The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 06, 1899, PART 2, Image 4

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The Weekly Chronicle.
I 1
i! . rAni' mn nrni in
tidewd for th. camp. Ills the aim aererai jmpaiujiini inrou.. - - -
th. board to M!ect . eeotral po.ot .h.r. -Spok.n. R.ii.w. j th. railroad .bop. ter. and for
Kood water and ndondDC of iapplie. A utter rewired from Mrt. Bat!er ' 'n1Dr on tte U. ..-.
can be li ad. Tbt encampment "ill lat ,nJ dated April 25tb, aaya the bad juet :
tea dan. The uniforms acd other received word that Mr. Butler bad!
Publuhed in tvo pirtt, on Wtdiifdayi
Saturda u.
I . . u - v..: 1 r- -.A .:tl
j equipment lor iuv auuua vju
' be rea.iy f Jr Qte before the tovi go into
j cam p.
j Christopher Fin GoraM itill on
1 to io for Lioiself renewed mili-
A letter jaet re-
Mr. and Mia. G. M. WeiMer. who w ill
n., ! ' iso!rT honor, in Cuba
ix mouth. 75 : oeived by hia father, tells of bit promo- r... rsno.hle. and made known ,lon to captaincy
M airolicatioii.
Addreaa all communications to'THF f HHOS
KX," Ih Italic. Oregon.
Weduetday'i Daily.
Tae United States department of agri
culture for April reports that the acre'
age ol cranberries bas been increased in
the coaet counties and a much larger
crop is expected this rear than any
prerioot year.
The people of Heppner went a sleigh
ing instead of a Maying cn May day. It
was really a Dewey day there. We
would ask for no better weather than
we hare had todsy. and the mountains
are beautifully clear to the view.
Mr. Butts continues to improve, and
bas lent word to the reporters that
"Dad" will fool them yet, as he doesn't
intend the coroner shall bo sat upon.
Which news the reporters are pleased to
chronicle, regretting tiiat previous re
ports bare been so unfavorable.
Dave Newman, a former Dalles boy, is
in town today visiting friends. Dave is
now general manager of a large mer
cantile store in Hanford, Calif., having
operviaion of thirty-five clerks. And
so the Dalles boys, one by one, are taking
their places amoug the foremost business
men of the land. .
Many who heard the blasting today
down the river, were led to wonder
w hether or not Spanish fleet might
not be entering our harbor. However,
it appears we have other fish to fry, and
the report was caused by some one blast
ing on tbe Washington side in order to
pat In fieh wheel.
Commissioners court is in session
today. They are engaged in business
connected with the county roads. Among
other matters C. A. Head, of Des Chutes,
presented a petition for a road of public
easemeot, which Was denied, as tbe
petitioner refused to pay tbe damages
seessed by the appraisers.
Those who heard Haverly'a minstrels
when they visited this coast will re
member McAndrews, who has been one
of tbe best known minstrel men in tbe
country, and was the original "water
melon man." He has just been com
mitted to an insane asvlum in the East,
bis mental condition resulting from a
fall from a horse car in Chicago.
The wires to be used on the Oregon
telephone line between The Dalles and
Fnneville will be of aluminum instead
of copper. This is rn entirely new de
parture, as this metal is not in general
use at present. However, it is said to
possess many advantages, economically,
in strength and otherwise, and will soon
be used very generally, particularly as
the price of copper is now so high.
It is to be regretted that the Portland
Fourth of Ju'y committee is not making
more ol an tttort to secure tbe battleship
Ijwa for its celebration, as it would
nive been an attraction the value of
which could not be over eBtimaled
Nothing would have pleased the edi
torial visitor! from the central states, or
any other states for that matter, more
than to have been privileged to- see this
A familiar scene today greeted tbe eyes
oi uallesites who were here in early days
A large party of men on Third street
were packing their horses and preparing
to leave the city for the Antelope
country. Tbey belong to the gang of
men who have been traveling through
this section bnying up sheep for A. J.
Knollin, of Kansas City. They are on
their way to Antelope, where thev will
gather up about 20,000 sheep and start
at oi. c 3 for Nebraska.
W.A.Campbell, tbe insurance man,
came into tbe city last evening, and is
today receiving the congratulation of
bis friends on his narrow escape from
drowning a few weeks ago. Mr. Camp
bell declares the newspapers exagger
ated th fact, but at tbe same time
expresses no desire to be in the same
predicament. Some have accused him
of going through the dangerous experi
ment solely for the purpose of endeavor
ing to advertise the benefits of life
Someone said The Dalles is quiet.
