The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, April 15, 1899, PART 2, Image 4

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Wednesday' Daily.
C. J. Bright if down from Wafcotoilay.
Wni. Burnett, of Wasco, U In the city
W. A. Doyle i visitor from
Mr. nd Mn. J. W. Smith ara in
from Ptineville.
J. D. Wilcox, of Grass Valley, I re
istered at the Umatilla.
Frank Johnson, a Chicago wool man,
ia in the city on business.
D. H. Glass came in from Prineville
yesterday, on his way to Canyon City.
James lUakeney returned to Portland
this morning, here he is still under the
doctor's care.
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Ilinton and fam
ily arrived in tiie city from Bake Oven
this morning,
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bennett, of Tyifh
Valley, are in the ciiy visiting Mr.
Bennett's father.
Mrs. V. G. Woodworth, who has
tpent the past week in Portland, re
turned on the boat last nig tit.
Thursday Call;.
P. Witt Is in from Kaneene today.
W. C. Iddings is up from Hood River.
W. If. See is in from the Warm
Springs agency.
W. J. Lauder, of Shorar's Bridge, Is
ia town on business.
Alexander Stewart came np from
Mower last evening.
Martin Jaksha was among; the farm
ers who visited the city today.
M. A. Leslie came down from Waeco
tbis morning and left for Portland.
J. Fleming a stockman from Mon
tana, ariived in The Dalles this morn
ing. Miss Emma Williams was a passenger
on the boat this morning for a visit in
John Parrott, formerly of The Dalles,
bnt who is now a "kuigtit of the grip,"
ia in town today.
Mrs. C. E. Dawson, who has teen
very ill fur the past ten days, is again
able to be around.
J. L. Story came np from Portland
last night and mill leave this evening
for bis borne in Union.
Frank BraydVn, representing a large
stationery tirni in Seattle, spent yester
day ar.d today in the city, and will
leave on tonight's train for the upper
Messrs. W. .1. Furnich, a Pendleton
banker, and E. Marshall, one of the
prominent stockmen of that section,
came down from Pendleton . on the
morning train, anil r-pent the day trans
acting business hre.
F. A. Lneddeinan, brother nf Max and
Ernest Lued. Ionian, arrived in tho city
this morning ai'h his family from
lascnaibia, Ala. He U on his wav to
Antelope, where he will accept a posi
tion with Bolton & Co.
Mrs. C. W. Rice, son, George, and
daughter, Hai-tl, arrived in The Dalles
from Pcrris, Calif., TuenUy evening.
The are now quests of Mr. and Mrs. D.
W. Mann. Mrs. Rice will make this
city her home for some time at least.
G. N. Reed came up from Stevenson
L. E Crowe was a passenger for Port
land today.
8. Wilkinson went to Portland on this
afternoon's train.
George Summers, Piineville'a post
master, is in The Dalles today.
Mr. and Mrs. Lord left on th delayed
train this afternoon for Portland.
T. Noland, one of Hay Creek's promi
nent fanners, is a vibitor in the city
Mr. and Mrs. F. Lueddetnan and Max
A. Luedderaan left this morning for
E. Stewart, wife and family, came In
from Dayville yesteidiy and left for
Portland tedaj.
R. B. May and A. P. Bradbury, tra e
Bsvrare of the Doctors'
Patchwork; You Can
Gore Yourself at Horns.
The doctors are wholly unable to get rid of
this Tile poison, and only attempt to heal up the outward appearance of the
disease the sores and eruptions. This they do by driving the poison into the
ystem, and endeavor to keep it shut in with their constant doses of potash
and mercury. The mouth and throat and other delicate parts then break out
into sores, and the flght is continued indefinitely, the drugs doing the system
more damage than the disease itself.
Mr. II. L. Myers, 100 Mulberry St., Newark, N. J., says: "I had spent a
nuuumi ulnars wim mo uoctura, wneo A reaiisea mat
they could do me no rood. I had large spots all over my
body, and these soon broke out into running sores, and I
endured all the suffering which this vile disease pro
duces. I decided to try S. 8. 8. as a last resort, and was
oop greatly improved. I followed closely your 'Direc
tions for Self-Treatment and the large splotches on my
Sliest began to gifcw paler and smaller, and before long
isappeared entirely. I was soon cured perfectly and my
skin has been as clear as glass ever since. I cured my
self at home, after the doctors had failed completely."
