The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, April 22, 1899, PART 2, Image 4

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rtklCIAL BUtlO.V
Wednesday Wi'-r-
II. Glenn went 10 Portland this afttr
Mr, f rank Fulton, of Bigg. U visit
ing iothe city.
Sapt, C. L. Gilbert made a tr p 10
Bood River tbia morning.
C. M. Cart wri-bt came op from Port
land veaterday afternoon.
Mr. J. F. Reynold returned to
Sprague by boat thi morning.
Mr. Jo. Tral, of Portland, it in the
city, U gurtt.of Mn. E. M. Wilton.
RjecoeOkM, representing Xeuttadter
Eroi., of Portland, is In the city today.
W. H. Hodn, aor of Klickitat
county, it in the city today on a bosi
aeee trip.
A. R. T xier, who has extensive fish
irg interests at Cascade Lockf, it op
from that place today.
R. B. Wilton, of the C. B. A Q. route.
l ia the city today tinging tbe praise
of the "only road on tbe globe."
Mn. C. F. SteDhent returned latt
night from Lebanon
called oa account of
rbither tbe
the death of
Mix Alma Scbanno it in Walla Walla,
tbe gaett of her coo tin, Mr J. B.
Catron. S-be sill perhaps spend a
month in tLat city.
J. T. Whalley, of Portland, who waa
a representative from Multnomah in
the recent legislature, it a visitor in The
Dalles todav.
Eocene Veet, a bo tome yeart aeo
brought to thit city three little pickin
ninie by war of advertirng the Majestic
range, it in the city today, represent
ing hit company.
P. J. McGowan, of Astoria, is in Ti e
Dalle spending a thort time and aiteud
iag to bnsinesa connected witb hit
cannery interests. Although a man
veil op in years, Mr. McUowan it at
active at many men in tbe prime of life
and superintends bit extensive interest
with all the ardor and business sagacity
of a macb younger man.
Thareda5 'a Dally.
w. s. aN WCC U in tbe city front Moro.
C. il. Brown it a Grass Valley visitor
la town today.
Joseph Moll and John Allen are in
from Ridgeway today
John Chappelle and James SartGe'd
came over from boldendale jesterday
uH tpent today in tbe ci:y.
J. B. Venable and A. R. Mitchell of
Rnfns, are in the city today, and will
leave for home on tbe evening train.
Dr. Siddail boarded the afternoon train
for Portland. Worn he returns we trout
be will remember us all with a good-
sued nugget of tbe All.n gold.
Mrs. Lee Weiirel came in from Price
vilie yesterday and left this morning on
the boat to visit her parents, Mr. and
Mrt. S. X. Wilkins, at Corvallia. Her
cousin, Mrt. Woodbury, came up from
Portland yesterday and accompanied
ber don tbe river.
Friday's Dally.
H. 6. Sonle, a piano tuner from Port
land, is in the city.
Minnie Larson, of Wasco, .it visiting
In the city.
Max I.ueddeman, of Antelope, is in
tbe city on business.
Hugo Brash returned last night from
a Doiinett trip to compter
Frank Meredith and II. McNary, of
eaiem, are visiting in the citj.
Alf. Allen, tbe Prineville stockman,
elt for Portland this morning
L. Samuel, representing the Equitable
Lite Insurance Co., is in the city
Lem Burgess, of Bakeoven arrived in
toan today and will purchase supplies.
Ally Henderson returned on the boat
this morning to bis home at White
C. L. Darling, a Balk Lake stock buyer
is in tbe city with the intention of pur
Messrs. Hodson, Billington, Graham
and Campbell, of Centerville. are in the
city today on business.
J. U. Pilsbory, well known here and
an old-time resident of Oregon City,
spent yesterday in the city and lelt last
night for Sampler.
Mrs. Helen Huston, wife of Lien
tenant Huston, now at Manila, it visit
ing at the residence of the Mitses
Roberts in Dry Hollow.
At Mosler, Monday, April 17th, to
Mr. and Mrt. Wm. Johnson, daughter.
