The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 20, 1899, PART 2, Image 1

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NO. 33
Hi tistoray Hat Will Resist Did
lie's Acprsactes.
Two Chicago Professors Claim That the
Lymphatic Fluids of Animals, Par
ticularly Goats. Will by Hypoder
mic Injection Renew the Elasticity
Chicago, May 10. TheTribone says: is ciaimea, solves
the Dro'jlem of circumventing oia age,
ai joit been made public by Professors
oseph R. Hawley and Alex C. Wiener,
fthe Chicago clinical school. The re
am 10 youtn, it is aesertea. is proaucea
by hypodermic injection! of lymphatic
fluid of anliiia g. particularly vounj
wati. The discovery was made a year
ago ana iui)9eur,enuy a secret uemon-
tratioa of its efficiency Is asserted.
The general theory of the discovery is
that, if the mineral deposits which ac-
comn atea in me nones in trie nrr.nasa
or iiie can De ren acea with me iiac i
coniaineu in the lvmnhatic elanrla of
goat), deterioration of the bones will be
prevented, ana the elasticity of vouth
Will 0 retfll npn mni-h Innopr.
Iii one of his experiments at the
clinical school. Dr. Ilawlav adminlAtprpH
hypodermic injections of the fluid from
ueirmpalitic glands of a eoat to a doo
ioofn to be 14 vaara A dinonnala nf o
Portion of tilt femur before the Injection
(bowed the bona contained la ran Aa.
posits 01 Dhosnhale. carhnnat.a anil nil a
The dOff W&a watnhad faratnv In tvn
months, du
tlODI of the 1 I'm nil pnmnnnnd vbm
Hide. At thn nl nlll.aHima.nna..
'gnosis Showed that lh lamer nart nl
tht minarai ilo
tOd thi Mniliial maam mm Wtral. - .
" j tMuij no n yM
A Dnn.hir fif linmin Ka! n rma Idi ant. I
vvta,Ba ,v
filVB been cTnrimunaH An i ri,
the lame way and with the same re
TIlS Innatlpa nf . nno. A. nsvl
('aim that a man n -I. ...... I
. ui n uuinu ,u ub liu.i hcu
Ith iroat'a "llfo ..!! ill i:
m - - VVII till 1UIBYOI.
tntlh ipi iir ..,:n i. i i
j ... hi. mil m uruiuiikEcu. ucr
J-A. Hunter Killed by Mrs. C. K.
Elliott, a Neighbor.
LosTiNit n nr.- ie t. ,.
"(( abOtll 0 O'nln.l, TI t lf...
- - - wivk, 1JUU. .1 . uullier,
Mr'y settler and one of the most
Prominent mnn i w.n
hot ami i ,,, . . i.
iiiblhiii i w r... ma it
Elliott . . . :
i " uoar npiirnnnr. vvhrt ihrni pnm.
"'ttej ni,.i,l l, ...i
Therah..k.. r . .
-" i'ccii icuu oi nnv aLaniiinir
over fmii .. . . ..
-I piiHira wivran In llnnrAra
nd Eiiin... . ... . .
wuosa am pa am inter.
"""ied. a .n 1 .1 1 1
. - v! iiih iiiurupreu uinn
av n . . . .
k iiiarriot m . . v. . i
hUt BnVtnb C..-J --
j. "uuj evening mra.
-"in - .i II,. Ilnntar hnnaa and
"I an.. i . ....
llj , "J ciuuicr, iai wiiuui
itt. .
11 ' not you I want to see. it la Mr.
Mm it.... ..
"unipr IliPn nil n.t I... I ...k.n.l
tldh ..v.
" II n at tl.l ,1 ..... . .1 a
' ' '"1 111-) ntMfl nit It n.l aa It
jl ' .iiiuii. urru uii nun
liintpt i " charge striking
"'''"'"bdomen and ranging up
Mrs Piit ,e,uU'n 1""-l 1mtntly.
bT . lll,,lt then left the house and hid
er si i ao between the home of
tBUa 'n1 U'e H0""'. "I-
Jnl , u,tln' "n orportunity to kill
hi, ill when -hould go'over to
hi, mo(fr ' honi. tut he was warned by
-"i ana they roused the neigh
bore who began to search for Mrs. Elliott.
