The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, April 05, 1899, PART 1, Image 4

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TIIC vitim TO
Intent of Bodies at Arliuitoa to Be
a Notable Occot.
Cortege Carrying Bodies of Men Who
Fell in Cuba and Porto Rica to Be
Received With Appropriate Cere
Washington, April 3. Tbe president
today issued tbe fallowing executive or
der: "It is fining that in behalf of the
nation a tribute of honor be paid to the
memories of the men who lost their lives
in their country's service during the late
war with Spain. It is the more fitting,
inasmuch as in coneonanco with tbe
spirit of our free institutions and in
obedience to the most exalted promptings
of patriotism these who were sent to
other shores to io buttle for their
country's flag w?nt freely from everr
quarter of onr beloved land, each soldier
and each sailor parting from home ties
and putting behind bim private interest
in the presecce of the stern emergency
of an unsought war with an alien foe was
an individual type of the devotion of the
citizen to' the state which makes our
nation strong in unity and in action.
"Those who died in another land left
in many homes the undying memory
that attends heroes in all ages, It was
fitting, that with the advent of peace,
won by their taciifices, their bodies
should be gathered with tender care and
restored to home and kindred. This has
been done with the dead in Cuba and
Porto R:co. Those of the Philippines
rest where they fell, watched over by
their turviving comrades and crowned
with the love of a grateful nation. The
remains of msny brought tj our shores
have been delivers! to their families for
private burial. But for otl.ers of the
brave officers and men who perished
there has been reserved interment in
groun Is eacred to soldiers and sailors
among the tributes of military honor
and national mourning they have so well
"I therefore order that upon thearrival
cf the cortege at the national cemetery
at Arlington, all proper military and
naval honors he paid to the dead heroes;
that suitable ceremony shall attend their
interni-nt; that the customary salute of
mourning be fired at the cemetery, and
that on the same day at 2 o'clock, Thurs
day, the sixth dav of April, the national
flag be displayed at half-mast on all pub
lic buildings, forts and camps and pub
lic vessels of the United States, and that
at 12 o'clock noon, of said day , all depart
ments of the government at Washington
shall be closed. William M'Kinlev,
Executive Maneion, April 3, 181)9.
In the same connection. Acting Sec
retary of War Meikhjihn issued this
"The remains of officers and soldiers,
whr lost their lives in the war with
Spain during the operations in Cuba and
Porto Rico will be interred with due and
fitting ceremonies io the national ce me
te y at Arlington, Vs., Thursday, April
0, at 2 p. m."
By direction of the president, all the
Uaited States troops serving in the vi
cinitv of Washington, together with the
National Guard of the District of Colum
bia will be a ssotnbled at Arlington on
the date in question, to participate in
the funeral ceremonies.
story of a Slr.
Te be bound hand and foot for years
by the chains of diseaee is the wont
form of slavery. Geo. D. Williams, of
Manchester, Mich, tells how such a
slave was made free. Hi says: "My
wife has been so helpless for Ave years
that she could not tuin over in bed
alone. After using two bottles of Elec
tric Bitters, (he Ij wonderfully im
proved and able to do her own work."
This snpreme remedy for female dis.
eases quickly cures nervous nes, sleep,
lessnes, melancholy, headache, back
ache, fainting ami diziy spells. This
miracle working medieine is a godsend
to weak, sickly, ruo down people. Every
bo'lle guaranteed. Only 50 cents. Sold
by Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. 0
Cash la I oar enccas.
All conntv warrants registered prior
to May ltt, 1895, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Feb, 27,
1891). a L. Phillips,
Conntv Treasurer.