If yon suffer from tenderness or full
ness on the right tide, paint under
boulder-blade, constipation, bilious
ness, sick-headacbe, and feel dull, heavy
and sleepy your liver is torpid and con
gested. I)e Witt's Little Early Risen
sill cure you promptly, pleasantly and
permanently by removing tbe congestion
acd causing the bile dncts to open and
flow naturally. Tuet ait good pills.
Bnfpet-Klnersly Drug- Co.
Defense Opens its Case.
Cantos, O., April 20. The defence
in the George trial began today, with an
attack on the state witnesses alleged to
be addicted to the opium and morphine
habit. Dr. Eymin, mperintendent of
the stats asylum for Insane, testified at
an expert that a person addicted to these
babits loses honor and truthfulness, and
retain, lilt! or no principle. 8. 8.
KaafTmao, cashier of the City National
bank, testified to lsning drafts to Sax'nn
to the amount of about $-VX), which sere
cashed In South Dakota, either by Mis.
George or others for her.
II yon have pit, cms them. No
use undergoing horrihle operations that
imply remove the results of the disease
without disturbing the disease itself.
Place your confidence in DeWitt's Witch
Haze! Salve. It bat never failed to cure
othibs; it will not fail to cure yor.
nipea-KineTly Drug Co.
the Coenty Treasurer of Wasro County, Oregon, for the six months ending o
the Slst davof March, A. D. IS99. of money received an J paid out, from
shorn received and from what source, and on what account Paid out :
assocst atcxiTxu,
To amount on hand from last report . . .
To amounts received from taxes
To amounts received from sundry fees
To amount received from Dalles City..
To amount received from licenses
To amount received from Dufnr
To amount received from roa-I
To amount received from Institute
To amount received from Coroner
Balance oa band, school fund
To amount received from taxes
To amount received from fiues
By amount paid out on county warrants
Hw amftnnt I vB lit Ant All School Superintendent's warrants
By balance general fond on hard
By balance school fnnd on band
By redemption Dalle City warrants
By redemption Dufor warrants
By redemption road sarrants
By balance. Institute
To receipts
By baiance
By warrants redeemed
To balance
stats or Oicgox, County of Wasco ss.
I, C. L. Phillips, do herebv certify
statement of the amoants rcsived,
county treasury of said county for the tix mouths ending on the Slst day of March
A. D. lJ9.
Witness my hand this la djv of April. A. D. 1899.
County Treasurer.
Of the amount of money an i warrants
County Treasurer by the Sheriff of
ending on tbe 31st day of March, A.
To amount received in coin and currency
Tj amount received in coin and currency
To amount received in coin and currency
To amount received in coin and currency
To amount received in coin and curreucy
By amounts paid to the County Treasurer, as per receipts
October, 1898 $ 7,456 79
November, 1898 11,657 78
December, 189S 1,650 10
January. 18ir9 1.028 55
Maich,'l899 16,709 78
State op Obkgox, County of Wa--co ss.
I, Robert Kelly, Sheriff of said county, do hereby certify that the foregoing
statement la correct and true.
Witness my band this 31 day of April, A. D. 1899.
Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon.
Of the County Clerk of Wasco County, State of Oregon, showing the amonnt and
number of claims allowed by the County Court of said county, the amount of
warrants drawn, and amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid, from the
lit day of October, 1893, to the Slst day of March, 1899, both days inclusive:
On What Account Allowed. Amount Allowed.
For salaries of County Judge, Commissioners, Clerk, Sheriff, District
Attorney, school superintendent, Assessor, Treasurer, Stock In
spector, and janitor
For paupers and county hospital
For roads and bridges
For jurors and witnesses in Circuit Court
For fees in Justice Court
For stationery and supplies .
For court house and jail and vault furniture. . .
For armory rent foi O. N. G. and G. A. R. relief
For bailiffs Ciicuit Court
For Coroner's inquests !!.""!!!
For fuel and electrij lights and water rent !'.!!.!"
For rebate on taxes
For insane account
tor Supervisors' account !!!"."
For bounty on wild animals
For expense election
For printing and advertising
Total amount of warrants drawn
Outstanding Warrant Unpaid.
