BATTLE IMMINENT -. BEFORE CALUMPIT lacArtHiir's D.Tisicn lEn Bcnte to tne Place Dram Mzlclsi - IHE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 28, 1699. . . '7T77. 1 EAST and SOUTH via roA. mm. (jrjg jajeS( portianii ana Asiona STRONG REBEL FORCE THERE Aguioaldo io Command aod Accom panied by His Staff General Hale's Brigade Already Within a Quarter of a Mile of the Citri Manila, April 24. 7:50 p. m. Gen erl MacArtbur'a division left Maloloa today, apparently intending to attack C-tlumpit. Manila, April 24. 7:30 p. m. Gen Zlale at 4 o'clock tbii afternoon . bad crossed Bagdad and reached position a quarter of a mile irom Calumpit, thus commanding tbe river ford, . Prisoner captured by Hale's troops Bay Agninaldo, General Luna, and tbe Filipino staff are at Calumpit with a great force of Filipino troops. 7:40 p. m. Before daylight tbe Fourth cavalry, with tbiee guns belonging to inn Utah battery, the Ne bracks regi ment an I tbe Iowa regiment under Hale were proceeding in tbe direction of Xulnhun, where tbe Bagdad (Tibabag) is fordable, but commanded by trenche. Durin j tbe afternoon the troops crossed the river. - - Generals MacArthnr and Wbeaton, with the Montana regiment, advanced to the left of the railroad, and tbe Kan sas regiment moved forward to tbe'right, north oi Malolos. Ibey had with them a long supply train with two armed cars in froLt carrying two Gatlings and Colts rapiJ-fire guns, and the six-pounders. The insurgents attempted to destroy . their bridge outside of Calumpit, and succeeded in badly warping the iron framework. As soon as the soldiers left the Filipino capital, the natives be Iran flecking in, as they did at Santa Crux tefore the last boat of General Lawtou'a expedition had sailed. Our army is compelled t? abandon all towns when an onward movement is com menced, because of insufficient men to garrison tbem. No Change of Plans. Washington, April 24. Secretary Alger said yesterday's battle at Qninga had not ultne I the plans of the depart ment in any degree. General Otis, Gen eral I.awton, Admiral Dewey and the! Philippines commission all were fully au thorised to deal with the situation in tbe Philippines according to their best judg ment, and the department believed it wcnld be good policy to refrain from meddling unnecessarily. The secretary aid that if Otis wants more troops he shall have them, and meantime the de partment will make every effort to hasten tbe relief of tbe volunteer troops by the regular soldiers. 13 V l O'M An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effects of tbe well known remedy, Strup op Flos, manufactured by the California Fio Stbup Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening' laxa tive, clean sin? the system effectually, dispelling' colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In tbe process of manufacturing ficrs are used, as thev are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the Camforjiia Fio Syrup Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the f ul 1 d a me of the Company printed on the Iront ol every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. IAK FRANCISCO, CAX. iuisvn.i.E. ky. new yohk. n. t. For sale by all Druggists, Price Sue. per bottla Colonel Smith Promoted. Washington, April 24. The president bas appointed Colonel James F. Smith, of the First California regiment, to be a brigadier-general of volonteers. The regiment is now In the Philippines. Gdneral Smith will be assigned to one of the brigades of General Otis' army. TWO NEGROES LYNCHED Yesterday's Terrible Scenes at Newman, Ca.. Kc-cnactcd Xear Palmetto Mob Still Unsatisfied and Search ing for Other Victims. Palmitto, G April 24 The body of L'ge Strickland, the negro implicated by 8 im Hose In the killing of Alfred Cran ford, was found twlnyinj to the limb of a tree about a mils fr m town this morn ing. The ears and lingers had been cut off, an 1 rn the body wis pinned pla card bearing these words: "We must protect our Southern women." Strickland was a npgro minister, 60 yeara of ago. Hose, just as the torch wai about to be applied to the wood nnder him yesterday, admitted that he killed Cranfoid, but said Strickland had given him $12 to do the deed. The confession of Hose caused great excitement heie, and a crowd of men left for f aj ,r Thom as', where Strickland