THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 29, 1699. HAS CAPTURED MARILIO Airance From Meyrawai If as Main Against Eeau Eesistajct. DEFEATED AT NORTHERN LINE Enemj Driven Back Leaving One Hun drtd Dead oa tbe Field and Many Prisoners Two Killed and Ten Wounded Among Oregon Boys. Washington, March 27. Tbe follow ing dispatch from General Otis reached Washington at 8:55 tbit morning: Manila, March 27. Mac Arthur's brigade bold Marilao. There were were fighting today and oar casualties number about forty. The insurgents bare destroyed tbe bridges, which impeded the progress of oar train and artillery. Oar troops met tbe concentrated In- argent forces on tbe northern line com maoded by Aguinaldo in person, and drove tbem back with - considerable Itvughter. They left nearly one hun dred dead on tbe field, and many prison era and small arms were captured. The column will presa on in the morn ing. OTIS. It is supposed that this dispatch was sent this (Monday) evening. . Manila, March 29.-3:25 p. ui. Gen eral MacArtbnr'a division spent tbe night and morning at Meyoauayan, tbe next station beyond Polo. After recon noitering his front, he pushed along the railroad toward Malolos. If tbe statement of the thirty-five prisoners captured today is true, the main body of the enemy has retreated to Malolos. There are no more trenches to encounter, although over thirty villages, including the larger settlements of Bulacanand Gudguinto, intervene The Washington regiment Lad an ex citing experience today, and displayed much gallantry.. Tbe toldiera found band of insurgents concealed in stone boose over which tbe French flag was flying. A private approached to set fire to the building. lie did so, and the troops approached while it waa burning, and the Filiplnoa had apparently fled, bnt they were greeted with a sudden Tolley from the balcony of the house, resulting in tbe building being cleared of the enemv in abort order. The American forces advanced from Meyoauayan, the brigade commanded by General Otis being on the It-It of the railroad and General Hale's on the right. They eventually discerned white roofs and steeplea among tbe green treea be yond the river, looking not unlike a Massachusetts village. The rebels had tbe ncformiable river in front of them and pouribg in fire so effectively that it showed they were veterans, probably members of tbe native militia, which tbe Spaniards organized. The American artillery put a dramatic end to the battle. Approaching under cover of the hushes to about sixty yarda from tbe trenches, the artillery emerged upon an optn space commanding tbe town. When the Americans appeared they gave a great yell, and the Filipinos were panic striken, about one hundred seeking safety in flight, while a white flag was raised by those who were en trenched, who also shouted "Amegoa" (friends1. Colonel Funston, with twenty men of the Kansas regiment, swam across the river to the left of the railroad bridge and captured eighty prisoners, with all their arms. The Pennsylvania regi ment captured forty prisoners. By this time the right of the Filipinos waa de moralized. 4 p. m. A thousand Filipinos, com posing tbe rear guard of the rebel army, which is retreating on Malolos, Aguinal do'a headquarters, made a stand today la some strong entrenchments about Marilao, across the Marilao river. In me engagement, sis Americans were killed, including th-ee officers, and forty were wounded. 7:40 p. ro. The Americana refrained from burning the town, and are resting there tonight. Oils' brigade Is crossing the frame aork of the bridge, Hale's brigade remaining on the south bank of the river. The United States Philippines corn JTiiseipn proposes to issue a proclama tion immediately after the rebel govern ment at Malolos is dispersed, believing the most effective moment to secure the allegiance of tbe natives will be after -. - c .