The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 13, 1899, PART 2, Page 2, Image 2

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Weekly Chronicle.
criminal act.
should I stamped out.
Adiartl.lac Sta.1.
TLe state.
j if it fails to stamp out, fi'.s to per
iform oue of the iurUnl function
ttrmtk of its orgsuiznion, the protection of
W hen tie v do, they memory of one to accept the views;
O :t ! or l
O -er fo? i
0 -ef la aive
Ja Inch or U-, irr loch
Oif u kK't J ul loor 1
rTt-f f..ur iucb ami under lwe.r tarfcta
Or. ta.riieiiK.ha
,nrilUw.i,w.h-""" 'i nil viJuals in their private lijbts.
u4 aoU melT iucfc . " j
.12 5C
. 1
Drastic measure! are being taken
by the s;ate officials ot Habo, un.lei
over of martial law, to settle on a
basis of lasting peace the questions
Thre is stirring in Spain a re ' that bave twice called feJeral troops
uhikan spirit which is daily be jlothe Wardner mining district for
lomiig stronger, says the Spokesman-! tbe preservation of life and property.
Keview. The liberal party in that i'says the Oregonian. Tbe plan,
unfortunate country, with Kagasts atj briefly, is to purge the district, and
tbe head of it. appears to le fallen j tLerehy tbe state of Idaho, of the
forever. Tbe liberty loving people la "less element that bas long been
of the kingdom and there are many j in control of the Miners' Association.
te to tbe con-: The measure is bsrsh, and under
tar leaiulw.tNi.
Tkt IMl'r
kept Iff repair and protected from
freezing at the expense of the occupant,
ho will be responsible fo-all damage
resulting from leak or break.
Water runnin? to waste in freezing
weather i prohibited.
- -....K'i.h! Hr the water c oimi- I Sec. 19. fto pluinoer oroioer per-
Mrt. A. C. Sanlord, of Muro, is in t St .v'..i. .rfVh Halle, to secure ! on till be allowed to make connej-
and economical distnou- tMa with tbe city mains, ur wiuui:
of the othei as palrurtic;
The follow. 0 rule and regulation
lion cf the wtr supply, and especially
' to reditu the present extravagant
' 1 t ... . V. . nniiniUIB
pi (r, inn, mr me-Tr ..... -
city tod).
E. C. Pee Mt on the afternooo train
yeeterday (ur Port and.
S. A. D. GarlfT, an
r . , ill hoped that toe pub.ic will. o their
p.du;t,;-:;nV,;i-;ine:(o-n !., wt- -m, ..
ville tod;. . comaaifion:
Frank G.lham. superintending ih Action 1. Application, for the o
surveyor on the north ije, wai op ; of rater must bo made to the superio
from Lyie Uet evening, j tendent cf tbe city water works, and
Mr. and Mr E. K. Ra-ll returned ' ihe applicant must state fully and truly
to Portland on yesterday's a'tem-jon ; the purpose for which the water
tram, and ill leave son (or Xw York. jmty rtquire1 and n,ust aree to
Hon. John Sommrvill" and daimhtr eonform to the rule and regulation
arrived in Le city ';, , condition for the ue of the water,
Mr. Madeline B. Oink!i"e. worthy
Sec. i Xo eron, supplied with
rater from tbe city main, will be en-
yrand fnrf.n tt.e Or.ler o( Kitern t tilled to ue it for any purpose other
or them bsve com
. . . .1 rana rnan
tiusioa mat agisia s iwriy can ouer,.uv. v...--. ..... i .tar cf Vrtfon, arrived in thi ciiy ' than thoa Uted in hi application, or
to relief from the burdens opon the i places would justly be denounced as j yeMerd-y, Priuv:lle, and i the , , wav other person or
land. The
monarchy is Ucoming tyrannicsl to an unbearable degree, j '"'f!t
... - . . i am'lie.