Well, "still water runs deep." Bnt it
doesn't look very quiet in the East End,
where teams are continually coming in
with wool, loading np and starting out.
The Dalles Isn't the ranting kind.
We don't have booms like tbey do In
Wardner. When we have a strike ;coal
or any old thins) somehow it seems as
if pepln are afraid to mike it known,
and therefore keep it from the news
papers, which tell everything they know
(and more too). But the town in spite
of reports, enemies, and all else com
blued, persues the even tenor of its way
and "gets there just tbe same."
The state military board lias dtcided
ti hold a state encampment of the
National Guard this year. It will pro
bably be held during the month of June.
A number of local ions are bting con-
n the U. S. V. en-
ginsers on April 24th. Capt. Fitx Gerald
had just reached Augusta, Georgia, on
bis way from Cuba. His father had
boned that Chi ie might obtaia a fur
lough and be enabled to visit Lira and
bis sieter, who is now in the convent at
at Spokane ; but he is in doubt whether
it will be tfiven during such trying
times. It has been seven years and
half since he was in The Dalles, having
left here immediate!) after the funera
of his brother, Joseph Fitz Gerald.
Tbe new dining cir to be put on the
road between this place and Umatilla
is now in Portland, and it is expected
will be brought up today or tomorrow
It is in charge of F. S. Kelly, and is a
very beautiful car being furnished in
white oak. There is only one dining
car in tbe west that equals this one for
finish and elegance of furnishings, the
other one being nsed oil the North
western. Eiegant silverware is provided
and in every particular the service will
be first-class. Passengers going aid
coming can now hare their meals on
the train, and not get oft at Grant's as
at present, and wade through the sea of
sand that lies between the passenger
station and the eating house at that
Hubert Leitt met withau unfortunate
accident today when returning home
from work. As he turned the corner at
Mays A Crowe's store and started np
Second street on his bicycle, be ran into
team which was coming down and was
thrown off, breaking the small bore of
his right arm at tbe elbow joint. Dr
Geisendorfier was at ones sent for and
gave the necessary medical assistance.
The accident is particularly unfortunate
as Hubert, who had previously been em
ployed by I. C. Nickelaen, has just
started to learn the carpenter's trade
and had been working for Hugh Glenn
the past month. This will cause him to
be nnable to woik for about two months,
although he is able to be about the
Salmon are beginning to make their
appearance more plentifully. Four
hundred pounds were caught by a wheel
at Celiloin the past two days. Seu'ert
Bros, took in about 150 pounds in one
wheel yesterday, and this morning some
Indians captured 250 pounds in two
wheels. Seufert Broe.' cannery made
the first run of the season today, can
ning a few pounds which were on h.ird
However, the catch amounts to little as
yet. The Astorian Jsaid yesterday
"Fishermen are doing but little and the
scarcity of salmon is believed to be
largely due to the prevailing cold weath
er. Reports from the middle Columbia
are to the effect that larger catches are
being taken there than in the vicinity
of Astoria. But the catches are light
all along the river and no improvement
is anticipated nntil a change in the
weather sets in."
Thursday's Dally.
Look out for the marshal when you
spin down the sidewalk on your wheel.
Burnt leather novelties new at A. M.
Williams & Co's. Have you seen them?
Potatoes are worth 2 cents a pound
in Southern Oregon, where a few years
ago they were sold at 35 cents a sack.
Invitations have been received in this
city for the graduating exercises of tbe
Hood River public school, which take
place tomorrow evening.
Mrs. Sara V. Reed will be in th city
Saturday, and will be glad to meet all
interested in the Viavi remedy at their
room in the French block from 9 till 2
The new band has secured the lower
floor of the Union itreet school house
for a band room, which they will use for
practicing. A few changes will make it
just tbe place they need.
Eminent physicians claim that girls
who practice at tbe piano a great many
hours daily will sooner or later fall
victims to nervous prostration. This is
reassuring news to the long suffering
Dr. and Mrs. Logan are now domiciled
in their new home tbe Thornbury
property, which they have leased. Mrs.
Thornbury's friends here regret to learn
that she will probably make her home I
in Portland. She will, however, remain
ith her daughter, Mrs. Hudson, for a
tew weeks.
