The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, March 25, 1899, PART 2, Image 4

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iurlcai tas in lis Recent Baffl!
tf IlQilo.
Of These Fifty Were Killed and One
II and red Wounded, According to
General Miles Several Cases of
Sunstroke Among the Americans,
Manila, March 23.-5:30 p. m. De
tails of the fighting at Hollo on March 16
how that 400 rebel riflemen from Pania
were met by seven companion ol the
Eighteenth regirumt, United States in
fantry, and a battalion of Tennessee vol
unteer. Supporting theee troop were
three two-inch Hotchkie guns under
General Miller, North of Jaro, across
the river, the Americans were met with
a heavy fire. One maq was killed and
fifteen wounded of the Eighteenth
regiment, and there were several cases of
sunstroke. General Miller estimates that
fifty rebels were killed and 100 wounded.
Will Observe Operations.
8am Francisco, March 23. Lieuten
ant Ferruclo Vital!, military attache of
the Italian embassy at Washington, has
arrived here en route to the Philippines,
where he will watch the military opera
tions as the military representative of the
'Italian government. He has been as
signed to comfortable quarters on the
City of Poebla, which is to convey
part of the Ninth infantry to Manila.
United States Makes a Proposal.
Londox, March 23. In the house ot
common today James Francis Hngun ,
nti-Parneltile, nt-ketl whether a modus
Vivendi had teen arrived in the matter
of I lie Alaska boundary, and whether
information concerning the reported dis
turbances had been received. In reply
the parliamentary secretary of foreign
flairs said proposals fora modus Vivendi
has hern made by the United States
government, and sdded that they are
now under consideration. The govern
ment had no nevrs of a collision.
Prime Object of the Smelters' Trust,
aud One It Proposes to Carry Out
Tc-pkka, Kan., March 22. Mr. John
T.Graham, of Denver, who owns ex
tensive gold and silver mines in Colorado
and New Mexico and copper mines in
Utah, passed through Topeka today on
his way to his home. Mr Graham
operate smelting plant at hi various
mines, and he has been in New York
in attendance at the meeting of smelter
Copper Colored
There is only one cure for Contagious
Blood Poison the disease which has
completely baffled the doctors. They
are totally unable to cure it, and direct
their efforts toward bottling the poison
tip in the blood and concealing it from
view. S. S. S. cures the disease posi
tively and permanently by forcing out
eTery trace of the taint.
I wu afflicted with a terrible Mood disease,
Which wm In spot at Drat, but afterward
spread all orer my body.
These soon broke oat Into
sore, and It U eaay to
Imagine the uttering I
endured. Before I be
came convinced that the
doctors could do no good,
I had spent a hundred
dollars, which was really
uirown away, i men
tried var to OS patent
medicines, but the did
not reach the disease.
JJ' When I had finished my
first bottle of 8. 8. 8. 1
was greatly Improved
and was dellffhted with
the result. The large red splotches on my
ehest began to grow paler and smaller, and
mure long aiaanpearna entirely. 1 regained
J ioai weignt, became stronger, and my ap
petite greatly improved. I was soon entirely
well, and my skin as clear aa a piece of glass.
H. L. ilraas, 100 Mulberry St., Newark, H. J.
Don't destroy all possible chance of a
cure by taking the doctor's treatment
of mercury and potash. These minerals
cause the hair to fall out, and will
wreck the entire system.
is purely vegetable, and is the only
blood remedy guaranteed to contain no
potash, mercury, or other minoral.
Books on the diseas" and its treat
rnent mailed free by Swift SpecillcCom
pny, Atlanta, Georgia.
operators which resulted In the perfection
of a gigantic trout, with capital of
While in thi city Mr. Graham made
the important statement that the first
tep made by the new trust would be to
advanee tho price of silver 10 per cent.
"Thi is a trust that will prove bene
ficial instead of oppressive," aid Mr.
Graham. "All the imelter operator
who entered into the combine signed a
contract agreeing not to raise the pric
on the treatment of ore lor ten year.
The advance in silver will be made
within a very abort time, just as soon a
the combine can be perfected."
A the season of the year when pneu
monia, la grippe, sore throat, cough,
colds, catarrh, bronchitis and lung
troubles are to be guarded -against,
nothinn "is fine substitute." will
"answer the purpose," or is "just as
good" as One Minute Cough Cure. That
is the one infallible remedy for all lung,
throat or bronchial troubles. Insist
vigorously nron having it if "something
else" Is offered yon. Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co.
May Come to the Coast.
