MORE RAILROAD RUMOR. Lei IB Good Work Uo tlB-The Dl!e Will Not Kin Away. Let ti e ri!road woik go on ; the mote the nitriie-, ti! if "11 minora conm ctetl with such tchem.S are line merry time ot it. A dispatiu In m Goldendale bus the follow, in;, wliih tnast be regarding the ,.n.jct in Iihi d by the company in which Dr. Blaluck ii interested. As to tome leading citizens of oar city being aUo in the jclieiue e have not been advised. What we do know is that had Dalles ople taken kindly to seme railroad projects in-. tended to reach into the interior to the , oath, the future of our city would have bad a brighter outlook ; but in spite of There is only one way to care Ueafnew 11 prediction! to the coutrary, The and that is by constitutional remedies Dalles is lively corpse jet and will j Deafness Is caused by an inflamed con continue to hold its own. if we mistake j ditlou of the mucous lininir of the Eus not. The disDatch ears: I tarbian Tube. When this tube is in- "Railroad surveyors are locating a line from Tumwatcr fisheries on the Coluuibia river opposite Old Celilo, to Coluni'iu Gap,' and thence to Golden-1 dale. Hon. James Wheelhouse, of Columlus, who was recently in Golden dale, lays he believes that Dr. Blalock, of Walla Waila, is interested in the village of surveyors' tents that adorn the Pareon's ranch on Celilo flats, and that be believes frtui an acquaintance of over twenty years that the well known Walla Walla physician meant business an 1 that there "are identified with hi in in the project some of the citi4us of The Dalles. From other sonrces it is reported that near the fisheries and at the narrows is a natural ite for bridging the Columbia river. It is also repined that the proposed rail way may connect with the O. B. & ., nd in this way Goldendale would ac? quire an all-rail connection with a trans continental line. From all indications it appeals the O. R. A N.Co. has shown an to Klickitat's inadequate transportation facilities, until last Mon day, whtn Mr. Campbell, of that CJin pany, communicated with Merchant Almon Baker, of Goldendale, to ascer tain the probable yield of wheat in the Taller. It is the opinion of many Goldendale people that Kngtueer Hani niond's surveys about Goldendale have disturbtd the dreams of IlieO. R. & N. and possibly Mr. Hammond's company is iu some way connected with the Northern Pacific Railway company." A May Wi.rda, It appears that one idle day the frog, the duck, the lamb and the skunk started forth together to visit tho ehow. Just what sort of ehow it was the chronicler doesa'l stale. Anyway, It was something that the quj rly assorted quartet was anxious to attend, and they bopped and waddled, an I gamboled, and trotted toward the big canvas in closure with delightful throbs of antici pation. Finally, they reached the door tender, the frog leading the line. Well, the frog had a greenback and passed right in. The duck had a bill and followed the fro. The lamb had four quarters end fol lowed the fro; and the duck. Rat the unfortunate skunk was left cn tl.e out!.!.-. He had only a scent. NvnMllr, l.e turned away feeling pretty blue. As he was slowly going back over the bill he met a hoop snake rolling alin; t a lively rate toward the show. The skunk greettd him, but the snake did not stop. 