THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. SATURDAY. MARCH 18, 1899. RIOTS AND STRIKES IS- COLORADO Inops Sent Out to Renrsss srriiers at Hsdsoh. SITUATION IS VERY CRITICAL Indians are in Full Coutrol of the Camp, Which They Threaten to Burn Troops Cannot Reach the Scene Until Tomorrow. Dinvib, March 16. Rioting at Jlen son, near Lake City, broke oat last night, and the sheriff of Hinsdale county wired the governor for troop. The message came aboot 1 :30 thit morning. The sheriff had just returned from Uenion sod eaid the situation was extremely critical, and that the etrikera were in control of the place and threatened to barn everything in the camp. A red glare in the sky a few minbtei after the sheriff left tbe camp indicated that the threat was being carried out. The meseago to Governor Thoraai eked for at least 159 men, and the gov ernor decided to grant the request at once. Company B, First infantry, and troops B and C of the calvary under. Captains Smith and Hill were summoned to be in readiness to leave at 5 o'clock, this morning. Colonel MacArey com manded the troops. A stop was made at Pueblo this morn ing for thirty men of company B, Second infantry, at that place, and it is likely the ran to Like City will be made by 5 o'clock tonight. Thesnowson Marshall Pass mav delay the time a little, but the men will be in readiness to leave for Hanson by conveyances during the early night, and be prepared to take charge of the situation at daylight. As the roads winds through a narrow canyon for most of the distance the. troops will depend upon the Lake City people to prevent ambaehing, for at some places it would be possible for a few men to bold the entire attacking fotce at bay, especially as the mow and ice on the gorge are to that detours over the aides of the hills are impossible. LamC'ty, Col., March 16. The Ital ian strikers did not attempt to born the mining camp, as was feared, last n'ght. Quiet prevails taday. The troops en route from Denver and Pueblo are ex pected to reach Lake City tomorrow morning. Morrow Connty Products. Hei-pseu, Or., March '14. Consider able wool is being shipped from tblspoint. Two small clips sold for ten cents per pound. The aggregate amount shipped last week and Ibis we It will amount to 400,000 pounds. Sheepmen are anxious for warm weather. Sheep In the vicinity of the Columbia, in the northern part of the coo d try are already lambing, and the per cent saved will be small if the weather does not get wramer so that Crass can grow. . ' ..' The loss of stock in Morrow county was more than nsual last winter. HEART DISEASE. SOME FACTS REGARDING THE RAPID INCREASE OF HEART TROUBLE. Do Not Be Alarmed, But Look For the Cause. Heart troubles, at least among the Americans, are certainly increasing, and while this may be largely due to the ex citement and worry of American busi ness life, it is more often the retnlt of weak stomachs, of poor uigestion. Real organic disease is incurable; but ot one we in a hundred of heart trouble is organic. The close relation between heart trouble and poor digestion is because both organs are controlled by the same great nerves, the Sympathetic and Pneu mogaatric. la another way, also the heart is ef fected by the form of poor digestion, which causes gas fermentation from half digested food. There is a feeling of oppres:on and heaviness in the chest caused by pressure of the distended tomach on the heart and lungs, inter fering with their action; hence arises palpitation and short breath. Poor digestion also poisons the blood, making it thin and watery, which irri tates and weakens the heart. The most sensible treatment for heart trouble Is to improv the digestion and to Insure the assimilation of food. This C4n be done by the regular use after meals of some safe, pleasant and effective digestive preparation, like Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, which may be iound at tnol drug stores, and which