Washington, March 23. It is now
believed that President McKinley will
take an eitended vacation this summer
if public business will permit. Last
snrinir he wanted to make a trip through
the West, visiting Yellowstone Park,
and going as far as the Pacific coast, and
he may see his wav clear to take that
trip this summer.
Notice to Taa layers.
I will promptly close the tax roll and
turn over the delinquent list to clerk on
first Monday in April. Interest on all
county warrants paid in for taxes shall
cease on and after the turning over of
such roll. Robert Kelly,
Sheriff, Wasco Co.
The Dalles, March 15, 1899.
Sherman Will Recover.
Santiago, Cuba, March 23. John
Sherman passed a satisfactory night, and
is now better than at any time since he
was taken sick. His recovery is con
fidently expected.
Stockholder! Meeting.
Notice is hereby given that there will
be an annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of The Dalles, Portland & Astoria
Navigation Co. at their office Saturday,
April 1, 1899, at p. m., for the pur
pose of electing seven directors, and
transuding such other business as may
properly come before eaid meeting. B?
order of the president.
The Dulles, March 6, 18119.
L. E. Crows, Secy.
If you have a cough, throat irritation,
wettk lungs, pain In the chest, difficult
breathing, croup or hoarseness, let us
suggest One Minntn Cough Cure. Al
ways reliable and safe. Snipes-KiuerBly
Drug Co.
Have you a farm for sale or for rent,
or do you know of any person holding
farming lands that they wish to dispose
of? If so, please write to any agent of
the O. K. A N. Co., and he will send
you a circular which will interest you.
For frost bites, burns, indolent sores,
eczema, ekln disease, and especially
Piles, De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve
lands first and best. Look out for dis
honest people who try to imitate and
counterfeit it. It's their endorsement
of a good article. Worthless goods are
not imitated. Get De Witt's Witch
Hazel Salve.- Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
For a quick remedy and one that is
perfectly safe for children let us recom
mend One Minute Cough Cure. It is
excellent fjr croup, hoarseness, tickling
in the throat and cough. Snipes
Kinersly Drng Co.
Fer Sale at a Bargain.
One single open buggy; also one set
of single harness. Address H. R.
Richards. The Dalle, or call at my place
near 8-Mile. Mchl6-2wks
Freas Saunders has purchased the
wood business of J. T. Reynolds in thi
city. Those desiring good wood will find
him by ringing np 'phone number 12.
For Sal Cheap.
Buzgv and good set of single harness
for sale cheap. Inquire at Gaud's stable.
" H. S. Bartow.
' Oioit Wood.
To get the Wot dry fir and pine wt od
that the market iffjrds ling up 40.
Prompt delivery. The Dalles Lumber-'
ing Co. Jan27-2m
, For Five Dollars you can boyaCameia
hat will taks larger pictures than any
other Camera on the market. For sale
by Clarke A Falk. tf
1 Beautiful Skin.
T.ndlcp, If you desire a t runup rent, clear and
Irvjh ootnplexliin un lir. Jioiirdon'a Kri-nrh
Arxenle Complexion Warpra. Thi-lr eftwt In
alniplr niflKlral p.'pc p.ini the wlard touch
In producltiK and preserving a bniiiiliul trans
parency and pellucid clearm of Complexion,
ahaprlr eoutour of form, brilliant ),. soft
aid smooth sxln where tho ivvrrse exists Kven
the coarsest and moM re;.u Mve skin, inarrrd by
fii-cklia, moth, I. luck h. nils, pimple?, vulrr
r. dnca. Tellow and muddy skin aretrmnc,ii
ly removed, and a delk'louxly clear and rellticd
complexion Hsured.
Pili e per small box, .'Orenta: lnrgc box, II, or
six lii'ge boxes, . Kent to any addrrsa post
pld and under plain wrapm-r njHin rieopt of
the above amount. Write (or free clreulm
The Parisian Drug Co.,
J: :nlffBcri e'f, fin I N'r.cbco Cal,
Wednesday's Iaily.
A. II. Guyton is a visitor iu the city
from Kutledge.
Mr. Dorn returned to hi hotue in
Moroby stage this morning.
Mr. H. M. Beall is in the city from
Portland visiting ber husband.
E.C. Pease i in Portland on a busi
ness trip, leaving jeeterday afternoon.
Prosecuting A'torney W. F. Daren, of
Goldendale. is in the city today on a
business trip.
C. C. Wetherell, of Carson, Wash.,
has spent several dwys in The Dalles
tiansacting business.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Hadiey and Mrs
M.A.Hadley will return to Moro on
this evenicg' train.
