The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, April 29, 1899, PART 2, Image 2

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... wtit. o a rrrr-PTi A V. APRIL 29
The Weekly Chronicle.
Adeit!lnf Katea.
Per inch or lew In Dally ........... M
o or two lurhe and under lour lncnea 1 uy
m ..... I,.... lnnhM an.l Itfkllur tWUlT lllCblM. .
t in. twwlva f IlffhM 60
mil v Aun vimr.
Jno Inch or leaa, per Inch 2 SO
Over one Inch and under (our Inehei. o
0er lour Inches and under twelve liic&oa. . I oo
Over twelve inchea 1 a
The atrocious affair at Newman,
lporpin. was a crime against the
nation, aaya the Spokesman Review
We are at war willi the barbarians of
the Philippines and the savages of
Samoa, ami our right to make this
warfare is pitched on the theory that
a high civilization is always Justified
in efforts for the expansion of
progress and the extinction of sav
agery. After the recent tragic en-
gagement near Apia, the savage
Samoans beheaded their victims, and
by that atrocity put themselves out
side the pale of civilized consideration.
In the fighting around Manila,
Aguinaldo'a men have systematically
tired on ambulances and Red Cross
workers, and committed other bar
baric and savage deeds which have
cut ibem off from the sympathy of
. civilization.
At this juncture a Georgian mob
of 2000 men startles the world by
burning a negro at the stake, and
accompanying that horrible venge
ance with atrocities which few
' savages would care to perpetrate.
Deplorably, this savage crime and
all its horrifying incidents will be
reported in Europe, and used by the
critics of the United States as evi
tlence to sustain their false conten
tion that the Americans are upon a
low plane of civilization. The entire
nation will be misjudged on the
savage frenzy of the Georgia mob.
The utterances of the Atlantic
Constitution and the governor of
Georgia on the shocking affair at
Newman are deplorably weak and
pusillanimous. The editorial of the
Constitution breathes a spirit of
sympathy for the frenzied men who
have disgraced Geoigia. It argues
that because one depraved negro was
guilty of shocking crimes, 2000
Georgians were justified in the com
mission of deeds which would shock
.even a savage people.
The Constitution is the leading
journal of Georgia. It helps to mold
public sentiment. Its duty was plain.
It should have spoken in sharp
sentences which would have cut
like 4 whip and burned with caustic
energy. It should have shamed the
savage white men who have com
mitted gross crimes against civiliza
tion, and held them up to the scorn
of all decent people.
Instead of facing its duty, the
Atlantic paper has extended a miser,
able invitation to other mobs to
repeat the fiendish sets of the mob
at Newman. It has invited the
contempt of the American nation.
"The difference Is," added she,
"the mistake of a person prominently
before the public is at once taken up
by the press, while the shortcomings
of a society woman are concealed by
her own set." Telegram.
incntatage folk have stepped aside tieated like other people in Spain,
from the path of rectitude. But but it would be absurd to expect any
then, she asks, how many members gushing welcome for them in that
of the best society have similarly ! country do
fallen ?
Jessie rSartlett Davis, one of the
purest and most intelligent women
in the lyric dramatic profession,
refers with indignation and contempt
to the clergymen of this period who
berate the stage as immoral and cor
rupting in its influences. She claims
that such clergymen are provincial
in their ideas, because tbey scarcely
have poked their noses beyond the
confines of their parishes.
Mias Davis quotes the Hev. John
Watson (lan Maelaren), who says
that as good lessons may be learnt
from the stage as from the pulpit.
Hf, Miss Davis says, is a broaJ
vicwed man, strong in his apprecia
tion and knowledge of what Is
Ijenefloiol to mankind. He is the
type of man to lead his fellows safe
ly along the path of true, uuuffectcd
morality. She contends that only
the weuklings in the pulpit, reaied
.. I . 3 - -1 t t i
in uigmiMi bcuooi? ueiongin to a
past are, underrate the value of the
puie drama as an elevating Instructor.
