The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 17, 1899, PART 1, Image 4

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Lir t 2
a. - - 4 ...
An Excellent Combination.
Tbe pleasant mrli-od and lBfol
eff-"-S of trtf well kin-wB remcdr.
SvarF of ri . rrmrfart cred by tae
Cur;iKXiA Kia yirp Co., ir.usiraw
tilBt of tie liquid lire-
t,p -ilp'.t-S vf tV.I.t klK'WB Xf I
oadji iia'.y Untire and trv-rr.l:r.p
lijeia m tke form nd retnf-.h-re toll
ta&'.e atd ffjTlu t trie yf.? m. It
is ii oaf perir-t trr-rirtb;inrie- laxative-
cleaning the vfci-m e -fee nail v.
dUs:el.:rj- ex i. beadschi.. and fever
g-ejit. r yet jT.rarv!jj and ecsb!ixjr ce
to orericwiie hab.v.u.1 x.r!f-lipUon per
Bninentiy. la p-r'crt frer-dun Iram
erfrr ci'Tfrtioca i".e qnalitr d1 sab
artin.. aid it aenm? on tiie kidneys,
bwr and boa-eis. nixal nwikmiir
or lrr.u'iij lArra, nik-ke it tbe iocta
la tb process of taanufactnrlxip fir
are osed. as they are pieasant t the
taste, but the nst-d k-inal onaiii of tie
rem fix are obtained fr. n aeciia and
ojcT aiMinatie piaxiti. by a method
kooxn to tbe Calif kma Tie tbt. r
C. only. In c-6Vr to pet it tmieficial
etf-te and to avoid imitation, please
riase-raber the fujj name of theCosr.paxy
printed cm the front of every package.
aaw rsjurcisoo. cax.
lonsmit rr. n tcrk. w T
Far sue fcy J Irngi. f-rice it it loai
Kxtoj ft Ii'r.
J. X. Brwt i la frwn Anteicpe.
3. E. Baroett t Bp frum Putuai 4.
JIImEIii Gaa tl to fri d
tbi ntoreiiic K-r a ttt -iU
G. W. 5m ih, of G.mmoui, earn a
from L; ift iveaiuf.
' Moc.a f (', tbr c xy loamj.
i Hot. S. Fair;!. f tb l ad Eiar-
. dim A Farreiljaa ia It cut J jreueittj. 1
j Mr. Wiotefbalcr and Kin Bortba j
CreibobB, f AMoria, are g ortt at U- j
! M Kit Cooper rti4 oa tt '
j boat ift Eitt Irt m Jlocier, tfe l
j it tacMrg arbrui. j
t Nio Fr EH t. ho La Vn tbel
' f n -Mr. J. F. Locat, ai.i ) tb't i
' W. VT-rn-wr aod A'f A 'ta a' id ;
. ti c j c.a ttjir t from iVriiatxl lu
tlx-ir huiiit a Pritirrilia.
j Mr. ri NJ r. A. :herorta ar op
It-is A".cT!k Ti-:li! Jadgr nJ
l)tr bd ujtt-;u f . J fnrad.
! C;'t. Tj k ri.l C-t. E1rd rarbr
LtSI t El-is ast 0:1 il a;
C;:l" fiiia.
r-(uit.t-J id 11. r tl ILii aiMUiuto
L B. icfr,rolbT of Got. Gfr. and
.u tui rt-c c ly t-n af'p"iiitd :te
! Ian 3 ffH!. a in lvn today, on Lit
I W. BeotVy and -,J.S. Eentlfy, ol
Mniui, M J , a DO !, t-n luiiu f
.ra lb tn.Qtitw in tbe inirrkr, Jrit
act n:tt iur ibir a?trra bcnie.
F. A. M-rrW. repreijiirf tb Hock
rco'r, (id fc. B. ifly, freight
rect far tbe Ii A R. G. K. E.. wer
jiafsr i f?t t v n U r tnt tLit n-oro-Lg.
Caf't. ci Mr. E. Soiliran cne op
'roni Poll and id the C'klatocua !aft
-VfDJiLf. Mr. Saiiivan ail) r-n.ain on
ti! tuOKrtow aiJb lwoti, ibe Cpl'n
t.avir; re:art-d Ibit URfti'Df.
VoikU Iaiy.
