The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, April 12, 1899, PART 1, Image 3

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Ike Weekly Ghroniele
TiaTpaV-eb or WA8Cf . coi ktv.
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IWtirfn. M made kuowo
p:1 'filln-.muiiic.ttoiii to"THF CHRON
Saturday Dally.
Baldwin, N"Ian and Houghton were
- . v. tu-.vlinn tournament
t!i winners in
Ustnintit, with thesplei. UJ score of 513.
n. ,Mdine the report of the county
school superintendent in another col
mn ton may gain a fairly good Idea
ofichool affair in the county.
A roong couple named Newton Lird
n.l Jennie Helper were married in au
r..tpm town recently and the editor of
tii local paper was almost clubbed to
death by the militant groom oecansene
id oseof the heading -ujr.i-neiper
f.n. rnmDliiiientary remarks are
being passed today concerning the splen-
lid lecture given by Kev. nusning lasi
night at the Christian church. His
inject was" The World' First Woman,"
nrnaiint tVilH
ana eervuim B
th manner in which be handled it.
In spite of the law against selling
inaor to Indians, it Is not an uncom
mon thing to encounter a drunken Indian
in and out of the city. Last night T. J.
Driver arrested a brave who had so
ffnchof the "fire water" that he had
to be put in the cooler, where he spent
thenitjht, and today as well.
Sheriff Kelly returned last night from
Silem, where he went to take Richardson
to the asylum. While there Mr. Kelly
inquired as to the Dalles inmates in the
asylum, and found they were all in about
the wine condition, with little signs of
improvement, except the case of Miss
Liura Donaldson, who is now in the
convalescent ward.'
Arthur Clarke, the popular and cour
teous young jeweler of The Dalles, ar
rived here last Monday, and will locate
in Heppner permanently. Hi stock
of goods will arrive in a day or so, but as
jet he bat not secured a suitable build
ing. Mr Clarke is a polished young man
nd will be a valuable acquisition to our
society circles. Heppner Times.
At the regular business meeting of the
Epworth League held last night the fol
lowing officers were elected : President,
L. Racb; 1st vice president, Miss Nettle
Fredden; 2d vice president, Hilda Beck ;
3d vice president, Mrs. Warner; 4th
Tics president, Mabel Collins; secretary,
Mill May bell Cross; treasurer, Mr,
Flemming; chorister, E. J. Collins;
ironist, Miss L'. Ruch.
Sleeping-car rates are being reduced
on the Great Northern and Northern
Pacific At first a reduction to
$10 was announced ; but compromise
bas been made whereby a rate of $12
will be made from the East to this
cot, instead of $13.60 as now charged.
Ultimately it is thought a reduction
will be made on all lines west of the
Missouri river.
Just as we go to press word was re
vived in the city that a murder had
own committed near Viento this after
noon. It seems that the workmen on
the road got into a lively discussion, be
coming very angry. Finally one of the
"Ma ordered the other to do something
1 connection with the work in hand,
d being refused, he picked up a reck
d bit the other In the head, killing
"in instantly.
The latest from Spokane eavs that the
nillpox reports have been greatly ex
grated. Instead of twenty-seven cases
"we have been so far only five cases,
nniii Mt Sunday there were only
Sunday morning the two ad-
cases were reported from a lodg-
"ig-house, which was occupied by twenty
Joni. The house was at once quar
Wined, and it is thought the exposed
i-'"ns will escape the disease.
For some time past an item tias been
P'Bg the rounds of the press to the fleet
there are at present about 1 ,500,000
""nils Of wool stnro.t In K
"Us Dalle.. We are Informed today
Tons warehouse company that they
B,T almost 2 non nnn 1. i.. .ui.
th. . ? l0,,e- toWo "e conclude
rited t ,,10"nUlMbeen Breat,y ouder'
i In a short time the new crop
""be arrl.U ... ......