works, and at dusk took tbe negro from the place and brought him into town. Majir.Tbomat made a speech to the mob while they were on his farm, urging tbem not to take the ne,ro and saying he believed the fellow innocent. An impromptu trial was held in the public iquar. Everytolywho knew Strick land S8 called upon to give, testimony as (o his character. Several negroes em ployed by Major Thomas said the negro was a law-abiding citizen and was not implicated in the Cranford affair. Othet people living near tbe Thomas place gave Strickland a bad name. There were several people in the crowd who favored letting the law take its course, and sng jested that tbe court adjourn to another place a mile from town, where' several people lived who knew Strickland. This met with approval, and tbe "court" moved out into the woods a mile away. Here Strickland was strung up two or three times in an effort to get his con fession, but each time he denied that he bad paid Hose to murder Cranford. Tbe crowd seemed to be evenly divided, and the speechmaking continued until day light, when it was decided to take the preacher to jail at rairtmrn. ibis was the last the negro was seen alive. A couple of farmers coming into town this morning reported finding the body of Strickland hanging from the limb of a tree, and shockingly mutilated. The city marshal summoned two deputies and drove to the rcene. Tbe body of Strickland was secured and brought here for an inpueat. A telephone message received tnday at 10 o'clock says tbe mob which lynched Strickland captured Albert Sewoll, a ne gro who expressed himself to the effect that the death ot every negro should be avenged, and has put him to death. The mob is said to be still on a hnnt for ne groes, and it is probable two more will be lynched. N t Right to L'fllccM. The woman who is lovely In face, form and temper will alwsys hsve friends, but one who would be attractive must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly an i all tun down, she will be nervous and Irritable, If she has constipation or kidney trouble, her impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. Electric Bitters is the best medicine in the world to regulate the stomach, liver and kid neys and to purify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, iinooth, Velvety skin, rich complexion, it will make a good looking, charming woman of a rnn-down invalid. Only 50 cents at Blakeley & Houghton's drugstore. The Beat In III World. We believe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the belt in the world. A few weeks ago we suffered with" a severe cold and a troublesome cough, .and having read their advertisements in our own mm owier papers we purcnaseu a bottle to see if it would effect ns. It cured us before the bottle was more than half used. It is the best medicine out for colds and coughs. Ttio Herald, Andersonville, Ind. For sale by Blake- it-j Houghton linguists. Kotlee. I will give a liberal interest in a most valuable invention to party furnishing small amount of money to pay the ex penses of getting p.itent for the s.ime. This is an article which every housewife will want, and can be manufactured at home at a small cost and large profit. For further particulars address "D. A.," this offiVe. Caab la tour mack.. All eountv warrants registered prior to July 13, 1815, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after April 19, 18f. C. L. Phillips, County Treasurer. garardaj t Pally Frank Gable, of WapinitU, is in the city. j Owen Jones, of Xsnsene, was in the e ry today. A. Happold, of Rofos, spent yesterday in tbe city. A. S. Holme, of Cross Keys, is in tbe city on business, Amrnst Bnchler made a business trip to tbe Lccks today. R. V. Egbert of Ilwaco is a guest at the CmatiJ1 House. F. W. Stowbridge, of Oregon City spent tbe day in tbe city. Mrs. Honghton returned last evening from a few days visit in rowana Mrs. Otis Patterson will leave this evening for Heppner, where ene win visit a lew days. - Geo. Baretel, W. II. Pool and H. Wakerlig of Bake Oven are registered at tbe Umatilla House. F. C. Reed, of Astoria, the newly ap pointed neh commisainer, is in the city attending to business connected with his office. Miss Mollie O'Lesry returned laet evening from Portland, where she went to attend a lecture given on industrial art by