The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, April 22, 1899, PART 2, Image 3

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...Dress Goods...
This is the one subject
that we have given less
attention to than any
other, owing to the fact
that the demand has
been for Wash Fabrics,
but our line of spring
and summer wool goods
Covert Suiting,
Figured, Novelties,
Bayadere Stripe.
Matelasse, -Changeable
Diagonals, Ladies' Cloths,
Whip Cords,
Pin Head Checks,
Are now attracting considerable attention and
we are anxious that all who contemplate buying
should know that we are prepared to show all these
late things with the most carefully selected line of
trimmings ever shown in the city.
This line is now thoroughly complete in every
particular and is extremely interesting to the mothers,
as these garments are dainty and just what you have
been asking for.
Infants' Eiderdown and Cashmere Sacques in
all colors and prices.
Infants' Long Slips in white
Infants' Long Flannel Skirts, handsomely em
broidered and hemstitched.
Childrens' Dresses from G months to 14 years;
all colors and styles.
Just received a shipment of ' Black Cat" brand
Hose 20c, ?5c, and 35c per pair.
All Good Maiked in Plain Figures.
The Weekly Ghroniele.
official paper or wasco county.
PnhlMtd in ttrn tivra tin Wninsilnt
TMtlL. POUTln. .... - ...,..
ii ,)
month, ; '
uZclll' Mh! reiwon,ble nd o""1 known
A4inpM .ii '
kU "Tk , ''""""nimtioui toMTHF CI1RON
Jf. Ill Ulle, orcgnu.
local iihrvitibh.
WediimdHjr'i Dally.
Ths laU.t ...M i .
- ..xn i hi i road rumori embrace
wtnit Mya ,he Columbia Southern
, ..t nujurutu uy viib J. a.
"Co. NVxt
While tl, ...I . . .. . t
l .miuih urn noi vet o mucn
- in, ineyn )a moving
"0Di'iiinlnKlyInafBw dllyi
A ' P!nt neyer wa o noticable
kiMi ' '"UcU ,0WrJ Improving
pi.' a doe that now being placed
Hi'n i "un'img on rirt street,
tint !'n n,",,'ct1 'or o long
ftacho l,,e (',en w,te Pint 10
"tUmora Hlcable.
N i "re b,mt completed,
lir.10 "PP-""
W, . M- " Co.
th,,h ' ,,U,,ftl 'rge window in
'tront of tl, t-uil.i'ni,.
hiy fi'liB Iown the
hi), , . " " hen her wheel
Ponn',1 A i'B ,hrown to '
wbv k nty""gman standing
"V id,c "i,,linK."rld yon fU7"
IJ flnj . , 1,1 K"t off to tea It I
n,,'''M clover."
to th'l'";?,0' t,,e 20 t'r-rent txtr.
k" ,,, ? In ' Philippine
ow , t0 ,m',n'U
"lb'-"l'iMit,m Philippine.
cease. The troop iu the Philippine,
both officer and men, will be given the
two month extra pay when mubtered
It beingsuggested that tlie" bachelor,"
In making their achedule of price of ad
mission to their coming eocial Friday
night, were manifesting a vindictive
spirit toward the old maid, in assess
ing them 50 cent a head, we gathered
from a conversation with one of the al
leged bachelor today that their reason
for o doing waa that the old maids, being
always Instinctively attracted to any
assemblage of bachelors, would likely
occupy a large portion of the seating
capacity of the Christian church, there
fore the bachelor took the proper pre
cautions and made the above charge.
In mentioning the valuation of the
estate of Horace Knight, deceased, In
yesterday' issue of Tub Cmkonici.s, we
gave it a f80,000. It is generally sup
posed that newspaper are allowed a
certain margin for exaggeration ; but
there I a plc where exaggeration
cease and "preverication" begins.
While Tub Ciikonici.s did not Intention
ally misquote the figures, we were mis
informed to ueh an extent that were
our reader mentioned in the will they
would certainly receive a great disap
nnlnimnnt. a the estate I vnllied at
$15,500, about li ft h much a we
Dr. Klddall Is determined to see what
I to be seen In the mining districts of
Alaska, and to that end will leave to
morrow afternoon for Portland, where
he will jin a party and start for the
Atlln district, o mwli talked of this
year. When the doctor reaches there
... .... ..,,,.(. in net retiorts which will
be unvarnished, and know the whole
...,n. .n,t nntdlnir but the truth. me
doctor being an old resident of The
Dalle and having host of friend here,
tart out with all ort of good wishes
for the success of hi trip ana we an
hope he will discover something In the
Atlin which will so lar nvai w..v
i... M.inlned had be reached
lIHgm ii' - ...
the Klondike two year ago, that he win
thank hi lucky star that be delaved
bis trip.
