The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, April 29, 1899, PART 2, Image 3

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These two days will be devoted entirely
to the sale of Piece Silks
Plain Indias at
43 centsN
Plain and Changeable Taffetas at
73 cents.
24-inch Check and Stripe Taffetas at
93 cents.
28-inch Foulards
69 cents.
20-inch Foulards
33 cents.
Plaids, Stripes Figured Taffetas
93 cents.
High Novelties for evening wear
$1.19, $1.33, $1.39.
All Remnants of Silk at
25 per cent off.
All Goods Maiked in Plain Figures.
The Weekly Chroniele.
I'uhUthed in two parti, on Wednetdayi
and Saturday.
One year fl .)
U months 75
Tlm months 60
Advertising rntei reasonable, and miulo koown
Address hII nnmmiinlciitloiit to"TIIF CHRON-K-l-t,"
The Dulles, Oregon.
Wtrlncrdny'i Dully.
Three cars of sheep passed through
last night from tie Willamette Valley
on their way to Spokauo.
Wool ig slowly but surely beginning
to arrive. Today the Wasco warehouse
received two heavy wagon Iads of the
product from the Deschutes.
Yesterday Frilss Ilerziif, a native of
Switzerland, appeared beforo County
Clerk Kclsny and declared his Intention
of becoming a citizsn of the United
Yesterday there were fifty-two sheep
shearers in town, roost of them being
Mexicans This morning two four
horse loads left for Antelope where they
ill beuin shearing.
There has been a good deal of com
print about the condition of the road to
Hie free bridge) on the Deschutes, but
we have it from irood authority that the
ame will be put In first-class condition
"'n ediately.
Court has been grinding very slowly
l late at the recorder's office, but this
morning the monotony was broken when
I'Otiis Lund, of Antelope, was brought
Wore his honor and fined 10 lor being
""ink and disorderly.
A man giving the name of Martin
I'ines and clulmlng to bo a resident of
Spokane, applied to the nlghtwatehnian
bout 2 o'clock this morning for lodging,
saying he was 111 and out of funds. He
ia apparently quite a sick man and is
being cared for at the city jail.
Deputy Sheriff F. Sexton and J. C.
Meina left this morning for Salem with
Geo. McKinnon, who was adjudged in
sane yesterday. McKinnon is quite
harmless but is suffering from the effects
of a runaway accident in which his
skull was fractured.
It is without doubt that the Hook and
Ladder Co., need a new truck. This
mornings alarm proved that the present
apparatus ia practically of little value.
In coming out of the house the front
j wheel on the truck was cramped under
the ladder and it was some minutes be
fore the matter could be remedied.
This should not have occurred but the
old truck lias seen so unich service and
has been patched up 10 much that it is
even a wonder that it holds together.
The matter should be taken in hand and
some means adopted for securing for
those who are willing to serve the city
without pay something that Is modern
and that will be of more service than
the present apparatus.
After lodge lust night the Modern
Woodmen o' America gave a very
pleasant entertainment to the members
and a number of invited guests. Thero
were several selections from a graphs
phone secured for the oceasslon, after
which Messrs. Long and Gifford de
lighted the audience with a clarionet
duet. A reading by Mrs. Kddon was
greatly appreciated, after which the
star number on the evening's program
was rendered. It was a solo by Mr.
Geo. Ross, whom to many of the au
dience was not known to be a musician.
However, he acquitted himself In such
a manner that he was conlpelied to re
spond to several encore. His instru
ment was rather antiquated, being one
of the old style band organs, but never
theless Mr, Ross proved himself to be
an entertainer of no mean note. After
tho program dancing was the order, and,
with Trof. Itrigfeld at the piano, was a
most pleasant pastime.
AtirinVtnrk tlitu mnrnlna an alarm
of fire was sounded and in an incredibly 1
short space of lime the department was
on the scene ready for action, but hap
; pily their services were not needed for
the fire was extinguished with few
tncketa full of water. The fire was in
a room in the O'Barr hotel and was
j caused by a lamp exploding. Dr. Geia
j endorffer, who was attending a patient
at the hotel, swelled coal oil and spoke
to Mr. Smith, the landlord, about It.
I As they started to investigate one of the
i help cried Ere and pointed to the room
j in w hich tho flames were creeping lo
) the ceil ng. Several men ranie to the
rescue and with what water was at
j hand, succeeded in puttiug out what
likely would have been a very seiious
I 41 i . .
luniisgrauon Dau tut a lew more min
ute elapsed before it was discovered.
Thurtdayt Dully.