Outstanding unpaid warrants, April 1st,
Estimated accrued interest thereon
Statx of Obigos, County of Wasco ss.
I, A. M. Kelaay, County Clerk of
hereby certify that the foregoing it a
and amoont of claims allowed by the County Court, for the six months ending on
the 31st day of March, A. D. 1899, on what account the same was allowed and the
amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid as the tame appears unon the record
of bit office and in my custody.
Witness my hand and tbe
seal. this 19th day of April, A.
Of the finncial condition of Wasco County, State of Oregon, on the 1st day of
April, a. u. lO'jy ;
Amount of warrantt nnpatd Oct. 1st, 1898,
Aniuuut of warrauts issutd Iroui Oct. 1st,
By amount of warrants paid from Oct. 1 -
mm yvi icfwilwl irmBUier, ouv UD Die
Total amount of warrants lemaining unpaid
ciiiuaieu amount oi interest on outstanding warrants
Total liabilities. ,
By funds in the hands of the County Treasurer applicable to the pay
ment of county warrants
By estimated amount of taxes on roll of 1898, applicable to Yhe'iiav
ment of connty warrants , '
By estimated amount of taxes on roll of lfM. aopiicabVe to the imv."
ment of couutv warrant
By estimatedmount of taxes on roll of
ment of county warrants
By estimated amount of taxet on roil of'
ment ot county warrants
Bf Hii'i',,",.)""'""lt dne ,h" f0,,atT on
lCvl, 189ma 1894
Excett of liabilities over resources
State or Obegon, County of Wasco ss.
I, A. M. Kelsay, County Clerk of the
hereby certify that tbs foregoing is a tro
and rion what sorait.
. . flfi. 89
22.S51 44
2.51W 30
2,t2-.! !H
. . 4X lO
To 86
bS 47
18 00
' " IS 30
$ 2.376 9 i
6,510 90 :
US ho
8.976 41
1 3,822 23
4.693 90
28.(92 65
2.822 9
W 3'
o J!
-3 00
-5.721 26
4.277 51
8,976 41
6,457 15
$ 2S5 30
6,tS 08
0,972 39 $ 6,971 39
that the foregoing is a true and correct
paid oat and remaining on hand, in the
received for taxet, and money paid to the
Wasci County, Oregon, for the tix months
D. 1899 :
during month of Oct., 1898. . . .$ 7,456 79
during month of Nov., 1898. . . 11,657 78
during month of Dec, 1898. . . 1,650 10
during month of Jan., 1899 . . . 1,623 02
during month of March, 1899. 31,244 28
8.833 45
1.886 91
1,385 42
4.5S9 15
538 65
478 65
4,807 11
323 00
226 50
157 85
189 80
57 25
40 00
2,156 '09
661 00
6 50
102 25
.26,42l 68
A. D. 1899 190,748 28
116,000 00
the County of Wasco. State of Oreon. do
true and correct statement of the number
seal of the County Court of tald county,
D. 1899.
A. M. KELSAY, County Clerk.
By Simeon Bolton, Deputy.
as per report
189S. to Auril 1st! A. b
$ 78,208 77
1899. 26,421 58
t, 1898, to March 31st, 1899,
$104,630 35
. 13,882 07
April 1st, A. D.
$ 90,748 28
. 16,000 00
.$106,743 i8
28,792 65
27,036 00
3,618 50
4,334 00
2.000 00
1,000 00
1895, appiicablV to the pa v-'
u ' the year's 1890,'
66.71 15
39,907 13
Connty of Warco, State of Oregon, do
and correct rt.itement of the financial
I .... . ... . .. k. .ameanoears 01 recoru irou iu
ientv. In my office and custody, aud
ani Sherrl filed herein
I Witness mi band and o
;tL D.
i '
Eesnlars Otis Eas, Ttlier Willi Tlnse
ItlsPrspdtaSeri Bin, Ample
Homeward Movement of the Volunteers
Therefore W ill Begin Earlv Next
Month, as Stated in the Dispatches
Received Yesterday From Otis.
