The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, April 12, 1899, PART 1, Image 1

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NO. 28
Tairtecn LiYes Lost in a Fire Which
CWDiEtclT Destroyed Tp Fine
Explosion la tbe Andrews House Started
the Blaze, Which Soon Spread to tbe
Adams House Heroic Efforts of
Firemen to Save Lives.
New York, April 7. Fourteen persons
wet death, four were seriously itjired,
and others (lightly Injured in a 6re which
it n early hour this morning, destroyed
the five-story dwelling, 2 East Sixty-seventh
street, the home of Wallace
Andrews, president of the New York
Steam Heating Company, and the five
ttory brownstone houseof Albert Adams,
3 East Sixty-eighth street.
The first fire was discovered about 2
a. m. A policeman was passing in front
of the Havt'ineyer residence, in Eaet
Bitty-aixth street, when he heard an ex
plosion ami saw a great flash of light on
bixty-eeveiith street. Me ran thither
with all speed. When he arrived, the
fl lines were shooting out of the upper
floors of the Andrews bouse. The police
man tried to get into tbe bouse to arouse
the occupants. lie was driven back by
the fiauies. He then turned in an alarm,
aod returning gut the people out of V. II.
Rothschild's bouse close by. Next to
the Adams bouse was the handsome tour
' story brownstone home of II. O. Armour,
of the Chicago firm of packers. Next to
tli at is the home of Perry Belmont. Di
rectly opposite this is tbe house of George
With the arrival of the first engine
company tbe value of the property
threatened was apparent, and a second
alarm were turned in. While some fire
men fought the flatlet with hose and
chemicals, other rushed into th Roth
schild's house, and from there into tbe
Andrews house by way of the rear win
dows, but they were too late, for In the
middle room ot this floor tbe firemen
tumbled over the bodies of Mrs. St.
John and Wallace, her 3 year-old child.
The child was dead, but Mrs. (it. John
was still alive and gasping tor breatb.
A fireman picked her up and staggered
with her to the Rothschilds house, hut
lit died as the was being carried in.
Mrs. St. John and her three children
ere all on the third floor.
The servants of Andrews were on the
fourth, or top fl ,or. Alice White leaped
from the window to the extension, which
we to the third floor, She was lound
there unconscious. Jennie Burns, an
other servant, jumped from the same
indow to the extension. She crushed
in her skull and Is in critical condition.
Mle Holland, the kltrhitn malil Miirv
riritgan, parlor maid, Annie Nearyj
and Eva Peterson, the four remaining
"rvantu, Wer8 M,er f()Un,j deaJ on tl)e
fourth door.
After the firemen had rescued Alice
" Idte and Jennie Burns trom the roof
c' His extension, just before the flames
'wehed that locality, another desperate
ff"rt waj made to get into the Andiewt
""me, but the conflagration had gained
extraordinary hold, and it was Impot
"bis to force an entrance. A strong
"! blowing from the south, twept the
""' north.
0n the north side of Sixty-ninth street
His handsome home of Albert J. Ad
the millionaire sport In man. H is
"dlyhad he n arouaed hy the tumult.
ervar.t nin.d Ihe front window, and
K'Mof jn, ,,,,, (,rB ,t ji.f,,,,,,!,
n widw. The Adams house
en l B,ln to ),;., ,prw,Vi
Killed hy Nitric Acid.
Ai"H 6.-A young child of Mr.
F"",k l'gs) died In great
Monday, from the effect of dose
child Ci'1 ll,,,inil" another
" few years older. The acid was
eh u y.n ,n ,,i,,lte', '"rrn t0 he
"Jren ,or whooping cough. Dur-
ing the absence of the mother from the
house, the older child climbed noon a
enpooard, got the bottle and gave the
little one a dose of the undiluted acid,
with the result that it died after 12
hours of intense agony.
Holding Tbeir Cattle.
Lono Ckkek, April 6. Eathan Hon
jr. representing M. Saunders, a Utah
cattleman, is in northern Grant county
for the purpose of purchasing 400 head
of mixed cattle. He said yesterday that
he was not meeting with success, as
owner, Rre disposed to make contracts.
