A U ij Ul4 1-
:11s. Waiiarrra isrn Yia- lp m.
Tbi 7lbt. a:ii Kiria. Mon..wil
ud sl. "Vrertm t ity. iyt;ii, and Fri.
and a T-Laiidia;i.
.. ' Touitrri Emi ; 4 p. m.
Tihs.. fa-inui o ( orvtiiii. Toe.. Tbui
m .j.mdicfv ; and mo.
. ,
6ke Rma. ! Liiva
, 1 . i.A ! . r. 1 1 T w 1 rr. . at
- " 1 4)4M M MHWWIK - V
' j
; ;
tW Paruei dirirr to ro to Betvpferiboold
Si - ieaviuf lae Iaile tt .; p. ra
utar cimrt noxni.mi it H(-t.t.tmt 'ti notion
- at"-J &i:idintnU(:n it Hrfpner
.joiK-ot.11 iiu mi. I, imviii at me liaueiai
r- a-
1 Xa i ttnmctt frtiebt earf bound, doe not
eac-rr janenttn; arnrea i.jO a. m., dejjti
! JJ
i SZ. et b.-nd ttroufn IrevrbU d, riot
' T i01 i5fIrrit
Ti full vTtKlar eail on O.
R. 4 X. ta'i
; aren liit
tata. or addim
Gen. Paa. Art. fortiand, Cr,
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Car
v. rirL "
j Through Tiekets
( araaiKTo:
j eVJ " in
rourra KafT aa sorin
,. C XLLAWAT. Aeent.
; A- AtLTOX. Art. G. P. A.,
1 "a c. rtura. rvnianj oreara
OfTerj traTe'rt chtuce cd the folloaint
rtwte eaFU They are all famoai for
tisr wrejf anrwiian.
X. aiea t'fiea and IVrrer.
i rt ar.a I- riea s-aaarf-fcto ivjea
and Iieavw.
Stiaeta Eot riea faeraaiento, Lc
A 1 fe asd AiherqaerqDe.
A fiai lice of thrrmjh PTtlMIN
P4L4CE and TOTET rLtErER, faa Fraaciaoa and Lc Ar'iea to
CtJcarx Tin it
The' Short Line
from aoBlhera Cailforaia
To the East
V lrlT.t tbT rt 01 th O. R. a S.
1 I 1 Mrrrn-r
. Ga. Art. Vorrea'ar r.Vl. .x.
- . .....vrr.
r..iK),.n, n
.- t,e.:
Sap Fe Rod
uTTT' a
a knit iMMf't
Bala Fctel ail Ato
Navigation Co.'
saHephtorS Dalles City
JoiilT :exi-t ?antTJ Ufweea
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland.
Toothing it wit t"in jde ol the
toiumbia river. A tb iNn-e itMmm hre been rebuilt,
'.d ire in rxetiiett ibjf for the Mauon ol
Tit Krcolator Lib will endeavor to give iU
juoui toe belt len iee poibe.
For ramforl, Eeaaomf anil Pler,
tiavel by the ittTUnen ol The litlmr
Tbe ibfive iteameri leave The Di'.lei it S a. m.
end fort.and it 7 a. m., and mve at deu na
tion in impl? time lor outgoing traina
PorU.Dd Office. Tee lalle Offie
Oaa tt. ix. Court etiwt
W. C. Alia way,
General Afent
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Traim leave and are doe to arrive at Fortlat
... I f IT, K1WB- '
re, Aiblaiid
ihland, tUc-1
, Ogden.San 1
o, Mojave, (
t oo r. m.
J ram en to.
1 Franciaeo,
A. 51.
lxa raio, 1
' sw orlcant and J
I Eat
Roaeburg and way ta
li on a
e :SO A. U.
