The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, April 29, 1899, PART 2, Image 4

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Strain is Into. EEi EiioS? Fit!s ; VetJuet
ete Frscneit.
IVcrrfTTfmrl Ittn 1 irrrwl
AltliiiWiULa Hid III JiiiliJ
OBeHnndredoftbe Laucr Killed a Sheriff YwnC B.ltt All U b. Approach
and Demands
Woandel ia a Sinf le Hattk De
tails of the Killing of Ens'ifa Moo
agfcaa aad Lieut Lansdalc
the Booker Hill.
tbe Countersign.
AresLAKD, N. Z-, April IT. Panics- !
Jar of tbc fighting in Kaoioa, contained !
ia aJvices received bere from Apia no- j
tier da'eof April IS, tbow lliat a battle
between frienlly nativet aod relit tjok !
place at Yailelo, nJ that the latter lost
100 men in killed mi wounded.
Further detailt of the death of Eosifn j
Jionaf ban, of tbe cruiser Philadelphia, I
and Lieutenant Lansdale, of tbe hojI
vetnel, bare been received. Tbe? tbow
that MonagbaD wat beheaded before he
vu dead. A deserter of tbe Mataalan
force v Monaghan aod Lined, were
retreating when they were discovered by
tbe chief and bit wife, w bo were looking
for dead men. Ttey save tbe alarn.
and MonagUao wat ebot while cootioo-!
lug tbe retreat. Later it appear tbe
re bell returned and killed LamJa'e.
alonaghau fought be wat oooded,
and be wat tben beheaded.
Soatelle, the principal rebel chief, ran
away and told bit people 100 British
bad baeo killed. Mataafan deeerterc
aaeert that the Germ ant sent cartridge!
in bag ff rice and eo-ar along the
coast in December.
Wajuixck, Idaho, April 26. Tbe firet
tbot bat bet n fired, and the bat
odJecly been tnrned into an armed
camp. Tbe striker were in teteion all
last night at their ball. At 6.80 thia
mornic; a compact body of men, beaded
by President Boy lee, started op tbe can
yon. Tbev baited a shot distance from
j Booker Hill & fcollivan. Soon after, in
little banchet, op came tbe con-onion
m'nen to go to work. They were atop
! ped ty tbe etrikert, and President Bovlee
j orged them rot to go to work. Uoe or
! two o! the non-nnion men triej to posh
through tbe crowd of ttriteie, bat were
.forced back milh the remaik that tbe
onion did not intend them to go to work.
! Tben T. S. Murray, a cmootb-faced
leader of tbe etrikert, polled a big revol-
I vrr, wuicu iie lereiea at a tench ol
Booker Hill employe. t
j I'il tell yoc what the proposition ia,"
j be ebouted. "Yon walk down that bill
again inside of tonr minotet, or elte
doan tome other way."
lie drew bit watch and, at be coonted
the seconds, tbe wot king miner?, faltered
and started down the hill. A balf-doren
of them w ent into Black's boardicg-boaee
C E. Jarre. of Prineville U in tbe
W. H. Swift, of Wattle, it in tbe city
on boaiceea.
W. A. Leeth, Salt Lake cattle borer,
ia ia the city.
T. C. Benton, a resident of tbe Locks,
is in the city.
F. Wilson, mint boet at tbe Grant
hotel, is in the city.
C A. Moor and wife, of Portland,
are visiting ia the city.
Win. H. Darch, an attorney from
Goldendale, it ia the city.
H. C Harmon, of Taeoma, is reg
istered at tbe Ciuatiiia boose.
Ir. Hudson of Arlington it in the city
and will -permanently locate here.
H. E. Bloe and H. Jackson, of Wa
pmiua, are in the city on bosi&ee.
Meters. A. C. and A. T. Litter, of Ore
gon City, are tj .turning in tbe city.
Mrs. H. Yeakel and Mitt Little
Teakel, of Centerville, are visiting in
tbe city.
W. J. Roberta arrived in the city yes
terday and is botily engaged in tbe
matter of the new eewer tyttein.
Mitt Annette M it-hell left on the boat
this morning ior Portland, where she
will spend a week with friends.
W. C. Gibeon, w ife and child, are in
the city. Mr. Gibson is rr presenting
tbe Irwin-Hodsr a Co. of Portland, and
ia in tbe city in the interest of hit firm.