more aiid more unpopular. It bas ! With tbe history o the troubles in j Tueily "ak,ni ((4.r ,'r nuieV-i Sec 3. Should the applicant or oc-
shown a retroactive tendency, aain?l , the t ardner mining district othind yar-I.J dautthter wlioui elie wi!l pmce; cupaot or ttie premise desire an aaai
rhic'i a Tigorous protest is bting ! it, however, and the manifest im-
made by all classes of people, save a , possibility to work tbe mines under
few of the moie
hidebound kin-'the domination of the lawless e!e
worshipers. The nrmy and navy ate j meut in control of the union, the
discredited. Carlism is deemed measure stands not only for the in
strong ecough to produce civil war, i duatriil development of the district,
but for the safety of life and property
therein. It is, as all experience has
shown, utterly useless to temporize
with lawlessness. While it is prob
able that mineowners in the AVardner
district slighted, in the earlier stages
of the ccntioversy between them
selves and their employes, the oppor
tunity to make tbe met: friendly
Lut too weak to triumph, and the
radical ideas of kingly government
promulgated by Don Cailos smack
too much of a by cone age to be
popular in this day and generation,
even in Spain.
Vigorous old Emilio Castelar,
president of the short lived republic
of 173, stands at the bead of the
in the tio-piial. The little ne ta nevi ! ,inai aorviee or fixture, or to apply
ru ly rtovvreu irom an antra oi me;
typhoid fever, which developed later
into rheumatism.
Thur-dny't Daily.
Frank Fulton was down from Biggs
ick and son are in from
Mr. M Sel
Boyd today.
R. B. Wilson, of tne C. B. A Q , i in
the city in the intereet ol his runo
the water for a purpose not tated in
the original application, a new appli
catiou must be mailt) and a permit ob
tained from the superintendent of the
city water work.
Sec. 4. Should it he desired to dis
continue tbe use of water for an;
special purpose, whether for closet?,
bath tubs, street sprinklers, irrigation,
I.C. Richard came nP from Portland J bose connection., or other fixture,,
republican movemtnt rnd leads b instead of antagonistic to their in
strong following in the cottes. He
said the other day in Madrid that
toward tbe latter part of this month
100,000 moderate republicans will
put their names to an addres de
manding a republic. "Tbe republi
can form of government," said he,
"is the only system that will tegen
crate this country, preserve order
and establish a reign of liberty, jus
tice and morality, Tbe people of
Spain, despite their misfortunes, have
not sunk so low that they will accept
tbe royal regime of tbe 17th century.
Our peojle displayed indifference
about the triple defeat at Manila and
on land and sea at Santiago, for tbe
simple reason that tbe war with the
Filipinos and that with the Ameri
cans were unpopular; but it is not
by any means the same thing when
domestic questions are at slake.
Here it is a rr.attcr of liberty or
despotism, of life or death."
And so it may be that tbe republic
of Spain may soon take ber place
beside the other republics of tbe
te rests, it is folly to suppose that
such opportunity now exists or can
be recalled. In Justice, therefore, to
all concerned tbe men who own tbe
mills, tbe men whose capital is their
labor, tbe local aothoiities, charged
with tbe duty of keeping the peace,
and the federal authorities that bave
tioe been levied upon at great ex
pense to command tbe peace it will
be well to enforce such measures as
will compel disturbing and defiant
miners to seek work elsewhere.
A great gathering of newspaper
men from all parts of the country is
to take place in Portland in July.
Portland is preparing to make tbe
most of this opportunity, and will do
much to entertain and instruct these
press boys from the east of Oregon
and tbe Pacific Northwest. On the
return of these editors and writers to
tbeir homes tbey will carry in their
mind's eye thoughts of Oregon, many
of which will be given expression to
in newspapers and magazines. This
will furnish Oregon with a big ad
vertisement and attract attention to
the state's resources that will be
worth thousands of dollars to ber
varied interests. The bringing of
these representatives of the' national
press to Portland and Oregon Is
due to the activity of the passenger
department of the Oregon Railway k
Navigation Company, and the bene
fits arising from their coming can be
credited to the management of that
railroad. Eist Oregontao.
There is some style about the
rocccdings in tbe Wardner (mining
district to punish the dynamiters and
murderers and discourage tbe opera
tions of such men in the future,
8:iys the Salem Statesman. Tbe guilty
are to be brought to Justice, if possi
ble, and their criminal organization
Is to be stamped out. Whenever
any such organization prostitutes its
principles and becomes a mere
combination of boycotters, bulldozers
and criminals, it ought to be sup
pressed. This is a free country.
