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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1899)
tsctccfcij Si 1 o PART 25 VOL. IX THE DALLES, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 1899. NO. 26 B FRONT OF BULACAN ii Attack on the City of 25,000 In stants ti lis Man's. oping trie internal government under Smith a supervision. Reports are very eneouiaging." AMERICANS MEET NO OPPOSITION Their Garrisons at Bulacaa and Ginganto Intense Heat Made the Advance DiftVulr. Manila, Maich 28. 11 n. m. General MacArthur's division advanced nearly lo miles without encountering opposi tion thii morning. Ol approaching Bnla cin, a town of 25,000 people, it halted, preparatory to attacking it. The heat is Intense, being nlntey degree on the coast, and fully 100 degrees in the interior, It made the Americans suffer a great deal. In spite of the lipat, however, everyone was eager to proceed toward the enemv. A detachment of ninety-six Filipino prisoners was escorted into Manila today. Their appearance aroued great interest. Tiie rebels have unloaded atxjut 500 men from a train, half a mile in front of General MacArthur's forces, with the ol'jVct of reinforcing the Filipino gtirison at Bulacan sr.d Guganto, on either side of the railroad leading to Malolos. Sew Yohk, March 23. Dispatches from Matila to the Journal today repoit that General MacArthur'tdivision, alter ihort rest in the captured city of Mari lao, look up the advance from that place towarj Malolcs at 9:30 this morning. The Immediate objective point was the town of B'.cove, five miles north of Marilao. The Filipino prisoners taken yesterday wording to the Journal dispatches, he informed the Americans that Aguinaldo wonll make last grand Hand at Malolos, and if lie was defeated he would make no further resistance, but quit the revolution. Report of the Fighting of Yesterday. Washington, March 28. The follow- In; dispatch has been received from fien eral Ons: Mauila, March 28. Severe fighting occurred yesterday afternoon beyond Marilio. A brilliant charge was made b7 the South Dakota regiment, led by Frost, against the famed troops of Ajuloaldo, brought from Malolos. He repulsed the enemy with slaughter. Adjutant l.ien and Lieutenants Adams d Morrison and four enlisted men cf ""regiment were killed, and Llect nt McCleland and twenty-two en '"ted men weie wounded. The loss Tetterday was mostly confin9d to this "giment. Partial destruction of the railroad, blch ' ''"g rapidly repaired, Impedes ""Arthur's progress. Supply relay ""ns hava now reached Marilao, and M'cArthur is pushing on. Our small "boati are in T.uUca river, where j,rM '"scntlort was done yetfidjy. "y will relieve pressure on Mac A'thur'i front materially. The trcops ,rinxcl,.t,tc)ndlton and spirits. Proclamation, (iIied bjr Lun( gen. -in-chief of the Insurgent forces, di j thal H tow ns abandoned be burned conseqiIeilce thereof tht country .inflames. Otis. h abovo dispatch was received "Uhlnntn. -. r . I. v " "l., aiarcn za, " ii... . . ... --"in, rerers only 10 tne of T "l ' ";ster,'y. i-othlng being said "other itw 0tnml (nU ounwl llml thii Tif(1 ifrtnuy) Infant "'" ,'I'",B t,f 11 8 Twenty-third Utu r " nt fr"Ml- T" h't'CT "' ""' U,,,"y-thlM were in " tl'H '-',pK''n volunteer Tnini7? lvver aMn- T1,e ManiU ' b"en IvrMt'1 io ti.. fnt,1,i" Oenornl Corbin has received (riin . March -'S.-Tho following Is In It the Wages Restored. I ittsfield, N. J., March 27. Tho re dnction made in the wages at Pittifield cotton milla ia January, 18'8, was resiorea today, w hen a new price litl went into effect. "1 he increase averages about ten per cent, and affects 300 hacds. ja whence, Mass., March 27. The promised restoration at tho Pacific worsted and cotton mills in this city went into t met today, about 5000 em pioyes being affected. It is understood that the increase is about ten per cent ai i ne Atlantic mills the restoration ncui una eneci tooay, this com pany employs about 12C0 persons. Wireless Telegraphy. Washington, March 27. Consul Gen- eral Gowdey, at Paris, reports to the state department that he has been in formed by M." Dourctet, the noted inventor and constructor of telegraphic apparatus, that messages enn now be per fectly transmitted a distance of thirteen miles through space without using wires. ni .. . ine messages are dispatched and re ceived by means of maets ninety-nine feet high at eacli terminal. One of the principal obstacles encountered was the apparent impossibility of accomplishing an automatic registration of a message, But this has been overcome. Engaged by Mail. Seattle, March 27 A romantic mar riage was celebrated here Inst night, the chief actors in which were Mrs. Irma Knight, a wealthy widow, formerly of Galveston, Texis, ami later of Redwood City, Cal., and J. C. Deprep, a lawyer of this city. They met for the first time about twelve hours before the cere mony, when Mrs. Knight arrived from San Francisco. Dnpreo had handled Mrs. Knight's legal business in this city, and they became engaged by mail, agree ing to marry if they were satisfied with each other's personal appearance when they met. Both are middle-aged. Arrives With Spanish Filibuster. Manila, Match 28. 