.lame Blakeney returned yesterday
to Portland, here he will be under the
doctor' care for'about a month longer.
Mrs. V. A. William! mother of Mrs.
D. V. Poling, arrived in the cily yester
day trom Walla Walla, and will visit
with her daughter for some time.
A. J. Shram, who has been in the
Willamette valley for the past few
months, returned to this city yesterday,
and ill leave in a day or two for his
home at Grade, Or.
Capt. J. W. Lewis left this morning on
tho boat for a visit with friends In Port
land. On his way down he will stop at
Yancouvei and spend a few days with
bis army friends there.
P. McGrail is in town today from his
farm on 10-Mile.
B. A. Clifford returned laic night from
a trip to Portland.
H. W. French returned last evening
from a few days' visit in Puttland.
Mrs. J. C. Baker arrived in the city
last night from Hartland, and is visit
ing friends here.
Deputy Internal Revenue Collector
Shinn is in the city today examining
the county records at the clerk's office.
Mr. and Mrs. C, J. Crandall were pas
sengers on last night's train from Port
land, lliey were more than delighted
with the c incerts by Sousa's bun I, and
feel fully repaid for their trip.
Friday's Dally.
C. W. E'kins is up from Lyle.
J. J. Haight is in the city from Ridge
I. D. Driver, Jr., is in the city from
Capt. II. C Coe came up from Port
land yesterday.
Alf. Allen end B. F. Jones carue in
from Prineville yesterday.
L. Lamb, M. Dichtenmuller and A.
Root are visitors from Dufur.
J. E. Barrett is up from Portland
spending a lew days at "home."
Frank . Roberts, of Heppner, spent
yesterday ana today in trie city.
Chas. Butler, a stock buyer, is up
from roBtr'lowusend on business.
W. A. Bell arrived in the city last night
trom rortland on his way to his home
In Prineville.
James D. Whitten, who was in the
city from Kiugsley yesterday, returned
home today.
C. Angel and family arrived In The
Dalles yesterday from La Grande and
will make their home among us.
Eugene Looney, one of Mitchell's
leading stockmen, came down from
Mitchell yesterday and left this morning
for Portland.
Dr. W. W. Oglesby, of Junction City
is in The Dalles on his way to the Ochnco
mines, for the purpose of investigating
and reporting to capitalists interested
concernin them. He will be accom
panied by T. B. Milliorn.
In this city, by C. E. Bayard, justice
of the peace, Thomas C. Rutherford to
Laura Hermans, both of this county.
Farm for Sale.
(Price S,200.
Four miles from Dnfur and 14 miles
from The Dalles. 40 acres under culti
vation; half the crop in. 400 bearing
fruit trees; fineassortment of small fruit.
Some good-meadow land j plenty of oak
wood on the place. Fine stream of water
running through theplac. Good outlet
for stock. 280 acres of this land is nnrter
fence. 120 acres of deeded land. School
bouse on the place.
The following list of live stock, imple
ments, etc., go with the place :
Four young horses, one cow and young
calf, one good brood sow, 100 good hens,
one horse rake, plow and harrow, all
new ; 25 stands of bees, 60 good bee
hives, one new cook stove, one hack, one
cultivator; blacksmith tools. All farm
ing tools and household furniture with
the plsce. Good house with good tire
plme. Well of water on the porch.
Good barn and outbuildings. Inquire of
L. KbisoKR, of Dnfur, or Bx.y South
wkll, on Eight Mile Creek, at the place.
Happy is thd man or woman who
can eat a good hearty meal without
suffering afterward. If yon cannot do
it, take Kodol Dyspepsia Ci'bk. It di-
gi what yon eat, and cures all forms
I T , . .. . . I
ui dyspepsia ana indigestion. Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co.
Digests what you eat.
It ; artificially digests the food and aids
Nature in strenRthenin and recon
structing the exhausted dlgestlTe or
gans. It isthelatestdlscoTereddlgcst
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in etllclency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea
Sick Headache.Gastralgla Cramps, and
Ml other results of Imperfect digestion
P;!arsd by C. C. Ds'.Vi'.t Co., Calces '
Dyspepsia Cure.
Can alter
bare the
that money
See them on display
Wholesale and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agency for the Greatest American Liquor
Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey.
WHISKEIlrom 275to fO.OO oer gallon. (4 to 15 years old.)
IMPORTED COGNAO 'runi. 7.00 to $12.00 oer gallon. (11 to 20 years old.'
A IIICIMA IPMlIp '" n. to 6 tbirV yallnn. (4 to 11 years old.