Men bave a right to organize for
mutual benefit and protection of
their interests. But they bare no
ribt to use such organizations to
shield themselves in outrageous and
Gomez is endeavoring to hasten
tbe disarmament of the insurgent
army, ibis Is where be bas sense.
The rehabilitation of the island can
not proceed far until after all the
armed forces in tbe island disband
and settle down to the ways of
peace. Undoubtedly Gomez will
turn out to be an annexationist in a
few months. It is true be bas been
quot ;d frequently against this policy.
Lc ts of persons, however, whispering
they would never consent have con
sented. Garcia was an anti-expansionist
in July, 1898, but was on the
annexation side in August. Gomez
is a man of sense. He will vote to
make the American connection per
Tbe administration bas wisely al
lowed Otis to be bis own campaign
manager. Necessarily he bas ad
vantages in tbe way of getting in
formation about the conditions which
are denied to persons 11,000 miles
away from tbe scene. Otis has tbe
entire confidence of the administra
tion and of tbe American people.
He is master of the situation. What
ever any man could do with the
number of troops in the Philippines
the present commander in that lo
cality can do. Otis is doing bis
work with great vigor and intclli
South Africa, it is estimated, will
produce about $90,000,000 of gold in
1899. Tbe expansion in go'd pro
duction is one of the marvels
of the aye. Not even the
most sanguine gold standard men
ever dreamed half a dozen years
ago that tbe production of the yellow
metal would reach anything like its
present figures within twenty years.
This gain hits the poor Dryanitcs as
bard a blow as the advances in farm
products and the general rise in
A colonel of Nebraska volunteers
was killed at the head of bis regi
ment in the Philippines yesterday,
says tbe Providence Journal. An
other man who was colonel of a
Nebraska volunteers is now on a
speech-making tour, condemning the
cause of the United States as unjust
and unholy. Tbe Walla Walla Union
asks, would it not be an insult to tbe
last night on hi wy to Goldendale,
Mr. and Mr. II. E. Wirth paseed
through tli city last nig tit on their wy
to rrineville.
C. M. Daniel, representing the Geo.
Adams & Burke Commission Company,
i in tovt n today.
Gorue Alil'V, who is 'traveling for
Gill &. Co., of Poitland, ia in the i-ity
touay cn ins way to Antelope to visit
Frank M. Morgan, representing tbe
John Griffith Co., which is to play at
the Vogt Monday night, is here today
billing the city.
Miss Eva Brians, the efficient deputy
postmistress o( Heppner, is visitinft Mr.
aud Mrs. Jay P. Lucas. Miss Brian is
an old school friend of Mrs. Lucas.
Mra. J. Hudson, wife of Dr. Hudson,
will arrive in tbe city on the aiternoon
train from Condon. She will be ac
companied by ber two little ooys.
Wm. Stewart, formerly of The Dalle.
hnt who now resides at Portland, ia in
the city today in the interest of the
American Steel and Wire Co., of which
be is manager.
Dr. F. W. Oglesby. of Junction Citv.
accompanied by F. B. Milliorn, came up
last nignt on their way to the Crooked
river country, where the doctor is in
terested in the mines. He claims these
mines are tbe "biggest thing on earth."
Mrs. Ada Wood-Davis returned to her
home at Union yesterday, after a two
week's visit with friends here.
John McMillan and familv rmA in
from Wasco yesterday and spent today
in The Dalles. They will return on this
evening's train.
Rev. P. C. Hetiler snent todav in
The Dalles. He is on his way to the
npper conntry in the interest of the
American Bible Society.
Miss Bertha Hill returned home ves.
terday, ber term of school near Olex,
Gilliam county, having closed. She was
accompanied by her auut, Mrs. 8. 8.
Thomas aud three children, who will
visit at her borne on Dry Hollow.
The Visit or tbe Sob ot Herman.
The German residents of this city
held a well attended meeting at the
Baldwin opera house last night. By an
unanimous consent it waa resolved to
give the Sons of Herman and tbeir
families, on tbeir excursion from Port
land on the 21st of this month, a most
cordial reception, and to exiianst all ef
forts to make their stay in town as agree
able as possible. A fund was raised for
the engagement of the Commercial Clob
band, which will play for the entertain
ment of the visitors. The Baldwin opera
house has been rented for tbe accommo
dation of the visiting families, and will
be in charge of the reception committee.