-, :t PUGET SOUND FOGS. r5- .TJf-i- Th -- 4 4$rJ Iff 7 Safari n men have often dr.bei! ;v VIS iv T' C& An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effects ol tne wen Known remeay, Strup or llia, manufactured by the California Fio Syrup Co.. illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principle of plants known to be meaicinaiiy laxawve iuu nraruiiuf; them in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansin? the syste in effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers frently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating tbem, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to tne taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the California Fio Syrcp Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please rememberthe full name of theCompany printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. AN FRANCISCO. CAI tVOUISVTXLB. XT. NEW YOBS, W. Y. For sale by all Druggists. Price 5Uc. per bolt la they have received an object lesson of America's power. Ltte casualties report L. B. Strawde man and Hayes B.Taylor, of Company L among the dead, and Io Grace, Dan Bowman, Richard Urickdall, Charles E. Cochran, John E. Davis and Frank E. Edwards, wounded. SITUATION IS SATISFACTORY Rising of the Hill Tribes Recently Re ported Was of No Political Significance. New York, March 27. A dispatch to the Herald from Ilo Ilo, island of Panay, says : The transport Indiana has arrived here with reinforcements for Negros island, where the situation is still satis factory. Tbe rising of the bill tribes waa of no political significance. The commltteeof natives, with Colonel Smith, tbe Americn governor, presiding, proceeded with the work of drafting i constitution as the basis of the document It has been formtlly proposed to raise the island's revenue entirely from ex ports instead of by the present method of levying upon land values and cedula personae, thus relieving the laboring class as iar as possible. Tbe natives desire the immediate introduction of tbe English system of education A gentleman who has had excellent opportunities for studying the political situation advocates separate govern ment lor eacu ol tne islands, with representative assembly at Manila for general control, 'under tbe supervision of an American governor-general, who shall be free from interference from Washing' ton, except in regard to international questions. Tbe deputies for the island of Negros will meet on April 3 to discuss the draft ot the constitution. Ensign Everhart, captain of the port of Ilo Ilo, recently re-established light. houses in the neighborhood of Panay, Guimaras islaod. Insurgents from Con ception island of Panay, acting under the orders of General Probiador, twice raided Calaoazas lighthouse, carrying off tbe lamp and appurtenances. Vulcanle Eruption Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen's Arnica cjalve cures them ; also old, running and fever sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns; Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches Only 23 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. 2 Bids Wanted. Until March 21st, the Oregon Tele phone & Telegraph Company wi'l re ceive bids at their Dalles office for haul ing and distributing 600 25 feet round poles for use on their Trinevilie line. t'olea to be delivered from their pole yard in The Dallea to points staked be tween Dufur an.l Tygh Valley. No com pensation till contract is filled. Marl7-t l II. L. Vokne, Manager. Far Sal at a llargaln. One s'ngle open hnygy; also one set of single harness. Address If. U Kichard". The I'.illes, cr rail at my place netr 8-Mile. .VclilM! s meeting with a log limits of which .m so clearly tit-tit. to that the