The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 10, 1899, PART 1, Image 4

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Tbej Enn a Train AM to Aranit,
OnUosts and Tear w Tract
The Remnaot of the Nebraska Regiment,
Only 351 Men, Ask to Be Retired
Captain Grant's Gunboats Make a
Trip I'p the Sao Fernando River.
Manila, May 8, 7 -AO p. m. Tbe Fill
pinoa cnrprieed tbe United Statei force
at San Fernando with daring trick i n
yesterday. A railway train with in
cosine at each end was ran almost to
tbe American oatpoett, and in plain
sight of tbe town. Before they could be
reached, a gang of native sprang off tho
train and tore np several leDght ol rail
way track, boarded tbe train again and
teamed away so quickly that there waj
mo opportunity to capture tbe raider
Tha Nebraska regiment i asking for
temporary relief from duty. Only 3il
men of this regiment are left at the front
Tbe army gunboat Laguna do Bay
and Cap. CavJonga, under command of
Captain Grant, which started up tbe
San Fern indo river for y ester
day, as was presumed to establish there
a bus of supplies for tbe troops engaged
in tbe northern campaign, returned
today, General MscArtbnr having failed
to connect with tbe expedition. The
(unboits found tbe rebels entreuched at
Soemojii and Cccuaga on the water
front of the town. The vessels steamtd
past the works, shelling tbe occupant
and driviog tbem out. Landing parties
Iron the boat entered both towns, cap
taring at Sosuioan a Spanish captain in
uniform, who was ostensibly a prisoner
in the bands of the rebels, and also
aaUve officer. Arriving at Guagua, tbe
town and a small gunboat were found to
bet burning, and tbe native were evacn
ting the place in consequence of the
bombardment. At Sosmoan the landing
party captured a number of Filipino
flags and a quantity of arms, chiefly
bolos, and bow and arrows, besides a lot
of band instruments, which tbe men
played as they marched back to tbe
Captain Grant' expedition will pro
bably return np the 8an Fernando river,
after having been reinforced, on the re'
cetitly 1'urchneed light-draught Spanish
The Present Situation as Reported.
Washington, May 8. The war tie.
partment has received a cablegram from
uereral One giving the situation in tbe
Philippines, some part of which have
been omitted by the war department in
snaking it up. The dispatch is as follow :
"Manila, May 8. To Adjutant-General,
Washington : Tbe situation ia a
follow: Ltwton i at Maaaih and
Baliang, and scooting partiesre out to
the north and east. MacArthur i at
San Fernando. Tbe population of tbe
country between Manila and northern
point held by our troop are returning
home. They appear cheerful and con.
tented. Army gunboats operating in
the river have cleared tbe country west
of MacArthur' position of insurgents,
Signs of tbe insurgents' weakness are
more apparent daily. . OTIS."
Department Officials Satisfied.
Washington, May 8. War depart
ment officials seem to be even more en
couraged than ever over the condition of
affairs in Manila. The report of Otis to
day indicates that the American troop
are well disposed. It has been evident
that the sneurgents who were operating
in swamps and jangles east of MacArthur
have been very annoying, but army gun
boats have made it loo hot lor them to
remain. Ltwton appears to be pushing
northward fifteen mile to tbe east of
MacArthur. The Rio Grande liver lies
between them, and there the gunboat
are evidently at wo'k. Tbe portion of
the dispatch which the department has
not made public possibly refer to the
future movements of the two divisions of
tbe army.
An fCplrtesnlo of Vhooploc Cough,
Lust w. titer during au epidemic of
whooping cough my children contracted
the diiae, having severe coughing
pells. We had used Chamberlain's
Cjugh Remedy very successfully lor
croup and naturally turned to it at that
time and found it relieved the cough
rn I effected a complete; cure. John E.
Clifford, Proprietor Norwood House,
Norwood, N. Y. This remedy is for sale
by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.