It is valuable time thrown away to eipect the doctors
to cure Contagious Blood Poison, for the diseaaa ia be
jond their skill. Swifts Specific
sets In an entirely different way from potash and mercury it forces the!antan(1 tonic. No other preparation
Triton out ot the system and irets rid of it entimlv. Hpnra it omwa th can approach it in eftlclpnrv. it. in.
disease, while other remedies only shut
w,iiiiwiuujr uiiueruiining ine constitution, uur system oi private home treat
mens places a cure within the reach of all. We give all necessary medical ad-
flee, free of charge, and save the patient the embarras-ment of publicity.
Write for full information to 8wift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. i
ing men who are always welcomed by
their friends here, are in town today.
Deputr Sheriff Sexton returned last
night Iroin Salem, whither he went to
onvey an insane p-itientto the asylum
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. McCoy, who have
spent tho past few weeks in California,
leiurued home ou latl evening's train.
Ira F. Powers, Jr., representing largo
furniture dealers in Portland, is in the
city t jd iu the interest of his com
pany. W. A. Booth, who has spent some
time past in Southern California, was in
the city last night on his wav to his
home in Prineville.
W. D. Ritche, wife and son, of ew
Hampshire, and Mrs. W. B. Locke, of
Massachusetts, who are making a tour
of the coast, were in the city last night
and left for Portland this morning.
Mrs. Cowan'i Case la a Parallel Una With
That of Many Otber Wuuien.
Mrs. Cowan, of Warm Springs, is
causing any amount of sensation in
Portland, because she seems to be about
to prove the assertion that when "she
won't she won't and that's theendon't,"
and her friends here are inclined to hoi
she will leave not a doubt in the minds
of those who are watching her case with
interest that Adam Hill made no mistake
when be penned that old saying.
While no one delights in seeing a
citizen of the state defy the law, at
torueys in this city are persuaded that
no law can require Mrs. Cowan to sitn
her name to a deed transferring her
right in the property to the Bank of
California. That at least the (5000 left
her by her lather and which she ex
pended on the property is her's, and
that she can claim it in defiance of all
claims to the contrary. Theqtiestioii if
had they the right to cell her property
tor the debt.
It seems that while Mrs. Cowan has
since her arrest been staying with Ler
daughter, Mrs. Eva Meikel, the counsel
i for the plaintiff now demands that she
! be confined in the county j til. United
I Stales Marshal lloueer. however, re
i fuses to accede to this demand, as h
claims to have discretion to detain Mrs
Cowan so long as he can produce her
when wanted by the United States
court. The bank's attorneys, it is said
will institute pioceedings againet the
marshal to compel hi in to remove the
defendant to a afer place of custody
than the home of her daughter, on the
East Side. Counsel's motive for pur
suing this course is to force Mrs. Cowan
to obey the deciee of the cotiit, which
she persistently refuses to do.
From all that her friends in this cily
know of Mrs. Cowan they do not deem
it necessary for the officers to place her
in confinement. She is not a woman who
would be a coward, but simply desires
her rights.
It is ton often the cae nowadays that
women thoughtlessly, or through the
persuasion of others, sign away the only
home they have or ever expect to have,
and in old age are left to wander from
pillar to post homeless. It is not to be
wondered that any woman when view
ing the matter in the right light, will
refuse so to do if there is any houor-
able means of avoiding if. Whi
unlike '-Nora" of the "Doll's House,"
luey may nave weightier arguments
than that "It is a strange law which
would compel a woman to give up the
only home she had," yet every citizen in
the state will certainly cmirnend Mrs.
Cowan in contesting the matter as long
as there ia the slightest vistage of hope
.. Room 1 and 2, Bank Bit ck.
