The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 20, 1899, PART 2, Page 2, Image 2

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    The Weekly Gbronicle.
AaWarllttac -
O much or ImH Pailr
O of two lncnee and ouAef four iDcne. . .
Owlooi lorn and uaJer twelve Inch
Orar twelve inctafl
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Pr i.-jr i;:cfc tad under twelve itehce
Orer t lr incite
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The judgment of tLe American
people has settled on Dewey as tbe
naval Lero if the Spanish war.
Oibcrs arc honored, notably Schley
and Sampson, but their honors nusl
pale before the refulgence of Dewey
achievement, ssjs the pckesman
I.eview. European cbseivers agiee with
this verdict, which unquestionably is
riht. Measured ly purely naval
results, the sea 6gbt c ff Santiago
was as great a victory as the sea
fi.-ht of Manila bay, but in tbe fight
ing of the two battles there was just
tbe difference that lits between the
flaring act of entering the bear cave
ami bringing out the bear's hide,
and waiting outside with big guns
until hunger shall have driven the
quarry to dash out of his stronghold.
Dewey has achieved further dis
tinction by his diplomacy and state
craft. Sampson's cquadron was in
constant communication with Wash
ington. It was counseled and di
rected by an expert beard of
strategy, was in close and safe com
munication with a boundless base of
supplies, and bid the assistance of a
big fleet of scouting vessels.
Dewey was thrown on his own re
sources. He was cut off by the
laws of international neutrality from
friendly harbors or bases of supplies.
His scout ships were few in number.
His orders, instructions and advices
were comprehended in a single
sentence: "Engage and destroy the
enemy's fleet in Asiatic waters."
Having obeyed this order, grave
complications and responsibilities
were thrust upon him. He had to
del with Spanish, Filipino and Euro-
pean interests; protect life and
property, and assert the authority of
the United States in a hostile harbor
wheie that authority was disputed or
questioned by half a dozen powers,
He has done all this in a way that
was proof against adverse criticism,
and he is now to return to the great
land of bis nativity, to receive the
well-earned plaudits of his country
men, and to be honored en route by
the governments of European powers.
There is a noble lesson here for all
who must strive and wait long for
rewards. For nearly .'0 years this
great sea-fighter was held to a plod
ding career. For half a century lie
worked incessantly to fit himself for
the supreme occasion. Eternal pa
tience, everlasting application these
are tbe secret of bis success, and of
the success of countless others.
long since have broken all bounds
nd gone to snare the hardships and
adventures of ler husband. It has
only l-een consideration for him, and
the thought of ihe discomfort sure to
be caused his sampmats, that has
kept the loyal soul at home.
. a .4 k X .yV'. V.V'X a.
CoaMaaeal t Weather I Iloldiae;
the ltt-er Back May
IrTBt flood.
Peace is coming in Luzon through
the operation of more forces than
appear on tbe surface. In the first
place the main-spring of the rebellion
is broken. Aguinaldo organized his
I This has been an unusual spring1. end
I ia the language of the street. "That's no
i j .ke." The records show it to be colder.
cloudier aud damper than tre average
What edict this wiil have on tbe
.ropctive flod for Portland remains
to be seen. The continued cold weather
hat kept the snow in the mountains
from melting to amount to anything,
though a little is melting all the time.
Tbe mercury doesn't gt higher than tbe ;
followers, military and civil, to seizes - i , . " .i
' . . .. . , tributary to ti e Columbia etrean.s, an J
the sovereignty of the ulacds aud i u h U k ,0 tLe itttlUlf
subject all to Tagal domination, j poit.u if this keeps up for a few weeks
He counted on treaty complications, i ,t will mean continued high aster dur-
on 'tug Jane and July, but no g-eat flood
on division in Ameiican opinioD,
copperhead aid and comfoit, on
secret European help, on the fact
that our army was chiefly composed
t f volunteers, and on tbe numerical
superiority of his troops. All'these
expectations have been swept away.
Thp anvereinntv of the Philippines is i . .
a j this season.
Mr. Pague
lire that of '54.