7:10 p. m. The United States gui.boat Yorktown has arrived here with the Spanish steamer Mondare, owned bv the Mendtzona Company of this place. The steamer was captured after a stiff chase in the gulf of Lingayen, 245 miles north of here. When ehe was first sighted the Mundara was entering the gulf, but she headed seaward. The Yorktown fired two shots before the steamer was over hauled. Fourth Victim of Omaha Fire. Omaha, March 27. Mrs. Ed. Shriner. who was Injured in the Patterson block fire in this city laet week, died today in terrible agony. She leaves a husband and achild only a few monthsold. Mrs. Shriner is the fourth person to die as a result of her injuries In the fire. A Centenarian's Journey. Sr. Joseph, Mo., March 27. John J. Overton, who will be 103 years old his next birthday, departed today, unat tended, to visit a ton at Boise, Cal. He is in vigorous health, and looked with disdain upon a suggestion that he take a sleeper. He will tour the Western states before returning. A year atso he married a widow of 70. She recently became insane. He.had buried three former wives. Fayne Moore Accused of Kobbcry. New York, March 27. Mrs. Fayne Moore was today discharged upon her own recognizance by Juetico Fursinann in the supreme court, under the charge of "badgering" Martin Mahon. mio was. however, held in lOOO bail on the char.eof stealing silverware from the Waldorf-Astoria hotel. MALOLOS RESUMED Hac ArtSur's Dimion Encannterea strone C0RBIN HAS OttlSlOD. REBELS FORCED STEADILY BACK S. B. Armour Dead. Kansas City, March 29.-8. B. Ar mour, head ol the local pai k:ng-houie ol Armour A Co., and brother vt P. I). Ar monr, of Chicago, died here this morn'ng of pneumonia. Sherman at Washington. Wahiiinotos, March CO. John Sher man reached bis lesi.lence here tins morning. Tho patient's condition is satief.ictory. A the seawn of Hi" when pneil- . . I. .w.i.Ij. soro throat, counim. coldo, catarrh, bronchitis and lung troub'es sra l l fiiarded against, nothinu "is fi substitute." wH Wwer He purpose," cr is "just good" rh Out Miiiulo Cough Cure. Thai is the one Infallible remedy for all lung, throat or bronchial troubles. Insist vigorously upon having t it "someum, elm" Is J llerrd Ji it Drug Co. Use Clarke A Falk's Floral Lotine for Siiipes-Kinersly Four Volunteers Were Killed and Thirty-Gve Wounded as a Result of the Insurgent Fire Heavy Fight ing Imminent. Manila, March 29.-7:30 p. m. At daylight MacArthur's division advanced from Marilao oloni; the railroad to Blgaa, five miles disUnt, with tbe Nebraska, South Dakota and Pennsyl vania regiments on the riuht and Kansas and Montana regiments and the Third artillery on the left. Wheaton's brigade ia In reserve. The American forces met strong op position in the jungle. First one Ne brat k an, then one ' Pennsylvania!!, and afterward two men of the Montana regi ment were killed. Thirty-five were wounded, including one officer of the Kansas regiment. Tbe rebels burned the villages as they retreated In bad order toward Malolos. The enemy also tore up sections of the railroad iu many places, and attempted tohurn the bridge at Bigaa, but the fire was extinguished owing to the timely arrival of the Ameiicans. Tbe rebels bad not finished the trenches along the line of today's march showing they were not prepared for our advance. It is believed, however, that there is to be hard fighting before Ma lolos is taken. Resumption of American Advance. Washington, March 29. The follow ing from Utis lias reactiea me war de partment : Manila, March 29. MacArtbur ad vanced yesterday only to the outskirts of Marilao, as it took until late in the afternoon to repair the road and railroad bridges and send cars through with supplies. The march was resnmed at 6 o'click this mornini:, the troops moving rapidly on Uocave, from where they will continue to Big.a, seven inhes irom Malolos. The enemy had destroyed the railway and telegraph line. A construction train Is following our forces. The enemy's resistance is not so vigorons to day. Our loss thus far is slight. The towns in front of our advance are being destroyed by fire. The troops are In ex cellent spirits. OTIS. thn houses deserted. They were not molested by our soldiers, but Chinese, who slipped between the armies, are looting w hen they can, an I have taken possession of several houses, over w hich they have raised Chinese flags, some of which were torn down. SO ANNOUNCED Plan Decided on as a Good Way to Recognize the Volunteers' Gallant Service Adjutant-General De clares the Boys Have No Wish to Quit Before the End of War. 'A n . mum& ACSOL'JTIIY falRE ?ovmm Makes the food more delicious and wholesome OVt BAKINQ POWOF CO., NFW VOMt. RED CROSS WORK ENLARGED Manila, March 2. Noon Tbe American army advanced at C o'clock this morning sweeping onward three miles before 10 o'clock, and driving the reliels beyond Bocave, to the east of Bulacan, and on the railroad leading to Malolos. Tho troops met with but slight resistance. The Filippines firel volleys yesterday evening (or the purpo e of drawing the American liro and disclosing the locality of the Am -ricAn position. Two men of the Pennsylvania regiment and one man belonging to tlm Dakota regiment were wounded. The Amer'cann re mained silent. Tho country atonnl M.irilao and Manila present? a picture of desolation. Smuko is curlin,' f.