The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, March 15, 1899, PART 1, Image 1

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M 1 I II
NO. 24
Mi las Ttrrilly Wrecfcei tj Rebel
Miller's Artillery Found in Action and
v His Troops Advancing Into the
Jungle t Prevent an Attack on
the Town..
New Yokk, Maich 10. A dispatch to
the Herald from Baacolood, island of
Negros, under date of March 1, says:
After a pleasant voyage, the St. Paul,
carrying the deputation from Negro,
Colonel Jatuei F. Smith, the first Amer
ican governor, and the first batallion of
the California regiment, Majir Simee
commanding, arrived-at Iloilo on March
3. As the vessel entered the harbor at
midday it found the artillery in action
and General Miller's command ttdvunc
ing into the cocoanat plantations at the
right of the line. '
General Miller, fearing an organized
and strong attack upon the town, had
requested assistance from the Boston In
landing. Captain White was unable to
accede to this request owing to the fact
I tut a portion of the crew was at Cebu
It was at first expected that the Cali
forniam would land and assist General
Miller's forces, but on landing the Her
ald correspondent met General Miller
returning from the front and learned
that it was only a false alarm.
Iloilo ws terribly wrecked by the in
argent incendiaries and presents i
scene of havoc and desolation. Magnlfi
cent residences and great warehouses
were totally wrecked.
General Miller and his staff are con
fident they can hold the town. The in
surgent strength is not definitely known,
tut it is believed that there are 2000
men arm?d with firearms and 2003 arm
ed with bolas. They follow similar tac
tics to those at Manila, dropping irri
tating shots into the American lines
throughout the night, but never appear
Ing in sufficient strength to justify a
resolute forward movement. Few casu
allies are reported.
The St. Paul proceeded to Baacolood,
and arrived at noon today. The Ameri
cans found a native guard of honor
drawn np on the beach. The inhabi
tants were amicably disposed. The
American flag was already flying from
an unfinished convent.
Coining oo the Scandia. '
Manila, March 10. 5 p. m. The re
mains of Colonel VV. B. Smith, Major
t. McConvllle, Captain David 8. Elliott
nd Second Lieutenant Eugene French,
who were killed in action, were shipped
home today by the United States trans
Port ScHndia, with military honors, the
Second Oregon volunteers furnishing the
scort through the city. A battalion of
the Twenty-second infantry .has rein
forced General Wheaton's brigade.
Administration Contemplating Certain
Changes Calculated to Promote
Harmony Cabinet to be Composed
of Citizens.
WAMIINflTiil Marnli 10. Th ailml
'"tration is contemplating a change in i
'me leaituM of the government of
cha. It is probable that the military
J'Vernment will, to a certain extent, be
'placed ly a civil government. The
head of the government must, of course,
""lain military, but the plan In con
templation is to have civil officers lii
'"""( military men in the cabinet
nd subordinate positions. v
is believed that exptrts in different
lines, tuch as finance ami revenue ami
the management of the general business
of theisland and of the different wunict
pannes will get along more smoothly
inan toe armv officers.
It is not known whether the contem
plated change has reached a point
further than discussion in the war de
partment and with the president, but its
advantages Lave been pointed out and
the authority of government to establish
such a civil government under control of
the military government has been deter
mined. DANGER OF .
Americans Threaten to Expel by Force
Canadians Who are Encroaching
on American Territory An Appeal
; to London.
Chicago. March 10 A special to
the Times-Herald from Washington
says : There is grave danger of an
armed collision between the American
and Canadian miners in the Porcupine
creek region, over the Alaskan boundary
question. '
Despite the fact that the location of
the boundary has been determined be
yond any reasonable doubt, the Cana
dians have encroached six miles or more
on the American side, where they claim
the right to stake claims und search for
gold and deny the same right to the
Americans. ' -The
Americans have threatened to ex-
pel the Canadians bv force, and it is
feared that a conflict may be brought on.
The situation is so serious that upon
information contained in a letter from
Governor Brady, of Alaska, to the sec
retary of the interior, the secretary of
state has called the attention of the
British government to the actions of
the Canadians and has aBked to have
them recalled to their own territory.
Money For Cubans.
New York, March 11. The United
States transport Meade sailed today for
Havana. She has on board $3,000,000
provided by the United States govern
ment to pay Cuban troops.
Much interest is centered in the re
moval of the treasure from the sub
treasury. A large crowd watched the
proceedings. Captain Littel, of the
quartermasters department, had charge
bf the detachments of soldiers. There
were about fifty men, each with a Krag
Jorgensen rifle and a full belt of cart
ridges. They formed in line at the
treasury building, and the boxes and
safes of coin were passed out between
them. The money was put on trucks,
and eight men got on each truck to guard
the treasure en route to the stealer.