Henry W. Lobb and wife, and Eugene
A. Davit and wife, of New York, are in
the city, having come op on tba boat
latt eveuing to view the eceoerv along
the Colombia.
TtmrMjuj Iiailj.
G.T. Pratber is np from Hood River
i. N. Bnrgeet Is in from Antelope on
Bobert McGowen cams in from Moro
at noon today.
C. M. Cartwrigbt was a passenger
from Fortland last nigbt.
T. G. Condon and D. McAndie came
in from Antelope yesterday.
C. B. Smead,of Blalock, a prominent
fruit raiser, ii in the city today.
Alex Stewart. Mosier's merchant, it
traneacling basin si in Tbe Dallet
Wholesale and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agency lor tie Greatest American Liquor
Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey.
(4 to IS years old.)
Tn?irT? "from to i 00 per gallop
TVPOXTED COG I AC "from " nn:
"a. TUfTMiHilillS
(U to 20 years old.
5 to 16 (0 terrain. (4 to 11 yeart old.
Sheriff's Sale.
ts the ciRrrrr cor bt of tut t
1 Oregon, lug t uuntr 1 ,TiTtC.
Joha Kobiaaoo and fc J. aj
Aim Taylor. Mr. Eobma E. Gutn .
Brt Irtue ol an rim i i,.,. h."
WjIuIt iMiued out cm and i r,.i-?TM -
rtiepil eort of the suit ol Or. n7.IT?1
ut M.reh. ., upon aOri
nd entered la Mid CMirt onS
ol tbe pUlntiff, Md aaainVt artSS",U
Taylor. Mjm. Koteru t Tou.ton ui'i W
tou, a iudem. debtor. iu
lsih d.y ol M.rrb, .t S ralfol a
j EOP &0LD BEIB on dranght, and Val Blati and Hop Gold Beer in bottlei
imported Ale ana rorier.
dollar., eutta, and U eou ol .nd rf"
real property embnHd in uch dw,0
eljaureand berriTiilurr devrribed JTii
1 o.y ol Nay. Iw,, .t tbe houVot til".0? "
in tbe fternoon ol Jd dy, and i k
anor oi ine county court huuiw in!!?1
Um higbtat Udder lor eah li hind ."!
, title and iiiteret which thVoXV
i Taylor ilni. Kobm. r fiil. lVdnB.
butoB. or eitbw ol thein.had on the l
lumber, the data of the
IVasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot u kinds
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds.
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, V?r
Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle
tOTl 71 OUT 's ODr 11 nianofactared expressly for family
u' nse : every sack it guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell onr goods lower than any bonee in tbe trade, and if you don't think so
call and get car prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats.
IB-Kiimiu lB .et:ton eight ol towr
orth of range thinern eart ol the
Meridian, in W.nco Conutr. .
I W , 11. h 1.1. w H. a.L. ' .
,w . . .""uinwei eorii m
muq en urea in u in
Rockford "Quick Shot'
12-Plate Magazine Camera.
Plat Magazine Camera.
Torn tbe lever aod von are readv for
another." No plate boldert with slides
to draw. No sleeve or changing bag.
chance to fog plater. No failures.
Quick Seller
No Complaint
on the main street of the town. Tbev
were nnratiHtl into tit dnnu V. ,f.;L...
Admiral Kiq'i, it is aeoerted in
advices received. fird a blank hot I
April S;h across the bow of a Gtrman I w bat will we do with these d-
chocner which was enteiing Apia ec,Dtr enouted omeooay.
con mrui uown toe canyon, was
the reply. With that they started the
nonnuion men toward the foot of the
.Later, in a light between a comber of
tbe ttrikers and the men from tbe Banker
Hill, one of tbe ut.ioa members fired the
iniiial tbot of the strike. It was directed
at a door bebiod which some of tbe work-
1 iug miners were WlieveJ to be in bid
jing. Tonight no attempt wss made to
interfere with the working force, and
about eighty men weot on daty when
the shifts changed. Sheriff Yonng ar
rived from Wallace todar. Tanioht
: armed men are on guard both at Bunker
! Hill mine and the mill. They halt all
j comers and demand the countertign.
I Tbe strikers have tapped the telephone
j line between tbe mill and the mine, and
are intercepting all meseapes.