forward part of thrir vessel would be in bright sunlight, with the after portion enveloped iu ilens fcg. That tbe phenomenon is not mis stated, any of the many people pass-ine the brink of the decline lendinp down Pacific avenue from the city hall st ten o'clock Saturday morning couid readily attest. Dayliubt had in with a dense fog. This bad cleared o that the ships at the elevators were plainly visible. Suddenly there came from the straits a bank of fop. which, instead of un folding and drifting over the surface of the bay came solidly on. This formation waa kept up until the fog rtruck Ihe rise on Pacific avenue lead ing from the wharf. Then it broke the mist drifting up in trailing clouds. The spectacle of the on-marching wall of fog, as clearly perpendicular as the side of a building, with the sun's rays striking npuinst it, was imieet" grand. Several shipping men noticed it, and fog was made the subject f.if conversation in a cumber of offices ci the water front, bringing forth the nar ration of similar instances. One of these came from Capt. Mc Cabe, who said: "The strangest combination for fnp to lake on that has come under my ob servation occurred here on the sounc some months ar;o. 1 was tri.vvlicg by steamer from Port Townser.d to Sent tie. As we rounded Admiralty Head there loomed up before us what ap peared to lie a water-logged steamer From her bulwark rails up everything was perfectly visible. The lookout on the fo'eastle head, the oflicer on the bridge, the. deckhouse masts and smokestack were nil as plain to our sight as is the Northern Pacific ware house across the railroad track from where we now sit. "But below the bulwark line nothing could be seen of the vessel. She might have been some Pupet sound 'Flying Dutchman' for all we knew, or possi blv a craft that had come in collision and was seeking a beaching point be fore sinking. It was weird and for several mo- mmts deceiving. The morning had opened so thick that the fog had driven down so close to the surface of tbe channel as to form a blanket for but the lower part of a vessel. We came near enough to bail, and were informed that the steamer was doing finely. All well on board, end, bryotd it bring a tritie damp on the lower decks through tbe fog failing to rise, everything was lovely," Tacoma Ledger. TAILORS' "SPECIALS." TKte Queer Pockets arvl Other Thins That Tailors llnve to Pot Into Clothes. " . "No special." With that remark to the assistant who took down the measurements the tailor dismissed his patron and raid that the ault would be finished "sure"' on a certain day. "What, did you mean by the saying 'no special to your clerk? asked the customer. "Well, that means that you wnnt your clothes made all right and with out any crank tliinps about them. Pockets are the great specials. We have customers who want, besides the regular pockets, places in their waist coats for pencils, eyeglasses and nil sorts of things. Some pencil pockets are made to hold only one pencil and some for a bunch. Eyeglass pockets are also ordered in keepirg with the shape and style of the glasses, and pockets for cigars are ordered for all sizes, from the little half-pencil shap to the great big perfecto. I'rcak pock ets, inside of other pockets, 'are also in demand, and chamois-lined pockets which we usually make for the watch side of the waistcoat, are ordered often for trousers by men who carry silver trinkets, in them. But pockets are not the only 'specials.' The European cus tom of wearing n black band on the left sleeve to indicate mourning is becom ing popular in this country, and the. band is one of our 'specials.' " Another class of special customers are those whose garments are made with a view to the wearer's, health. Many men have an inner band of red flannel put on the wait of their trous ers as a