G-a. A. Yorg ar,d "n, Fred Yaorp, 1
rt in (rim II. r Ei jrt-aay L mn
Fred Wi'ton ttartwl 'at B'pl.T r'l
GrM ai!ty reentry, aLtrt he aij
la o.kin kri i a ('us j na( arcaarta. aaarrt
a j Irnna Faua.
Tmt 8 Lk . Itt. Ft.! F1
kaii jnj Kaa-! M.ll.
U t' a. .! aaa .ty. -L lxwla, l lii.a
I ciiiotra ana aL J
Aaa a'l Valla. iu
jiiT-i'li. cU Kir
i a. m. I . . - ! nkoe. 'Wla.B
1 ca:a al'4 a.
t a. av ! Faoa fnarL. m. 4 p
F saii I
j aid e- w d? i
I. Hi 1 4 f. m.
xut4ay t'rtit:Trbia Rt. Mt-arfrn. a.Min2a?
7 a AfToa.i rl r
Stnrrty LiiOii
Ji in. , j
. n. f utiim Bitil 4 ar m.
Zx LlMJ5 iitpciib tur. t-re. Ex.ruixia)
aa cis a Wis Laoa ft.
T a m.
T.l bir.
ftui cai.
liu ;;ivi ion .J
.TBri'i Ciiy, lrta. axid Fri.
i and a ay-i.aodiiiffc.
am. ' WiLuana Rivia. 4 app. m.
Tw Taar. o orTajiik, To.. I bin
aiKl &aU ai4 H aj-iiidinrft. adi ai.
Lt R;jria
Ami f
FXftii F.iria.
Sif mria o Lea iLon.
Panii deirinr to rc to H:- erftbonld
. r hst.di; i t it i' ai m a. ra
rki.ift: i-.r ret,- ri Ht",-wt tfiion
:e.r,iljj .). . ce on i Heiiier
jcrw joy .n,iu. j amiing ct Tie liaiies at
4.13 i. AA.
X K! thworbt freirtt.4
wtun; airivea
i :i a. it., aepartt
lie as
LalXir Asvocia
Gtntral Vltr-
riam's Order.
il HM-a rVk irfi to the. b at
u it l for Porilac. a in re tiie
-pt-cd a QjOD'.b a ill. (riei:d.
M f Ra'.iod i.aa- a ill arrive ia tbe
rity til- tp cup and ii d a ft-a aeekt
i:h ber ft lend, Mlt arah Henrieron.
I'r. C. Gertiode Frei-ci tptm Sunday
ai'.b ler f'artc. Mr. aid Mis. S.
Kru cb, retainiLt; tu Pcrtlaiid ttie murn-
Edaard Ra'dain went to Portland to-
4ir, ahrre be ani o-n'tilt a tnorianet
rvrtiri: hi eye, a luca bare iroo'.led
in ii in oca oi lai r.
Edaard Frerrh a ill leave on tonight 't
train V-t Line. Mat . eoit.a b the way
i f the Great Northern. He aill be
absent att-Qt three aetka.
Clar:e C aiy, who two yfari Ago
fpect the run. mer in The PaUe. ratue
up fir m Srait'e tatnrday and (pent yea
teri'ay and bdaj in tbe city.
Mr. C. J. Cran:a! and Mrs. Gnlli
orci, nf Dn'or, Ml yeterdy a'trtrcx n
o arteod tbe atate Hebekah aefemb y,
which meet at baieiu tomorrow.
W . H. Taylor and wife arrived in Tha
Da e $ ttardty evening from Alnany.
Mr. Tartar hat accepted a pot'tif'n with
Cha. Stnblintr, and will ru ke Lit borne
in the city.
Geo. A. Pciirman and Chan. Mi lntwh
will leave on the a(ternjo train at del
egate f rtn l olnmb 1 I'xiire to the
ii ran 4 kdpe of Odd Feiluw hirh mee't
Weduev-iay at 8aieui. lr. O. P. iKiace
will alto attend at a past grand Hiaeler.
Mrt. L. Prir.t. w jo hat been viilinj
the famii'v of her brother-in-law for
tome wrekt part, left on the boat this
morning on ber aay to ber home in
Monterev, California. he a a ac
companied at far at Portland ty Mrt.
Tbeo. Prins.
TaenJar Dailr.
