THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. SATURDAY. MAY 20, 1E99 Ibe Weekly Phftft1f1o I counlry lht United States ever ob- Ulil UUlWlUa I tamed possession of." There are just a few too oianr hobo. ! and gentlemen of leisure in our city at ! present to ruake it very comfortable for ladite bo aie compelled tu he on Hi pMithtd in two fare, on n itinrmay, meets at night. Every few dats IMS iXirTPKR Or WABCO COCMY ' Tl'BsCKimON BATES. ., roo paarAio, i advahci. ,T " II M Obc Tr 75 (turnout-i w Three nioutni AarertWu tei reawmable. and made kuown commnnictton. to"THF OURON- LOCAL CUE VITUS. Wednesday Daily. The cigar stanJ of Cathcart A Straus looks quite citified now. Ihey have just ki inuinir doors placed in front of the building so that it can be opened up in the summer time, and look more in viting as well as comfortable. Geo. A. Young, president of the Wool Growers Association, has calied a meet ing in this city one week from today, jlav 24'-h. Important questions regard ing the wool industry will be considered ud all interested should plan to attend. Yesterday about 11 :30 o'clock Henry Maier received a telegram announcing the death cf his father, Nicholas Maler stBellevue, Iowa. The old gentleman was 76 years of age. While his father died at 12 o'clock, Mr. Maier received the telegram here at 11:30, on account of the difference in time. During the months of June, July, Annuel and September the fire com plies of our city will drill at least once t month. Such was the Older given by the Board of Fire Delegates at its meet ing last night. Little attention has been given this before, and it is splen did idea keeping the boys in trim in case of emergency, At the grand lodge of Odd Fellows held in Salem yesterday the following grand officers were elected : A. W. Bowersox, Albany, grand patriarch ; T. O. Barker, Salem, grand high priest; T. F. Kyan, Oregon City, grand senior warden ; . E. Sharon, Portland, grand renbe: Dr. Byron . Miller, Portland, grand treas urer; P. W. Stewart, Portland, grand junior warden ; T. W. Riches, Silverton, grand representative. Tub Chronicle has often expressed its opinion regarding the necessity for com- P amis are Deing made cf ladies being uiultsted by these insolent car, one joung lady who was on her way heme at 8 o'clock list evening being frightened dreadfully. A stop should be put to such proceedings if violent means have to be ured. It had almost befn decided by the cast of "A Summer' Ffncy" u;t to give a rpptiiiiou of the pl tonight; durii:g the performance Mr. Levin received a written request from the au dience to a repetition, and after other similar requests the an nouncement was made. It is to be hoped they will play to a packed house tonight as tiie prices have been placed at lo cents for children ; 33 cents general aduiiseion, and 50 cents reserved seats. bumane society in this city, and every few days our convictions on the subject ire intensified as we see the cruelty practiced by that species of being who dares to call himself man. Only yes terday our attention was called to the fact that a poor sick horse bad been dragged to the beach and left to die. He lay there all night, and next morning the neighbors found the poor beast still alive. Civilized people are always sup posed to either minister to the wants of thii, man's beBt friend, or if nothing nn be done, end his sufferings at once. Such inhumanity is beyond the ken of any one with the least spark of human ity in them. If we have such brutes in our midst, the officers should see that they receive punishment which fits the crime. Thursday's Dally. Poitland at last has a mayor, Hon. W. A. Storey having been elected at meeting of the council Tuesday night. Hon, A. S. Blowers filed in the clerk's office today an addition to the town of Hood River to be Lnown as Blowers Addition. The winners of the Hostetler bowling trophy for the month ending May 15th were Mrs. J. 8. Fish and Rosemary , Baldwin, whose scores came out tie. It Is gratifying to the friends of Mrs. W.E. vValther, who has been dangerous 7 ill during the past week, to learn that ht was much improved at the last reports. A report was in circulation today that man had been killed on Trout creek "ear Mitchell. A telephone message 'romurans Valley, however, failed lo confirm the rumor. Max Vogt Is having the wooden cor ics removed from the Chapman