Liberty Todd. Mies Mary Moore and Miss Lizzie Cooper, who have been attending school in this city, left this morning for their homes in Hood River. Mrs. M. Booth an old time resident of The Dalles, but now of Portland, is in the city visiting with her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Latimer Booth. W. H. Pugh and wife of Wasco spent the day in the city. Mr. Pugh states there is every reason to believe there will be an immense crop in Sherman county this year. Pr. Wilson McNary of Salem and Attornev Lawrence McNary of Port land will accompany the Itlihee Club bowlers to this city and attend tbe tournament tonight, Monday's Dally. N. W. Wallace, of Antelope, is in tbe city. Champ Smith, of Prineville, is in the city. M. E. Montgomery and wife, of Hood River, are visiting in tbe city. John "V. O'Leary, tne well known Grass Vally stockman, is in the city. Mrs. Fred Legg and Miss Adams of Salem are visiting relatives in the city. L. C. Albrecht and wife, of Bake Oven, are registered at the Umatilla House. School Superintendent Gilbert has re- tor ned irom a few days' visit in the. metropolis. Dr, Wilson McNary and Dr. Griffith. of Salem, left on the boat this morning for Portland F. T. Esping who has spent the past two weeks in tbe city returned to Ante lope this morniim. Frank Meredith and Hush McNary left this morning for Tjgh Valley, where they i.l visit with Dr. Adams. Capt. Cowan, agent st the Warm Spring reservation, came in yesterdav and left this morning lor rortland Miss Bertha Jones and Miss Elinor Kurth, of Portland, spent yesterday in the city visiting Miss Nellie Jones. Mrs. Zacbery Taylor, of Antelope is in the city on her wav to Spokane where she is going to consult Dr. Sutherland in regard to her son s health. John Lathrop, of the East Oregonian, and his cousin, R. Lathrop, of North Dakota, spent yesterday in thncitv and left on the boat this morning for Port land. Having heard so much about the scenery on the Columbia they took ad vantage of tbe opportunity of seeing the same. Tuesday's Dally. C. U. Hickok is on from the Cascade Locks. Julius Fisher left today for a few davs visit in Portland. II. T. Murchie and wife, of Wasco, are in the city. Mies Edna G. Gates, of Portland, is visiting in tbe city. Alva Wicox, a prominent Sherman county sheepman, Is in the city. E. B. Seabrook, who is siirvevina- 1 Klickitat county, is In the city today. Capt. Cowan and wife left todav for ineir nome at tne warm Kpnng reserve tion. A. Kayser, the well-known merchant trom the lilock House, is in the citv on business. P. W. Severson. of Portland. 1. ing a few days in tbe citv with hla nnirw. f II L- I - I ' ivira. uugu uivnn, Tom Hill is in the citv from the John Day country and has brought several specimens of ore with him. Rev. Jobn Wood left for Portland this morninir, where he was called by the serious illness of his mother. v C. F. Cathcart, of Portland, is in the city and is contemplating opening a cigar store in the near future. Jas. Batty and wife, of Eugene, are in the city visiting Fon Batty, the genial night clerk at the Umatilla House. STJ. Creteser and Taylor Borrow of Oregon City came up last evening an I left for the interior ibis morning. A. V. Templehuf, of Illinois, Is In the the city and cmtemnUtes local lilt in this vicinity. He is desirous of going Into the stock business, snd will if ,e csn Secure range. O. N. Wilson, representing the Wil sen Barber Supply House, of Portland, is in the city In the interest of his firm Navigation Co.' The Shasta Route OF TH Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leareand ar. due to arrive at I-orthu sirs. Keffulator 6 Dalles City Pa ly (except SuudarJ between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. Touching at way poi Colu i iin on both sides of the mbia river. Both of the above ateamers have been rebuilt, and are in excellent shape for the season ol : low. Tba Regulator Line will endeavor to give its patrons the beet service possible. For Comrort, economy and Pie ' travel by the steamers of Tha Regulator i-loa. The above steamer leave Portland and Dalles at 7 a. m., and arrive at destination in ample time for outgoing traina. Portland Office. The Ua" Office Oak Bt. Dock. Court otreet W. C. Alia way, General Agent. UlTI. 6:00 P. M, 8:30 A.M. Dally except Sundays 17:30 A. St. OVERLAND KX-1 preaa, Salem, Koae bunt, Aahland, bao ranieuto, Ogden.San I Frauciaeo, Mojave, ( LoaAu,elea,ElPaao, New orleaua audi rut J Kjaeburf and way ta tiona . ... ...... ;- Via w ooaijura i MLAngel, Bilvortoa, I M eat Solo, Browne- V Ttlle.gpringfield and Natron J iCorvallia and way I I nullum t A. M. :0 P. M Daily except Sundays. 