Kesl lence 01 rulton St., Berkeley, CaL
There is not the slightest doubt that the
doctors do more harm than good in treating
Contagious Blood Poison; many victims of
this loathsome disease would be much better
off to-day if they had never allowed them
selves to be dosed on mercury and potash, the
only remedies which the doctors ever give for
blood poison.
the poison in where it lurks forever,
Aaolhar Company tkr.
Another road Is fighting for right of
way to Go!dendale. A dispatch from
that place says:
"The Columbia R..ilay and Naviga
tion Company has filed a suit in the
superior court to condemn 200 feet right
f way across state lands near R x klaritl.
The complaint alleges that the desired
right of way it across the parcel of land
between ordinary high-water mark and
low-water mark in the Columbia river
in front of lots 1, 2 and 3, in section 17,
township" 2 north, range 13 east of Wil
lamette meridian. The land to lie ap
propriated is about 13 acres. S ine
years ago the Columbia Railway & Nav
igation Company laid the track on
three miles of road that extended west
from Columbus landing, opposite Biggs
station. The present proceeding in
conrtis believed to be a resumption of
the work that was suspended during the
depression. The original plans of the
company were to afford open river
transportation by way of The Dalles
portage, which is to be constructed.
When The Dlles rapid" are overcome,
navigation will be open to tidewater
from L-jwieton and Asotin on the Upper
Snake. Captain J. S. Cochrane, who
fwaa recentlv in Goldendale on a tour of
Inspection, is said to be interested in
tbe proceedings. It is reported that a
number of important condemnation pro
ceedings will be begun soon by the com
P ny."
Advertised Letter.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the posloffice at Tho D.ilk-s un
called for April 15, 1899. Persons
calling for the same will give date on
which they were advertised :
Barr, Mr F J Baker, Mrs Crv
Barton, Mr Frank Brooks, J
Brown, Wesley Robinson, Elley
Bernard, B Carroll, Etta
Cirrea, Mies Medte Creager, Mr
Cam bell, G R
Cartlry, Mr S
Cederson, N F
Clifton, Lauey
Defoy, Mr A
Darpon, Joseph
Doyle, Mr
McEntree, E
Ellis, W R
Evans, Lecil Lucy
Girard, Tony
Humison, I F
Hecter, J J
Johnson, Lester
Mallory, M M
McClellan, Clias
Mann, Jesse R
Perrson, Wm Lars
Rankin, Alma
Carbile, Walter
Davis, A J
Defoy, Alfonse
Dodding, John
Davidson, N A
Eureka Art Co,
Elmer, H O
McGrail, P J
Galligher, Jack
Hering Mrs M E
Heuly, .! B
Leslie, E M
Mnrpny, J P
Maxtm, G B
Noel Mrs Felix
Hitter, Mrs
Robinson, Alice
Storer, Eld A J
Sullivan, John
Schuhmehl, Mrs J Thompson, Willie
Taylor, Miss Tilly Trecholkey, Joseph
Thompson, Miss E
H. H. Riddeil, Postmaster.
Have you a farm for sale or for rent,
or do you know of any person holding
farming lands that they wish to dispose
of? If so, please write to any agent of
theO. R. A N. Co.. and he will send
you a circular which will interest you
it is now time to plant your roeis,
lilacs, snowballs, dutsias, wicgelas,
syringaa and other flowering hei bs for
spring and summer blooming. The
canna", helitropes, marguerites, Reran
iums and fuschias are now ready for
garden planting at from 5cnts to 50
cents. Pholox spirea, hardy heliotrope
an I garden primrose at 10 cents per
plant. Pansies and daisies at 25 cents
per doi .n at Mrs. A. C. Stabling's.
Cures Impotenc y, Nip ht Emissions and
wasting diseases, all effects of self-
abuse, or excess and Indis
cretion. A nerv e tonic and
blood builder. Brings the
pink glow to pale cheeks an
restores the fire of youth.
By mall BOc per box; O boxes
tor wa.oo; with a written irtiaran
tee to cure or refund the money.
Clinton A Jackson St, CHICAGO, ILL.
Trace Marks
Copyrights Ac.