'Don't interrupt mc," he cried, over bis shoulder. "I've got to do a turn and I'm a little late." And he rolled along-. ONLY ONE CURE FOR SCROFULA. S. S. S. Is the Only Remedy Equal to this Obstinate Disease. , mniR mure inau a mere lonio is requireu. O.B.n. is equal to any blood trouble, and never fails to cure Scrofula, because it two oflhe taint "eat di,eMe tln" permanently eliminating every fThn apiHnna mnumiiflniaa wl.!... a..r..l. i i - j, ahould impress upon those afflicted with it the Tital im portance of wasting no time upon treatment which can not poasibl y effect a cure. In many eases where the wrong treatment has been relied upon, complicated glandular swellings have resulted, for which the doctors insist that dangerous surgical operation it necessary. Mr. II. E.Thompson, of Milledgeville, Oa., writes: "A bad case of Scrofula broke out on the glands of my neck, which had to be lanced and caused me much suffering. I waa treated for a long while, but the physicians were un able to cure me, and my condition waa as bad as when I began their treatment. Many blood remedies were used , but without effect. Someone recommended 8. 8. 6., and I began to improve as soon as I had taken a few bottles. flnn ttnni'ni. m w T - .. . ,,t,Wj, a " cureu permanently, nd have never had a sign of the disease to return." Swift'i Specific S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD T7J;hJ only "n1?? J which can promptly reach and cure obstinate, deep-seated Mood diaeaaea. By relying upon it, and not experimenting with the various fo-called tonics, etc., all sufferers from blood troubles can be promptly cured, instead of enduring years of suffering which gradually but surely undermines the constitution. S. 8. 8. is guaranteed purely vegetable, and never fnils to cure Bcrofula, Eczema, Cancer, Rheumatism, Contagious Blood Poison, Boils, Tetter, I imnles, Sores, Ulcers, etc. Insist upon 8. S 8. ; nothing can take its place. Look, on blood and skin diseases will be mailed free to any address by the Swift bpeciflc Company, Atlanta, Georgia. At the top of the hill the skunk noticeJ another old friend approaching-. It was the sardine. "Hullo!" cried the sardine; "What's the matter?" So thetk'ink told him. "I can guess ho you feel aboikt it," laid the fartline, mpatheiii'ally '"I belong to the imelt family myself. But, say, old fellow, you come light back and go in with me I've got a box." And the skunk and the sardine went bark together. Cleveland Pla:n Dealer. What's the matter with the deer get ting in because he had the doe? Dcalneee Caunot Cured. by local applications, as they cannot . reach the diseased portion of the ear j flamed yoa have rumbling sound or ! imperfect hearing, and when it is en- tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can betaken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed for ever; uineenss out of ten are caused by catarrh, which Is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, 0. jJT"Sold by Druggists, 75c. 6-10 Hall's Family Pills an- the best. Bishop Warren Well Again. New York, April 6. A dispatch to the Herald from Buenos Ay res announces that BUhop Henry V. Warren, of Denver, Co o., who it at Mir bel Platr, has practically recovered his health and will return to Buenos Ayres to preside at the conference of Methodist ministers. Kewarkabla Bticut. Mrs. Michael Cirtain, PiainfiVld, III., makes the statement, that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs; she was treated for a month by her family physician, but gev worse. He told her she was a hopales victim of consumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption ; she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefited from the first dose. She .con tinued to use and after taking six bottles found herself sound and well ; now does her own housework, and is as well as she ever wa. Free trial bottte of this Great Discovery at Blakeley & Hough ton's drug store. Oaly 50 cents and $1. Every bottle guaranteed. 