Washington, April 20. Secretary
Alger hat received a reply from General
Otia to hit inquiry at to whether the
reinforcement! propoeed to-be sent to
him to relieve the volunteers would be
sufficient for the purposes of the cam
paign. Otis replied in the affimative,
tbe estimate of 30,000 men to constitute
the army agreeing witb his own calcu
lations. The program for the movement of tbe
regulars out to Manila and of the vol
unteers homeward, there'ore, sill be
carried out according to General Otis'
statement contained in his dispatch of
General Otis adds to his message the
hopeful remark that be expects very
shortly to be able to report decided
improvement in tbe situation in the
The volunteers in the Philippines will
return home in the order in which they
sailed for Manila. The date upon wbith
each troop sailed follow t:
May 25, First California, Second Ore
gon and detachment California artillery ;
June 25, batteries A and B, Utah ar
tillery, Tenth Pennsylvania, First Colo
rado and First Nebraska; June 29, First
North Dakota, Thirtieth Minnesota,
First Idaho and First Wyoming; July
19, First Montana; July 23, First South
Dakota; October 19, First Washington;
October 27, Twentieth Kansas; October
30, First Tennessee; November 3, Fifty
first Iowa ; November 6, troop Nevada
cavalry; November 9, First Wyoming
Campaigo Against tbe Filipinos.
New Yobk, April 20. A special to tbe
Herald from Washington says: Not
withstanding the pretence of the hot
season and the imminence of the rainy
season in the Philippines, there is to be
no cession of active hostilities against
the Filipinos.
This fact developed at a conference be
tween tbe president, Secretary Alger,
Secretary Long and Adjutant-General
Corbin. It was also decided not to Issue a
call for the 35,000 volunteers authorized
by the army reorganization law.
It is the purpose ot the administration
to tend to the Philippines almost at
many regulars as ther are volunteers to
be returned. There are fifteen voluuteer
regiments which, according to General
Otia, will return borne commencing
May 5.
Six regular regiment! are now on their
way to Manila. With their departure
only three infantry commands will re
main In the country available for service
in the East. It is understood that if
conditions continue satisfactory in Cuba,
a couple of regiments of infantry will be
drawn from that island and the Eleventh
from Porto Rico.
There it talk also of dispatching cav
alry U General Otis.
I will give a liberal interest In a mutt
valuable invention to party furnishing j
suiau iiuuuiiiui uiouey to pay the ex-
penses of getting patent for the me.
u.p mn biiiuiv wincn everv riounrwiia
iu want, ana can te manufactured at
nome at a tmwll cost and large profit.
can volunteers have petitioned the
government to allow them to be mustered
out on the Island of Lnion, with travel
pay to their hornet, in return for
they promise to fjrm local mllitiaonran.
Freeh cracked Nebraska corn at the
Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of
chicken feed. n c!.25-tf
ror inriner p.rllCular. addr.D. A., , ti.,, com pw Win 2 nXZtZ
tlllS Office. ,",yf0-,f iiJ)rt Heptemberlfi 7 2"
Want , Come Home. .S.
Manila. A nril 18 n, Anmi a 5 2 . " 7. "" ''-' i-ied .., AitfviVii
, , -ww lllllll- I s.Bli I rilTIll ItMllll 1. 1 as.
. 1 . L.
from the reports of the County Trea.orer
ffieial seal this tbe 19ih day of April, A.
A. M. KELSAY, County Clerk.
By Simiox Boltox, Deputy.
Wark the Urade Ketweea Oaldaaaale
id LTl Will Cibuik Immediate
ly It Right of Way It Doaatad.
President Lytic, of the Columbia
Southern R. R. Co., was in Goldendale
Saturday for tbe purpose of interviewing
our people in regard to the immediate
construction of tbe railroad from Lyle to
The corapany't proposition to build
the proposed line is very reasonable.
No bono whatsoever it demanded of
our people the company only asking
right of way and depot grounds. If the
people will give these, the company
bonds itself to commence grading the
road not later than July 1st, but will
not agree to complete the road before
January 1st, 1901, although it is tbe
desire of the company to have it com
pleted by October 1st of this year. The
road, if commenced, will be finished as
quickly at possible.
