The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, April 12, 1899, PART 1, Image 4

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United States Will Not Part With tie
Senator McBride Says Tbat He is in
Favor of America a Control.
Washington, April 9. The proposi
tion to exchange the Philipines for the
British West Indie ii confiued to one
New York paper, which i booming it
for some unknown reason. No on
takes any stock in it, least of all Great
Britain. The paper has been full of the
object and prints interviews which cm
not in any way be turned as favoring
the tcheme. There is no doubt a desire
cn the part of some of the people of
Jamaica to be annexed to the United
States so as to get the advantage of our
tariff laws, but further than this the
project does not go. It is becoming a
settled policy of toe United States tbat
the Philippines shall be retained as
part of the United States, and there is
no sentiment in favor of turning tbtva
over to any other country, either for
other territory or money. The sug
gestion last winter that the Philippines
honld be sold to Japan or England
railed a term of protest from those who
thought the matter was being seriously
Senator McBrlde, of Oregon, speak
ingot the interview with him in a New
York paper, says that he has formed no
opioion on the subject, because he re
gards it as purely hypothetical one.
lie has been misquoted to the extent of
favoring any sucb proposition. What
ever Senator McBride did say was no
doubt twisted so as to make it favorable
to the proposition, as the paper which
has advocated this exchange works such
schemes. Senator McBride has not
eeen the interview be is credited witb,
and for tbat reason does not wish to
enter any formal denial or endorsement
of what it contains. The whole subject
is one which is so remote and improba
ble tbat discussion of it by public men
is quite nseless.
Senator McBride stated positively
that his own view has been tbat the
United States should hold the Philip
pines, and be has not yet seen any rea
eon to change that view.
Spain's Greatest Need.
Mr. R. P. Olivia, ol Barcelona, Spain,
epeuds bis winters at Aiken, S. C.
Week nerves had caused severe pains in
the back of bis head. On using Electric
Bitters, America's greatest blood and
nerve remedy, all pain soon left him.
He says this grand medicine is what his
country needs. All America knows tbat
it cures liver and kidney tronble, puri
fies the blood, tones op the stomach,
strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor
and new life into every muscle, nerve
and organ of the body. If weak, tired
railing you need it. Every bottle
guaranteed, only 6oc. Sold by Blakeley
A Hoobton, druggists. 1
Educational Meeting; at ood River.
Hood River is one of the most delight
ful bergs to spend a day in, especially
this time of the year, and a large number
of the teachers and friends of education
will leave The Dalles Saturday morning
to unite with their friends there in an
educational meeting. A special rate of
t fifty cents for the round trip on the
boat has been obtained, which is within
the reach of all.
The meeting will convene at 10 o'clock
and continue until 3 in the afternoon,
when the following program will be
carried out:
Son.. 'America"
Address oi Welcome E. L 8niith
Response John Gavin
"Our School" N. C. Evans
'Literature in the Schools"
J. S. Landers
'A Tfachei's Personality"
' Minnie Elton
"Number Work in Piiuiary Grades"
Salina Phirman
"Co-operation of Teachers and Par
ents" Mrs. E. L. Smith
"How to Teach thf Multiplication
Table" Troy Shelley
'The Value of Types" Mella White
Tbat Throbbing Headache
Would quicklv leave you, if you osed
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers bave proved their matchless
merit for sick and nervous headaches.