cure for rheumatism, and some driving coats are made so that sheets of stout paper may be slipped between the breast lining and the cloth when driving against the wind. "On the whole." said the tailor, "a man in my business has the best op portunity to find out the kinks and queer points about men. not only as to their persons, but their minds." N. Y. Tribune. The Only- Ileal Joy. There is no real joy in life, but that which comes from the sense of having done or produced something. The set tled cheerfulness of Ihe tmtient work er is worm more tnnn ni: tlti .lectins atisfaction that comes from self-indulgence, ease, or profitless leisure. Housewife. For frost hites, burns, in lolent sores, ecrems, skin disease, and especially Piles, I)e iVitt's Witch Hazel Salve stands first and hest. Look out fur dis honest people who try trj imitate and eounlerfeit it. It's their endorsement of a ifoo'l article. Worthless goods are not Imitated. Get LV Witt's Witch Haxel Salve. Pnipe'-Kinersly Drug Co, You need have no boiis if jott will take Clat.e A Talk's suru cure for h"lk HIRAM'S HALF DOLLAR. He ,4 it tm ik Hat at k'a VtXdla Wat It Uark. Silver Last spring Zke Murch and his w ife celebrated thrir twenty-fifth wedding inrJve rsary. Zke lives on a side hill farm ia one of the outlyii g districts in a Maiue town. He and his wife have always worked hard and been savir.g" as folks have to be who make a dolJar out of a farm in this particular part of tbe Pine Tree state. Among their viitors that night were Hiram and Mirandy Treat. Now the Treats were even more suvir.g than the Murches, and the latter were said to be snugger than the bark of a yellow birch. But they felt in duty bound to give something. Not having bought any plate, they could not add to the col lection of pickle jars and casters which adorned the sitting-room table, so they waited till the hat was passed. Passing the hat may strike some readers as a novel feature to introduce at a wedding anniversary, but Ezekiel didn't propose to let anyone go away without a gentle hint that those who accept invitations to a silver wedding must settle in the white metal. "For the benefit of those as didn't have a chance ter get a present, we will now pass round the bat an' those as feel moved so to do can add their piece of silver," explained the host. When the hat reached Hiram he pulled out his wallet, carefully abstract ed a half dollar, looked at it lovingly and then dropped it into the chapeau. That night, after they got heme, Hi ram and Mirandy were talking it over, speculating on the probable value of those two pickle jars and trying to set tje in their minds how much was put into the general collection. "There was 50 cents that I give 'em," said Mirandy. "What!" cried Hiram, "you give 50 cents?" "Why, yes, Hiram, we cal-lated to give 'em that much, you know. We talked it over beforehand, and agreed that we could spare it. "But Lord bless ye, wife," said the husband, quivering with excitement, "don't ye, can't ye, understand 1 dropped a half dollar in the hat my. self?" It was a late hour before the two ceased talking about that lost coin, and the next morning Hiram was no more reconciled to the accidental generosity than the night before. All summer long it worried him, and he couldn't keep from thinking how far that half dollar would have gone in trade. Lately Hiram and Zeke had a settling up of some old accounts for wood and labor. Their figures tallied, and after the money had shifted hands Hiram's thoughts reverted w that uuintended gift. "Zekiel," he began, softly. "Yes, Hiram." "You remember that silver wedding or yours last spring?" He was begin ning with diplomatic evasion of the real point at issue. "O, yes." Zeke remembered all about that. "Wa'nl, when the hat was passed round, ye remember I put in 50 