Th.rii, nu "uyers win una
BH junt the place for their pnr-
K.ofp. lull ii ... . .
thee scarcely contain
tnt.7 ihH o listen to the
iff i . ,nent tnii nj'iy the pleasures
"ides n . . ,ewm l""
aiakin. ,l l"e booths, and
PMr. ' l" "l, tnOTl
Wnr... niin ai in oiose an
-uracted to th
tie refreshment room,
"" ice
1 Cfem and cake were served.
'dncin tu , venlng WM 'Pnl
loon. . lh V"lr ,Rle' n1 reHl
i.W U'elr Ub"i P'obably
Compan, ''"tern Oregon Und
7'r t present In The Dalles
LI OP vi.-a. . . .
attending to business in connection
with, and changes which will be made
in the work of the company. T. A.
Hudson having resigned from the agen
cy, the management passes into the
hands of G. W. McXear.of Portland and
San Francisco. While we regret to hear
of Ihe resignation of one who has proven
tiiiuself so proficient an agent as Mr.
Hudson, at the same time we are glad
to learn that his successor is a man
thoroughly interested in the welfare of
this iretion and one of the largret wheat
exporters on the coast. Mr. McNear
will at once open an office at The Dalles,
and Mr. C.E.Curry will probably be
appointed his local agent. It is X'r.
McNear's intention to actively enter
into the further development of the
property, particularly the agricultural
lands in Sherman county. The exten
sion of the Columbia Southern beyond
Moro will be of great value to tho
company's property, as it brines much
of it within convenieut reach of market
and gives them cheap transportation.
The story of "A Doll's House" the
wonderful drama in which MissThropp
will be seen here on Monday night, is
one of engrossing interest. Nora, the
petted and spoiled wife of Torvald Hel
tner, is the central figure of the play.
Her youth had been passed as a doll
child, she is Helmer's doll-wife and
their home is "A Doll's House." After
eight years of married life, the shadow
of a dread secret crosses her path and
opens her eyes for the first time to
worldliness, selfishness and crime.
When the love and confidence of her
husband is weighed and found wanting,
the whole fabric of her life crumbles to
dust and Nora stands, revealed a woman.
Of the remarkable characters in thiei
much discussed play it is not too much
to say that they are the creation of a
genius whose knowledge of human
nature is as profound as it is wonderful.
Monday's Dally.
The ladies of the Episcopal Guild
were so fortunate as to realize as the re
sultof their entertainment and sale $155
clear of expenses.
About noon today Mrs. C, F. Stephens
received the sad news of the death of
her brother, Ephriam Jackson, at
Lebanon, Or. She left on the after
noon train for that place.
The Oregonian contains an announce
ment that will be of interest to many of
our rea'ders: The engagement is an
nounced of Miss Rose Bloch, daughter
of Dr. and Mrs. J. Bloch, to Cecil H.
Mr. W. C. Smith, of Portland, just re
turned from Trout creek reports con
siderable activity in mining in that dis
Irict. Mining experts in the citytx
pect soon to make a trip into that
We were shown some first-class work
in map-drawing this morning by W. F.
Johnston, a draftsman who has for some
time been employed by C. J. Crandall.
He is a spendid workman, and his map
of Palestine would be invaluable to stu
dents of sacred history.
Dr. Otflesbee, who bas been on a pros
pecting tour in the upper country, ar
rived from Prineville this afternoon and
will leave tor his home at Junction City
tomorrow. The doctor says there is a
great deal of sickness at Prineville this
spring. He is very sanguine regarding
the mines be has located along Crooked
J. II. Carlock, W. Manning and M.
Page, members of the U. S. Geological
Survey, were In the city yesterday.
They are now at work about thirty
miles above The Dalles. Among the
altitudes which have been ascertained
by them are: Summit, ten miles from
here, 187 feet; Celilo, 177, and Squally
Hook 192.7.
J. B. O'Brien, superintendent of the
O. R. A N., who has been making a tour
of the road and spent some time in the
Blue mountains, between Pendleton and
Li Grande, reports that there are from
six to eight feet of solid snow in that
section. At Meacham station there
were four feet. The first rise in the
Columbia comes from these mountains,
and it is to be hoped we will have our
warm weather in sections this year to
prevent the rise being delayed till June.