An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method and beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,
Svnrp of Fins, manufactured by the
California Fie Syrup Co.. illustrate
the value of obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principle of plants known to be
medicinally laxative and presenting
them in the form most refreshing to the
taste and acceptable to the system. It
is the ono perfect strengtnemnfr laxa
tive, cleansin? the system effectually,
dispelling coliU, headaches and fevers
gently yet promptly and enabling one
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub
stance, and ita acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, make it the ideal
In the process of manufacturing' Hps
are used, as they are pleasant to the
taste, but the medicinal qualities of the
remedy are obtained from senna and
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to the California Fio Strip
Co. only. In order to (ret ita beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
remember the full name of the Company
printed on the front of every package.
For tale by all Druggists. Piicc 50c. perbottiei
Which Shll Bapply tha FrlDevllU
Countrr With !te Freight
aad Mali.
Prineville seems to have become some
what sought after of late, and realiring
just how the matter stands, tbe Review
ha the following article under tbe bead
ing "Who Will Reap the Harvest?"
Tbe question whether our freight and
mail shall in the future come from The
Dalle or fiom Moro or the terminus of
the Columbia Southern, is now agitating
the minds of tbe business men of The
Dalles. The time has come when our
produce is bet.ig sought after instead of
our seeking an outlet.
The Columbia Southern are trying to
make us favorable rates and claim that
they can deliver us mail from Portland
in lees time than they can from The
Dalles, and we understand that Mr. T.
J. Driver, of The Dalles, w ho was in our
city for several days, was here in the
interest of that place. Mr. Driver did
i.O'. inform us of hi mission and we
don't know exactly what he wanted.
If The Dalles can give us cheaper and
quicker means of transportation of
freight and mail we will be satisfied.
The people of Piineville look at this
matter in just such a light as might be
expected. "The Lord helps those who
help themselves," and a community
that is looking after some one' else in
terest is entirely too unselfish to prosper
in this age and will find itself grandly
left. Tbe question with them i not
really "Who will reap the harvest, but
how much of a band they have in the
matterT" While there may be a few
residents of that town w ho are prejudiced
in favor of one place or the other, the
roaprlty, we believe, have no preference
other than the desire to benefit tbeir
own community, and that' all right.
At the same time, it behooves the peo
ple ot that section to canvas tbe matter
wen before coming to a decisiou one
way or the other, for the earnest efforts
of either contestant may result in pull
ing tha wool over somebody' eye.
Tbe case resolve Itself tbusly. It is
Tbe Dalles vs. Moro, and the place which
offer the best inducement will come
out on top. It now becomes the duty of
our business men to study the matter
from every phase of the question and
see what inducements can be offered by
way of obtaining tbe desired end. If it
i required that the advisability of a
road np the Des Chute be again brought
up, let us get to work and make it a go.
If more is required, more shonld be
given. At any rate, let ns do something
at once.
Notice Is hereby given that there will
be an annual meeting of the stockholders
of the Golden Eagle Mining Co., at the
office of French & Co., bankers, Wednes.
day, May 31, 1899, at 7 o'clock p. m. for
the purpose of ehcting seven directors
and transacting such other business as
may properly come before said meeting.
By order of tbe president.
Sec'y and Treas.
The Dalles, Or., April 25, 1899.
Settlement Desired.
AU persons knowing themselves in
debted to tbe undersigned, are re
quested to call and settle on or before
June 1st. Tnose having claims are also
notified to present them on or before the
above Hate. O. C. Hollister.
Ma 3 lwk
Egg. fur Settings.
Eggs for setting from A 1 stock.
B. B. Red Games, per 15, f 1.25.
S. C. Black Minorcas, per 15, $1.25.
S. C. Brown Leghorn, per 15, l-25.
II. F. ZlkflLER,
) m-2d-w The Dalies, Oregon.
Fresh solio paper and Eastman' films,
all sizes, direct from the manufacturers,
at Snipes-K nersly Drug Cj.'s.
Saturday's Daily
P. A. Marqnam, Jr., of Portland, is in
the city today.
P. F. McDjna'.d is an Ante'ope visitor
in town today.
F. W. Wilson left lat uitflit to attend
supreme court at Pecdletoa.
Mr. and Mrs. R. McCoy were in from
Dufur yesterday, returning this morn
ing. M. Sichel came op from Portland lat
night ul left Ibis rooming (or 1'rine
ville. Sherman Frank, who has epent some
tiuieinSdn Francisco, returned home
on last evening' train.