Miss Davis claims that she has net
a professional fiicnd whose purity of
character, refinement and polished
manner would not grace the best of
private society. In fact, real good
society has long aince warmly wel
comed the highly respectable cle
ment of the "profession" within its
She does not deny that aome prom-
Personal good will anil apprecia
tion of past achievements will atiend
Mr. Reed upon eutenng a new field
He baa done the country much ser
vice and the Dconle know it. But
events, imperatively demanding ac
lion, have moved a little faster than
the distinguished member from Maine
has been inclined to go. If Mr,
Reed had been president there would
have been a war with Spain just the
same, no matter bow strong his
preference for peace. The country
ordained it and congress, holding the
scales, was absolutely certain to meet
the issue. No power on earth could
have prevented the war. President
McKinlev was not eager for it. He
held back congress as long as it was
practicable. The course of Reed as
president could not have been differ
ent. He would have called a great
army to the field and waged hostili
ties vigorously on land and sea.
War with Spain was not a policy.
It was an inevitable event, a neces
The same stern law of unavoidable
sequence has governed the labors of
the administration in settling the
war. Criticism is one thing, re
sponsibility another. Mr. Reei as
president would not have ordered
Dewey to abandon Manila after bis
victory. An army would have been
sent there under any Republican
president. The pressing duties of
each succeeding day would have un
folded the same under any admin
istration possessing the American
spirit. Mr. Reed may regret the
trend of the adjustments of the war,
but he will not venture to fay spe
cifically how they could have been
improved or omitted. lie may Dot
care to work along the lines of an
expansion unexpected to all, un
welcome to a few, and imperative
beyond all question. Nevertheless,
expansion must go on by the force
of destiny and the will of the people.
The Republican party hus only re
spect and good wishes for Mr. Reed
and hopes that he may catch step
aain if he has lost it, as the party
performs its high and unmistakable
mission Globe-Democrat.
Senator Teller says the gold Dem
ocrats will support the Republican
in 1900 as they did in 1896. There
is a strong probability that the sen
ator is correct on this point. Bryan
is making the task of the gold Dem
ocrats toward joining the Republi
cans very easy. The gulf at the
present moment between Bfyaa and
Perry Belmont, the head of the New
York Democratic Club is as bioad
as it was between Bryan and Palmer
or Cleveland in the campaign of
189C. Palmer and Cleveland threw
up their hats when tbey heard, on
the night of November 8, 189C, that
the Republicans bad swept the
country. They will, for a precisely
similar reason,' shout on the night of
November 6, 1900, when the tele
graph brings the news of the over
whelming Republican victory.
1 hi
4 v
A Chicago physician would check
the increase of crime by prohibiting
the marriage of criminals, and sug
gents that habitual criminals and
degenerates be done away with
somewhat similar to the old Roman
svstero of throwing them from the
Tarpeian rock. A good idea if the
doctor can suggest some means by
which the victims can be impartially
selected. Everv one would think
the other fellow should be selected
to take the heroic jump into thin air.
All temperance advocates will
doubtless be flattered and encour
aged by a late decision of the ap
pelate court on the long mooted
question: Is hard cider intoxicat
me? "If the court know herself
and she think she do," hard cider is
intoxicating. Peg one for the court
Josh Billings settled in his own the
same question relating to beer, when
be said : "After the time I bed last
nite, I hev come to the contslushyon
thet if lagger beer a'int intoxicatin,
it used me almtty mean.
A Bear That Wil llare How the Baby
Frightened a Deck Hand.
Hawaii has postal savings banks.
They have proven successful and
greatly beneficial to the people of
the island who have made use of
them. It is stated that the deposits
in these banks at the present time
amount to something over $1,000,
000, which is about H0 per capita to
the population. The working class
es in the islands are suid to be
profiting from these banks, and
through them considerable sums of
money, which would otherwise have
been hoarded, have been placed at
the disposal of trade, industry and
enterprise. It is proposed to make
the postal system of Hawaii bcrinon
ize with that of "the mother
country." Instead of destroying the
good institutions of Hawaii it should
be the aim of the "rulers of the
United States" to encourage them
end introduce them here at hoir.c.
