The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, March 15, 1899, PART 1, Image 3

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fte Weekly Ghroniele.
puhlithed in two partt, on Wtdiitday$
i Saturdaw-
1 Ml
hi. rear T
f. iut' i?
free month!
pplicali'n. ,uruiiiiiiimi
LE," Tae Kalles, Oregon.
Saturday'" Dally.
Farmers in town today say tht it
Lined much harder in the country last
ight than It did Here, mat an right.
et it rain, mere 8 noming eeiutn
Lout us.
These bo tlie mornings when the
. . . ( ! L 1
little fisnei ln ine oro mns.oe
lary il t'7 "u" u"
hich is dropped lor mem, ana wary
Ley certainly are if the experience of
number of nimrods this morning is
nv criterion to judge by. Five o'clock
Lit about a dozen fishermen lined up
long the banks of Mill creek this morn-
ii2 armed with rod and line, angling
fcr a trout for breakfast. Seven o'clock
Lheldjustas many nimrods retracing
ibeir footsteps loaded down with to
lmal! fishes abont five inches long. The
leader was humming at bass solo, some-
Ling about "could we but fathom
;be mighty deep," the remainder joining
nthechoius. Fishing is all right in
Hill creek, but catching is where the
Ihoe pinches.
Cedar Circle has always been famous
lor the entertainments given under her
UBpices, and no order can excel the
brograms which are gotten up principal-
v within her own circle. Last night an
xtra fine program was rendered, several
her son s taking part who have not often
leen heard by Dalles people, and each
umber seemed to be especially well
hosen and as well qiven. At tbo close
bl the entertainment an hour or so was
Ipent in dancing, the music being fur-
ished by Mr. Lynch and Mrs. F. Mene-
Some weeks ago Mrs. Ed Waud, whose
ome was directly across Mill cieek
Lridge, died, leaving to the mercies of a
ueband scarcely worthy of the name,
young babe and four children besides
lireat sympathy was felt by neighbors
'or the little ones, and since the mother
was taken away efforts have been made
o in soma way provide homes for them.
rinally the case was submitted to the
bf them Grace, aged 6 ; Katie,, iged 3,
fend Emma, 4 weeks old, be sent to the
Boys and Girls Aid Society of Portland,
he complaint, alleging that the father
has unkind to them and took no care
pt them whatever. Monday, the 13th,
s the day appointed for the hearing of
the case and the decision as to whether
they will be sent to the society. It is to
ibe hoped that something will te done
ffnr fha pMl.lion
Occasionally Dalles people have a little
variation in the regular program, and
awaken some morning to find that a
store, shop, or some place of business
has been opened and ,a few hundred
dollars taken, perhaps less. 6uch oc
currences occasion slight excitement
for a time and the , matter is forgotten.
This should not be the case, but every
possible means should be need to bring
the culprit to justice, and, as in Tacoma,
some special efforts be made. This
morning when Mr. Gunning came down
to bis blacksmith shop he found that he
as worth 40 lees than when he left it
last night, some individual having un
locked the Urge door on the east side
nd walked away with eleven Green
river screw plates, taps, die and stock,
nd a bolt clipper, which were worth all
f$40. The case containing the screw
P'tes was left, and many tools which
ere valnable. No possible clue as
to the robber can be found; but every
effort is being made to apprehend him.
Mr. Gonning says he cannot replace the
"few plates here and perhaps not in
"Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do,
a it with all thy might" has been the
"Woof Mr. 8, B. Adama, whose third
of office as school director ends
"'ththe election Monday. Mr. Adams,
understand, has fully decided not to
gala accept the office, ami certainly
D-llei people could not expect more of
n'm than has already been given. Dur-
t the nine-years In which he has
Wed the district as director, his whole
Purpose, and aim aenmed tn hit the onod
f the school and everything in connec
tion therewith. ilevntinir most of his
time to Ilia Hull,. In ll.iu llarl h
b'en erecting a residence of Ins own he
eonld not have been more enthusiastic
over eve-y detail than was be regarding
erection of the liew High school
building, nd his only regret now la that
oil term U i . i... i .i. -
up uriure no una nrtw utv
''k of beautifying the grounds fully
completed, and still expresses himself as
hnrriilnd to take aa much Interest as
t''Hfh he were a director. District No.
12 should feel very grateful t Mr.
Aln.s for Uls efforts In its behalf, and
Jrot that in ( new director will be
Mind ,, hM m j i0 moch t
Monday's bally.