block n Second street and placing corrugated iron In Its stead, which greatly reduces "'insurance on the building. Peter Johnson, who died of typhoid at St. Mary'a hospital Monday last, resident of The Dalles. He was paired m Ashing this spring, working 0 to up-river seining ground, where he wniracted his fatal Illness. Astorian. Cotidni's goat will no doubt be in fl f rn .1 . .1 . . -uii now, and be sought after to "'the win be compelled to return to "a I Its. A . lain f. . I. inform The u mat injections of lymphatic fluid of J1" will make the aged return to jouth'j fair morning again, and perpct youth. Ths river is still falling slightly. The A. N. Hn fiat ll I.L(,,1 WW. . i J , 1 1 B II I It I aittie ralaoof Inst week mne at tl did not con- lie lama rata I., I. .l It - ths company would have been com Urn 't trn,fer at ' portage by this It now lacks a twelve foot ralte "ww that will be necessary. One nf tit j. 1 ... u , uoys writing noma irom -"it : "I think if the United 'I Will irlva m . ....1. ia,i . .1 1 half 'lran,ee the title, that one thn , ecomrny will be settlers in Ulan 1 We will defend the th 'n,t ,n"lon. because they moat valuable part of any This year's encampment of the re organized Oregon National Guard will be held at the state fair grounds ir Salem about July 10th. Biigadier-Gen eral Beebe and Adjutant-General Tut tie have made arrangements with the etate board of agriculture for the use of the ground?, after a careful examination of the facilities found there for handling a large body of men, whirh are believed to be the best in the state. Ten compa nies of infantry and one battery will participate in the encampment, which will last ten days. "It never rains, hut it pours" wonld be applicable to the situation In Th Dalles as regards entertainments. For the next month we are to have anv amount of traveling shows, interspersed witn numberless home affairs. Beside the circus which will pitch its tent here on the 10:h of next month, the bill boards are today covered with posters announcing the appearance of Norris Bros.' Equine and Canine Carnival. The Portland papers have been speak ing very favorably of this show, and it Is no doubt good one. We are always pleased to note the progress being made by Dalles boys, and to find that they are filling posi tions of trlist in various places where their lots have been cast. A private letter received from Ray Logan yester day tells of his appointment as house surgeon at St. Vincent's hospital in Portland. Ray has for some time been student In the medical department of the university of Oregon, and it is en CO traglng to those interested in him to find that he is making the most of his opportunities. A letter from Dr. Siddall tells of his arrival at Log Cabin, on the dividing line between the British and American possessions, where are about fifty houses, mostly made of cloth. He says the trip over the railroad is pertectiy grand. Knowing that the doctor was from The Dalles and might get lonesome without a fire, Skagway got up one for his special benefit the night before he left. Seven buildings burned and the loss was about $17,000. Being in the night it succeeded in unfitting him for his long trip if nothing else. Our attention was today called to a caseot actual wai.t it our city. It is that of a woman with three children two toys and a girl who came here from the Sound expecting to receive word and assistance from a brother in Montana. Being disappointed in that regard she is now In need of help from some source. They are stopping at the Cosmopolitan Hotel and we understand seem to have nothing to eat but potatoes, and very few of them. Here is an op portunity for Dalles people to dispense their charity, which has always been forthcoming whenever the needy were found. Friday's Dally. Thomas J. Jackson, of Salem, has been appointed assistant teacher of Warm Springs Indian school at f5J0 per annum. The extreme heat of last week was tempered by a delightful snow-storm, Saturday. Condon dudes are ordering elegant lur overcoats for the Fourth-of- July. Globe. For the past ten days Mr. G. W. Miller, of this city, has been very dangerously ill ; so much so that his sons who reside In Goldendale were sum moned to his bedside. We are pleased, however, to note that he is now con sidered some better. Hood River berries are beginning to enter the markets, ana ocinre