4 40 p. a
Via Woodbura fori
1 MtAnfrel, Sileorton,
writ tyto, Browni- 5
liie.sprlugDela aua
a Iron 1
1-n u ICorrallit and way)
'lUUoni (
5 tor.u
Ijaily (except Sunday).
t.Vip. nv. iLv Portland ...Ar.k SKi.m
p. m. J.i VcMinnville Lv 5:M)a, m
a. a) p. m. (Ar . Independence. I e.J 4 c4a ra
Daily. (Daily, except Sandfly.
Attached to all Through Traina.
Direet eonncetlon at fan rranciara with Oeel
dental and OrlenUI and Pacific mail ateamahip
lina for JAPAN and CHINA. Sailing date on
at plication.
Katce and tick eta to Eastern point and En
All above train arrive at and depart lroa
Grand Central station. Fifth and Irving treeu
FaMesrer Deptt, loot ol Jedenon Urcct
Leave for Sheridan, week day, at 4:30 p. u
Arrive at Portland, 30 am.
Leave for AIRUE on Monday, IVednrMjay and
Fri.iav iHHim. Arnva at Portland, Tuaa
dar, Thcraday and Saruniai tt I 06 p. m.
2xcept Sunday. "Except Saturday.
Jluaaer. Aaat G. F. A Paaa. Alt
ThrrmfU Ticket OfBcc, 14 Third atreet, when
throueh acketa to all point in the Fatten
State. Canada and Europe can be obtained at
ka eat rale from
v. J B EIRKLAND, Ticket Agent.
Digests what you eat.
Tt art !!. lla;
k..7. ' , .j "'f"1 loou ana nas
tructinfl-the exhausted dljiestlTe or-
tonic. No other
can approach it in ertieir. i
stantly relierei and pcrmanontly cures
DysporHla, Indiirenlon. Henrthurn,
i1Vilen',S?0Vr ktoroach, Nausea
S cklleadaclie.Ganralula Cramps.and
ail ot her wmiI t. f l mptrf rn-t d l iro.t tori.
. - wkik m 1,0., tQICQflO.
PLEAse tOQA m.
and Maimer.
Rooms on Third Street,
One Block Back
French A Co.'a Bank.
3W 319 OMy 1W03
Il makeg no ditToi-fiir ..,m i lK.
aoond tf ynn iVWiu'a Wlleh i
"it; It a III quirk I he n,l letva no
ear. fiil.ri-K!iirnly I,0. Co.
Dyspepsia Cure.
T TBI Claccrr Corirr or thi tTJT. A.
k:o. jmm Corn; basiiit
To 1 . J . rtrtj. :be tbove nanifd
! !n u.e i(xr rnuilrd eoort. on or .ii?-.
iwire ot.'T rvKir-ol (i ,
03 or uw tona 0U u Jace i. ikT'1,:
tie: to aatwr te ei.ttii.i.i,.. "." .ir.-
naue.1 piainmfi led ia toe namZi
aad if you fail to appear aca at laerai
eplaint f want pUii.till. mlh'
i-j-lr;:.ent you cr the nim of ta "
i-ir.l iut- w-t tbcrpjn ie , .. 7.
ana pUictidi el aid dijOarsenifl.u
Tha fi oiBiooaisieTv.d U. SOu k,
ration tawof by ovler 4 1J. u TrV, ,7tl11
icdve ot tbe l,v; n.l k,, '.""v,
erurt iu laile Cit-
tbe'.4(h day of April,
ibu utciu' iil be m-:
ihit u in in. n be M-:ved upon v,u k. , Lr
tioo thereof, aot 1m Ih.r. ... . . 't,'.u,
, ,1 . .. Fwuuei.
roueutiveaekin Tai Diuis utos',?,?1
nea.Mper of feaerel . e:reu;.ii.,D. wbiiH
weekly at fca.le. otv. 'a.eo enmyfo
.aid put. lea non to berin ia thetSi ofE!
nea .(-a per on tiie -i:n oay of April,
er-d ootaeMhaay .4 June. 1-m k:b S:.
inrlu,veiy. ilFlR : M 1 Nt gv
AtUiraeyt lor plaintiff
Notice. Timber Cnlture.