Freeh cracked Nebraska corn at the
Wasco warehouje. Finest kind of
cLickn feed. n:c!i25-tf
! ."'-
.' ? J.v -
An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method and beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,'
Stri'p or Finn, manufactured by the
Caufokjua Fio Syrup Co., illustrate
the value of obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principle of plants known to be
medicinally laxative and presenting
them in the form most refreshing to the
taste and acceptable to the system. It
is the one perfect strengthening laxa
tive, cleansing the system effectually,
dispelling cold.i, headaches and fevers
gently yet promptly and enabling one
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub
stance, and its acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, make it the ideal
In the process of manufacturing figs
are used, as they are pleasant to the
taste, but the medicinal qualities of the
remedy are obtained from senna and
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to the California Fio Syrvp
Co. only. In order to get its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
remember the full name of the Company
printed on the front of every package.'
For sale by all Druggists. Price Mc. perbottta
Conncllnirn DImdu Mfjr Inportant
Queatloaa Regarding Oar Welfare.
Wednesday'! Dully.
The regular council meeting last night
was held at the council chambers,-with
Mayor Nolan presiding and Councilmen
Kuck, Keller, Clough, Johns, Gunning,
Stephens, Micbelbach and Johnston
After a slight correction in the minutes
of the last regular meeting and those of
the special meeting on March Tih, they
were approved. Kuck, of the finance
committee, reported that W. S. Myers
had been employed as collector of road
taxes. As he is experiencing much
difEcu'ty in collecting, the council in a
determined manner instruct! d the tin
n;accm:nitt e to compel every citizen
to pay his road tax at once; that this
ax must be collected or some one be
made an example of. It was further
decided that the tax shall either be paid
or the citizen work his tax out for two
days on the city roads, not being al
lowed to hire a substitute.
Johnston, of the committee on streets
and public property, reported that the
committee had repaired the street on
the west side of Mill creek bridge on
Fourth street. Had opened the street
at the head of Union and connected it
with Fourteenth, also repairing the later ;
and that a foicn of men are now working
on Kelly avenue.
Councilman Keller tendered his re
signation as a member ot the committee
on stieets and public property, and the
mayor supplied the vacancy by appoint
ing Councilman Johnston.
A communication was read from the
Acetylene Gas Co, proposing to sell
lamps for lighting the streets of the city,
and refe r-'d to the committee on streets
and public pioperty.
The remonstrance of J. W. Condon
and others against running the sewer
through their property was referred to
the sewer committee. On motion of
Gunning all other such remonstrances
were disposed of in like manner.
Reports of officers were then read and
placed on file.
The matter of locating the city bound
ary line was referred to the committee
on stieets and public property.
A bill of Dufur & Menefee for tbe
amount of f 165, for legal services in the
case of J. C. Baldwin against Dalies
City, which was won by the city in the
circuit court, was referred to the finance
The council authorized the finance
committee to loan out a balance of (575
of the sinking funJ to anyone wishing
it and furnishing good security.
After a motion by Stephens to adjourn
to meet at 8 o'clock on April 11th, for
further consideration of the sewer
question, the following claims were read
and ordered paid :
California Ii-s, 2H meals $ 4 20
John Burgtrftttf, 48 meal 7 20
L J Cranuail, rev stamps and ex
preoMge Wm Henzie, hauling hose cart
and drarage
G F. Barted, repairing hue cart
2 70
Dalle Lumber Co, lumber 8 00
Geo Krown, prepayment supplies
tire department
J W Blakeney, il ravage
James Hagan, sweeping jail flue
3 30
1 60
Dalles City W ater Work, water
rent for March ". 50 00
F 8 Gunning, repair 18 50
K B Hood, hauling hose car.t and
drayage 2 75
W C eechler, hauling hose cart to
2 50
6 00
P F Burhatn, hauling engine
M T Nolan, inde 8 fi"
J r leaner, marshal's salary
Gei J Brown, engineer salary...
75 00
75 00
Adolpn 1'Mrman, nightwatch-
man 00 00 !
C J Crandall, treasurer' salary. 20 00 '
N II (Sates, recorder 50 00
V U Bio n, la''or l'J 00 '
J J Malonev, labor 13 80
Chas Jones, labor 37 50
J W Robinson, labor 44 80
A S Cathcart, labor with team.. 16 CO
T F Tannon, labor I8 60
James llannon, labor with team, 10 00
Dan Fisher, labor 32 60
Ron Katon. labor -'0 80
C J Crandall, expense pur Co
10 00
The treasurer' report a read wa in
snbstance a follows:
On hand at first of March 12,284.45
Total ain't during month 1,430.43
Toa! 3.714 88
Disbursements during month.. 600.73
Bal on hand April 1st 3,114.15
fraachy" a Victim to Alcohol.
