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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1899)
III i OUT VOL. IX THE DALLES, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 1899. NO. 26 PREPARING FOR CRUCIAL TEST tie TurniBE Point il far Is Ntsr at Bail. REBELS DEFENSE STRENGTHENED Oregon Volunteers and the Twenty Second Infantry Were the First Regiments to Go to the Front. Manila, March 24 Noon. The enemy is extremely active in the vicinity of Malahon preparing defenses, evidently anticipating an attack. They keep well undercover. A small body of rebels, however, emerged from the jungle ou the extreme left and fired on the Kansas troops in the trenches, fatally wounding Privates Cohen and Murr. Tbe Oregon volunteers and the Twenty-second infantry inarched to the front today. The Third and Seventeenth regiments have disembarked from the Sherman. General H. G. Otis' brigade ttrtuk their tents this morning, and an early move is probable, Sixteen English refugees arrived here yeeterday from Dagupan, the railroad teruiinue, on board the Saturnus. They report that the natives are generally friendlv, and the officers invariably courteous. . According to Filipino eeeounts 1000 Americans have been killed, the fatalities being especially heavy at Calocon, where the United States troops "Rushed like madmen against a storm of bullets. 6:35 p. u. Two Spanish prisoners have escaped from Polo. The lines of the Kansas regiment report that the Filipinos have concentrated their fores at Malabon and Polo. They add that only Agninaldo's body guard is at Malolns, and that the rebel leaders apparently intend to stake their iortones on a fight at Mhlobon, where it was ex pected an engagement would take place yesterday. If defeated, it is further asserted, the rebels intend to disperse to the swamps and mountains. Rebels were pulling their bolo men in front, believing that their charas will avert the bullets. The boloa of the Filipinos greatly outnumber the rifles in their hands. The rebels are further said to have admitted that they cannot withstand the American shells and bayonet charges. The escaped Spanish prisoners corrob orated the stories told of a food shortage among the rebels, and they added that the hospitals are short of supplies. Rebels Propose to Make a Float Stand. New Ybrk, March 24. A dispatch to the World from M anilasavs: The rebels are heavily massed in the trenches opposite our lines on the north. This evidently rimes from a belief on the part of Agninaldo that a blow is to be struck tery soon at Malolos, their capital. Prisoners who have been brought In within the last twenty-four hours say that t!.e rebels have the last-ditch" feeling, and will make the most decisive tnd they have yet taken. The second line of defense occupied by the rebel forces is between San Mateo id Mannalichei. There are rows of trendies there, and the advance of onr troops can only be step by step, w ith a reactance to be expected at every trench. The weather now is mot favorable, nl there are onlyslghtyflve men in the hospital. Will Destroy Agiiinaldo's Army. Waniiimitos, March 24 It Is tinder t od here that Otis has so far matured plans of cimpaign that within a week or ten ilaj she will be able t begin a movement which is rxp.ited to mark the dfftniction ot Auinaldo' army. Athoinjh stragglers mi. I fugitives may n'est the i,,,,) o( iMtnn fr (()llie tjmei h b.l liev.-d lliir l...r.irM (Ilia lina Nivered his n. xt blow, lh insurgent riy as an organization will have ceased lo xi-t. S;is the Beef was Had. PKNII.J. t.i (i..i. n 1. 1 t- T- Mil "" of S. I. l.i.U. ,,f K.rl.n. . re- turned froni II, K ah t i siir a na rii t.alirn he serve I as a cavalryman in the tt..;..i t. . ...... u piafB regn.ars. H ssys, i legiruing the beef icind, tnat tbe - v, iwrvuiiun nro Daeej on actual fact, and that all the soldiers who tell the truth will my the same. The beef was in most case unfit to uee, and sickened the men who ate it. Pope Ignores His Doctor's Orders. Londo.v, March 24 According to the Rome correspondent of the Daily Chro icle, the pope ignores his doctor's pre. scriptions and follows his usual occupa tions, though he is so feeble that it is doubtful if he will he able to hold tbe n xt c n-iistury. The question of a con. clnvrt is the subject of much secret nego tiations. CONFESSION WAS FALSE Chinese Admits Perjury and His "Ac complices" are Discharged. Bakke Citt, March 23. Lee Mow, the Chinaman who was charged jointly with Frank Shinn and William Small with the larceny of $1000 worth of jewelry and nuggets from a stone ware house in Chinatown, on the night of December 15, 1898, last evening In Jus tice James's court, denied the truth of a confession, which he had signed in turn ing state s evidence, and the court die charged Shinn and Small on the ground that tbe testimony was totally in sufficient to hold them. Lee Mow will probably be prosecuted for perjury. He is an opium fiend and testified that be did not know what Unconvicting papers contained, when lie signed it. General sympathy is expressed for the relatives of Small .and Shinn, who are among the oldest and most respected residents of this county. DEATH