The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 03, 1899, PART 1, Image 4

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11 AiliintT SutTsrtfi tj Its
Threats Made l Destroy the Bonier
Bill Mill If It Should be Retail!.
Wakdxib, Idaho, April SO. Tbe sito
artjoa ii serious today. Littie band of
Boo-voion men returning tbie morn in f
trota the hir.e to mrbich tbey Zed yeatev
lay, were insulted by strikers In men
saeiag maajDer, groop of whom are loaf-
icg around town elalea over tLir vic
tory. TboM who can arc leavlcg tows,
considerable camber going eeey
All social event are called off, and tbe
gaablie ocbool baa tsee. dosed because of
tbe excitement and animosities existing
sunong tbe pupils. All kiodi of baeineet
are absolutely paralysed. Bad everything
ia at a standstill. Tbe etrikera are offer
leg beta tbat if the mill i rebuilt, it will
be biota op again.
la Charge of Merriam.
Washisotos, May 1. Brigadier-General
Merriam, commanding the depart
of Colorado, ba been ordered to Boise
City to consult aith the governor of
I Jabo regarding the necessity of United
States troop at Wardner in consequence
of tbe strike. Tbe general baa placed at
Lit disposal any of tbe troops available,
whether ia tbe department of Colorado
or not. Tbe troops in tbe surrounding
department have been ordered to bold
tr-eeseelve ia readiness to respond to
order to move a ben tetoed by General
There are some companies in the
vicinity of tbe strike, such as Fort
Spokane, Helens, Mont., Vancouver and
Boise, which can I ready in a very
abort time. Tbe whole matter is ia tbe
band of Merriam.
Soldiers Coder Arms.
A ditpatch from San Francisco state
tbat tbe troop at tbe Prtiidio are
practically under arm and are ready at
a moment's notic3 to start for the scene
of tbe trouble at Wardner, Idaho, upon
the call of Governor Steunenberg. Tbe
troop at New Fort Spokane are also
coder arma and are prepared to leave
for the scene of trouble on a minote'a
notice. Tje men at Jefferson Barracks,
Mo., an f at Fort knelling, Minn., are al-
j being biid in readiness to go to tbe
teeoe of trouble and ateiet in quelling
tbe riota. It ia stated on good authority
that Company B, Twenty-fourth infan
try, bow stationed at Vancouver Bar
racks, ia under arms and prepared to
move at any time. No soldier are to be
eeea aboot the towa this morning, and
tbe report i generally believed, al
though tbe department official refuse to
give oat any information on tbe subject
rata; Frlatla; la Oar Slat' la.
faaejA Paper.
Wo publish below an Interesting pa
per which ia on? of a comber equally a
instructive which have been read at the
meetings of the Taine dace recently.
Tbe following article wa given by Mr.
Tbe fic't printing pre brought to
Oregon wa sent to tbe Sandwich Is
land by tbe American board fo foreign
mieeions in 1919, and was used there
for printing book in the Hawaiian
Ianf-aage. In 1S3S, at the request of
Drt. Whitman and Suiding, it wa
trans'erred to Oregon, to the Nx Perce
anission on tbe Clearwater, now known
a tbe Lapwai Agency. The press was
weed for some time to print books to the
Ke Perce and Wall Walla language.
Atong the hook printed was one en
titled tbe "Xrx Perce' HrH Book," for
children and b?ginner. Another wa
tbe "Gospel of Matthew," Iraoslated by
II. II. Spru'tiine. There wa also a
book of hymn prepared by Spanlding.
The firt newipaper in Oregon, and
also the first on the Pacific coast, was
tbe Oregon Spectator, t.abliehed Feb. 5,
IS48. Ti.ere bad b?n a small pies in i
flifirnta tinM I (?! In r, n
we. published ontil after the American f Fr'"C,h bankers. Wednes
eonquest, . x month, later than the M,y 3, I89?' ,l 7 0 dock ' m' ''
Oregon paper.