The body of Nicholas Billings, who
died Tuesday at Hood River, was brought
to this city for burial. The funeral took
place from the Catholic church this
morning at 10 o'clock. The remains
were accompanied by tbe wife of the de
ceased, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mohr, Mrs.
John Mohr and Mr. Scheix'ey, all of
whom returned on the afternoon train.
Colonel Pat Donan received a telegram
from Portland yesterday morning con
veying the news of the death of bis only
child, a boy seven months old. The
news was a sad shock to the father, tbe
little one being the pride tf his declin
ing years, He left for Portland in the
afternoon and was accompanied to the
reached Atlin City. Tbe trail is sai 1 to
be in a terrible condition and there is
little travel over the route Mr. Butlrr
took, although it bas been considered
tbe easiest way of getting there until the
cold weather broke up.
R.J.Gorman, who returned from Hood
arrive in the city this evenine, will te
the guests cf Mr. and Mrs. L r.l.
A. E. Lake, wbo has been in Portland
for a few dars, returned yesterdav and
Harry rredd.a Tall af Real War Ha
Wa. la II Wills tha
The letters in the Oregonian concern
ing the bitt'.e are interesting ; but here
is what one ot oar own boys says con
cerning his experience. He writes home
thousands at wnrb I
iU D8 ln
ness to the cruel death of the on
have learned to love and protect"
ieiios moi
A. .
but had the pleasure of .!..
.. . :. "rst tt-
mai many negroes yield to theai
of our aim. But nn. nr. t .
- ' ' " vi an A
left this morning for his home at Wauiic. j ouowa:
CALOOCAS, r. I., Vl.vx.IL v.
Mrs. Ccventon has disposed of her
olace. three miles above tl.e city, to
River last night, reports thingi lively j j,enfert Bros., the transfer being made
there. The Davidson saw mill is going i lV morn;c .
up rapidly and 4X) men will be employed
therein when it is finished. Dick, who!
bas been as listing putting in acetylene
gs lights, says Hood River is over run :
with gas at present, three companies vie-1
ing with ejeh otter. Surely Dick was not j
in the background when it comes to ,
furuiahin his share.
Mr. Percy Levin arrived in the city
last night from Astoria, where he has j
ju9t given a play in connection with As
toria society jieople. He is desirous of
placing a production on the boards here
with the assistance of local talent, and
will play on a percentage for the bene
fit of some borne organization, perhaps
the club. He comes with the best of
recommendations, and it is more than
likely that a play will be given here
Those interested in amateur photo
graphy will doubtless be pleased to
learn that Mr. G. M. Weister, an en
thusiast in that line, will meet tbe
amateurs of The Dalles at the ccunty
court bouse on Friday evening at
o'clock and give an exhibition of Lantern
slide views of Northwestern scenery
and perhaps demonstrations of work
with Velox paper, and such things as
interest amateur photographers. Mr,
Weister would like to meet as many of
tbe amateurs as convenient.
A telegram coming all the way from
Rome contains news which will be re
ceived all over the world with deep in
terest. It says that Professor Carvello,
of Palermo university has discovered
cure for consumption, and those who
read it will hope that it proves more
effectual than has many alleged cores for
this dread disease. He feeds consump
tives on prepared air, which has permeat
ing it a medicated soothing vapor. In
the middle of January it was given to
twenty-six consumptives. Now ten are
entirely cured, nine almost well, five
much improved, and two dead. He is
receiving much popular support from
wealtby persons.
Monday Tun Ciiboxicle printed a long
article regarding exciting race which
is now on between Portland company,
known as the Wapinitia Valley Irriga
tion Company, and a Dalles company,
known as tbe Juniper Flat Irrigation
Company, in reference to water rights
in Clear Lake region, each company
haying sent representatives to tbe loca
tion in the endeavor to secure said
right. On Monday II. R. Blue, repre
senting The Dalles company, reached
the place tinder dispute and posted his
notice of location at 5:15 a. m., while
Gaston, representing the Portland com
pany, arrived on the scene at 10 o'clock.
Yesterday at 4:30 the Juniper Flat
Company filed in the clerk's office three
notices of location of water rights, and
today at 11 :30 the Wapinitia Valley Ir
rigation Company filed its notice. There
no doubt will be a spirited contest re
garding the case during the next term
of court.