He attribnfes this to the late spring,
and consequent poor condition of cattle.
Telephone System at Goldendale.
Goldkxdale, Wash., April 8. J. E
McGillivry, agent of the Oregon Tele
phone Company, has begun the wiring
of Goldendale, preparatory to placing
twenty-five Instruments and installing
a local telephone system. The work
will require the expenditure of several
thousand dollars.
American Delegates to the International
Disarmament Conference Have
Been Named.
Washington, April C Secretary Al
gtr will he forced to resign as soon as he
returns from Cuba and his place will be
taken by General Warren Hastings,
who was the commander of President
McKinley in the war of the rebellion.
This comes from administration circles
aud is definite. The matter was settled
some time ago at a conference be
tween the president and his advisers,
and it can be said that a new secretory
of war will be installed within a few
For the Czar's Conference.
Washington, April 6. The secretary
of state has announced the personnel of
the United States delegation to the dis
armament convention, which will meet
at The Hague in the latter part of May.
The delegation consists of Andrew D.
White, United States ambassador at
Berlin; Stanford Newel, United States
minister to the Netherlands : President
Seth Low, of Columbia university, New
York; Captain William Crozier, ordi
nance department, U. S. A., and Cap
tain A, T. Mahan, retired, U. S. A.
Frederick William Holtz, of New York,
will be secretary of the delegation.
The American commission, as a whole,
it regarded as an exceptionally strong
body, being made op of men well known,
not only in public and political life, but
in the world of letters and international
affairs. They are all men of scholarship,
fine linguists, and those attainments
helpful in a congress representing the
nations cf the world, conducted under
the diplomatic naagea which makes
French tbe accepted language.
Will Return with Members of the
Philippine Commission.
Ciiicaoo, April 7. A special to the
Tribune from Washington says: With
in a lew months Admiral Dewey will be
back on American toil, if all goes well,
and will then be given the welcome he
earned nearly a year ago In Manila bay.
He will not be recalled, as such action
might he construed as a mark of dissatis
faction with Ms recent actions, and
niiht encourage the Filipinos. An
Intimation has been conveyed to him,
quite unofficially, of course, that work of
the navy In the Philippines is over, so
far as fleet movements are concerned,
and that the minute he asks for thore
duty the request will be granted.
It It understood Admiral Dewey it
ready to come home so far as naval du
ties are concerned, hut he prefers to
Mulsh the work of the Philippines com
misrion and come home with Chairman
rh-hrnman ami ex-Minister Penny.
Within a short time the rainy season
will prevent active military operations,
ao that the commission will settle down
to a consideration of the civil adminis
trative feature of the problem.
It is believed that the commission will
be ready to sail, possibly by July 1, and
certainly before September I.
Use Clarke A Falks Kosofoam for the
teeth. "
Fish Cjinmissioner McGnire ani Senator
Reel Drowned.
Rowlock Broke and the Frail Craft Was
Soon Swamped-Helpless In Seeth
ing Waters The Men Had Been
Warned That Their Trip Was a
Hazardous One.
RosKBCHQ, Or., April 8 Hollister D.
McGuire, fish commissioner of Oregon,
and A. W. Reed, state senator from Doug
las county, were drowned in the North
Umpqua river, opposite Biverdale farm,
six miles below Roseburg, this morning
The bodies have not been recovered.
Messrs. Red and McGuire, ac
companied by W. F. Hu Voard, who hat
charge of the Clackamas hatchery, went
down the North Umpqua to lrcate a site
for a hatchery, intending to return this
evening. All three came to this city
with Governor Geer, Secretary of State
Dunbar and Ahjutant-General Tuttle on
business onnected with the ha'chery
location and the Oregon Soldiers' Home.
Messrs. McGuire, Reed and Hubbard
went by freight train to Winchester,
where they boarded a small boat for the
junction of the rivers, six miles below
Roseburg. Governor Gecr and General
Tuttle went to the Soldiers' Home, and
Secretary Dunbar left for Astoria today.