All residents of the city, especially
those who have orcition to be around
the business portion of town, were ac
customed to teeing a little short French
men about the street at most any time
of day, and to hearing him called
"Freuchy". Hi real name was Joe
Martin and having no relative here, he
made hi home in the old brick building
at the foot of Washington itreet known
a the Miller brick, but spent much of
his tiino working about a number of
aloons. lie wa a bard drinker; in
fact was seldom known to be sober.
Last Sunday about 8 o'clock in the
evening he went into Frsnk's saloon
and claiming that he w as sick, went to a
bed room in the back of the saloon and
lay down, saying it was too cold in his
shack. Yesterday afternoon he came
out and told Charlie Frcnk be was very
ick, who gave him a small glass of wine.
He was also offered some hot coffee, but
refusing it, went back to bed.
At quarter to 6 Frank went in the
room to get his bicycle and found bim
dead in bed. Tbe coroner was sent for,
but as he was ill, Ned Gates, the re
corder, had the dead man taken to the
coronor's office, and this morning held
an inquest over the body. Nothing is
known regarding the man or his rela
tives, other than that he has been in the
city about five years. The result of the
inquest was as follows:
In the matter of the inquest over the
bodv of Joe Martin :
We the jury, summoned by Ned II.
Gates, recorder of Dalles City and ex
officio Justice of the Peace, to Inquire
into the cause of the death of the body
now before us, find the following facts,
based upon the evidence produced be
fore us.
That the name of the deceased was
Joe Martin, aged about 43 years, and
that his residence was at Dalles City,
Oregon, and by occupation a laborer.
That he came to his death on the 3rd
dav of April, 1899, in Dalles City. Ore.,
and that the cause of said death was
heart failure due to chronic alcbolism
and la grippe.
Dated at Dalles City, Ore., this the 4th
day of April, 1899.
John Bonn,
C. F. Stephrxs,
CnA. A. Schutz,
Joe Crate,
T. J. Twohio,
Jas. Haqan.
Indian Jack Captured.
Monday evening Deputy Sheriff
Sexton and Constable Hill went up to
Celilo to inqure into the Indian murder
case end if possible capture the murder
er. Upon going to the scene of the mur
der at Des. Chutes they found that the
Indian Jack, who was tup posed to have
committed the crime, hud started for
Celilo, and they were compelled to walk
back three miles. Reaching Celilo they
found the man and arrested him, al
though he protested his innocence and
concocted a very plausible little story to
the effect that four of them had been
drinking cider and the two other fellows
got into a quarrel with the hoy. His
mother wanted Jack to separate them,
but he refused, and when he looked
around one had him in his arms and the
other was cutting his throat. He also
schemed to get rid of his blanket, which
had blood stains on it, saying some one
had exchanged blankets with him. The
Indians say there is no truth in his
story, but that 'tis likely he got into a
quarrel with the boy who may have ac
cused bim of killing his uncle, Indian
Jim, last winter. The officers brought
him to town and he Is now in the county
jail. The Indian boy was taken to Yaki"
nia for burial.
White Russian
Granulated Rye Meal.
Fine for Breakfast luh and
Genu, Xlie per Hack.
The Celebrated
Lincoln Seed Oats
From 101 to 150 bushel per
acre bis been raised Irom
t..o Oats. For mile at
Feed and Gns-ery atorc.
Northern Grown
In Bulk at
Foed and Gruoery tre
Cor 2d & Federal St..
Chronicle Publishing Co.
The Dalles, Oregon.
Jiie (mtf Old Oro Fino Saloon...
90 Second St., second door from Court.
Ti.e Dalies, or. 3 Tom BlirkB sHomestearl Wiiislfflv
$1 worth of check
irood for 10c drink.
or cigar.