Dr. Jno. II. Hudson has arrived in
Tjie Dalles and has formed a partnership
with Dr. O. C. Hollister. They are to
be found at Dr. Hollieter'a old office
rooms in the Vogt block. 3t
The weather report says we are to
have occasional rains tomorrow. Let
them eontinne ; we care not how it ponrs
while the atmosphere is so clear and
delightful. This morniug, however, we
thought from the look of the Klickitats
we might expect enow.
Woold it not be splendid idea for a
rock brigade to be formed and by this
means nd our streets of those "measly"
little rucks which are so provoking to
those who are compelled to encounter
them in driving about tho cityT Now is
the time to enlist and shoulder a rake.
Those who intend to visit the seaside
this year would do well to figure on
little advance in the price of living, as
it is said bote! proprietors will rajee the
the price of board on account of com
modities going a p. The harvest of the
summer hotel is brief, and therefore
must be great.
The board of fire delegates held
meeting last night to consider the appli
cation of the South Side Hose Company
No. 5, to become permanent organiza
tion and to be equipped by the city. It
was recommended by them that the
council at its next meeting equip the
company with a hose cart and bose.
We bavo heard nothing regarding
petition being started for the early
closing of our stores during July and
August. It only requires the energy of
some enterprising man or determined
woman to get this petition circulated
and signed. Just as soon as our mer
chants find it is the wish of the ladies,
it will be done.
In spite of our anxiety for news con
cerning the fate of our bowlers at Salem
last night, only the meager, unwelcome
news came that they bad been beaten
by the Illihee team, which came out
twenty-seven points ahead. It makes
quite a difference to thoe interested
here just bow many games they won or
lost. Twenty-seven points ia not much
of a victory unless onr team failed on
games. But we must wait patiently for
the return ot the bowlers on the evening
The ladies of the Good Intent Society
of the Methodist church were delight
fully entertained by Mrs. H. P. Lee, at
her home over Pease & Mays' store
yesterday afternoon, about twenty
members being present. Mrs. Lee
served a delicious lunch during the
afternoon. A large number of tbe mem
bers of the Ladies Aid Society also met
at the home of Mrs. James Snipes, on
the hill yesterday. A splendid program
was given and the afternoon passed most
pleasantly with conversation, etc., and
was greatly enjoyed.
The following pupils of the Hood
River public school passed the eighth
grade final examination April 19, 20, 21,
as prescribed by the course of study lu
the following branches : English litera
ture, writing, spelling, arithmetic, gram
mar, geography, drawing, vocal music,
physiology, United States history, read
ing and mental arithmetic : Louis Bald
win, Belle Howell, Mary Wolfard,
Nettie Kemp, Gladys Hartley, Pearl
Cox, S. M. Bloers, Ida Strannban,
Altlia Parsons, P. C. Logsdon, Nellie
Clark. They now hold certificates which
entitle them to enter the Ninth grade of
any school In the county without further
W. H. Butts met with an accident at
4 o'clock this cfternoon, which we much
fear will prove a serious one to a man of
his age, especially as he has scarcely re
covered from a siege of the urippe. Mr.
Butts was standing cn the crosswalk on
Second street, between French's bank
and Nielsen's store, when a runaway
team camo down the street. They were
not attached to a wagon, but the harness
was on them and as one endeavored to
run one way and the other another, he
could not gel out of their way, but whs
thrown down and a bad gash cut in his
head. He was also unconscious, not
even coming to as be was placed in an
express wagon and taken to his home.
Mrs. II. Lauretsen and daughter, Miss
Km ma, returned on last nights boat
the body was not to badly decomposed
as might beexpected.and Miss Jacobsen
informs as bis tie remained In the same
bow which she tied for him before he
left her home ou the Lttat afternoon cf
tbe drowning.