Tbe Snake river is holding on mot h
longer thau usual this year. A few days
ago it was reported that tbe Scuke bad
started on its usual spring rife, but later
it as found that tbe rite came princi
pally from tbe Clearwater branch. Tbe
S-nake is now lower than it sbould be at
Some of the officers in Manila de
clare that they would rather fight all
the Filipinos in ambush than recon
noitre, as they have to, for quarters
for the wives and families who come
to join their husbands. The gar
risons are over crowded, the prison
ers have been taken out of the
casemates and put to bed on the
parade ground, and tbe officers them
selves have hid to forage for a
sleeping place. The story is told of
one cTlccr, who laughed at tbe efforts
of his fellows to make provision for
their families, and who told them
that be had his own under better
control. Wittin half an hour, bow
however, this same officer found that
Lis wife and children had come to
Iauila and were now on the trans
port awaiting biai. They bad intend
ed lo give him a pleasant surprise.
Seriously speaking, the thought
lessness of devoted wives in joining
their husbands is oflener than not
the causa of serious embarrassment,
and when the time comes for us to
estimate, at their proper value, the
sacrifices made by our American
women during the war, not the least
of them will be found in the cheerful
readiness of many in staying behind.
Twelve months and more hare al
ready divided many a husband and
wife since the war with Spain began,
and many a devoted woman, had
fehe only herself to consider, would J
vested in this country by every right
known in international law. AVe
have fought for tke group, negotiated
for it, and aid for it. If the Tagals
have ordinary intelligence they must
know that the sovereignty is setlkd
and will be protected, at any cost,
by one of tbe most powerful nations
in the world. Regulars are streaming
in to replace the volunteers and, if
necessary, a hundied thousand men
would be ferried across the Pacific to
vindicate the dignity and treaty obli
gations of tbe United States.
What the Tagals organized to
fight for is clearly beyond their pos
sible reach. They might temporarily
drive back our foices without affect
ing the Gnal issue in the least.
Americans lise to the occasion. Tbe
vital point, therefore, is what the
Tagals want short of sovereignty.
They can undoubtedly obtain, in
common with all other Filipino races
and tribes, as much home rule as
they can sustain on orderly, civilized
lines. Their continued resort to
arms to diive Amencans from Luzon
is an absurdity that even the bow-and-arrow
men ought to comprehend.
Tbe mercenary and the brigand
element in the Tagal army may fight
on, but tbe mass of the people want
peace, and tbe Tagal soldiers drawn
from civil life arc doubtless anxious
to return to it. Aguinaldo has
nothing left but the remcants of a
lost cause, ana the end of tbe war, as
formidable matter, roust be near,
sticks to bis high water
theory. He has not predicted a flood
this year, hot says there will be some
very damp cellars along Front street,
aud if the June days drop in hot and
remain so, there may be a flood. Tele
grain. 81111 Another Hold Vp.
Colonel Watterson calmly philoso
phizes in this way in regard to
ibe late outrageous proceedings in
Georgia: . "tuere ore white negroes
as well as black. In posse there are
wpue savages ana olatk savages
wherever there arc white men and
black men ; it is the powder which is
in tbe hearts of all of us; which most
of us in our humdrum civilized lives
believe has been eliminated, but
which is there, nevertheless, ready
for ignition by tbe fires of passion
that consume reason and for the time
being resolve us back into primal
brutes." These are the conclusions
of a man who has made human
nature a study, and, reasoning from
cause to effect, is able without any
strain upon tbe imagination to ac
count for its lapses, upon occasions,
into slavery. Oregonian.
not long
Wireless telegraph had a
demonstration in England
since. 1 he Ood win Sands
was struck by a passing vessel, and
the ere utilizing the wireless tele
graph apparatus, notified South Fore
land that their ship was sinking.
Tugs were thereupon dispatched to
the assistance of the lightship.
fn 1898 the United States produced
234,000 tons of copper and the rest
of the world 185,000 tons. This
country, also, is the only one show
ing a large increase in the J icld of
its copper mines.
It is said government statistics
show that there is more timber in
Oregon than in nny other state in
the union. Enoiich to make a belt
around the earth a mile wide. Six
hundred million feet of lumber was
sawn in 1898. Oregon Native Son.
Misfurtune never cmes singly, and
therefore we are compelled to chronicle
another hold-up.
Last night Eert Lynch was coming
djwn from the Etst End, and when
ju-t in front of tbe wagon shed adjoin
ing J. T. Peters' stre, he was bailed by
two men, who told bim to stop, at the
same time drawing a revolver. One
grabbed him and faced him about, while
the other went throngh bis pockets and
robbed .im of $7.70.