The slights received by Emma Ne
vada, the American singer, in Spain
will not make anybody in the United
States excited. They are just what
might be expected nt this time. No
body had any right to suppose that
the Spaniards would gush over any
thing or anybody American so soon
after their defeat by the Americans.
It would be unreasonable for an
American to look for tn ovation in
Spain at the present time. The
spirit which t'je Spaniards ars show
ing is just about what would be
displayed by any other people in
like circumstances. Nobody has ever
heard or read that the French gave
any effusive greeting to German
singers, musicians, lecturers or any
other sort of Germans within a
month of the ratification of the
treaty of peace. Within a few more
months or yeara Americans will be
The passengers who came up on the
boat Wednesday were greatly interested
in and amused by a gipsy outfit which
was taken on at Corbett's Landing, and
consisting of three men, two women, a
boy, two small children, three bean
and numerous other adju nets wholly in
diepensib'.e to the completeness of inch
an aggregation. One bear in particular
succeeded in making itself conspicuous
for its very bareness. It was impossible
to determine to what type it belonged,
but from all appearances it might have
been a pole or bear, being lank enough
to be either, and surely lacked enough
fur for a person taking only a furtive
glance to decide it to be the latter. His
neck was bare, the greater part of his
body was bare, he being in the act of
shedding, while bis legs were barely
But he bare bis share of the burden
and could dance the two-step or a cake
walk as gracefully as many society peo
ple upon whose fortunes he depends for
a living. His only fault in that line is
that he might be classed among the
"buggers." He is also a scrapper from
away back an J knocked the other bears
out In every round.
When the steamer landed the women
had their numerous goods, chattels and
valuables arrayed on the beach, and the
deck hands began the process of piling
them on the deck. Noticing an old
gunny tack lying among the other
rubbish, one ot the men grabbed It np
and was in the act of slinging it on
hoard, when it was seen to move as if
alive and the brave man immediately
dropped it like a hot potato, enly to be
informed that it contained a baby, and
so it was tenderly brought ashore.
Many passengers who watched their
actions on the trip up were led to
wonder at the concern which one of the
gipsy women seemed to Icel regarding a
a little 3-year-old child who appeared
to be ill. As one of the piiitlemen
passed by she besought him to do some
thing for her little one. Stooping dow n
be felt its head and pulfo and told the
woman that her child was quite sick,
and needed care. She burst Into tears
and grabbing the little one In her arms,
hugjjed it to her breast as tenderly as
would any more civilized mother, and
prehaps more tenderly than w ould many
mothers of this age. Even among these
uncouth, wandering people the mother
love is still predominate, and those who
noticed her cuddle the unattractive
littlo babe so tenderly, felt there was
yet some good in her makc-np.
Cam In lour Check.
All countr warrants registered prior
to July 13, 18V5, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after April 19,
1899. C. L. riiiLLips,
Countr Treasurer.
We have lately taken the agency for the Aermo
ter Windmill, and carry a stock on hand.
We also carry acomplete stock stock of Deep and
Shallow Well Purar. as well as Pitcher Spout and
Spray Pumps. See us before buying elsewhere.
The Aermotor Mill is considered the best ma
chine on the market. Call and see it.
' Anti Freezing Windmill Force Pumps,
This pump has been perfected to meet the requirements of the principal Wind
mill manufacturers in the United States, for a better Windmill Force Pomp, iln,
three wav valve, than had heretofore been produced. It has become the leading Anti
Freezirtg'three way pump, and is accepted by Windmill manufacturers and dealtn
generally, as the test three way Windmill Force Pump on the market. Ths Unioi
Elbow Coupling for connecting to the underground discharge pipe is of Braiani
can be turned to suit the direction of the pipe. The air chamber pipe is two inches it
diameter, which insures ease of operetiou and a steady flow of water. The HoseCW
ling on the epout aleo adds to the convenience of this pump. r
MAIER & BENTON. .wffiSSSMK The Dalles, Ot.