Harry Patterson, who has ben foing
the rvnuds of the coast imposing on the
various rboiches, is now said to be in
Helena, Mont., still plying bis old
vocation. A year ago be came here and
affiliated himself with the Baptist people
claiming that his church letter was then
on tbe way from California. In the
meantime being out of the "where
withal he appealed to some of its
members and received assistance, leav
log one day for new fields of labor with
out mentioning the fact to his creditors
lie now shows np in Helena and is
claiming be will a-xn receive a church
letter irom I he Dalles. Tbe pastor
there, however, has taken the precau
tion to write here concerning him, and
no doubt will receive a letter from the
church which will open somebody's
eyes, but not contain church ere
The best of good times was that had
by about twenty of tbe young lady
friends of Miss Harriet Marden, who re
cently retain d from Washington, they
being invited by Mrs. O. W. Morgan to
spend last evening with her at the home
of Dr. Belle Rinehart. A surprise pro
gram was the novel teature of the ev n-
ing, every guest being required to con
tribute something to the "amazement"
of the others, and attempt to call Into
play talents which they failed to possess,
and thns as one after another gave solos,
recitations and speeches, the latter be
ing on such subjects as "Woman's
Rights," Politics, etc., tbe remainder of
the company positively grew hilarious
in their enthusiasm. Another pleasant
diversion was a guessing -contest in
which Miss Nona Ruch was the success
ful contestant, and Miss Alma Schmidt
the winner of the booby. About tbe
walls of the parlors wore pinned slips of
paper of every imaginable shape, and
containing parts of quotations which by
placing them together decided tbe
partners for lunch, and when all were
seated at the tables, these quotations
were read and the names of tbe authors
guessed. The refreshments could not
have been more tempting, and were
served In juet such a maimer as to make
tbem taste all the better. Mrs. Morgan
is a genius when it comes to entertain
ing, and fills every minute with some
thing attractive to her guests.
Friday's Dally.
August Buchler will place bia cele
brated Bock beer on tap Saturday and
Rev. Crawford R. Thoburn, pastor of
Centenary Methodist church at Portland
will dedicate the new Methodist church
at Moro next Sunday.
Fresh solio paper and Eastman's films
all aizas direct from the manufactures
at Snipes-Kiuersly Drug Co.
As we go to press this afternoon the
attending physician informs us that
Mr. Butts' condition has aesujied more
serious indications, there being onmis
takable signs of internal injury and
serious results from the shock received
At Columbus, O., three of the lead
ing churches Congregational, Methodist
and Baptist have adopted the rule that
women remove their hats. There is op
position among the women, but the
movement promises to make gradual
progression. At the Baptist church
several maids are employed to wait upon
the ladies as they enter, take their hats
and wraps and issue checks for them.
The Salt Lake papers all speak well of
the Bobby Gaylor Company, which
plays here tomorrow night. The Tribune
says ho is a very sharp-witted IriBh
comedian, and that whenever he visits
that city be is sure ot a crowded bouse
James S. Stewart, editor of the Fossil
Journal, went all the way from Fossil to
Portland to hear "Ian Maclaren." Mr.
Stewart is one of the liveliest, brightest
editors of tho state, and never misses
an opportunity to hear something good.
He was brought up in the same town
with John Watson and they played to'
gether as boys. That is one reason he
was eo anxious to see him.
The Dalles zephyrs have again been
dealing in real estate today, and it has
come up with a vengeance, much to the
lisgustof teamsters who have had to
encounter it. A number of wool teams
came in this morning in spite of the
sand. The wool w hich is now arriving
is said to bo that from the country
nearer town, none from the Antelope
section having as yet made its appear
ance. Lare loads of pelts are now be
ing brought in every day.
Portland scalpers huvu been taught a
lesson in buying up theater tickets by
their exieiinc in that regard with
the seats for the Rustonians, and they
are now returning them to the box
office. The city council has also passed
an ordinance providing a brokers' and
speculators' licence fur those dealing in
theater tickets. A license fee of ff20 per
kicked in the chest it ss feared be may
be inj'ired Interna ly. Hi left collar
bone was broken, while bis faca and
scalp received some slight wounds, and
bis ri)ht elbow was ,, U,y bruised,
fl became cousek u before he reached
the house jes.erday, t tit it has been
necessary to administer opiates to re-
neve his suffering. He u now being
cared (or by Mrs. Crawford, the trained
une of the neatest, prettiest little
business places In The Dalles w ill becc
cupied by the Taut A Jewelry
Co., in Mays &. Crowe's building, which
is now belcg completed. A partner
ship has been fornud by P. G. Daut and
S. D. Stoufer, and as soon as the furn
iture arrives and everything ia in trim
they will be ready for business. Some of
the very latest and nicest furnishings
have been ordered, and will arrive in
about tin days. Cathcert and Strauss
have formed a partnership and now oc
cupy Daut'a old stand on Second street,
where they a ill be ready tomorrow to
(urnith customers with the beet brands
of cigars and tobacco.