Oue friendly wat killed and beheaded. I almost every neighborhood there it
Tbe rebels bad the Garman flag flure ! a jme one whow lif t... i j
- - ( - " r.tcu vw
I Cham'rlain's Colic. Cholera and
children have i Diarrhoea Kemedv. or U h..
soogbt refoge at Walnit, a sution of tbe ; c ired of chronic diarrhoea by the nse of
London Missionary Society. The rebels j that medicine. Such persons make a
" DS trader.' r fle.. cartii.lges and point of telling of it whenever opportu-
. r, w,. UOciu iu a pie, i nity onert, hoping that it may be
ootinet is at tianuttui and a etrorg meant of
land fence ia n'g-ntly needed.
barbor without reporting.
The rebela w ho were in possession of
tbe late Eoler: Lioid blevenaon's booe
and tome for tp, were attarkel in the
rear by Tawaesee friendlies w ho killed
three of them and wonnded olhert.
One friendly ca.ive wat killed in the
Friendly natives under command of
Lieutenant Gaunt, of the British crnioer
Porpoise, were attacked April 12 from
tbe French mission station at Falita.
One of bis tutn wat wounded. The
rebels were eventually routed with tbe
loes of four meo killed. Tbe Tamaaeee
lines wer extended April 13 to Vailele
battle-field. Mataafa attacked the
Irieudlie, and Gaunt' brigade j lined
ia the engagement and fought well.
F'ur b-wVe of shun rebela were re
r M-errd. Tue others were dragged awar.
from their forts.
About 2000 women and
C. F. M. Brown and C. L. Mills, of
Graft Valley, came into the city yester-
saving other lives. For
I by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists.
S. S. S. is the Only
Rsinsdy Equal to this
Obstinate Disease.
day afternoon
Jodre and Mrs. A. S. Bennett left
yesterday afternoon for Portland, where
they will remain a few days.
Cbaa. H. Gleim, traveling freight and
passenger agent of the Colorado Midland
Railway, is in the city today, and will
leave for Heppner tonight.
Mr. and F. B. Sommerville, who have
been spending a short time visiting in
Portlaud, came np on tbe tioat last even
ing and left this morning for their borne
at nay Ureei.
Mr. Hampton Kelly came in from
Wamie yesterday afternoon and spent
tbe evening with the family of H. Glenn,
leaving this morniog for San Franc'iBCO,
where she will remain some time.
Mrs. Wm. Young, accompanied by
ber family, left this morning for Prioe
ville, where Mr. Yoanz is in business.
and at which place tbey will make tbeii
home. Miss Jennie Yonng will re
main in Tbe Dalle.
Mrs. A.W. Botkin arrived in the cit v on
yesterday afternoon's train from Portland
aod remained over till the night train,
Fpendins the time with Mra. Gei.en-
dorffer. She was on her way to join the
doctor at Athena, where tbey will make
their home.
Friday 'a Dally.
James H. Palmer is a visitor from
Mrs. F. L. Hooghton was a passenger
on tbe boat this morning for Portland.
Mr. L. Canfield, formerly of Tbe
ualies, it in from her borne at Do Tar.
Miw Lena Liebe went to Portland this
morning, where tbe will visit friends for
a lew dart.
Mr. E. Campbell and family left tbit
morning for Lyle, where they expect to
m ike their bom.
H. L. Vorse, of tbe Oregon Telephone
Co., returned this morning from a
business trip to Spokane.
J. H. Elwell and family, of Portland,
are in the city on their way to Pnne
ville, w here tbey rxpeit to remain.
Miss Alma Schmidt was among tbe
patsengert for Portland this morning.
She will attend the opera there this
Messrs. Frank Meredith and Hugh
McNary, of Salem, returned lart rii,t
i (.itn . .;-; : r...u -n -r-. . . , .
lherearedoenofremedie recommended for leave on this evening's 'train for tbe
Scrofula, some of them no doubt being able to napercoontrv.
afford temporary relief, but 8. 8. 8. it absolutely j , .,.. . u ,
the only remedy which completely cure itJ . w'J.Jnl1 "ill, who hat been teaching
RorofuJa i one of the most obstinate, deep-seated 1 Ln t-nion, returned borne lapt nigbt.
blood disease, and f beyond the reach of the'?.?6 ,w" ecompanied by Mrt. Ada
many ao-called purifier and tonic because some- I w w, who wi.I make
thing more than a mere tonic isreouired. 8 8 3 I woeka visit with friend bere.