Anrnne pending a sketch and description may
quickly Ascertain nor opinion free whether an
Invention la probably patentable. romn.tmtrA
tlniiaatrlctlyconll.tentlal. Ilamlbnnkon I'alenta
sent free, tllripat aaency fjr securing patenta.
Patents taken throuxli Munn A Co. receive
tprritti nottct, without chnnto, lutbe
scientmc American.
A handaomelr lllnatrateil weekly. I. a meat dr.
filiation of ant ar-ientitia louroal. 1'erma t.t
four mom ha, 1L Sold bjall newadealera.
9 Pa inn x. II.... H.J.
Ill Ot UU '7.nC I INK
Braucb omoa, G F Bt Waablniiton. D. C.
Dyspepsia Cure.
i yaffil
u a ls vru ii
y$ Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature In strengthening and recon
structlna the exhausted rfiionva
gans. Itlsthelatestdlscovereddlgest-
tantly relieves and permanently cures '
i, ' "U'geKuon, Heartburn,
. 'atulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, '
b'c,'eadache,Gastralgia Cramps.and !
Wlother resultsof Imperfect digest Ion I
Prtoartd by C. C DeWltt A Co.. Chicago. '
Some of the Latest That Haye Been
Put in Use.
ri of Child Moaarehe Grae
iwsnber of ForelKB Staaapa
Boa alall apeel
arai, Among the new pout age stamps which
are destined to be very popular abide
from their commercial value i one
of the princeea of Wales, the first time
thefeaturea of this roal lady have been
designed iu this way. lie complimen
is paid ber bv one of the royal English
colonies, Newfoundland, and the United
States has a finger in the pie, ns the
beautifully engraved pink stamp was
made by the lianknote Engraving com
pany of New York. An earlier issue
the nrince of Wales, in the
tame pleasing color, and his povtrai
and that of the princess form eoinpan
ion stamps of the requisite value tc
carry a letter to any part of Europe or
America, hia being n two-cent stamp,
while that of her royal highness, his
wife, is a three-cent stamp, the combi
nation making the necessary five-cen
iut there are others, and among
these is the new stamp portrait of the
queen of England, as she looks now,
in her dignified age, and in her widow'
cap; a one-cent green stamp, also is
sued by Newfoundland, and with it an
other and younger scion of the roya
family makes his bow to an admiring
public from the face of a lavender
stamp, the little son of the duke ol
York, and the heir apparent to the
Uritish throne. Before me as I write
is a letter from the general post office
Newfoundland, registered, and poet
paid, with a one-cent green Victoria
stamp, two l'.-cent stamps of her
little great-grandson, tbe small duke
of Y'ork, and a pink . three-cenl
stamp of her gracious majesty's (laugh
ter-in-law, the princess of Wales. Quite
a family gathering for the conveyance
of one letter, and a unique feature
of postage portraiture, cot surpassed
in any age or country.
tniluren s laces are not unknown on
stamps, the little queen of Holland, ai
her Dutch majesty has been colled un
til recently, being a familiar sight tc
her subjects on the postage stamps ol
the Netherlands. But the little queen
has shot up into womanhood, and hci
childish pictures, representing a little
girl with flowing hair and straight
bangs, are not representative of
crowned queen, so she will have a new
postage stamp made indeed, has ul
ready done so, but withdrew it from
circulation because she did not like
either the expression or the pose. Any
one who has received one of these for
bidden stamps can sell it for three
dollars. In a few years it will be price
Little Wilhelmina was not the only
royal child on a postage stamp there
is the boy king of Spain, Alfonso XIII.
and there was a stamp bearing the im
age of the young king of Siam. I dc
not recall any other postage likenesses
of little kings and queens, but may
have overlooked some. In these in
stances the portraiture was not re
stricted to postage stamps, but ap
peraed also on the coin of the realm
Perhaps a good reason why no image of
the child Victoria of England is found
on postage stamps of the past is the
fact that stamps were not in use untii
1S40, when that gracious lady was a
crowned sovereign. Her youthful
features taken then have remained the
same until this present iseue of her
face in later years. Time stood still
with the bonny young queen of the
postage stamp.