Tbe Spectator wa. a
j mi real of fjor pa;es, 15x11 inches in
aixe, containing four column each, and
printed with clear type end in a tasteful
tyl't T John Fleming, a practical!
printer and an immigrant of 1944. It j
was first edited by tbe president of the I
Pregoo Priating Association, W
G. T.
An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method and beneficial
effects of tbe well knowa rnwdT,
i-varr or Fiaa, manufactured by tie
Ciurouu Fio HTKrr Co., illustrate
tbe raise of M.aining- the liquid laxa
tive principle ft plants known to be
medicinally laxatire and presenting'
litem in the form roost refreahinfr to the
taste and acceptable to the system. It
is tbe one perfect str-nptlt-nin? laxa
tive, rleansinjr the system effectually,
dispelling- colds, headaches and fevers
pently yet promptly and enabling one
to overcome habitual constipation per
manent It. Its perfect freedom (ram
erery objectionable quality and sub
stance, and its acting on tne kidneys.
liver and bowels, without weakening
ew ir-r-iTji T m tr t he in . make it Ihe K1t-aJ
or irritating them, make it tbe ideal
laxali re
in the process of manufacturing tips
are used, as tbey are pleasant to the
taste, but tue medicinal qualities ol trie
remedy are obtained from senna and
oher "aromatic plants, bv a method
knorm to the Califokkia Fio SrKf
Co. only. In ortk-r to pet its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
re mem In r the fun name of the vom pany
printed on the front of every package.
ixtriiviu.x btt. nr romr. x. t.
For tale by ail Drugpiata. irce 5uc per botti
Vault. Afterward several editor were
employed aud removed in quick cue
cession, for holding opinions adverse to
tbe controlling power in the association
Tbe reneral aim of the Spectator wa
while advocating good morals, temper
ance, and education, to persue tbe
Hudson Bay Company with unremitting,
ii olten covert, hostility. T. suit was
dismissed at the end of ten weeks for
be'Dg too lenient. It was f ublitbed
eemi-aionihly until Sept. 1S50, when i
changed to a weekly, and was printed
on one of Hoe' Washington presses
Having outlived colonial times and seen
Oregon City dwindle from the first town
la Uregn to tbe rank ot lecond or
third, the preea and material of the
Spectator were sold in 1S55 to publish a
paper under another name and for polit
ical puroees. Nem eiz month old
The Oregouian wa atarted in Decem
ber, 1&50, and the Oregon Statesman at
Oregon City the March following.
third paper called tbe Times wai started
in Portland in May, 1S57.
The Oregonian was founded by T. J
Dryer, and wa a weekly journal. Dryer
brought an old Eamaje pref from San
Francisco, with some second-hand ma
terial which he aed for a few months,
a ben a new Washington pres and new
material came from New York by see
The old press wa sent to Olympia to
tsrttbe first paper published on Paget
Sjund, called thn Columbian. Dryer
cjndacted tbe paper for ten years, when
it parsed into tbe hsnds of H. L. Pittock,
who first began work on it a a printer
in 1S53. Bancroft adds, it baa since
become a daily, and ia edited and partly
owned by Harvey W. Scott, Lair Hill
was at one time editor of the Oregonian
The Statesman wa founded by A. W.
Stockwell and Henry Rnesell, of Maesa
chased, with A. Bush a editor. It
wa published at Oregon City until
June, 1So3, when it wa moved to Salem,
Being and remaining the official paper
of the territory, it was moved back and
forth aa ihe capital waa moved. Aa a
party paper it was conducted with
greater ability than any journal on tbe
Pacific coast, for about twelve years.
Bush waa assisted at various timea by
men of talent.
In 1S59 The Dallea Journal waa found
ed by Captain Jordan, and waa first
published in the garrison. It wa bought
by W. H. Newell in 1S63, and wis
changed to the Mountaineer and moved
to an office on the lot where Mrs. E. M.
Wilson now lives. It became theTimet
Mountaineer when John Michel! took
charge of it a owner and editor. Capt.
Jordan was afterwards commissary gen
eral of the Confederate army.
The Eogeue Journal wa started in
1803 by Kincaid, who (till owna and
edit it.
D. C. Ireland was the first editor of
the old Astorian.
Tbe first pree was brought here for
. Si .i - t : t. . t
the benefit of the Indians, but how soon
it was converted to the sole use of tbe
ahit man; and It seems thu in all
things pertaining to the Indians, for
"Behind the kiuw' light blrrh canoe,
Tb steamer smoke and rave.
And corner lots are staked for sale
Above old Indian grave.''
Notice Is hereby given that there will
be an annual meeting of the stockholder
of the Golden Egle Mining Co., at the
i ;jurpu3 ui eirewng terra director.
I and tranaacting auch other boslneea a
may properly come before said meeting.
By order of the president.
Sec'y and Trees.