Tbe following committees were ap
pointed: Arrangement -H. Hansen,
Ad Keller, Karl Gottfried, E. Jacobseo.
Reception Geo. Liebe, E. 8channo, A.
Buchler, Theo. Pnnz. C. Stubling, J.
.Sitschke, H. Maier, A. Sandrock, Chas.
Schmidt, Chas. Frank, Fred Lemke, H.
Herhring, I. C. Nickelsen, A. Keller,
Chas. Schntz, H. Nielsen, J. Stadelman,
Tbeo. Senfert, F. W, Schmidt. Harry
Liebe, J. Zimmerman, Loois Rorden,
C. Johaosen, H. Klindt.
The committee on arrangements was
instructed to communicate at once with
the committee at Portland regarding the
A little of Schilling's
spices bakinsj powder
soda and flavoring extracts
goes a long way. They are
strong. 13S
Por salt by
Vamlugn, Adams & Co.
Tygh Valley, Ort,
Room! I and 1. Rank DIm..
Resilience SW1 Kulhm St., Httrkcler, til.
the faucet m asl be removed: the branch
service supplying the fixture plugged;
and notice (riven to .hesuperintendenl
of the city water work, before any
reduction of rents will be made.
Sec. 5. Should U be desired to dia
continue the use of all the water sup
plied to the premises for a period not
less than one month, notice must be
given, and payment in full of all ar
rearages, (if any there be), made to the
superintendent of ihe city water work.
Tbe water will then be turned off, and
turned on again upon application.
without charge: but no remission of
rent will be made for a period of less
than one month, or without the notice
prescribed In this section.
Sec. 6. Hereafter the service pipes
must be so arranged that the supply to
each separate house or premises may
be controlled by a separate stop cock
placed within and near the Una of tbe
street curb, and one person must pay
for all tbe water used through said
service for hi own use or for the use
of others to whom it may be accessible.
Sec. 7. Where water ia now supplied
through one sei vice to several houses,
families or persons, tbe water commis
sion may at their discretiou, either
decline to furnish water until separate
services are provided, or may continue
to supply on the condition that water
may be shut ofT from all in the case of
non-payment or violation of the rules
and regulations by any one.
Sec. 8. Water for building' purposes
will be furnished only by payment In
advance, on the written estimate of
the manager or architect, of the brick,
stone, plastering or other material,
for which the water I to be used.
For material not stated in the estimate
the application must be renewed.
Sec. 9. Permits for sidewalk sprl nk
lers, private hydrants, irrigation, hose
connections, closets or bath tubs, will
be granted only to parties paying for
the use of the water on their premises
for other purposes to which it4 may be
Sec. 10. The use of hose for sprinkl
ing streets is forbidden under any
Sec. 11. The use of water for irriga
tion U prohibited, except between the
hours of 6 aud 8 A. M., and 6 and 8 p.
Sec. 12. The water may, at any
time, be shut off from the mains with
out notice, for repairs, extensions, or
other necessary purposes, and persons
having boilers supplied by direct pres
sure from the mains are cautioned
against danger from collapse. The
water commission will not be respon
sible for the safety of boilers on tbe
premises of any water consumer.
Sec. 13. Water will not be furnished
where there are defective or leaking
faucets, closet, or other fixtures, and
wben sucb may be discovered the sup
ply will be withdrawn.
Sec. 14. When a permit has been
obtained for the Introduction of water,
a corporation cock will be famished of
such ize as may be determined by the
superintendent of the water work.
Sec. lo. Within and near the line
of the street curb a stop cock of ap
proved pattern and material must be
placed, which will be furnished by the
city water works without charge.
The service pip3s from the mains to
the wall of the building must be not
lou than two feet below the grade of
the street, or on a level with the main
when It Is lesi than two feet below
Sec. 10. Within tbe basement wall
a stop, and waste cock, protected from
frost, must in all cases be placed, by
which the service pipes In the building
may be drained at night during freez
ing weather.
Sec. 17. The service pipes, within
and without the premises, must be
alteration in any conduit, pipe, or
other fixture connecting therewith, or
to connect pipes when they have been
disconnected, or to turn water of! or
on, on any premise, without permis
sion from the city water work.
