i I J a :f . I - . I THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY. MAY 13, 1899. wcom 3 Ann I k I Si flQGD UOUG 89 A B OMOfiffl 0 IN SPLENDID CONDITION. Any one contemplating the purchase of an engine will do well to communicate with the undersigned before going elsewhere. The engine is 6-horse and the boiler 8-horse capacity. THIS IS A fA$E OPPORTUNITY. (o) (o) rvn UVJ WE ALSO HAVE FOR SALE fpflT mm uuuiyju JUST AS GOOD AS A NEW WHEEL. This motor is just the thing for running light machinery and ha hpn k A liberal discount for cash will be allowed or address on either of the above. For further particulars call on CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., THE DALLES, OREGON. HAVE YOUR WASHING DONE BY THE DALLES STEHM LHUNDRY, GENTLEMEN'S WORK, FLANNELS and LACE CURTAINS A SPECIALTY. Telephone 341. Long Distance phQne Adver tise in THE CHRONICLE Adver tise in