FOLLOWED A SPREE Discoverer of Buffalo Hump Succumbs to Pneumonia. Lkwihton, Idaho, March 23. Charles F. Robbins, who with Bert Rigley die covered the famous Buffalo Hump last summer, died here today of pheumonia He had been on a big spree ever since the farst discovery, and came to Lewis ton only a few days ago to receive med ical attention. Several Buffalo Hump friends were with him at the time of his death. He had frittered away almost all of his money, having but a small pait of his original Big Buffalo inteiest left. He was 42 years old and tin married. He will be buried here to morrow. Keuiarkabl Biuut. Mrs. Michael Cirtain, Plalnfletd, III., makes the statement, that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs; she was treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse. He told her she was a hopeles victim of consumption and that no medicine conld cure her. Her droggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption ; she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefited from the first dose. She con tinued to use and after taking six bottles found herself sound and well ; now does her own housework, and is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottte of this Great Discovery at Blakeley & Hough ton's drug store. Only 60 cents and 1. Every bottle guaranteed. 8 Fine Gold in Kiver Bars. Baker City, March 23-Snake river bsrs, for hundreds of miles along the Eastern Oregon border, contain from oil cents to $10 per cubic yards in fine gold. The Midas bar.ninety miles southeast of Baker City, Is estimated by experts to contain over $4,000 000. Violent Whooping Cough. IUker City. Or.. March 24. Ytster- llsy, within twelve hours, the 1 and 2-vear-otd daughters of Colonel and Mrs. VV. F. Butcher died from a violent form of whooping rough. The double funeral 1 1 . i . ,i m .riurnnfin. Will I' III""' III"'"" '"' To Vuf l"1 1" ,n" 'y Tiikn Laxative Uromo (uinino Tab M. All droits refund the money If it frlls to cure. '-'.V. LI Hung Chang to Return to Power. I'KKiNd, March 21. It is learned on good authority tUt U ,,,,n- CI"M,g again upon the point returning to power, and that he has been restored to favor Willi the Chiueso government. VOLUNTEERS WILL BE RUSHED HOME Intention Is to LeaTe Hone in Cnlia Afte Acril 25. A FORMIDABLE UNDERTAKING Twenty-three Regiments Must Be Moved, and Every Available Transport Will be Pressed Into Service. New York, March 24. A dispatch to the Tribune from Washington says: Ad jutant-General CorbiD has undertaken to get the volunteers out of Cuba by April 25, and arrangements are now be ing perfected with that end in view This is fully two weeks within the limit of May 10, set by the president before he left for the South. The proportions of the undertaking may be realized when it is remembered that twenty-three regiments must be transported by sea to the United States within a month. All the government transports now in the Atlantic will be utilized. These include the Dixie, which has been secured from tbe navy department; the Cornal, the Crook, the Kilpatriek, the Sedgwick and tbe Thomas, besides such Ward and Plant line steamers as can be used. For the past week every effort has been made to bring home at least ten of the regiments before April 1, when Surgeon General Wyman, of the marine hospital service, insijts that quarantine against West Indian ports shall be es tablished. - HORSES CON TINUE TO DIE Owners Offer as High as Forty Dollars a Ton for Hay, But Can Get None. Long Creek, March 24. Reports from tbe surrounding stock country indicate fearful loss of all kinds of stock. What makes the situation all the more dread ful is that the next two weeks are bound to witness the death of hundreds, and perhaps thousands more. A well known stockman from Monument says that In that section aione, fully 6000 sheep would perish before the lambing season was passed. The lambing season, which begins next month, will find a large per centage of the ewes in a very poor con dition. W. C Gibbs, who arrived from Susan- ville today, says that as high as $40 per ton had been ofTered for hay, without success. He says that A. Sloan had lost three hundred bead of cattle, and was entirely out of hay. In many instances, as a last resort, whole grain is being led, and in one or twocises stockmen hnve actually commenced to feed flour to the weaker cittle and sheep. Conservative estimates place the loss of cattle sj far in northern Grant county at 1800 hesd, and it is claimed that many more are likely to die. Juhn Elliott says that horses continue to die, and as an illustration cited the fact that one day last week he ran on band near his place on the Middle Fork of the John Day river, ana wittun twenty-four hours after first seeing them twonty-two head had died. While the loss of stock In Northern Grant county is great, and in some instances will bankrupt stockmen, the community generally will not suffer, as there will still be thousands of sheep and cattle left. Stockmen recall the winter of 180-90 as similar In manv respects to the pres ent ono. Stockmen had ceased to f-ud their droves, and in many cases had ap ni them to the ranges. While they were