Chat. Powell and Y. Bnnnell are
vieiton from Centervilie.
M. A. Moore, Prineville't merchant,
it doing bae:net in town today.
Root. McGsvero, the liverv ttable
man of Moro, it in oar city today.
Jo lire and Mr. Brad'haw and little
ton, Clinton, went to Portland by boat
tbit morning.
Mrs. C. Coram catre in from Wapl
ni'ia attirdsy ami ia v. tiling her
mother, Mrt !. Davit.
fa'nert boh reooatKa me-cherihip in ! Mr. J. A. Mclntiwh arrived hnme
tbaeociety "which Lat fottered or en- j s"daj 'oybt from Creal hpringa, 1,1.,
... .i , .. bere he baa tpent the patt year.
49oaraaed the recent laalrttneet in the 3
Jitrxrt. Tb onion it not tamed oot- A. Eodetick Grant and R. B. May,
, . . .. , . , two of the bett-known traveling men on
rrgbt in the pnnte.1 form, to which tbe ttlt eomglt rt ,he cj t,y 00
applicant mart ntcribe. Oolv about i - . . .
. ,. n ' . .. Orin L. Parteraon, brother of RereiTer
dosen from all the Canyon creek d!- p.,,,,,,,,,, mrM, t ;i,or of LDg Crr.k
Uict '.are tecared the card. Of the J Eagle, tpent today in the city tititicg
who lema o, many are determined to j Lit brother.
Uck dorreJ1 to tbe onion to tbe lart. Mit Mollie O'Leary left on tbe tjal
Othert are afraii to take trot card! nntil ; fLi morning tor Porilacd, where the
tbe end of the ink. wl" u' ,ne Ftnetn Pacific for Botte,
em .t
I da. in
DixltK.- 4.&. B .. 0-JUu I ft K l,i p. ill.
eJ"T T -J.fc ftn e p. m., driiaru
r . in.
So. mrevtbojd topal freirtit. ern'ift p
tester: trnin i l. p. m., arri , 6:jo a. in.
R. X. OO.V
For full particular eall on O.
afect Tbe I'alita. or iddmt
Gen. i'at. Art-, forUand. Or
Wiiosn, Ilaho, May H. The crisit
ia the labor troobiet here will begin on
Tt.urfiay of tbit wetk. Shoo'd tbe
ftEriod par over qnietly, no more oot
breakt of aaieea.i need be tooktd fur
jarirg tbe rxifilinoance of martial law.
Oa the other Land, haid there lie any
rlatb tbit week ietwen tbe told ien and
tbe Ualetx e erxieiit in the njior, it it
impoteible to te'.l buw!i bloodbed
there may be.
Tbartdty it tbe lat dv alloaed nnder
tb recent peociamau n for a or king
aa.nrr to ai ply for eraiit to lemain
in nodergroood employment. On that
lay the in peel Km of tbe minet all ever
tbe Coeor d'Aiene ai l lieg'n. It will
rt a rif-id rxaminaiion, arid it will be
ct n ducted both by ibemiUtary and tbe
cavil aotboritie. Every mii.e wl.icb on
that day it tm ploying men without per
mit a Hi be tommaily clo-ed, it
pompt draan and a guard placed over
Up Canyon creek, a here none bot
noi o i inert are employed, they tol
tealy refote to make application for the
card. In order to terore a permit, the
Sleeping Carv
Dining Cars
Sleeping Car
ST. .
Dl Lt'TH
a a h6
ett&.xD roR
Through Tickets
roiXTS EAST aa tona
For iufnrmar)m. timt omnia, map and ttcteo
oal on ur write to
W. C ALLAWAY. Ager.t.
Tbo Iaita, Orttrot
t. D. ARLTON. AsT. G. P. A.,
mnii for. Thinl. FnrtSand Orram
sania re Rou
, Mont. She iuteudt to open a ttad o at
mat place.
Vm. B. ?trter ia In tha eirw tnAmm
On featarday evening, Mty 13th, at on bonne bent. He it alto kept hot?
tb Catholic chorea by Ret. Bronta-eet, receiving tb roograinlatione of bit
A. MeDoaald and M it Berth a Weitt. ) 'nende b btving receo'ly jjined tb
, , rankt of the wedded.