And now the Commeicial Club
cime to the front and is organising a
band, to be railed the D. C. A A. C.
Concert Band, under the direct super
vision of the club and composed of club
I nber. It will consist of eighteen
p:eceg, and two concerts a month will be
given at the club rooms, presumably on
the veranda during the summer months,
i The work of getting the members
i together is already pretty well along,
! and whatevei the club undertake is
nre to be a go, so no doubt we wiil
j soon be indebted to the club for another
I pleasure we would uot otherwise have
are not frequent traveler through the I the market. He i enterprning and hi
treet of our citv, however, and this added many Improvement to hi a
one proved to be a foreigner, a it
j jumped from a pack of nmbrella which
lira umbrella mender laid down on the
idewalk. It is supposed the scorpion
crawled into an umbrella while the old
fellow was on his way from Hood River
here, he having walked from that place.
It is a very lare one, being about two
and a half inches from tip to tip, and i
now preserved in alcohol in Mr. Nielsen'
'njwea. It will not only he beneficial
to the club, tmtto the cilv a well. It
beat the baud how energetic these club
mem ber are
Last evening a the august board of
directors, with dignified bearing, were
. in the director' room at the club
assing weighty matters. uddenlv
there flew through the transom above
the door a delicate little note. Strange
it was to see the reserve and wise ex
pregsion change to an eager look of
expectancy a each member started
from his seat with the assurance that
the missive was directed to iiim by
bis wife. It, however, transpired that
it was a partnership affiir, addresped to
the board and containing a special re
quest from the ladies that the doors of
the club be opened to them Saturday
evening that they may witness the con
test game between the club team and
the l'lehee bowler of Salem. Needless
to say the request had been foreseen,
and they are to be received with open
oiuir. iuai jg, providing there 18 no
"rooting," which the ladies understand
to mean that there is no favoritism to
be shown, or undue applause. Dalle
ladies understand the situation.
Thursday's Dally.
Yesterday morning when A. Bruner,
a sheep herder, waa splitting wood, the
ax slipped and cut bis left foot very
aeverely. Dr. llollieter wag called and
was compelled to take seven or eight
stitches iu the wound.
Sam L. SimpBon, the Oregon poet,
whose "Beautiful Willamette" made
him famous, hag decided to quit the
Webfoot slate. He will go to San Fran
cisco and engage iu literary work, for
which occupation he is by natural en
dowment well qualified.
The Salem bowling team which will
play against the club team Saturday
tiittht, is composed of Messrs. McGrew,
D'Arcy, Hatch, Barker, Griffith and
Minto. It is probable The Dalles team
will consist of Messrs. Bradehaw, Nolan,
Houghton, Baldwin, Schmidt and either
DcHutf or Hertz, the latter name being
decided by the result of their try-out.
There are to be a number of changes
in the location of business firm
soon. We understand P. G. Daut, the
optician, will remove hi store to a
portion of the building which is to be oc
cupied by the First National bank, while
C. F. Cat heart will occupy hi present
stand, putting in a cigar store. Other
change are contemplated, but not de
termined upon.
Last night at the Masonic ball the
Royal Arch degree was conferred upon
three candidate. The remainder of the
evening was very pleasantly spent, at
the close of which a banquet wa served
A delegation, consisting of E. L. Smith,
A. S. Blowers, G. R. Castner, G. E.
Williams, W. A. Slingerland and E. E.
Savage came up from Hood River and
were present at the meeting.
The nurse, Mr. Ida Crawford, who is
in attendance on George McKennon, the
man who wa badly injured in a
runaway Monday evening, inform ua
that he shows little signs of improve
ment, being in an unconscious state
most of the time. The left side of his
head was badly cut and the skull press
ing against the brain cause him untold
suffering. An operation will be
performed tomorrow morning.
"Hello, Endersby," was heard to
vibrate over the Oregon Telephone w ire
yesterday afternoon, the line being con
nected with that postofrke yesterday.
No doubt the people of that section will
be delighted to be in direct communi
cation with the outside world. It will
be particularly advantageous to them
should 'phone be placed at various
farm throughout that section.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bigg returned
on lBt evening's truin, after having
spent six months visiting relatives in
Missouri and California. Their first
vieit was in Canton, Mo., after which
they went to Kansas City for a short
trip. They report the winter a hard
one. Coming to Southern Calllornia
they spent some time In 1 Angeles
and other cities. On their way homo
they remained In San Francisco about
two weeks. Altogether they have had a
delightful trip. Mr. Biggo says Los
Angeles county is still suffering sadly for
want of rain, only about four Inches hav
ing fallen this season. Much of the
fruit crop will be lost. Mr. and Mrs.