They found her dead in a plowed field a
enortdistaccj from the Hunter hnmn
She evidently found that she could not
get a chance to kill young Hunter and
nau taken poison.
Sbeep Still on Winter Kane.
Pendleton, May 15. The promise of
a few weeks ago that by this time all the
sheep would be in the mountains and be.
ginning on the summer range, has not
been realized. Many bands which were
started for the mountains have been
brought back to the winter ranse. In
many of the mountain recion. where
now there would ordinarily be good
trails into the higher altitude", the roads
are impassable, and it is impossible to
sen J the sheep through. E. T. Wade, a
well-known sheepman, says that all his
sheep have'been returned to the winter
range, and it looks as though they must
be kept there for some time yet. Others
repeat what Mr. Wade says.
Indignant at the Proposal to Pay Them
Off With a Pittance The Unenvi
able Position of General Brooke.
New York, May 16. The Herald's
Havana correspondent telegraphs as fol
lows: The situation has become most
alarming. To all apperances the Cubans
re about to make armed manifei titions
against the United States and Its mode
of governing the ielmid, altLoigh the
coneeryative element still Lopes for
peaceful arrangements. This state of
aff aits, wh'c'i was brought abruptly to a
bead last Saturday by a j artial quarrel
between General Gomiz and General
Brooke, has been forming for the last
two months. The first move has been
made by the army. It will probably be
supported by many Cubans. The army,
which Is really represented (although
many dispute his authority), by Gomez,
is incensed against Brooke and his policy.
Hie soldiers declare they have been
miserably fooled and trapped by the
Americans. They look upon the ex
change of a gun for $75 as an Ignominious
transaction for them, as they have not
been defeated by Americans, and conse
quently they refuse to change. Some
persons say the determination of the
army not to surrender arms is an out
come of General Brooke 8 refus u to sanc
tion Gomez' plan for a Cuban militia.
At the Cuban hoadquarters this state
ment is Indignantly denied, in particular
by Gomez, who, however, refuses to dis
cuss the present situation.
No Alarm in Washington.
Washington. May 1(1. General
Hrooke has not reported to the war de
partment any serious situation in Cuba,
.d It Is not believed in the department
that any alarm need bs folt regarding
the condition of affairs. Communioa-
ions General Brooke has made to
nr deoartment regarding the
tuation are not given to the public,
but the officials understand the sources
of the present trouble is that generals of
the Cuban army are disappointed be
cause they are not UKeiy io rci o
much out of the money appropriated for
the army as they think they should. One
thino ( assured bevond all other con
siderations; the Uuited States will re
main for the present In absolute control
of the island, and the orders of the
officers in command will be sustained Dy
the government at Washington.
Million Olvan Away.
It is certainly gratifying to the public
to know of one concern in tne ianu .u
are not afraid to be generous to the
e,1.and suffering, The proprietors
of Dr. Kin.'. New Discovery for con
sumption, coughs and colds, have given
way over ten million trial bottles of this
great medicine; and have the satisfac
tion of knqwlng It has absolutely cured
thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma,
bronchitis hoarjenesi and all diseases
of the throat, chest and lungs are mrely
cured by it. Call on Blakeley A Hough
ton, druggists, and get free trial bottle.
Regular size, 60 cents and 1. try
bottle guaranteed or price refunded. 3
J. D. Bridge, editor and proprietor of
the Democrat, Lancaster, N. IF., W
'I would not be without One Minute
Cough Cure for my boy. when troubled
with a cough or cold. It ! Hi best
remedy for croup I ever used." Snlpes
Klnersly Drug Co.
IusnriCDis, After a Brief Resistance.