6 Cleveland Hliycle. There may be other standards 1 ut the Cleveland bicycle is the standard for excellence. There is no standard higher than qtnlity. See them nt Maif.r & Benton's. Bismarck' Iron Nerve Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will anil tremendous energy are not found where stomach, liver, kindeys and. bowels are out of order. If you want tl ess quiii ties and the success they brin, use Dr. King's New Life Pills, They develop every power of brain an 1 body. Only 25 j at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. 2 Golden Kagle lllcyclr. Golden Eagle bicycles 25. You will find the Golden Eagles, very satisfactory wheel and one that is thoroughly and absolutely guaranteed, with the guaran tee made good here. Maier & Benton. Columbia Vedette bicycles, '99 model, (25 at Mavs A Crowe's. There are dozens of remedies recommended for Scrofula, some of them no doubt being able to nuuru rciupurarT renei, dui o. o. . is absolutely the only remedy which completely cures it. Bcrofula is one of the most obstinate, deep-seated blood diseases, and is beyond the reach of the many so-called purifiers and tonics because some- . v. : ii ... , , toot IHE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. SATURDAY. APRIL riKlO.IlL MaTNTlOS Wednesday's ball?. S. P. M. BriggS is down from Arling ton today. V. E. Miller Is a visitor from Wasco i i the city. V. D. Arnold and A. VV. Arnold c.iroe up from Casasdes last night. Miss Lois Helm came np from Port land yesterday and is a guest of Mrs K. Teagus. Hans Haa.iii and wife left on the boat this morning for a short trip to Hood Kiver. Wra, Cooper, L. W. Tomlinson and A. B. Billings were in the city from Mt. Hood yesterday. Mrs. H. W. French returned on last evening's train from Portland, where she has spent the past month. George Miller started for Southern Oregon this morning to attend. to the interests connected with his stage lines in that section. W.R.Norway, of the Jones-Paddock Co., arrived in the city yesterday after noon, and spent today here in the in terest of bis company. . . Mr. and Mrs. Rob. C. Mays arrived in the city from Antelope this afternoon. Robert will return home tomorrow, while Mrs. Mays will remain in town for a short time visiting relatives. Thursday's Daily. Dr. II. C. Dodds is in from Dofur. Thos, Balfour came up from his farm near Lyle last niglit. N. R. Baird is among those who are in from Antelope today. J. C. Ward and Geo. McDonald are visitors Irooi Kingsley today. W. E. Gnrretson returned last night from- a short trip to Portland. Ben Jones and Alf Allen, of Prineville, came up from Portland laet night. Otto Kohler, of Antelope, was a passenger for Portland this morning, M. M. Wood and R. D. Cameron were passengers on the boat last night from White Salmon. Mr. F. T. Espiijg came in from Ante lope yesterday to attend the funeral ot his comrade, W. D. Jones. Ray Logan, who is attending medical college in Portland, arrived here on last night's train to vieit his lather. Mrs. S. Bolton left on the stage this itiorning for Goldendale, where she will spend a few days with relatives. Geo. Pratber, W. R. Winans and C. E. Dorn came np from the booming little town of Hoed River last night. Mrs. VV. II. Staats came up last evening from Portland, where she has been visiting her daughter, Miss Eva Sluaher, and returned to Dufur today.' - Friday's Dally. A. M. Kelsay left this morning on a business trip to Antelope. D. W. Campbell, chief dispatcher of the 0. R. & N., spent today in The Dalles. C. G. Liebe came np from Portland last night to spend a few days with relative!. Messrs. F. W, bilvertooth and Wm. Asboy returned to their home in Ante lope this morning. Mrs. C. E. Dawson, who has been very ill for the past few days, is re ported as somewhat better today. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Alden will leave for Portland tomorrow, where they expect to make their future home. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Walden left last night for Winona, where he has betn appointed agent for the O. R. & N. Mies Anna Lang left yesterday for Portland where she will enjiy a week's vacation after months of close applica tion to duty. . Prof, and Mrs. Thos. Condon lelt on the boat this morning for Portland. The Prof, will resume his duties at the state university in Eugene Monday. Mies Madge Warren, of Hood River, is spending a few days with the Mimes Nickelsen. She will take charge of a school which begins at 8 mils next Mon day. Miss Lizzie Ehrck, who left this city about a year ago in company with Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Sargent to visit in I.jwa, returned to Hood Kiver the early part of this week. Miss Daisie Allaway, who has spent the Easter vacation at home, returned this morning to her studies in tho university at Eugene. She is very en thusiastic over her school work, and ardent in her praises of the university. UOHS. In this city, yesterday, April 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Blon lin, a son. Elegant new Pullman palace Bleepers between Portland and Chicago have just been placed in service via the O. R. A N., Oregon Short Line, Union Pacific Snd Chica.o A Northwestern railways daily every day in the year. Cars are of the very latest pattern, in far', being the most Impri v.'d np-to lto sleeping cars turned out by the Pullman Company. These new pa'ac.-s will leave Portland on the evening fast train of the O. R. & N. arriving at Chlcjgo the morning of the fonrthdaysnl running through with out chango via Granger and Omaha. 19tf The steamer Spokane nas been placd in service on the Snake river between Sparta and Lea Iston with double daily service and will beoperated ns a through mail, express and pasenger steamer, making round trips daily except Satur day. Leave Riparia at 2:30 a. m. ar rive at lwiton at 12 o'clock noon. Leave Lewiston at 2:30 . m. arriving at Riparia at 7 o'clock p. m. The steamer Lewiaton will tke the place of the Spokane on the same schedule Sat urdays nr.d at other times w ill lo oper ated on a wild schedule, taking care of all local work. The objc ct ( f this new schedule is to pIhcb the Winen and I'.nf falo Hump countries more in touch with po'nti on t.'if i). R. A X. tf ' ' VOGT Opera House One Night Only, April I Oth. Engagement Extrordinary! Th moat brilliant incial and dramatic event ol the rauu. 1 ue lo.eiuoai 01 Amenta dienuea, m I ported by Frederick Moiitonue ud eare fully arlcoU-d company, the mm ai made Its recent meirmraoie nun-wi m-vniij m ... quam Uraiid. Portland, preaeuliug Ileurik lo- aen a arainaiio mamcipitx-e, ADoll'sHouse tilared hr Mlna Tbrono COO nlithtJ at the Duke of York's theatre, Loudon, followed by the one act larciul gein, THE TRUANT SPOUSE NOTE : Each lady attending- will be proented wlib a touvenlr leaflet of Kudyaid Kipling s poema. Prices - - 50c, 75c, $1.00. You'll Cut a Figure and be Suited If EBERLE, the tailor, gives you