The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, April 19, 1899, PART 1, Image 4

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lawton Says 100,000 Troops Will
Eeauired to ftciftPbiliMincs.
the Towns and Territorj Thej
Captured Abandoned to the In
surgents Return of the Expedi
tion to Manila.
Insects That Have Troubled
American Farmers.
Niw York, April 17. A dispatch to
the World from Manila says: Major
General Liwton, at Faite, today tu
thoriaed the World correspondent to
make this statement:
"The present prospect ii that 1CO.OOO
troops will be necessary to paci'y the
Philippine islands." General Law ton's
expedition has returned to Manila. Ail
tba territory he had captured was
evacuated, and the launches he seized
will be given back to the persons from
whom Aguinaldo's soldiers took them."
After giving the opinion that 103,000
men will be required to subdue these
islands, General Lawton explained the
situation to the World correspondent as
"The difficulties in the way are those
ol fihtirg guerrillas in a tropical
country. With my brigade) I could force
soy way from one end of the island to
the other if I did not have to hold the
territory I traversed. But leaving gar
risons behind would soon eat up the
whole of the force."
General Lawton regretted exceeding
ly b.-iog compelled to evacuate the ter
ritory he had captured.
Why Lawton Was Recalled.
Kw York, Apiil 17. A special to
the Herald from Washington says:
When shown a dispatch announcing
the recall of General Lawton, Brigadier
General Scliwan, acting adjutant-general,
said it was in accordance with the
understanding at the war department
a to the purpose of General Law ton's
"General Otis sent this expedition to
Southern Lei n," he continued, "for
the purpose of destroying any insurgent
forces that might be found there, to
make a careful reconnoissance of the
territory and, to spread broadcast the
recent proclamation of the Philippine
commission, setting forth the purposes
of this government with respect to the
iatauds. Iixpect he will clear all the
prisoners he has taken, and they will be
cent to tlirii homes. By this action
la hoped he will prove to the Filipinos
that the Americans are not as barbarous
s the insurgents pretend we are and
that we propose to treat the Filipinos
"why Is General Lawton needed at
"General Otis has not communicated
his plans to the department, the matter
being left finitely to his discretion
The insurgent leader has established
his headquarters at San Fernando, to
the northwest of Malolos, and I suppose
General Otis cun templates a movement
against that city. General Lawton
bad only 150O men under his command,
and it was of course impossible for him
to divide his force by stationing detach
ments in every village captured. His
command will be useful, however, in as
listing in the advar.ct on Malolos, or in
rtin'orcing the line about the city of
Manila. It is possible that when the
lake rises, General Otis will resume the
campaign in the southern part of the
Jack Crawford Victim of a Schemer.
Sam Francimco, April 17. The Chroni
cle says: Captain Jack Crawford, the
"poet scout," left here one year ago to
work the properties and look after the
mining interestsot th Klondike, Yukon
A Copper River Company In the frozen
gold fields of AUska. Now he is sorry
he went.
According to letter received yester
day by General K. H. Warfield, the
"poet scout" has lost the little fortune
he possessed, and hits been turned adrift
by the company because be has refused
to send out fictitious and g'owiip accounts
of the richness of the company's claims.
An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method and beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,
Strup or Fins, manufactured by the
CALiroKHlA Fiq iSvRUP to., illustrate
the value of obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to be
medicinally laxative and presenting
them in the form most refreshing to the
taste and acceptable to the system. It
is the one perfect strenirtheninsr laxa
live, cleansinsr the system effectually,
dispelling1 colds, headaches and fevers
gently yet promptly and enabling one
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub
stance, ana its acting on ine Kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, make it the ideal
In the process of manufacturing figs
are used, as they are pleasant to the
taste, but the metliuiual qualities oi the
remedy are obtained from senna and
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to the California Fio Syrup
Co. only. In order to get its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
rememberthe full name of the Company
printed on the front of every package.
For sale by all Druggist. Price 50c. per bottle
Mrs. M. E. Lahrman, of Goldendale,
la In the city.
Geo. Haskell and wife, of Sherman
county, are guests at the Farmers' Hotel
Rev. J. H. Wood went to Hood River
this morning, where he will occupy the
pulpit of the M. E. church tomorrow.
Prof. Troy Shelly came up on last
night's boat from Hood River, return
ing with the teachers this morning
Mrs. G. Egbert, of 15-Mile, who has
been in Portland for a short time, re
turned last uight on the boat.
