The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 13, 1899, PART 2, Page 3, Image 3

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rOB THE TEAE 1895.
B. virtue of a warrant Issued by the
JrkoUhe county court of the comity
?w '.he. 8U.te ?rTni
,h. 11th day of APr"' lo-v' lu .
Led. commanding me to levy on the
Lis and chattels of the delinquent tax
t . .-. i for Iha vear 1895.
thereto attached, and if none be found,
then upon the real property as av lonu
ind described in the said delinquent tax
WH orto much therof as shall eatisfy
' ..u olmrupd therein, to-
ptlier with the costs and expenses,
win, on
Monday, the 5th day of June, 1899,
.t the front door of the court house
in laid county, at tne nour 01 iu o ciock
in the forenoon of eaid day, eell at pub
lic auction to the highest bidder for cash,
.wt to redemption, to eatisfy eaid
warrant, cost and accruing cost, the
hereinafter described pieces or parcels 01
Itnd, having duly.levied upon said pieces
, Jrcels of land and being unable to
fnd any goods or chattels belonging
to the respective delinquents therein
Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, May 4,
Sheriff Waeco County, Oregon.
Adams, W C, Boyd ; per prop ... .$16 80
Alexander, GeoW, Yakima; gw M
sec 28, 5 s, r-'e; iou a v vo
Ansborn, B F, Dufur; per prop. . 4 90
Avery, Churchill & Co, Portland;
w.' ee' sec 34, 2 n, 10 e, 80 a. . 19 38
AitiBWortb, J E, The Dalles; lots
2, 3. 4, eec lo, 2 n, id e, 16 a. . . 14
Altman, Jacob, Sellwood ; "E A W
ad to Hood Kiver, lots l, o, t, ,
9, 10, bfk 0 2 70
Abraham. Rosa, Hood River Park ;
lot 22, hi k 3 oi
Abraham, Sarah, Hcod River
Park; lot 23, blk 3 04
Ainiworth, LB, Hood R'ver Park ;
lot 9, blkl 0
Alcorn, VV A, Hood River Park;
lot 44. blkl 04
Alcorn. Ida V, Hood River Park ;
lot 40, blkl 54
Allen, Cynthia C, Hood River;
lot 13, blk 3 04
.Anderson, W A ; F, A W 2 J ad to
Hood Kiver, lots 13, 14, blk (3. . . 1 UO
Butler, C C, Dufur; ei blk 5, 4
horses 14 2o
Baird, Nate, Antelope; all unsold
parte to Uaird a ad to Antelope. 10 44
Baldwin, Chas M, The Dalles; sw
Usee 34, 2 n, 15 e, 100 a 7 42
Baldwin, J C, The Dalles; Trev
ail to Dalles Citv, ee corner lOOx
120, blk K 34 56
Bings, J E, Albany ; Hood River
rark, bike 5 and 20 inc 1 11 09
Benson, E N, Portland; e'j sw,!4
nw !i, seo 1, a n, 10 e, 20 a o id
Barnhart, Mary, The Dalles; Blf
au Dalles Lily, lot 1, blk 11 2 S3
Bartsch, A G, Hood River Park,
lot I, blk 1 54
Bartsch, Olga, Hood River Park,
lot 2, blk 1 54
Bart, F R.Denver; E & W ad to
Hood Kiver, lots 39 and 40, blk
7 .... 130
Bayer, J C, Portland ; Hood River
rarx, lots 2, 3, 7, 10, 11, 14, lo,
18, 1, 22, 23, 26, 27, 30. 31. 34,
35, 38, 39, 42, 43, 40, 47, blk 12. 4 23
Baxter, George, Antelope; nel4
ne'i eec 20, 0, 18 e, 40 a ; ee'4
ne'4' and e'.j ee'4 eec 17, 0 s, is
e,120a 7 40
Birgield, Laura E, The Dalles;
and n'4 ee'4 sec 26, 7 e,
He, 100 a 0 38
Bouaiiiinin, VBjEAff 1st ad to
Hood River, lot 20, blk 10 60
Bolton, Daniel, heirs, The Dalles;
Dalles City lots 3 and 4, blk 2. . 6 13
Bordie, Joseph, eeo 18, 1 n. 13 e;
Bi'lleviiH ad Dalles City, lots 1,
2.0, blk 1 , . 1 43
Boteford, Florence, E A W 1ft ad
to Hood River, lots 1!) and 20,
block 3 1 36
Bonrland, O M, Iloyd ; per prop. . 6 70
Bnrke, 7. T, Hood River Park lots
20, 21, 24, 25, blk 4 1 06
Buinton, llallan), Hood River park
l"t 21), blk 3 ... 54
Bointon, I.ydia, Hood River Park
of 28, blk 3 51
Bownran, E, E A W ad Hood
fhver, lots 0 and 10, blk 3 1 36
Boyd, W H, Albina; E A W ad
Hood River, lots 25 and 26, blk 1 1 36
Brown, Geo H, The Dalles ; ew4'
. '. '' andseiw1
ec Jo, 2 n, 10 e, 160 a 5 99
Brown, Walter J, Hood River; E
f? iu .no0'1 Klveri 45, 46,
" W, blk6 2 04
Broyles, Melleea, Wamlc; nw
-4 sec 14, 4,l2e, 80 a....' 7 08
Lehman Grace P, Portland ; '
'a w U lec 34, 2 n, 14 e, 40 a. . 2 10
.?!r,.,.Hoi,0"Tb,IM! Mil
Dalle, City, lot 1, blk 76 9 38
iw- ,Bri,,Ket R. "ood River
'. lot 2. blk 2 64
""'"'ngaine, James, Wamlc; ne'4'
E3Vi,1-- 1,i0 ........ 0 l8
lw'i U""h. Hood River
''k.lot,, blk 2 54
L,cl ..Lafayette. Hood River
1r.lot47, blk 10 54
! Dalle, City, lots 2 and 3
Br ' 412$
r.iT,7,il9.w 3 19
mpbeli J V, Hood River;
C.I t , " 'pp n 2 1 2 3 00
T' UG, Hood River; nw
UseclS, 2n, 10 e, 40a.. 499
Carroll, Abner W, Victor; , sec
iu,oi,u,33j 798
Carey, John W, The Dalles: rS,'
ne'4 and nw'4 see 13, 2 , 13 e,
240 a; e1, w4' eec 1. 2 , 13 e.