Kipling Wants Josephine.
New Yobk, March 10. The Tribune
says: tor two days Mr. Kipling nas
made repeated inquiries for bis children.
He asks the nurse and Dr. Dunham
when be may see them, and is particu
larly anxious to tee Josephine, the little
one who died. His nurse finds it very
difficult to invent tome new excuse to
gain time. .The father seems to have
some inkling that something is wrong,
and his continually repeated requests for
Josephine are most pathetic Of course
the news will not be told him until he
has recovered, if it is possible to keep
him in ignorance ot his great loss.
Children Attacked by Rats.
Boston, March 11. Sewer rats at
tacked two children in a hone in Dor
chester and inflicted probably fatal
wounds. Mis. Woodward left her two
children, Elsie, aged 3 years, and Emma,
aged 1 year, asleep in their bed while
she went np to the grocery store. Re
turning half an hour later.shw found
them covered with blood, and examina
tion showed parts of the face and limbs
bad been partially eaten.
Passenger Fell Overboard.
San FnANCiHt o, March 11. The ship
8. N. Castle, which has arrivert irom
Honolulu, brought tidings of the drown-
ing of L. Lowmsn, a passenger, woo
was making the trip for his health, and
who accidentally fell overboard, Friday,
March 3. His body was not recovered.
He was about 40 years of age. and was
from Cincinnati, though he had recent
ly resided near Los Angeles.
Til tha I'uhlli.
We are authorised to guarantee every
bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and if not satisfactory to refund the
tikoney to the purchaser. There Is no
better .medicine made for La Grippe,
colds or whooylnii cough. Price 2 and
50 cents per bottle. Try if. Blakeley A
Houghton, druggists.
Active Campaip Against tne Filipinos
Will Be Bepi,
The Second Oregon Made a Part of
General Wheaton's Brigade, Sev
. enteenth Regulars Releaved Them.
Manila, March 1211 :30 a. m. In all
probability the current week will see the
beginning of an active campaign on a
scale hitherto unknown in the Filipinos.
For the last few days there has been un
usual activity at headquarters, and there
is every Indication of a complete reorgan
ization of the entire corps, in the near
future. ' f
Since the arrival of tie American re
inforcements several changes have been
made, the most important being the ap
pointment of a divisional brigade under
General Wheat on, consisting of the
Twentieth and Twenty-second regiments
of infantry, eight companies of the Wash
ington and seven companies of the Ore
gon volunteers, three mounted troops
of cavalry and a battalion of light artil
All the troops have disembarked. A
battalion of the Fourth regular infantry
is already on the firing line, assigned to
General McArthur's division. The others
have been held in reserve, and are en
camped on the Luneta parade ground.
A battalion of the Seventeenth regulars
have been assigned tr protest guard, re
lieving the Oregon volunteers.
During a rainstorm which occurred be
fore daylight this morning the rebels on
the extreme left fired several volleys at
the Americans, ' but without effect.
Otherwise everything is quite.
Manila, March 113:15 p. m. At
daylight the rebels were caught enfilad
ing the entrenchments at Cal,ocan, and
were shelled by a battery. Desultory
firing also took placeat San Pedro Macau.
The United States cruiser Charleston
has relieved the armed transport Buffalo
off Paranaque.
The last' batch of Spanish soldiers,
numbering 885 men, excepting a few,
who are in the hospital, were embarked
on the transport Buenos Avers today. .
Money Sent From New York to Pay
the Island Troops Who Fought for
Havana, Cuba, March 11. The Cu
ban militarv assembly, in public session
this afternoon, impeached Genera
Maximo Gomes and removed him from
his co:nmand,as general-in-chief of the
Cuban army, the first ballot result
ing In twenty-six votes being cast in sup
port of the motion to imptach and re
move General Gomez, against four' in
opposition. The original motion pro
vided for the abolition of the grade of
general-in-chief, but an amendment was
offered to this by Senor Aguerro, which
read :
'To abolish the grade of general-in-chief,
and remove General Gomes, for
failure in his military duties and diso
bedience to the assombly."
Much passion was evident In the
spetches, in some of which Gomes was
declared to have been delinquent in his
duties and disoliedlent, because he had
accepted the proposition of Robert P.
Porter, President Mckinley's special
emissary, without consulting the as
sembly ; because he had taken upon
himself arrangements for the payment
and disarming of Cuban' troops, inde
pendent of the assembly, and because
be had declared to the assembly that
he would observe its rulings in so far as
he could see them beneficial to Cuba.