Miss Myrtle Michel left on tbe boat
this morning for Portland, where she
will visit Mrs. F. P. Mavs for a few
days, taking in the Bostonians, and also
the concert by the famous pianist Mon
day evening.
Mrs. Geo. Keller, whose bueband died
at Klamath recently, snent vetterday
with tbe family of A. Keller in this
city, leaving on last night' train for
Iowa, where she will make ber home
with her father and brother.
Chm. Kobler it in tnH av frrtm Ki.
farm near Boyd. Mr. Kobler moved bis
family out from The Dalle ahoot two
weeks aeo, and sayt be has decided Jio
larmiDg now at tie iieiievee he
it nest suited to that, and it toil him
beet a well.
Mr. Eucn, a prominent stock dealer of
Chicago, accompanied by his wife and
hi western agent, Mr. John Fleming
arrived in The Dallet yesterday after
noon and took the boat thi morning for
Portland. Mr. Boell wat aoxiont to
view tbe tcenery along the Columbia, of
which be bat beard so moch.
Atk jour grocer for Clarke A Fa'k't
pnr coDceLtraUd flavoring extract, tf
If tou want 12 pictures quick, boy tbe
Qoick-Shot,1 tbe onlv maear'ne cam
era that holds the plate securely a.ter
tbey are exposed. Ko rattling or break
ing oi piates. Xitti on earth.
Sl4V $6.00
With oDe dozen plate holder.
Manufactured under the Conley patent by the
Rockford Silver Plate Co.,
We ell only throneh local aent. Ak our
ag-enta to ihow you this "y'lica shot."
H awo County, Otea;oo, tell at
iv ojgncvi bio
rht, title and
Alma 1
cloned herein, or which cuch defending J0'
ol thedelendwit.hemn. have ,7n
or now have in and to ih f(.nir Toured,
real property, u tun led and 1"B?."ft
County, ureg-on, to-wlt:
flFkt A, . .
lll Kt.t I .,
The Ualies Oref. Um.tioTun 1 tlS?
M. M. tu.hine: tben. north m.: ,..ylua b
loeaied on the preieut aoutbeni bollm.!.,n,
of The I.lU.d Mil! Creek rcT niS J1
the Une between thi, land and thrLI
Charle. Denton inters, the aouVuBt.f'j
road: thence north 4.1 dnn ... rr.r
oath line of M,d road 1724 leet to . stone u,
at the interwaetiou ol the .onth n. r7r7"
with theaoutheru boundary line of rArt tuiu
lUlltary BeaarvaUun; thence S'lSJ
theaouih ol amid toad interna t
boundary line ol tbe land now owned by m t
Keaerration; thenee eact 55 feet tn . .'17
oath.' I7.'1 to Pin; tfaenct
";" '" ieei to a tut,,
thenee west 77 foot- kn. - .l ... ..'Te'
thence weat 13J feet: thenee ,mk i li' l6?1
thence went to tne olae of beainni,,. ,k?..!''
compilhinn aeven and aeveu elahthaarnTh
aection eight, ii and three fourth tcrZ .
ecUon four, and aeventy-one and one-hull ZJl
in aection nine, mating a total of eigiitv-nirj
one eighth acrer) all tituated In town.hln Z
'".u "i raime imrinen eal ol the WilUinetit
Meridian, in Waaoo ( ountr. Hmnn n.
ol jaid property a. will satitfy uld luizmmi
and decree, with osta and accruing com
(Said property will be aold tubject to eoo
firmation and redemption aa bv law proriaed.
liated at Tbe Daliea, Orecon. thii irth dixit
rnertir, Waco County, Greco.
By F. C. SEXTON, Deputy. ulJlUre'0D-
The Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
AGENTS, Ihe Dalles, Oregon.
Dewey white wash? Yes, and wash white. You can
Havana thing washed at the Steam Laundry. The
Maine point is quality and the
Merritt of our work is such that people go
Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not
tl4i . , . .
noDSOn S cnoice, but the standard rates, which are not
Uevera high as some people think, and we want tn
C-U-B-A customer of ours.
Corner of First and Court Street,
irnone TWT! nAT.r ra rrs
a" a dKJ j
th Ciact ir rorar or thi State or Obiooi
I for W aco eouaiy.