80 a; evr'4' tel4, nw'4'
nw'4, ew1 nw'4', gw'4 et'4 and
nw.i4' sec 12, 2 e, 13 e, 4S0 n 43 13
Chandler. Fred.-Wamic; w'.j'
t4'. e4 w'4 and ew34 ee'4
, eec
iJ, s, 12 e, lt0 a 4 99
Coe, E F. estate, Hood River;
eastern most of two eprings in
ew corner of X Coe, D L C, Hood
River, kVasco county 15 00
Cooper, D R, Mt Hood ; n hf ee qr,
ee qr nw qr and ne qr ew qr eec
2S, 1 n, 10 e. 160 a 9 08
Copple, E, Hood River; eeqrnw
qr and nwqr se qr, undeeded
land, eec 23, 2 n, 10 e, 80 a 3 35
Condon, William, The Dallee; per
Prop 23 54
Carlton, E R, Antelope; per prop 12 60
Lurry, Alfred E. Portland; E A
W ad Hood River, lota 34. 35,
bin B 13 50
Campbell, Myra, Portland: E &
W ad Hood River, lots 27, 28,
blk 2 ; lots 25, 26, 27, 28, blk 9. . 4 06
Crehan, Wm, Portland; E&W
ad to Hood River, lots 39. 40.
biklO ; 1 36
Cracker, A C, Albina; E & W ad
to Hood River, lots 19, 20, blk 7 1 36
Croter, M W, Albina; E & W ad
to Hood River, lots 17, 18, blk 7 1 36
Coateworth, Mrs G ; ne qr ew qr,
a hf sw qr, ne qr nw qr sec 12, 1
n, 13 e, 160 a ; n hf nw qr eec 13,
1 n, 13 e, 27 a ; w hf ew qr, eec
7, I ii. 14 e, 80 a; lots 3 and 4,
eec 12, 1 n, 13 e, 18 a 71 25
Crossen, J B, The Dalles; per
prop 28 16
Cathcart, A 8, The dalles; Lad
to Dalles City, 61 feet off n end
of lot 1, blk 15 14 40
Clements, E M, The Dalles;
Dalles City, lot 6, blk 1 2 30
Campbell, II H, The Dalles; L ad
to Dalles City, lot 5, blk 13 86 72
Carting & Hall, The Dalles; (hf
hf sec 31, 1 n, 12 e, 160 a 5 99
Clear Lake Lumbering & Irrigat
ing; Lo, ee qr eec 32, 4 e, 9 e,
160 a 3 99
Chambere, W M, Hood River; lot
1, eec 2(i, 3 n, 10 e, 49 a 1 14
C'arno, William, Antelope; w bf
ee qr Bee 32, 7 s, 19 e, 80 a 4 79
Cable, Elbert E, E & W 1st ad to
Hood River, lots 5, 0, bik 6 1 36
Cromwell, EM & E E, Belmont;
lot 7 : 4 59
Collins, Isabella, Hood River
Park, lot 25, bik 1 54
Collins, Chas B, Hood River Park,
lot 24, blk 1 54
Cook. Frar.k, Hood River Park,
lot 33, blk 1 54
Chase, J, Hood River Park, lot 21,
blk 1 54
Colleman, Harry, Hood River
Park, lot 34, blk 10 . 54
Decker. John, Boyd; n hf ee qr,
sw qr ne qr and ee qr sw qr sec
20, 1 s, 14 e. 160 a 9 98
Dimick, Mrs A, Mt Hood; ne qr
eec 33, 1 n, 10 e, 160 a 5 99
Divers, Wm S, Hood River; ne qr
ee qreec 21, 2 n, 10 e, 40 a 5 47
Denton, C V, The Dalles: C W D,
D L C, lees 20 acres In a eqnare
form in ne corner sec 5, 1 n, 13
e, 329 a; Mil ad to Dalles Citv,
.lots H and K, blk 41 ; Mil ad to
Dalles City, lots C, D, E, F 109 60
Dowell, F B, Portland ; E & W ad
to Hood River, lots 3, 4, 5, 6,
blk 7 2 70
Derrv, Edward W, Portland: K &
Wad to Hood River, lots 43, 44,
bik 2 1 36
Davis. M J, Han Francisco, Cal ; E
& W ail to Hood River, lots 13,
14, 15, 16, 35,36, blk 10 5 40
Deveney, Wm. E&W ad to Hood
River, lots 23, 21, blk 2 1 36