During the terrible wind storm yes
terday afternoon a small boat, contain
ing two ladies and two or throe gentle
men from Goldendale, attempted to
cross the river from Columbus to Grants.
They had almost reached the landing
place on this side when the boat upsei
and went rapidly down the stream. In
time, however, the party was rescued,
but notnntil the ladies were almost too
weak to stand. This is a very danger
ous place even when the river is quiet.
The officers who telephoned from
Viento Saturday afternoon regarding
the killing which was purported to have
taken place on the road near there, were
a little previous and, as Chambers, the
i.. ... ...I in llvii liiir. Haiti .
exorefltuiAn wuu uw
very seriously mj
' Peter McCoy, who threw th.
i .,i i. mnorts from
on his trail.
A Dalles small boy who fully realized
that 'tis "not by works alone," and who
or"ec-.lving .om, assistance from him
when preparing for a chnrch social, was'enongh feej for all classes of stock,
heard to remark : "Mamma, what du Although some storms eame, there was
you git onto" this, anyway?" "Oh, my at no time a shortage of fred, which
Kin, we do not look for onr reward here; , kept losses down to a minimum. Con-
we a nnd it when we get to heaven."
Dropping his mok and I inking some
whit disgusted he said: "Woikiu' to
git into heaven is ruietbin' like a boy
workin to git into a show. May U he
gits there and maybe be don't."
The Prineville Review has a kick com
ing concerning the stage line accomo
dations betw en The Dalles and that
place. The reporter of that paper
should have Wen with us this luoming
to have viewed the new four-horse,
tborough-hrace stage coach which has
just lieen finished for tMa; line bv Line
os. if this cilv. It is a beaut, and
look as if it would be as comfortable as
a rocking chair. Geo. Miller, who own
stage lines in Southern, Oregcn, says
The Dalles has the name of turning out
some of the best stages in the country,
and he is now having one built by this
tame fine to use on his lines.
The news of the drowning of Fish
Commissioner McGuire and Senator
Reed of Douglas county, Saturday morn
ing in the Umpqua river, is still
another occurrence to be added to the
long list of dreadful casualties which we
have been compelled to chronicle during
the past year or more. In the death of
these men our state loses citizens we
can illy afford to part with, and whose
places it will be difficult to fill. Not
only those who were personally ac
quainted with H. D. McGuire. but
residents along the entire length of the
vjoiumoia will leel they have lost a
friend. So accustomed have we crown
to reading In the papers onceriiing his
untiring efforts in behalf of the fishing
interests of our state, and to noting his
success In the work assigned him, that
we feel we must say with the Oregonian,
"Mis pi iico cannot be nlled.
Tuesday's Dully.
During the past six months 661 bounty
scalps have been brought in and
bounties paid thereon.
The sheriff will this afternoon turn
over to the county tieasurer 712.52
taxes collected on the 1897 roll
Mays & Crowe have just finished
placing in their new store the Lamson
system of cash carriers, which is very
complete and reliable
The family of Fred Fisher, who lately
returned to this city from Portland,
has rented the house recently occupied
by L. Clarke, on the hill.
Deputy Sheriff Sexton made a trip to
15-Mile this afternoon for the purpose
of bringing to the city Lincoln Farring
ton, who will be examined as to his
Henry Hudson is in from Dufur today
He reports bis wife as now able to sit up
a short time each day. Mr, Hudson's
family bas been greatly afflicted with
sickness this spring,
The expense of running the court
circuit and justice during the past six
months has amounted to $5334.30, belDg
unusually large on account of the
criminal case recently tiied.
The lady editor of the Drain Watch
man, says: "Some one bas sneeringly
remarked: 'Two-thirds tf the church
members of this country are women.'
Very true; it is also true that out of
45,000 convicts in our state prisons,
more than 43,000 are men."
The residence which E. C. Pease is
erecting on Fourth street is fast assum
ing proportions which prove it to be
one of the most beautiful and complete
in the city. No expense has been
spared to make it such, and it is said to
be fautless as far as comfort is concerned.