cents?" ies. Hiram, I remember." "Wa'al, unbeknown to me, my wife. Mirandy, she put in 50 cents." l a as, said Ezekiel, slowly, but very carefully avoiding any show of under standing. Wa'al, we didn't intend to give but one of 'em, and I want you to give me back the half dollar that Mirandy give ye." Ezekiel said nothing. "It's no more'n right ye should." pleaded Hiram. "We didn't intend to gin ye but half a dollar. Wecan't spare that other 50 cents nohow. I've wor ried about it all summer long an' I made up my mind to speak out to ye about it. I've thought it all over an' Mirandy, she's thought it all over an' we sartinly can't spare the 50 cents." Ezekiel had been gathering himself for a burst of scorn. Wa'al, of all the dog-gonedest mean critters I ever sot mv eves on ve're leetle the wust! No, I won't give ye back your hulf a dollar!" But Hiram Wasn't going to be touched by scorn. The justice of his cause led him to mnke one Inst appeal. o, I ain t mean, Zeke, for here I've waited till now without siiyin' a word. Just think on it, Zeke, you've had the interest on that half a tlollur for c-er six months on' you oughtcr be all fair an' willin' to give it buck to me. Won't ye. Zeke?" But Zekiel's ear was deaf to pleading and he still relains the half dollar. Lewiston (Me.) Journal. m Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you cat. Itartlflr.lallvdi Vf . u I " '""U sua BIOS nature In strengthen nr nnH structlnir the exhausted dlKestlVe or sTans. It Is the latest d Iscovered d lireat. ant ana tonic. No ot her preparation can approach It In efficiency. It in-n-Pi'7 r,elleyTM?na permanently cures Dypep8u, Indigestion, Heartburn, iliItrene',boA,r 6tmach, Nausea Sick Headache, Gastral(fla,Cram ps, anrj ail other results of Imperfect d Ifrestlon eoor. by E. C. DeVVltt A Co.. Chlcaa I .Mi ED. W.WIM-ON, AHOHKV-AT I AW. II IK ovei Kinr S,i! DA1.1.KS. ORKliON. . l)'in. B S Hl-l.n.l'ITi) H S WII0! If I'NII.SV.TUN WII.SOV. A j lOK.'. KYH A I OHicc ov-r Fhst Sat. ""'r TIU' ll W t L j r.m.-,.! MMMl IJSURT (III SCHIDCII. AKKIVS Sua bom Uallks. kum. Ft Isalt Lake, Denver, Ft. Fat Mail Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mail. 115c p.m. hi Cltf, et. Louis, I:ljp. m. Chicago and Eait. Spokane Walla Walla, Ppokane, Spokane river Minneapolis, fct. Haul, flyer. 6 J p. m. Iu luth, Milwaukee, ft :00a.m. Chicago and tat. 1p.m. FaoM Postlixd. 4 p. m. Ocean Btetunships. For San Francisco January and every live days thereafter. I p. m. 4 p. m. Ex.eunday Columbia Rv. Steamers. Ex.bundaj To Astoria and Way Saturday Landings, iu p. m. a.m. WiLHaiTTi River. 4:30 p.m. Ex.suuday Oregou City, Kewbere, Ex.Sunduy balem A Way Land's. 7 a. m, Willamttts AND Yam- S:80p. m. Tuea.lhur. bill Kivirs. Mon.,Wed., and tut. Oregon City, Dayton, aud Fri. and Way-Ijuidings. 6 a. m. Willamette Rivik. 4:30 p. m. Tue..Thur, Portland to C'orvallis, Tue., 1 bur and Bat. and Way-Landings. aud Sat. Snake River. Leave Lv Rlparla BIparia to Lewiston. Lewiston. daliy daily Parlies deslriDa to -o to Hetmner should so. 4, leaving 1 tie Danes at O.JU p. making direct connections at Heitmier Innctlon Returning makingdirectcouneetion at Heppner Junction ith No, 1. arriving at Tbe Dalles at p. m. No. 82, tbrought freight, cast bound, does not carry passengers; arrives 2;50 a. m., departs 3:50 a. in. No. U4, local freight, carries passengers, east oounq; arrives 4:au p. m., aeparta S:lo p. m. No. 21, west bound through freight, does not carry passengers; arrives 8:15 p. iu., departs 9 ..iu U. No. 2J, west bound local freight, carries pas. sengers; arrives 5:15 p. in., departs 8:30 a. m. For full particulars call on O. K. & N. C'o.'s agent l ne Dalles, or address W. II. HURI.BURT, Gen. Pas. AgC, Portland, Or, tiORTHERN PACIFIC RY. N s Pullman Elegant Tourist Sleeping Cars, Dining Cars Sleeping Car 