DeBord, E F, Snn Francisco, Cal ;
E k V ad to Hood River, lots 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8, 9, 10, 43, 44, 45,
46, 47. 48, 31,32, 33, blk 6 16 20
Devine, Jamee, Hood River, ne qr
ne qr sec 3, I n, 12 e, 42 a 2 50
Durbin, Sophia, Billinge, Mont;
K A W 1st ad to Hood River,
lots 47, 48, blk 7 1 30
Davie, L S, The Dalles; per prop. 0 40
Edwards, J F, w hf sw qr, ne qr
ew qreec 6, 1 n, 14 e, 120 a 6 23
F.rwln, Rol.t, E A W 2J ad Hood
River, nil bike 2 and 3, Its 4, 5,
6, 43, 44, 45, 46, blk 9 2 30
Eowrett, Abbie L; E and W 2d A
11 R, lots 5, 6, blk 5 1 15
Erwin, Jane A, Hood river: Eand
W 1st ad to II R, lots 15 to 20
inc, 33, 31, 43 to 46 inc in blk 1,
lots 41 and 42 blk 2. lots 5, 6,
23, 24, 27 to 32 Inc, 43 to 48 ino
blk 3, lots 11 to 21 inc, 37 to 48
Inc blk 4, all in blk 5 except 21,
22, 23, 24. lots 11 to 18 inc. 39 lo
to 44 inc blk , all in blk 8 e
cept 23, 24, 25, 26, lots 1 to 22
ine, 33 to 40 inc blk M, lotl 3 to
12 Inc, 45 and 46 blk 10 8 10
Farley & Frank, The Dalles; L
and I) C, lot 4, Ilk 10. lot 9, blk
18 83 52
Ferguson, Jane, Waplnitia; ne qr
eec 9, 6 a, 12 e, nw qr sec 10, 5 e,
12 e ; 320 acres 11 87
Frank, L D, estate. The Dalles ;
ne qr eec 16, 2 n, 10 e, 160 a; L
ad 1C, lot 5, blk 10 3 12
Frary, Jno II. Hood River; ne qr
eec 21, 2n,10e, 100 a 0 93
Fredenborg, A, Mt Hood j s hf ee
qr, s hf ew qr, eec 21, 1 n, 10 e;
KI0 a 7 m
Friendly, A J, The Dallee ; person
al property
Friz7.ell, Wm, Cascade; lots 1
end 2, hf se qr eec 34, 2 n, 12
e, MO a ; s hf sw qr sec 35, 2 n,
12 e, 80 a; n hf nw qr, part of
3 63
Atwell'f V L L, eec , n, c
ii0 a.
27 01
Fox, M.The Dalles; part of Cald
well's I) L C, sets 23 and 21, In,
12e:53a 509
Fieher, Godhorson A Co, Moeier;
5 00
tipr nrot)
Fitmierald, Wm. Portland; F.AW
addH R, lots 31, 32. blk 9 1
Freeman, A J; K A W add H R ;
lots 25. 20 1 M
Fredenburg. J IF, Mt Hood; per
2 34
Ferguson. L E; part of Simi" D L
C, vol P, page 487 IS 24
Fieher, Catherine, Dallee; part of
buns' D L C, vol O, pane 176; L
ad D C. lot 12, bik IS; L ad D
C, lot 2. blk 14 C9 12
Fieher, Joseph, Dalies; Biglow ad
D C, lot 11, blk 8 7 21
Fisher, Julius, Dallee; per prop.. 7 40
Farley, Margarette, Dalles; mil ad
D C, lots F, G, H, blk 76 5 76
Fitch, J C. Portland ; E A W ad II
R, lots 43 to 48 inc, blk 6 4 06
FitzGerald, Maurice J, San Fran
cifco; mil ad D C, lots E and F,
blk 22 3 73
Falenins, CC, Cascades; towu of
Cascades, lot D, blk 7 4 32
Finnegan, Mr, Bellmotit; lot H,
except Oxuo feet on hast side. 1 74
Friese, A F, Hood River puk ; lots
7,6, 10, 11 and 14, blk 2 2 12
Friese, Augvm II, Hood River
. paik; lots 15, 18 and 19, blk 2. . 127
Goldsmith A Carr, Portland ; n hf
ee qr, eec 22, 2 n, 10 e 8 93
Gleaeon, E A, Antelope; per prop 13 34
Goff, Frank C. Dufur: shfehf.