E'liest LiiHiliteiimn came in from An
telope this morning and will take a po
sition in French A Co. 'a bank.
Messrs. J. II. Carlock, W. R. Man
ning and M. P. Page, of the U. S. Geo
logical Survey, registered at the Umatilla
House Saturday night. They are now
engaged in running a level from Astoria
up the Columbia river to Spokaue. At
preteut they are working down aboat
Moeier, and will be in this locality in
about two weeks. Their headquarters
are bere for the present.
Alex McLeod came in from his ranch
at Kingsley yesterday. He says the
farmers are nearly done with epriug
plowing, and some are alreadv plowing
their summer fallow. He savs he has
never seen better prospects forfait grain
than there is on Tygh ridge, south of
Dufur, but on this side the prospects are
not so good.' The ground is well soaked,
and with other things favorable Tygh
ridge will yield one of her usual large
crops in 1899.
A number of Dalles people were on
passenger trains Not. 4 and 2, returning
from Portland last night, and upon
reaching Cascades came to the con
clusion that they were booked to take
up their abode there for the night at
least, a landslide being reported just
this side of that place. No. 4 reached
there about 3:50 and remained until
about 12 o'clock ; while No. 2 was side
tracked at Bonneville, arriving bere
witain a half-hour of each other, the
first at 2'o'clock and the last at 2 :30.
The loss of stock in Crook county
during the winter of 1898-99 may be
now safely estimated as not worthy of
mention. From all sections of the
country come reports of light losses,
and stock in fairly good condition. A
recent heavy snowfall in ti e foothills
assures us not only a heavy growth of
grass during the coming season, but
ample water for irrigation. Indeed,
Crook county, Oregon, has few peers
and no superiors on the Pacific coast aa
a stock country. Crook Co. Journal.
This year Is to be the year for "going
West," and there will be no end of
immigrants coming our way. The rail
roads are doing their beet to settle up
the Northwest, and the Great Northern
and Northern Pacific have made a rate
of $25 from St. Paul tj Portland, going
into effect today. The Canadian Pacific
and "Soo Line" have met this rate from
Eastern terminals to Puget sound points.
On and after the third Tuesday of this
month and the first Tuesday in April
the Canadian announces a round-trip
first-class rate of $52 from St. Paul.
The Saturday soirees given by Smith
Bros, have been t ' urce of great enjoy
men) to large number of dancers.
Not only those belonging to the class,
but many outsiders who appreciate a
iiood floor and good music, attend every
week. These were much disappointed
to learn from the Times-Mountaineer
last week that Saturday night's soiree
would be the last. This was a mistake;
it was not the last nor the least, and so
thoroughly enjoyable was it that every
one was glad to have Mr. Smith an
nounce that he intended to have the
soirees continue, although his dancing
class will be closed for this season.
FirBt, last and all the time The Dalles
boys hold the medal. This time they
lead at the seventh annual Oregon Inter
collegiate oratorical contest, which oc
curred at McMinnville Friday night.
Eight different colleges were represented,
and Homer Angell, of the state uni
versity, who took for his subject "Our
Spanish War Justice, Motive and Ef
fects," was awarded the. first medal
which is of gold, and valued at $25, be
ing the best ever given by the associa
tion. The Eugene Guard says of Homer :
"He Is one of the brightest members of
the student body, and very popular for
the close attention and thoroughness
which -lie exhibits for every phase of
college endeavor. Mr. Angell has been
successful not alone in this contest but
In athletics aa well. He is one of the
bright star guards who did so much to
win for the footbs.ll team its splendid
victories and good name during the past
Tuenaay a unuy.
Miss Cora Joles, who has been visiting
In Portland for the past week, returned
home on the boat last night.
Mrs. Ed Beck, who has been visiting
In Portland, came up to the Cascades
Sunday, and, after spending a day with
friends there, arrived home last night.
Rev. Evans, pastor of the M. E.
chnrch In Goldendale, accompanied by
his wife, arrived yesterday from that
place and will spend day or two In the
Mrs. Sarah Reed, of the Viavi t,o.,
arrived in the city last night from Port
land.. Read the notice of her lectures
In another column and be sure to hear
her, or you'll miss something good.
Miss Christine Farrelly, of Portland,
accompanied her cousin, who was on
her way to Walla Walla, as far aa this
city. She will spend today with her
sister, Mrs. Ed Sharp, returning home
The Knights held another of their
famous "fun and sociability" meetings
last evening. Thesn are becoming very
popular, and 'tis not to be wondered at
If the good times reported really occur.