This morning at 10 o'clock at the
Catholic church In this city, Father
Bronsgeest united in marriage Mr. John
Stegman and Miss Malania Mesplie.
Mr. Stegman has a fruit farm near the
forks of Mill creek, where the newly
married couple will make their home.
Like everything else in The Dalles,
marriage licenses are issued by whole
sale, and where there is an application
for one, another is bound to follow.
This morning licenses were Issued to
John II. . Stegman and Miss Malania
Mesplie and John B. McAtee, of Tygh,
and Miss Anna Heisler, of Dufur.
The occupants of the small boat which
upset in the Columbia at Grants Sunday
were Misses Nettie McEwan and Ethel
Masters and Lou Darland and Geo.
Washburne, of Goldendale, besides the
ferryman. 'Twas a narrow escape, and
'tis sali that when the young men
reached shore with the young ladies the
latter were unconscious.
The "ill" wind, when at its height
this afternoon played havoc with the
. w t i .1
awnings at rease mays siurr, auu
caused the rod which held the one on
Ihe east show window to strike agBinst
the large plate glass and break a portion
of it Into splinters. Ills no slight loss
to have one of these immense w indows
break, each one being worth at least $60.
It will be gratifying to those who have
been unduly concerned regarding high
water this year, to learn that the river
fl . )ow wUer mHru
four hours. 1,1 it . by
r s ng In sections we win u rlu"J
A gentleman who has just returned
from trip to Montana says the live
stock Interests there did not siifFir any
'and came througt, to .... ,,....
ditions in that region have scarcely ever
been bwter than llity are j'ist now, and
the eUfkmen, therefore, feel in good
The following dispatch denying cur
rent reports that Bishop Christie, of
aucourer's island, has been notified of
his appointment as archbishop of Ore
gon, to succeed the late Archbishop
Gross, has been received from Victoria:
'Bihop Christie baa several limes de
nied knowledge of his appointment as
archbishop of Oregon. He says the
announcement must be made irotu
Rome, and at any rate he does not think
he will be moved from Victoria until he
completes the work which he has com
menced hete."
It is to be hoped that the young girls
of our city who have assumed the
"hippoed" walk, apparently so much in
vogue of late, and so far from being
graceful, lost none cf the extra curves
which were so noticeable in the car
liage of Miss Thropp last night. While
otherwise attractive, her movements as
she crossed the stage were ceitainly not
taking with those who are not sufficient
ly np in the latest gait. However, wliile
it may be all right for a doll to carry
herself in that manner, it surely is not
becoming to a young ladv.
Graduates this year will have one ad
vantage over thoee of previous years,
who have been at a decided loss to
determine where could be found suitable
program stationery. This annoyance
has been overcome this year, and son e
of the daintiest, swellest programs may
be obtained by calling at The Chboniclb
office and looking over the samples
recently received by us. We have them
of every description, from the plainest
to the most fancy. We invite any who
may desire programs of any kind to call
and inspect something new.
The accident which occarred on the
Columbia Southern Sunday night is
only another proof that (here should be
a law in the state compelling railroad
companies to build a walk on every
trestle along their line. There are very
few persins who would have the
presence of mind to step aside on the
ties as the train passed. Beside there is
much danger In so doing. There are
several trestles between this place
and Hood River unguarded by a walk,
and even in our city the greater portion
of the large railroad bridge is devoid of
a walk, and sooner or later an acclilei.t
will happen. While the bridge is the
company's property and people walk
over it at their own risk, yet it would be
much cheaper In the end had a walk
been built in connection with the road.
We're All Might.
While we are complaining about the
unbearable wind storms, which general
ly make their appearance on Sundays
or just when we want a practical demon
stration regarding the beauty of onr
climate, let us tern our eyes eastward
and contemplate lor a moment the con
ditions there existing. Mr. Brooks is
in receipt of the weather report for
March in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa
and the Dakotas, which says:
Upon the w hole the season is back
ward at the close of March, the month
having been very unfavorable for farm
ing operations. In the Dukotas, Ne
braska, Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin
the ground Is frozen to an unusual
depth, the frost extending to a depth of
from five to ten feet in North Dakota
and Minnesota. While the average
teoipe-ature of March was somewhat
above the normal in the southern states,
the season in that section is reported
from two to three weeks late, except in
Texas, where it is more nearly normal.