Flee Into and From THeir Latest
Many Insurgents are Returning Home,
and Take Off Their Hats to the
Manila, May 17, 6:30 p. in. Al
though the rebels still threaten San
Fernando in considerable force, large
number of natives, the majority of them
having families, with their household
goods, are moving daily to the towns in
side the American lines at Apalit. Many
of the richer Filipinos are coming to
Manila, and laborers are resuming woik
in the rice fields. The latter show their
respect for American sovereignty by re
moving their hats to the passing trains.
At daylight today Lieutenant Hill,
who, with 25 men of the Fourth infantry
was concealed in the trenches near
Paeig, was attacked by a force of rebels
who evidently imagined they could
capture one of the outposts because only
a few shots had been fired by the Amer
ican force. A few volleys put the enemy
to flight, the lebtli losing flvo men
killed and a number wounded.
6:65 p. to. Colonel Summers' com
mand, consisting of the Twenty-second
infantry, on the left, the Minnesota reg
iment in the center and the Oregon and
North Dakota regiments on the right,
preceded by c0nts and accompanied by
Shott'a battery of artillery, advanced
from Baluirte at daybght. The troops
first encountered the enemy two miles
from San Isidor, the rebels retiring
when our artillery opened fire. Just
outside the town, rebel force estimated
to number 2000 men, was entrenched.
It made slight resistance, and quit the
town when our troops turned their right
flank. The enemy's loss was fifteen
killed and twenty wonnded. Our troops
lso captured three prisoners and many
rifles. On the American side,' one
soldier of the Oregon regiment and one
of the Minneeota regiment were slightly
wounded. After capturing the town,
Col. Summers' troops continued their
advance, pureiung the retreating rebels
for several miles.
request two troops of cavalry. Referring
to tho press criticisms, I have made no
order. My action is limited strictly to
the support-of the et.ite authorities.
There are 359 prisoners still in custody
under investigation.
Meiiuiam, Brig.-Gen."
Washington, May 17. Tho war de
partment is satisfied with the dispsgtch
of General Merriam, and the belief is
expreeted that he has only assisted the
governor of Idaho and tho military will
not be used for any other purpose than
that for which it was sent to the did
turbed regions. The troops of cavalry
requested by General Merriam will be
sent from Fort Meade, South Dakota,
and Fort R ibinson, Nebraska.
Troops May Yet be Mustered Out in
Washington, May 16. Senator Mc-
Bridehashad further conferences with
the war department regarding the return
of the Oregon regiment to Portland
Colonel Summers, has again cabled say
ing that the regiment prefers to go by
way of San Frauclsco, and be mustered
out at Portland. Secretary Alger said
today that the camp tentage and other
equipment at San Francisco made it
more practicable to muster out the troops
there. It is possible, if the ship is sent
up the Columbia, it miy be used for
quarters until the muster out.
Secretary Alger told Senator McBride
that Oregon should have her share of
the captured cannon. It is expected two
will be obtained from the navy depart
ment and two from the war department
for the soldiers' monument.
Havoc Wrought by a Cyclone In Iowa
People Lifted Up Bodily and
Hurled Through the Air.
Lawton Captured Isidor.
Wahiiinoton, May 17. The following
lispatch has been received at the war
"Manila, May 17.-To Adjutant-Gen-ral.
Washington: The situation is as
follows: Lawton, with much tact and
ability, has covered Culacan province
with his column, and driven the Insnrg
gent troops northward into San Isidor,
the second insurgent capital, which he
captured this morning, and is now driv
ing the enemy northward Into the
mountains. He has been constantly
fighting, Inflicting heavy losses and
ufferinz few casualties. I he appear
ing of his troops on the flanks of the
enemy behind entrenchments thrown
up t every strategic point and town,
was very deinora'izing to the insurgents,
nd has given them no opportunity to
reconcentrate their scattered troops.