Next Thursday evening the Rathbones
expect to give a dancing party.
Brigadier Marshall, of Portland, as
liitnd by Staff Captain Willis, will
conduct salvation army meetings at the
army barracks on Wednesday and Thors-
day evening. There will also be an j who called at his store. The mackintosh
lea cream supper on Thursday night, wit finally given up, but not the over
Capt. Duthie will bid farewell the same 'coat. .They were arrested, and now
evening. Everybody iovited.
Letter received by friends from C; E.
Bayard, who it now at Spokane, tells of
the improved state of bis health. When
he left this city many were deeply con
cerned as to his condition, fearing hi
disease would baltia medical skill, but
the change has seemed to greatly bene
fit biiu, and he is very hopeful.
Henry O'Flaherty, who entUted in
company L. at this place last spring, ia
numbered anion- the lift of the recent
dead at Manila. He is a son of J. E.
O Flaherty, who lives at Barberton,
Wash., and was not known here as far
as we can learn. , However, the death of
the brave boy is not lees regretted, and
soma home is made desolate by the
Mr. and Mrs. W, S. Chipp, who were
married recently in Portland, eim up
yesterday on the boat and remained over
in the city until the midnight train. In
the meantime a pleasant reception was
given them by the Ep worth League, at
the borne of Mrs. NeUon on Third and
Liberty streets. About twenty-five were.
present to greet Mr. and Mrs. Chipp and
afterward accompany them to the train,
wishing them a happy wedded life.
Rev. Gentry Rushing, pastor of the
Christian church of La Grande, will ar
rive in the city this afternoon, with a
view of taking the pastorate of the
Christian church of this place. Rev.
Rushing is said to be a talented minister
and an ek.quent speaker. He will
preach in the Christian church tomorrow
evening, and probably the remaining
evenings of tie week, A general invita
tion is extended to all to be present.
Our senators and representatives are
returning from Washington seemingly
glad to get home again. Sunday Repre
sentative Tongue returned to his home
in Hillsboro, while Senator Simon came
Saturday night. Senator MjBride will
remain in the capital for about ten days.
His borne coming will be sad one, his
sister, Mrs. B. F. Giltner, having died a
ft w weeks since. Mrs. Ellis' health be
ing very poor, Congressman Ellis will be
compelled tq remain tor an indefinite
length of time.
At a meeting of the water commis
sioners last night bids were received for
the construction of the man bole on
Union street, near Seventh. Four bids
were submitted, , the two lowest by
Messrs. J. C. Beudabl and J. Applegate,
being for $109. As the bid of the former
covered more work, the contract was let
to him, providing he furnished good
bonds. Some misunderstanding, bow
ever, came up afterward as to the plans,
and it has not as yet been decided who
will take the contract.
"The Dalles is generally considered to
be a pretty slow city but it has got ahead
of Walla Walla by commencing a sewer
system. The pipes are to be of terra
cotta, and the cost will be charged to
the property benefiting thereby." So
says the Walla Walla Statesman. We
would like to be informed where that
paper got the information regarding the
slowness of The Dalles. Just move
down here, Mr. Editor, and we'll show
you what It means to live in a town
w here busi ness is transacted. No Walla
Walla gaits will answer bere, and you
don't have to search down into the
sewer system to find that out.
In writing to the committee on en
tertainment in Portland, one of the
editors, whom we remember as being
one of the mont enthusiastic and daring
on the trip through Colorado, expressed
a desire to see Mt. Hood illuminated.
The committee has made arrangements
to gratify the wish and W. G. Steel has
consented to carry out the scheme.
This will be a wonderful sight to maoy
who have no idea of tbe grandeur of our
snow-capped peak and who would go
Into ecstacies over the Klickitat bill
covered in snow. Now, if this scheme
is only a success, a we hope it will be,
it will be s great feature on the pro
gram prepared for our visitors.
The Noble Dramatic Company offers
great inducements to the people of The
Dalles. Being need to playing to crowded
houses they offer the following induce
ments, that people may attend tonight
and determine for themselves what their
merits are. Each gentleman buying a
50-cent ticket for tonight' play at the
Snipes-Klnersly drug store will be en
titled to be accompanied by a lady who
will be admitted free; or two ladies will
be admitted on the same ticket if it be
procured In the manner mentioned.
They also give out tickets each evening,
which will entitle each one to a chance
In the drawings for two sets of furniture
that will be given as souvenirs during
their stay.