Mr. Sara V. Keed came op from Port
last night and spent today in the city in
the interest of the Viavi remedies.
Miss Edith Gates arrived in the city
last night from Portland. On account
of the w arm weather coming on, Mi?s
Gates hasdt-ciled to postpoiieornniziog
a class in voeal culture until fill.
M. F. Bird is a visitor in the city
from Viento and called at the Chromclk
office, and we now have him on our
list. .Mr. Bird is one of those sound
doctrine men who believe in expansion
first, lust and a.l the time.
Monday's Dally.
F. B. Siimson is over from GoMendale.
Chaa. Lord was down from Arlington
Mrs. J. P. Province is in the citv from
A. R. Wilcox came down from Moro
Mr. and Mrs. John Cyrus arrived from
Prineville tbia morning.
Mr. X. Eager and daughter arrived
from Salt Lake yestetday morning.
Frank T. Horlburt came down from
Arlington Saturday night and spent
yesterday in the city.
Hugh Jackson an wife were in tbe
city yesterday, on their way from Wa
pinltia to tbeir borne at Arlington.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Weigei left on
Saturday night' train for Omaha, Neb.,
where they will visit their ton, Wm.
Weigei, and family.
Miss Edith Gates, who favored the
audience at the Congregational church
last night with a solo entitled 'The Holy
City," returned to her borne in Portland
today. She will probably return in the
fall and organize a class in vocal culture,
Tuesday's Dally.
Waiter Gribble is in the city from
Mr. and Mr. C. J. Bright are visitors
in the city from Wasco.
J. W. Bishop and wife are registered
at tbe Uwaiillalrom Wausau, Wis.
F. N. Jones, of Sherar' Bridge, came
up from Portland on last night train.
Mrs, Jas. fait returned last evening
from Portland, wnere tbe bas spent tbe
past week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S, Fish were pas
sengers on the boat last night, returning
from Lafayette.
Miss Annette Michel! came np on the
boat yesterday from Portland, bavina
spent ten aaya in mat city.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Mann, who were
married bunday evening in tbi city,
left yesterday afternoon to make their
borne in Hood River.
Alio W R Proalx, m,;ta 1 -ull.l
- - J ... - i imuji nils l4 IUIIU,
I'Pflinngniod tin f iaa Pufap, a.
from Goldendale yesterday and left this
: i it .i .
uiuruiug tor urtinnu.
J. T. Wpit. of Waninitln la a Vino!
ness visitor in town todav. rallinu at tho
chronicle onice. ua aavs tbat al
though the spaann la hacarttant .cur.
thina seems to be verv favorahla in ii'ia
section oi toe country.
Mr. James Pbelan, accompanied by
her little son, arrived this morning from
Wallace, Idaho, and is a guest of Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Moody. Mrs. Phelan
considered Oregon a more inviting place
at present man the mining district of
Mrs. Chas. Tibbets arrived from
Monterey, Calif., last night on a visit to
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bucbler. She
wa accompanied by Agnes Nickols,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Xickole,
formerly of this city, but who now live
in Oakland.
Mr. and Mr. E. K. Russell arrived in
the city last night from Oakland, Calif.
They return to Portland tomorrow and
will leave soon for New York, where
tbey will probably make their future
home. Tbeir visit to this city was prin-
cinallv for the nnrnnaA nf eiailinn tlioi.
daughter' grave before leaving the
coast, anu to oia gooa oye to old friends.
In this city, Monday, May 8ib, to Mr.
and Mrs. W.Pashek, a son. ,
Advartlaed Letters.
Following is the list of letter remain.
ing in the posloffice at The Dalle un
called for May, Cth, 1899. Person
calling for the same will give date on
which they were advertised :
Blackstone, Lena Bailey, Lizzie
Brciment. M
Beck, Charles
Benson W W
Doyle, John
Trraham, Mary E
Iden, Maud
McAllister, Dongal
Mclmim, Lulu
Wilson, Harry,
B ck, J.M.