Last night sixty men of company B
(colored) from Vancouver passed through
on the 5 :30 train, bound for Wardner,
and the strikers may well quake in their
boots when thev see these invincibles
who made the famous chargn at San
Juan make their appearance, for thev
mean business. As the train stopped
at the Umatilla house, and the order
was given to bring forward their buckets
and load op with coffee, they proved
that although they were "fast black"
they would run, and soon they returned
with the steaming beverage for their
hungry companions. It was amusing
to spectators to see one big fellow run
froT one car to tbe other with a large
pan of canned beef, and all began to
question whether or not it was "em
balmed." The detachment was short
a man, for as the train turned a curve
just as tbey were pulling out of Port
land the fellow was jolted from the car
step, where he sat, and cut his head.
The train stopped, but imagining he
was left, he had received assietanre and
scrambled up ttfe bank and was on his
way back, ile will nrobablv i jin them
Friday s Dally.
Miss Lilly Bentley came in from Vic
tor yesterday.
A. L. Bunnell came over from Center-
ville yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs, J. S. Fish left yesterday
for Lafayette to visit Mr. Fish's mother,
who is still very 111,
Miss Frances Van Vactor arrived from
Goldendale yesterday and Is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Chas. Johnson.
The ladies have become interested in
the early closing niovenu nt for July and
August. Now watch it move.
Miss Lord and Miss Elva Humason
came np last night from Portland and
are the guests of Mrs. W. Lord.
G. T. Prather, C. A. Bell, 8. J. La
France and J. E. Rand are visitors from
Hood River in the city today.
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Kinsey, who spent
yesterday with Mr. and Mrs. Hohart,
returned to Portland today by boat.
George T. Prather, cf Hood River, and
George A. Parker, of lone, Or., have
been appointed United States commis
sioners by Judge IVllinger.
Mrs. A. M. Williams, accompanied
by her sister, Mrs. Mary Clark, of
Chicago, arrived in the city on the boat
last night to visit for a few days.
Special sale in trimmed hats and
t walking ba's at the Campbell & Wilson
Milllinery Parlors. Sale commencing
May 5th and coutiouiug until Monday,
May loth. -l td
A tennis court bas been fitted up cn
the Moody property, on the corner of
Second and Liberty streets, by eight of
our young men who are intent on enjoy
ing a game of tennis occasionally. This
amusement has been an unknown quan
tity in Tbe Dalles for several years, and
no doubt the firtt few games will be
principally "love" games, until by prac
tice the members play the "deuce" with
each other. We are pleased to see that
the game is being again revived.
A petition signed generally by the
people of Antelope requesting that tbe
salary of slock inspector be increased
from 250 to f500 was considered by the
commissioners court today, and a raise of
$100 was decided opon, the salary now
being (350.
The commissioners' court is still con
sidering the question of the roads, and
petition of C. R. Bone and others for a
road leading from the town of Hood
River (or the new mill) to tbe boat land'
ing was denied on the gronnds that tbe
terminus of tbe road was vague and in'
den Site.
Gov. T. T. Geer is in receipt of a draft
from the secretary of the interior for
$1475.84, being 5 per cent of the net
proceeds ot tbe sale of public lands in
Oregon, mads by the government during
the past year. This amount of money
will be apportioned among the various
counties for school purposes.
Tbe river is still falling at this place,
slightly, and stood this morning at 12.7.
The Oregonian yesterday devoted a page
to very interesting statistics regarding
the water situation, which certainly go
a long way In persuading one that we
aie to have a flood. But, after all,
there is only One who knows, and He
won't tell.
Tbe attention of our amateur photog
raphers is again called to the visit of
Mr. G. M. Weister to our city. He will
arrive from Portland this evening, and
will meet all those interested in pho
tography at the court house this evening
at 8 o'clock, when he will give an ex
hibition of lantern slide views of North
western scenery. No admission is to be
charged, and it is a splendid chance for
amateurs to receive much information,
and at the same time be entertained.
An exchange tells of a visitor at a
public school, who, being requested to
address the pupils, spoke of the neces
sity of obeying their teacher and grow
ing up to be useful, loyal and patriotic
citizens. To emphasiza his remarks, be
pointed to a large, national flag that
almost covered one end of the room,
and said : "Now, boys, wbo can tell me
what that flag is there for?" One little
fellow who understood the condition of
tbe room better than tbe speaker, re
plied: "I know, sir. It's to bide tbe
Few places the siza of The Dalles
have as many pretty homes as has this
city, and this spring we are enjoying a
boom In this direction, for dotted here
and there throughout tha renMento
portion new buildings are going tip
which will be ornaments to the town.