-Sec. 19. Plumberi doingany kind
of work by which water may be drawn
from tbe city main must make in
writing a true and accurate return of
work done within twenty four hour
after completion, to the superintendent,
and before turning on the water, and
must describe the position of the
service pipes, ferruie, stop cocks, and
other fixtures by reference to street
and lot corner.
Sec. 20. Plumber failing to perform
their woric according to theestablished
rules and regulation?, or executing it
unskillfully, or to tbe damage of the
city water works, may be debarred
from making connection with the city
Sec. 21. Agents of the city water
works may have free access at proper
hours of the day to all buildings Jn
which water may be delivered from
the city mains, for the purpose of in
9pecting the condition of the pipes
and fixtures and the manner in which
the water is used.
Sec. 22. On failure to comply with
the rules and regulations established
as a condition to the use of water, or
to pay the water rent In the time and
manner hereafter provided, the water
may be shut off until payment is made
of the amount due, with fifty cents in
addition for the expense of turning
tbe water off and on.
Sec. 23. Should tbe occupant of tbe
premises turn cn tbe water after It bas
been shut off at the curb cock, it will
be turned off at the main, and a charge
of two dollars made for tbe expense of
turning it off and on.
Sec. 24. The water rates, except for
meters, will be due and payable on the
first dsy of each month, and if not paid
within ten days thereafter tbe water
will be shut off from the premises as
provided In Sections 22 and 23.
Sec. 25. Tbe monthly rates for the
use of water will be as follows:
Bakeries No rates less than.. . .1 1 50
Barber Shops Bath tub 75
First chair, (in addition to
water closet and baths). . .. 125
Each additional chair 25
Blacksmith Shops One fire. In
addition to water closet 2 00
Book Binderies Five persons or
less, in addition to water
closet 1 00
Each additional workman... 10
Breweries Each From $10 to 30 00
or by meter
Building Purpose Wetting
each 1000 brick 10
Wetting each barrel lime. . . 10
Welting each barrel cement 10
Butcher Shops and Fish Market
In addition to water Closet 1 50
Chinese Buildings First six per
sons in audition to water
closet $2 to 5 00
Chinese Wash Houses Each $0 to 10 00
Family Rate Fiye persons or
less, water closet, bath and
bose additional. 50
Each additional person 15
Founderies Each In addition to
engine and forge J1.50 to 7 50
Garden Hose, Lawn and Green
bouse Each half lot of
ground, or less (50x100). . . 75
Each one lot of ground or
less 1 50
Each additional lot 1 25
Hotels and Boarding houne In
addition to water closets,
baths, urinals and first fau
cet rates S3 to 20 00
ice cream Saloons Each In addi
tion to water closet. . .11.50 to 4 00
Laboratories, Soda Manufactor
ies, Bottling Establishment
Each, in addition to water
closet 75 cents to 10 00
Laundries In addition to water
closet 3 to 20 00
or by meter
Lawn Fountains With Inch
nozzle . . . . . 2 50
Manufactories and Shop, not
otherwise specified In addi
tion to water closet, lx
persons or loss 12 to 5 00
Meter Hates From 1,000 to 25,.
000 gal. per month... 30 cents per M
From 25,C00 to 50,KK) gallons
per month 25 cents per M
All over 100,000 gallons per
month liti
Offices Each, In addition to
water closet fio
Photograph Gallarles Each, lii
addition to water closet. .12 to 5 00
Printing Offices Each power
press, in addition to water
closnt and steam engine
I'ubllc halls and theater In ad
dition to water closet. $1.50 to 5 00
Schools Public or Private
Each From $1 50 to 20 00
or by mever at 20 cents per
M gallons.
Restaurant and Coffee nouses
addition to water closet
. 11.60 to 15 00
baloons In addition to watrr
closet ,n r. nil
Sidewalk Sprlnkllng-Eioh 25
feet front, or lens, Including
washing windows CO
Each 60 feet front, or less,
including washing win
dows 7-
Each additional 25 foet'.!!!'! 10
Soda Fountains Each in addi
tion to water closet 1 00
Stables Livery and feed... $4 to 12 00
Steam Engine Each hnr
Each, from ten;w .