The Dalles, Or., April 25, 1'J9.
Yon need have no boils if yoa will
fake Clarke & Falk't euro core for boil.
Monday ( Dai'.y.
Mr. K. J. Meyers went to Portland
this ruornicg.
E. Heetetier retorned laet Eight from
a trip to Portland,
P. G. Daot left Saturday for a botine
trip to Prineriiia.
Han. Ja. A. Moody came borne frcm
Portland on last evening's train.
R. C- Ataood, one of Wasco's hottl
men, ia down from tbat place today.
Jacksoa, a bo ia nov a resident
ngloo, a a ia town yesterday.
Mr. and Mra. F. L. Honghton were
returning passengers on tbe boat from
Portland hat nr day.
Mrs. John Micbell and daughter,
Mies Meade, came op on tbe boat hat
nrday from Portland.
Amontatbe Hnod Riverite who eoent
Monday ia The Dalies were Haca Lage,
V. H." Sears and John Leei.
Mieees Clara and Julia Xickelsen went
to Pott land this morning for tbe purpoee
of atie&dicg the Saoer piano concert.
Saturday afternoon Mia. J. M. Patter
son returned from Wefoo, where she
hat (pent tbe part two week with her
bo band.
Atty. Gov Willi came op from Port'
,cd itord"., r,jgtt and spent veiterdav
I . . , , t i - :", i . L
and tudav in tbe citv. He will return
on tbe afternoon train.
S. E. Vn Vector is down from hi
new home at Condon. He seems more
tban satisfied with I. is new locality, and
is building up a splendid practice in his
legal profession.
Frank Wood accompanied bis father
borne from Portland last week. He has
been attending business college, but on
account of poor health it was considered
advisable not to pursue his studies
further at present.
Tweadaj-'i Daily.
A. G. DodJ came in from Hay Creek
Miss Lena Liebe returned from Port
land last night.
S. E. Browder arrived in the city from
I : :
Antelope to is morning.
Fred C. HofTVr is registered at the
Umatilla from Fort Simcoe.
W. P. Geary, the piano tuner, came
from Portland on last night a train
E. 6. Duffy, traveling agent for the
Denver A Kio Grande, ia in town to
Mis Verna Lytle came down frim
Wasco yesterday, and ia visiting in the
Frack Gable waa in from Wapinitia
yesterday and called at Tbe Chkomcle
Mr. James lalt wa a passenger on
the boat this mornmg for a visit in
Mr. Ben Allen came in from Prine
ville yesterdav. She i on her way to
visit relatives in tbe .Last.
Mrs. L. Prina arrived in Tbe Dall
last eight from Monterev, Calif., and
win spend a tew weeks with relatives
Misafearl ueane. who baa been in
Sherman county for a few week with
millinery goods, teturned Saturday night
aud teporta tplendid success.
Rer. Robt. Warnerreturned home
laet night from a trip through Sherman
countv. Me wa present at the dedica
uon oi tne new AietnoQiet cnorcn in
Moro Sundav
Bert Hollister, clerk in C F. Stephena'
store, spent Sunday in Portland with
hi mother and sisters, who have just
come to this coast from Iowa, expecting
to mate meir come in uregon.
Mrs. Martha IWhitmer. of Bellevne.
Or., a sister of C. F. Stephens, accom
panied by her daughter, Miss Maude
Attee, arrived in the citv vesterdav and
are visiting Mr. and Mr. Stephens,
At Endersbv, Saturday. April 29th. to
Air. ana Mr. Ben Nrothwell. a son
Aavartlaea Laltera.
Follow! ng is tbe list of letter remain-
ng in the poetoffice at Tbe Dallea un
called for April 28, ISS9. Persona
calling for tbe eame will give date on
which tbey were advertised:
Allen, Kiltie
Ball, Pearl C.
Headier, Celestia
Jones, D. F.
Landen, Jasper X
Miller, Frank
Martin, Kristina
Schofield, W J
Warden, Edward
Wilson, H E
Weight, C W
Wingter, J S
Braster, Fred
Carthv, Y
Campbell, C
lUvis, L C
Drake, Mr Frank
Fieber, Hattie
Harris, Minnie
Huneon, Brnse
Hsrper, Ja
I consider it not only a pleasure but a
uty I owe to my neighbora to tell about
the wonderful cure effected ia try case
by the timely nre of Chamberlain
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedv.
waa taken very badly with flux and
procured a bottle of this remedy. A few
dose of it effected a permanent care. I
L,. , .. . . " . ..
i other suffering from that dreadful dis-
eaw. J. W. Lv.xch, Dorr, W. Va. This
remedy ia sold by Blakeley A Houihton.
never been claimed that Chamberlain'
Pain Balm would cast out demons, but
it will cure rheumatism, and hundreds
bear testimony to tbe truth of thi
statement. One application relieve
the pain and thi qairk relief which it
affords is alone worth many time sits
cost. For sale by Blakeley A Houghton.