We believe that the farmers whose
lands are pat into bad shape by the
survey, are entitled to a reasonable com
pensation, and by that is meant no
fancy price. Each one whose lands
are not croteed by the survey, shoo d
lend a helping hand in procuring right
of way. Some will be found who will
give right of way without any consider'
ation whatever, while others will de
mand outrageous compensation. The
latter, it is hoped, will be few and far
between, as tbev will but deter the
building of the road an J will gaio noth'
ing thereby.
With a railroa 1 from Lyle to Golden'
dale, the expensive wear of farmers
wagons, harness and horses in hauling
off tbe products of the farm will be
thiDg ol the past. Freight rates will he
reduced, the cost of living decreased and
a greater demand created for tbe pro
duett of the farm. Home markets will
be increased and the cutaide ones can be
reached at all seasons of the year.
If on business or pleasure our people
may wish to make a journey, how much
more agreeable it will be to ride in the
passenger coach of a railroad train rather
than to melt in a vehicle on a hot turn
mer day with sand and dust to contend
with, or freeze in winter with muddy
roads, in winter's blasts, sheets of rain,
or drivicg snow.
Let the people unite as one with th
determination to make a railroad
surety beyond question and immediate
ly; our hopes will not have then been in
vain the long desired it assured.
Goldendale Sentinel.
You need have no toils if you will
take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils.
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Car
Through Tickets
w. c
in uaihM, ureffon
ARLTON. Asst. G. P. A.,
rrlwjn Cor. Third. Portland Oret
! Notice. -Timber Culture.
V. 8. Lard Ornea, Th Dali-ka, orno,i
February M, Ikud.
J :.',V"7.,ni.nV,n Tn nterl at thin offl
""r una any one tor him nlantwl n
tr. es oi cutting., or s..ed., and a so tl . sal 1 w"e.r
ley Mumnme, .IkiuI the month !f February
duly re in.,ul.hed said tract to th Viuul
,i...- ... ' " . anu never at
Ind LT,"I T'"' """I.'. abandoned".,,, "'tract
, " nrvr ' "ld time retnrnnl thereto
or HalmedanyUgh, , lutvrnt ,
ra-'ir t"?!.'!.r,"m,"" ".''""r snmmoneit t ,p.
ai m ocl.s k a ni to rentsind ami fi rm.h
.stlmony concerning ..Id ,iUed fJil, re "
11 " JAY P. l.l'CAi, RegUtcr,
I Oregon, lor Wioo ( oantT. 1ETty
John fcobinnon and E. J. Rublnion, ,
Aim Tuylor, Mrm. Roberta E. . .
tiut.u, hr hubnd, Ii.n,lnt. mil
By virtue ot an execution, decree .n-l
le.dulr luaued out oi aud auder thl?,!'
cl cuit court ol the State ol OreKon (7?1,l,.
,.i u ....... m rt ; ....... . . '".lor iher.
of March, 1W, upon a decree furthi
and euterel to aaid court on uJiJ!"?'''
March, In the abjvaentitl.-d e "f"
ol the pl.inUffs and against deiettdlr,',r""'
Taylor, Mrs. Koberta K. Gu.ton .".T'.
tou.aa judgement debtor. u the auai V til
even hundred and aeren ty even "
(f:t7T7.8Uj dollars, with In ertit thereul h
lsth day ol March, lh!. at the t.Z S1 4
per annum, and the lurtber aura ni m?"
dollnra, ewU, and tbe cutta ol and i , 1
writ, aud commanding; me to mnkedat
real property embraced in auch deem -
1st day ol May, at tbe hour ., two
in tbe afternoon ol said day, and at si i I
Hrwt. txl M.tnnlv A...... 1..... . ln' I
....... , uuum) in l),;IH , . I
Wasco County, Oregon, sell at public sur.J5
the hit-heat bidder for eh li i '''. I
right, title aud Interest which the deL'l'H
Alma Taylor Mrs. Roberta E. Gu.Sft'
Ujwiiiber, iMtt, th date of the mortal
clotted herein, or which iuch defendanu
ol the defendautu herein, have sinee tW1
na wiav KaamrA in awH .i "JUf
real property, Hunted and beiu u 7 ?