-om hundreds of ash heaps, and H o remains t-f trees and fences torn by shrapnel are to be seen everywhere. The appearance of the country is as if it had been swept by a cyclone. The roads are strewn with furniture and clothing dropped in their flight by the Filipino. Bodies of dead Filipinos are stranded In the shallow s i ( rivers or resting in the jungle, where they crawled to die or were left in the w.ik ( the hurriedly retreating army. Theso bodies give forth a horrible odor, but there is ro time e.t present to bury them. The In habitants who 111 t'" M"rilo0 and Moycaywavan ItfM.i 'ii'h Vk that on the tables our soldiers found spread money rn I valu .1.1- s, and in thn rooms trunks containing other property Jul v!ut. 1 u-u tia'-13' Chicago, March 23 A special dis patch to the record from Washington says: Alj'itant-General Corbin says nothing has occurred in the history of the country to endear the volunteer troops to tbe regular organization as tbelr conduct at Manila during the present movement on Malolos. Not only have they shown excellent dis cipline, but they hive eagerly sought duty on the firing line, andj have never faltered -in an advance on the enemy. There has been no shirking In their reg iments and no complaint when called upon to bear the brunt of an assault. Their record from the moment they embarked to the present time has been excellent, and the reports received at the war department, General Corbin says, Indicate that any attempt at send ing them homo for muster 'out before the campaign is completed would excite a riot. They desire to remain as long as there is any fighting to be done, and the department, in recognition of their ex cellent service, will not order them horie until the military problem iu the Philippines is solved, or the volunteers formally request to be released. Floods in California. ' Stockton, Cel., March 28. Reports from many sections of the San Joaquin valley show that the flood caused by the late heavy rains is increasing instead of receding, as it was anticipated it would. Water is still pouring in on the lowlands but in some places the area covered is not increasable, owing to the depth of the pockets. In some placas the water is bo deep that the owners do not expect to have their land drained before July, too late for planting a second crop. There are many small streams in this section, and it is these that are causing the moat troub'e, the larger ones being Kenerally high banked. In some places the floods will be beneficial. It Is es timated that the flooded area covets nearly 30,000 acres. President Returns to Washington. Washington, March 28. President McKinley this afternoon returned to Washington after an outing of two weeks and a day. The special train bearing the president and the members of the party who have been with him through out the trip pulled Into Pennsylvania depot here at exactly 5 o'clock this after noon. Owing to a lack of definite knowl edge of the exact hour of the return, there were only a few people gathered at the depot to witness the arrival. The train was shifted to a sidetrack outside the depot, where Acting Secretary of War Meiklijohn, Adjutant-General Corbin, 8 'cretary Torter and Mrs. Smith were waiting, and carriages w ere in readiness. The party entered the carriages and drove to their homes, Mr. and Mrs. McKinley being driven direct to the White Houe. Rational Socicl? It k Essipizei fur Ms Porpss?. PLAN IS BEING FORMULATED Headquarters is to be Established at Washington In a Building to be Erected Especially for the Society. New York, March 29. The Herald says that plans are afoot to reorganize the National Red Cross Society, with a view greatly increasing its scope. Primarily, it is intended to establish permanent heaiiquarters of the National Red Cross Society in Washington. The proposed plan contemplates the erection nf a building at Washington to be devoted solely to the u?es of the society. The proposed plan does not contem plate extending the work of reorganiza tion at present to Cuba, Hawaii or the Philippinelslanda. In the United States, the country will be divided into depart ments as they now exist. Each depart ment will be administered by a chief, who will have control of the territory under bis charge, acd who will in turn be responsible to the executive com mitlee of the board of diiectors. It will be the duty ot each chief to so organize his de partment that lecal Red Cross societies will be within his jurisdicton. These societies will be responsible to bim. Tbe plan does not contemplate that any person oftnected with the society shall receivt pay for seivices, except tbe chief of staff at Washington, and the clerical and eimilei labor which will be absolutely necessary to employ. EXILED CHIEFS BROUGHT BACK Consensus of Opinion at Washington is that Kautz has Acted Entirely With in His Orders and that the Govern ment Will Sustain Him. at h? ml, that