General Merriam Will be Given Two
Troops of Cavalry.
w.aiuNi.ToN. May 17. Secretary Al
ger has received the following telegram
from Geueral Merriam in explanation of
the situation In Coeur d'Alene country :
"Wardner, Idaho: Adjutant General,
Waahlnulon The governor oi luano nas
carefully reviewed the situation here,
and deems it necessary to place troops at
Burke and Mullan to yoid disorder. I
Manchester, la., May 17. The de
tails of the clyclor.e which passed over
the northern part of this county last
night are most harrowing. As a result
of the storm four people are dead and
three others are fatally injured. Every
farm house in the track of the storm-
cloud for width of forth rods is either
totally destroyed or wrecked.
At Bigelow's the family took shelter
in the cellar. A young babe was torn
from the mother's arms and carried
twenty-five rods without injury. At the
Klaus cemetery only one monument is
left standing, and some of the tomb
stones were found two miles away. The
Klaus school house was blown to pitces,
and the Methodist church is a wreck.
The Ridenout family took refuge In the
cellar from the force of the w ind. Three
were Injured. The Sheppard family
were In the house, which was smashed
to kindling. Two of the eons were
carried 400 yards and one killed out
right. The father died this afternoon.
Two other children will die.
Letter From Andre Found.
' Leith, Scotland, May 18. The Nor
wegian ship Viking, which arrived here
yesterday from Soydisfjird, brought
report uf letter, written by Professor
Andre, which was found in a bottle In
April near Riotung, on the northeast
coast of Iceland, by a farmer named
Johan Mangussen. The letter was ad
dressed to the polar expedition at Goete
berg, and bore Andre's own stamp, with
the request that it be placed In the
nearest postoffice.
Mangussen, il is said, gave the letter
to merchant, Svelnn Einasn, at This
llfjord, who mailed it, and it is expected
to arrive at its destination in the course
of few days. At the same time the
Viking brought letter to a prominent
Icelander now in London, advising him
of the facts, and asking him to telegraph
to the king of Sweden and the polar ex
pedition at Goeteberg, whic'i was done.
If yon suffer from tenderness or full
ness on the right side, pains under
shoulder-blade, constipation, bilious
ness, sick-headache, and feel dull, heavy
and sleepy your liver is torpid and con
gested. DeWitt's Little Early Risers
will cure you promptly, pleasantly and
permanently by removing the congestion
and causing the bile dncts to open and
flow naturally. Tiiky arc uood rn.Ls.
Snipel-Klnersly Drug Co.
'An Saw wo
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
wovt tUKiwa powrif eo. , nt w vomc.
Ten Tears List Tbat MitM Have
tooflt a Caaal.
Washington Delegation Also Fought
. Against Opening the River to
Inland Empire.
Washington, May 10. Evidence con
tinues to accumulate indicating that the
proposed boat railway at the dalles of
the Columbia, known as Celilo fall?, and
Three-.Mile rapids, of the Columbia
river, will never be constructed. The
boat-railway project for the improve
ment of the Columbia river Is now nearly
ten years old. When the 51st congress
met, Senator Mitchell introduced bill
providing for the construction of a boat
railway. It was referred to the com
mittee on transportation routes to the
seaboard, the committee of which Sen
ator Mitchell was then chairman, and
by his committee favorably reported to
the senate, During one of the days in
congress when there was little else to
occupy the senate, Senator Mitchell
called np the bill, made an elaborate
speech upon It, and presented all its
features in detail, and showed conclus
ively tbat the proj'Ct was one which
should be favorably considered by con
At the conclusion of bis speech the bill
was pissed, as many such bills are in
the senate. Senator Mitchell was an
earnest advocate of this improvement,
and believed It the solution of the of the
problem of getting aroun J the obstruc
tion at the dalles.
Many bills are passed in the senate
in much the same way as this. So far as
the actual facts are concerned, every
body understood that no improvement at
the dalles or any other river or harbor
improvement was likely to become a law
unless it became a part of the river and
harbor bill.
lie Welcomes the Commissioners in an
Appropriate Speech, Eulogizes the
Czar, and Apostrophizes a Piece of
Statuary Over the Hall Door.