Jiaxiroiuain NOilann fhllipnlne Char-
niau, jian iem ooing DUMiiera under
the firm name and ttvle of Max Vogt
k Co., flttintiCs,
T. J. McCoy, Defendant
ia i.j.iidoy. tbe above named defendant.
In Ihe name of tbe rtale of Oregon.
You are herebr notitleil aiid rw.ntiirMl ijiitmh
in the above en rilled court, on or hefora tn '
day of thepobliration of thi utamon to ait:
on or before the luth day of June, then and.
iner. to anawer tne complaint of the abtnt
named plaintiff filed in the above named nmrt.
and if you fall to appear and acuwer plaiDtiti
complaint for want thereof, plaintiff will take
judgment gainst you for the uin of M and
1-gal intrest (hereon alnoe anril 4, IW, tngetli
with plaintia' eotta and disbursement. a
i ni unimon 1 rerved uion tou or Tmbll-
cation tbereol by order of Hou. W. L. Bredshaw,
judge of the above named court, made in oprt
court In Dalle City. Waaro Countv, Oregon, oa
me V4in day of anrll, imiw, and directing that
thi kummon be ered ukob tou hr nubllM-
tion thereof, not let. than once a week for all
coiiteculirewetka in Tat D.LLts t Maomcn.a
newpper ol general eirrulHlinn, publltbtd
Weelclv at rtallM ltv. U'b.m TAiiurf IIPMrnn.
aid publication to begin In the lu of uld
newspaper on the JVtb dav of April, and 10
end on the loth day of June, lr". both dataa
Inclusively. DlTl R A M KNEKEK,
pLv il Attoraey lor plalntldi.
Land Ornci at The Dalle, Oaanftit,)
Kebruan 2, 1KM.I
Notice I herebv given that the followlM-
named K iller ha tiled nolire of her tiitentioo
to make final proof in support of her claim, and
that Mid proof will be made bt lore the Kcgiiter
and Kerrtverat The Dalle.. Oreaun. on Satur
day, April 15, lyb, vi:
LlaaU Balat, of Tbe Dalle:
nometcad AnnlictioD. Ko. iTli. for the BE!!
tee 8A, 1 p. i north. Range 12 .t, w ill. Mer.
hhe nnme. tha followina to aror
her continuouxreEldenre uion and cultivaito
of aaid land, vi: J. V. ..hnslon, I. W Mir-
qui. Jamti Wetlle, U. A. rbltmn, 1I ot TM
Dal !.(- gon. JAY F. II tA, kegiater.
i t u
He Renowa n m ora fluo saloon... I
90 Second St., second door from Court.
Tom Burkes Homestead Whiskey!
Specialty In Imported French U.ior and Cognac.
M Diiaestic Liqnjrs, Wines and Cigars.
118 October li
The Dallea. Or.
tl worth of rherVa
good for 10c drink,
or cigar.
a two-
i. 4 ii a " c d is rruuirwi. D. O.
a-rarfnwtJ; A. T ZT . a neTer to cur Scrofula, because it
SS, oUhe Uiot tim I"ently eliminating every
The erion conaeHjuenoe to which Scrofula urelj Jead
bould imprest npon thoee afflicted with it the Tital im
portance of watting so time upon treatment which can
not poMiblT effect cur. In many caae where the wrong
treatment ha Oen relied npon, complicated glandular
welling have resulted, for which the doctor insist that
s dangerou surgical operation i neoeaearr.
Kr. H. E. Thorn peon , of Milledgeville, Ga. , write ; "A
btvl case of Scrofula broke out on the gland of my neck
which had to be lanoed and caused me much suffering i
waa treated for a long while, but the phy.ician were un
able to cure me, and my condition wa a bad aa when I
began their treatment Many blood remedie were used .
but without effect. Some one recommended S. 8. 8., and
I began to improve a aoon a I had taken a few bottle
tJontinuing the remedy, I wa soon cured permanent v.
ua cave never naa a sign of the disease to return." Swift Specific
Laud Cmct at Thi Pali ", Oarr.ogj
liaai iair . f
Notice la berrbv given that Ihe followlnf
med aettlerha filed notice of hi Inteniloa
ke final proof In aupport of hia claim, ana
lid nrool it III he tn.ite hefora the rtlt
receiver at The Dallea, Oregon, on swturdar,
is VI :
Kdwia A. Learaed. of Tha Dalle:
llometed ATn)lpatlon 'n 4T. for the Vi,
r.W4: and X' a Srrtion -Ji, Ttaufhlpl
north. Hange 1J K, W. M.