They make pure blood and strong nerves
and build up your health. Easy to take
Try them. Only 23 cents. Money back
if not cured. Sold by Blakeley A
Houghton, druggists. 5
r--?vJ2 rrv.-(., fees
An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method and beneficial
effects Of the well known remedy,
Krprp oir Fins, manufactured bv the
C.n.iroKNlA Via Syrup Co., illustrate
the value of obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principle of plants known to be
11,? luvnfivA Rnrl nrpxentinir
IU(,uivmui '"-- i o
them in the form most refreshing to the
taste and acceptable to the system. It
is the one perfect strengthening1 laxa
tive, cleansinsr the aysU-m effectually,
dispelling1 colds, headaches and fevers
gently yet promptly and enabling one
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect fur-edora from
every objectionable qnality and sub
stance, and its acting on the kidneys.
or irritating them, make it the ideal
In the process of manufacturing fips
are used, as they are pleasant to the
taste, but the medicinal qualities of the
remedy are obtained from senna and
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to the California Fio Syrup
Co. only. In order to get its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
remember the full name of the Company
printed on the front of every package.
For aale by all Druggist. Price Oc. per bottle
The I'lar I'tinenal One, and an Actresa
Equal to It Iteqlreineul.
In this day and age of the world ; this
age of (trong-minded, higher-educated,
new women, it is a very difficult matter
to comprehend such a character as
I been has depicted in "Nora," of a
Doll's House" a doll-woman, witb no
comprehension of life; no idea of the
stern realities of the world as every
woman, be she ever so shielded and
petted, must find it. While we admire
in some ways her sweet simplicity and
tender love for her husband, at the same
time we stand in utter amazement at
what would now be termed ber "dense
oees," and lack of womanliness, which
must in the end prevail. Indeed,
through all our disappointment at the
fatal ending of the beautiful dream life,
we yet heave a sigh of relief to find that
after all she awakens to find tbat she 1b
more than a doll, she is a woman, and
reveals at the same time the innate
womanliness so admirable in ber sex.
The unnaturalness of the character
assumed by Miss Thropp is proof to
our minds of her wonderful power as an
actress. Meeting nowhere in her walks
of life a character which would in the
slightest degree resemble "Nora," tbe
doll wife, being not so spoiled and
pettish, as child like, the actress has
simply no foundation for acting, and
creates the character herself, bringing
to her audience a. character wholly new
and puzzling. An actor's stronghold
is in his power to grasp the character
assumed and put himself in the place of
the role he takes. This it would
seem impossible for any actress to do
who takes the part of "Nora," and yet
Miss Tbropp was the doll, and in tbe
final scene she wa$ the woman.
The only objection which anyone
could have found to Miss Tbropp was
the fact that ber enunciation last night
seemed at fault, and as in the case of
Milton Noble's visit to our city, one
must strain every nerve to catch the
sense of the play. This was probably
due to tbe fact tbat she is used to play
ing in houses where the acoustic prop
erties are perfect.
In Mr. Montague she has the best of
support. As the indulgent, loving hus
band he was all that the part required;
while in the heavier acting, where he
feels he has been wronged and at the
same time assumes the part of the irate
man, goaded to destraction when he
realizes that his idol has fallen, he was
fully equal to the demands of the ccene.
Especially was be good in the scene
where the thought of sacrificing bis
honor, as well as his individuality,
seemed to overwhelm him.
While the other parts nreoubordinate,
they were e!l takfn, tbat of "Nels
Krogstad" by Mr. Folsom, who in the
end proves himself the most sacrificing
of the characters involyed, requiring
some clever acting, and being well done.
Tbe play was a good one, furnishing
its hearers food for thought, and not
merely a pastime. And yet at the same
time one cannot help wishing the
miracle had been of a different nature,
allowing the wife to remain with her
husband, and the mother love to pre
When Traveling
Whether on pleasure bent or business,
take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of
Figs, as it acta most pleasantly and ef
fectually on tbe kidneys, liyer and
bowels, preventing fevers, headaches
and other forms of sickness. For sale in
50 cent bottles by all leading druggists.
Manufactured by tbe California Fig
Syrup Co. only.
Columbia Vedette bicycles, '99 model,
m at Mays A Crowe's.
An Inexhaustible Supply cf Pure
Sulphate in Wyoming.