YesterJay morning two farmers, whose
names we did not learn, came Into the
city and left their team and wagon In
Sexton's feed yard. Being ready to re
turn home they went up to the wagon
and placed a mackintosh and overcont
on the seat, going out of the yard after
ward to make some purchases they had
forgotten. Upon returning they found
the coats gone, and started out to In
vestigate the matter. At one of the
second-hand tore they were toU that
two men had been there attempting to
sell ome coats. The marshal was then
fonnd.and together with thestore keeper
went up to "tramp' camp" above
the city, where two men were found
whom the latter Identified a the men
occupy the city jail awaiting trial.
A large number of friends attended
the funeral of Roderick McNeil, which
was held at the Catholic 'church this
morning at 9 o'clock, and regret was ex
pressed by all as they contemplated the
suddenness of the call which had come
to one who was in tbe best health, and
who it seems was so sadly needed by
the Urge familr of children who sur
vive him. Father Brongeeet spoke of
his life in a manner which tola to the
audience what an honest, upright man
the deceased had always proven him
self and of the (indness of bis heart for
all. The office and workshop of Mr.
Glenn were closed during the services,
and among the sorrowing friends were
found many of his fellow workmen, who
appreciated his worth. He was buried
by the side of his wife, who died about
eighteen months ago, and whose body
was laid to rest in the Catholic cemetery.
Yesterday afternoon the case of the
commitment ot tbe three Waud children
to the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society came
up before Judge May. Tbe complaint
had been that the father was not a fit
person to have the care- of the children
and that be was unkind to them. It,
however, appears that the father and
mother of Mr. Waud have been caring
for the little ones, and being very much
attached to them are willing to see that
they are brought up in the right man
ner, it was therefore decided that it
was not necessary to commit them to
the care of others. This ia a wise move,
for if it is discovered that relatives of
tbe children thus left are capable and
willing to care for them, that is the
place for them. Tbe Boys' and Girls'
Aid Society has enou gh of a burden on
its shoulders In doing its duty by those
especially needing its care, and w bo
have no one to look to for help.
Noble's Dramatic Cumpaoy.
The character of the play last night at
the Vogt probably accounted for the
small house which greeted the Noble
company. Dalles people were never
known to be taken with a play of that
description, preferring rather one of the
quieter kind, such as the one to be given
tonight, "The Gold King." It appears,
however, that oar tastes differ from those
of audiences in other place they have
visited, where tbey have always opened
with "Tbe Strategists". Perhaps we
have too much strategy the year around
In our own midst.
As to the company. It contain some
giod actors. Noble himself, with
bis wonderful talent of impe onating, is
whole show, and in the uveral climax
where he found himself completely
cornered, his acting was immense. The
"drunk act," as it might be called, was
esDecially good. The Irish character
was also very taking, his make-up being
perfect, while with hi amusing antics
he kept the audience iu a roar of
laughter." The character comedian, W.
P. Burt, who took the part of "Pepper,"
the dude, came In for bis share of praise,
bis facial expressions and easy grace
when he appeared and gave a monologue
by way of introduction, at onca winning
his audience.
But of course, as is always the case,
the tots captured every one present, the
older one w ItU her graceful dancing, and
tbe younger bv her cute little actions
and sweet voice. When she imitated
ber older sister in the dance and kicked
her tambourine with her tiny foot,
everyone seemed to feel like bugging
her, so gracefully and cunningly did she
dance about the stage, '
We bespeak for them a better au
dience tonight..
A Neat and Attractive Office.
If there is one place above another
which should be rlenn and inviting it is
a physician' and s dentist office. Dr.
Sanders must realize this fact from the
manner in which be has beautified the
office recently purchased from Dr.
Frazier. Besides the laboratory and
operating room, he ha a nice little
librarr and a reception room which
would do credit to any home. The
carpet, portieres, oil paintings and
other furniture display the best of taste,
and make one fcrget the object for which
they came hither.
Dr. ' Sanders is now ready to begin
dental work in earnest, which fact will
be appreciated by Dalles people who are
acquainted with the work done by the
Dr. when In practice here before. He
has now the latest methods known for
crown and bridge wotk, as Well as every
feature of dentistry, having kept) up
with all the recent methods employed.
La Urlppa 8ueceafnlljr Treated.
"I have just recovered from the sec
ond attack of La Grippe this year," says
Mr. Jas. A. Jones, publisher of tbe
Leader, Mexia, Texas. "In the latter
case I nsed Chamberlain' Cough Rem
edy, and I think w ith considerable suc
cess, only being in bed a little over two
days against ten days for tbe former at
tack. The second attack I am satisfied
would have been equally a bad as the
first but for the use of this emedy as t
had to go to bed in about six hours after
being 'struck' with it, while In the first
case I was able to attend to business
about two days before getting 'down.' "
For sale by Blakeley A Houghton.