The repoit adds: Ihe general con
dition of wheat is less favorable than at
the close of February, and as at the close
of that month the late sown is less
promising than that seeded early. On
the Pacific coast the outlook is most
promising In Oregon, and the crop has
been greatlv benefited by recent rains
in Cali'ornia, but In Washington it has
been Injured by severe weather and lack
of enow protection.
Elegant new Pullman palace sleepers
between Portland and Chicago have just
been placed in service via the O. R. A
N., Oregon S!.ort Line, Union Pacific
and Chicago tic Northwestern railways
daily every day in the year. Cars are of
the very latest pattern, in fart being the
most Improved up-to-date sleeping cars
turned out by the Pullman Company.
These new palaces will leave Portland on
the evening fast train of the O. R. A N.
arriving at Chicago the morning of the
fourth day and running through with
out change via Granger and Omaha. 19t(
No; the money-back
guarantee of Schilling's
tea bnklng powder
coffee flavoring extracts
soda and spices
is not an advertising
"dodge." Get your
money-back here if you
uon t like them.
For sals pr
andugn, Adams Si Co.
iygn vaney, urs.
Annatl Kvparl bjr Cuaty Bckool (tupr
iBKDtUot Gllbrrl.
The schools of our county were never
in a more prosperous condition than at
present, the various country, a-
well as those in the towns, improving
steadily each term, and are iu charge ol
the beet of teachers. Following will be
found a portion of the report of County
School Superintendent Gilbert for the
year ending March 6, 1899:
Number of persons between 4 and 20
years ol age residing in the county, 4,30ti
Number of resident pupils enrolled in
public schools during the year between
t ami ;o years 01 age, ,y4I.
Number of resident nunila enrolled ii,
public schools during the year under 6
years oi age, iu.
Number of resident pupils attending
fcnooi ontsiiie ol their districts ur I
the year, U3.
Average daily attendance, 2,101.
Number of teachers employed in tht
public schools during th vear ending
iirni .ionuy in .March, ibWi, lib.
Number of children not attending am
school during the year betweeu 4 and 20
years ol age, 1 obo.
Estimated value of school houses, In
cluding school house grouuds, $104, 715,
Estimated value of school furniture
belonging to the school houses, fll,964.
Estimated value of apparatus. Includ
ing maps, globes, charts, school tablets,
etc., f j,io-i.
A.nount of insurance on school houses
and other school property, $40,770.
Average amount of salary paid ma'e
teacners per montn in the public
schools during the year, $42 32.
Average amount of salary paid female
teachers per month In the public schools
during the year, $34 25.
Whole number of organized districts
in this county, 65.
Averuge number of months public
schools have been taught during the
year in this county, 6 3-10.
Number of school houses built during
the year, 3.
Number of school houses in the
county, 67.
Number of giaded schools in the
county, 8; teachers employed, 35; pupils
attending, 1,747.
Number of legal voters in the countv
for school purposes, 2,229.
Number of local institutes held in this
county during the year, 6; number ol
teachers present estimated 100; other
persons 1,000.
Amount of school funds in hands of
district clerk at the beginning of this
school year, firet Monday in March,
18K8, $1,510.55.
Amount raised by districts on district
tax account during the year, $13,187.68.
Amount of money apportioned to
school districts from the county school
fund during the year, $15,905 3(3.
Amount of the county apportionment
to school districts for the state school
fund during the year, $4,906 80.
Amount of money raised by rate bills
during the year, $ti23 00.
Amount of school funds received from
from all other sources durintr the vear.
Amount paid out for teachers' wages
during the year ending the first Monday
In Mirch, 1899, $23,505.39.
Amount paid for rent of school rooms
during the year, $1,519.03.
Amount paid out during the year for
repairs cn school houses and premises,
Amount paid out during the year for
the purchase of school furniture, $985.42.