A Hew Iadaalry That Proanlae to
Make th Asnerle-aa Market
depeadvat of Fsrle
By the opening up of the vast, nat
ural soda deposits of Wyoming an
other industry is to be adoVd to the
rapidly growing list in which tbe
1'uited States can outatrip the world.
Nature's laboratory, which is working
underground, and without a pay roll,
is turning out an Inexhaustible sup
ply of pure sulphate of soda which ia
the base of a lare number of by-products
that are used in one form or an
other in almost every sort of manufac
ture and in every household in civiliza
tion. Nature's product is one stage
nearer the point of consumption than
is the manufactured article. Over 70
per cent, of the latter consumed in this
country is imported and practically all
cf the remaining 30 per cent, is made
in factories that are branches of the
foreign establishments. The quantity
thus far tuken from the deposits is not
sufficient to supply a small fraction of
the gluss makers of the Indiana gas
belt alone, though the latter can use
it at an immense saving over the man
ufactured and can turn cut a better
quality of glass. Tbe elimination of
he expensive processes of manufac
ture puts the native soda in a position
not only to command the American
markets, but ultimately to pay for ex
porting it to the very countries from
which the American supply is now coin
ing. Despite the fact that only a be
ginning has been made on the home
trade there is every indication that its
rise from an infant industry to a point
where it can command the world will
be very rapid. To accomplish this re
mit the native soda must supplant the
400,000 tons of soda ash used by the
window and plate glass makers of this
country each year, and then take care
of the immensely greater demands of
the baking powder, soap, saleratus,
washing crystal, sal 6oda concentrated
lye, pulp, glucose, smoke'es gunpow
der and match manufacturers, and also
the tanners, bleachers, woolen mill
men, dyers, packers, printers, pho
tographers, starch makers and a host
of other users outside of the medicinal.
All of these demands and immeasurable
quantities more can be supplied from the
three lakes or bods lying II miles south
west of Laramie, and which comprise
the bulk of the deposits, in workable
quantities, of the state. These depos
its lire known as Red lake. Track laki
and Hig lake, and ore fed by countless
springs which constantly replenish the
supply as fast as it is drawn upon.
These deposits contain 44 per cent, of
pure sulphate of soda, a trifle less than
54 per cent, of water and about two
per cent, of other matter, chiefly car
bonate of soda and chloride of sodium,
or common salt. All that is necessary,
it is said, to put the product on the
market is to eliminate the moisture. It
can be sold throughout America at an
immense profit, even at the lowest fig
ures ever quoted here, though the
a ranches of the foreign factories
lave frequently sold their output be
,ow the cost of production to freeze
out the small American establishments
that have been started in opposition to
them within the last 50 years.
The soda properties have always
proven immensely profitable, and groat
efforts have been made by the English
and German makers to keep compet
itors out of the field. The largest of
the English concerns, which also con
trols the largest concern in this coun
try, has paid dividends of 35 to 50 per
cent, to its shareholders ever since it
was organized. The American branch
pays even larger profits, but its shares
are closely held, and no information
concerning the profits ever reaches the
public. The base product of the arti
ficial article is salt or salt water, which,
after reduction to the form of sulphate
of soda, must be clarified by expensive
processes before it can be used for
many of the purposes for which it is
intended. Before it can be used for
making plnte glass the iron, which all
salt contain, and which the ammonif.
or leading artificial process does not
eliminate, must be removed by the in
troduction of one part of arsenic to nine
of sulphate. The arsenic alone cost
at the rate of $75 per ton. The native.
soda, having no impurities, makes a
much clearer as well as stronger and
tougher glass, and it is even claimed
that it is better than the French plnte.
The Laramie deposits, which are the
purest as well as the most accessible
in the state, passed into the control of
one of the largest firms of importers
of heavy cliemicai west of New York
several years iigo. and this firm recent
ly transferred its holdings to a Chicago
corporation, which is preparing to
vastly increase the outpu: by tlit erec
tion of a plant capable of turning out
1,200 tons of product per day. Tbe ex
treme limit of the plant now on the
ground is 150 tons per day.