5 MP.M INDEPENDENCE PASSENGER. Express train Dailv (except Buuaay) . Portland... Ar. s:ioa. ' - ... , . . k LA a M 4:50 p. m. 7:30 p. m 8:30 p. m. . m GENERAL BiacKsmiins ..AND. Hone Wagon and Carriage Werk. Fish Brothers' Wagon. I Thiri anl Jefleron. LacaV.4 Phone 159 i Dally. f Daily, except Sunday. DINING CARS ON OGDBN ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLFEPER8 AND BKCOND-CLA88 SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains. w,natlnn at Han Krsnciaco with Occt dental and Oriental and Pacific- mall steamship liuea lor JArAn anu t""s " aiplication ,,. ,rt Fn Kates ami ---r?-,;ATiTr7T rope. Also jArAi, m.i, vw.v.v a rruTD till 111 .ruwa traina arrive at and depart from Grand Central station, rum uu irm u:ta YAMHILL DIVISION. " Passenger Depot, foot of Jederson street. - ln for Sheridan, week days, at :30 p. m Arrive at Portland, :30 a. m. Istb for A I RUE on Monday, Wedneaday and Friday at :) a. m. Arrive at Portland, Xui day, Thursday and Saturday U8:lttp. m. Except Sunday. "Except Saturday. E. KoKfilSB, O, H. MARKHAM, Manager. Asst. O. F. Pass. Act Through Ticket Office, 134 Third street, wher through tlcseta to an poinu in toe casters States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at loweat ratea trom J. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent, or N. WHEALDON. lAHORTHERN PACIFIC RY. ..GflK. F-WK.. Butehens and Faprneps ..Exchange.. Keeps on drauifht the celebrated COLUMBIA BKEU, acknnwl edRed the best beer in The Dallea, attheuxual price. Come in, try it and be convinced. Also the Fluent brands ol Wines, Liquor and Cigars. Sandwiches of all Kinds always on hand. s aES E X2 S E E jy CHOICE Northern Grown SEEDS In Bulk at J. H. CROSS Feed snd Grocery store Cor 2d & Federal Sts. E E ID S E E D S SatNsrvI H s Pullman Elegant Tourist TO Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car BT. PAUL MINNEAFOI.I DCLUTU rAkoo OBAND rUR CBOOK9TON WINNIPEG HELENA an BUTTE Through Tiekets cnicAoo to WASHINGTON . rill LA DELPHI A NEW YORK BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH For information, time cards, maps and tickets, cal on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon oa A. D. 25 SUMMONS TN THE t'l RvTIT TxIFbt -.ueelau3,pi,inuJiro'al O. D. Tajlnr, S J.-e.h A. J..h.rTrlw. i,V: .J- ' 1'llUc.n . To John Brei r, J,,k . . tdd y and J c Uu Jl In the . .k""'". sn.. each ..( you are b.-rVbr Z. ana-er the e,nvC,Li.' JrVL above eutitied .i,"2?.,M!ari the date County; u Lilt a-.-j mons upon von i. . at or if ,: l t'ountv of this Slate. VhVl '" Irom the date o( ,he 1S?hJ'S, ' upon you; 11 wrvM bvi,, ? 01 on or before the las ' In the order for T.ubli?it?,' i. weeks from the l,h dlyTi jl.11- 't( being the hrn dv ol MhiiZ."rt'l! you fail ao to'r ii"U" plaintiff will apply th.0! prayed for in hiyco'fe. , IliKK) snd lnnWt s : i Z fi",0' T I each and all ol W,j " '1? C ngni, tine and Interest of ' Jon,'t aiita respectively. iu l0"f,h the southwest quarter of th 'JJ'"' of section li, a,,'a lhe loto h2h,B' quarter or aeeti.m 15, toiD,ll 10 eaat, W. M.,.a d rwTi ' J.' i land, and that the prow. ''Ii. iteut ol said Judsminr 'iS Thla summons is serv. 1 lion there..! by o'oVX-.' Circuit Ju,gc,d-,(?M.rh:iVw Attomej, i IT I NOTICE OF RESIGSATto, Notice la hereby siven th.t i. a. filed hi, resigUi.J.y J ratora of the esUU' of K, and the county eou r t ol the iL ,," H aaco county, ha, appoiuw S. unit mi iii'nriiity r nu of said aamlnistiator up to uwi,? to appear in id court at mm IS1 ? cau-e, if any exists. hr taid mi.w not be accepts and aiium2X Dalles City, Or., Dec. 27, IMS. j One of the Administrators if ivnr Perry Watklns, Deceased. U DISSOLL'TION KOTICK. XotiCA 1 hf.rf.hv li.A t..L .. heretoforeevuiin. C. !f. FJ era! lumlering business at bufur, (S1 dert he firm name n .1' ...u, r.n. aru auu J. IV lVarri derthetirm name of Ward aaoniaT'i dissolved by mulual coiwnt. W. l'! P.Ward will continue the ta. ' under the firm namnf w. T? collect all outstanding