Fits. Second St. Odd. Mays & Crowe. I BROS. GENERAL .AND... is Wagon and Carriage Werk. Fish Brothers' Wagon. ; TMrd an! JelTcrnn. Phone 153 iLMaifcyiyyu '.,wf-'ir.,r''r,i ysi v White Russian Granulated Rye Meal. Tine fur Mush and Gems, 2Bc irr aack. The Celebrated Lincoln Seed Oats . From 10) to ISO bushels per acre has been raUed from tucse Oats, for sale at J. H. CROSS, Feed and Grocery Store. SEED s E CHOICE . Northern Grown SEEDS In Bulk at J. H, CROSS Feel and Grocery utoro Cor 2d Si Federal Sts. 3D SEEDS Uyspepsia Digests what you cat. ! It artificially digests the food and aids ivUff . "trerifrthenlns and recon Btructi riff the exhausted digestive or- ant and tonic. No ot her preparation I can approach it in efllclency. It in-! tantly relieve and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, eilauirenj8,,fefV,ir stfroch, Nausea I SlckFieadaclie,GaHtral(flaCramp(..anri 1 ftll other reaulfaof (mperfertdl(reMon ' - .'.,a,ti by Z. t. Hewitt Co., Chicago. ' Tionday miss Clara Thjopp, BiacKsmiins Horsesnoe te(dl(o)f m ..aaah. lure. 8, 1899 mm SraSBaSBBmaaalBBSPaMBaaBaSBSBSSS tiifiT tiu scHiorLi. Aaaiva fu Fbom Faun. . T Fat !8alt Lake, Denver. Ft. Fat Mail Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mall. 11 50 p.m. as CUT, Ht. Louis, 1:15 p. iu. Chicago and East. fid.kane Walla Walla, Spokane, gnokans Kiver Minneapolis, ht. I'aul, Fljer. 5:j'p. m. i) u 1 u t b, Milwaukee, 5:00 a.m. Chicago and fcs.t. 1p.m. Faoai PosTLmn. 4 p.m. Ocean Steamship. For fcan Fiaiiclwo Jin ury 22, and everT live days Uieieaiter. 8 p. m. 4 p. m. Ei.buuday Columbia Kv. Eteamers. Ex.Sundaj To Ai-Touii and Way . Saturday landings, lo p. m. 6a.m. WilLaMITTX RIVIB. 4:30p.m. Ex.buuday OrcKon cily, Kewberg,Ex.suudaj Uaiem ii Way Land's.j , I I ' 7 . m, I WILIAM'TTK AND Ya- 8:80 p. Di. Tucs.1 h'.ir.j hlLL Kivihh. Mon.,Wed and cut. Oregon City, Dayton, and Fri. and Way-landings. , Ca. m. Willamitti Rivir. 4:90 p.m. Tue.. Thur, Portland to Corvallis, Tue.. Ihur and Sat, and Way-Landings, and Eat. Snaki River. I.cavr Lv Riparia Riparia to Lewiston. Lkwiktox. dai.y dally Panics dwlilng to (to to llcppncr should take No. 4, leiiving 'I he IMlles at b:) p. in., making direct connections at lleppner junction. Returning niHsingdirectcoiinection at lleppuer junction h itli No. 1, arriving at The Dalles at 1:10 p. m., No. 92, through! freight, east bound, does not carry passengers; ai lives 2.M a. ni., departs 8:.')0a. in. No 1. local freight, carries passengers, east bound; airives 4:;J p. in., departs H:15 p.m. No. 21, west b n nd ilirougb freight, does not carry passcngets; arrives a:lo p. in., depurts a::top. iii. No. 23. west bound local freight, carries pas sengers; arrives 5:1S p. in., departs 8:t0 a. rn.ii For full particulars call on O. R. fi N. Co.'s agent The Dallca. oi addiess W. H, IIURI.Bl'RT, Gen. Pas. Agt., Portland, Or. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portlai OVERLAND EXO press, Salem, Rose- 1 uurg, Ashlam id, Sac-I den, San I Mojave, "C:00 r. M i wiiiiciiiir, vgu l Krancisen. N 9 . M. In. i ... l-i t New Orleans and I East Koseburg and way rta lions fV'la Woodbura fori I Mt.Angc-1, HilTurton, West Si'io, Browns- ) ville,SprlUrfleldand (, Natron J tCorvallis and way) I stations I 8:30 A. M. 4:40 I. M Dally except tluudaya. Daily except Uuudays 17:80 A. M. 5 50 P.M INDEPENDENCE PASSENGER. Express train Daily (except Sunday). 