The literature of the postage stamp
should interest many others bevides the
stamp collector and the amateur crank
who makes himself obnoxious to his
friends by begging their foreign stamps
before they have read their letters.
The fad is spasmodic, like measles or
croup, and is gone and over with sud
denly, During the war just ended the
I'u ban stamps and those of the Philip
pine islands were treasured, and it
was decided that no more issues would
be made, and, as one enthusiast said:
In a hundred years they would be
worth money." Four denominations
ome from the Philippines. When the
(Jreek war was on the fruit venders
on the street comers were tormented
for stamps, and be it said to their cred
it they responded generously, the (Jreek
stump dining that uncertain period of
Au g l.eorfct. reign being placed
curtly on the centrul rlnp of the en
velope, nint h to the disgust of the mail
ing clerks, who had to make special
movements to stairp the eanrelinir.
iireek kings do not count on their pot-
iire, out ancient wrestlers, throwing
)l:e discus, philosophers niul nolons,
uitli classic diameters, serve for nor-
1 ran m e.--Chicaco Times-Ueraid.
Development of the I'blliiiplnea.
There i a highly fertile region ull
around, with a liir;e and active popula
t;on, and there are various summer re-
rrtn. hot springs, marve!ou r:ir,.von
-li.d waterfuilsaiiii ei iai liuc country
houses on immense estates close to the
ike. From the eastern shore of the
ir-e-jt sheet rf water, w hich is pe rhaps
:" milts Bcr.-ss at its widest i p.rl. it is
.lit a (iozi n miles or so to the enunn, urn!
f'r u: the summit of the ridge which tli
v'tleji the frrh writer- fron tlif s i t the
f eat expai..-e rf U,e i i.cilL- u ovei
I' oliid. and the hold summits of the
c:!tit range of mountains vanUh'ni
north and south in the distance, t'n
tier n proper gnvernmei.t thee Islands
viti!d be the moM charming region nf
the tropics. Of the commercial dev !-f-Miiienl
of the tropics. I np ! not siikhU.
1 " inie
t has been often discussed.
' any 'loiiii! there ar at po-
SMii.iiles- here, find plenty of ripi-ringa
f :r ihe inveslricrit tifc.if.itnl rind the
cm roise of rnt-rcr anil enterprise
r. i m;;mi, in i:'n er- Wttkiy.
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains lev and are dn to amve at Portiu
preaa, bulem, Kuae- J
burn, Aabland, fcao- I
6:00 F. M
l rameuui, ugum .
rranelaeo, Moiave, (
t A. M.
Loa raso,
I I New
i I Kaat
Urleans an
iKoaeburg and way U
tiona : A. H
4:40 e. It
fvia Woodbura tori
I Mt.Anfel, hilvcrlou,
t Weat Bclo, Browna- S
Tille.oprlugflcm and
Natron J
and way
17:30 A. M
l Corral Us
5:50 P. M
Dally (except Uuuday).
1:50p.m. Lv Portland. ...Ar.i 8:25 a. m
7:H0p.m. JAi..McMiunv1Ue..Lv. 5:50a,m
8:30 p.m. (Ar..Indepeudence..Lv.i 4:o0a.m
Daily. tDaiij, except bunilnj.
Attached to all Through Train.
Direct connection at Han Krancisco with Occl
dental ud Oriental and fact He mall ateamahlp
Uneafor JAPAN and CHINA. Balling date on
l plication.
Rate and ticket to Eastern point and En
All above train arrive at and depart Iron
Grand Central Utation. Filth and Irving itreetk
Puaenger Depot, loot of Jederson atrcet.
Leave for Sheridan, week days, at 4:30 p. m
Arrive at Portland, :30 a. m.
Leave for AIRLIE on Monday, Wednesdsy and
Frl.lay at 0:40 a.m. Arrive at Portland, Tue
day, Thursday and Saturdaj it 8:05 p.m.
Except Sunday. Except Saturday.
K. KcK-.lER, 0, H. MARKHAM, .
jlanauer. Aaat. O. F. it Paw. Act '
Through Ticket Office, 134 Third treet, where
through ticket to all point In the Eastern
States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at
lowest rates Irom
J. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent,
The Dalles. Porttai an! Astoria
Navigation Co.'
sirs. Regulator S Dalles City
Dolly (except Sunday) between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland.