iunu mij young men and women will be given an opportunity to make a few dollars pick ing strawberries. The price this jear for loose picking will be l ' cents per pound, and where packed also in me Id, l.'i to 2 cents. rrof. Lyman, of Whitman College, who is to lecture this evening before the Taino class, arrived en last evening's train. He will remain in the cily over Sunday and will gladly give any In formation concerning the college with which he Is connected to those who may contemplate entering that institution. The evening with German authors and composers which the ladies of the Good In tent Society had planned to he held at the home of Mrs. N. Harris on the 27th has been postponed until the 31st. Great preparations are teing made to hay an entertainment which will be both novel and entertaining. Pease A Mays teems tu have dis- """u "i summer is nere, ana are prepring to indulge in the ooling drinks so necessary on hot tuoimer days, and accordingly Hire root beer to as sist them in keeping cool. We were not aware that summer had made its appear ance, but are just as much obiiged for half djn bottles of Hire's root beer, which will no doubt be a pleasant re minder of the fact. The most attrraivc thing to the small boy now seems lobe the bill boards, which arc loud in tLeir display ef ele-! phsnts, drgs, horses, acd all torts of flaring posters calculated to make tho bjyspUy circus for mouths to come. Yesterday the advance car for Ringing Bros, circus, containicg twenty sevrn men, was in town and they left their maiks behind them. The circus will be here on June lOih, and from all we learn is a good one, Dr. F. J. Fluno, of Oakland, Calif., will arrive 111 the city this evening and lecture in the court house to night on Christian Science. The doctor is a member of the board of lectureship of Christian Science on this coast, and a famous Scientist. So few really under stand the principles as taught by Scientists, and this will be a good op portunity to find out what they are and what they are not. The lecture will be free. Go and hear Dr. Fluno. Somehow the report has gained ered-nce that Mrs. C. J. Stubling will soon sell out her greeuhouse and go out of the floral business. Upon inquiry we find there is no truth iu the state ment, that she in has such intentions. Many wiU be pleased to loarn ot the falseness of the assertion ; not only those who are regular patrons, but all whom she 1. as so kindly assisted by loaning potted plants and palms for various decorations at public entertainments. If any class of people on earth deserve a pleasant vacation trip it is the weary school teacher, and this year they are to' have a splendid opportunity in Oregon, and it does not take a great amount of money either. State School Superin tendent Ackerman has received a letter from General Passenger Agent Mark bam, of the Southern Pacific, announc ing that his road will grant a (35 round- trip rate for the National Educational Association meeting at Los Angeles for a party of 100 or over, the tickets to be on sale July 5 to 0, with the final limit for return passage fixed at August 15. From the amount of property which is changing hands and the number of resi dences that are being built, it is evident the people of The Dalles have great hopes for Its future, and are willing to invest their money here. Among the real estate changes being made on the hill we learn that R. Rorden has pur chased the Rabine property, now oc cupied by F. Sampson, C. L. Phillips has bought the Whittaker property opposite his store, and having moved the housb north on the lot will transfer his building to that side ot Eighth street; F. H. Wakefield now owns the old Beczley property on the south side of Sixth treet and and is moving the old buildings back and will soon erect a residence on the site. This will greatly Improve that portion of the bluff, and repair buildings which have for some time been an eye sore to passers-by. GENERAL ORDERS NO. 8. A Call fur Ik Obarvaaa t Paearatloa Iay, May SOtfe. Kobbed of Forty-Thraa Dollar. Variety being the spice of life, we must have a little change once in a while and what more exciting than a hold up? Accordingly, we were treated to one last night. Frank Murphy, who works for the O. R. & N. and makes bis ho jie at Jos. Berger's, started home about 10 o'clock last night and when he reached the cor ner of the