I e wil' be sustained byth Ujiled Stites government. The Situation is Improving. Washington, Much 30. Af sietant Secretary of War Allen bis I-sued the following ctatMitent: The las-, dispatch from Kautz is aa fol'owj : "Auckland, March 29. The situation, is Improvingeince thetelegram of March 18, via Sidney, N. S. W. Kautz." London, Marcli 30. The British foreign office has received an official dis patch confirming the news from Aplitv announcing the outbreak of hospitalities there. First news of the bombardment of tho coast towns of Samoa was contained in an Associated Press dispatch sent out last night, which said that the trouble growing out of election of a king had) taken a more serious turn and resulted in the shelling of the coitBt villages by the United States cruiser Philadelphia, Admiral Kautx commanding, and the British cruisers Porpoiso and Royalist. The bombardment has continued inter mittently lor eight days. Several villages have been burned, aud there have been, a number of casualties among and Amer ican and British sailors and marines. A yet it is impossible to ei-timate the number of natives killed or injured. GREAT LOSS IN SHEEP Convcrsative Estimate Fixes it at 15 Tcr Cent in Umatilla. Philippines Olio red to England. London, March 29. The Birmingham Post today publisher a report "emanation from usually very well informed source," to the effect that tho United States at the beginning of February propojed to Sir Julian Pannccfote that Great Britain takeover the Philippine islands upon certain conditions. It is added that this feeling has altered greatly tlnce the heavy fighting, although it is said beyond doubt the United Stales would st one time have been very glad to exchange or otherwise dlnhurden themselves of the permnncnt charge of the Islandi. Vitlranlo Kruptlnn Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of jy. Bucklen's Arnica. Salve cures them ; also old, running and fever sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold t y Blakeley A Houghton, drug- Berlin, Maich 0. A brief official dispatch Iro n Apia, Samoa, dated March 30, says: The bomber. iment of the coast villages by British and American warsMps, continues. In lurauunco of military orders, white rteldents huve evacuated many houses. The chief of the Malietnr Tanus party, who were txiled to the othir islands, have bee brought ti:ck from Upola. The firearms and amiLiinitioii taken from Tanus Jan laiy 2 have been returned. Determined t) Sustain Admiral Kautz. Washington, Maicrt 30. The state department has not received detailed 01 ficial advices relating to occurrences in Samoa. The demonstration Is regretted, but the opinion iaexpiessed that Ksu'z acted 011 what wat bis bett judgement and information. The state department acknowledges that 110 ermament agree ment caii be reached under a treaty in w hich all three powers do not agree, and hopes some settlement of the difficulty may bi brought about when it becomes apparent present r inditlont cannot 1 xist indefinitely. Kautz acted w ithin hit instructions, jii '.li .rv i no -JliuV, r. ItU tit f.:v. : n . . Pendleton. March 29. C. A. Epptn ger, a well-known sheepman, has re turned from North Yakima. He says the increase in lambs this yar will be no more than CO per cent, unless perfect weather condition prevail, when the in crease may be as much as seventy-five. Ordinarily tbe Ii crease under favorable onditions should be 100 per cent, and, in exceptionally good years, even more. Many sheep are dying in Yakima county, and the outlook is discouraging, accord ing to Mr. E pinger. Douglas Belts, former'y a representw tive in the legitl ttnre from this county, said today that throughout this eounty the loss to the sheep industry wiil be no less than 15 per cent, or 10 percent moiw than the loss in ordinary years, Mr. Belts is a c mservative man. He places the loss at a lower figure than the ma jority do. He says, however that the heaviest loss will be looked for during the coming two weeks to a month, for the reason that feed is so tc.irce that the sheep cannot reenperate from the weak condition in which the severe winter weather left them, and tho ewes cannot properly nourish the young lamb. Dralnen Canon! D Curei. by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure deafness and that is by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, ami when it Is en tirely closed, Deafness ia the result, anil unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed for ever; nine cass out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send lor circulars ; free. F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo, O. tJ"So!d by Dmgg Ms, 75c. 6-10 Hall's Family Pills are the best. Fear a Flood. La Ghamje, March 23. With tho ad vent of the warm weather and the fact that there is still a large amount of mow in the mountains, which wiil proUthly go off w ith the first rain, tl.ern U great danger of a flood of the (irande Konifet river, A committee of the city w ill to morrow examine the ievet'a Hlong the city front, with a view to stn ntheninig them and preventing d:im:ige to city , : ' V SUulUlU abd wild thaliug II