Mr. Peace's new house will soon be oc
cupied, as will also Judge Bennett's.
Already the grounds around the latter
are being terraced and one can readily
see they are to be beautiful. Another
very pretty home is that of Frank Mene
fee, on the bill, which is nearly com
pleted. Then F. C. Sexton has beann
he construction of a fine residence on
the knoll above Seventh street, one of
the most beautiful sites in town. There
are also many others going up of which
tbe city should feel proud.
J'o.iIIob Wanted.
A middle-aged lady wishes a position
as housekeeper, cook or overseer. Best
of reference. Nj objection to working
in uie country, nor out of the county
Parties must give good reference!. Ad
dress "V," Tin Ciiboxicle. 3-3t
Egs fjr rettinj from A 1 stock.
B. B. Red Games, per 15, $1.25.
8. C. Black Minorcas, per 13, $1.25.
S. C. Brown Leghorn, per 15, $125.
, , H. F. ZlBOLBB,
,ra-2d-w The Dalles, Oregon.
Don't think you can cure that slight
attack of Dyspepsia by dieting, or that
it will cure itself. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
wiu, cure it j It "digests what yon eat
and rastores the digestive organs to
health. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Fibivo Lixx, March 29 As we are lay
ing around camp and are only doing
guard duty at night which is out post
duty at that, I thought I would drop
voo a line to let you know that after go
ing through three good battles, I have
coiueout without a scratch, but have
seen some noble men go down by my
eide, some shot dead and others
No doubt ere this you have heard all
about us, and tbe work we have done,
which, if I do say it myself, is something
the people of Oregon can justly be
proud cf, and their Oregon regiment;
and tbe Eighth army corps can be proud
of their record. As the paper here states,
never in the history of the United States,
or the war with Spain bas any regiment
made such a gallant charge across an
open field to a fortress made of trenches
that seemed almost inevitable. In fact,
it was said tbe artillery dare not approach
under deadly fire, but the Oregon regi
ment, from that good old Webfoot state,
fought every inch of ground nntil the
trenches were scaled and tbe negroes
driven from tbem. It is difficult to ex
plain to you on paper, or even by talk
just how tbe trenches are constructed
tbe only way is to go and see them, and
tnen mink now in heaven a name we
ever came out alive.
Only the Kansas regiment, which has
been guarding them for forty days, knew
how strong they were; and they have a
colonel who bad been through tbe civil
war, and also under Gomez in Cuba
before the war with Spain. He said that
those trenches could never be taken by
infantry, and to try to capture them
would mean the death of every man
but we took them and now are called
light artillery. We were told before we
went into them we would have tbe
hardest position, to collected ourselves
and faced it bravely.
After we left the city on March 24th
we marched within one mile of their
entrenchment! and rested tor the rest of
the day. When it was dark we pushed
on and fell into our places while the
gunboat Helen sent forth its blazing
search-light, so as to assist ns in locat
ing the insurgents iu case they should
fire upon us. We could see them, but
the light was so strong on them they
could not see us,
Everything was quiet until daylight,
when the artillery threw some shells at
tbem and soon the insurgents were en
gaged. After a few minutes of volley
firing the command came, "Foward!"
Lord ! but that took mv breath away
They were showering us with lead, but
quickly we pushed on and over we went,
He had scarcely taken ten steps when
three boys went down to my right, for
you see the negroes were only 100 yards
away but on we went forgetting every-
inir.g, until tne command was given to
lie down. I tell you, I dropped like
ii no u, nun x uon i iinna i ever got so
close to the ground before in mv life.
About this time it sounded like there
were 10,000 men beating on tin cans and
the heavens seemed to burst open and
revealed a light as strong as day, or as if
a bugli fire-cracker had burst rioht
before my. eyes, giving that funny feel
ing of wanting to wink your eye as fast
as you can
The next order came like a death war
rant to the poor soldiers, when they
screamed, "forward boys I give them
b 1." And we did; with one yell and
with a run we were on the top of their
entrenchments, in less than ten minutes
after we had left ours. After we sue-
ceeded ln routing tbem and chasing them
lor one mile and a quarter we stODDed.
for that was sufficient to let them know
the stuff that makes the American
It was undoubtedly a gallant charge,
dui it cost us some fine men. In that
short time we lost more men than any
company three killed and eleven
wounded, and one has since died yet
we made a name for Oregon, and Com
pany L is on everybody's lips.