Wednesday being (he eightieth anni
versary of Odd Fellowship, it was de
cided by the members of the order in
this city to hold anniversary exercises
on ttie regular meeting nwht of the
Rebekahs. Accordingly, about eighty
members and guests were present at the
a., oi r. nan to enjoy the program pre
pared. The literary and musical pro
gram consisted of a solo by Dr. Doane,
a duet by Messrs. Craudall and Doane,
solo by Miss Maie Cushing, (with
guitar accompaniment? and a short ad
dress by Hon. John Michell regarding
the order and its, benefits. The grand
march, which was led by the leading
officers of the orders, and which at once
proceeded to the small hall in quest of
the banquet, was somewhat different
from the usual custom which prevails,
from the fact that every gentle-ran was
required to have a partner, and could
not got a '.'lady of his own," but must
have some one's else sweetheart or wife.
That may account for the fact that the
banquet, which was served by A. Keller,
was said to be his very beet effort In
that line, and to have been also the
most enjoyable the guests ever sat down
Jay s-.ltsm.a Katara. Snmlks rallla
llaaa A Uraphla Aecoaat of lha
Lira or a Moldlar Ua tba
from White Salmon, where they went to, 'y ' H '"r " I,e"ons engaged in
attend the funeral of Harper Hansen
yesterday afternoon. The eerviees.whicli
were conducted by a minister from Hood
River, were very largely attended, tbe
ciicunistances of bis sad drowning and
the length of time which elapsed
before the body was found, making the
funeral a very Impressive one. In spite
of the many months which had passed
since the riyer claimed him as its victim,
selling theater tickets for profit except
the manager of a theater. Violation of
the ordinance Is punishable by a fluo
of 50 or 25 days imprisonment, or both.
The accident which happened to Mr.
Butts yesterdav afternoon ia deeply re
gretted by his friends, who feel he Is
scarcely able to withstand Its results.
It is difficult as yet to determine just
how badly he is hurt, but having been
Retarding the Death of Mrs. N. C.WiUoa.
The Arizona Republican has the fol
lowing concerning tbe death of Mrs
Norman Wilson at Phoenix:
"In the passing away of Mrs. N. C.
Wilson, whose death occurred ehorllv
after 11 o'clock ou Wednesday evening,
Phoenix as a community suffers tbe loss
of one of those kindly spirits whose in
fluence is to touch the beart and to stir
the soul to nobler and better aspirations
Kind of heart, generous to a fault, with
a genial hospitality which extended
itself alike to stranger and friend,
talented, always filled with a desire to
make happiness for others, to those who
were so fortunate as to call her friend'
ship their's, she lacked nothing of a per'
fection of womanly tenderness and gentle
Christianity. Her fortitude, maintained
far beyond her physical strength and
almost to the last moment, inspired
hope in the hearts of those who watched
tenderly for possible improvement. A
trip to the mountains had been planned
and its possible benefits anxiously an
ticipated by all ; but upon tbe day set
for departure the gentle spirit calmly
and peacefully took flight to those at
titudes to which the soul alone aspires,
The deceased waj born in Moulton,
Iowa, April 3, 1875, and has been a res
Ident of Phoenix for over four years, In
which time she has gained an ever
widening circle of most sincere friends,
It is two years since, as Leona Woold-
ridge, she married Mr. Wilson, and tbe
deep affection existing between the two
had ever been tbe cause for admira
tion among those who knew tbem best.
As one of the most genial spirits in the
commercial life of Phoenix Mr. Wilson
will receive the sympathy of bis asso
ciates, and the family that of the entire
. Iallra I'ulillo Schools.
Following is the report for the quar
ter t.4 weeks) ending April 21, "JO.
S '2.
- Is
3) 'I
I M 1
Fn( Hill Primary.
Miss San Conner.. 1 unit 2 41
Mrs. lUK'he SB, 4B ami ,')U 51
Court Street.
Miss Ponthlt lt 4
Mis K f'ooiri?!' -il w
Miss Kol).Tt l
Mia W remi , ,
Acailemu Park. I I
Mlxs riilrmun ,1t
Mis Fllnn -!H -r!
Mls Msrtlu Ili-.".H
Mb bull f'th,
lliih Srhmtl. '
Mrs. Unlet win '. Sll M 41
Miss I.. Killtoill 6A-7A .
lls T. lilntiml "ih II !H
Miss Mk-hell .Mhi 4;l, 41
. '. 7VjMriMii. i I
Miss Hill ) I !
Mr. l-nmlors ( II l S Si
4!" 41
4:1 ;i.v
4',, .17.
J..y S!tz.i!), who is well known ia
the Dalles, having gone to school her
foi- a uuiuber of years, has just returned
from the Philippines and was in the,
city last Tuesday on his way Lome,
which is at Burnt Ranch, Wheeler couuty.
He enlisted in company I, Fourteenth
regiment, last year, while it was sta
tioned at Vancouver.