The assembly then declared that $3,
000,000 is sufficient, and that it has not
yet accepted the proposition. The dis
cussion of this question will soon be
taken np, now that General Gomes has
been removed. ,
Not the Place for Officers' Families.
Washington, March 11. The war de
partment today issued the following
eablegram from General Otis :
"Manila is not the place for officers'
families the great difficulty experienced
in caring for those now here, and their
safety, is one of the chief causes of
anxiety' Officers' families should re
'main in the Uulled States."
Under such conditions the secretary
of war regrets that no more families of
officers or enlisted men will be permitted
to accompany the troops. The families
of officers, for which quarters are legally
provided, will be permitted to retain
their quarters at posts from which the
troops depart. ''
Will . Not Continue His Pastorate
Washington, March 9. Rev. Dr. T
Dewitt Talmage, who for nearly four
years bas been pastor of the First Pres
byterian church of this city, today sent
a letter to the session of that church,
tendering his resignation. The explana
tion made in the letter is as follows :
"The increasing demands made upon
me by religious journalism and con
tinuous calls or more general work in
the cities have of late years caused fre
quent Interruptions of my pastorate
work. It is not right that this condition
of affairs should further continue."
Reappointment Necessary.
Washington, March 9. No action
has been taken looking to appointing a
postmaster at The Dalles since the ad
journment of congress. This office will
probably be filled by the president by
recess appointment, in which event the
present incumbent, J. A. Crossen, will
be relieved. Until then he continoes in
office. The appointment lies wholly with
the president, and II. H. Riddell, whose
name was sent to congress, having the
backing of the entire delegation, will
probably be named.
To Celebrate the Fourth.
Tacoma, March 9. The finest Fourth
of July celebration ever given in the
Northwest has been arranged for this,
city this year, to be combined with the
annual rose carnival, the celebration to
last three days. President McKinley
and Admiral Dewey have been invited
to be present, the latter to be presented
with a testimonial donated by the state
for the flagship Olympia.
Must Make Choice of Two Evils.
Peking, March 11. The Italian min
ister here, Signor Martine, addressed a
note to the Chinese foreign office yester
day evening, requested it to give back
the Italian dispatch asking lor a con
cession, and notifying the foreign office
to accept the latter request as a demand,
adding that he was willing to enter into
friendly negotiations as to the details,
but insisting upon an answer within
The note was couched in courteous
terms, but the Chinese regard it in the
natnre of an ultimatum, to which they
will probably yield.
Congressman Greene, of Nebraska Dead.
Omaha, March 11. Congressman W.
L. Greene, of the sixth Nebraska district,
died suddenly of heart lailure in the Bur
lington station in this city at 7 o'clock.
Mr. Greene arrived this morning from
Washington, and spent the day with
friends in the city. At 7:45 p. ro., he
left his hotel for the train in company
with three Iriends. On arriving at the
depot he was found to be in an uncon
scious condition, and was taken to the
station, where he soon expired.
To Kond Arlington.
Aki.isotom, Or., March 11. The prop
osition to bond the city was carried to
day by an almost unanimous' vote. Onlv
eight votes were cast in Uie negative.
Anti-Christian Science Bill Vetoed.
Gutiirir, O. T., March 9. The gov
ernor vetoed the bill regulating the prac
tice of medicine on Uie ground that it in
terfered with religious liberty. The
measure aimed at Christian Science.
To Cur C'ald la One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo tjuinirre. Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
it fails to cure. 2-ro,
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
OVl BAKf! K7Wfft CO. MFW YO.
Filijiirios Wtthstana. lis Assault of Ite
American Forces for an Hanr.
American Casualties Numbered But Six
Wounded, While the Filipinos Lost
Thirty Killed and Sixteen Pris
oners. Manila, March 13.-11:55 a. m. At
daylight today Brigadier-General Loyd
Wheaton's divisional brigade, consisting
of the Twentieth infantry, the Twenty
Second infantry, eight companies of the
Washington volunteers, seven compan
ies of the Oregon volunteers, three
troops of the Fourth cavalry and a
mounted battery of the Sixth artillery,
was drawn up on a ridge behind San
Pedro Macati, a mile south of town.
The advance was sounded at 6:30 a. m.,
the cavalry leading the column at a
smart trot across the open to the right,
eventually reaching a clump command
ing the rear of Guadlupe.
Supported by the Oregon volunteers,
the advance opened a heavy fire on the
rebels. The response was feeble and
desultory, apparently cjming from few
men in every covert. While the tight
column was swinging toward the town of
Pasig, the left advanced, pouring volleys
into the bush.