Details of the Drowning.
Alter viewing tbe river in the vicinity
of Winchester, Messrs. McGuire, Rerd
and Hubbard look a boat and proceeded
down the river, which is a wild, rapid
stream. When nearing the first falls,
they pulled the boat ashore and McGuire
and Reed got out and walked around the
falls. Mr. Hubbard took the boat over
the falls, and the other two again got in.
About one mile further down are the
long rapids, about one-half mile in length
and one can tee them only short !k
tance. The roar of the water firs' an
nounces oue't approach. On ht irina
the warning tound they undertook to
row ashore, when a rowlock broke r.! d
tbe next moment they were in the w.'.te..
Commissioner McGuire and Mr. ITul
bard started to swim ashore. r
Reed being unable to swim, clung to the
upturned boat. When about half way
t ) shore, Hubbard looked over hit shoul
der and saw McGuire swimming after
him and Reed upon the boat. When he
reached the shore he looked again, and
both had dissappeared. Neither hat yet
been found. Searching partiea are out
with ropes, lanterns and grappling hooks.
Tbe accident was most unfortunate, as
Senator Reed't wife expected to meet
him here tonight.
People at Winchester who know the
treacherous waters of the North Umpqvt
warned McGnire, Retd and Hubbard of
the danger, and advised them not to un
dertake so hazardous a trip. They were
warned the second time when they were
about to get in the boat after Mr.-Huh-bard
had taken it over the first rapids.
The North Umpqua leoneof the swift
est runnl.ig streams in Oregon.
Mr. McGuire leaves wife, who is the
daughter of Bailiff Stuart, of Judge Fra
xer'i court, and five children, the eldest
of which is fifteen.
Oregon Soldiers Not In a Hurry to Re
turn Home.
Wanimnoton, April 7. Senator Mc
Bride was at the war department today
discussing with Adjutant-General Cor
bin the subject of bringing home the
Oregon volunteers. The senator suggests
that as It will take several montht to
bring home all the yolunteert, it will be
well to have preparations ma it to start
early with those that are not needed.
He had a letter from Colonel Summers,
of tbe Second Oregon, written since the
fighting against the insurgents, began,
saving that as long as there wat any
fighting to be done, the Oregou regiment
..'as willing to stay and defend the flag,
but when it was over, the bora would
all be willing to come home. If General
Otis decide that the volunteers can be
spared, tbe Oregon reaiment, bring one
of the first to go, ill be one of the first
to return, as General Corbin told Sena
t r McBride the return would be in that
President of California's University
Ithaca, N.Y., April 9 During the
last two or three days it has been re
ported among the members of Cornell's
faculty and student body that Professor
B L. Wheeler, of Cornell university, it
likely to be the next president of the
university of California.
Many People Ridicule the Idea of an
Absolute Cure for Dyspepsia
and Stomach Troubles.
Bldlcule, However, la Not Argument,
and Facta are Stubborn Things,
Stomach troubles are so common and
in most cases, so obstinate to cure that
peopleare apt to look with suspicion on
any remedy claiming to be a radical,
permanent enre for dyspepsia and in
digestion. Many such pride themselves
on their acuteness in never being hum
bugged, especially in medicines.
This fear of leing humbugged can .be
carried too far, so far, in fact, that many
people suffer for years with weak diges
tion rather than risk a little time and
money in faithfully testing the claims
made of a preparation so reliable and
universally used as Stuart's Dyspepsia
Now Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are
vastly different in one important respect
from ordinary proprietary meaicinet for
the reason that they are not a secret
patent medicine, no secret Is made of
their ingredients, but analysis shows
them to contain the natural digestive
ferments, pure aseptic pepsin, tbe diges
tive acids, Golden Seal, bismuth, hy-
drastis and nux. They are not cathartic,
neither do they act powerfully on the
organ, but tiiey cure indigestion on tbe
common tense plan of digesting the food
eaten thoroughly before it has time to
ferment, tour and cause the mischief.
This is the only secret of tbeir success.