Touching at way point on both aides of the
Columbia river.
Both of the above steamer have hnen rphi.nt
and are in excellent shape for the season ot ltn.
The Kefculator l.lne will endeavor to give It
patron tbe best service possible.
For Com'ort, Keonomy and Pleaaore,
ttavel by the steamers of The Kcrulator
The above steamer leave Portland and niio.
at 7 a. m , and arrive at destination in ampl.
time for outgoing train.
Portland Office.
Tbe Dalle Office
Court Htreet
Oak bt. Dock.
W. C. Allaway,
General Agent.
Wagon and Carriage Werk.
Fish Brothers' Wagon.
I, THiri ani Me. Phone 159
Notice.Timber Culture.
I. b. Land OrritE, The, Ohmon,!
February ii, ix;nt.
Complaint hnvinr been cutcrml t n,i.
Nm,oii oi.ain entry, contesttint alleging that
aid ve. y Hiiinmuer never plowwl i.rcultivattl
said trKCiex eptalxuit six 'acre. . ,
ly Hunninifr iitVnit tu
inonth f Kfhrunry, iMMt
Th aiitd parties nte tier. ...
lMt at hlaoltlcn ., ii,. ,i, ..,, . . i,,l ',"Vr
at lu o'elm
testimony concerning .aid all'eecd failure
"" JAY' P. l.l'CA.i, Hegi
lO ItMmtld aflfl iiirnl.l.
Administrators Notice..
Notice la hereby given that the nnderalncd
ton, within .1 month, from u.edale ol ' tlila no
Dallca Cltr. Or.. M.rh
r.cii22 1
"ih, A 1. lK.p
. . . ,r,u aamnai ncaiey Hnmmticr for
failiim to eomply with law as to tlmlr-cultHri
f-n'ry No Wtj;,,dHt.Kl Ket.ten,lr K, In. , ,m
the . K. i n.n HI, Township's, south ,f
Willamette Meridian. Kant hi eist, In Wasco
Contitv. State of I .,..,, ,i.h - i....'. .
mi iiik can-
Oil V re IlKilllMhti at.(il t
and dcllvemi sato rcliu,,,,!.,.,,,..,;! J,", ZZTt
a daaldrelim,,. .lirt.c.iiwas duly tiled n ,he
V. H .m.-e of Ihe Hallca, Onvor, and t he
said time and prior therein .band, tied" aid tract
ami h., never l, Mme ra-tiirni.1 hen" .
or e ,nKd.ny Hght r UiWt,M aaid tract f
Sheriff's Sale.
I Oregon, tor Waaco t;ounty. eTlO
John Robinson nd E. J. Robinson, PUinuj
Alma Taylor. Mr. KoberU E. Giiaton .
eiuaton. hr hu.banrt, Deiendania 11 ll
B.v virtue of an execution, deeree a.',.l
aale.duly iMiued out ol and nmler th J-T'"'
ci e-uil eonrt of the tttate nl ru...
ty 01 n aco,co ate a i ret lea id
01 irca, upon a decree lor the UZi
ol a cerlalu mortgage, and JudKemeiiil?
nuu cnwn.i iu Mm CUUn OQ th Ktk V
March, 1M, In the boventitk-d caui. T
of the plaintiff and againal detendiTit. .
Taylor, Mrs, Roberta t. Gu.ton an.? Li
aaia eourt on the Kth
ton, as Judgement debtors iu th sum irf ik '
seven hundred and seventy seven
(:.T77 3U) dollai. with in ereil thereon taJi
lMh day ol March, lw, hi the raleot s I-?
per annum, and Ihe further sum ,.i
dollars, costs, and the eou of and i Z?T.
writ, and commaudiug me to make auL "
' l"ll It,
real property em
perty embraced in such ".
closure and herelnafler deMCiibed I ai'n .