When we retreated, it was then I saw
the horrors of war. Waa surprised to
find them so strongly entrenched. It
was a miracle that every one of us were
not killed, for the insurgents were
scattered in bunches of three or four. It
was a complete victory for us in Malabon
that day.
We didn't enter the city for tbey
burned it and the flames are licking up
everything at present writing. Just
now we are only resting, for General
Otis says we are deserving of It.
I felt tbe shakest when we were falling
in line and the Mauser bullets were
cultlng the leaves and limbs off the
btslde as. After seal! nir fl K.
S acenr.
some very narrow escapes in our
nunv. Torn rlU-.' l:
, . - . . o inn iftr. i
at. 1 i
having cartridges in tl.pi, "J
fellow barely escped, fr ,h, fc . 1
ente.ed bis baet,bnt striking (becT
ridges glanced off and came out obijL"
left side tearing several shell.
EmitKurl tn. ....... "HO
hat, others lost a fin-
Fnrtnniala Hna ..11 i . i, "
. mm. uaa oeen wonmL
ed and Jess Bollam, H. O, w., 0Hla
the wound, whtn he was struck iBtk,
back with a bullet, and died in W
I am well, and willing to go in glill
but at the same time, lam not 0oki
for a scrape now like I was, for that fU
took tbe scraping qualities out of me, j
must also say, our captain is the cool,
est headed man in our regiment m
man ciu v uBip irom Ugbllug under hit
TV.. ;. 1 i t .
" -"" uw ucuig collected so this
must go. vYiiiueuouie with
year lrom next Christmas.
you ot.
trenches I didn't seem to know or re
member a thing-well, in facr, .
crossed a railroad track and I actually
didn't know it until ws returned and saw
It. A fellow's spirits are the lowest when
lie sees bis comrades go down by the side
of him, shot dead or wounded. You
don't think about yourself getting hit,
for you haven't time and yon don't want
to all that urges us on is to get there
quick as you can, and work for
"sweet revenge." Really, one is half
crazy, midst yelling and roaring of
U. 8. Land Cfficb, at Vanrorvza WUI
Mav, 2, 1M9.
noiine is nprenT ffiven that k. ...
named settler baa riled notlp .( hi. i.?.w"
make final proof ln support of hl clmm ,5
that auld proof will be made before W, B PiU
United Btatea Commiwdoner for Dln'trlM J
Washington, at bin office In Goldendale W?
Ington.onThufSlny, June 15 l9,vii' '
Thouiai Tclasat,
Homestead Kntry, No. 6523, for the Bonn,.,.
quarter of the Northwest quarter; West hilfS
of the Houthweat quarter, and tLo SuniiJ
quarter of the Houtbweat quarter, Swiloii a
township 2 North, of Kan (re 14 Kast, Will v
He name the following witnef. to won hi.
continuous residence upon and CulUvailmi!
aald land, viz:
Charley Hlabia, John Patooar, Bill Home.
Tom Slattwata, all of Columbua P. 0., WuUiJ
W. R. DUNBAR, ReUu,,
I thb CiRcrir Cocbt or ihi Stati orOuooi
A lor tinnaicimnir.
Maxlmlllain V oat and Philippine Char
man, partners doing bunintu under
the firm name and style of Max Voat
dt Co., Plaintiffs,
T. J. McCoy, Defendant.
To T. J. McCoy, tbe above named defenilut I
Jn the nam of the Htate of Oregon. I
You are hereby notified aud required toipnv I
In the above entitled court, on or before tbelm I
aay or me puniicauon ol inia aummom lo-iii
on or before the 10th day of June, lhii9, tbenntl
thereto aiiMvnr the complaiut ol the ibml
named pialntltts tiled In the above named coon I
and If you fait to appear and answer nl.litift I
complaint (or want thereof, plaintiff will tab I
luuKiueiii Kaiiisi you tor me sum or M it. I
iki nil-rest mereon since April 4, 1MW, Hpu
with plalntlhV costs and disbursement!
This summons la ferved upon you by wli
cation thereof by order of Hon. W, L. llrdliii
Judge o! the above named court, made la Ofe
court in Dalles Cltv, Wasco Couniv, Oretoo. i
the 54th day of April, Mint, and direr-tint Itf.
this summons be served upon you by yatat
tion thereof, not less than once a week lot u
consecutive weeks In Thk chsomcum
newspaper ol general circulation, putli(b
weekly at Uallca City, Waco County, Imti
said publication to begin In the Issue ol m
newspaper on the ttlth day of April, IkW.iikU
end on the loth day of June, lwct, bn;h dale
inclusively. I) U r L H & M K N K I f.r.,
apLK-H Attorneys for pluiotiifi.