Have jou a farm for tale or for rent,
or do you know of any person holding
farming lands tbat they wish to dispose
of? If so, please write to any agent of
theO. R. A X. Co., and he will send
yoo a circular which will Interest you.
To Care a Cold la Day.
Take Laxativ Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggist refund the money if
it fail to cure. 25c.
American Millionaires Are Annoyed
Through the Mails.
Maar e Xlasrves Beeelved Kverr
Dar Are t"oelerlr Trealea
kr Their Rleh
Kated in accordance with tbe num
oer of bepgicg ltttera received, Ml.s
Helen (iculd would probably be racked
first amoEg tbe men and women of
Xew York who measure their wealth
bv millions, though this was not o,
perhaps, till after she had brgun ber
remarkable work of relieving tbe wants
tf the soldiers.
Miis Gould treats her bcr?ii-? wail
with much more rs-spect than do 'rosl
person of large wealth, for. uaiin
engaged with olher matters, the reads
every letter asking for financial aid
on the same day it is received, setting
otide a certain part of each 24 hours
for its perueal in company with her
private secretary. Many of thete let
ters, most of them, in fact, are to palp
ably fakes that no serious attention
is paid to them, yet so sincerely court
eous and considerate of tbe feelings
of others is Miss Gould that a polile
answer is sent by the next post to near
ly everv letter-writing alms atker.
Miss Gould'f begging mail must call
for a preposterous annual aggregate
of charity nowadays, for it has almost
doubled within the last six months,
and the total asked for in gifts by let
ter in the year ls97 as footed up by
her private secretary was a little more
than $1,000,000 or about $2,740 a day.
How much she actually gives out
for charity cot even her private sec
retary knows, many benefactions be
ir.g extended by Miss Gould in abso
lute secrecy.
Though richer than she by a goodly
number of millions, her brother George
3oet oot receive nearly so many beg-
! rr-4 vi rr lutlara - r. A is a a Vta nnan ht; ri n wl
gtng lettprs, nor does he open his hand
s-o freely as she, .vet his begging mail
is something enormous, and the num
ber of favorable responses is greater
than is generally supposed.
How tbe younger of the two im
mensely rich Rockefeller brothers
treats his begging mail hasneverleaked
out, but John D. Rockefeller and his
family are known to give it a great deal
of their personal attention.
They look after it at breakfast time,
when every member of the family pres
ent takes his share of the letters ask
Dg for favors, scans them, and later
reads them aloud to the others. A
good proportion of all the Rockefeller
letters are inconsequential, as a mat
ter of course, and these receive little
discussion. This is true also of the
few which add threats to their plead
ings, for the Rockefellers have long
been case-hardened to this sort of epis
tle, like most other modern million
aires. Letters full of unconscious hu
mor, and those in which the writers
strive to make their point by being pur
posely humorous are more common
tban those of sinister import. Fewest
ii all, as might be imagined, are the
letters which seem really worthy.
These always receive the most re
pectful consideration, often beincr dis
cussed at lengih and sometimes almost
fcrmally, it being comparatively com
non, after a good deal has been said
iro and con as to the merits of the an-
leal, for some number of the family
ro move tile request be granted" or
.nvestigated cr "dropped." In such
?ases the fate of rhe petitioner is often
lecided by a vote, but it not infrequent
.V happens that the asked-for relief is
jranted in spite of an adverse vote
y some member of the family who be
leves tbe case deserving in spite of
ne Duraen ot opinion the other way
notwithstanding his uncharitable
eputation, I'ncle Russell Satre eets a
Jg begging mail, though it is smaller
.ban that received by Mrs. Saire. She
told a friend one dav thnf Mr Sn fro ra.
eives more requests for favors on west
rn railroads in which he is interest?, 1
;han for any other sort of benefaction.
td that be is forever oirreeiuir to haul
freight free for some man who has suf
fered a loss of crops, or sending passes
to some one w ho has made a mess of it
in the west and wants to get east again,
Dr helping to buy seed for a farmer
who finds the world temporarily against
Still.tbe general impression that Mrs.