" on it
in the afternoon of aaid day, and at th.
d'or of the county court house In DallMi-"11
W asco County, Oregon, sell at public sucil ..L'
tbe highest bidder for cab In hand . i f
right, title and lutereat which the deienrt..r
- j j i ."ww, ... v Hum i j i ! , , f
in the afternoon of said dav. ii.i .t
Alma layior Mrs. Koberta E. Guston and T t
Ouston, or either of ihem.had on the liih n..
December, lM, the date of the mortaam ?
cloned herein, or which such defendanu J
oi the defendants herein, have since unmS
or now have in and to the following dol S
real property, situated and being- in .2
Comity, Oregon, to-wit: " " "
Beginning la section eight of townhlt.
north of range Ihir'een eait of the WilUiL,
Meridian, lu Wasco Couutv, Oregon, at . T;
which now mark the southwest corner Mb!
land enured in tbe United btates LsiidOffim.
1 he Dalles, Oregon, as Donation Laud Claim I
M. M. e ushing; thence north 4uti feet to
located on the present sou i hern boundan
of The Dall. and Mill Creek wagon mad
the line betveen this land and the land
Charles Denton Intersects the south line of u
road; thence north 4:1 degree east aionrft.
outh line of aid road 72i feet to stone IwtZ
at the Intersection of the south line of saidnli
with the southern boundary line of roriDalii
Military Reservation; thence continuin. tuZ
tbe south line of said Dalles and MillCrtek na?
north 3U degrees east, H23 feet to poln' wh
the sou ih line of said road internet I'm m
boundary Hue of the land now owned bj It t
Nolau; thence outh U6 feet to a rock m'tai
south boundary line of Kott Dalles Milltarr
Reservation; tbentje east 55 feet to a pin - tbenoi
east 5 degree south, 17JO feet to pin: UmZ
south 4 degrees, west 1176 feet to ,m,
thence west 677 feet; thence north iU'-ilm
thence wei 13 feet; thenee south U'ilt
thence west to the place of beginning (tha um
comprising seven and seven eightbaacm ii
section eight, six and three fourths teres
section four, and seventy-one and one-halt ana
In section nine, making a total of eighty-aim;
one eighth acreO all eltuated in township osi
north of range thirteen eat of the WillamH
Meridian, in M asco County, Oregon : or so mart
of said property a will iniisfy said Judgmtoi
and decree, witli coat and accruing coata.
Said property will be sold ubject to ,
nrmation and redemption as bv law provided
Dated at The Dalies, Orejroni this liTth darot
March, lays. ROBERT KELLY,
Sheriff, Wasco County, Oregon.
By F. C. SEXTON, Deputy.
Land Office atThi Dalleh, Oriooli
February ua,
Notice Is hereby given that the follorlnj.
named settler has filed notice of her intention
to make final proof In support of her claim, ud
that aaid pioof will be made htfoiethe KefrttlB
and Receiver at Tbe Dalles, Oregon, on balm
day, April 15, lhiw, via:
Llsile IteUt, of Thai Dalles;
Homestead Application, No. 47122, for the SEW
Bee 86, Tp. 2 north, Range VI eaat, W III. M.
bhe names the following witnesses in pron
her continuous residence upon at.d culttvaiiun
of said land, viz: J. W. Johnston, 1. W.Mu
quls, Jacob Wettle, G. A. I'hliman, all ol Tkt
Dalle. Oregon. JaY P. 1 L'CAS, keglttei.
at -t 11
Land Office at Th Dalles, OKnooitl
Febhuarv 2H, Ik j
Notice I herehy given that the fullolJt
named settler has tiled notice of hi Inteniln
to make final proof in support of his claim, end
that slid proof will be made before the rwlma
and receiver at The Dalle, Oregon, on Haturdij,
Aprils, luiw.vix:
Kdwln A. Learned, of The Dallei
Application No. 4778, for tbe It
HWW, Section , Townatifi
ige 12 E, W. M.
l and
north. Range
He names tbe following witnesses to pro
his continuous residence mum and cnltivatiol
ol said l-mci.vti;
II. M. Learned. Ollvoa TImwam Pirr Via
Camp, J. P. Agldius, all of Tbe Dalles, Oreron.