Itiggs will remain here for a short time
at leant, and we truBt will decide to
make The Dalle their home.
doubt would be much
aware that a
Senator McBride ha been urging up
on the official in Washington that work
te taken up and pushed to secure the
right of way for the proposed boat
runway at The Dalles. He con
k )d the chief of engineers a to just
what bad been done in this direction
and was told that for the right of way
and for the terminal facilities of the
boat railway, 323.83 acres of land were
required. Of this amount, up to June
HO last, title to, or right of way over
188 .09 acre bad been obtained. In view
of thi fact, be has urged that (he matter
be pushed to a epeedy conclusion, that
the right of way may be completed, and
some of the money now on hand be ex
pended in getting the project under way
in time to secure further appropriation
from the next congress. Until the right
of way 1 obtained, none of the fund on
hand can be expended, and congress will
make no further appropriation. The
fact that the right of way wag not fully
obtained prevented anv aDDronriation
for tbia project in the last congress.
Mghtwatcbman Phirman wag this
morning about 1 o'clock called upon to
straighten out a man (?) whom he
should of at once thrown into the Co
lumbla, and probably would have done
so, bad not his respect for our grand
river caused him to hesitate to eo sully
its waters. The aforesaid individual
lives somewhere in the vicinity of the
garrison, and unfortunately has a wife
who ia now helpless, and four children,
who for years have been scarcely able to
eke out an existence, and have been
wandering from pillar to post, the thing
wbocalls himself their protectorspending
every cent for that which put the
finishing touches on the job which
nature pretty ably accomplished in
creating a fool. At 1 o'clock this morn
ing he came home reeling, and kicking
open the door gained admission and
made things lively for his family for a
short time, when Phirman wa aent for,
and the culprit landed in the city jail.
Such brute should be settled once for
all, and the amazing thing is that
women have no more stamina than to
put up ith their brutality.
Friday's Dally.
The condition of Geo. McKinnon ia
decidedly better and from all indication
he will pull through all right.
The management of the club have
kindly invited the ladies to be present
at the bowling contest tomorrow even
peven nean oi worn horse were
hipred to Portland thi morning on
the boat where they will be offered for
Regardlee of the weather the river ia
still rising which makes many who are
anticipating an flitrcmo high water feel
Today is when the moon crosses the
celestial equator, and this is the date on
which the greatest general storm of
this period are to be apprehended.
Geo. A. Malone, advance agent for the
"Bobby Gaylor and McSorley'a Twin
Co.," I In the city, arranging for hi
ready large plant. On Saturday and
Sunday, the 29tb and 30th lie will
place hi celebrated bock beer on
Mfisn. Hosteller and Med u r left
on their bicycle thi -morning for the
1 rout L reek mine which at present are
attracting much attention. These gen
uemen are going out with the intention
of locating a claim. They left with all
pecc-ssary equipments to camp out where
night overtake them.
A telegram was received yesterday
evening by Mr. John McAllister, who
ha been visiting her mother, Mr.
Brune, in Rockland, stating that her
husband who is at PaBco was badly hurt
Mrs. McAllister left lust night for the
above point. No further particular are
obtainable at present.
Last fall when the new water system
wa put in they were left with about a
foot of dirt above the level of the street.
However, the rain defcended and the
wind blew, but a a leveling power it
had no elf. ct. Today workmen are en
gaged placing our busiest thoroughfare
in a presentable shape and leaving no
trace of recent upheave!.
A car of infusorial soil wa shipped
today from Mosier to the elate of New
Jersey. Thi soil i a flue siliceous
material composed mainly of the shell
of microscopic plant. It is UBed in
making polishing power and in the
manufacture of dynamite. Several car
loads have heretofore been shipped from
Mosier and they have quite a trade in
thi line.
Frank Spicer was brought In from
Antelope yesterday evening by Con
stable J. H. Jackson and hia Drelimi-
nary examination was set for this after
noon. I he state issued a warrant for
Spicer in the matter ot the killing of
W. D. Jone a short time ago. The
coroner held an Inquest at the time and
the jury exonerated Spicer. However
it was thought best to bring the matter
before the grand jury if possible, con
equently the above proceeding.