4:50p.m. Lv Portland ...Ar.) 8:25a. m 7:30 p. m. Ai . .MoMiiinvlllr. Lv.S 6:50 a, m 8:80 p.m. Ar.. Independence.. Lv.) 4:i0a. m Daily. fDaiiy, except Buntlny. DININO CARS ON OGDKN ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET 8LFEPER8 AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CAEs Attached to all Through Traius. . . . . ........ n . i.oli i i nuvi. u Willi mm deuUl and Oriental and Pacific mail steamship lines for JAPAN and CHINA. Hailing dates on ai plication. Kales and tlcleU to Eastern points and Eu- ... AiwArA.i, iiijia. noAULULU am AUSTRALIA. All above trains arrive at and depart Iron Grand Central Station. Fifth and Irving street YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jederson street. Uave for Sheridan, week days, it 4:30 p. m Arrive at Portland, V::t0 a. m. Leave for A I Rl. IK on Monday, Wednesday and dav, Thursday and Saturda) ii 8:0ft p. m. Except Sunday. Except Saturday. R. KoKMER, , II. MARKHAM, Xauaacr. Asst. O. F. A Pass. Aitt i nrnngn Ticket omcc, 134 Third street, where through ticket to all points In the Eastern U t U tit f'anai ii aanrl V .. L t . . ....,ullo.,alul auioDc vhu 09 cjoiainca ai lowest rutetfrom or N.WI,EJA1B.-,0KKK,'ANn'T,CketAgent- Notice. Timber Culture. U. B. Land Ornrg, Till! Dallcs, Orkoon,! February '24, IKD. j rntniltlltlt h.liliialuni, .!.. . . ... b Ollle p. Webetg nKlit Wesley Kiinininer f.,r ........ .,, ,, n,la , iiuiIht cu lure Kntrv No :i t. rt..i.H v...-,,.. ...... ... " il.'f.f" K" M .Hcclloii 10, Township 5, soinn Willamette Meridian. Itnniio U enst, in V.usro (.oiiiity, State of (;regon, with a view to the enn- CC lit III! Ill NMllI OII.PU .u.,... ..II. ...I .... .1.. 14 1 u 7, ....... ,n,. niM'Kllltf IIINI i!i . Tl,l,m"""','"cvcr ploutHl orciiltlvaled -Avi-pi iiixim six acres and never at any lime nor has any one for htm planted any oi cuttings, or seeds, and also the snnl Wes- lev Hlimi,in..p .l..ui l.u n u ..1 l- i : iVii U 1 t"', '" tl,c U'llt-d Mates ..... , rciiiupiinineut lo ibis alllsnt I ld relli,o.ii,,ii twas dulv Died In the C. H. omceof J he Hulks, Ofenor, and nt the 11 1(1 timet atirl t.rla il..i,.!.. t ... . ... irt hf,j.vftrMl.CBw.l Htn n tiiruo'l thereto liinT hiU-ttm in hJ1 trnctof Th'n Pilfd T.nrlU. ... I....i. . . K'; !'' " " !"" dsy ol April" iJ?., testimony c.mcVrning MKi tZJ""1'0 " " JV P. I.t CAH, KeglUcr. Administrators Notice. NoMee Ishc-ehy given that the mirti-rslgnci J. . ,n. ''V count, o ,1 t of he sta eof Oregon for Wasco foill.ty. a , son,!,,!,; Cf All pervot.s lisvlng cliiims sglnst cj-tnte sre he.eby l,.,tf ll.I to present III em with thf. pro,s.r v nehers. to me, o Da es ( tv Oie goii, within six month, (m thediitiof'Vhis'mT Hallea City, Or., March Isth. A I). l-.'.i '''a ' HKNKY J. MAIER. Fresh era,.-.-.! Nbrnsk corn nt tl, W'mco warehoue. Finest kiml i,f c.iekn feed. nc. i.Vif Sheriff's Sale. fS THE CI RCT'IT COURT OF THE STiT. 1 Oregon, tor Wasco County. ,A10f Joi n Kcblns.iu and E. J. Robinson, Plslnnj Alma Taylor. Mrs. Roberta E. Gustnn an . tiUtou. b-r hu-baud. Defvn.l.,,,. "ua-ll j Hy virtue of an execution, decree and mt. I alo.dul. lasued out ol and under tlieealj I cl t oil com t of the State of or-?ynn lot th,,- ! tyof medirecied.auddutea thei,, I ol uarcn, iiw , upon a aecree l-jr the funw jof acvruiu inorlgaire. and judgement i2 t.t.i. as illilemept deblom In th..M .... 