still weak a deep snow followed by cold weather came, and during March fully fifty P1' rinit ' M" ,l"cl1 county perished. But this year the hope is generally entertained that tbe weather will certainly moderate before such au enormous loss has been sus taiued. THE OLD WAY Of Treating Dyspepsia and Indigestion by Dieting a Dangerous and Useless One. Ws say tbe old way, but really it is a very common one at the present time and many dyspeptics and physicians as well, consider the first step to take in attempting to cure indigestion is to diet either by selecting certain foods and re jecting others or to greatly diminish the quantity usually taken, in other words tbe starvation plan is by many supposed to be the first essential. The almost certain failure of the star vation cure for dysyepsia has been proven time and again, but still the moment dyspepsia makes its appearance a course of dieting is at once advised. All this is radically wrong. It is fool ish and unscientific to recommend diet ing or starvation to a man suffering Irora dyspepsia, indigestion itself starves every organ and every nerve and every fibre in the body. What the dyspeptic wants is abun dant nutrition, which means plenty of good, wholesome, well cooked food and something to assist the weak stomach to digest it. This is exactly the purpose for which Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are adapted and this is tbe method by which they cure the worst cases of dyspepsia, In other words the patient's eats plenty of w holesome food and Stuart's Dyt pepsia Tablets digest it for him. In this way the system is noutished and the overworked stomach rested, becuase the tablets will digest thfc fotd whether the stomach works or not. One of these tablets will digest 3,000 grains of meat or eggs. Your druggist will tell you that Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is the purest and safest remedy for stomsch troubles and every trial makes one mors friend for this excellent preparation. Sold at 50c ts, for full sized package at all drug stores. A little book on stomach diseases mailed free by addressing F. A. Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. MARCHED TWO ROBBERS TO JAIL Pendleton Man Makes Good Use of a Shotgun. Pendleton, March 20. John II. Pree, a farmer living at Lee 'a crossing of Birch creek, came inarching into town yester day carrying a loaded shotgun, and driving ahead of him two hobos. Pree was at work in the field near his house, when he saw the two hobos leave the house with some plunder and, hurrying to the dwelling, found that he was shott bout $20 In cash, besides several arti cles of value. He took down his old shotgun, loaded it carefully with buck shot, and went in pursuit of the thieves. Overhauling them, as they trudged along the road with his property rolled up In their blankets, he ordered them to right bout face, and, without stopping, kept them marching until he reached I'er.dle ton, eight miles away. As the season of the year when pneu monia, la grippe, sore throat, coughs, colds, catarrh, bronchitis and lung troubles are to be guarded against, nothimr "is a fine substitute." will answer the purpose," or is "just as good" as One Minute Cough Cure. That is the one Infallible remedy for all lung, throat or bronchial troubles. Insist igorously upon having it if "something ee" is olfered you. Snipes-Kintrs'y Drug Co. Bob Burdctte Married. Los Angeles, Cat., March 25. Rot ert , Burdelte, the humorist, and Mrs. Clara Baker, were married today at Pasadena. Mr. n I Mrs. Burdette will make their future home in Pasadena, where the humorist will Mil the ulpit of the First Presbyterian church. Chief Moses Dying. Spokane, March 25. Indian Agent ndorsMi reports Moses, head chief of 2,000 Indians on theColville reservation, is dying of Bright's (lipase. He is nearly eighty years of ago. For the best results nee the Vive Camera, For sale by the Postollice Pharmacy. tf v Absolutely Makes the food more delicious and wholesome OVH ftAKtftO POWf A VICTORY AT MANILA Ttluteers Won Elosij Battle Meatiut Ptilitpiies n a Earl FieM. MANY AMERI CANS KILLED Difficulties of the Campaign In suing a Hidden Foe. Pur- Los Angeles, March 25. The fol lowing cablegram, senttoday from Manila by Brigadier Gen. II . G. Otis to the Los Angeles Times, touching upon today's engagement, are self-explanatory: "Manila, March 20 (Sunday 0. a. m.:) To the Times, Los Angeles: My brigade has pierced the enemy's country after a brilliant and a severe engage ment. The rebels were steadily pressed back along the lines. The batt e is still in progress. Four brigades are engaged. The enemy is vainly attempting to make a stand at the Taligham river, four thousand Btrong. (signed; Otis, Brigadier General." "Manila March 20, (10:45 a. m.) To the Times, Los Angeles, Have crossed the Rubicon. Otis." A Hard Fought Battle. Manila, March 20. --(Sunday 8:15, a. m.) Twenty-six dead, and 150 wounded n the hospital, is the latest statement of the American losses in the engage ment with the Filipinos. Today's fighting furnished a specimen of the difficulties with which the Americans have to contend. . The Filipinos never, except at