Ga engine
Stores Drug store,
to water closet ,rj .
Grocery stortii'lj' t
to wmit cloet tBy
Dry goods and oth .
in addition to w.
and urinal '"h
and l.rlnl "
Urinals In storeV'.iiVi" M
each..,. ........ u O10"'-
In hotels arid"'bj
. houses, each. 'S!
Water Closets First closoi
ate.. liPnt.
Closet In stores..
Closes in saloon., ' b,',;',
buildings and block, 4
Water Motor
Motor fans, per'moiith '
not herein mentioned Z
special rate or meter ' '
Sec. 27. The right is retfn.
the water commission to aiaend
iu ww ruies ana regulation,
change the water rates, as .
may show to be necessary or ett
water consumers should r,J
uuese ruieeaoa regulations fw i.
J B. Crosses
lh Scalp Bonntj L,w,
As mnch mitnnderftinHir. i.
vailed concerning the new ic!p!,
law, it has been deemed idfia
publish the following, which 1
a?certiined concerning theim(;
1. The party owning ths Milj
it to a notary public or ata
peaceand makes affidavit atl
"State of Oregon, j
County of f 89
I. , being first dnlj
depose and say that I killed, or
to be killed , the scalpsol,
arc nere presenit-a, on I ne. .dar of
low, n county, state olOred
Z. ihe notary public or justice
1" men tun ou, or remove! omi
and gives tbe owner a scalp bouitj
tificate as follows :
"State or Obeoox,'
County of f M .
Precinct, Oregon, j
I herebv certify that
this .. day of 1809, ddiitrM
me in tbe form prescribed b In.
fdlowing sca'ns to-it:
$2 eacb ; tot 1 $ "
Properly filling out and return nil
3. The notary public or justice di
pacsthen strings the scalp, UUc:
thereto a tag with tbe name olthisij
ritten thereon.
4. At the next meeting of the e
court the notary public or jnaticiol
peace delivers scalps so tagged i
statements for each claim Kpt
Statement or certificate may be in
form as No. 2.
5. Tbe original certificate lseoel
owners must be presented to cm
court. This may be done bt m
public or justice of t he peace ot m
by owners.
6. The county court then comrd
the owner's claim with teal pi m'.
by magistrate's statement, and i! it
found to be just, causes the couri'i
to be attached to said original certiu
and the same attested by the c-rt
7. When the original certified
thus been attested by the count; H
a warrant on the state treasurer ti
issued for the amount thereof, bM
s -'n ting the same to the secreti?
state. The party holding inch
Cite may present same by mail, Is K
son or through the connty clerk.
Gavin HMipt
power, (ten hours a day) to
ten horse power
Each, from ten to twenty
TheieoDleof The Dalles, win K
seen the pnblie schools of our 4
advance so sianallv under tbe prow
ship and enperintendency of P'o'.M
Gavin, will learn with much regret
his connection with the school 'M
with this year's work, be having
to follow other pursuits, prepninabll "J
and voluntarily resigning. He b0,n
we are glad to hear, will remain
While we regret the loss ol w:
competent superintendent si
(Inln i iKn elm evert cH
parent and all concerned, will
satisfaction that his mantle falls on 1
so generally esteemed and iuum
Comnetant In fill thu nnsitinn of "ft
Intendent as is Prof. J. 8. Uiiet
all of his work in the schools during
few VKlrn h haa t.emi with Ul. h'1 n
icientiouan in everv detail tM b"1
evident anil hia aiionnn so marked M
not the slightest hesitancy will W 1,1
entrusting the supervision of the11
to him. The citv is very tortus'"
bavlnu at hand a man of bil el""1
and attainments to step in and "!
the work so well accomplished bj
Million 11 1 v n A war-
It Is certainly gratifying to tbs
to know ol one concern in t tJ
are not afraid to te iteiieroiii 1
needy and iin'erinir. The PW .
of Dr. Kin' New Dicvery
lllliu.linn,. an. I P,il,l. D"
away over ten million trial lt,,0,J
great medicine: and havs the "'n
Hon of knowing It has absolute!
thousands of hopeless easel.
bronchitis, hnaranneaf and all " J
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