It Will He Vastly Different From Ike
One GlTen Lant Summer.
Editor Chronicle : Noticing an ar
ticle In your paper yesterday to the
effect that another Sunday excursion
from Portland to our city is contem
plated in the near future, let me just
inquire through your columns whether
or not it is to be of the same nature as
the last one, and If so, how, iu the name
of common cense, can the city receive
any benefit whatever from their coming?
Had "Citizen" given particular at
tention to the notice in yesterday's
paper he would have divined that It was
put in in the form of an advertisement.
Therefore, we would add that whether
the city receives any benefit thereby is
according to the light in which it may
be viewed, and depends altogether on
the kind of excursion given.
If the citizens of Portland choose to
come to our city and spend the day in
a quiet, respectable manner, we certain
ly should welcome them, no matter
what our own opinions regarding a
Sunday excursion may be.
But if, on the other hand, the day is
to be spent as was the last Sunday when
an excursion came from that place, they
should be politely requeeted to remain
at home and thus prevent the quiet of
our Sabbatn being disturbed by their
drunken brawls and disgraceful pro
ceedings. For truly the citizens of The
Dallas were justly indignant at the
rowdyism displayed by many who were
with the excursion last summer. While
among them were some of the best
people of Portland, who came to pass a
time with friends, they were disgraced
and chagrined by an element which evi
dently belonged to the scums and who
came with the intention of taking the
town by storm.
The order under wl.ijh the excursion
was given was not responsible for their
actions and as deeply regretted it as did
the members of the order here, which
is composed of some of the best citizens
of The Dalles.
The gentlemen who visited our city
yesterday for the purpose of determin
ing the advisability of running the ex
cursion to The Dalles expressed the
opinion that every individual who thus
behaved while here should have been
called npou to pay the penalty of their
actions. They aleo assure m that .i.i,
proceedings will not aimin take nUce
and should they decide to come here,
we may expect an orderly crowd, who
will respect the rights of our people and
the feelings of those under whose bus-
pices they come.
Our llrave Oregon Soiilh rg.
On every side do we maUea A
me brave Oregon buvs ul,r .
lighting for their country. Mora i
wnaftreedom" a Manila newspaper
cat e ;
"In the battlcof.Malttbonon Sainr.l.v
March 25th. the Second Oregon regi
ment U. ST V. took an active and lead
ing part, and displayed caiirmrn. in.
and endurance of the i. !,..., ......
'-' c i uriier,
or years to come the work of this rei.
mcnt last Saturday will bo pointed nt
an example or what can be schioved
hy volunteers. No veterans of Welling,
ton or Napoleon or Grant could have
done better. No one can possibly con
ceive the heroic bravery of the Second
Oregon on this occasion unless be
walked over the battle field; over the
Insurgent trenches, one after another
through the thicket and jungle; over
open stretches where for 500 yards rhe
boys faced a steady rain of bullets; and
up to the final insurgent lines which
consisted really of a fort with stone loop
holes. This n not exaggeration. It Is
not half the truth. The whole truth
concerning the work of this regiment
will not be written. No one saw it all,
and descriptions of those rushes through
fields where the air wao fairlv charged
with pulsing lead would hardly be be
lieved. Why was the regiment not
annihilated? God only knows. There
is an old saying that It takes a ton of
lead to kill a soldier. The natives are
phenomenally poor marksmen. This
fact and a favoring providence saved the
Oregons as it did other regiments
troin destruction.
"The insurgents with repeating Ma
users threw torrents of leaden hail at
our lines at random some bullets must
find a victim.