club building was met by man who excitedly told him fellow had had bis foot cut off up the track a ways.' Not suspecting anything, he followed the man and when they came near the elec tric lljiht house two masked men jumped out and told him to hold up his hands. Thinking they were joklnst, he attempted to laugh It off, but was told to obey at the point of two revolvers, which, of course.he hastened to do. The man who accompanied proceeded to investigate and secured his watch and 43. The watch they handed back, but, for some reason, took two letters from his pocket, presumably to determine who their vic tim wai, although it was thought the robbers were aware that the company's men had been paid off the day before. As soon as the job was finished they lit out, and Mr. Murphy hastened to In form the night-watchman, but though searching was made at the hobo camp and elsewhere, no clew has so far been discovered. To l'rimra for Decoration Day. All members of the Woman's Relief Corps are urged to attend their next regular meeting Saturday evening May 20th at 7:.'10 sharp to make preparation for the memorial day exercises. By command of Mhh. Lizib ir. Mr. Ei 1 a GiiiMns, President. Secretary, The ancients believed that rheuma tism was the work of a domon within man. Any one who has had an attack of sciatic or Inflammatory rheumatism will agree that the infliction is demoniac enough to warrant the belief. It has Use Clarke A talks Rosolonm for the teeth. tf By request of James W. Nesmilh Post, No. 32, we publish the following general orders, So. 8. which have ben received from headquarters at Philadelphia : "Comrades: In accordance with the requirements and customs of our order the senior vicc-co.amander-iu-c!.ief calls attention to the approaching Memorial Day, May 30, 1S09, confident that every comrade of the Grand Army of the Re public will unite in paving our annual tribute of flag and flowers to the mem ory of men who, iu days gone by, fought for the uuity of the nation, the purity and truth of the flag, and who atood ready to yield up their lives to secure to us as a people the inestimable blessinge of liberty. 'The year closing with the next Men. orul Day has added new strength and power to the nation and new glory to the flag. The worth and the fame of the American soldier and sailor has been gloriously advanced. The achievements of the "days of the sixties'' st:!l remain, and have rendered possible the glorious victories won in the interests of liberty and humanity. Let us, then, on Mem orial Day, strew Spring's choicest flowers in tenderness and love upon the grave of every defender of the republic, and in song, story and fitting ceremony recall the services and unmatched sacrifice of those w ho, sleeping in the gardens of the sea or in the bosom of the nation, their place of sepulchre unmarked and unknown, gave not only their lives but their very name for their conntry. "The men whose memory is perpet uated by tho loving service of Memorial Day were part of the greatest comrad ship the world has ever known. Let us, who still survive, be so earnest in our tribute, so pure in our affection, and to loving in our remembrance of them, that the lessons of patriotism which we teach shall find a lodgment in the hearts of all the people, binding all together In de votion to flag and country. "It is enjoined upon every Post that, in accordance with a custom now firmly established, they attend divine service on the Sunday preceding Memorial Day. "The Thirteenth National Encamp ment provided that the reading of Presi dent Lincoln's address at Gettysburg be made special feature in all Memorial Day exercises conducted under the au spices ot the Grand Army of the Republic." Following is a portion of General Orders, No. 7, from the headquarters at Portland ; "In compliance with the rules and regulations of the order, Memorial Day, May the thirtieth, will be observed by the officers and members of nil Posts throughout the department, in com memoration of the deeds of our fallen comrades. "It is now thirty-one years since this Memorial Day was Instituted, and dur ing these long years our ranks have grown thin and gray, and each succeed ing Memorial Day we are called on to visit the new graves of hundreds of our comrades who have gone before to the reunion of the Grand Army above. "Let us, then, on the appointed day, gather round