contain valuable, harmless digestive elements in a pleasant, convenient form. It is safe to say that the regular per sistent use of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets at meal time will cure any form of stomach trouble except cancer of the stomach. Fall tiled package of these tablets sold by druggists at 50 cents. Littie book on stomach trouoles mailed free, Addrrs F. A. Stuart, Co., Marshall, Mich. Crops Are Saved. Sas Fbancisco, March 16-There is hardly a srctio.1 of Calilornia that has not been visited by rain within the past two hours, and in most places it has been raining almost constantly for forty eight honrs. This rainfall will prove the savior of the state this jear, as, bad rain not fallen at this most opportune lime there would have been the second dry season, but now crops are saved. The rivers will furnish plenty of water for the miners and business generally wil) be good. La Orlnp aoMssfaTly Trtd. "I have just recovered from the sec ond attack of La Grippe this year," says Mr. Jas. A. Jones, publisher of the Leader, Mexia, Texas. "In the latter case I nsed Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy, and I think with considerable suc cess, only being in btd a little over two days against ten days for the former at tack. The second attack I am satisfied would have been eqoally as bad as the Bret bnt for the nee of this emedy as 1 bad to go to bed in about six hours after being 'struck' with it, while in the first case I was able to attend to business about two days before getting 'down.' " For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. .. Appointed to the Army. Washington,' March 15. Cyrus A. Dolph, of Portland, Or., was today ap pointed a second lieutenant in the army, under the new set. He is now in Cali fornia. He was at Manila several months, and received recommendations for merit orious service from General Merritt and General Otis. He is a son of the late Senator J. N. Dolph. Lieutenant Dolph will prodably be assigned to distant r err ice. Stockholders Meeting. Notice is hereby giver that there will be an annual meeting of the stockhold ers of The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. at their office Saturday, April 1, 1899, bc p. in., for the pur pose of electing seven directors, and trannacting such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Bt order of the president. The Dalles, March 6, 18'iJh L. K. Crowe, Secy. Ulds Wanted. Until March 2(st, the Oregon Tele phone & Telegraph Company wi'l re ceive bids at their Dalles office for haul ing and distributing 500 25-feet round poles for use on their Prineville line. Poles to bo delivered from their pole yard in The Dalles' to points staked be tween Dufur and Tygh Valley. No com pensation till contract is filled. Marl7-td H. L. Vorse, Manager. To the Pablle. We are authorized to guarantee every bottle of Chamberlain's Corgb Remedy and if not satisfactory to refund the money to the purchaser. There is no better medicine made for La Grippe', colds or whooping cough. Price 25 and 50 cents pet bottle. Try it. Blakeley Houghton, druggist. Eczema! " The Only Cure. Eczema is more than a skin disease, and no skin remedies can cure it. The doctors are unable to effect a cure, and their mineral mixtures are damaging to the most powerful constitution. The whole trouble is in the blood, and Swift's Specific is the only remedy which can reach such deep-seated blood diseases. Ictema broke oat on 017 daughter, and eon- tinned to spread until ber bead was entirely covered. She was treated by several good doctors, but grew worse, and the dreadful disease spread to her face. She was taken to two celebrated Z. health springs, bat n-h eel red no benefit. Many patent medicines were taken, but without re sult, until we decided to try 8. 8. 8., and by the time the first bottle was finished, her head be gan to heal. A dosen bottle en red her com pletely and left her skin perfectly smooth. She 1 now sixteen years old, and has a magnificent growth of hair. Not a sign of the dreadful disease baa aver returned. H. T. SRoaa. 