Cathartic pills never have and never
can cure indigestion and stomacL
troubles because tbey act entirely on the
bowels, whereat the whole trouble is
really in the stomach.
Stuart's Dytpepsia Tablets taken after
meals digest tbe food. That is all there
it to it. Food not digested or half diges
ted is poison at it createa gat, acidity,
headaches, palpitation of tbe heart, loss
of flesh and appetite and mauy other
troubles which are often called by tome
other name. 1 hey are sold by druirgists
everywhere at 50 cents per package.
Address F. A. Stuart Co., Marshall,
Mich., for little book on stomach
diseases, sent free.
Itearneaa Cannot be Cnrert.
by local applications, at they cannot
roach the diseased portion of the ear.
There it only one way to cure deafness
and that it by constitutional remedies
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the Eus
tachian Tube. When this tube is in
flamed you have a rumbling tound or
Imperfect hearing, and when it It en
tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and
unless the inflammation can be taken
out and this tube restored to Its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed for
ever; ninecass out of ten are caused
by catarrh, which is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the mucous sur
face!. We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused ty catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars; free.
F. J. Chen xv & Co.. Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 76c. 6-10
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
A Frightful Blunder
W!li often cause a horrible burn,
scald, cut or bruise, Bucklen't Arnica
Salve, the best In the world, will kill
the pain and promptly heal it. Cures
old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, corns,
felons and all skin eruptions. Best pile
cure on earth. Only 25 rls. a box.
Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley A
Houghton, druggist!. 5
nr?A n
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
cvtu AAKtwa powoth
Ml Ma Coiipcll'i to Evacuate
lie City.
Rebels Left Sixty-eight Dead on the
Field and a LargeXumber Wounded
While Many Piisoners Were Taken
by the Americans Lawton's Ex
pedition Will Press Westward.
Manila, A r 1 10, 6:30 a. m. General
Ltwton hat captured Santa Cms, at the
extreme end of the lake, and driven the
rebels, who were commanded by a China
man named Pao Wah, into tne mount
ains. The American loss was six
wounded. The rebels lost 63 killed and
40 wounded.
Washington, April 10. The following
dispatch was received from General Otis
today :
Manila, April 9 Adjutant-General,
Washington: Lawton's command cap
tured Santa Crux, tbe chief of Lagnna de
Bay thia morning. Our casualties were
six wounded. The insurgent troops were
driven back, leaving 63 dead on the field
and a large number of wounded. Aeon
siderable number were captured. Lawton
well push westward.
(An expedition, consisting of about
1500 men, commanded by Majir-General
Henry Lawton, left San Pedro Macali,
on the river Paslg, Saturday night, with
the purpose of crossing Liguna da Bay,
and capturing tbe town of Santa Cruz,
on the eastern shore of the lake. The
American tfoops were then, as. planned,
to sweep the country to the south. The
force consisted of 200 picked sharpshoot
er! from the various regiments.
General Lawton's plan was to reach
Santa Cruz on Monday morning at day
light, to capture or destroy the rebel
gunboats or shipping, to take the town
and then sconr the country to tbe south
of the lake, a district not yet explored
by Americans. The Detroit is to stop at
Greytown, after leaving Port Limon.)
Mamia, April 10. -4:45 p. m. The
rebels along the railroad fired at a scout
ing party near Malolos today, wounding
i w ) of the Kansas regiment.
TheUulted States gunboat Bennington
has gone np tbe coast in order to relieve
the Spauish garrison of forty-seven men,
heleagured there since May.
It it considered significant that
Oceania Espanola, formerly rabidly in
favor of the Filipinos government, is now
counseling disarmanent, ami advising
the Filipinos to accept the inevitable.
It has carefully analviH.l die proclama
tion of the United States Philippine
commissions pointingout the advantages
of the definite policy determined upon.
War Far From Ended.
Manila, April 7, via Hong Kong, A pi 11
10. -Though hundreds of Filipinos are
daily returning to their homes and are
desiions of resuming peacelul pursuits,
and though the proclamation isioicd by
the United States Philippine commission
has given an impulse to tl.U movement,
the war is far from ended. One of the
foremost American generals suid recent
ly: "We will see 100,000 soldiers in the
Philippines before the Americans control
the islands," and a majority of the army
ofllcers are of his opinion.