their last resting places, and raising above them the dear old flag they loved so well, strew their graves with choicest garlands, and renew our pledges of loyalty to conntry and flag, and our surviving comrades, especially those who are in want or suffering from disease and wounds. "The clergy of all denominations are respectfully invited to give one service on Sunday, May 28, 1899, as a memorial service, and Post Commanders will, through their decoration committees, see that this request be conveyed to them, and all comrades are urged to at tend such services." Spew for KoTimnnv uii UlllJlil 1 OTilY 20th PIQUES AND WELTS. The demand for these goods is ever on tho increase from the fact that there is nothing produced that has tho style, beauty and character that is depicted in a well fitting suit, skirt or waist of this fabric. A still greater redeeming feature is in tho fact that these goods do not crush and can be laundered like a pocket handkerchief, They are found in uur stock both in vortical and horizontal stripes, also where the two stripes are combined, making a decidedly novel and stylish fabric. For this dav only wo will quote vou ex- low prices as a special inducement to purchase at tremeiy once. 15c per yard now 20c per yard now 23c per yard now 30c per yard now 35c per yard now 40c per yard now 50c per yard n0v 12c 15c 19c 21c 27c 33c 43c Muslin Underwear Specials. mm Tha Governor's Action Commended. At a regular meeting of James W. Nesmith Post, No. 32, Department of Oregon, G. A. R., the following resolu tion was unanimously adopted : Ketvlted, That the members of this post do most heartily thank our gover nor, Hon. T. T. Geer, for his action in regard to asking for the return of the Oregon volunteers now in the Philippine islands. The prominent part taken by the Oregon regiment in the recent battles around Manila, entirely refutes the idea that these brave young men are not in the right place. We do not believe for a moment that a single mem ber of that regiment wishes to shirk his duty or to return home without the honor of having been "iu at the death" of the insurrection. lleolved, That this resolution be published in the local papers, and a copy sent toGov. Geer, The D.illes, Oregon, May 13, 1890. K. L. Aiken, J. C. Mies, Sen. Vice Cou. Ac'jutant. Wool Grower' Notice. There will be a meeting ot the Oregon State Wool Growers' Association hold in The Dalles on Wednesday, May 24th. Gxo. A. Yoi'no, President. For Bala Cheap, Harrison Hay press, good as new, in quire at Lane ISros'. blacksmith shop. Mayl7-tf A good night robo, double back yoke, tucked and em broidered for 85c. Muslin petticoat with deep flounce dust rufile for $1.39. Fine muslin drawers with deep embroid ered flounce all sizes for 49c. COLORED PETTICOATS. Colored petticoats corded umbrella flounce for $1.25. French sateen and Mercesized cloth, black and colors, beau tiful stripes, silk effects with deep single flounce or double ruffle heavy corded and faced extra. Splendid assortment for $2.25, $2.50, $2.75, $3.00, $3.25, $3.75 and $4.25. W. B. CORSETS. A most reliable corset. You all know its worth. French shape, long waist, black, white or drab for 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25, $3.50 and $2.75. SHIRT WAISTS. Made of Percale for 50c. Made of Pique, $1.25. White & Col ored Pique, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75. White Lawn with tucked and embroidered fronts for $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 and $2.50. DUCK SKIRTS. Ladies white Pique linen and duck skirts, all lengths ranging in prices from 75c to $2.25. UMBRELLAS and PARASOLS. Just arrived, Ladies, Black Gloria Silk and All Silk steel rods, natural wood and Dresden handles; $1.50, $1.75 $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, $3.00 and up. Keep your eye on this space for the coming week, as we propose to give you something novel for the boys in the way of Suits for their summer outing. See Our Grocery Window. drink, Hire's Carbonated Root Bser, a temperance healthful, sparkling, appetizing; only 10c a bottle. Hire's Jersey Condensed Milk, economical, guaran teed pure; try it. Whole Wheat Shredded Biscuit, palatable, nutri tious, wholesome; try them. I. X. L. Chili Con Came. I. X. L. Frijoles. Mexican Beans prepared with Chili Sauce; appe tizing. PEASE & MAYS. Al' Goodi Maikd ia Plain Figures,