Amount paid for fuel and other neces
sary incidentals, durum the vear.
Amount paid out for clerk's services
during the year, $526.93.
Amount paid during the year for ap
The following lines
Mays &
Garden Tools, Deep Well Pumps Blacksmith's Tools
Rubber and Cotton Hose Bar Iron and Steel
Winchester and Marlin Rifles, latest models Blacksmith's Coal
Fishing Tackle Wagon Maker's Supplies
Bicycles and Sundiies Wrought Iron Pipe and Fittings
Smith & Wesson and Colt's Revolvers Barb Wire and Nails.
Warranted Lisk Anti-Rust Tinware Warranted
We will replace every piece if found rusted.
Granite Iron and Stewart Enameled Ware.
A Complete Line of
Planet Jr. Garden Tools Rushford Wagons
John Deere Plows and Harrows Racine Buggies and Carriages
Bean Spray Pumps Buckeye and Piano Mowers and Reapers
Cultivators and Disk Harrows Tiger Drills, lightest draft.
Our stock of
Builder's Hardware
is complete In
Majestic Steel Ranges and Cook Stoves.
Before buying elsewhere examine our Stock.
paratus, globes, maps, charts, school
tablets, etc., $963.96.
Amount paid for school house site
during the year, $966.95.
Amount paid for building school
hon, nd out-houses during th year.
Amount paid for Insurance during ths)
year, $."iiS.
Amount paid out for all other school
purposes during the year, $2,313.62.
Total amount of cash in the hands of
district clerks, March lSy.l, $2,284.90.
Amount of school funds belonging to
school distiicts not in possession of
school clerks, March 6, 1899, $153.14.
Amount of unapportioned school funds
in the hands of connty treasurer at data
of this report, $6,945.
Tha riva-llundrvat lollar Iteward Wall
The assailant of Frank Cook, head
brakeiuaii on the O. R. A N. who waa
nearly murdered last week near Hay
station by a tramp' he was putting off
the -train, has been captured at Tekoa
by Joe Canutt, sheriff of Whitman
county, who has landed him In Spokane
county jail. The sheriff says :
"The man gives a badly confuted ac
count of his movements during the last
week. He even gave me two names, ths
first name being Joseph Johnson and
the second Richard Barrett. So dis
connected is the fellow's explanation ol
himself that I would not attempt to
repeat it to you. However, he has
acknowledged being in Starljuck and
Kiparia within the last few days, bat i
utterly unable to give the dates.
"The capture of Johnson or Barrett
was a clever piece or work. He ap
peared suddenly in Tekoa and bis striki
ng resemblance to the man described
by Cook as the latter's assailant im
pressed Deputy Quinn very forcibly.
Qninn watched his man closely. Last
night the stranger ginned up pretty well,
and Quinn cultivated his acquaintance
still more closely,, and the roan gavs)
tilmself away during the evening by
saying to Quinn :
" 'Yes, I did strike Cook over tha
head, and the ,
I would do it again.'
"The stranger's arrest promptly fol
lowed his declaration.
"Barrett was brought to town on the
next train, and at 8 o'clock this morn
ing was taken ovei to the hospital,
where he confronted Cook. As soon
the latter' saw him be said :
" 'That Is the man who struck me
over the head.'
"Handcuffed, Barrett was next re
turned by us to the city jail and locked
A Narrow Escape.
Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada
E. Hart, of Groton, S. D. : "Was taken
with a bad cold which settled on my
lungs; cough set it and finally termi
nated In consumption. Four doctors
gave me np, saying I could live but e
short time. I gave myself op to my
Savior, determined if I could not stay
with my friends on earth, I would meet
my absent ones above. My husband
was advised to get Dr. King's New Dis
covery for consumption, coughs and
colds. I gave it trial, took in all eight
bottles. It bas cured me, and thank
God, I am saved and now a well and
healthv woman." Trial bottles free at
Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. Reg
ular size 50c and $1. Guaranteed or
price refunded. 1
are to be found at
and Carpenter's Tools
every detail.