3701 Lucas Ave., lit. Louis, Mo. Don't expect local applications of soaps and salves to cure Eczema. They reach only the surface, while the di sease comes from within. Swift's Specific c c crop Blood The Is the only cure and will reach the most obstinate cae. It is far ahead of all similar remedies, liecause it euros cases which are beyond their reach. 8. 8. 8. is purely vegetable, and is the only blood remedy guaranteed to contain no pot ash, mercury or other mineral. Books mniled free by Swift Specifle Company, Atlanta, Georgia. ST. PATRICK. Wha tie Was. and What HI Hlwloa- A Paper by Mi. . I. Broo. Tbe following paper was composed br Mrs. Frocks and read at the t. Pat rick's party given by the Ladies' Aid Society, at the residence of Mrs. J. C. Hosteller, last Wednesday afternoon : The 17th of March has by common consent been consecrated to the memory of him who is called tbe Apostle of Ireland. History ia very indefinite as to its account of him, France, Scotland and Wales being given as the place of his birlb. Iu his confession he himself says be was born at Bonavem, Tabernia. Tbe last name, meaning camps, was given by tbe Romaus to the district south of the Clyde, and also to one near the river Usk in Wales. Either of the two :s better authenticated than that of Boulogne, France. In some of tbe inenreions of tbe Picts or Scots, common at the time, as the Roman power was declining to hold these people in abeyance, when about sixteen years of age be was taken captive and sold to a petty chief of Ireland, where he remained for about six years, then making his escape back to his home in Britain. During his stay in the island he seems to have become interested in its people so as to decide to devote his life to their service, though as he says himself, It was in opposition to the withes of bis Iriends; bnt be claimed to have heard their call, "Come over and help us." His name is said to have been Suciat, Patrick being from the Roman indicat ing patrician. His father's name was Cal puruius, and evidently a Roman officer of some authority, also a convert to the Christian iaith as be is called a deacon While history, when separated from the mythical and supernatural, gives us so little of detail, the fact that his name has come down through the ages from about the fifth century, kept evergreen n the memory of tbe warm-hearted people whom he went to serve, proves him to have been a man of more than ordinary ability. Dealing cautiously and gently with old pagan superstitions, even preserving some of tbe Druidiral altars and transforming many of their rites and customs to tbe Christian faith he was endeavoring to inculcate. His ' Confession " reveals him a devout, simple-minded, unletteied man, and a discreel, energetic missionary. Such men belong to no especial age, race, or clime, but are the heritage of tbe world, and we, on the shores of tbe Pacific, can unite with- the people of tbe Emerald Isle, washed by tbe Atlantic's surges, in commemorating the memory of St. Patrick, whether the 17th of March be tbe day of his birth or bis death. Tbe life Bpent in service is what we would honor. "Wondrous and awful sre thy silent halls, ;Oh kingdom of the past ! Whatever there was of (rue life In tbee, laps in our ages veins. For us thy martvrs die: thy prophets see; Thy poets still are alnging." Robbed the Grave. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated by him as follows: "I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite gradually grow ing weaker day by day. Three physi cians had given me np. Fortnnately, a friend advised 'Electric Bitters' ; and to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim." No one shonldfail to try them. Only. 50c, guaranteed, at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. 