CfinntT. tintron. bvwlt- ""ft I
Meridian, In W asco County. Oregon .iTH
which now marka the southwest corner nl?
land entered in the United states LaudoiSL
The Ualles, Oregon, as lontion Uuffi.
M. M. cusbing; thence north 4Ki feet to m
located on tbe present southern bounds i?
of The Uall. s and Mill Creek wgon ro.J" fc
the line between tbis land and the uZ .
Charles Dentou intersects the south llneol j.
road; thence north 4 degrees east sidttT
south line of SHid road IT'Js feet to a stone Ink,
at the intersection ol the south line of MiTiZ
with the southern boundary line of rortDi
Military Reservation; thence coiitinulnt ....
tbe south line of said Ualles and U ill Ci4k
north 30 degrees east, HU feet to a polit JZ
the south line of said rond lnterwcu tri -
(.ua,. in fiu now owned by H f I
Nolau; thence south 806 feet to a rock nn rLI
south boundary hue ol Kott Dalles Uiitl
east 25 degree south, 1VJ0 feet t( a pin; tb, I
" i rt-CB, .ni 11 o u-et to a tut
thence west 67 feet; thence north 2Hii
y- 9 mvc., .or-ii'-e SOU in H', tt I
thence west to the place of beginnim (tbesuw
com prising seven and seven eighths sen u
r , 01 " 'i Hiin, i hi 1 1 iii sera) I
section four, and seventy-one and one-hsll m I
In section nine, making a total of eiKhtv-diu. I
till. ..1 .. . t 1 all . i . . . .... ... . . I
v.. ii iiftuiu uvur; nil ruunini , IIJWn!n og, 1
north of range thirteen east of the Willanwt, I
U..IHI... I.. U' ....... t ul"l
ul"ul""i " ow iiuniy, wrvgou; oriomuw
of suid property as will satisfy said JudpMi
and decree, with costs and accruing costs,
Baii property will be sold subject to .
firmatiou and redemption as by law providd
Iiated at The Dalles, Oregon, this 27th dajtl
jiuiju, low, ttWr.Kl KU.I.LI,
Bherifl", Wasco County, Oiaton.
11 J . . j. DAAlUn, 1 ' t I U 1 J .
Land Omci at Thi Dallks, Okigo-.i
februarv 2, Iw.i
Kotico is hereby given that the folios!.,.
named settler has tiled notice of ber lulmuoi I
to make Mini I proo! in support of lier claim, im I
tbatsaid ptiNif will be made btforethe Kerisw I
anu ncceiver at i ne naiiCH, Oregon, ou tain
uuj, a;iii 1,1, Wirj, Vl:
Llsile Kelnf, of Tim Dalles;
Homestead Application. No. 472J, for the il
Sec So, Tp. 2 north. Range 12 east. W 111. Mer.
filenames the following witnerses to proti I
hit eoiiiiiiuous resiuenca upon at, a cuniviin- i
of said land, viz: J. V. Johnston, J. H.JIu
Uls, Jneob Wettle, O. A. I'hiiman, all of Tbt
L'.uien.imgon. jai r. 1. 1 CAS, KflU3.
Land Ornci at Th Dallis, OmtooKj
BHKI'AKV '2M. lWltt. I
Notice Is herebv given that the fnllowlni
named settler lias tiled notice of his Inteullw
to make final proof In support of his claim,
that sild proof will be made before the Wft'le
and receiver at The Dulles, Oregon, on SstunUj,
April , viz:
Kdwln A. Learned, of The Dalles:
lomcstead Atipllcntlon No. 47TS, for ths V I
W'4 and Nfs W4, Hectiou 24, Ttwufbli. i I
lortb. Range f2 E, W. M. I
north, itiinge 1
He names the fnllowimr witnesses to sron I
his continuous residence upon and cultlvstka I
oi saiu iinu, viz;
H. M. Learned, Oliver Bowers, Perry Vic
i amp. j. f. Agldius, ull of The Dalles, Oreinn.