'H seven hundred and seventy seven and lilt ( do.lais, with in eresl thereon iron,? iMh day of Msrch, l.v.19, at the rate of s li? tier annum, and the further sunt of ni!IL,7!' dollars, c-ts, and the eosts of and i UM.k wilt, and commanding me to mnkesaGo real property embraced In sucti decree of I." closuie and hereinafter described, I win 1st dny of May, ut the hour of tw j 0ki? in the ufteruoon of said dny, and at th in, door of the county court house in Dallesrir1 W aseo County, OregoD, sell at public auail L the highest Udder for cash In hand s ,1 right, litle and interest which the deiendJ? Alma Taylor Mrs. Iloberta E. Uuston and !' Uuston, or either of them.had on the lath dsi December, 1MH, the date of the mortgsae if,I closed herein, or which such defendants, or in. ol the deiendants herein, bave since acuulml or now bave in and to tbe following deirikl real property, situated and being m County, Oregon, to-wlt: Beginning in section eight of townihinm, north of range thir een cait of tho Wili,iJ1..r Meridian, in Wasco County, Oregon, at it! which now marks the southwest corner of th. land en t-red In the United States Land OftWa 1 be Dalles, Oregon, as Donation Ijmd Claim J M. M. i ushing; thence north 4!i feet to a urm located on the present sou i hem bounder )in of The Dall s and Mill Creek wagon road, wb the line between this land and the luuda Charles Denton lnteri-ecls the south llneol tilt road; thence north 4:: degrees csst aionjtk, south line of S'lid road I7J4 feet to a stone Iiwim at tbe Intersection of the south line of said ri( with the southern boundary line of KortDii? Military Heservation; thence continuing sic, the south line of said Dalles and Mill Creek na? north ao degrees east, K.':t feet to a point whni tbe south line of said road Intersicts ths wm boundary line of the land now owned by SI T Nolan; thence south WHi feet to a rock on tin south boundary line of Foit Dalles Military Reservation; thence east 55 feet to a pin: tiiewi east lb degree south, 1720 feet to a pin; these, sou'h 4S degrees, west 1176 fret to a itakt thence west 877 feet; thence north VUUi I hence west 13J1 & feet; theme south 214', thence west to the place of beginning (ibaun coinpilitlng seven and seven eighths oern It section eight, six and three fourths actea In section four, and seventy-one and one-unlf arm in section nine, mnklng a total of elghty ilitni one eighth acreO all situated in town hip 01 north of range thirteen east of the Willamette Meridian, iu Wasco County, Oregon : or so mueh of said property as will satisfy said judgment and decree, with costs and accruing costs. Said property will be sold subject lo wo flrmattou and redemption an by law provided, Dated at Tbe Dalles, Oregon, this -i;tli dircf March, 1S!D. KOI1EKT KEI.LY, ' Sheriff', Wasco County, Oregon. By F. C. SEXTOJS, Deputy. KOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Offic e atThk, Oreoom February 'is, m Notice is hereby given I hat the followlni Denied settler has Hied notice of her iiiteiitim to mil lie llual proof In support of her claim, and that sulci pioof w ill bo made tit (ore the, Hegister and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on salii day, Airll 15, lrtiy, viz: Llasle Heist, of Tbe Iallcs: Ifoinestend Application, No. iT12, for the S I'l Sec 5, Tp. 'I norlh, Range la est, W ill. Her. She mimes the following witnesses to pron her continuous residence upon ai.d culllvailm of wild land, viz: J. V. Johnston, I. W.Mit quls, Jsci b Wettle, G. A. I'hliman, all of The Dalles.Oregon. JaY P, LL'CAS, Rigitier. ar-4ii NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office; at Tii, Okeoox) Feuklahy 2k, IH'.iD. I Notice is herebv given that the filloinf numed settler has filid notice of his Intention to make Anal proof in support of his -)ulin. and that sild proof will tie made before the rcginter and receiver at 1 he Dalles, Oregon, on SatunUj, Aprils, im, viz: Edwin