Taxidermist say that the Elk "teeth'
are not teeth at all, in the common
sense. They lie clear and clean of any
tooth in the elk' head. They are In
either aide of the upper jaw, two inches
from tae front of the mouth. I named
lately beneath the "tooth" is a toothless
hollow. The part of the "tooth" below
the gum bulges blunt and round, and is
similiar in shape to some of the wooden
golf sticks. The taxidermist say they
do not know what use these organs are
to their original possessors.
uch la 8a I.I la Ha Ik !! ot a Varna
Woiuaa at Coltllla, Waaa.
I'aat and Praaent.
company to appear on Saturday April
Wm. Gillett, the deaf mute who was
struck by a passenger train Wednesday,
has so far recovered that he was sent to
bis home in Portland on thi morning'
CitUen no
ftnnrern ed were they
scorpion was killed Monday afternoon
on the sidewalk surrounding H. Nielsen's
.lore; and the ladie would take to
wearing rainy-day skirt, for iear of them
stealing a ride on their train. They
R. H. Lonsdale returned last evening
from a 'trip through Sherman county
and reports farmer through feeding
and are jubilant over the prospect of a
good crop.
John Ciocker has received a new Rus
sell traction engine and Is preparing to
take it to Klickitat county, where he
will use it In connection with a thresh
ing machine.
A surveying party of eleven men came
up Irom Portland last evening and left
this morning for Washington. They
will be engaged in making surveys for
the Columbia Valley Railway.
That free hat offer of A. M. Williams
& Co'i, advertised for tomorrow, will no
doubt prove quite an attraction for
many of our citizons. It's not every
day that Stetson' five dollar iiata are
given away.
There will be a grand stereoptican ex
hibition anil lecture on "Social work
of the Salvation Aarmy" br Eneiirn
Hawkes, at their hall on Saturday
evening. Everybody Invited. Admis
sion 10 cents.
Recorder N. II. Gates received a mes
sage by telephone today from civil en
gineer W. J. Roberts of Parc, saying
that he would be down a week from to
day and would then' look into the mat
ter of the proposed new lewer system.
The following gentlemen were
sulii o'nii'd in the case of the State of
Oregon vs. Frank Spicer are In the city
attending the preliminary examination :
W. J. Ashby, J. D. Tunny, Frank
Bishop, J. Hamilton and iVllbur
August Buchler is putting out some
of the finest lager beer ever placed on
Mode of kcowotion change with the
It was not many year ago when The
Dalle wa the distributing point for all
Eastern Oregon and a large share of
Idaho, trade having extended as far a
Boise City. Passenuer leavinir The
Dalles In those day had but one cboxc
the etage coach and they wre always
crowded. The arrival and departure of
the thorough-brace with four and six
horse attached was the event of the day
How well do we remember hearing of
the dreary all-day and night journey
in lumbering, creaking vehicle.
Few remain in our vicinity today, and
from all appearance it will be but
(hort time until they are a thing of the
But the old stage driver, he will still
be with us, vigorous a ever, alwaya
ready to rehearse with pathetic earnest
ness the glories of the old coaching day,
and likely will often resent the intrusion
of the railroad.
That the iron-horse ha crowded out
the thorough-brace in Shermau county
ia not aurprising, and should it pursue
its course on to Prineville, Crook county
would not be out of reason, for at
prerent that place is not nearer than
Tbe Dalles to a railroad, and i the
center of a yery large atock country.
A interior place are settled, more
become the need of quick transporta
tion and it Is but a matter of time until
the shrill whistle will reverberate among
the hills of the southern part of our
county and we will, with the old stage
driver, regret the demand of the age.
Truly the world grow smaller every
Aitvarllaed l.eitara.
Following is the list of letter remain
ing in the postoffice at The Dalles un
called for April 21, 1809. Persons
calling for the same will give date on
which they were advertised :
Bluvio, John F Conklin, E G
Fast, 11 C (ioldblatt, Abe
lladley, Asa Kelley, V J
Kneeland. Harry Linseih. Master 8 I.
Lanson, Muud Monagham, Martha
McLov, Anna Olson, J
Roft, Jll Rex, Maud
Raymond, Lena Smith, J T
Schindler, Joseph Simpson, Robert
Schatx, JC Thonu.snn, C W
Keililehopp, Walhelm
II. II. RmiiEii., Postmaster.
Whan Traveling;
Whether on pleasure bent or business,
take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of
Fins, as It act most pleasantly and ef-
fectually on the kidneys, liver and
bowel, preventing fever, headache
and other form of sickness. For sale in
50 cent bottle by all leading druggists.
Manufactured by the California Fig
Syrup Co. only.