Cash la Hoar Cbeeke.
All county warrants registered rtrior
to June 1st, 1B15, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after April 5,
C. L. Phillip..
County Treasnrer.
ftotice. '
Have yon a farm for sale or for rent.
or do you know of any person holding
farming lands that they wish to dispose
of? If so, please write to any agent of
the O.K. A N. Co., and he will send
you a circular which will interest you.
Featherstone bicycles, '!)9 models. 130.
40 and 50 at Mays A Crowe's.
Wholesale and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agency for the Greatest American Liqnor
Yellowstone So Jhjfckey.
WHISKEf "from"-' 75 to ftf C J per gallon. (4 to 15 years old.)
IMPORTED'OOGNAO tWn m to '2j0jer gallon. (11 to -JO years old.;
"A TTTfTMA TlirllH " n tS Vb to 6 1 0 er yallt n. -o 11 years old.
HOP GOLD BEEB on draught, and Val
Imported Ale ana rorier.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kinds
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kind
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Si
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
fnn TlmiT This Hour is manufactured expressly for famllj
L-vJ Jl AJ 111 nge . eVery sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our goods lower than any bouse in tbe trade, and if you don't think so
can ana get cur prices ana oe convincea.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
Rockford "Quick Shot"
12-Plate Magazine Camera.
"Turn the levor and you are ready for
another." No plate holders witb elides
to draw. No sleeve or changing bag. No
chance to fog plates. No failures.
If yon want 12 pictures quick, buy the
"Quick-Shot. 'J tne only magazine cams
era that holds the plates securely after
they a. o exposed. No rattling or break
ing of plates. Best on earth.
3.'x4 . $6.00
4x5 $9.00
Witb one dozen plate holders.
Manufactured under the Conlcy patents by the
Rockford Silver Plate Co.,
We tell only through local agents. Ask our
agents toshow you this "Quick bhot."
...Spring Is Coming..,
And F. 8. GUNNING, the blacksmith, is prepared to put your baggies
plows and farm implements in proper shape.
Second and Langhlin Streets,
'Phone 167.
All kinds of
The Dalles, Or.
Funeral Supplies
...He Kenownetf d Bio Fiao
90 Second St., second door from Court.
118 October 15
The Dalles. Or.
$1 worth of check,
good for 10c drink,
ur cigar.
chuck Willi e 11c II pure lutsu
odes a i?d pa brie
13. 1593.
Blats and Hop Gold Beer in bottles
ulck Sellers
Tl. r.i... 11--.-1.. rt.. r-
TrQ SnlpeS-KinerSIV Drug CO,
AGENTS, the Dalles, Oregon.
Burial Shoes,
Tom Burke's Homestead Whiskey
Specialty In Imported French Lienors and Cognac.
Best Doaeitic Liquors. Wines and Cigars.
The Lawnt and Beit of Aiiinat Buchler
Houie-miule Btr aud forter.
for the Swiss Pub. Co., New York.
We are ready to show them In Dry
Goods, Notions, Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
Ladies' Capes and Jackets. "Time enough"
Is a poor principle. Those who make the
earliest selections secure best results.. The
stock Is complete and new and we invite
you to look at it.
1 ui Oregon, lor tti touuty ot Wa1
M. 1). KnerlauJ, plalutifl,
J 11 h A. Jolmnon, C. W. ih..