Genuine White sewing machines at
Mays A Crowe's at $35. These machines
are sold by agent at $o.
A tra.lfal AacldaaS Which Caat th
lath of Kodarlok McNvll.
The deepest regret is fell throughout
the entire city over the dreadful accideiit
which occurred Sunday morning, tak
ing in an instant the life of one who for
years has been known as one of the
most honest, hard-working men in the
cltv Roderick McNeil. Vhl il...
. eiaeBt diMt hv happened wrly m the
morning, 'twas not till between 2 and 3
o'clock in the afternoon when Henry
McNulty was standing at the door of his
home on iSecond street, opposite the
bridge, that he noticed a tigure lying in
Mill creek, and called his sister' atten
tion to it, when she advietd him to go
for Marshal Lauer. He did so, and
when they reached the creek just under
neath the main bridge they saw the
body had lodged in the middle of the
channel, the water being too shallow to
admit of its floating further and an iron
hoop causinK il to lodge there. At first
they could nt determu e who it war,
but upou looking closer found it to he
the body of Roderick McNeil. Cunner
Butts being snuLinoopd, the bedy was
taken to Crandall & Burget's undertak
ing parlor, where an Inquest was held
this morning, tbe verdict being as fol
lows: We, the jury summoned by W. H.
Butts, coroner of Wasco Co., Or., to in
quire Into the cause of tbe death of the
body now before us, after a careful ex
amination of the body of the deceased
and after hearing the testimony of the
witnesses produced beforo us, and after
aue and careml cousideration and de
liberation find as follows: That the
name of the deceased was Roderick Mc
Neil, whose age was about 50 years and
that his residence was at The Dalles,
Or., and that he came to his death on
the 12th dav of March. 181)9. in The
Dalles, Or., by accidentally falling off
the railroad bridge immediately weet of
Main street, about 45 feet into Mill
creek and drowning in said creek about
the hour of 4 o'clock a. ru. of said day.
M. T. Nolan,
A. Bettingbn.
, W. P. Van Bibbsb,
Ed BuBCHTokr,
E. P. Fitz Gkbald,
Ned II. Gates.
Dated Dalle City, March 13th, 1809.
It serm that it has been a custom of
Mr, Mc Neil to occasionally walk to his
farm near Mosier, where his family re
sides, either going on Saturday evening
or Sunday morning. About 4 o'clock
yesterday morning William Allatt says
that he met Mr. McNeil going down
Second stroet, and that he turned tbe
corner at Union. It is supposed that
be started to cross the new bridge on his
homeward journey and reaching the end
of the walk, in the darkness stumbled
and fell, the distance being about 45
feet, falling on bis back in the creek,
and stunning him so that he had no
power to help himself. The wonder ia
that bis neck was not broken, or that be
was not badly mashed falling such a
distance, and it has been a question in
the minds of some whether he did not
fall from the foot log above, but nothing
could be found to justify such a belief.
The only marks on hi person were a
slight bruise on the back of his head
and a small red spot on one cheek, so
that be must have drowned in his strug
kleafter tailing. The body floated about
twenty feet till it reached shallow water.
For the past twenty years Mr. McNeil
has been foreman in the carpenter shop
of II. Glenn, and no more trusted em
ploye could be found. His life has been
one of constant work in tbe endeavor to
support a large tamily, and having done
his duty well, it seems bard that such
an end should have been bis. He was
particularly thoughtful, assisting in
many ways the family of his deceased
brother, A. McNeil. He made provieion
for the wants of his children when he
should leave tbem, having $2000 life In
surance with the Catholic Knights of
A year ago last November his wife
died, leaving to hi care ten children,
who are now orphaned. The oldest,
John, Is now a sergeant at Fort Robison,
Neb. Another, Walter, aged 18, is at
Weiser, while Joe, who Is about 20, as
sists a 15-year-old sister in caring for
the farm and six younger children. Mr.
McNeil was 48 years old last January,
and a man in good health and willing to
bear his share of life's burdens, which
were not light in his case.
The funeral will take place tomorrow
morning at 9 o'clock from the Catholic
church. Friends invited.
Ornament tn the t'lty RUea Oat of
the Kulna of the Conflagration
Lilt Aucuat.