List fall be strained himself, and for
several months was in the hospiul at
Manila. He was out in time to engage
in some of the early fights with the
Filipinos, but was again taken sick and
eventually discharged on account of dis
ability. IU left Manila March 10th on
the Arixona, in company with about
150 other discharged men, and reached
San Francisco April 6ih.
"Going over ou the transport," said
Mr. Saltiman, "we encountered enough
to take the patriotism out of any mar.
Several days before reaching Honolulu
our meat all spoiled. We continued to
eat it until we reached Honolulu. Wo
were fed on it for twelve davs there.
and then lived for eighteen days mor
before reaching Manila, with no other
kind of meat. '
"I saw strong men so weak with
hunger they could scarcely get out ot
bed. If the spoiled meat was eaten It
gave one cramps so badly that starva
tion was preferable.
"After we reached Manila the food
was better. Until the Filipino war
broke ont we bad frozen beef from
Australia, aud it was good. After tba
trouble began we were given canned
beef, and half of it was spoiled.
' I was only in one tight with the
rebels. That was at Cingalon, February
5th. The battle beuan about four mi lee
out from Manila, and from' 7 o'clock ia
the morning until 3 in tbe afternoon it
was a hot affair.
"We advanced steadily, but slowly,
firing all tbe time. The rebels woald
turn their guns upside down and bold
them high over their heads and fire.
Ia this way nothing but their banda
and tbe guus were visible above tbe
trenches. Of course they couldn't bit
us shooting in that fashion, but they
kept up a hot fire until we were within
twenty feet of them. Then they broke
and ran into the canebrake.
"We followed them, and found them
in trenches oa the other side. Driving:
them from there they fled to a block-
bouse not fur away. It was while ia
this second trench that the hottest
fighting occurred.
"Tbe rebels who were fighting us that
day were Aguinaldo's crack men. They
wore white helmets and bad good guns,
and if any one tells you they will not
fight, don't you believe it. If they ever
learn to shoot like our boys can, they
will be a hard lot to handle.
"I think it will take a long time to
conquer these islands. They will never
be worth the lives and money it will
take. There are eo many natives that
killing a few thousand doesn't count.
There are millions to take their places.
"In each battle there are a number ot
men in the rear armed only with knives.
When a man in front is shot, his place
and gun is taken by one of thesf.
"Carbines and sixshooters are the
weapons Uncle Sam can use to best ad
vantage there. Bayonets and sabers are
worthless, and are really in the way.
"Tbe boys there think Dewey's mis
take was in not sailing out when he had
destroyed the Spanish fleet. But Dewey
Is tbe idol there. All of the boys would
like to see him put in charge. They
think Otis is a good office man, but be
is too slow for active field work."
Mr. Saltzman says if there are any
boys there who do not want to come
home he couldn't find tbem.
"For a few days after the fighting be
gan, he said, "while excitement ran
high, they forgot all about home, but
that soon passed away, and they are
longing for home again."
Verdict or Coroner Inquest.
1 IV 10 46
Total )
Number of days of school, 20.
Per cent of attendance on number be
longing, Be.
John Uavin,
City Superintendent.
lVhfn Traveling
The body found at Hood River yester
day proved to be that of Harper Hansen
who was drowned at White Salmon on
August 14th of last year. Coroner Butts
went to Hood River and held an inquest
yesterday with the following result:
We the iury empanelled by the
coroner ot Wasco cmnty.stateof Cbegon,
tiud from the evidence before ns that the
bo'1y now before us is that of Harper
Hansen who was drowned on August
Uth, 1898.
J. K. Ra.vd,
P. A. Hhadfohd, Jr.
C G. CoprLc,
J. B. Castnkk,
J. P. Watson,
I. E. Raso.
Dated at Hood River, Oiegon, April
25. lS'-i!.).
Elegant new Pullman palace sleepers
between Portland an I Chicigo have just
been placed in service via the O. R. &
N., Oregon Short Line, Union Pacific
and Chicago & Northwestern railways
Whether on pleasure bent or business, daily every day in the year. Cars are ot
take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of
Figs, as it acta most pleasantly and ef
fectually on the kidneys, liver and
bowels, preventing fevers, headaches
and other forms of sickness. For sale in
50 cent bottles by all leading druggists.
Manufactured by the Ca'i'ornit Fig
Sftup Co. only.
the very latest pattern. In fact being the
most Improved up-to-date sleeping cars
turned ont by the Pullman Company.
These new palaces a ill leave Portland on
the evening fast train of the O. R. A N.
arriving at Chicago the morning of the
fourth day an I running through with
out change via Granger and Omaha, ltttf