Bradley, John
Dunn, W E
Heneell, Ester,
LeSins, Ella
Mcintosh, Ida
Mantain. Claud
Moore, Chas
Miller, May
Neeely, 8 V
Ogilrio, Rose
Parsell.O C
woore, K, u
Noonen, J T
Brien, R D
Olmes, II 8
Platler, Frank
Smith. Laura E,
Spencer, Ethel
Shearer, Emma
Si in in, .Ine I
Sites, Kd
Reimi. f) D
Shorty, Kilipe
Steele, David
Seve, Chas
Songer, Bill
Smith, May
II. II. Riddei.l, P. M.
Hotel for Rale.
Agoodpsylng hotel at Umatilla, at
the junction of the O. R. A N. may be
purchased by applying to "B" at Uma
tilla. This is very desirable property
and may be obtained at a great bargain.
For particulars addres, "B" Umatilla,
Or. 4-1 md
Chronicle Publishing Co.
The Dalles, Oregon,
Rockford "Quick Shot" :
12-Plate Magazine Camera.
"Turn tbe lever and vou are ready for
another." No plate holders with slides
to draw. No sleeve or changing bag. No
chance to fog plates. No failures.
If you want 12 picture quick, buy tbe
"Qnick-Snot.'J toe only magaz 'ie came
era that holdethe plates securely aiie?
tbey a.e exposed. No rattling or break
ing of plates. Best on earth.
3x4 $6.00
4x5 $9.00
Wltn one dozen plate holders.
Manufactured under tbe Conley patents by tbe
Rockford Sliver Plate Co.,
We aell only through local agents. Ask our
agents to show you tbia "Quick bhot."
odes ai)d
I have re-opened this -well-known Bake ,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer. Grocer.
For uniformity in baking, perfection in rousting, immensity
in water heating, greatness in fuel saving, simplicity of con
structton, easo of management, cleanliness in use, strength in
parts, certainty of no repair bills, make the beat authorities
unanimous in their declarations that the
Is the very best on earth. Sold exclusively by
We Have.
f4eat CUork.
Quick Uiopk.
Reasonable Prices.
ulck Seller
The Snlpes-Kinersly Drug Co.
AGENTS, The Dalles, Oregon.
; ... -w '
mm ,
We are ready to show them in Dry
Goods, Notions, Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
Ladies' Capes and Jackets. "Time enough"
is a poor principle. Those who make the
earliest selection secure best results. The
stock ia complete and new and we invite
you to look at it.
L ol Oreguo, tut Ihe Coui.iy fcf W
v. &Dw.-ianj, plaintiff.
D. Taylor, Parah K. Tar lor i
J.e,h A. John,.,, f. S V
tTo John Hurger, Joseph A. Jnhnmn a
i - - Mite in wreifon
tui h ol you are hereby rc-.mjri to .Vyo
; ntiMver theoomplalnt Hlert " ptw Ks
tho date of the acrviw 0( ?J p
i niona upon von. If s,.rri u
fountT; or if served within .?."
Couuty of thl Stale, then withm iL'.
from toe date of the n-ivloe of tiii. ' '" you: if atrv-d b uiihlip.t;,,.. .! ""''
pu or before the oust day of the timeJZi
,n ui. wut. uri inium-mion, toaiL With
week, from the loth day of March
being the firt day of uLlicutlua
you fail ao to answer, for want thJli1
Vlaintitt; will apply to the Court
praed for in l.l corr.plalnt herein
jiidionent BKtiiwt defendant l. u t";,"'
IHmO and iutereot at a Tier rent
herein, and for judgment and derrea'
each and all of said defendant, fotwiiJS,"?
ilKl.t title and interest oi each of uli $5
the annthueat quarter of the sonthae,,"
of section II, and the south half of the raff
quarter of section 15, township i north r
land, and that the procee.a be applied il V4
meut of said juditnunt. yv lD
This i Mumnuma is served upon yon br mm
t on thereof bv order of Hi n u i J
Ciicult JuiJae. dated Murrh 11 iw'.. "'"""M.
Attorneys lor rWiif.
Executor's Notice.
Notice is hereby aiveit thnt the nndmi.
have been by tbe County l ourt of tbe
Oregon, for the I ounty of Wasco, dulj I
pointed joint executors of the estate of flurfi
W. Rice, deceaed. All peraona havins ttS
aa-ainst said estate will present their tain,
with the proper vouchers, to tbe undmlni
the office of Dulur fc Menefee, in Ualta n,?