:age i more open-handed than her
husband is undoubtedly correct, her
benefactions, given entirely without
ostentation. asa rule, aggregating man v
nousanus or dollars a year. i:s,oI!
Sage himself has only one serious ob
jection to submitting to a general news-
juii-iirn. ana it is that every
article detailirg such an Interview is
followed by an enormous increase in his
begging mail. X. Y. Press.
Rrd Hot Froift iho Con
Was the ball that hit G. B. Steadman
of Xewark, Mich., in the Civil War. It
cinsed horrible ulcer that no treat
ment helped for twenty years. Thin
Bucklen' Arnica Palve cured liim. It
cure cuts, brnises, burns boils, felon,
corns, skin eruption. Best pile cure on
earth. Twenty-fire centa a box. Cure
guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley A Hough
ton, drnrgists. j
Casa la iasr CBocas.
All countv warrants registered prior
to July 13, 1W5. will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after April 19,
18. C. L. rftiixira,
Countv Treasurer.
Some of the result, of neglected dys
peptic condition, of the stomach are
cancer, consumption, heart disease and
epilepsy. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure pre
vent all thi by effecting a quick cure
in all rase of dyspepsia. Snipes-Kin-erely
Drug Co.
pcriar via schibcle.
sua bum UALLsa. Faoa.
Fast Salt Lakr. Denver. Ft. Fat
Mail Worth, Omaha, kail- Jlall.
116uu.m. sis lity, BL buuis, 3:15 p.m.
Chicago and East.
gpnkane Walla Walla. Spokane, Spokane
f lyer Minneapolis. Bt. 1-aul, Hjer.
i:f.m. on lu lb, Milwaukee, h.OQ a. m.
C hicago and Last
Ip. n. Faoa PosTLiiin. 4 p.m.
Ocean Steamships.
For ban FranclReo
Jnbairjr ii,
aud every live days
8 p.m. 4 p.m.
E. Sunday Columbia Rr. Steamers. Zx.bundaj
To A stoma and Way
Saturday Ijiudiiigs.
lu p. m.
a. m. I Willamette Rives. 4:30 p.m.
Ex.buuday Oregon Citv, Kewberg;, Ex.eunday
Salem it Way band a.
T a. m, 'Willamvtte AND Yam- S:S0 p. m.
Tnes.Tbur. hill Kivebs. Mon., Wed
aud cat. Oregon City, Ko; ton, and Fri.
and Way-landings.
6a.m. Willamette Riveb. 4 30 p.m.
Tue.. Thur.i Portland to CorvalUa, Tue., 1 hul
and Sat. and Way-bandings. and Sat.
Shaxe Riveb. Leave
Lt Rtnarla Rlparia to Lewiston. Lewihtoh.
doiiy daily
' Parties desfrfnr toro to Hennner shonld
use ro. 4, leaving 'ihe Dallea at 5:30 p. m.,
making direct connections at Heppner junction.
Returning makingdirect connection at Heppner
Junction aith No. 1, arriving at Tbe Dalles at
i.ij p. Ui.
No. 82, tbrougnt freight, east bound, does not
carry passengers; arrives 2:M a. m., deparU
:60a. ui.
No. 21, local freight, carries passengers, east
uounu; arrives 4:au p. m., aeparu :js p.m.
ro. 21, west bound through freight, doea not
carry passeDgera; arrives 8:16 p. in., departs
No. 23, west bound loeat freight, carries' pas
sengere; arrives 5:16 p. m., departs 8:30 a. m. -
For full particulars call on O. R. & N. Co.'i
agein ine dalles, or address
Gen. Paa. Agt., fortlanU, Cr,
He Dalies, Fortlani Mi Astoria
Navigation Co.'
Daly (except Sunday; between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland.
Touching at way poin'a on both tides of the
Columbia river.
Both of the above steamers have been rebuilt,
aiid are in excellent shape tor the season ol lew.
x no Kegulator Lino will endeavor to give Its
patrons the best service possible.
For Comfort, Economy and rieaaoro,
travel by the steamers ot Tho Kcgulator
The above steamers leave Portland and Dalles
at 7 a. m., and arrive at destination lu ami.l.
time for outgoing iraina. pi
Portland Office.