8T. PAUL " MINNEAPOI.I BILl'TH CARGO GRAND FOR CROOKSTON WINNIPKO HELENA an . BCTI-K TO Through Tickets CHICAGO T Washington philadelphia srjtw YORK BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and BOUTS For Information, tlmsranta cal on or writ to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, Tin Dallea, Oregon D. ARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., rrlsou Cor. Third. Portland Oregon NORTHWESTERN TRAVELERS ARE "North-Wcstern" Advertiser! becauga Is the Shortest and Best Route to CHICAGO and the EAST via MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL: And also, thceaiiinment of it ttnl inoiierii of th car .mHrier art cmtoKlyfnjc all v'w um.-i. wiimurtmnu neeeftariettr travel. "TEE NEW NORTH WESTERN LIMITED" doth Century Train) Is M-ctric. lighted Imth tn.ide. and ont. an aqmouert with handsome bntfi't smoking lihrarj ?ar. compartment anil utamlnnl aleepera fre no fcXTHA F A Khm charged It inn kea connec tion at M Inneapolia and Ht Psul wlUi Northerr Pacillc, (treat Northern and Hoo-Parliic"":..n? 1,!v dnilJ' Mlnneapolla 7Wip m.i Mt. Pauls lip m ami anivea Chicago .) a m in f . TZ ri !",rntiona. ralea, folilera and JU:LraU'w br.k.'ft V,iKK of t,le "Pineal Train n,r,X'ZM , Bt or "Idn. Ticket OlMcea 2W Washington St.. Portland; soft Klral v',.Sr"tl,i 'm Mock HHen" IU N.col let Av.mue Mlnneapolla; R ,', "nerai Pas.en ngw JKorniNDORrritii riiysician and Snriicon, Special attention given to surgery. Rooms 21 and 22. Tel. Vogt lilk Ilranch Office Oregon Viavi Compiiny, K'Xrm 7, ovei French's Hnnk, 'lITre hours i to i p. ur Charlotte K., laical JlaiiiiKer. SUMMONS TX THE CIRCl'IT COURT OF TBt, A ol Oregon, lot the County ol s M. I). KueelanJ, plaintia. O. D. Taylor, Sarah K TS Tavln. ... J. -lh A. Jolmaon, C. W i'hV' V Eddy, J. C. Duncansou aud w N W hea'don, defendants. To John Burger, Joaeph A. Johnson c, . t.lrtvunri J l' r,,,n,....... j St( In the name of the state of Ort,m I each of you ar hereby required u 4 answer the eomplaiut filed agaiu.t I 1 aoove euuueu anil within leu d.,. H within ieu d.;;" 'I Countv; or if served within witai, County of this State, then ny from the date of the mi vice upou you; if served by publication inlrl o:i or before the last day of the tiiUe JZ": 1 lti the order foi publication, towit !?rA weeks from the l.ith dav of March w Vj: being thonrstday of publication' hm vou fail so to answer, for ... plaintiff will apply to the Court for uTLl prayed for In bta eomplaiut herein mH juuguieut BKHiosi ueieuuaiH o. 1). TkIi. tluno and Interest at per cent per nnim ! Oct 1, 1M2, aud for his costa and dlihii'' herein, aud for Judgment and deeres u each and all of said defendauta, fourth light, title and interest of each of lawa!1 ants lespectively, in and to all the south tbe southwest quarter of the sonthMiZ' of section II, and the south half ol tbatonf1'' quarter of section 15, township t north. 10 east, W. M., and directing tne saleofii3 land, and that the procetua be applied i 3 ment ol said udemcnt. i"! This summons Is served upon yon by k lucicin ur uiurrui noil, H. L. arwlbf 1 Circuit Jnian. i1nl Man.), 11 1 "'""M HLNTINUTO.N & WIL80J Attorneys lor rWii; NOTICE FOK PUBLICATNjX, V. 8. Land Crncx, at VNrorv, , ... Kkbruahv, n,itm. Notice Is hereby given that the foilor named settler has Hied notice of his lm.... make final proof in support of his claim J that said proof will be made before W.B.rW liiltru DiRlci v.ouiiiiiBPiiiiier lor Olgjfjp Washington, at his ottice In , lug ton, on Saturday, April g, im, viz: ' Thurman JC. Wright, Homestead Entry, No. 10S-J9, for the NEW . lion 32, Township 4 north, ol Bangs if. Will. Mer. He names the following witnesses topren i uuiiiiiiuoua miueiii:); upou aim CUlllv&liGQ said land, viz: George B. I.yle, of FuldaP. O., WaahlmH Reynolds, of Lyle P. ()., Washington. 