5 Nolle to In Payers. I will promptly close the tax roll and turn over tbe delinquent list to clerk on first Monday in April. Interest on all county warrants paid in for taxes shall cease on and after the turning over of SJch roll. Robert Kelly, Sheriff, Wasco Co. Tbe Dalles, March 15, 1809. Tbe new steamboat Spokane, built by the O. R. & N. Co- to ply on the Snake river between Riparia and Lewieton, is now complete, and in service. Steamer Lewieton is also in service, and the two steamers will alternate between Riparia and Lewieton, leaving Riparia dally ex cept Sunday on arrival of train No. 4 from Portland and reaching Lewieton next day at 1 p. rn. Returning, will leave Lewiston daily except Saturday at 12 o'clock noon, arriving at Riparia at 7 p. m., connecting with train No. 3 from Spokane. Tbe Spokane has been specially constrncted for the ran men tioned above, and is thoroughly equip ped with all mo lern appliances, electric lights, etc., and for speed and comfort will excel any craft that has ever been' bnilt tor tbe Snake river. The Lewis ton is her steady old self. Mar 4 1m As the season of the year when pneu monia, la grippe, sore throat, cough, colds, catarrh, bronchitis and lung troubles are to be guarded against, nothing "is a fine snbstitute," will "answer the purpose," or is "just ss good" as One Minute Cough Core. That is the one Infallible remedy for all lung, throat or bronchial troubles. Insist vigorously npon having it if "something else" is offered you. rinipes-Kinersly Ding Co. Use Clarke A n k' ijninine Hair Tonic for daadrulT ul U.Y.t hair. tf LAMPS HELD tlAGKCTS lm Old Cowjorer' Trick Thai Is How Pwt to CooJ l l Ma chlae Shop. To hold down to a lectnre platform a Ight iron, object by meana of anelec- j-o-magnet underneaui. out ui ind thus appear to multiply ita weight liany times over at will to make it inpossible even to lift the object in ,ctinn, nrovidinir the maffnet bepow- :rf ul enough is an old conjurer's trick which baa served on many occasion to mystify the public, ay Cashier's Maga tine. Its principle, however, has been ap plied to several more useful purposes, and one of these, of recent date, ia em bodied in a magnetic chuck for mia celluneoiis work, for surface grinding, principally, but adapted also for tbe planer or the lathe. The magnetic effect in this chuck is produced by un electro current circulat ing in a coil in the interior of the de vice, and, as this coil ia wound, pref erably, for 110 volts, the needed cur rent can be taken from any regular electric lighting main in or about -a shop. The conwenience of the device, especially for smull work, is obvious. A magnetic holder for an electric Incandescent lamp ia another electric shop convenience. The holder ia sim ply a rump socket containing a small electric magnet, which will make the whole contrivance stick to any piece of iron or steel with which it may bt brought in contact. The coil through which the magnet is energized is within the base of the holder, and the- lamp current supply ing the energy passes through it on its way to the lamp. THE PLATFORM WOMAN. This Noted Author Says She Ha Eras Been av Blot I'pon American Womanhood. The platform woman never has been a credit to, but ever a blot upon, Amer ican womanhood. 1 make this emphat ic statement from a personal knowl edge of the homes which these women leave behind when they go to their meetings, writes Edward Bok, in La- diea' Home Journal. I have seen the rooms of their homes left in wild dis order; I have seen their servants sit ting in idleness with work on every hand to do: I. have seen the children neglected and left to their own devices; I have heard husbands speak in derison of the motives of their wives. No worn an in n happy American home can ever afford to listen to these parasites oi her sex. Fortunately, the platform woman's influence is steadily on the wane. She was never a power. She was never even picturesque. Her worst in- jury was wrought upon certain