Use Clarke A Falk'a Floral Lotlne for
unburn and wind chafing, tf
A brief dispatch from Co'ville pub
lished Tuesday told of a remarkable)
o.i.e of w hat appeared to be hydrophobia
at that place, the victim being Misa
Nettie Fogg. The case a it cow de
velops is on e of the most peculiar that
ever occurred in tbe Northwest. Hya
tericai imaginary hydrophobia Is what
it might be termed, for tba young
woman was never, to the knowledge of
her relative and frieuds, bitten by at
mad dog.
Saturday she was thrown into a eerie
of convulsion that seemed as if it must
terminate fatally. She barked, gulped
food and lapped water like a do;, and
twisted and turned her body a a dog la
agony would. Suddenly she righted
herself and with a vicious snap teiaed
one of her thumb b 'tween her teeth
and would have bitten it off, but for in
terference. A few seconds after this
Nettie began to bark, growl and snap
just as a dog does when irritated. Sha
remained in that condition for about
five minutes when another spasm look
her and the united muscles ot three)
were required to hold her. In period of
semi-consciousness she would point to a
tear on her breast and say "Garfield did
it." On inquiry, it was learned that
Garfield wag a dog for many years ia
the Fogg family. One of tbe sister
said Nettie had told her that the clog
had bitten her about nine years ago.
The dog at one time was suspected of
being mad, but recovered from the
seeming attack.
It is thought Nettie was bitten by tha
dog and had been greatly frightened
thereby, thinking she might some time
contract hydrophobia. Being of a
nervous temperament and recently in
poor health, the theory is Bhe worked
herself into a hysterical c mdition, when
she imagined she had hydrophobia and
developed all the symptoms of that
malady, something not unusual in I he
history of medicine.
In Favor of Colorado Sprlnga.
Chas. II. Gleira, traveling freight and
passenger agent of the Colorado Midland
Railway, is In The Dalle. The purpose)
of hli visit to our city is to interest the
Elks in the ma! ter of holding the grand
lodge meeting of 1900 in- Colorado
Springs. Tbe national meeting tbia
year in to be held in St. Louis in June,
and by instructing their delegate to
vote for Colorado Springs as the meet
ing place of the following year, the Elks
have no idea what a favor they will con
fer on those who are permitted to at
tend. To one who hn'B been privileged
to visit that beautiful place, and take ia
the grandeur of it surroundings Pike's
Peak, theGarden of tbe Gods, Cheyenne
Canyon, and numerous other places fully
a wonderful, the very Idea of cuch an
opportunity ia enough to create any
amount of enthusiasm and cause one to
wish ho might be a delegate. -
A trip over the road which Mr. Glelm
has the honor of representing is enough
to Induce all to vote for Colorado
Springs. No route could be chosen
which would give delegates better op
portunity to see scenery which must of
necessity be remembered for a life time.
as every newspaper representative who
bad the privilege of traveling over that
route laet year will affirm.
Tliis winter ha proven an excep
tionally hard one on the railroads
of Colorado, on this road in particular,
which for seventy-seven days was tied
up with a blockade of enow which ear
passed any previous blockade in its
history. One can scarcely believe the
weather bureau contain facta when it
give the fall of mow during the winter
along that road at 31.' s feet ; but such
were the reports.
Mr. Gleim will visit various lodges
throughout Oregon and as far as San
Francisco, in the interest of Colorado
Springs for a meeting place In 1900.
Muat Women Wear Wlga.
If the pompadour head prevails much
longer women will be bald and wig a
crying necessity. Already from across
the water come rumor of wigs worn by
smart Parisians, whereat our men groan
in spirit and beseech their womankind
not to adopt this latest freak of fashion.
But it isn't a freak of fashion; it has
reason for being, and many a woman
will bail with delight this opportunity
to bide her baldness.
In other day thosa same women
would have done their hair up on wav
ing pins over night, but the time has
passed when women are willing to go to
bed looking like frights. And that is
another reason for Increasing baldness
that so many women keep their heads
overheated by the use of tbe pompadour
Subjected to incessant use of tongs and
the scalp overheated by the roll, hair
die a natural death. Dame Nature
tubmlt to abuse just about so long and
then the take rcyenge. She is taking
revenge now nice little bald spot on
women' beads, the result of hair di op
ping out by the handful.
J. D, Bridge, editor and proprietor of
the Democrat, Lancaster, N. II., says:
"I would not be without One Minute
Cough Cure for my boy, when troubled
with a cough or cold. It is the bet
remedy for croup I ever used," Snlpet
Kinersly Drug Co,