Wasco County, Oregon, and within iUbomS
from tbe date of this notice.
Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, April loth im
tiaoRGi Kdcb,
UlltHV t'lJM'r.u
Joint Execnton of tbe Estate of (barleif
Notice is hereby gtveu that the undernlrnrf
baa filed hia resignation as one of the admUu
tratora of tbe estate of Ferry Watkins, dwasd
and tbe county court of the state of On uo t
Wasco county, has appointed the 30th day of
January, im, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a m.u
the time Tor hearing the same and the icoouna
of vald admlnistiator up tn said date. All w
sons interested in said estate are hereby notified
to appear lu said court at said time to Am
caue, If any exists, why tald resignation ihood
not ceacceptea ana sata aumiutstnitor dlxhi-
Dalles City, Or., Dee. 27, 1898.
One of the Administrators of, the titatt i
Perry Watklns, Deceased. dam
Administrators Notice.
Notice Is hereby alven that the uhdenlmat
baa been appointed by the county court of Ua
state of Oregon for YVascn county, as adminis
trator of the est.te of Roderick McNeil, de
ceased. All perrons having claims ntrainst nld
estate are hereby notified to present Ihem, with
the proper vouchers, to me, in Dalles City, Ore
gon, witnin six monins irom ine date ol im so
Dalles City, Or., March 18th. A. 1). 1S9J.
mch22 i MK.NKY J. MAIEB.
Executor's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the underslrnal
has been appointed executor of the laat till
and testament of Horace Knight, deceased.
All persons having claims against the stUteof
said deceased, are hereby t otillid to present
them with the proper vouchera to me at my
office in Dalles City, Ort gon, within six mootlii
inim ine naie oi tnis notice.
Dated April 22, lv.
Executor of the will of Horace Knight, decnaed.
Bcnuoi iisinci no. ooi w asco uouiuy, urm"j
will issue two coupon bonds of the par value oi
tour hundred dollar each bearing interest it
ine rate oi six per cent per annum, iiucreai par
abioaeml-ainnially: aaid bonds being redeemable
at the pleasure of said district after ten yeaii
from their date, but due and payable absolutely
twenty years from date. Principle and Interest
payable at the office of the Treasurer of Wasco
County, Oregon, or at such place as maj bi
uestgnaiea at tne option of toe purcnaser.
The hoard nf rtlrwti,. . .uirl HUtrict are law
fully authorized to issue said bonds In accord
ance with the provision of an act of the Illa
tive Asaembty of the Bute of Oregon, filed ia
the office of the Secretary of Btate February 8,
1S1KI, and providing among other things fottu
Issuance of bonds by school distticts.
Incompliance with the terms of said
as treasurer of aaid conntv, will reevivasnM
bida for said bond at my office In Dalles litj
aforesaid until S n'elnrk n m. on tha 1st day
May INW. All bids must be accompanied by
certified check of five per cent of the amouiitot
bonds for which the bid Is made. No bids lor
less than par will be considered. Blank! to
submitted for district to execute. Tha rlfM a
reject any and all bids ia reserved.
Tha Dalles, Oregon, April 1,
Government Lands
uiik ... ..... , .s.rla
HkkI River Valley, nl table for hotnestaad and
timber entries. We locate Individual! or
colonies on these lands. I.args MIHInf
uuninea now neing located here; also tonu 1
Home of these Uovernmcnt lands are J
cnoiccat Apple land of tho rasuoua n-a
Kiver valley
f-lm H'kk1 Rlver,WiiooCo.,Orton.
Wagon and Carriage Werh.
Fish Brother' Wagon.
Third anl JeiTcr'OD. Phone 153
I rvTv.v.T.
n$'m"r Plnipli.a, Pravmt
" "'"darhB an. I llr.M.p. ',.
ha sikI tlfarM-pala. m..mbmmm
lha IkwU aah daf la oec;"'7
h"f n.lbrrina nor... a-n. T"'""
-- ...... ,
torhaalll. Tk
aia. aL:u i'. wl" m" "ampla fr..,i,r full