After tb cerem-ftny tbe party, rrcom
Baaied by thir friend, repair! to tb ' . Mi? Sotherland, of Portland, hat ai-
, . , . . . -. - ' , rived m th city and will accept the po-
b4Noo. tb bride. .ter. Mr. Mtt;,ilioll tl, for Etn
Elioreti, whars a wedding Inoch wa Oregoa Land Company. Mi Maybel
pread and a her dancing wa. indalgad Mack will remain witb ber iormer em
ia U1I lata boor. Th tmall boy alao i P!o'CT. T- A- Hod eon.
toi,k part ia tb fettivitie by fornitbing 1 ' Leoa Dawann. who left Tb Dalle
a Brtt-clM c.arivari. j Cf" "joath agn lor Concordia. Kan.,
. retajrned yetterday. He wae are.mi
Marrto. j med by bit mother, Mrt. M. A. Dawaon.
tar. titter. Mi Melvia Paatnn. Tliev
: ii i . i . . . . -
manitviMrimniiiii iaeiailea.
Ponday May Hth. at 12 JO o'clock, at
bit roMoen on tbe convt-r of Tenth and
Vaioa ttreeta, Jattvra Bayard unite in
anarriagw A. P. Etahrook, of Hood
Kirer, and Mi Ella White, of Portland.
Freeh crarkad Sebraeka eora at tb
Waeee ware Hoc e. Fineet kind of
d kkea feed. mchS-tf
Tat Clark 4 Falk't Floral Lotin for
aasabwm aad wind chafing. U
11 a IK
At the Coamopoliun Hotel tB thi(eHv4
Satorday morning. Mav 13th. of coo
Bwiptloa, Mary A. Bajll'le, ail f Geo.
B. Bailile, eg Si year. .
For Fir Dollar yo eaa bavt Caaaers
hat will tak larger pictare tbaa any
other Camera oa tb market. For tak
by dark 4 Falk. ti
Offert'er. ctoire of tbe folloaing
rootet jt. They are all tamotit for r ' -en-c rttrac.ion.
O. C. & X. view Oiien and Denver.
Kh-tia R v w haciamento,C.den
and lienv"'.
l3t,a r-ite view Sacramento, Lu
and a'berqoerqoe.
A daiiv ':i of t-,iv,i TrLLVAN
from San Frjrfftoo ano Lot Angele to
vuicago. j lilt It
The Short Line
from toot ber a California
To the East
Apply to the ageaU of tbe O. E. A Jf.
Co. or th adereigned. for folder and
deecriptir literature. .
.' , ' , , . ' J. DEVERECI.
Gen: lgt.Jirnrretx. Cdg. Portland. Or.
one rou A DOSC
fimm. as.IM
r fftft h ftm
; i ii i rL i ill . i
,GilolAiowillo i
Ghroniele Publishing Co.
We Hae-"
Heat Ulork.
Quick Ulork.
Reasonable Prices.
The Dalles, Oregon,
Dewey white wash? Yes, and wash white. You can
Havana thing washed at the Steam Laundry. The
Maine point is quality and the
Merritt of our work is such that people go
Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not
Hobson's choice, but the standard rates, which are not
Cevera high as some people think, and we want to
C-U-B-A customer of ours.
Corner of First and Court Street,
'Phone 341. THE DALLES. OR.
Bockford "Quick Shot" :
12-Plat Magazine Camera.
"Torn the lever ard von are readv for
another." No p'aty Inldort with t'idet
to draw. No t'eeve orrhanjingbig. No
cbance to fog piatet. No taKoiet.
If yoo wtnt 12 pVloret on'ck. hot the
' Qaick-S'-.ot 1 tre cnlv Buoaazne cjmt
era that holi'tthe p'jte fnrplva
taey a. exposed. o lilthnj or ureal:.
ing oi p'aiet. tm on earth.
S'a''a' $6 OO
5 $9 OO
Witb one doten plate holders.
Manutaetnred under the Conlej patent by the
Rockford Silver Plata Co.,
aell only thmnrh local arenta. A.k nn.
agenta to show ou Una "Q lira Ktaot."
Quick Sellers
o Complaint
The Snipes-Klnersly Drug Co.
AGENTS, 1 he Dalle. Oregon.