accounts triVi bllla against the old D?ia. AllMtfa, themwlvea indebt.Kl to said Arm make an early settlement, t-l titer by eashit awuaua, VIV. A W. IO, ICW, 1 WllfJ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATJOjl Land OFnca at Tri duuj oi i Id. I Notice Is hereby iriren that the u! named Bettler has tiled notice of his im ", to make final proof In anppiirt of bfielaairi that aald proof will be msdebeforf lotK and Keceiverat The Dalles, Orreim.ooSuli May 15, lticj, viz: Daniel Arthur Kelaay, ofThiDillsf Hrmestead Application No. 5101, lot and 8, section and lot 9, section si, w,., 1 north, range 12 east, Will. Ma, lie names the following niliieno ten' bis continuous residence utton snd m'jui:. of aald lanil, viz: I J. . Fansher. P. C. Fssan, C. G. ft.' Turner, all of The Dalles. Urnos. apr-D JAY V. U'l.ts, for, NOTICE FOR PUBUCATIOI. Land Offici at Tin D.u.i.ri.Oiiwi Auril 1.M I Notice Is hfreby given tbat th Mtrr named settler bas tile I notice of hliittnto j make final proof In support of bis elvi ,b that aaid pnaif will be maje befo:( the nr.rl and ret elver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Kuiti May lft, 1M1, viz: j Isaac C Matnry, ir The Dalles: ( Homestead Application No. It)-, Intlll't NE'i Si Section, 12, tid tli i BecUon 1, 1 p. 1 8. K II eastiV M. I lis names the toiiowiug witnwxi a r Macontluuous residence upon sud atiiw-i. Ol aaia lanu, viz : i A. M. rox, Dun iinrtmsn, rem fin-; Daniel Kelsay, all of llie Dalles, (ITOii. jai r aprX-H s- ARLTON, Asst. O. P. A., rrlaou Cor. Third. Portland Oregca Sania Fe Rod le Mr. Fred Archer, and Misses Me F.lln and Lillian Redden left on th boat thin inornlna for 1'ortlaiwl they will reiide in the future. Col. Babbitt U. S. A., accompanied m 7j vv l ' ' A'n-worth and Mr.en. Weeks, came tip from Port laud on the train last evnni n It OH. I I. .fa 'He, b0"1 tl?'1!, n,or"in.- They made . .. rnaiiy w view the scenery along the Columbia. ' White Russian Granulated Rye Meal The Celebrated Lincoln Seed Oats r,m,103 " v, onhe!a m J. H. CROSS, F.s. as Gunnino. rvBlacksmiih. Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, for. Second & Latiiiiiiii, pt0M 157 OfTeri traveler! choice of the lollowlne route, east. They are all famous for their scenic attraction. O. K. A N. view 0 17(1 An ftnii Tinntto r-hasta koute view Saciamento.Oird'en and Denver. bhasta Route view Sacramento, hut Angelea and Alberquerque. r..Arl!? ,ine of h'"'li PULLMAN PALACE and TOUIUST SLEEPER, irom han Francisco and Los Angelea to Chicago. Thu ia The Short Line from southern California To the East. Apply to the agents of the O. K. A N. J. J. DEVKREUX, 'en. Agt. Worcrter. Bldg. Portland, Or. Executor's Notice. Notice Is lien't.y iriven that lbs no have been by the futility Court ol ltfu Own, tor the lounty of siw, wr txiintea Joint exii iitors of theesUtt ' V. Rice, UweuMfl. All persons tajW;, airalnst sni.1 estate Mill vrcsenl IW'W with the prtr voucher to tne an'; theoftlceof iMifur A Ilenefer. In lt Wasco on ntv, (irciron. and wiuua mm I from the ilate of this notice. . Dated at Dalles lt.v, Oregon. ai.. . I, mini Kid. HassTIW' . . . , .... til i huK' joint r.Tecuiors oi lur - ui.. li...ul W1-' Administrators Notice. Notice Is hereby aivea that IJ; has been apN.inttil hy tnecuin - state f Or.'i..n for Wascj V'" ?r'l' tnitor of tlir ot IP "'- ,n,iii All per'oi.s navinsv"""- -j. certstnt. estate are hciehy untitled topreseii i the vr"'T!"V:?:l (Ton, within six inoi.tlis from wu. lii'ill.n f Ity, Or , March l'tn ''lU mrh.'Jl liro'"- tub coiumwa Pacicino Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANCFACTCKKKbDF Pine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON a)RlED BEEF, ETC. AiliniiLs'nlrix'Si'cofN .iAWM"! . ..,.i mini " :..,n null . I1S.1V OT'"" J .t IfJ T Notice IIict i of mi ii. iti r ol l'i ..laii.1.rv. Iv.l'.tl.eiw.t.r.! vv. itii'i iiHTi. iiit -, .... anciloi', at thi'c.-iiitl SNill eountv aon . .... . HI iwni.atlhc h.'iiM'i om ,,t bi.i.i.-r, aii it..-,K. estate, to lt '',V'T,h.'il.rtl'l',,':'i . ..-ii.-, ;'1T.'" ,11 UM"'.'' ' V, M W I tbe m u I I lii '1.h k . Ill Kewrvallon Ad.lillon tosai' f..iuntir Mild stHle AIo llie ift bull .1 I. .11 ..I III, - ... .. . o iii.Tlh, range eountv, ohk';" I ern.s of ili' and one hnlt m "i gHlfl' oil Ito ni 1 liles I Ity, . .a lim nil 'K Al"'l'a '"'' aprs It