Andrew Webber returned last evening
from Portland, where he attended the
Jefferson banquet Thursday evening
Robt. Mays, Jr., arrived in the city
yesterday from Antelope, accompanied
by Mrs. Frank Somiuerville, of Hay
Creek, who left this morning on the
boat to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
O. Knoa le, in Puitland.
E. E. Lytle, president of the Columbia
Southern, and E. A. Hammond, chief
engineer, were in town last night, on
their wav to the north side of. the river
looking after the interests of the pro
posed Lvle-Goldendale road.
Mr. A. D. Stewart, ot South Dakota
an old time friend of Mrs. Ritcber and
her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Corson, came
up from Portland yesterday and spent
last evening with them, returning on
the boat this morning. He is on his
wav to the Atlin mining country in
Monday's Dally.
C. D. Yackel came over from Center-
ville today.
N. J. Livinson and wife, of Portland,
were visitors in the city yesterday.
Surveyor Goit was a homing passenger
on the boat Saturday night
Julius Fisher, formerly of this city, is
up Iroin Berkeley, Calif., spending a few
days here
Mrs. J. C. Reynolds, of Sprague, came
up to the city Saturday, remaining over
Miss Anna Golden was in the city
yesterday, on her way from Goldendale
to Portland.
M'S. J. M. Filloon accompanied her
husband to Moro Saturday, where he is
now in the hardware business.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Hall, who have
spent a tew diys In The Dalles, returned
to their home at Cascades today.
Miss Blanche Wrenn came up from
Portland Saturday night and spent
Sunday with her sister, Miss Wrenn.
Rev. Frank Spanldin. who preached
in the Methodist church yesterday, left
in the afternoon for Dufur, where he
held service last night.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chrisinan left
yesterday afternoon for Portland. Mrs.
Chrisinan is on her way to California
for the benefit ot her health.
W. G. Martin and C. E. Curry arrived
in the citv from Portland yesterday. The
latter will take charge, of the Eistern
Oregon Land Company's office here.
Tuesday's Dally.
O. B. Derthick is a visitor from Victor.
John Ksrlin is in today from Bake
Hydrophobia at Colville.
Colvilli, Wa-h., Apiil 15. Mis Net
tie Fogg was seized with an attack of
hydrophobia this afternoon. The attack
came on at dinner. When offered water,
she lapped it like a dog, and osed her
hands and teeth to tear her meat. For
two hours she kept up continual barking
like a dog, end It took four men (o hold
her When quite young she was bitten
by dog, the name of which she culled
(Garfield) in ber delirium.
John Fender, of White Salmon, is
the city today.
W. B. Havden. Crnterville's drugg'st.
came over from that berg jesterday.
S. A. Kistner and family came in from
Wmnic yesterday and left this morning
for Portland.
Hugh Jackson and wife are In The
Dalles from Arlington, on their way to
visit in Wamic.
A Hyaiematie Mtrndf Haas fleas Made of
Fir Balietlaa br ta Gov-traneit
The two greatest insect pesta known
to the American farmer bav been re
ceiving the careful attention of the di
vision of entomology of the United
States department of agriculture for
i long time. These are the chinch bug
and the Hessian fly. The department
lias prepared and is about to publish
two bulletins treating respectively of
the two insects and suggesting possi
ble remedies for checking them.
The bulletin on the chinch bug is en
titled "The Chinch ling; its probable
origin and diffusion, its habits and de
velopment, natural modes and remedial
and preventive measures, with mention
of the habits of an allied European pe
cies." The bulletin was prepared under
the direction of the entomologist of
the department, V. M. Webster, ento
mologist of the Ohio agricultural ex
periment station. The agricultural de
partment hns received many request
for information about the chinch bug,
and the bulletin is intended to meet
this demand. It gives many new facts
concerning the life, history and dis
tribution of the species, and the whole
subject of the practical handling of its
dihtuses, in order to assist in its de
stiuction, is treated nt length. It says
that few insects have caused such pe
cuniary losses, an'd that no ether insect
native to the wet-tern hemisphere has
tpread its devastating hordes over a
wider urta of country with more fatal
effect to the staple grains of North
America. It is widely distributed over
the world and hibernates in the adult
stuge. It is of gregarious habits and
migrates in spring, summer and au
tumn, When and w here it lays its eggs
the period of incubation, the ditTeretit
stngt s of development, the development
and habits of its young, annual genera
tions and food plants, are covered by
the bulletin. In addition, it treats of
the influence of precipitation and tern
perature on the insect ; its nut urul ene
mies; renu-lial and preventive meat
ures, and describes the true and false
chinch bug's. -
The bulletin says that it would ap
peat that this pest first made its pres
ence known in this country in .North
Carolina in 1783, and mentions several
serious outbreaks of the bug in the
west. , The estimated losses fiom its
ravages from lbW to lbS7 reach $207,-
000,000. It also says that it is believed
(hat the losses up to lS'Jij amounted to
fully $330,000,00(1.' The bulletin con
tains It) illustrations, including maps,
showing areas infested by the chinch
nug, and the probable course of its dif
fusion over North America.