eec 26, 1 e, 12 e; 160 a 17 67
Goldstein estate, Dallee, George
Williams agt: 84 ft iu ew corner
of 4th and Libertv ets. Trev ad
D C, blk C 53 10
Gamble, W B, Dalles; s hf sw qr,
nw qr bw qr, sw qr nw qr, sec
36, le, 8e; 160 a 8 27
Gray, W C, Hood River ; n w qr ee
qr, eec 21, 2 n, 10 e; 40 a 4 47
Green, J M ; e hf ne qr, lots 1 and
2, eec 9,1 e, 8 e; 124 a 3 99
Gove, C A ; E and W 2d ad II R,
lots 1. 2, 3, 17 to 42 incl, 47 and
48, blk 9 5 40
Gum, R J. Hood River park; lots
35 and 38, blk 3 1 00
Greenbum, Jessie, Hood River
nark; lots 1, 3 to 20 incl, 23 to
36 incl, 33 to 46 incl and 43, in
blk 11; all of blk 10 9 52
Haines, Lenore, Dufur; w hf blk 5,
town of Dufur 8 45
Hinckle, J R, Hubbard Valley ; n
hf sw qr, bw qr ne qr, eec 36,7
s, 16 e ; 120 a 3 74
Holmes, W II, Salem; ne qr, eec
10, 5 , 13 e; 160 a 3 99
Hoyt, John S, The Dallee ; e hf aw
qr, w hf ee qr, eec 11, 1 n, 12 e ;
160 a 7 98
Hood River Manfg Co, Hood Riv ;
eee record of deede, vol J page
13, tp3 n, 10 e; 1 a 16 44
Heyman, M, Cascades; per prop. 5 80
Hurlev, Harrv A, Portland; E
and'W ad H'll, iota 31 and 32,
blk 1 1 36
Huekey, A C, Portland; frac tract
com se cor eec 35, running w
18.37 ch, n 10.70 ch, e 11.37 ch. s
10.77 ch, eec 35,3 n, 10 e; 19.80
acres 5 40
Hamilton, Rose, Portland ; Eand
W ad II R, lots 25 and 26, blk 6 1 36
Harnett, D II, Portland ; E and W
ad II R, lots 47 and 43, blk 2... 136
Hartman, Marv E, Albany; E
and W ad II R, lota 21, 22, 25
and 26, blks 5 and 4 2 70
Hartman, D F, Albany ; E and W
ad H R, lots 37 and 38, blk 3... 130
Holmes, Sadie L, Tacoma; se qr
sec 17,2 n, 12 e; 160 a 14 73
IlaKeny, J H, Portland ; mil ad D
C, lot F, blk 51 1 45
Hogne, C R, The Dallee; mil ad
D C, lots F and G, blk 83 1 45
Hastings, Harrv, The Dalles; ne
qr ee qr e-c 36, 2 n, 12 e; 110 a. 2 29
Hawkins, James A, Hood River;
b hf ee qr, ne qr ee qr, se qr ne
qr sec 10, 2 i,,llc; lt;0 a 5 99
Hureell, Alma, Portland; H R
park lots 14 and 25, blk 3 85
Hndaon.T G, The Dalles; ee qr
ee qreec 13, 1 n, 12 e; 39 a 2 00
Hurst. Miah, The Dalles; ew qr
sec 22, 1 n, 15 e; 100 a 17 11
Harris, ifathan, The Dalles; a hf
ee qreec 36, 2 n, 12 e 3 99
Henry, G R, Ridgeway ; nw qr ew
qr, sec 15, 7 s, 16 e 2 00
Hilton, Chas, Fossil ; seqrnwqr
eec 36. 8 e, 19 e 2 CO
Hoin. Herman ; mil ad D C, lot G
blk 86 87
Hyde, Edward; H R, lots 3 and 4,
blk 5 1 30
Hedstorm. X J: II R rark. lot 23.
blk 1 54
Hamilton, Harrv; II R park, lot
24, blk 2 54
Joes, Alexander, Mt Hood; nwqr
nw qr eec 14, 1 n, 10 e, n hf
ne qr and ee qr ne qr eec 15, 1 n,
10 e 6 99
Jacobson Book and Music Co, The
Dalles; personal property 07 20
Jones, J D; personal property 2 44
Johnson, J A, Portland ; E and W
ad H R, lots 25 to 30 inc, blk 6. . 4 06
Jackson, Helen B, Hood River;
Gates' ad D C, lots 7 and 8,
blk 20 25 97
Junny.John; personal property. . 4 20
Johnson, MarvC.heir", The Dalles ;
mil ad DC, lots H 1 J, blk 82... 3 75
Johnson, Hollis C, The Dalles ; mil
ad D C, lots H I, blk 83 1 45
Jones A Jordan, Sherar's Bridge;
seqr ewqr eec 35, 5 e, 14 e, 40 a ;
e hf nw qr, nw qr nw qr, nw qr
ne qr eec 20, 5 e, 14 e, 160 a ; n
hf ne qr, ee qr ne qr eec 27, 5 e,
14 e, 120 a; ew qr ne qr eec 18,
5 b, 14 e, 40 a ; s hf se qr eec 35,
5 s, 14 e, 80 a 90 40
Jonee, Fred J, Bafceoven ; e hf ew
qr eec 31, 5 s, 15 e; lot 3 and ee
qr nw qr sec 0, 6 e, 15 e, 177 a. . 5 99
Jones, Leonard C, Portland ; all of
blks 3 to 13 inc, lots 7 to 12 inc,
16, 17, 18, 21 to 24 inc, blk 2; all
of frac blk 1, except lots 1, 2, 3,
4, Idlewlld 27 00
Jjcob, Morrie, Hood River paik,
lot 1, blk 3 51