The Dalles Offlo
t'ourt Btreet
oak Bt. Dock.
W. C. Allaway,
(iencral Agent.
Wlzon anrf ra.t.. .
t. " i rtcrSi
I Flh Brother' Wagon.
, Third and JctTcrnn. Pbonc 159
F. s.
Wagon Shop,
Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies.
ror. Second & Lananlin. Tionc Ii?
sik. Kegnlator Dalles City
J!l THE riBcriT COlRr nr
M. D. Knwlanl, plaintiff,
O. D. Taylor, Sarah K. Ts'rlo, , .
se,b. A. Johnaonrc. tfT i-'',k ,
w hea'don, deleodaata. " b
To John Barger, Joseph A J..Kn.
la the name of Ihe Bute of 6 T
eat b ol yoo ar hereby rv-ju red to .' X
above entitied- ZllT??'
be date ol tbo rrk-e ot 1 fc
mona upon vou, if terrnt u a
Countv; or 'if Wied m Uhln1
Countv of this btate, then witmn S
fr.Hu Ihe dated the w,7le ,H I"''
upon you: if aervsd by publMtl,lJ?B
ou or belore the last day o( h ,Z L" S
ia the order tor PLblieation , Vu '
wreka from Ihe litb day ( Marcb.
bem- the first day of publk-.tion BaiS"
yon fail so to answer, tor wsnt i? " "X
plaintiu: will appiy to ,h.wr a,
prayed for la his eoa-.plaint herei? .
fiidgment aeaiust delendu, I H'ftl,
aud iDterest at per cent in'.Jj, t,k
oct 1, and lor hi. "tJC, iutS
each and all of delend.nta fo?.
light, title and interest ol eaeh oITf 11
aula reaioetively, iu aud to all the a?, ft
the ou.r, of the iJmth.
of aeeiion II. and Ihe south half ol laTtS
quarter of section 15, to.wn.hip 2 nmu1
U .(. V. M., and d.recitng tw .W.i
land, and that the proee :,bt apt U S
ment of aaid judgment. pp ta
Jl??""! by Mbw
''w w:xr o lion. 11 I D.-j
Clrcull Jttt dated March 1 ilW
m-VTiti-T( v . .. .. .
Attorneys lor flalniit
Notice. Timber Cultna
C. 8. Lakd Orrica, The Dalles, Oxicoji
ebrusry i4, m.
byOllie I'. Weber, '.gains, Wy"!
the 8. E. section 10, Township
Willamette Meridian. Range U t 1
County, State of Oregon, with a view to tham!
eellaUou of aaid entry, eontesUnt all J,
said ely Summner never plowed orculilrlw
aaid tract except about six acres and intra
auy time nor has anyone for him bIsoWim
tries oi cuttings, or seeds, and also the um !
ley Buminner about the month ot Februsrr lw
duly relinquished said tract to tbe United StiS
and delivered said relinquishment tothuuiZ
and aaid relinquishment was duly filed in ik.
U. 8. office of The Dallea, Oregon, and IS
said time and prior thereto abandoned uidtns
and ha never stuce said lime returned them
or claimed any light or interest in saldtnctd
land. "
The said parties are hereby summoned to n
pear at Ibis office on the Aith dar of April im
at 10 o'clock a. m to respond and hiraia
miiuivuj cuurauiug said auegeu lailllrs
Administrators Notice.
Notice ia hereby given that the undented
baa been appointed by tbe county court of tto
state of Oregon for Wasco county, as sdmlc
trator of the estite Dt Roderick McNeil,,
ceased. All persons having claims agrinttsuj
estate are hereby notified to present Ibem, win
the proper vouchers, to me, in Dalles I'itr, Or
gon, wimin aix monins iruru the date olUiiiu
Dallea city, Or., March isth, A D. VW.
meb22T 11ENRV J. aiaIEI.
Ezecutor's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the undenljisl
has been appointed executor ot the last will
and testament of Horace Knight, imtui
All persona having claims against the ttweot
raid deceased, are hereby lotiiitd to pmffl
them with Ihe pmtx-r vouchers to me st f
Hive in Dallea Citv, Oregon, within six mimlin
rom ine oate oi mis notice.
f Dated April Zl, lw.
U.S. HI M L m S.
Executor of the will ol Horace Knight, decenwl.