That is just a typical place for a hold'
op, being shaded by the shed, and al
though not very late, there was no one
on tbe street at tbe time. Tbe work
was therefore qnickly done up and tbe
victim allowed to go. Looking back as
he got to Mrs. Periano's millinery eto'e,
he saw them going around Peters' cor
ner, but he didn't care to stop and in
quire where they were going. He just
hastened bis steps to find an officer and
finally got Marshal Lauer. Tbe trams
were watched and efforts made to trace
them, bat to no avail.
Some extra efforts should be made to
put a stop to this wholesale robbery,
We are all flush, but would rather have
a little to say about who reaps tbe bene
fit o' our hard earnings. Oar citizens
being robbed of over $30 in two nights
is too much of a good thing, particularly
when they fail to leave word whether
they intend to take the money out of
town, or invest it in Tbe Dalles.
r n
g k Me n
4lk WW
We have lately taken the agency for the Aermo
ter Windmill, aud carry a etock on hand.
We also carry a complete stock stock of Deep and
Shallow Well Pumps, as well as Pitcher Spoul aud
Spray Pumps. See us before buying elsewhere.
t he Aermotor Mill is considered the best ma
chine on the market, CaH nd see it.
V L.Ml . .. V J
Anti Freezing Windmill Force Pumps,
This puxp has baen perfected to raet the retirements of the pr'nc'pal Wind
mill manufacturers in the United States, for a better Windmill Force Pump, with
three way valve, than had heretofore bsen produced. It has become the leading Anti
Freezing"thre way pump, an i is accepted by Windmill manufacturers and dealeri
generally, as the tiest three way Windmill Force Pun.p on the market. Tha Union
Klbow Coupling for connfeting to the underground discharge pipe is of Brass end
can be turned to suit the direction of the pipe. The air chamber pipe ia two inches in
diameter, which insures eaee of opereiiun and a steady flow of water. The Hose Coon,
ling on the epout aleo adds to the convenience of this puojp. p"
Sole agents for
Wasco County,
The Dalles, Or.
Keaolotlun on th Death or Sir. Wood.
Says the New York Sun: "The
lion. Edward Atkinson now stands
upon tbe peak of fame. He defies
competition. He Las been officially
recognized as tbe biggest fool in the
United States."
At the last meeting of tbe Ladies Good
inieni. ine nmowing resolutions were
unanimously adopted:
Wiikrias, It has pleased our Heaven
ly rat ner to remove iroui work to re
ward our faithful friend and beloved
sister, Mrs. Emma Mary Wood. There
fore, be it
Retohtd, That in the death of Sister
Wood the "Good Intent," the com
manity, and especially tbe M. E. church,
has lost an able, constant, efficient
worker, a loving, sympathetic friend
and member. That we extend oar deep
est sympathy to her bereaved husband
and family in this great enmeasnred
affliction. Be it
tienolvtd. That we will cherish her
memory and strive to emn'ate her noble
Christian example, humbly praying for
tie same spirit of fidelity and consecra
tion that characterized her daily life
and work for the Master.
While our hearts are stricken and
tears must fall, tbe glorious hope of
eternal reunion lifts the dark cloud and
we find tbe Heavenly land lying so close
When our lht In clmr,
e think item the brightly glemniriK trnd
Where wavrn that roll from death i dark bar
La J'W into light aud inuMc grand."
And our beloved dwells "Where dark
ness cannot mar the hills of God, by
glory spanned." With eyes nndimmed
she now beholds "The King in bis
"Only 'fiond night,' helnvcd not farewell!
A little while, and all hit nitinta hall dwell
In hallowed uuion indivisible.
1'ntll meet again before Hi throne,
( !ntted in Ihe Mx.lles robta He given Huovu,
I ntil we know even a we are known.
Good nijht: Good night! Good night!"
Mrs. Hester Randall,
Mrs. Kose Bolto!,
Mrs. Kstheb French,
W Are to Have Kiult Evaporator In
Our Midst llel the I'rnject
Needs assistance it may be best to render
it promptly, but one should remember
to use even the most perfect remedies
only when needed. The Lest and most
simple and gentle remedy is the Syrup
of Figs, manufactured by the California
Fig Syrup Co.
Caab la Hoar Cnoeka.