I have re-opened this well-known Bake
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
...Spring Is
And F. S. GUNNIXG, the blacksmith, is prepared to put yoar bnneie
plows and farm implements in proper shape. "
Second and Laughlin Streets,
'Phone 157.
All kinds of
The Dalles, Or.
Funeral Supplies
wascc i Wareliouse CoYnpany
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds
j Headquarters for Feed Grain otfn kinds
I Headquarters for Rolled Grain, a;i kinds
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Mncd;D
! Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
i Til ,..
LU11 riOUr. if"ionr
Wa .ell on, .L i... .k "L.'l'l.rr
i ..ii i , ' an iioiibb in me trade, and i( too don't tiunw .
I call and get cur price and 1 convinced. 7 n 1 l,llnk 80
Hfghcst Prices Paid fcr Wheat, Barley and Oats
Heat Olork.
Quick Ulovk.
Reasonable Prices.
Specialty In Imported French Liquors and Cognac.
Best Domestic Liquors, Wines and Cigars.
' The Largest and Best of August Buchler
liowe-nmde Beer and Porter.
Agent for the Swiss Pub. Co., New York.
& Barget
Burial Shoes,
i manufactured expressly for 'amllr
'Tk.! ''nteel to give satisfaction.
V. 8. Land Ones, at VaRrorrm
... . t , Ktuiv,i,,
Nolle H herrbr jlven (tint ILe iu'l
nnim.l iwttiM liiu nil notice l hi, ii
nuke linn! )tHi in Umrt ol hi
II, hi id it.)! will be muile before W 11 El
l ulled Sliitw ConimUsioner for i,7.,
Ha-hinftton.nthliioiiiee ( unldendiw T '
iugtoii, ua Salurdny, April 8, viz. ;
Thuriuan K. Wright.
H(,ire.-ti'd Kntry, No. itt j9, for the xp
'"no., iunuip i uurio, ol Kunm 11
He name the following itnmwi to ,...
continuous reaideute upou mui cultivi,',
said laud, viz: ""Ha.
(leorge B.
? B. I.vlp. ff Fulfla P f M- . . '
Mis J. fj I
Kernolds, L
sjlne, John B. aimmons,V,l"B?"
s, of l.yle P. (., Washington. 01
reb W. K. Ul'NBAK, RfgtstB
dert ne nrra name of Ward & fcuus, is u.j,'?
dissolved by raiiluul consent, W. I w.ra . '
V.. ard letiiiD. J. W. Ward, F. H Ward I?'
P.Ward will continue tb buslnen u iC'
miliar th rlrm It, m ftf Want . uc'
collect 11 outstanding accounts snd ,
bills ugiiinst theoldlirm. All partieskfu,;,
theintelves Indebted to said firm are notiiiHd' f
make nil esrly settlement, either by cusaorooiT
uuiur, vie. itu. io, lojy.
w. I. wlu,
J w.wAU
i. H.Wiu,'
J. :. YW
School District No. 5 of Wasco Comity, (W
w ill issue two coupon bonds of the pur v -lour
hundred dollars each bearing intewil
the rate of six per cent per annum, intemtat
able semi-annually ; said bonds being redtvnub
at the pleasure of said district after ton vJL
from their date, but due and payable sbwl'aMi
twenty years fiom date. I'rinciple and tnierw
paynbleat the office of the Treasurer of Mat,
County, Oregon, or at such place as e, (,
designated at the option of the purchaser.
The board of directors of said distiictarelij.
fully authorized to Issue snld bonds In wtont
ance with the provl-ion of an set of the Lttiii,
tive Assembly of the State of Oregon, fl led in
the office of the Secretary of State February
li:i, and providing uruong other things for tS
issuance of bonds by school dlstiicts.
in compliance with the terms of said act I
as treusurur of faid county, will receive aiitf
bids for said bondi ut my office in lisllet un
sforessld until 2 o'clock p. m. on the 1st dav i
May lKiia, All bids must be accompanied Wi
eertitied check of five per cent of the amuuuioi
bonds for which the bid is mude. No bids for
less than par will be considered. Rlmikt to t
submitted for district to execute. The right It
Eejeet any anu uu uius is reserved,
lbs Dalles, Oregon, April 1, IX'J'J.
t!. L. fHILUPj,
'I rest.