Executor's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the tinderliniM
have been by the County Court of tbe Stile1
Oregon, for the County of Wism, duly ip-
xnmeo joint executors oi tne estate oi tnirm
IV. Rice, deceased. All nersona having eliim
against said evtate will pretent their ciaims
wnu xne proper voucnera, to tne unaeminau
the oftlce of Dutur At Meneree, In Dsllei Cltr.
Wasco County, Oregon, and within sixtxontbi
from the date of this notice.
Dated at Dalles City, Oregon. April lnm.lta
Annie E. Kin,
Geokae Ken,
II A BkV I'LOt'Oll.
Joint Kxcctitors of the Estate of ( harl W.
Kice, Deceased. Apiui
Notice la herehv len that the undenlnal
has tiled his resignation as one of the adminis
trators of thrMtnf tokrrv Watklns. defetMO.
and the county court of Ihe state of Oregon W
Wasco county, baa appointed the at'th da' a
January, lews, at the hour of lOo'clcsk. a
the time for bcarins- the same and the aceoons
of said administiator up lo said dste. All
ona interested in aaid estate are hereby notim
lnaniu.,1., ..1.1 -, ... lima til Stiff
cau-e. If any exists, why said resignation ihould
not be accepted aud aaid administrator discbui
ed. Dalles C ity, Or., Dee. 37, l!W.
HNS Wateiks.
Onroftha Administrators ol Ihe tUt
Perry Watklna, Deceased. w
Notice la hereby given that the partnerslu
horttotonitiia Ulaoan W I. Hrd. I-
Ward, V. H Ward and J. C. Ward, doing t r
eral lumt erlng business at Dtifnr, Oregnn. ;
dcrt hctirm name of Ward Hins, l this J7
di.Milved by mutual consent, W. I. Ward ma'-
'. Ward letlting, J. W. Ward, f. II. w",!1'"! win continue tne ousnu-rs -
nniier the firm name of Ward Bros, and "
collect all outstanding accounts and Pf "
t'llls agninst the ol. I firm. All artn!'
.1,-iiip-i , m iiiueoiti 10 sain in ui n
make an early settlement, tltlier by cin toa'
Dufur, Ore. leO. IS lw.r.i. ( Wi0
J V. Wash,
Y. II.WasD.
J t:. Maiui.
Government Lands
With One timber and ronnlng '' !
Hood Klvcr Valley, suitable for h.iiie',d';
timber mines. Wo locale ImllvlrtiiaBi
eiiloniaa on these lamia. I.arga
duolrli-s now IH-Ing incntil here; alw t,,wu
ami other lands for sale. IM
I'ome of thesi (.ovenimcnt lands ro
cholce-t Apple of the ram"" B
lilvar Vailrv. . .
W. R. WIVAXA, Ui-d rara'.
f.-J lm Hood Klvrr,WaMOCo.,0rer
Mohool DMrict Vo. Itol Wasco County. OrJj
will Issn,. two coupon bonds ol the Pr vanj (
lour hundri-d dollars each tieailng '"J,-,,-the
rate of six per cent per annum.
ab'c semi anniiailr: aaid bonds Drtti re
atllm pleasure ol sM district afier W - .
from their date, tint due ai d pitshlc J',"tr
twenty car horn date, principle "''."
p"!i able at the office of lh lreaun'r ot " w
County, Ongon, or al such place as
Ielg!iHteil al the option of the piircfmser. .
J be board ol dini'tora of snld dl'ttlcl'",,.
fully aiitiiotlrnl to issife said bntnt in " ,,,
a nre with the provl-ion of an act of the i
live Asseinblv of the Hlatr of urn."". 31
the olher of the hi-crclary of Htale j,'','r"," jan
M1, and providing among other thin"
isiiiauceol bomla by schisil dlsltlcts. , ,
In compliance with I ha terms of -..ini
as treasurer of said countv, wll" "V",,!, ill'
bids lor said bonds at my oilier lu 1 "!"J,f at
aforesaid until to'cl.ick p. at. on tli" 1"',J,br
Mayl-.w. All bids must be ac.nnp" ni ,,,
certiii.-d check of tire i-r cent of the m' ,
bonds for w hlch the 1.1.1 Is made. " nl , hr
less than par will l rnnstdrrrd. I , Bt t
submitted f..r ilitrli't to execute le "'
)ei-t any and all bids la reserved.
I h iialks, Otcgon, April I. '"'.'irni ' II.
C 1- j rras