All count v warrants registered prior
to July 13, 1895, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after April 19,
1800. C. L. Phillips,
Conntr Treasurer.
To Cars Cold ta Oao Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money f
it fails to care. 23c,
At last The Dalles is on tbe direct
load to establishing an enterprise here
which is just what we have been need
ing for so long, and which we will now
have, unless all indications fail.
We spoke yesterday of Mr. Jndson's
visit to our city, and of bis trip into tbe
country near by, for the purpose of
determining what our fruit raisers had
to say regarding the advisability of put
ting in an evaporator and packing house
at this point. He was accompanied by
E. Schanno, Dr. Sanders and G. C.
Blakeley, who tound tbe orcbardiets
enthusiastic when the plans were laid
before them, and ready to aid in push
ing it along.
In the evening some of our principal
business men met with this committee
at the club rooms, and Mr. Judson ex
plained to them tbe entire scheme and
dwelt on its benefits. They fell in
readily with the proposition and de
cided to make it a go. A committee was
then appointed consisting of F. A. Seu
fert, D. M. French, E. Schanno, B. S.
Huntington and W. II. Taylor, who are
to draw up incorporation papers and
solicit subscriptions, each one subscrib
ing to own stock in the company. An
endeavor will be made to raise some
thing like foOOO. The plant itself will
not cost that much, but it is thought
that sum will be necessary to place it on
its feet and in running trim. The com
mittee are in it bead over heels and
mean business.
A better place for such a project could
not have been chosen than Tbe Dalles.
Situated right in the canter of such a
wonderful fruit section as is this city
a section where such a thing as a total
failure of tbe fruit crop is unknown, it
cannot fail to prove of great benefit to
everyone. Heretofore our fruit raisers
have suffered great losses every year by
waste in tbeir products, there being
absolutely no way to dispose of great
quantities of tbeir crops. With an
evaporator or dryer so near at hand this
surplus would be utilized and thus a
great saving be made.
Again, fruit men have for years been at
tbe mercy of fruit companies, who
would purchase their crop, ship it East,
nd if any thing was left ,'which was
seldom tbe case) the hard working pro
ducer gt it. In nine cases out of ten it
was a losing investment. With an in
dustry at home, these men can say to
those who bid for their fruit, "We want
such and such a price, or yon don't get
t. We can make more by drying it or
canning it." (Forsurelva rnnery will
follow in its wake.) Then vinegar can
he made from fruit w hich can be used
for no other purpose, as ia done in simi
lar institutions throughout tbe country.
Not the least consideration is that
farmers will thus be induced to utilize
grcund which has not been planted from
(he fact that all they ran raise can be
disposed of.
Epnc3 forbids the enumeration of all
tbe benefits to be derived. We would
only sy now is the time to rally to the
assistance of tbe enterprise, and get in
early so as to avoid the rush.
rut on the Hoard by Homo Talent
I'laaatng Manner.
It has been several years since the
home talent of The Dalles bas given a
play in our city and since tbat time
different members of the club have
moved away and such changes have
been made that it was with hesitancy
tbat those who are left again decided to
appear on tbe stage. However, the
visit of Mr. P. II. Levin and tho propo
sition made by him to instruct them in
a light play at a small per cent of tbe
proceeds, the remainder to be used for
the entertainment of the editors on
their visit here, induced them again to
make the venture.
With just a week for rehearsals and as
most of the cast were busy people, it
was a task to accomplish it in so short a
time. Besides there were several in the
cast wbo bad never taken part in such
a performance before.
However, the audience was much sur
prised at the success attained, and
seemed more than delighted with the
performance. There was just a little
surprise on the part of those on the
stage, too. Having on all previous oc
casions been greeted by such large au
diences, who fully appreciated the efforts
of the participants, tbe fact that tbe hall
was not filled disappointed them some
what. Nevertheless so enthusiastic
were the people there that the lack in
numbers was made up in the applause
."A Summer's Fancy" is a very pretty
little play, full ot pleasing situations
and with just enough of wit and pathos
to make tbe needed variety. The stage
settings were also such as to add much
to its production, the reception scene
being particularly pleasing.
Mr. Levin's efforts to make the play
successful were untiring and to accom
plish so much in the little time given,
required much diligence on his part.
But so well was it done tbat not one de
tail was lacking. Being a splendid
actor himself be understands just how to
assist others, and displays a cheerful
disposition which encourages his cast.