It It generally considered that great
reinforcements are necessary, there not
being a sufficient number of American
troops in the archipelago to make con
co., nfw vok.
quest of the island of Luaoa and hold
those occupied ; and it it thought that It
would be cheaper in the long run and
have a better effjet on the natives to
establish American supremacy effect
n tlly than to temporize with a scorn of
Died at His Home in Washington of
Kidnev Complications.
Washington April 10. Stephen J.
Field, retired justice of the United States)
supreme court, died last evening at bis)
home in the city, o! kidnev com plications.
He had been unconscious since Saturday
morning, and death was painless. Hit)
fatal illness began about two weeks ago,
when he contracted a severe cold.
Stephen Johnson Field was born at
Hadden, Conn., November 4, 1816. Her
was tbe son of David Dudley Field, and
ona of four brothers, who became so
fimous, David Du'lley, Cyrus W., and
Henry M. Field being the other membert)
of the great quartet that made their
names known throughout the world.
His early boyhood was spent at Stock
bridge, Mass. He graduated frouor
Williams college in 1837, at the bead of
hit class.
In 1843 be went to Europe and spent
some time traveling. In November, 1849,
he sailed for San Francisco around Capo
Horn, and entered upon the practice of
law in the Occidental metropolis. After
a short time he moved to Marysville, at.
small mining camp, and became one of
the founders of what afterward grew to
be a thriving town. He was elected
judge of the supremo court of California
in 1857 for the term of six years. In
1859 he became chief justice, succeeding:
Chief Justice David S. Teiry.
In 1863 President Lincoln appointed)
him associate justice of the supreme
court of tbe United States, and he held
that position until his retirement on
December 1.1897.
During tiie latter years of his service
on tbe bench he was in very feeble
health. His term was the longest in the
history of the tribunal.
That Ie the Small Kind Hunter Pack
ard Kllla the llraete In.
Arieona With.
Florence Packard, who live ia
Greenback valley, liiln county, Ariz.,
has a remarkable re-eorel as a hunter cf
mountain lions. He bus killed scores of
them, and last .tear uloue his rcoor.!
was 33 soalps. The mountain lions of
Arizonn ure most destructive to herd
of horses nnd cattle.. The risk of life
mid difficulties ntteiuling Ihcir destruc
tion has. cnused the lions to be more
numerous than one would suppose, ami
If it were not for the bounty paid by
tbe county, the stockmen would ho
short on their cattle n ad horses. Much)
of the count surrounding Packard'
ranch is made up of irregular ranges of
broken mountain.
In the last 12 months Mr. Packard
bns brought to (ilolie, besides 33 lions.
n few bears, wildcats, coons and foxes.
The dogs for this work nre n crota be
tween the fox nnd bloodhound. I sunl-
ly four dogs nre in the ack. The two
younger nre joked logether, another
ij trained as tout, whose work ia tc
go nhend and around for the went l
lion or bear, and when the scent
found the oldect dog is put on the track,
and, to his credit, it is said, never fails
to find the nnimnl. Packard says he
has frequently followed this dog over
15 mile before the lion waa found. Up
to thia date 71 lion scalps are to the
credit of thia dog. The dog is not a fa-st
trailer, but very cnrifol. and, consid
ering t'he roughness of the country, the
dog is remarkable.
The bears nre the shyest of all gnnip.
having poor eyea and good ears, the
least noise driven the in olf a good )(,
!t may surprise nome hunter to know
that it i ritlr is need by Pnckurd for
killing these animals. If u heavier gun
is used the force of the shot would
knock the animal out of the treeaorotf
rocks before dead, and likely caune the
death of some of the c'lgs. The lion In
i.mIv killed ti n Minill linll when well
aimed. tilote (Ariz.) Tinie,
For the best results ne the Vivo
Camera, For tale by the PoetoHice
Pharmacy. l!