He name the follow!i:r vltnrnae to prf".
bla rontliiuou rcaidenea unou and culllvatlo
ol .aid land, vie;
II. M. ImiusI Ollrn Riiim. TcrrV U
Camp, J. P. Agldiu. .11 of The llln. (irnron.
Man II JAl f.LtlAh IKJ"
The Ij,rgo.t and Bet of August Ruchler
Home made M.-er and l'orl". rn,pr
Agent for the Swiss Pub. Co., New York.
fill kinds of
Funeral Supplies
Grandall S Burget
The Dalles. Or.
Burial Shoes,
I'. 8. Land Crn g. at Vanrorvra. Waib.,1
FKaat'Aav. Ik. lvm. I
Notica la ttervlv tlr.n that the following
named ettler ha niixl nolire ot hia Inli nlioD
make fin.) hr,r In .i.t.i rtf rlHinl. nl Mid prif will be m1r tfore W. 1!. rrecbjj
I nlfeil Mntc ConuntMloner lor 1 itrlr-t
Wahlngton, at hi office in ooldemlalc,
ingloii.ou Waturdny, April K. l.vt.i, vlr:
Tkwrraan E. Wright,
Homestoad Kntrv. Ko. ia"."t. for the NF'4 T
lion .!., Toanohip i north, of Hange 1.1
Will Mer.
He nam. a the f,.lowlng wltncp to prove tn
ConitniKni tti.icne uK.n and cultivailon w
um i.itu, vik:
tieotre II of v.,1,1. ! o . Wahlnton,
NllaJ. Mine, John II ftmmon", lr"
Kcjnolda, of l.yle I. t., W.ahlngtoii.
lib?J t v. R. Ul NUAK, Riglnter.
yjZLJJ?m$T W?'fh cn PP1 nd cure obstinate, deep-seated
ZZnJ?"- XjJto Pon it. and not experimenting with the variou.
ISZLtZ- etC-' u?erp fr bW troubie. canle promptly cured!
lDe eonttitution. 8. 8. 8. it guaranteed pure y Teeetable and never fail to
jure Scrofula. Ecrem t,Ctnw, Eheum.tfam. 5ontagtou. feod VoiZn
Tetter. Pinole Bore rice, etc Insist upon 8. 8 S-fnothing can takeH. Dlace!
Advertise in...
Notice. Timber Culture.
Land Crnrg, The nu.Ei. 0f";,'J
rhtu.ry :t. 1
Pomiil.lnt h.t I... lw..n eol.-nd nt III" ""IT
by on,,- r, ,.ra ttcler "iinimner m xilb law . to tlmliT cuii"
rnfry No. an. .. iiiil (set t n.btr I. " "5
then. r.. i4 M-Hon I". Towii.hlp ft. .'"''"J; Kne 14 cunt, t". " "V
t'olltllV. MI.IAf I mn Milh a Vll'W to lllf r"H,
collation of raid cnti y, eonli tnt allntH'f
aaid l cl. y dnmmner never plowed orcolll'
aid IrHct except about l( cr ami n,''
any time nnr ha. nj on. for hloi l'1"''''-',
Ir. e. in riiltlno. or m1, and lo the "
i' T eiiniiiinor l-oil tne rnonin ot rein 4
duly ri lln,,ul.lie.l uld tr.ct to the t nll'l
and drltveml mIo rcllnoiiiahment toll' ',1,
'lit Mid rrllnil.h.,irnt .llllr till"! !L
I'. H, olflria of 1 Ii. little, tnegor, "n't.
aid time and prior thereto ahaiidmml " lr
nd haa never fince tald lime returned tn' .
or claim, d any light or Interna In li
laiio. ,
The aaid partle are hcrchv mmmonwl w ap
pear .1 IM , iinen on the Joih day ol P",
al 10 ocl.a-a a. m , to ir-l-ond "'l "ir"
lo'llmoiiy ci meet til ii g a.1.1 ailxid 1,''.'"'..t,r
llll JAY l 1.1 CA.a, Kegl't'