Jordan, Hugh G, Ridtfeway ; e hf
e hf eec 7 or 8, 6 e, 15 e, 109 a.. . (93
Jonee, (ieo W, Hood River; EA
W 1st ad to Hood River, lot 20,
blk 2 09
Johnson, J J, Hood River park,
lot 43, blk 1 51
Knapp, C P, Hood River: neqr
eec 2, 1 n, 10 e, 146 a 6 00
Koontx. John L. The Dallee; lot
1 see 30. 2 n, 13 e ; 4 00
Kaaker, W T, Portland; E A V
ad to Hood River, lots 5 and 6,
blk 2 1 W
Kerron, William. Portland; EA
W ad to Hood River, lot 2, blk3 69
Kane, C. Boston, Maes; E A W
ad to Hood River, lots 25 to 29
inc, blk 6 2 70
Kortin, Mrs Ben, Portland; 27 ft
off e side lot 4, blk 3, Dallee City 8 64
Kramer, Henrv, The Dalles: Mil
ad to Dallee Citv, lots D, E, F,
blk 23 15 40
Kendall, W L, Xansene; eeqrew
qr eec 2, 1 d, 12 e 2 00
Kimeey, Pierce, Antelope; all lots
bik 6, town of Antelope 13 37
Kreft, Paul. The Dalles ; mil ad D
Li lot A, blk 54 8 21
Kreuss, E W, The Dalles; ew qr,
etc 20, 2 n, 15 e; 160 a 7 90
I Klindt, Fred J, The Dalles; mil ad
' I) C, lot A, blk 1C6 20
Kulhman, Andrew; E and Wist
ad Hood River, lots 27 and 28,
blk 6 1 36
Krochman A Hartman, Portland;
E and W 1st ad Hjod River, lota
29 and 30, blk 6 1 36
Lewis, W McD estate, Wapinitia;
n bf ee qr, ne qr sw qr, eec 21,
5 e, 13 e ; do qr nw qr, sec 19, 6
s, 12 e ; wbf uw qr, nw qr ew qr
sec 20, 5 i, 12 e; sw qr Be qr, eec
18, 5 8,12 e; eeqrnwqr, eec 21,
5 8, 12 e 33 69
Lauer, Chas F, The Dalles; per
prop 3 20
Lynch, Peter, Albina: E and W
ad Hood River, lots 29 to 32 inc,
blk 7 2 70
Lvnch, Alice, Albina; E and W
ad Hood River, lots 21 to 24 inc,
blk 7 2 70
Lamotte, Frank, Portland ; a bf ee
qr, eec 6, 1 n, 13 e 5 13
Lewis, Chas, The Dalles ; com at a
point 209 ft south from nw cor
of w hf bw qr, eec 32, 7 e, 17 e,
thence eouth 209 ft, thence east
209 ft, noith 209 ft, west 209 ft
to beginning 3 76
Lorabardson, Wm, L ad DC, lot
2, blk 8 15 85
Liberati, Eleie, Hood River; lot 2,
sec 26, 3 n, 10 e 2 43
Lindhard, Belle; Hood Riv park,
lots 14 and 15, blk 9 85
Logan, Frank A, The Dalles; Big
ad D C, lots 1 and 2, blk 2 23 04
La Dow, Mary X and F K, The
Dalles; mil ad DC, lot B, blk
15 1 45
Lareon, E S, Vancouver; L ad D
C, hf int 20 ft off' east side lot 9,
blk 1 2 88
Laird, Martha; E and W 1st ad
Hood River, lots 23 and 24, blk
5 ' 1 36
Liesee, Alfred ; Hood River park,
lot 2, blk 3 54
Liese, Jeanne ; Hood River park,
lot 3, blk 3 54
Larson, E M; Hood River park,
lots 12, 14, 15 and 18, blk 3 1 06
Larson, Henrv; Hood River park,
lot 21, blk 10 .' 54
Larkin, E A ; Hood River park,
lot 22, blk 10 51
Lietman, Susan ; Hood Riv park,
lot 37, blk 4 54
Manlev, A B, Victor; ew qr, eec 4,
5 s, 12 e 10 00
Marehbanke, J W, Cascades; per
prop 18 40
Maupin, C P, Antelope; 1 a in nw
cor ew qr, eec 32, 7 s, 17 e 7 57
McCaflery, Mr, Hoed River; lots
3 and 4, nw qr ee qr, sec 36, 2 n,
9 e 4 20
McQuinn, Catherine, Foesil ; Thos
ad D C, lots 4, 5, 10 and 17, blk
11 5 48
Mooney, Mrs E C, Hood River;
beginning at a point o'.j chains
south qr poet below sees 35, 36,
3 n, 10 e, thence eouth 57 ch,
weet 4'4 ch, north b7'., ch, east
4'4 ch to beginning, containing
2 a, eece 35 and 36, 3 n, 10 e 4 29
Mack, J O, The Dalles; per prop. 15 40
Mowerv, C, Bovd ; bw qr, eec 26,
1 s, 14 e... 11 97
Motter, Frank, Portland; E and
Wad Hood River, lots 33 and
34, blk 10 1 36
McCulloch, Mary L. Albina: F
and W ad Hood River, lots 15
and 16, blk 2 1 36
Mcintosh, Honors, Albina; E and
W ad Hood River, lots 23 and
24, bik 8 1 36
McAuley, D, The Dallee; pers
prop 5 38
Marshall, Mis E J, The Dalles; L
ad D C, lot 4, blk 3 21 61
Martin, P J. San Francisco; lot 3,