11 JAV Y. LLCAb, lieglbttr.
V. B. Land trrug, at Vancouver. WasS.,1
Kkhriiirv. IK. IS4.
Notice Is hereby given that the followtur
named settler has Aled notice of his Intention
niase nnal prisif In support of bis clium, m
that said prool will be made before W. H. Cmbj.
'tilled HtHtes CmninUsloner fur lllatrlrt
Wathington, at hlsnltlce In tioldcnilale, Wsb-
inguin.on Batiirdny, April 8, 1WJ, viz:
Thurman E, Wright,
Homestead Entry, No. lfK29, for the NE1
I, oi, lowusuiu norm, oi Hauge w ti
n ill. Mer.
He namea tha following . iiumm, tonrovehli
cnnlinuotis residence upon and cultlvsiioB s!
hi imiiu, vis:
tieorie 11 I vie. of VnM. p n whlnr
MlsJ. He.lne. John H Hlmmons. t nut t
Reynolds, ol Lyle R. O.. Washl nirtou.
k eb 22-1 w . K. DL'MJAK, Rcgiitsr.
Land Orrica at Tna Dallis. (ia,(
Avail A. IxtlU. I
Notice Is hereby fflven (hat the lullowinf
named settler has tiled notice of bis IntenUos
to make Dual proof In support of his rlainiinl1
that Said tinaif will m.ilu hrra tlia KeilitO
and Receiver at Tbe Dallea, Oregon, ou Mondsfi
""7 ' i irifn, viz:
Daniel Arthur Kalsa. nfTha Dalle"!
H mestcad A noltnati.m V. nini rrihelntt
and , section ;, and lot 9, section 112, town'01'
1 north, range 12 eaut, Will. Mer.
He namea the following witnesses to prn
his continuous reslii, iiiam iimtn .nil CllllaVSuOS
of said land, viz:
w, ransher, P. C. Fagnn. C. 1. Wcttnoi'i
A. Turner, all of The Dallea. Ilrea-on.
I" JAY P. Lt'CAH, Regltr
Land Omca at Thb Daixkh, OiigooN,!
, . Aptll 4. 1M'.. , i
Notice Is hrri'by given that the folio"
lamed settler has II lei notice of his Intenllot
iine mini prool In sllpimrt sir his ctaliD,
that said proof will be made ticlo the n'sl'"
.... innimn i ne nanus, uregnii, ou w-i
nj .... ,rrr., v7, ;
lomesti-ad Application No. MM, for the !
Y.'i. MC'4 NA'i Hirtlon, 12, aud K.'R'
w'tlon 1, Tp. 1 H, R II eat ,f.
IU names the following witnesses to prfl"
Iscoiitimioiia ivsiileiice upon and culllvsuo"
I said hunt, viz: ,
ao it Alaine. nf 1 he Dalles;
i i l J ' llartman, Peter riig
. ....... .il..),,!! oi lm. naiK-a. iircgoii.
JAV P. Lu:a
prtill irKlt"-
Admin'slrilrix'sSa'e of Real Estate.
Notice Is hereby given that under ami bv r rtJ
of an n.der of tliaiiimnty ol the
Oregon fur W.n, cumv. madnn the"'1'
of January, tstav, In the niittlcrnf the esliite"' "
W. K. Rlm hart, deceased, I will sell, ' P"b,!
aiictlni., at the i ttliouiedoor in Dalles' li.J"
. ci.imf r and .tato, on the6lh day ";'.
I'.".!, A the hour nf one o'elia-k p. m., to tin I"".
t bidder, all the real estate .olig:ng J",
estate, to wit t. A. H, C, D, K, K, U,
" '" I" llioet li In fort Dalies
Reservation Ad.lltion tosa.d Dalles City, In w"
-'i.iif nini stare.
Also the we.t half of Hie southeast '""',u
the east half of the ..iiuhweat nilarter, s lM
III township 1 north, ranae II east, In
ei.iintv, ori-gon. , ,
ierms of nle-one halt In rsh at time
lid una half In sis months, secured by '""
gc on the premises.
Dalles City,, A prll 7th, W-
Kmilv H. KiK""T'
"pr AilmHl-irtil