The other bulletin is entitled simply,
' The He ssiau i ly in the L r.ited States
It was prepared under the direction
of the department's entomologist by
Herbert tinhorn, professor of zoology
and entomology at the Agricultural col-
ege of Ames, la., and contains many
facts concerning the life, hietory, food
habits and parasitic enemies of this
farm pest. The bulletin says that the
Htssinn fly probably ranks next to the
chinch hv,r as the farm pest in the
United States, and that its ravages in
other countries have long been known.
It received its name in the belief that
it had been introduced into this country
3y the Hessian soldiers during the war
if the revolution.
Au account of its original habitat,
ts very wide distribution throughout
:he wheut-growing districts of Europe
ii nd America, and its means of distribu
tion are given in the bulletin, with de
scriptions of the male and female in
sects, the egs;s, the larval form ami de
velopment, food plants, nnturul enemies
and remedies. The bulletin ulso con
tains n list of all the important papers
on the Hessian fly that liuve appeared
in America, and such of the foreign
works as are of value to the American
student, it is illustrated with a frontis
piece, two plates and eight text figures.
N. Y. Sun.
Remarkable Car fur Rheumatism.
Kknna, Jackson Co.. W. Ya.
About three years sgJ my wife had an
ttack of rheumatism which confined
her to her bed for over month and
rendered ber unable to walk a step with
out assistance, her limbs being swollen
double their normal size. Mr. S.
Maddock insisted on my using Chamber-
ain's Pit in Balm. I purchased a fifty-
cent bottle and used it according to the
irections and the next morning she
walked to breakfast without assistance
n any manner, and she has not had a
imilar attack since. A. B. Parson. For
sale by Biakeley & Houghton Druggists.
Chronicle Publishing Co.
! IS !j
! I We Have...
IN !
IN i
IN !
IN i
in ;
$ tfeatttlork.
IN ....
Quick lUopk.
Reasonable Prices.
The Dalles, Oregon,
Wholesale and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agency for the Greatest American Liquor
Yellowstone Sour Mash
A of Oregou, tor the County ol STi
. 1., plaintiff,
O. D. Taylor, Sarah K. Ts'vlor, JoL,
1- W b A. Johuson, C. W ( ,ih "
VN Lea don, defend..!.
To John Bulger, Jrwejih A. Johrunn a,
bidr -ud J. C Ijuneaiuun. fcteS!."
In tbenaiu.ol IhesutB of Orwon .
earn of you re hereby required to .'. 1
bove eu tilled .uit wittaiu ln d.V. "J
the date ol . the service ni ,21:
moni upon you, if aeired wiiii.
t'ountr; or If served within to
County of this state, then within tw.,
from the date of the Kivlra ni tt.,. . V r-
upon you; if wrysd by publication tlnrtrtl
nn or before the l.t Ai .l .h. .
ill the order fur pub:ieation, towlt J?!?1"
werka from the 15tb dav of M.r..h ,:,.7'"IU
being the Bret day of publication htrtX .
you fail so to anawer. for w.tit thew
plaintiff will apply to the Court f, Sfl
ma complaint herein UmitT
limt defendant ti. n t ,
& . . " fin i..
iuuu ana muiwi at per eent per annua i
ri rti.l.... '
prayed for in bia complaint hetin ,.1,!
fliriirmelit airaiiur riefin1i.,it i i,
l.. . . " r ... u. IB, L
Oct 1, UU2, and for bia coat, an
nerein. and lot juu
eacn ana a
iikoi, uue ami luieretioi each of aaid arilT
anta leai-ectively, iu and to all the aoi,tt I
iitbwent quarter of the southwm.TrL1
the aout
ud lot Judgment and decrea .. .
all of .id Sefendanta, fowIJS
e and interest of each of aaid tli
of ectfon II, and tbeaotitb ballot thesoirl-!!
quarter of section 15, townabip 2 iiortb
10 eaat, W. M , and directing the taleof iiu
land, and that the procee.s be applied in 5"
stent ol said Judgment. vv w "I
Thla aummons ia served upon tou hi ..w,.