Malabon, permitted their opponents to get within several hundred jardi of them. They would fire volleys from their cover, and then scuttle back to another cover, re peating thete tactics for miles. Many of the trenches had gullies and connecting paths, through the cane and bruil, enabled them to retreat, unseen. The Americans, fighting a bidden foe, have suffered a greater loss in proportion than did the enemy. The loss of the Filipinos had formerly been estimated from the number of bodies found in the swamp and through the brush. A larger per centage of the enemy's wounded died than of the Americans, many of them perishing from neglect, the Americans naturally attending to their own men first. The wounded, af:er treatment in the field hospitals, were brought to the hospital by train. Several trips were made from Caloocan to the city. The first load to start for the city was com posed largely of bnndaged soldiers who shouttd "Give them hell, boys." The Filipino Losses. Washington, Match 25. Tbe war de partment, late tnnight, made public the following dispatch from General Otis: "Manila, March 25. The perfected northern movement is not yet complete. Otis' and Hale's brigades, with the mounted troops of the fourth cavalry, the turning column, met with a heavy resistance over a difficult country, and are camped tonight six miles east of Polo and six miles north of the line from hich the advance was taken up. Wheaton's brigade, at Caloocan, drove he enemy one and a half miles north arrows the river. Hall, on the extreme igh I, encountered a conehlerablo force and repuWd it. The lighting is heavy near Caloocan. The movement continues n the morning. Our casualties are about UiO, twenty-five killed. The tiemy lot, in killed alone, 200, ignsd) Olis." Powder Hjre CO., NfW VOttK. KILLED WHILE SHE SLEPT Dr, Charles Corey, of Taeoma, His Wife Twice. Shot Tacoma, Wash., March 20. Dr. Charles Corey shot and killed his wife this moruing while the two were lying asleep. Corey was ill, and his story of the affair is that he was laboring under a nightmare, believing his wife was being; pursued by a stranger w ho was intent on killing her. In his dream Corey say be followed the two from Tacoma t Washington, and just as he fancied the. man was about to stab his wife, he fired twice with bis revolver. He awoke wkh a start to find himself sitting in bed with ' a smoking revolver in hand. His wif lay beside him, shot twice Ihrongh the head. Corey had drawn his revolver Irom its place under his pillow and killed! his wife. The relations hetween Corey and his wife have been very slfectionate-n and the authorities believe I1I9 story.. He Is nearly crazsd with grief.and frlenda are watching him to prevent his suicide Mrs. Corey was a leader in social club circles. She was afraid of a revolver,, and frequently suggested a fear that she would be killed by one. Corey was not arrested. lralnes Cannot t Cured. by local applications, as they cannot roach the diseased portion of the ear, There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies Deafness Is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Ens tachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling sonnd or imperfect hearing, aud when it le en tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed for ever; ninecasa out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free. F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo, O. CSold by Druggists, 75c. 6-10 Hall's Family Pills are the beat. Homecoming of Oregon Boys. Pendleton, March 26. Mrs. 81 nil, mother of Dean Shull, one of the mem bers of company D, Second Oregon vol unteers, has written to Secretary of War R. A. Alger, asking him to state posi tively when the Oregon regiment will be sent home from Manila. She has re ceived a letter from the secre tary, in which he sayi that as soon aa the regulars who are now on their way to the Philippines arrive and dit em bark, the Oregon boys, with all the vol unteers, will be sent home as fast as the transports cvn bring them. Mory urn Slave. Te be bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease is the woisk form of slavery. Geo. D. Williams, tl Manchester, Mich., tells how such at slave was madd free, lid say: "My wife has been so helpless for five years that (lie conld not tu.n over in bid alone. After ueing two bottles of Elec tric Bitter, she it wonderfully Im proved and able to do her own work." Ttiis supreme remedy for female dis eases quickly cures in rvoiines, sleep- lessness, melai.choly, headache, back ache, fainting and dizzy spells. This miracle working medicine is a godpenl to weak, sickly, run down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents. Sold by Blakeley and Houghton, druggists, 6 For a quick remedy and one thai is perfectly s.ifo for children let ui recom mend One Minute Cntijli Cure, it is excellent f ir croup, hoarseness, tickling in tiie throat and roughs. S:iijes Kinersly Drug Co. Db.gunn's; ONE FOR A COSE. JCa H ff nil..ine... rum? th- liin.... B ldkL.lI l " H. ,t,-I,. . ,v .,V !f , T J. r h,.lth. Th.-r nH.h-r irr.l.V.V r . ;. LIT 2 'i """'""'I ri..lfr.-.....r Mil t.-tt-t . 6x14 Lf dza(t. dr. BOiAHkO CO. Phua. Pa.