'eh-M W. K.liUNBAK.Rcjlitr I T ,1 With fine timber and rnnnlnr w.u, Hood Kiver Valley, suitable for liimastisij umssr fmriH. wm locaia inatviduiii i enloDlea on these lands. Lara Mill).. J dustries now being located here; also town .J ana otner lanaa lor sine. Home of these (iovernmcnt lands i choicest Apple land of the Famous Soul niver v alley. W.D WTVIH9 T ,1 I . f22-lm Hood River,WaicoCo.1Oin J Administrators Notice, Notice Is hereby given that the under, has been apiMiinted by tbe counts court ol i slate of Oregon for Wasco county, a admir.4 trator of the est. to rf Roderick McNeil. M ceaxed. All iiersor.s having claima sgiinitss estate are Hereby notl lied to present Ifiem, ri the pnuier vouchers, to me. In lialles tin. C-l gnu, within six months from the date ollbiitl tice. Dalles City, Or.. March lHth, A . D. m. mch i HKNKY J. MA1EB Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby slven thst the undenlrxf nas rjtn reguiariv a; pointed by the cot-1 court of theutate of Oiciion for W aco couotiJ admlnlstriitor of 'lie estate of John Brootti'.' de'eased. Ali persons having claims agatH said estate arc Hereby notltied to )resent Uk with the proper voucher, to me at tlie ot of HiBnott & Kinnott, In Dalles City, 0m: within six months liom tbe date of this suoi Lialles City, Oregon, January JO, luid. K. J. GORMAN, AdmlnHtriW I DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the psrtnm." heretofore existing between W. 1.. V ard, J. 1 Ward, K. H. Ward and J. C. Ward, doings rt eral lumlerlng buainess at Dufur, Orejon, w dert helirm name of Ward di Hons, Is this di1! dissolved by mutiml consent, W. I,. Ward sua C. V ard letiring, J . W. Ward, F. II WardstH P. Ward will couth. ue the business at Dt under the tirm name of -Ward Hros. and v.. collect all outstanding accounts and pari, btllsagiilnst the old firm. All parties kw;a themselves Indebted to said firm are noliM' make an early settlement, either by canbois xuiur, ore. reu, 10, iniry. 1 W. L Witt. J . W. Witt. K. II.Wiu. J. C. WlB EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route Of THE Southern Pacific Comp'jf trains leav and are due to arrive at Portln OVERLAND KX-1 tirma. HhImiti UitmM, I bu rg, Ashland, Hao- '6:00 P. M ramento, Ogden,Han rranriaeo, nojave, ixa Angeles, Kl Paso, 1 New Orleans and I v ; 8:30 A. M,' 'seburg ud way sta- l-ll'IIB 4:Jf.' fVIa Woodbura fori I Mt.Angel, Hllrerton, West 8!lo, Hrnwns- ) rllle.ripruigfleldaiid Dally exwpt Bundays DsllT J 17:80 A. M. ICorvallls and way I stations ( s.jor. INDEPENDENCE PASSENGER. ExproslW1,j Dally (except Sunday). I iMv.m. I.v... Portland ...Ar. f 1; -',,..1,. a, . . p;r:uinnviiie. .t.v.t m S:IKJ p. m. 'Ar. .lndependeiice..Lv. :w ' Dally. tDally, except Muiidny. DINING CARrl ON OdDKN ROUTK. PI' I.I.MAN BUFFET BLFKl'ER AND KECOND-ChASD 8LKKPINC CAW Attach Ui all Through Trains. Direct connection at fan Kranclsco with dental and Oriental and I'aclno mall BtesmH" unraior JAPAN and CHINA. Balling ua - si plication. sndf; aim anil tickets to Eastern points sj . Mpe AIMUAPAN, CHINA, IIONOLCLV - ACHTRAI.IA. at and depart f in niHva iraina arrive at ann fraud Central station, Hfth and Irvml ,tre YaMHIM, DIVISION. l'aeiiKer l;e,t, loot of Jedersoil strce liv for KlmrMan, week days, tl f'' Arrlva at Portland, !:. a. m. Ive for AIKI.IK on Monday, WedncsdsT Jf-'ay atl:)a,m. Arrive at Portland, l", dav, Thursday and Hatiirilat ul:0rp. m. Except Sunday, Kxi'ept Saturday. R K K'.i.KR, (), . MARKKA ' Asst. U. K. A", Through Ticket Office, i:M Third H'MliZ through tieketa to all k,Ii.U Hi the Hiate., Canada and Kurotw can be obtain lowest rates from , , I. H. K IRK LA HI), Ticket Al"' or N. WIIEAI.IIO.N. ForKive Dollars you enn lmv mV hat a III l,.L 1 I hlO w .,, v n . q liiiunr U I llimB "lher Camera nn the market tl l-y Clarke Falk.