Whea don, defendant. '
To John Burger, Joaeph A. Jf.hnann 1, ,.
fcddy aud J. C. Uuncauson. dWei,,i.',rii'
In the naiue of tbe ttuto ot Or,,n
each of you mi hereby reouimi .. ' 1
auawer the eomptalm tiled again, v H
above erU.led auit within lea d.' " H
I ha date ol the aervlce ,,1 !
mona upon you, If aeired wii. :l
louutr; or if aerved within r -J
County of tl.Ia State, then within t.,
from the date of the aeivlre of thit '
upon you; if aerrad by publlmtl.m tneilj 1
011 or before tbe Utt dav of the tiiu Zr ""'
in the order for publication, towlt. ..VT""
wetka from the l.'itb day of March uu '1
beinj the bnsiday of publication nniui
you fail ao to anawer for want thJtL :
plaintiu" will apply to the Court for ST
prnjed for In bia complaint herein toYi
jiidKUient aKatnat defendant o. b. Tmt 1
llltoo and interest at 8 per eeut per ,,; 1
Oct 1, l'.r2, and for hia ctwla and dlrrcrL
herein, and for judgment and deern '
each and all of aaid defendanta, foreruiS'!
right, title and intereat of each of ud '
aula respectively, in and to all the aoutkhi i
the aoulhweat quarter of tbe aonthwea, J
of aectlon II, and the aouth half ol themlr
quarter of aectlon 15, townahip l norn Z1
10 east, W. M .aud directing theaaleo(i
land, and that the procee.a be applied u 5
cent of laid judgment. 1
Tbia aummona la aerved tinon rnn v.. I
tion thereof by order of Hon. W. L.
Circuit Judge, dated Mr3Q u, U.'.KI.
KlMISIilUS ii W!1.8flT
Attorueya lor rUio'ii
Notice ia hereby given that the
hua riled hia resignation as one of the adu .
tratora of the estate of Ferry Watkiiu. dm-.
and the county court of tbe state ol Oret J
Wasco county, has appointed the aotb. 4n 3
January, lhSW, at the hour of 10 o'clock, t i J
the time for hearing tbe same and the acmcJ
of aaid adminlHtTator up to aaid ante. 41!
01m interested in said estate are hereby amy.
to appear In aaid court at said time 10 K,
caue, if any exists, why said resignation h,.
not be accepted aud said adniiuistiatordiMLiU
JJalles City, Or., Dee. 27, 1898.
B4NK WtTItn,
One of the Administrators of tbe t,u:.
Perry Watkins, Deceased. a-,.
Notice is hereby given that the nuitnm.
heretoforeexlHting between W. L. wardj. i
ara,r.M. nara ana J. v. nam, doing ik
era! lumlering business at Dtifur. (Irwnn .
dert herlrm name of Ward di Sons, ia thiiv
Hl.kiilwaH h. mutual U I IV..J . , uj ,.. u .u .w.. v. ... u. mift IDG
C. Ward letiitng, J. W. Ward. F. H Ward
P.Ward will continue the business at DtJ
unoer me nrm name 01 n ara uros. and 1.
collect all out'tauding accounts and pi; J
oius agaiiiai me 01a nrm. All parties Iron:
themselves Indebted to said Arm are antilM
make nn early settlement, either bycatb oik
uunir, ure. reo. is, ibiw.
W L Win
J. W.Win
J. C. Wu
Administrator's Notice
Notice Is hereby alven that the underlie!
has been regularly appointed by the ein
court of theHtateof Oiegon for Wacocnunn,!
adminlxtrntor of 'he estate of John Unrnkbi
deceased. A'.i persons having limni-
sain estate an nereny notmea to present iw,
wnn tne projicr voucners, 10 me at tne oic
ol Htanott fc Hlnnott, in Dalles City, Ow
within six months from the date ol tliii aw?
Dalles City, Oregon, Januury JO, HW.
K. J. UOKM AN, Adiulnlsliili;
Executor's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the undenlml
have been bv the Countv Court of tbe Stain;
Oregon, for the County of Wasco, dulj l
pointed joint executora of the estate ot Chimi
w. Rice, deceased. All persons having elm
against said estate will present their eiun
with the proper vouchers, to the underfill!'
the office of I)ii fur & Menefce, in Dallei Or
vtasco County, Oregon, and within ilxooiai
from the date of tills notice.