"-- Ml f. LUCAS, KUglUKl.
V. 8. Land Office, at Vancouver, Wah,
, . hEBKUABY, 1, li. I
Notice Is hereby given that the followloj
named settler has II led notice nf his IntenUo
make final proof in rapport of clmm, in4
that said pnmf will be made before W. B. Preabf,
l'nl ted Mates Commissioner for District l
Waahlngton.athisoltine in (ioldendale, W
lngtou, on Baturdny, April 8, lwa, vl :
Thorman K. Wright,
Homestead Entry, No. 1'J9, for the VK4 9
ti?!!3;,.ToB,"'hP north, of Range U
w Hi. Mer.
He names the following .iinncu. tn nrnTeait
Continuous residence upon and cultivation ol
aid land, vlx:
George B Lyle, of Fulda P. O., WashlngW:
NIlsJ rSa lne, John B. Simmons, raiik l
L V J. . ' J',e r- " w ssnliigton.
teb-lUA w. R. DLNBAR, Reglt.
Land Office at The, (.,
.. , . APRIL 4, 1!W- I
Notice Is herehv aliun th-i n,. f,.llnlnl-
naml settler has Died notice of his Intention
to make final tirimf In support of hla claim, and
that aaid proof will be made befoie the KeW
and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, ou MondU.
May l.i, i-ihi vlis:
Daniel Artlmr Kela. nfTI.. Dal in;
It meatead Application No. 5101, for 'he kt
and S, section Xi, and lot . section 'Ai. tnwnihlF
1 north, range 12 east. W ill, Mer.
lie names the following witnease- to rrort
hla continuous resilience upon and cultivate
of Bill.) land, vlr.;
J. W. Knnalier, P. ct. Fagan, C. 11. VYetmO
A. Turner, all of The Diillca. Dregon.
"Irtf-i! JAY P. LUCArt, K-gIst
Land Offic e at The Dalles, Ott-oo!t,
x. .i . . April 4 in'" ( , .
Notice la hereby given that the follnwlnf
nsnietl Pettier luia Hie I notice of hla liitentl"0
make lliml priH,f ,i pupimrt of his claim,
that said prool in, ,,! ,t.(.e n,c p-kW"
ami re. elver at lhlallea, Oregon, on .M..11W
May 1.1, imp. 1, vi: ' Aiipllcailoo No. Min, for the fS
IZYf N.h-r 'i 12. and B-KKHl.'.
Beytl,,,, 1, rp. t 11 caat V t.
llenaniHa the following witnesses to prf
hlaconitnuoua residence iiik, 11 and culllv1"
of said Inn. I, vim
1. A,.Mi "",r Harlman, Peter Kiigsn sun
Daniel Kelaay, all of The Dalles. Oregon.
-pra-H JAYP1&
Adminisfnlrix'Salc of Real Estate.
Not'ce a hereby Elven that under and bv vlrtaj
of tt.etom.t, court of the i-t
Oregon f.,r W m.i t nuntv, made on the "'
of January, w, In xu- matter of the estate"'"';
W . E. kn. chart, ilec. Hae,l, w w., at Ph !
snctlot., at thecourthoiipodoor In lialles" 'I'J- "
Ml. county and. tt, 011 the Hill day of M?;'
. .'.i. .,he "'""'' one o cl. k p. m.. to the hl"
t hH. er, all the real eatiite beloiig:ng to
estate to wlf-x. A, II. V, It, K, K, l.
K and L, In Block en In The f ort l.ill." MI1H- J
ItccrvsilMi, Addition tosaid Dalles City, I" ""
c.iiiiity and atate. .
Alao the w.t half of the aonthen-t oiiarter "
thc et halloftheaoillheatn,iarler,aei ll'"'-i
In townablp 2 north, range It east, In "
county, (ii.-uon.
lerma of le - one half In cnah at tliii","i
and one half In al monlha, secured by in"n
in' on me premlM's,
Dalle City, Oregon, April 7th, Ih-w.
.... L at 1 L V B. HiNEHaaT.
aprs-ll Adminl""!!!-