Hon thereof by order ol Hon. W. L. LS
Circuit Judje. dated March 11, lt
Attorneys lor riaiou't
Notice la hereby given that the undent
has Bled his mignation as one of toe adniiniT
tratora of the estate of ferry Walklns, deteai
and the county court of theatateof Oreioib
Waaco county, has appointed the 30th Uit
January, 1MKI, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a a I
the lime for hearing the same and the KtmZ
of aaid administiator up to said date. All
aoua lnrerested in aald estate are hereby noliw
to appear in aald court at said time to it
not be accepted and suli
cau-e, if any exlsta. why said resignation thiaiu
d adiuiiihstiuiordlicii
Dalles City, Or., Dee. 27, 1898.
One of the Administrators of the tii,
Perry Watklna, Deceased.
Notice la hereby given
WHISKEflrom 2.7Fto 6.00 per gallon. (4 to 15 years olil.)
IMPORTED JQOGNAO Jwm J700to j2.00 per gallon. (11 to 20 years old.
A III C IMA tPtlJlB tup, .aiSiotetOieryallori.
(4 to 11 years old.'
HOP GOLD BEER on draught, and Val Blatz and Hop Gold Beer In bottles
Imported Ale and Porter.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain otrii kinds
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinda
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, dM?I,,,kLnird
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOn FlOUr. ThiB loor " nifatnred expressly for famllj
tit . , .. Kuaranieea to give satisfaction.
n j. oor gooA' lowfr. than hon8e in th trade. nd yon don't think so
call and get oor prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats
that the narhu.w
heretofore exlxtiiig between V. 1.. v.ri j i
Ward, r. II. Ward and J. U. Ward,doinj m
eral luroierlug business at Dufur, (ireumi, .
dert be firm name of Ward di Sons, Is thii ui
disnolved byinutiial consent. W. I.. Ward ind
0. Aard letiiiug, J. W. Ward, F. H Want ami i'
I'.Ward will continue the business at Dult
under the firm name ol Ward Bros, and jj
collect all out-tandlng accounts and par i
bills against theoldtirm. All parties nnviri
theinhelves indebted to aald Arm are notiM t
make mi early settlement, either by CaKb or noli
Dufur, Ore. Feb. J, ltM).
. W I. Wm
i. W.Wiu,
F. ll.Wiu,
J. i:. Wiw
Administrator's Notice.
Notice Is hereby Blvcn thfct the nnder!rnH
has been regularlv appointed by the omnn
court of thehtate of Oiegon for W asco counly
sdnilnlatrnUir o! 'lie esUte of John brookhijiw,
dweimed. AU persona having claims igiiM
said estate art nerebv notified to present lb,
with the projicr vouchera, to me at I he o
of Hanott riinnott, In Dallea City, Orerno,
within six inontha from the date of this noiiti
Dalles City, Oregon, January JO, lww.
K. J.OOKMAN, Admlnistritn.
Ifxecntor's Notice.
Notice la hereby given that the undenirml
have been by the County court of the HUleif
uregou, tor tne ('oiuity o! Wasco, duly
tiointeu Joint executors of the estate ol Chirla
. nice, aereused
with the pro
I liersons having climi
said estate will present their tuiw
tinnier vouchers, to the iindersimiedii
the office nf Dufur Ai Menefee, In Dall dir.
Wasco County, Oregon, and within six moolii
from the date of this notice.
Dated at Dulles City, Oregon, April 10ib,l.
Annik K. Kiel,
It a ik v I 'ron;H.
Joint Executors of the Estate of Chnrln
nice, Deceased. AplIKl
Government Lands
With fine timber and running water il
HiKid River Vallev. suitable for hum. trad urn
timber entrltis. u I
colonies on these lands. Large Milllnf In
dustries now being located here: also toa lr
ami otner inrt for sale.
Home of these (lovernmnnt landa an tM
choicest Apple land of the Fa
mver vauy.
W R W1VAVQ T mnA t sxtf.
f22-lrn Hood Kiver.Wtco(Ju.. oref
Todes apd pabrie
We are ready to show them in Dry
Goods, Notions, ClothlDg, Boots and Shoes,
Ladies' Capes and Jackets. "Time enough"
is a poor principle. Those who make the
earliest selections secure best results. The
stock is complete and new and we invite
you to look at it.
H. Flerhring returned last night from
San Franciteo, where he went atout two
weeks ago to purchase guudr.
J. H. Wood cttne np on the boat
yesterday from Hood Kiver, where he
went to conduct services Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Barney and
family are In Tde Ilalles from Chicago.