blk 4, D C 60 48
Moreland, J C, Portland; hf int
lots 1 and 2, eec 33, 2 n, 13 e; hf
int lot 1, sec 34, 2 n, 13 e; 62'aa 14 02
Mooney, ElizAbeth; mil ad DC,
lots K and L, blk 46 2 83
McCuuley, Emma II, Mil ad to
Dalles City, lots Dand E, blk S3 1 45
McCabe, Andrew, The Dalles;
per prop. 1 18
Marsh, Adolph, Hood River; lot
3 eec 20, 3 n, 10 e 2 43
Macrum, W S, Hood River; w hf
eec 35, 1 e, 8 e 9 OS
Meldrum, Jno W, Wapinitia; w
hf ne qr eec 6, 4 e, 9 e. . A 3 00
McRen, Duncan, Antelope; ew qr
BW qr sec 36, (J 8, 18 e. . 1 01
McKinnon, Jno M, Antelope; nw
qr no qr sec 26, 8 e, 19 e 2 00
Mixer, W II, E A W 1st ad Hood
River, lots 7 and 8, blk 3 1 36
Man, Daniel, Antelope; Lad to
Antelope, lots 1,2, 7, 8, blk 4. .. 9 14
Metzjar, J O, Hood River park,
lot 36, blk 4 54
Malarkev, ChaeA, Portland ; I loo J
River jiark, lot lo, bik 9 54
Xickelsen, I C. The Dalles; Mil
ad to Dalles Citv, lots C, D, E,
F and J, blk 30; X A G ad to
Dalles Ciiy, lots 3 end 4, blk 6. .202 82
Newton, K 11, Antelope; per prop 6 66
Xolin, John, Dufur; per prop.... 6 13
Xewgard. Annette, The Dalles;
Mil ad to Dalles City, lot I, blk
2 1 45
Xickolenn, Emma, Hood River;
Hood Rivrr park, lot 26, blk 1. . 54
Oiler, Mrs M A, Hood River; ne
qr sec 12, 1 n, 9 e 5 59
Olinger A Bone, Hood River; let
ad to Hood River, lots 7 and 8,
blk A 25 80
Ostluod, L P. The Dalles; Mil ad
to Dallee City, lots A, B and C,
bik 2 : ;
Patieon, W W, Wamlc; llin
Prattville, eec 14, 4 e, 12 e 2 13
Perkins, Geo, Mt Hood ; nw qr ee
jr, n qr ne qr, neqr ewqr, sw
qr ne qr eec 5, 1 e, 10 e; 160 a. . 7 9y
Potter, W 15, Hood River; fraa
tract in nw qr nw qr eec 3, 2 n, -10
e 2 94
Patterson, J X, Dufur; pereonal
property 3 13
Pattison, II W, Wamic; peieosal
property 4 89
Patterson, S L, Eetate, Wapinitia ;
pereonal property 153
Palmer, Richard, Dufur; personal
property 6 93
Parsons. John, The Dallee; mil
ad DC, lot A, blk 2 4 33
Poeocock, A and E, Portland; H
R park, lots 12 and 13, bik 2 65
Pintler, A J ; E end W let ad HR,
lot 19, blk 2 CO
Power, Davey ; E and W 21 ad II
K. lots 10, 11 and 12, blk 5 174
Paddock, J W; H R park, lot 40,
blk 8 54
Petrie. EG; H R park, lot 41,
blk 8 54
Reed A Monger, The Dalles; e hf
ee qr, e bf bw qr sec 16, 2 n, 12 e 13 27
Reeder Bros. Antelope; e hf oe qr,
hf nw qr eec 14, 7 e, 16 e, a bf
ne qr, nw qr ee qr, ne qr bw or
eec 15, 7 8,16 e 76 16
Remington, J E, The Dalles;
ThompadDC, lot 5, blk 13. .. . 6 08
Rlddell, GH, The Dallee; sw qr
eec 2, 1 n, 14 o 12 12
Rogers, Bert, Antelope; Haird'e
ad Ant, lots 5 and 8, blk 7; per
sonal property 6 14
Roffner, Peter, The Dallee; 8 hf ee
qr, eeqreeqr, aw qr neqr eec
24, 2 n, 12 e 5 99
Rock A Gate Creek Ditch Co, Wa
mic; pereonal property...- 14 70
Robbins, E C, Portland; E and
W ad II R, lots 25 and 26, blk 3 1 36
Roes, Mrs Mary, Portland ; E and
W ad H R, lots 23 and 24, blk 2,
lots 29 and 30, blk 9 2 70
Robertson, Robt, Portland ; E and
W ad II R, lots 47 and 48, blk 1 1 30
Robbins, Edward C. Portland; E
and W ad II R, lots 25 and 26,
blk 9 1 36
Roeenbleth, Herman, Portland;
E and W ad H R, lots 33 and 34
blk 7 1 36
Rosenthal Bros, Portland; e hf
eec 27, 1 n, 12 e 19 85
Robbieon, M L, Caecades; person
al property SO 00
Riddell, II H, Tho Dalles ; person-
, al property 0 76
Rowe, H S, The Dalles; part of
Chapman D L C, com 200 ch
from nw cor of main building of
the mill of J M Thompson, e 20
ch, e 9 ch, n 24.50 ch, thence
eouthweeterlv lo be, all Bold
lots of Cascades, vol X, pg 324. . 13 78
Ropes. Alice; II R park, lot 20,
blkl 54
Ropes, Sophia ; II R park, lot 21,
blkl 54.