. Administrator's Notice,
Notice Is hereby slvcn that the undernltro
has been regulitrlv u;potuted by the ciiunt
court of the State o! Oieaon for Wasco county
administrator c! 'lie estate of John brookliou
deceased. Ali persons Having claims atBlM
said estate na nereby notliied to present th,
with the proper vouchers, to me at the o(t
of Station 6: riinnott, in Dalles City, OrM,
within six months fiom the date of lliii noiln
umie.1 City, OregoP, January JO, lwm.
It. J. OOKMAN, Administrator.
Farm for Sale.
(1'ilce 3,30O.
Four mile from Dnfur and 14 tnilct
from The Dallee. 40 acre under culti
Tatlon; half the crop in. 400 bearinj
fruit trees; iineassortment of small fruit.
Some g'Kxl-meailow land ; plenty of oik
wood on the place. Fine etrearu of witer
running through the plfiCJ. Good outl't
for stock. 280 ncrea of this land is under
fence. 120 acres of deeded land. School
house on the place.
The following list of live stock, Imple
ments, etc., go with the place :
Four younn horses, one cow and vooti
calf, one (food brood sow, 100 good hem,
one horse rake, plow and hnrrow, ill
new; 25 stand of bees, 60 good tt
hives, one new cook stove, one hack, out
cultivator; blacksmith tools. All firm
ing tools and household furniture with
the place. Good house with (food fire
plate. Well of water on the porch.
Good barn and outbuildings. Inqiiireof
L. Klinger, of Dufur, or Bus Koith
well, on Eight Mile Creek, at the place-
T . y--
t Marks
Anrnna sondlng a sketch and description mT
qiili-sly ascertain our opinion free whe'liw
inrentiftn Is probably pntentHhle, Communlrts
tlonastrletlyconndential. 1 1 and book on I'atwili
sent frea. OIiIrkI airancy for muring patanla.
1'iiioiila taken Ihnmvh Munn A Co. reclrs
pri-lot noftcs, without ehanre. In the
Scientific American.
A handsomely lllnstrated waeklr. I.arwst c
rulalliin of any sclentlUo journal. Terms. J a
yeart four months, IL Hold by all iMwadcalem
MUNN & Co.88,b""t. New York
Branch Ornoa, m t UU. Washington, V.C.
Drueelst CATARRH
for a generooa
Ely's Cream Balm
contains na cocaine.
mercury nor any oilier
injurious orujt.
It is quickly Absorbed.
Ulvea Ifollcf at once.
Tt OOAna and Hnnaca '
the Nasal Passages. f
.a.... .i I
m m. U r A fl
Hcala and Protects tha Mouilirsno. Hrstorrs tM
K ol Tasta and Hmell. Full BUaSvcl irm
aizeioe.t at Iimtrirista or by mall. v
Cures Impotcncy, Nif:bt Etnlsslorts
wasting dlHeases, all -siTects of sc)
jZZZfiS)) abuse, or excess and
rS?x'S creti""- A nerve tonic and
Vg-'-y fl F'loud baikl - r. I'rlnirs the
C&f'Y P'f-1 rlf'V to ,-,zc cht-eksanil
Elfcltv rerit0"(';i t!:c frc of yotith-
lor ftVS.Kfl! f.tth n. K hlOnn n-llliriin
too to cura op refund tlio 1110111'?'
NERVITA rmrnirst r.rt.
Clinton & Jackaori Sts., CHICACO, lU-
otice Is hereby (riren that the who,.,.,,
heretofore exiting between W. L Warn iJ
Ward, F. H. Ward and J. V. Wart,doli.I
erol lutnloring business at Ilnfur. iinJM
Bfi, 0$4Nta CO fd.