C. b. Last. Ornca, The Dillm. Ottoo, ,
Coraplalat bavlof been entered at ttu o0a
by Olne V. Weber, arauut Wesley .immnw2
failur loe4npiy aitn law aa to liniber-enton.
Lotry No. JW.-. aate4 sei ten.ber 2i. is, oil
the S. E. '4 eeriioa JO. Towmhip S, mUi3
Wiiiametle Meridian. Ranee U txst, ia Wum
County, Mate of cmwou, with view totheat
eeilatx.n ol laid entry. eonuUnt alleiitiz thii
aaidel'ySummnerDever ploa ed or eultivaud
aid traet exorpt amt ll acre and neveTit
any Ume nor ha any one for bin plinledtnt
tree 01 cultiur. or iccda. and aim the laid W
ley irum roner about the month of Febnury ljjo.
duly reiiu.jnibed aaid traet to tie Cniird liutai
and delivered aara rehnqui.bmen! tothii afli.nt
a' l aaid relinoiihieewt waa dulv Sled ia lit
I", b. otnee of The Ualie. Oregor, and at Uw
aid tine and pri thereto aba:.., ned uid trKt
and ha never ii nee aaid time returned thejeto
crelaimed any light or interest in uid tract at
The aaid panic are berebv mm mooed to iv
pear at Ihil office oa tbe Ah dav of April, Ira
at 10 o clock a. n.. to rerpon'd and lumut
teatimony eooeerniDg aaid aiieeed failnre.
11U JAY P. LI' CAS, keltter.
School Uittrict No. SO, of Wmw eountr, Ore
gon. a ill iaane r. x enopoo bondi of the tat
value nt Ave hundred dollar each, bearing
interval at tbe rate of fix per cent per annua,
interest payable aeml-annaall) ; .aid bornli be
ln redeemable at the pleaaure of aaid dlitita
aliet ten year from their date, but dne anil pay.
able absolutely twenty year from date. PrU
cipal and intereat payabi at the office of Ibe
treaaarerof Warn, eotintv. Oregon, or at roeo
place aa may be deignate4 at the option of Uw
The board of director of aaid district art lt
fully anthotiaed to iane aaid bonds ia arrntt. ailii the .vi.ui. W au aei -A
live assembly of tbeatateof Ore nil. filed in the
office of the eceietary of italc. of Or. eon, Feb
ary 22, l-iit, and provitlirg among other tbinji
for tbe iMUane 4 boodt by arhool dl.tricu.
In compliance with the lerma of Mid act, I.
ia trea9Qrer.f aid Conty. will receive Mld
hida for aaid bondi at my Vflice iu Dallei City,
afomaid. anal 2 o elock p. n. on the J.sth dij
ofJunel'W. All bid! mutt be bj
a per ti tied cheek of five r cent cf the lutmnt
of bf.ndi for which bid H made. No bid for m
than par will be eoc-vlervd- Blank! to be tut
ni.hed by the purchaser. The nlit to reject
any and all bid ia merved.
1 he iMlle. Oregon, May 1 1W.
I". 8. Lasd CrncB, at Vascoiti. Waih.,1
May, i. 1W9. i
Notice I bereby given that the followinr
named antler bai filed notice of hit. tntrnlioaM
make bnal proof in atlpport of bii claim, uid
that aaid pnwf will be made before tt . B. Prby,
I'nitrd Mate t'ommiaaioDcr If Diitrii't
e hington. at bit omce In Goldendale, u
ington, on Thnralae, June IS ltel.vii:
Shaaaaa Tela!,
Homeatrad Entry, So. i.V3. for the Somheat
.(Uarterol the Sortbweat quarter: WnH hill "
of the Southweat quarter, and the SrtiUy
quarter of the Kuitt quarter. Section u,
Townihlp 2 North, of Rant 14 K.M, ailL Mar.