"Col. Summers should be proud of his
regiment; the Eighth Army Corps
should be proud of this record ; and the
good people of the state of Oregon can
words express bow they feel? People of
Oregon, your sons have this day proved
that their blood is like that shed at
Thermopylae and Bunker Hill the
blood of heroes."
The Game at Salem.
Our bowlers did not return last even
ing as was expected, but it is probable
remained over in Portland to attend the
opera. In the Salem Statesman, bow
ever, we find the scores by games, which
show that The Dalles team was not
beaten so badly after all, winning the
first two games, and coming out only
twenty-seven points behind on the total
games. At the close of the games the
visitors were entertained at the club
rooms, where lunch was served. No
doubt a third game will be planned in
order to determine the si'onger team of
the two, although Dalles people have
already decided that question in their
own minds. The scores were as follows :
1st 2ND
Barker 47 34
McNary !6 43
Minto 21 33
McGrew 41 47
Griffith 84 30
D'Arcy 27 3d
Mlsi Ferry,
Seventh ol
The greatest known palmfe
pianet reaaer. relis yon the jJ
you were oorn under and ho it J
you for success. No mattet whii J
past has been, your future en
lady. Now
bouse. Room 16. Next to the DiiJ
Mills. lfl
v ' .u.uio i
Don't tail to lee tint J
w at Mrs. Richuaond's W
The Eastern Oregon Ltnd (W
hereby notifies all persons whomiiJ
concern, that it has changed itiip.
the state of Oregon, having ipp
Mr. O. W. McNear, of San fm
Cat., in the place of Mr. T. A, E
Mr. McNear ia agent, with ofte
The Dalles, Portland, and SanFwj
for all business of the Eastern
Land Company, the selling,
and general management of the E. CI
Co'a lands in Oregon ; and, noo,iu
duly authorized by the said McN'ev s
authority to art, in any capacity m
ever, for the Eastern Oregon LinlH
San Francisco, Cat., April 12, IS
D. V. Hisiis
Pres. Eastern Oregon Land Compw
Position by lady to work ii
country. Inquire at The Dalles M
Laundry. Aprs 4
206 223 284 218-961
DALI.ES commkucial cllb.
3d 41 h
1T 2ND
Baldwin 41 44
Kurtz 61 34
Nolan. 38 31
Houghton 29 41
Mays : 31
Schmidt 52 45
211 220 227
Black rnr 0
Clyde Stallion tUl t
3! 14 V. I V
4! 1S7 tA t
40130 f
37-152 V.
237 934
No Klght t I gllnenn.
The woman who is lovely h, face, form
and temper will always have friends,
but one who would be attractive mut
keep her health. If ie j weak, sickly
and all run down, she will bo nervous
and Irritable. If elc has constipation or
ney irouble, her impure blood will
cause pimples, blotches, tkiu eruptions
and a wretched complexion. Electric
P-itters is the best medicine in the world
to regulate the stomach, liver and kid
neys and to purify the blood. It uives
strong nerves, briglj, eye,, linooth
velvety skin, rich complexion. It will
make a good looking, charming woman
of a run-down Invalid. Only 50 cents
at Blakeley A Houghton's drug store. 2
Notice la hereby given that thnro will
be an annual meeting of the stockholders
of the Golden ERgle Mining Co., at the
office of French A Co., bankers. Wednes
day, May 31, 1H00, at 7 o'clock p. ,, for
the purpose of electing seven directora
and transacting such other business as
may properly come before said meeting.
Hy order of the president.
J. C. IfokTRTt.KR,
ti r Nec'y and Tress.
The Dalles, Or., April 25, 18110,
Use Clarke A Falk'a Floral Lotin for
sunburn and wind chafing. tf
4-'' 1 Tw If I
Tedigreo back for over 100 run
ported from Scotland. Colts B
frir nnulitv nf hreedinZ. For
- -V
particulars call at , .
' m t mrvCCIT'S BANC".
a8-w2w. ShernunC
Rooms on Third Stre
One Clock Back
French ACo.'sBan
11 1 1 I
'IN 33S