It is their intention to locate on this
coast. .
C. 8. SiMon arrived In town vesterdav
from his home at Summer Lake. It
was his intention to meet some relatives
who came from the Kast, but who. not
expecting him, started the day before
for Summer Lake.
The will of the late Horace Knight,
ated April 3, 1899, was filed in probate
today, with B. 8. Huntington as ad
ministrator. The estate is said to be
valued at about 80,0C0. The will pro-
ides that after the personal affairs of
the deceased are adjuHeil, f 10(H) ench be
bequeathed to. Abbie Knight, wife of
Allen Knight, and Horace Johnson,
both of Grant county, and to Miss Ju'ia
Butler and Mamie Butler, bjth of Prov
idence, Ii. I. Orie-eiglj'rentli of the
remainder of the estate to Anna Knight
and one-eighteenth to Frank Knlgnt,
children of N. Knight, of Provi'lenre.
Oiie-tenth of the remainder to each of
the following : Henry Knight, (.ieorge
Knight, Carrie .'night, Mrs. Mary
liosven, Mrs. Addle Green, Mrs. Lvdia
ituiler, all of Providence; also to Kdwin
Knight and Ella Johnson, of Grant
Hartford bicycles, '99 models, 35 at
Mays A Crowe's.
fill kinds of
Funeral Supplies
Grandall & Barget
The Dalles, Or.
Burial Shoes,
5 From If) to 1.V) buahels per i
m sere has been rained from J
J ti.eaeOata, For sale at L
9 Feed and Orneery More.
White Russian
Granulated Rye Meal.
Fine for llr kfuat Minn and
Oerns, Siite per aavk.
The Celebrated
Lincoln Seed Oats
Northern Grown
In Bulk at
Feed and Grocery store
Cor 2d & Federal Sts.
e e r
Administrators Notice.
Notice Is hereby siven that the nndeinlp
baa been apimtnted by the county Cnurt ol 1
state of Orefon fur Waaen county, as adrnlnH
trator of the est te rf Roderick McNeil.
eeased. All fierrona bavins; claims strlnit
esUte are hereby notllled In present ilietir, wits
the prnier vouchers, to me. In Oalles ( Ity.
a-on, within six mouths from the date of UilM
liallea City, Or., March llh. A. V.
mth l H t.N KY J. AlE
Hchool DMrlnt No. ftol Wasco County, Or
will Iroiie two coupon bonds of the pr vain
lour hundred dollars eaeb beariuR Interwl
ine rare ot six per eent per annum, Interest par
able seml
at the pleasure
said district after ten
from their date, but due and pavablu ahuelu"1!
twenty years from dale, l'rlneiple and Inl"1
payable at the otllee of the Treasurer of v"
County, Oregon, or at such place as onf
desKtnated at the opt I, in of the purehaier.
ne board otdlrcctora of an Id district are law
fully authorized to Isaue said bonds In srf"4'
slice with the provi-lon of an act of the lirW
tlve Aaserrbly of the Htate of Oreiroti, 11 M
theolliceof the K.wretary of Ktate February
iwi.'l, and providing ariirmi other thins" '"' "
lsauaneeof bonds by school diatilcts. , ,
Incompliance with the terms of said "':
as treasurer of said o.iintv, will ire. Ivan "J
blila for said borul. at my ofllce In lll" "3
i' n, uii i ii
Miiy imsj. A
certirteil nli.
bonds for which the bid Is made. N bl'l
man par will Imnonaldetwl. Bliuma i" r
uhmltteil li,r dlinlet i,...,i- ni rlihi
relict any and all bids la reserved.
... I'aiiva, DreKoll, Aptil I, 1MW.
t . I S-HII I-t''3-ires
d borul. at my ofllce In "2
ntll "o'el.K k p. m on the lt dT "
All bids must b accompNiiM "!i
celt of rive tier c.nt of the iini"1."".".
Dyspepsia Cure.
Diflests what you eat.
Itartlflclallarl aid
JNatUre In Btrnirthonln nnd TttfP
Btructlnn-the exhausted dlKctlvs or;
Brans, 1 1 Is the latest d Iscovercd
ant and tonic. No other prcparst"
can approach It In efllclonoy. I' J
stantly relievos and permanpntlycr
I)yspppitt, IndiKeatlon, Henrtburfl.
f latulence, Bonr Stomach, NMT
SlckHeadache,Oastral(fla Crnmp.n0
all other resul ts of m rxtrf ect d l?f tB
Prtparsd by E. C. DsWitt Co.. Chieaft