weak women who for the time she deluded. But even with them she was soon re garded with wonder rather thnn with interest; with suspicion rather than with confidence. Less and less has she been able to get listeners, and it is sig nificant that in places where tie hat spoken during the present season she has not been seen again. The disap pearance of the platform woman ia e case of a blot being blotted out. TOOK HIS WIFE'S ADVICE. But the Insrenloa Woman Did Hot Know Where a Man Should Carry Ilia Money. When the man whose haircut showed that his wife had peculiar notions as to the way a man should dress his hair quit giving advice, one of the listeners said, reports the New York Sun: "No man has more respect for a wom an than I nave, but I shall never take the advice of my wife again about money matters. She insisted upon my hiding my salary, so if I should be held up the highwaymen wouldn't get it. 1 draw my stipend at six p. m., and it is quite dark before 1 get home. She is a good hider In the house, but her talent in that line stops there. Now, she had tbe brilliant idea that I should put the envelope containing my money under the sweat band of my hat. Highway men would never look there, and would never rob a man of his hot. After she had made this suggestion about 40 times I accepted it. I went home as usual on the elevated. I had a slicht attack of vertigo in the ear. and the man who always knows what to do said I needed fresh air, and threw np the window. In doing so he knocked off 1 went home bareheaded and Bring Sherman Home. Washington, March 16. The cruiser Chicago has been ordered to proceed to Kingston, Jamaica, to take ex-Secretary Sherman on board and bring him to the United States. Sherman is suffering from pneumonia, and will arrive at Kingston on board the steamship Paris. SJSr. Pifrrc, Match 10 The condition of John Sherman, who is a passenger on board the American line steamer Paris, is no better today. Mr. Sherman's phyai clans look for a change this afternoon. He is verr feeble. A Beautiful Skin. T-artlci , If ynn deIre a trnrrent, elenr and freh ewntilexkm Dr. llourdnn'a French Amenii! Complexion Wa'rm. Their ettcct la ltnpl mauical. -.aa.tig; the wizard touch In pro'lni lnu and pnnervlna n bcntllul tran parency and i-liuciil clcarne of complexion, hnpcly cut. hi r of form, brilliant e.ea, Milt and ainooth aaln where the rnve exlata. Kvcn the cilnrwat and mo.t rcpu rlve .kln. marred by frccklca, moth, black hi-eda, pliii.n, vulvar r rtncM, vrllow nn.l kln are perman-nt-ly removed, and a deliriously clear and rcllned comtilcxliiii admired. Price )-r amall hox, 'l rciita U lalli-boxi a, I bni to lnra-e box. II, or any aiMre Kwt I ami miner plain wrntiiK-r upon receipt ol MMFuiii, n nlv Hir ircw circular The I'arbiiin Drug Co., in I i: ; i a i a:,' a 1 1 fmiiciv Cai, fflJML Dt'UKT TtHB SCHEDCLE. ARBIVI roa From Dallks. From. . Fast ilalt Lake, Denver, Ft. Ft Mail Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mail, ll imp. m. City, tit. Louis, S:iap. m. Chicago and East. Bpokane Walla Walla. Bpokane, Bpokane Fiver Minneapolis, t-t. haul,! Flyer. 5:40 p.m. Duluth, Milwaukee, 6:00a.m. Chicago and Kuk 8 p.m. Fbom PoaTLANn. 4 p. m. Ocean Steamship. For ban Francisco January and every live days thereafter. (p.m. 4 p.m. Ex.Buuday Columbia Rr. Bteamers. Kx.oundaj To Astoria and Way Saturday Landings. 10 p. m. 6 a.m. Willamrtti Rivsa. 4:30p.m. Ei.buuday Oregon City, Newberg, Ex.Bunday iSaiem fc Way Land's. 7 am, WiLLAXeTTa and Yax-' 8:30 p. m. Tues.lhur. HILL KlVKBS. Mon.VVed and eat. Oregon City, Dayton, and Fri. aud Way-landings. 6 a. m. Willamette River. 4:30 p. m. Tue.. Thur, Portland to CorvaMa, Tue.. I'hur and Sat. and Way-Landings. and bat. Leavs Lv Biparla Snake River. Lewihton. daiiy Riparia to Lewiston. daily except except bunday. Saturday. Parties dealrine to eo to Herroner ahonld tukeNo. 