Land Ornca at Thk Din., Oa.,1
AIMMI. 4. 1W.
Notice Is hereby given that the folluwlil
to niiike final proof In KUi.wrt of bin claim, -
mat salil proof will be msde before Die I
and Receiver at The fjBes, Oregon, ou Moinkl
.May i:r.i, viz:
Itanlel Arthur Kelsay, of The I)sll:
H: men read Annllcation No. Aim. for'lwloK
and 8, section :u, aud lot 9, section tornus I
i norm, range east, win. -Mer.
Ho names the following wltneei to F"
hia coiitinii,niB riMilit.xi.. !...., u.wi nltivit il
of said land, viz:
J. vt . Kaiher, P. C. Fagim. ('. i. welK"i
A. Turner, all of 1 he Dulles, on von.
Land Ornca at Tin Dalles, onanoB.j
Al.rll 4. irt,
'wiiv7 is iivreov iriven mm me mi."-'
. . f , ,..,1, Hiu me, nonce oi m nn-
that said nnsif will h luifa e the M'l
and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Mui I
Jiny u, imr.i, viz :
Imm ' M.,i..a n r 1 1. nallM:
I.... n nikaiKHI .1,. tPWfi, ,r I
'"'ii r.;4 nii Hectinn, 12. ana er.?,"
section 1, Tp. I 8. R 11 east M.
Ha names thn fnlhiwitttr ivittinntfcs to I
h m.iilln....... .. 1 An I VILfl
i-niiiei neisay, an ol i no Dalles, "reauii.
Notice. Timber Culture
V. H. Land Ornca, Ihi Dalles, Oar'-;
yebruary24,l" 'I
Comnlalnt Imvln hnn nfnrel st tbIS nl
bv OUI I'. wr.ri .D.i,,.i U'miIi. fctimnui""
f.illura to comply iu law aa to 111"'"";"
r.uiry no. MK , Ulltcd N'ptemhcr If.', I""" "
the 8. K. Heel Ion 10, Township N,""1",,
Willamette MurOli.i u-nDA u ... kt. In'
County. Htatnol llreJxn. with view toll"''
cellstlon ol said entry, contestant I1-k'" ' (
said csly Hum inner never plowed rfil"'..
nni in, except aimm mi acres snu
any lime nor haa anyone for Mm p'"1"1?,.
...v ciiniiigN. or seeos, ann hiw
m-v Hiiiiimrii.r ..i...,, ik. ,,t kYhrunrr
duly relinquished said tract Ut the 1 lll''.l"J
.mi ucuvnreu sain reiliiiiuishniciii i"""-.
aud snld relinquishment was duly
U. 8. ottlee ol llin Hull. Ilreiriil-. M
aiq time and prior therein abaiuh'ncn j
nil hn nnnr .!,.,. ..1,1 n,. r. nirlie.1 I" I
or claimed any light or Interest In saw1"
The said parties are hereby uniinnDW " ,
far at this ottleo on tha 2oth day of Al'n';
I 10 o'elo'b ... ,,n,iul awl
testimony concerning said alled fall".
1111 JAY P. LI CAS, K'"
AdininisWilv' Sale of Real U
Notice Is hereby given that under and W 1
of an o der of the county court "I I" 'Z i
""uon tor n asro Conntv, mane mi
i.i January, law, in the nmlter i.r tin "'" '
W. K. Ulnl..,, .1 i i .in e II.
auellop, at tliecoiirtlioiisedn
said county and ataUi, on tliedlh dir
l'.ai.a the hour ol one n'clia-k p. m..'"'"' .
rst bidder, all the real estatn lieli.n."
estate to wit - Ix.ta A, H, C, l, K. r. " ,
" '-'"i i., in nines in III I ne run a
Reservation Addition loaald Dalles W''
county and state. ,
Also the west hslf nl the snllthrsl1l"T
the east half of the southwest iiiiirter , arr , J
in township 2 north, range II '"' "
county, Oregon. ,.m.j-
Terms ol sle one half In caih " "TI t
and one hall In alt months, siiiinU '
gage on the premises. .
Dal lea City, Oregon, April 7'li. I t
pr.H A'linl"1"'