He name tbe LdlowinK witneva.1 to prove
eontiunoua reaideace upoa and cultiratioa 01
aid land, rlx:
Charley H labia. John Ptony. Bill Hoanea,
Tom Siattwata. ail ol Coluttbui P.O., Wuiitf
Ion. U.y-6-il W. R. Dl'NBAR, Bcgirtef.
L-iD Om. at Tag DiLt.0a,
AraiL 4. in J
Notice ! berebr given that the followfrtg
named Mrtticr hat stad rxwice of hii tnlaau.
U make Bnal proof in rapport of hi claim, m
that aaid prc j a III be made before the KetlJ"
and Receiver at Tbe Llle,Oiegon,ou MomUI.
My 14, lasii. via:
Daniel Arthar Kalaay, afTha Dalit!
11 meatcad Aprllcatioa No. SIOI. for 'he'
and A. wrln-a ii, and M . aection 3.'. toftavf
I north, range 12 eat. W ill. Met.
He n.'.iie. live foiiowirg wilno to pr
hl.c-n'luooa. rcaMcoc upoa and rulliviu"
ol aaid l.inl. vit: .
J. W. Fanber. P. C. Faran. C. . wenxom
A. Turner, all of The Dal e, Otee.-n.
apr t JA V r. LI CAS, Rcgiitef
Laxd Omca at Tag Pall. Oaroon.J
AtHii 4
Notice l hfrebv given that the
ninci n-ttlcr bai hret notice ol hi Inlenii'"
m.k. tinal pro4 In .o-ort of hi. rM''Z
thai aaid pr,1 anl be made N-lo-e the f"
and re. eixer at t te Dallea, Oregon, on Moiimi
May 1 Im vit . .
I.aae Mataey. -f TT. """'V. u
ITomeatca.1 Apvlicau.w No.
NK' Nh', N'. r-ertion. 1.'. and eh'f-
Soi ti.m I. lp. I S. R II ct M
ll.r.m,-. the folloaisg wtmcwa W Pf"
blicoiitinuMi. tmdeace upon and cam"1
Ol aal.l land, vit
A. a. l.-v. I'arT Harrman. TVleT F
Imi.lel Kelt-.), a. I of tbe la!;r- ,r,'f,
1 iv I' U
aprvlt Keglaterj
AuiDinisirilriViMle of Real EsUte.
Notice I. herehv given that onderand trTK
of an rvdevof Ibeomntv eomt of the ' . ,
Orreoo f..r ao t ntv, made on the w '
t Jaii.i.rv. tv in tbemaitcrol the bM
W. K. kll-cl art. ree.l. I will el I, P"11 'J
anctloe. at thecowrth.edf In '"V ',,,
aai.tcmnlv and alale on tbeth d " .,.
!!. at the hour cf oneocl-wk p. m ., t t'
t bidder, all Ibe real etH belong "i i J,
ealale. to wit Uta A. H.C. I'. ''"yniutf
K and I. to BWk r.n Tbe Fort I 'i $i
Hewrvaiion Addition loaa-J Dalle ctiy.
Couiiiy ami abate .riri
A la.. Ibe ww half of tb t.thcat
IheiHi.t half of the ilbwl quarter, tec"
In toan.htp j north, rang 14 ,B
Tern., ol v.l one half In eab at ",
and one h. II In at atonlha. ccunl 01 "
gage on th prr-mlxm. . .
hwtiiy.c. .;v.vt-
apr. Adullnl'l',",
a am awi a a ana ta taster ai i r'ka
aaaaTt m M tit tmr atf '
ItnpotcrKy.Nleht T-n'U
g Ulaeaac-, aU effect ci
abuw, or exce
r exce" "..and
a tonic'1.
Mood hullilor
rink flow to aie en"- lh
1 T Hy mall MX prr
lor tfJJ with a wriilfn tttj.
too to cur or irftintt tP0
...I r.0.
aintoo wacttaon ta, CHICACO.