HOP GOLD BEER on draught, and Val
Imported Alo and Porter.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ? 11 kinds
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kind
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, XT" fee'd
Headquarters for. "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton FlOUr TbiB iouT 18 manufactured expressly for family
, n: every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
W a Sell Our SOOdS lower than nv hnm. In th. traln i.J II .1 . ...
call and gel cur prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
Rockford "Quick Shot" s
19-DlaA S. . 1
iTn.. ,1,.. 1 1 , .
uii, cue icver am, tuu are reaav lor
another." No plate holders with elides
to draw. No sleeve or changing bag. No
chance to fog plates. No failures.
If you want 12 pictures quick, buy the
"Quick-Shot, 'J the only magazine cams
era that holds the plates securely arter
they are exposed. No rattling or break-
inir nf nlnta. UaoI in . , 1
34tf $6.00
4x5 $9.00
With one dozen plate holders.
Manufactured under the Conley patents by the
Rockford Silver Plata Co.,
We sell only thrnueh local arpnt. iv...
agents to show you tlm "yule, bhot."'
...Tile Renowaeff bid Oro Fiiio Saloon...
90 Second St., second door from Court.
US October 1ft
Tho Dulles. Or.
?l worth of rhprUa j
good for 10c drink,
r clgur.
P3--afi .a ayjl.ji -A-Cliei.k
Willi t:u:Ti puici7u.u
the fact that
best line of
can purchase.
at our new store.
Blat and Hop Gold Beer in bottlei
ulck Sellers
The Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
AGENTS, 1 he Dalles, Oregon.
J Ap4
Tom Burke's Homestead Whiskey
Specialty In Imported French U,, and (. gnac.
M Domestic Lienors, Wines and Cigars.
Th Ijttgr-t and Rest of A nmist Duchlcr
Hiime-inadc l!.r ,d I'orb r. "urnltr
(or the Swig, pb. Co., New York.
Notice. Timber Cultu?
V. H. LD Offick, The Txll, n... !
t tbru.rr i i.1
one u at JV j
ith . lew toV-j
"tU., .,i?J
County, Atate of Uregou,
cruniiiiu ui miii ciurv. amiMram -t, -
tin., KA.THilmmii,m.w.i 'nsini .
said tract except about ux acre ana 4
auy time nor baa any on lor blm ii,.""
tr- ea ot cuttings, or seed, and also xiWt"-
ley Summner about the month ol Kt ot
duly relinquished aald tract to the tiiit," 1
and delivered said rellnqulthment tothu
a':d aald relinquishment was dulr M
U. B. trifle of The Dallea, Oregi.F vS i
said time and prior theretoabundi.uedM,!1 1
and haa never Mid lime ri Jr-
or elnimed anv luht op lnt.n.. in . .
land. """fc
The aald parties are hereby summon! t
ar at this office, ou the Aith day of aTJi'
at iu ociocx a. m , to leapond and l,
testimony concerning aald alleaed fsiluri
Notice la hereby given that the nmlent.
lias nieu ins resiKiiaiiiiii aa one OI the ulir j
tratora ol the eaute of Perry Walklim, T"
and the county court of the state of (wri
U.miMiiiiil, hm .nmhilul Ik. .1
1 1 ' I .11 ,T,'JJ
Juniiary, InVJ, at the hour of 10 o'clork. n
the time for hearing the same and tbe sr..
of said adiniiiiatiatirr lin tn saiil
sona iufereated la said eatate are hereby ao 1
I I , i. h... wui. bi eaiu time lQ . ,
eau-e, if any exists, why said reaianstim, . 1
not be accepted and said administrator diKJ
Dalles City, Or., Deo. 27, 1S98.
KStMK Wit. ..
One of the Admlnlatratora of tbe Lu.
rerry n aiaiua, ieuvnaeu.
Laud Offkb atThi,,
r'ebruart a, i.
Notice is hereby given that ths iniw'
named settler haa tiled notice of her lum j
in iiinse iiiivi rimri 111 r9U,rurh ui ner Cilia J
that said proof will be made before the RJ
aim niTnci at iu, iaiicn, 1'ieguu, OH a
day, April 15, 1J, viz:
Dixie Kslat, or The Dalles;
Homestead Application, No. 4722, for the 8'
Hue. 35, Tp. 2 north, Range 12 earn, Hilln,
ouo Haines iiiu iiriiuwiUH llliessej HI prs
her continuous residenco upon ai dmlim j
of said land, viz: J. W. .lohnaton, 1.
quia, jai-ou neiiie, u, a, i oilman, ailoj'i
Uailes,Orgon. JAY . 1.UI AS, Kri
Land Office at Th Dam.sjs, Ouno!