Dated at Dulles City, Oregon, April Wh.IM
AN NIK f.. Kl'l
(iRoaoa Knca,
1UHHV CLOl'lil.
Joint Kxecutors f the Estate of Chariot
Klce, Deceased. Apt 121
Government Lands
With fine timber and rnnnlng waun
Hood River Valley, sill table for hnmestsad at
timber entrlra. Va locate Im1 1 vidnali J
enloBlea on these landa. Large Mllllni -
dustriea now being located here; also town ia
and other Isnda fur bhIa
Home of these Government lands ire '
choicest Apple land of tbe famous H
Klver Valley. I
W. R. WINAN8, Und Locator,
I22-lm Hood River, Wasco Co., OrajK
Notice. Timber Culture
U. 8. Land Orrici, Thk Dallis, Oaifw'.'
February U, l I
Comrilalnt havln been naitorpd at this tH
by Ollle P. W eberg agalnat Wesley Hnmmmr
failure to complv with law aa to tlmber-eiil"'
Entry No. 80Ar, dated Heptember 2J, 1. "I
then. F.. '4 Hecllon 10, Township , aoiifl "
Willamette Meridian, Range U east, in i
County, Htateol Oregon, with a view totlief
epilation of aald entry, contestant allegini :
aaid Weab-y Hummner never plowed orculll"1
said tract except about six acres andnr'er
any time nor haa anyone for him planted'
trees 01 cuttings, or seeds, and also the said
ley Hummner about the month of February, I
duly relinquished said tract to the CnltMl'W"
and delivered sain relinquishment to thli si
and said relinquishment was duly flli J
U. B.oltice of The Dalles, Oregor, snd at'
said time and prior thereto abandnncd aaW ";
and has never since aald time rctiirneil tn
or claimed any light or interest in saldtran'
The said parties are hereby summoned V
jwar at this otllce on the 2oth dav of Aprlh 1
at 10 o'olK?k a. m., to respond nui i"
U'stlmony concerning said alleged failure.
Hchool District No. Sol Wasco Comity, Orff
will Issue two con pon bonds of the par
lour hundred dollars each bearing I"1"
the rate of six per cent per annum, iiiterwIC
ahlo aeml amiually ; aald bonds being rule"'
at tbe pleasure o) said district after f" 1
from their data, bnt due ami payable ah'l",
twenty years from date, principle and In"";
payable at the nmeeot th Treasurer of v
:ounty, Oregon, or at such place as
designated at the option of the purchaser.
The board ol directors of anld dlsttid are"'
fully aull.oil.rl to issue aald bonda In scf"
ance with the provision o( an act ol the D"
tlve Assembly of the Htate of Oregon, H "
theolllciot the Hvcn-tary of Ktale Febni"!'
JHIW, and providing among other thlnl"'1"
lasiianceot uouila by achisil rllatilcts.
bv achisil rllatllcta.
nth the term a of aald
Id county, will leo-lvi"'
. at my office In I11" J ,
in eoinpiiance wi
aa treasurer of said
blda for shM ImuiH. .
aforeaalit until 2 o'eba'k p. m. on the lt W ,
May iHist. All blda must be accompanied B
certillii) cheek of live per tvnt of the siii"uL
bimila for which the bid la maile. No
Ifsa than par will tsf eonsl leroj. Bliin J? ,
aiihuiltteii lor district Ut execute. The ri' '
rej.-ct any and all hula la reserved,
tha Dallus, Olegou, April 1, """jijj,, Li,
" ireas
fl"7.',? plmrt". PrT.n I'll Ii)
n."-.; iiri mi.?" M v "":nii L 1
aW.H.;ia i - rr " rn'1 "nils tr, ur full hn,l
"aWiabyrfruagiaM. DH. BOf ANNO C0.PW'
Colombia bicycles '90 modelswl
on eartU 150 at Mays A Crowe's.