4, leaving The Dalles at 5:30 p. m., uiaxing aireci connections at Heppner junction. Returning maklngdirect connection at Heppner juncuon 1. arriving at The Dalles at 4:15 p. m. No. 2, throucht freight, eaut bound, does not carry jwsaeugers; arrive 2:di) a. m., departs 3:60a. in. So. 24, IocrI freight, carries passengers, east bound; arrives4:30 p. m., depart 8:15 p. m. No. 21, went bound through freight, doe not carry passengers; arrives 8:15 p. in., departs . IU. No. 23, west bound local freight, carries pas sengers; arrives 6:15 p. m., departs 8:30 a. m. For full particulars call on O. B. di N. t'o.'s agent The Dalles, or address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pas. Agt., Portlaud, Or. ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. H s Pullman Elegant Tourist Sleeping Car; Dining Cars Sleeping Car BIT. PAUL. ' MINNEAPOI.I DCLTJTH raitoo QKAND FOR CROOKSTO WINNIPEG DELENa aa BCTTK TO Through Tiekets cnic'Aoo to WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON AND A1.I POINTS EAST and SOUTH For Information, ttmm nmrttm man an HnW.i. cal on or writ to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalle, Oregon OB A. D. ARLTON, Asst. G. P. A., rrlaou Cor. Third, Portland Otugoo 26 Offers travelers choice of the followln- routes east. They are all famous for their scenic attraction. O. K. A N. view Otfilon and Denver. Phaeta Route vinur N and Denver, ' Shasta Konte view 8acramento, Los Angeles and Alberqtierqne. A dailv line of throngh PULLMAN PALACE and TOUklST from 8an Francison ami Ixt A miuU. Chicag-o. This is The Short Line from southern California To the East. AddIv to the asenl of th fl U jl v Co. or the ondHrsi;ned, for folders ami descriptive literature. J. J. DEVEREUX. (Jen. Agt. Worcester, Uldg. Portland, Or. .IRED. W.WH.P'iN, ATTORN RY-AT I. AW, Til If (till L .J fiUiritnu Oftice ovet Find Nat. Rhus. w. a s NtiirriHoToN M S WILaoM 1 rUNTINOTOV A WII.HON, ATTOHNKYrt aYi.AW, T It If Ml i uj .... Ofllcs over First Nat. Bans'. ' UKK" Sap Fe Route Notice. Timber Cr'sJ .v U. H. Laud ornca, Tag Dallii 0i I lebruuryw, J OomDlaint having been entered -t I by Oilie K VYeberg aK,lnst Wc-Wt",,!" " v failiiw to comply with law aa i Entry No. W25, dated eeptembcr t' wL1 ' the ri. E. (Section 10, Town.bip'ir 't Willamette Meridian. Range. U eiL i st County, atate of Oregon, with a view T,i eelhitiiui of said entry, contestant alUh x Mid esl y Summner never plowed r.rTS!' aiild tract exi-ept about six seres au!l v nr time nor hu any on for him ,JZ i tree oi cuttings, or seeds, and also tliJ "' ley BUtnniner about the monta of Febnii ' duly relinquished said tract to tbe CattY?' and delivered said relinquishment tothi. i.d said relinquishment was duly si-T C. B. odice of The liallcs, Oregor, nj j aiu iiiu. n-4 i-iiui MicMvruiauajmt.ncd aii.i. and ha neve altice said lime returnVkI!, or cluiiued any light or interest In saidfi!" Und. wri Th said prtie re hereby summoned k. I pear at thia odice ou the Joth dav ot April si iu uciw.. iu., iii irbpona Slid In testimony concerning said aliceed fsiinr. ll il J V P. LUCAS, NOTICE OF RESIGNATION. Notice la hereby given that the niui.u has hied his resignation as one of th ,! In.h. rf Ih. o.rur f,f Wur. U 7 Ul' . . - r-., mi us. Qui. nd the county eourt of the state of Onij Wasco county, bus appointed tho 36io January, lbin, at the hour of 10 o'clock, i . J the time for hearing the same and the tY, ' of said admlnistiator up to said date. Ar sons Interested in said estate are hereby t to appear iu said court at said time to 11 caui-e, if any exists, why said resignation,. Dalles City, Or., Dee. 27, 1S98. Frank w4TIIi One of the Administrator ol the t, Perry Wutkins, Deceased. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIOS. Lakd Omci atThi Dalles. Otto. February &,&, Notice is hereby given that the lollcrj named settler has filed notice of her tuien i to make dual proof in support of ber claim 2 that said proof will be made btfotetatktT snd Keeeiver at The Dulles, Oregon, on m uay, April wt inv, vj;. LUsle Balat, of Th Dalles; Homestead Application, No. 4722, for the S t Bee. 86, Tp. 2 north, Range 12 east, W 111. - She names tbe following witnesses to her continuous residence upon and cultii. of said land, viz: J. W. Johnston. J. VI i. quia, Jacob Wettle, O. A. I'blimun, all ol"j uuues.uregon. jai r. i-L c as, Uflite ar-4-li NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Oftici at Th Dallxs, Osr. February 2K, Notice la hereby given that the fullor named settler has filed notice of his Intnj to make finul proof In support of his claim.4 that s lid proof will be made before the nr.. and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on ftaluu April s, ibvj, vir: Edwin A. Learned, of The Pall Homestead Application No. 4778, for th l liii! and Nj HtVU, Section jm, Towmi north, Kange 12 E. W . M. He names the following witnesses tnm) nta continuous resldeuce upon and cultiiu of said laud, viz; H. M. 1-earned, Oliver P.ower, Perry tJ Lump, j. r. Agiuius, un oi ine Dalles, iib MaH ii JAY P. LUCA6, HegiA DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that tho psrhw heretoforeexi'titiir between W'. I.. VtardJ Ward, F. H. Ward and J. C. Ward.dolmitJ trni mm ' oring oiisiiicua at ininir, un"'.. durt hetirm tmiiieof Ward .Vi Hons, in tfu-; dissolved bv mutual consent, W. L. Ward it O. Ward letitiiig, J. W. Ward, F. II. Viardu P. Ward will continue til- business all' tinder Hie firm name of Ward -Itros. and i collect all out-taiullng accounts and T bills against the old firm. All partleaknn themselves indebted to said firm are notifc make an early settlement, eliher by cash or: Dufur, Ore.. Feb. la. lh'JD. W.I, Win J. W.Vil F. II. Wis ' J. C. Wa Government Lani: With fine timber and rnnnlnsr wit"! Hood River Valley, suitable for boine.tnt. (inner entries. We local ludl vidua, colonic on these lands. Large MiilMf dttstrlea now being located here; also ton ' and other Inula for sale. Home of tiee (iovornment lands at t choicest Apple land of the Famous s4 Klvar valley. W. R. WINAN3, Land Lofs f22-lm Hood Rlvcr,WacoCo.,Ur; K0HTHWESTES2I TRAVELERS ill North-Western" Advertise! I ti'.t2 Is the Shortest ar.d Best Route . CHICAGO en4 the EAST MINNEAP0L!3V n(l ST. PALli And also. theeon!nmrnt of Ita train Is tVS modern of the builder rt cmbodr'"" the luxuries, comforts and uoccsaariesotin" "TEE KSW R0HTH-WESTER3 , aotb Century Train) I S Kectrlc lighted both lnM anil not " equipped with hanJsome bulfot amokins sar. coinuartmmtt. anil slum era altM-lien 1 chair car and modern day couch; andB"s'4 no KXTHa KAKK ia charged. It maki-sw"'" lions at Minneapolis and bt Paul with N" ons at Minneapolia and bt Pnul with nj" aciflo. Oret Northern nd "Hoo-P"! rain; and leave dnilv Minneapolis TWP'J t. Paul S lip, m ; and arrive Chlcsgn'" racuic, trni Bt. 1 For berth reservation rate, fold" Illustrated booklet KHKK of the "Kinsit V" In the WnrM ' ..nil -, A - .1 T"1 Office in Washington St.. Portland; f,' Avenue Seattle; Mf, Oranlte Block. H'l 113 Nicollet Avenue. Minneapolis; : St.. St. Paul; 40o Weat Superior St.. D""! raddreaa T. W. Tasoal . leural Passt'. agent, bt. riui sunn Aak your 1 Druggist (or a generous 10 CENT TRIAL 6IZE. CATARR! Ely's Cream Balm contain no cocaine, I mercury nor any other I llijtiriouaurug. It Is quickly Absorbed, Ulve Relief atone. It ojiens and clean' th Nasl Passage. COLDHEA; Allay Inflammation. Duals and protect th Memliran. H'WV1, HenM of Tut and rimeil. Full Six) aire inc. 1 at Drnirglat or by mall. . KLIBHOTtllUia. WarraBetratiaP' I Millinery Announcement. Mr. M. Pcrlano has rewntly rrco'l a full Stin k of ai.rli,,, an.l anminCf! linery, Inclnrlliiif street and trim11' hats, moat of her stock coming- d"" j from I ha I'u.t Th,l..,u l.urop"1 1 will he annonncul later; anl B '1 nieantltnfl ihn invites th ladies o Dalles to call at her parlors ami the beautiful halt there display"1' i to see tliat her prices are mora able than can generally he obtaind' 10-2t