Roes, Jamee II, Kingsley; ee qr
ee qr eec 26, 3 s, 13 e. .'. 2 00
Sigtnan, Melvin, Dufur; per prop 17 30
Sigman, R, Dnfiu; w hf ee qr, s
hf ne qr Bee 13, 1 e, 13 e 32 32
Smith, II W, Hood River; 5'. a
in nw qr ne qr eec 2, 2 n, 10 e . 2 13
Smith, I D, Hood River; a bf ee
qr ee qr eec 6, 2 n, 11 e 6 00
Smith, J X, The Dalles; lot 3 in
se qr nw qr, ne qr ew qr and nw
qr ee qr Bee 9, 1 n, 13 e. 148 a. . . 25 65
Smith Brne, The Dalles; uwqrew
qr eec 30, 1 n, 14 e 27 91
Smith, J M, The Dallee; Mil ad to
Dallee City, lot A, blk 40 4 74
Splcenger, M, The Dalles; e hf w
hfeec20, 1 n, 13 e 19 25
Strickland, Mrs E, s hf nw qr, ecc
36, 4 e, 13 e; ee qr ne qr eec 35,
4 e, 13 e 5 99
Storey, Mre J L, Tho Dallee; G
ad to Dallee Citv, lote 11 and 12,
blk 20 '. 33 12
Storev, J L, The Dallee; tract in
eec 33. 1 n, 10 e, 23 a; Bin bluff
ad to Dallee City, lot 9, blk 22. . 14 45
Shnltz, Sanford, Croes Keys; per
piop 7 31
Savage, Dora, Portland; EAW
ad to Hood River, lots 29 to 32
inc, blk 10 2 70
Stimson, Albert, Portland; E A
W ad to Hood River, lots 27 to
30 inc, blk 1 2 70
Steinfele, Morri, Portland; neqr
so qr eec 3ti, 3 n, 10 e ; Idlewlld,
lots 3 to 0 inc. 19 to 24 inc, blk 2 13 SO
Solomon, Thos, The Dalles ; ne qr,
eec 31, 2 e, 14 e ; nwqr, eec 33, 2
e, 14 e 11 97
Sharp, Frank II, The Dalles; e hf
n w qr, nw qr ew qr, lots 1 and 2
eec 12, 1 n, 13 e 5 05
St Mary's Academy, Tho Dalles;
J rev ad i ' U, lots 1 to i Inc and
10, 11 and 12, blk 6 Ill 00
Seghere, A J, The Dalles; mil ad
I) C, lots F and G, blk 93, lots
FandG, blk 99, Eand H, blk
100, A, B. C and 1), blk 111, A
and B, blk 125, I), E, F, G and
11, blk 110, F, blk 101 5 64
Smith. G A, The Dalles; Thomp
ad I) C, lots 8, 9 and 10 and e hf
lot 7 in blk 1 4 27
Silvester, KG, The Dalles; L ad
D C, lot 4, blk 13 ; Big Biff ad I)
C, lots 7 and 8, blk 22, lot 7, blk
8 19 48
Snipes A Smith, The Dalles; mil
nd I) C, all nlk 47, lots A, 15, C,
D, I. J, K, L, blk 51, lotsG, 11
and I, blk 53 ... 21 77
Soencer, Mrs II, The Da!les; mil
ad D C, lots I), E and F, blk 102 10 82
Sorbin, R L, Cascades; lot D, blk
7, Caecadee 2 00
Staate, J (testate, Dufur; n hf
nw qr, sec 8, 2 s, 13 e 5 99
Spnrrier, W C; all unsold lots in
Belleview ad D C, being part of
ew qr eo qr sec 18, 1 n, 13 e 11 97
Slocum, A K, Portland; tract beg
at sw cor frac blk 10, Parklmrst
ad Hood River, south 150 feet,
eaet 135 feet, north 150 ft, weet
135 ft to beginning, and all frac
blk 10 8 10
Snyder, Susan, Portland; nw qr
nw qr, eec 2, 1 n, 12 e 1 01
Sorbin, J E, Cascades; n hf ne qr
ne qr, ee qr ue qr ne qr, sec 13,
In, 12 101
Steele, Geo A, Wapinitia; a bf ne
qr, eec ti. 4 e, 9 e 3 19
Severe, Chas J, The Dalles; mil
ad D C. lot J, blk 111 29
Steiner, Pauline. Hood River; H
R park, lot 3, b'k 1 54
Shane, P A, Auteloie; 250 head
horses 37 80
Taylor, 8 E, Hood River; seor
nw qr, eec 36, 2 n, 10 e .". 2 21
Tollrt, Geo E, Hockinson.Wash ;
E am. W ad Hood River, lots 33
and 34, blk 2 1 30
Turner, Mrs Joseph, Bovd; e hf
nw qr, w hf neqi eec 28," 1 e, 15 e 11 97
Taylor, Wm, Dufur; per prop 8 23
Thompson, Emma. Portland; E
and W ad Hood River, lots 1 to
4 inc. blk 3 2 70
Talman, L E, Portland; E and W
ad Hood River, lote 37 and 33,
blk 2 1 36
Turner, Geo, The Dallee; mil ad
1) C, lots G and II. blk 70 2 02
Taylor, Jamee, The Dallee; part
ot 1 albert Lowe U L V, eec 31, 1
e, 13 e 8 50
Taylor, Jos M, The Dalles; ee qr
ew qr, sec 5, 1 n, 14 e 2 57
Tamawasher, Thomas, Hood Riv;
n hf ew qr, sec 13, 2 n, II e 3 73
Tibbetts, Harry, Hood Rivei ; II
R park, lot 43, blk 3 54
Taylor, O D, The Dalles; Be qr se
qr, eec 15, 2 n, 10 e; ew qr ew qr
eec 14, 2 n, lO e, 40 a ; ew qr se
qr, eec 15, 2 n, 10 e; the Mc
Donald property D C, 100x120 ft
beginning 10 ft weet, 60 ft eouth
of land Bold to U W Rowland. . . 54 82
Vogt, Geo W. Portland ; E and W
ad Hood River, lots 37, 38, 41
and 42, blk 10 2 70
Vogt, Frank, The Dallee; 26 feet
off north end lot 6, blk 3, D C . . 40 33
Wallace, X W, Antelope; e hf ee
qr, sw qr ee (grand eeqr ewqr
eec 23, 7 e, 17 e; Haird'e ad Ant
lots 11, 12, blk 7 70 99
Watson, W P, Hood River; Wau
coma, blk 4, lot 2 5 22
Watson.TJ, Hood River; ne qr
ee qr Bee 36, 3 n, 10 e ; ew qr n w
qr sec 31, 3 n, 11 e; Waucoma,
lota 1 to 4 inc, undivided .i lots
5 and 6, blk 6 ; lots 1 to 9 and 14
to 26 inc, blk 4 12 27
Watson, T J, and M Steinefele,
Portland; Idlewild ann-'X 25 60
Wateon, T J, Wm Ladd and others,
Portland; Idlewild 17 18
WeBt Bros. Hood River; 2d ad to
Hood River, a hf lota 1 and 3,
blk 6 8 67
Wickham, J, Hood River; w hf
ne qr sec 20, 2 n, 10 e 9 20
Wilson, Aug, Cascades ; lot 2, blk
1 4 92
Winans, Mrs Mary, Hood River;
nw qr, n hf ne qr and n hf sw
qr sec 30, 2 n, 9 e 11 17
Winans, W R, Hoed River; a hf
ne qr Btc 1, 1 n, 9 c ; bw qr ee qr
and nw qr ee qr ecc 36. 2 n, 9 e;
lote 1, 4. 5, 8, blk 4; lots 1, 2, 5,
8, blk 5; lots 5, i, 7, 8, blk 8!