A. Learned, of The Dalles: Homestead Application No. 477S, for the E' I W')4: mid N! Wi, Section -14, TcwnaWpi north. Range 12 E, W. M. He mimes the following witnesses to t.mrt his continuous residence upon and eultlvsllM of said lnnd, viz; II. M. Learned, Oliver Bowers, Terry V11 Camp, J. P. Agidlus, all of The Dalles, Oregon. Mar4 ii JAY P. LUCAS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I. 8. Land Crru i, at VAnronvin, Waih., Fkhhuahy, 1m, imki. I Notice is hereby given that the InllowlBr named settler has filed notice of his Intention 10 mske final prcaif in supsrt of bis clmm, sd4 that ssid prisif will be made before W. H. Presby. United Statca Commissioner for District oi Wellington, at hisoflioe In Ooldcndale, Waib lngUm,ou Saturdny, April 8, Ihuj, via: Thurinan B. Wright, Homestead Entry, No. lfrai, for the NE! Pe-t.1""3-- Township 4 north, of Range Was Will. Mer. ' He names the following wltneswa to provbl eominiious residence upon and cultivation a said land, viz: (icorgcB. Lyle, of Fulda I. O., Waihingtoii: NllsJ salne, John B. Simmons, Frank 1 Reynolds, of Lyle P. )., Washington, rcb JH-i W. K. DUNBAR, RcglaMr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lawd Orncs at Tii Dalles, o., ... . . APRIL 4, lrt. I Notice Is hereby given that the f.illotvlng nsmed settler has tiled notice of his Intentl"" to make final proof in support of his claim. that ssid proof will be msde before the Ki'l and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, ou Mundafi May 15, l-ijii, Vl: Daniel Arthur Kelsay, of The Pell" H mestead Application No. 5101, for 'he lots' and :i, section ;t.l, and lot , section HI, towniUr 1 north, rsnge Ueast, W ill. Mer. He names Hie following witnesses to r;?rt his coinlniioiis resldt. uihiii and culttvaiM0" of said bind, viz: J. W. Finisher, I. C. Fa 1, C. (. Welmorl, A. Turner, all of The lliille. Oregon. "I"" '1 JAY P. LUCAS, Roister NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Offii at Tin Dalles, OiiEnogJ A, .,11 A IhilM (' Notice Is hirchy given that trio followlnr nairied fcttler hits llle I notice of his Inlentleo , ninsr iiiiiii prooi in supiHirt of his claim, that said mil ,. ,,p, )t,f 0 t. r glstt and r elver sr M,e Duilv. .Oregon, on MoiiW May l.'i, lvf.i, viz: hiio ). vialurr. or lha Hall": Ilomcet'inl Appllcailf.ii No. fo-et, for tho loir' S.Kli H.1HI..11, 12. and BKIiHfc 0..-H..U 1, 1 p. 1 n, n e,t.y m. . Ha names the following witnesses to pr" " i iiious iciuenco uihiii and cuitivau cf ssid land, viz: , A. M. lux, uir Hiirtmnn, Peter Fiign "nl Daniel Kelsay, all of Die Dulles. ( (regno. J lY P. Lut:.'' apiSII Regi.ier. Adtninislnfrix' Sa'c of Rial Estate. Not ce Is hereby given that under anil by vlrto of an o iler ol tl.e county eon.t ol the ".,. "lr ""ein .Hiiuv, m.,. , mi in"i". -,; of January, IMW.In I he mntferof the estate ' ij W. K. Itlcelisrt, ilecease.1, I will sell, at I'" aiictloii, nt lliecoiirtlioinedo..r III I is lies' ' 7', wild county and state, 011 IhcHth day ' the hour of .me o cl.K'k p. m., to the l"". tst bidder, all the real esti.u t estate lo w it - UIS A, ,:, l, K., F, , "' 'i' f mid l In Blnea ii.. In 1 he Fort Dall."" MIH" Reservail.iii A.lillt!,,,, UttntJ Dalles fjlly. ' county nml state. Also the west linlf of Ilia Southeast lisrter " the eiisl lislf of the sc.iitlit. est .iiiarler, seel "" 111 township 2, ,,, j Cllht, III cmiitv, Oregon. ., Terms of ,e half In cash at tlm snd one hull In lx in.ji.Ui, seemed by ginr.- on the premises. Dalles City, Oregon, A pill 7th. HaiLV B. PiE,,,rV. nprsll A.lii.ii.l-""l'u'