Notice is hereby given that the Inline
named settler naa nieu notice of his inin
to make final proof In support of his cliiu ,i
that siid proof will be made before tben
and receiver at The Dallea, Oregon, on Stir,
April , lMli, viz:
Edsrln A. Learned, of The Dalla
Homestead Application No. 477S, for the "
l'W'4; and NU M'A, Hectiou 24, Town:
north. Kange ii E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to trl
nis continuous residence upou and cullivti
Ol SH1U ihuu, viz,
H. M. Learned, Oliver Bowers, Ferrji
v amp, j. r. Agiuius, an oi i ne iiauea, uwi
Mar4 11 JAY r. LUCAS, kefim
U. 8. Land Office, at VAKrotJvss.Bui
FkHH1'1!Y. 1H. 1WI9.
Notice is hereby given that the fnllorJ
named settler has lilid notic e of his intrant
make final nroof in aunnort of his Flrum..
that said proof will be niuite before W.B.h'
I nited Htates Cnmuilshloner for Dlt
Washington, at his office In (ioldewlale, i
Ington, ou Baturdny, April 8, lfiW, viz:
Thurman K. Wright,
Homestead Kntrv. No. ire:20. for the KP,
lion ai, Township 4 north, of Kange 134
in. jier.
He names the following nltnessrs to prni
continuous residence upon and cultlvnii
said land, viz:
George B. Lyle, nf Ftilda P. O., Wsshlnrj
niiaj. B'j.jne, jonn ii. Simmons, Jtui
Keynnlds, of Lyle 1". O.. Wasblnirtoii.
reb-22-1 .... ;w. U. LUNBAK, Bcjirt
Government Lani
With fine timber and runnlnv wsta
Hood River Valley, suitable for honiestsWA
tinnier entries. We iscata Im I vMnm
colonies on these lands. Large Milllil
dustrlea now being located here; also to" 1
nun inner iHiioa tor sale.
Home of these tiovernmont lnnrll Mt J
Choicest Aprle land of the Famous M
niver valley.
, W. R. WINAKR, iAtid LflHl
f221m Hood Itiver.Wuaeo Co.,0nf
Notice 1 hereby given thnt the ptt
heretofore existing between W. L. Vard,J
Ward. K. 11 vtanl and I t: w.r.l ,l,,nniC1
eral lumterlng business at Dufur, Drwl
dcrthellrm name nf Ward A Hons, is lh A
uissoiveo oy mutual consent, W. I., w ston
C. Ward lellrliig, J. w. Ward, P. H. Wsri;
'.naril will volitlmift Ilia at IAJ
under the firm name nf u .r.1 Hr.- utiA
ciriieei an otitsianillng accounts and P""
mis suriiiii me old firm. All partles!""
themselves Indebted to srilit ilrm ,,re noliW
make an early settlement, sliher by casborH
vu.mi, wm. icu. in, lS'.ff,
W T, WlB
J. W.Wn:
K. .'
J. C. H
Administrator's Noti
...... . i.trnj siveu inkt ins iiii'ic
has hiM.ii r.uni..iu . i . . . l .. ,1,,
' f 1 1 1 f fa V. I .... . . . Jn.lT
"ri'ii.111 nis.inuMi oy m, j
court of thcMtate of Oiegon for Waxen ensl
........ii-unsir u; ne estate of John nrisni
iKyeaseil. A!i pv-rsona having claims
aald estate art. herehv m.uiA.i ..nnMnt 1
with the Tirmp v.. ... ... ihs eii
r ," "... tin r, v , mr n
of Hlnnott Htnnott. in liallea rltv. M
within six months from the date of this
Dulles City, Oregon, Jatmnry 20, sw.
K. J. OOKMA.N, Adinlnlt'"
ill f" m r b v n " vi
Cures In:potcncy(Ki.rntEmi3S1
wasting UiseaBCB, all cltccta oi
ultii v rvt- Avronj find V
cretion. Anervotiiica1
Mio! lmllflor. I'rlnfi
iaT V Pln Cow to rale cuces"
E&Tv wtorca flic fire of J
lor ftii.nO: with n. writ inn irii1'
tec to cure or refund tlo """'
Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAC0, H
hy Olne r. Weberg aaaiust W,.Vn " N
failura to eomply with law aa to tii
Kutry No. Wlb. dated September i , 1
the w. E. 4 seotioti lo,
Willamette. Meridian, Ra
arjd IjDdrs
Day U?eK or
"22T)r5. f$T)2V
Qor. 4tf? aijd