Todes ai)d pabrie
We tre ready to show them in Dry
Good, Notion. Clothing, B ott and Shoe.,
Lailiet' Capet and Jacket. "Time enough"
it a poor principle. Tho a ho make the
earliett telectiont trenre bett retultt. The
ttork it complete and new aud we invite
you to look at it.
F Stepb?ijs.
I hare re-opened thia well-known Bak e
and am now prepared tb supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. ALo
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
is the rmcriTTTFiTr of tb.
J. ol Oreaon. lor th toout. 0" J T,TJ
at. 1). KuwlanJ, platntifl
O. D. Tarinr. Barah K. 1tW i.
Mbea doa, leleiMiai.ia. baaa,
Til J.ihll lUlMl frw.k. . .
addr aad J. ImueaniTa. fi. I
iu inrDjftitM Uie euie ol ( i,7
.-h A rou arc beivbr re.iuired T.' ,0
i..wer Ih. r..,,.l.i... ..J " aim,r"
i.ftwer theeooinlaiut gii VV"w eilitid u.ii i.i.'"" la T
. -..uiu ien U,V1 eiiliued suit
th. date ol tb.
nitma opon yon. If ae.ied
, nu in it ii . . . .
:;-ntvol T thia Mate, then Ub?B"u""' "f.
rniiu the data t,t tha. . . ""lr oVa.
n.n you: il a. nrtd b? pubUiatiomn eta?
ou or belore the M .t.v of i-e .,,. 'Jm
iu the order f. p. b le.tion, J,.1
i week from the litb d.i ,4 Mareh lw Jfl'
tsii.g theflrtd.r "I publi.-aiin b71;S"Wl
you fil an a. au.aer tut w",i
piaiutin- will apply to the Conri f,J lE
pra-ed for in , pUint herein'
j'loement an dual defendant n h t !.r
IliOJ and il,l.ret .t K' cent mnV', w
..xr-Tri.i. .u itiuKinrni ftll.l A and nil ,.f acid Otleua.iK,, U.Jri,"
tbe ,-...ib.e.t nu-ner of thlV"'.? 4
f M1-U.II1 11 M .1 1., ..,.K . I .7 Ml"!
quarter. d an-tlon 15. km n.nip 'i Z"
10 eat. W. M .and d rwiin, .q. K,
a.ent of Mid judnint. -fi ui w.
Tbi. auminon. I. wrred upon Ton by mww
HI'Miv.iun 4 niunx
Attomeyi lor Fiaimi
I fur rtftsu etinnl wii
.Maxiuiillain Vo tai d Philippine thar
mail, purl inn ooina bu.:u. under
the firm name aud ftljleuf ilxV,t
& Co., rUinlifls,
T. J. McCoy, P-fendsnL
To T. J. AlcVoy. the above named defendant
In be Lain of tbe p'.at. of Ore.nn
You .re hereby notified and req died totwuir
in mi Buoie eriiiuru .-uiir,, on Of Oel'ire tile llit
l ." ' ,-'.'..'". ,ui. .uiiiiiioiii 10-Wit'
on or bef ne the lOib day of June. then ind
the.. b ai.w. r the eomplnint o( the thm
named plaintiffi. filed in the above named dun
and if you fail to appear and a pliiiua,'
eomplaint for want thereof, plaintiffs will tut
tudenient irainat you for the mm of Is) lnj
1 gl int rei-t ihervm ainee Anril I, iMi9, bvt,
with plnintiriV ci.-ls and rlburwinei ts. ,
1 bin miniiir.iift ! fervid upon you by (nbll
eati u tt.ere.f by order of Hu. W. L. Bradtbiv
judirenl the above named cxiurt made in opea
curl in Inllet itv. VVao ountv, Oreann og
the . 4th day of ftpril, lwi, and dincling that
thin Miinuiona be fteived upon you by publict.
tiou thereof, not li mi thin once a week fur ax
(Mneeulive we-k. in The Iullis Chuoxiclm
neH-.iwper ol teneral circulation, published
weekly at Palle. city. Wareu Count;, Oftjat,
.aid piiblieaiioii to Iwsiu in ibeiMue of nut
iiewsi ar on the 9lh day of April, 1MH, iiid a
end on the lu.h day of June, 1nm. b.i;h thus
ineliively. UI FI R A McSKKEE.
apLS ii Attorney for plaintiiTi
Notice. Timber Culture.