The II.uu'B, May 18. Tha peace C-ir.-
lerenca called- by the if ir of Itntsia was
opi ne.l this afternoon in the hall of the
"House in the Woods," two miles from
The Hague. M. Debeaufort, resident
of the council and minister of foreign
affairs of the government of the Nether
lands, delivered the inaugural address,
and welcomed the delegates. Then De
beaufort spoke of the high honor of the
choice of The Hague as the meeting
place of the conference, and extolled the
noble initiative of the czar, saying this
would be red-letter day in the history
of the country, and expressing the hope
that his majesty would be able to look
back at the day aa the most glorious of
his life. He concluded with calling at
tention to the allegorical group over the
doorway of the hall. Peace entering to
close the temple of Janu, and added:
"I trust this beautiful allegory wili be
an augury of your labors, and that after
you have completed them you will be
able to say that peace, whom art intro
duced to the ball, left It to spread itt
blessings atnon j the w hole of humanity,"
Washington, May 18. The following
cablegram has betn addressed by the
president to the emperor of Russia on
the occasion of the opening of the dis
armament confeience :.
"Washington, May 18. To His Maj
esty Nicholas II, Emperor ot All the
Russias.on this day of good omen I send
my heartfelt congratulations on the open
ing of the conference at The Hague
which had its origin in the enlightened
and generous inltative of your niajnsty.
William McKinley."
Great Majority of the Inhabitants Are
Discouraged and Anxious for Peace
Also the Insurgent Cabinet.
Washington, May 18. General Otis
cabled the war department today as fol
lows: "Manila, May 15. Adjutant-General,
Washington: Representatives of the
Insurgent cabinet and Aguinaldo, who
are in the mountains twelve miles north
ot San Isidro, which wasjabandoned on
the 15th Instant, will send a commission
tomorrow to seek terms of peace.
"The majority of the force confront
ing MacArtbur at San Fernando has re
tired to Tarlac, tearing up two miles of
railway, and the force has decreased to
about 2000. Scouting parties and de
tachments are moving today in various
directions. Kobbe is with the Columbia
on the Rio Grande. A great majority of
the inhabitants of the provinces over
which the troops have moved are anxious
for peace, and are supported by the
members of the insurgent cabinet. The
aspect of affairs at present is favorable.
Great satisfaction was sxpreesed by
the war department officials with the
newt contained in the foregoing dispatch
of General Otip. The belief was ex
pressed that the end of the insurrection
was at hand. The wisdom of refusing
any terms to the first commission, and
impressing the insurgents is everywhere
commended. On this account no doubt
is expressed that the new commission,
which Is on its way to Manila, will be
ready to accept the favorable terms
which General OJs lias been ready to
grant upon the actual tnrremler and
cessation of hottilities. The dispatch of
General Oils was at ence sent to the
president at Hot Springs, Va.
Speaking of the part token by the
volunteers in the Philippine campaign
Secretary Alger said that instead of wish
ing to be home, they wouldn't have
missed thoexperience, as it was an event
in their livit, esptcially as the hard
fighting has been crowned with cuccess.
Completely Demoralized.
Manila, May 18. 4 .-10 p. m. Two
Spaniih prisoner!, who hive jut arrived
here from Nueva Civuka, say Aiuinaldo
has lott prestige with the ret el arm'-,
which is dei cribtd as lel.ig completely
demoral's -d, short ol foo', 't.flWini from
disease an I afraid of the Americans, and
rapidly disco'ving into bands ol pillagers.
The prisoner) add that Gener.l Pilar
and Luna are the o ily influential Filipi
nos who are continuing tho resistance to
the Americanr.
Confirmatory Report.
St. Louis May 18. A special cable
gram to the Globe-Democrat from Ma
nila says: It is reportel here that
Aguinaldo has decided to accept the
terms of peace olTeied by the Ainertctn
Philippine coinmisior , and that he has
started hi representatives from San
Isidro for Manila. Ho is s.iid t i have
reached this decision at a conference at
San Isidro thn day before Lawton at
tacked, and that the fight took place
after the decision for peace bad been
reached. The reports are belitved litre,
nd that final peace is assured.
ceived that are to be sold at 1D. at
Maier A Denton's. n.17-1