Time after time lies The Dalles been
tried in the fiery furnace, but just so
often has she plucnix-like arose from
the flames, each time more bright and
with more of a determination to prove
herself undaunted. The last conflagra
tion ol note was that on (lie tiitilit of
Angnst 14th, jnat seven month ago to
morrow, and. In that short time, from
the mass of ruins has arisen many
buildings which far discount thoee con
sumed. On the corner of Second and F-'ib-rnl
street stood the hardware f U
A Crowe, which had been Ailed u,i so
completely that it a the prole I th
town ; but thi wii h tlie r-t m- t
away In a few hour.. Mn y 'rald
that having -nch a I , e
firm would .i ili-c ip t id u y
would heaitale t.i f' n' .1. lull n er
An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method and beneficial
effecta of the well known remedy,
Strtp of Fios, manufactured by the
California Kio Svitup Co., illustrate,
the value of obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to be
medicinally laxative" and presenting;
them iu the form most refreshing to the
taste and acceptable to the system. It
Is tlie ono perfect strengthening laxa
tive, oleansinir the system effectually,
dispelling' colils, headaches and fevers
gently yet promptly and enabling one
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and aub
stance, and its aetinfr on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening;
or irritating them, make it the ideal
In the process of manufacturing1 fifra
are used, as they are pleasant to the
taste, but the medicinal qualities of the
remedy are obtuined from senna and
other "aromatic plants, by a method
known to the California Fio Syrup
Co. only. In order to fret its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
remember the full name of the Company
printed on tha front of every package.
For sale by all Druggists. Price S)c. per bottle
were the ashes cold than plan were
being formulated for a' new building,
and today the last load of goods will b
moved Into a hardware store which ia
not equalled on the Pacific coast. Not
a feature of the whole edifice ha been
slighted, and from the basement to the
large warehouse on the upper floor it ia
The entire structure is 100 leet square,
the implement and hardware depart
ment each being 69x100 feet. A large
gallery encircles the lower floor, and
from the floor to the ceiling, twenty
feet, extends shelving with which ia
intermixed hardware boxes, all veneered
witb oak. To the front of the imple
ment department is a plate glass gun
case, twenty-one feet long, and for every
article sold there is a place where il fit
in perfectly. A large Warner hydraulic
elevator, with a capacity of three tons,
has been put in at the southeast corner
of the implement deparment.
The ceiling of the building is of
figured steel artistically painted, while
the tints are very delicate and tasty.
While every part of the store Is worthy
of mention, the large office in the back
and to the center of tbe building strikes
the eye at once, being surrounded with
glass and fitted op completely. The
floor of the main office ia covered with
linoleum, while tbe private office will
be carpeted. Tbe large desk of the book
keeper is one of tbe finest we have ever
seen, being of oak, highly polished.
The vault, which is a two-story one, is
7x9 in dimensions, and in this will be
placed a burglar proof safe.
Tbe main store will be lit with nine
arc lights of 500 candle power, and the
office witb tncandescents, which shining
through the front of solid plate glass,
will illumine the entire street. '
Time forbids our giving this mono
ment of the enterprise of the firm a fitting
description or mentioning tbe numerous
adjuncts to the main building. It is a
structure which would do credit to any
city in the United States.
L. Schmidt fur Clerk and J. O.
ley Oar New Director.
Where were all the voter in the
district yesterday? Did they imagine it
was collection day and lake to the
woods? Out of 8-rO voters, only 85 were
in the city, for surely bad tbey been
here they would have taken enough
interest to vote for a clerk and director
for our school district. But then eighty
five weie enough to elect them, and we
have a new director in the person of
G. J. Farley, and C. L. Bchmldt, who so
successfully filled the unexpired term of
G. P. Morgan, deceased, was re-elected
Mr. Schmidt had no rival candidate
for the office, but had there been a
number he would no doubt bjive re
ceived the majority of votes, being just
the man for the place, and one who will
keep a thorough aud complete account
of the school records of the district.
All are satisfied with the choice.
For director there were two candi
date?, G. J. Farley and J. T. Peters, the
latter being placed in the field at a very
late hour. Mr. Farley came out ahead,
with four votes more than his opponent.
The new director has always been
Interested in everything pertaining to
the welfare of the city, and as the
schools are a large part of that Interest,
he will undoubtedly fit well in a place
so well filled by his predecessor.
The school district can boast of three
competent directors Dr. Doane, Judge
I.iebn and G. J. Farley, io whose hands
he should fire well.
Plumbing, tinning and bicycle repair
ing at Maler A Benton'. Mchll-1 W