V. s. Land Orrics, Thk Dalli k. or.'i:0!t,l
Feb.u.'.y V. 1mi. j
Complaint havirg been emeied at thi o
by Olde P. Welie-j .?.lui Viley Kiinimnerfor
failur Ii en.pply wiib l.'irai to 'liuiuei-jluiie
tnlij Xo. a).S. d.iied ei leu.ber !.', l.8 npm S. E. . teeiion 10. TowuoMp .V ton U of
Willamet'e Me. utii.i. Kinte lit e t, in Waco
County, gijleof O.eTO.i, with a view 'otlieciD'
ceMeuon of iid eu.ry, evil' Mant allenint tbit
anlrl esl r Su.nuiner never plowed niriiitiruol
aid tract ex. ept about ill .eiei and never
a'ty time nor h.ia eny one ,or lilm piantedtn;
tr. eft ol runinr4ft. or heedft. and also uid Wee
ley 6u in .uner about the uionth of Frbrunry.lKAl,
duly rvlliiiUihed ti.d t,eri to l'nl' d tiuu
and ddiveo'd aiid leliuqui.bment tothliiffiml
a.d laid relitMjnUrnient wa. dulr filed In til
1. H. nttice of I be lalle, Hmrnr, and at tot
Mid time and pnor theieioabamh oed ftftid PKt
and h.a never i ee ftjid lime rvtuuietl therrt
cr claimed any light or luteuftt in aaidtractof
The ald partlea are herebv mmmoned to i
pear at thin orhce on tne Alh day of April, 1,
at 10 o'rl-k a. m , to renpond and furuiik
teftlimony conceriiluc at. id alleced failure.
11 ii JAV P. LUCAS, Kegiiter.
School Iil-trtct Vo. f.ol Waaco County. Otwn,
aill h nu lwo-oino.i bo.ids oi the p ' vluoi
lour oii.-rtr 1 dolim- e. cb be.iiin( hiieieil it
i he r 2 of tix t -r ceut oer an num. iiUerolniT.
r-i c ftcni'iuiiiu 'v; . a oordu btrl.if u leein.ttil.
in ihe ple-fta.e o. ft id t a, -.'rteuywr
f.orr. LivlrditT. b". due ard p b'e f "Mlul;lf
iwen.v vc i..n.i(1;i'?. P. i-icinle r . il int'rwt
ii iv.i,e f . I..c oJ'. e of ib- 'lie.Miiei u.' Wm
i ounty. tlieon. or rt urn h ph' aft uaj b
de iv.iet-d 't I'.eop.ion of pinch e..
Toe boi'd of dirx- .i.ko'.iid dift.iici arelsw
fully riiilio. -i d to IrMie a. id bondii In ftccind
auce wil.i 1 te p.i.vl ioi ol an t o uie I-eaiftla-tiveiieniVrol
tue S.'ate or Ore.on. filed 11
the orlii-e o." ,.ie fVr',- or lie FebnmryzJ
lNUand p ovKi.i'v anion ...her iW.iislortbr o.r bond, bv -f-' nisiiietn.
In compiljm. .U ibel'Ain of ild act. 1.
tre of a lid conn... will .ewiveaw
b.ra fur . id 1'ind. n mv b nee 1 InllejtltJ
afoieft Id UH..1 toc'i n. ui oa Ihe lt day
Mry l"l. All '''. iriift. !. by
cei.iiicdcl" o ' pie K' iu of the mount
l.n..H. r... .. . ... 1.. I. , . .H Kn hlila w
h ft thi'ii n n. II . , eo iMdeied. Blu.ita to Jj
ftiihmitlediiii rl ,c. leiecule. The right
rejii-t any rnd r I b da . .eierred.
1 he bjllei, o.-ou, Adril 1. . . ;
C. L. I-HII.L1P9,
'I real
Wagon and Carriage Werk.
Fiah Brothers' Wagon.
THiri ani JeHcrnn. Fboue 159
F. s.
Blacksmith, -Vagon
' Dealer in Blacltsmith Supplies.
Cor. Second & LamWin. . VM
Ta Car a Cat la Oa Pay.
Tak Laiatl Bromo Quloina Tao
let. All drnggittt refood tLa monl
Il lailt to enra. 35c.