Ai tbe same time he performed his part
perfectly. As "Jack Henderson, tbe
lover of "Mercy" he was fautless and
showed a thorough acquaintance with
the stage. Mr. Levin made many friends
in the audience.
Will Frank as "Professor Potts" took
that difficult role so well as to surprise
his friends who knew he was good in
minstrelsy, but had never seen him In
the drama. Will made a hit, and
caused, much merriment, manipulating
hie long coat tail in a manner which de
lighted all, especially the small boys.
"Jethro Baxter," tbe old hayseed, was
laaen Dy uarry Lonsdale, who was
thoroughly suited to the Yankee farmer.
His dialect was good and his acting
better, If possible. He fairlv brotmi I
down the bouse when on entering tie
parlor be first sampled the refreshments
bearing A. M. Williams' colors and then
decided Mays & Crowe's was the only fit
drink, and so literally filled himself.
Harry's preference was only natural.
Will Crossen proved his versatility by
assuming two roles. As "Jake," the
country boy, he was immense; and as
"Wally," the society chap, be met every
requirement of tbe part. Will is so
perfectly at home on the stage tbat he
puts everyone in the an.lience at ease.
If he can't say one thing he will another,
and always comes out on top. Hig i0ng
was very catchy, and took well.
Last night was Ernest Lueddenun'e
first appearance on the stage, end,
having been aligned the difficult part
of a lover, it took much persuasion (o
induce hi in to take it. But be final
ly consented, and all are pleased that
he did, for he not only filled his role so
ell as to capture "Edith," but the
audience as well.
Mrs. Blakeley always charms everyone
when she steps on the stago. 8o charm
ing Is her appearance and so loving her
manner, that all are drawn to her. Her
pleading with her son to give up the
repugnant alliance he was about to make
was very touching, and her denunciation
just as pronounced.
Although not assuming a character
which gave her an opportunity todi
. I. .J i ....
yiny inn nuuueriui nieiMOMC tilest (i,
possesses, Mrs. Eddon, as the "mjife
of nncertain age," could not help iU.
ing her adaptability lo the stage
made much of the part. Her costam
were stunning.
Tbe part of "Edith Henderson," bt
Miss Myrtle Michel), was very it
taken. She seemed to thoroughly under
stand what the role required, and icte!
with perfect ease and grace.
"Alercy," tbe little unsophliticiKii
country girl, was taken by Miss Bw
Michell. The character was someibu
difficult for an amateur; but she did be
best to fill it, and angels (much Its
newspaper reporters; could do nothin
The solos by Will Frank and Via!
Myrtle Michell added much to the ac
cess of tbe play, the richness ol tb
former's voice showing off to good eff
while tbe latter was perhaps never U
better voice.
It is not saying too mucb to add that
the play was a success, as was atteittt
by the request of the audience to have:!
repeated. '
lad'a Old Brltche.
A small boy who !s a close ob'erre?
and somewhat of a poet, gives tbe famib
history of his father's pants as follows
"When dad has worn bis britches '0'
they pass to brother Jobn, then ma ibt
trims tbem ronnd about and William
put them on. When William's legs tt
long have grown and the troueeri hilt
hide 'em, then Walter claims them to
his own and hides himself inside 'en
next Sam's legs they close invet,fc
when they won't stretch tighter, they're
turned and shortened up for rae-IM
writer. Ma woiks them into caps ti
rogs, when I have burst the
doomsdav we. nerhans. shall W
last of dad's old britches."
Notice Is hereby given that there
be an annual meeting- of the stockholder!
of the Golden Erle Minine Co., at tb
office of Freuch A Co.. bankers, Weds
day, May 31, 1899, at 7 o'clock p.
the purpose of electing seven director!
and transacting such other bdsinesi
may properly come before said meetm
By order of tbe president.
J. C. Il08TKTL.
Sec'y and Treii
The Dalles, Or., April 25, 1899.
First-class baled wheat bay for sale at
twelve dollar! ner ton ili'iuirs ol u
Mpl at rtanrann'a ornpPTV 0Tt. 15 '
Clyde Stallion
For Sab
v. . . lAit wears.
i eiugree tmrit lor over '"' ,hn
for quality of breeding. of
particulars eall at
rs can ai , ..rt
(Sherman CO'i"'1