lote 5, ti, 7, 8, blk 9; lot 8, blk 2;
lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, blk 3; lots 1, 4,
5.6,7,8, bik 1, Wiiian's ad to
Hood River 17 55
Winer, Cteo, Hood River; e hf ew
qr, w hf ee qr eec 34, 1 n, 10 e. . 0 b9
Wolfard, C M, Hood River; lot 4,
blk 4, Winnn'a ed Hood River;
lots Q, R, Hood River proper... 17 20
Woodward, Gertrude, N Portland ;
com 40 rods n of secor Wm Jen
kin's D L C, eec 35, 3 n, 10 e, w
11 rode, n 10 rode, w 13 rode, a
12 rode, e 37 rode, u 20 ft to beg 5 29
Williams, R E, TheDilles; per
prop 58 12
Winan Bros, The Dalles; n hf ne
qr eec 1, i n, 13 e, lot 1, eec 36,
2 n, 1.1 e 59 03
Wilder, Dell, The Dallee; person
al property 5 45
Wood, Thoe, Portland; 1Z and W
ad II R, lots 23 and 24, blk 9. . . 1 36
Wolfard, John, Silverton ; per
eonal property 3 78
Waldron, II J, eetate, The Dallee;
n hf ne qr eec 34, 3 n, 15 e, eec
36, 1 B 15 e 3 90
Williams, Rebecca, The Dalles; L
ad D C, w hf lot 9, blk 15 20 16
Whealdon, Mrs X, The Dalles;
120x180 se cor blk 14, D C 24 48
Wind), Robt, The Dallee; a hf a
hf eec 11, 1 n, 9 e 5 00
Wileon, A W, Hood River; 8 hf e
hf sec 2, 1 n, 14 e 10 46
Willieon, W A; E and VV 1st ad
II R, lot 33, blk 6 69
Watson, T J, trustee. Hood River ;
lots 6, 7, S and 9, except tract
beat nw cor of lot 8, s 159.91 ft, e
13 62 ft, n 159.91 ft, w 13.62 ft
to beg, efc 26, 3 n, 10 e 2 86
Whitcomb, M J, Hood River; lot
1, eec 36, 3 n, 11 e 57
W elle, II W, The Dalles ; ne qr ee
qr eec 9, 6 B, 14 e, bonded to F
X Jones 1 01
Williams, Wm G.The Dalles; mil
ad D C, lot I, blk 22, lot C. blk
123 58
Yeltie, Mr, Cascades; 'personal
property 8 70
Zichary, Albert C, Antelope; sw
qr ne qr sec 7, 6 e, 19 e 1 01
BherlfTa Asaessuicnt I'npnM.
Brown, Jno, Portland; E and W
2d ad II R, lots 1, 2 and 3, blk 9 2 55
Diel, W L. The Dalles; bw qr ew
qr sw qr sec 13, 2 n, 9 e 1 63
Haiser, Margaret, Antelope; all
lots blk 6 9 14
KerkendAte, A, The Dalles ; e hf
sw qr, e hf w hf w qr sec 34, 2
n, 11 e 4 20
Portland, Land, Irrigation, Lum
ber A Feed Co; 20 miles more
or lees of irrigation ditch with
right of way for same, eaid ditch
commencing at the headwaters
of Clear Lake in Wasco county,
Ore, running thence to tho ter
mination of eaid ditch as now
constructed in what is known
as the Juniper Flat country, In
township 5 , r 13 e, W M, said
ditch supposed to Le 8 ft wide
and 4 ft deep 220 00
Worley, Jno J ; E anil W let ad
II R. lots 32 to 37 inc, blk 9 8 10
Watson, Jno W; Eand W 2d ad
II R, lots II and 12. blk 1; lota
47 and 43, blk 8; E ami W 2d
ad II R, blks 7 and 10 Idlewlld ;
lotl 1 to 4 inc, blk 1 14 84