A small body of rebels made a de
termined stand at Guadalupe church,
but was unable to withstand the assault.
At 7 :30 a river gunboat started toward
Pasig. The rebels were first encountered
ed by this vessel in the jungle near
Gnadalupe. Steaming slowly the gun
boat poured a terrific fire from her gat
ling guns into the brush. For an honr
the whirring of the rapid firing guns
alternated with the booming of the
heavier piecas on board.
In the meantime Scott's battery
ashore was shelling the trenches and
driving the enemy back. The artillery
then advanced to the ridge of bamboo
and drove a few of the enemy's sharp
shooters away with volleys from their
carbines. The artillery then advanced
and met willi no opposition.
The infantry had been sent forward
in extended order, the Washington regi
ment resting on the bank of the river,
each regiment deploying on reaching its
station and furnishing its own support.
Tire entire column wheeled toward the
river, driving the enemy toward his
supports and then advancing on Guada
upe. . The artillery moved to a ridge
commanding Pasig and Pateros. By this
time the enemy was in full flight along
a line over a mile, long, and the firing
was discontinued temporarily, in order
to give the troops a rest before making
the attack on Pasig. The enemy's loss
was believed to be severe, but only
eight Americans were wounded at this
stage of the engagement. It was rain
ing heavily.
Altera short rest, General Wbeaton
resumed the attack on Pasig. Scott's
battery, supported by two companies of
the Twentieth regiment, advanced on
Guadalupe by the road along the river
bank, the remainder of the Twentieth
regiment and the Twenty-second regi
ment following with the reserve of Ore
gon volunteers.
At 11:30 a. m. the column came in
contact with theenemv, and the gunboat
steamed to the firing line and cleared the
jungle on both sides w hile the battery
took np a position on the bluff at the
right. The first shot from the American
field pieces at 1200 yards'range dislodged
ed a gun of the enemy at Pasig. After
the town had been shelled theTwentinth
regiment lined npon the bluff and the
Twenty-second took up a position on the
left of the place, with the cavalry in the
center, whereupon the enemy retreated
to the town. The gunboat then moved
into a bend opposite, and n hot fire on
the rebel position was maintained along
the whole American line until 2 :20 p. ni.,
when preparations were made for the
At 3 p. m. our gunboat started in pur
suit of the enemy's armed tug, chasing
her to the lake.
At 3:30 p. m. a large body ot the
enemy was discovered working around
the right flank, and the Twentieth regi
ment was moved to a commanding ridge.
The rebels were met opposite Pateros,
but bolted. Thirty of the rebels were
killed, sixteen more taken prisoners, and
the Americans lost six men wounded.
The whole American line bivouacked
at 5 o'clock.
About 700 rebels were reported to be
marching northward a few miles to the
Determined Though Unofficial Effort
to Secure Their Exercise Being
Made, But With Little Success.
New York, March 12. A dispatch to
the Herald from Washington says: A
determined though unofficial effort is
being made to secure the exercise by
the United States of its goad offices In
bahalfof China. The matttr has not
yet been brought officially to the atten
tion of Secretary Hay, but it is under
stood that be is awaro of the wishes of
certain interested persons, and the ad
vantage, from their point of view, which
would accrue to this government in case
of such action.
It is untrue that an appeal bas been
made to this government to make any
representations to foreign governments
to prevent them from seizing Chinese
territory. What is desired is that this
government shall, through its minister
in Peking, inform the empress dowager
of the dangerous position China occupies
and having done this make a public
declaration that tbe connnericial in
terests of the United Sates make it nec
essary that no further leases of Chinese
coast territory be granted.
It is extremely improbable, however,
that the government will consent to take
such action.
How to Prerent Pneumonia.
You are perhaps aware that pneu
monia always results from a cold or from
an attack of La Grippe. During the
epidemic of La Grippe a Jew years ago
when so many cases resulted in pneu
monia, it was observed that the attack
was never followed by that disease when
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was used.
It counteracts any tendency of a cold or
La Grippe to result in that dangerous
disease. It is the best remedy in the
world' for bad colus and La Grippe.
Every bottle warranted. For sale by
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.
President McKinley Going South.
Washington, March 12. A number of
the friends of President and Mrs. Mo
Kinley were at the White House tonight
to say good-bye to the chief executive
and bis wife, who start on their trip
South tomorrow evening. The affair was
entirely an informal one. Among those
present were all the members of the cabi
net, except Postmaster-General Emory
Smith and Secretary Hitchcock, Vice
President and Mrs. Hobart, Mr. H. H.
Kohlsaat, of Chicago, and several resi
dents of Canton, O., now living in Wash
ington. To Exterminate A Pest.
MoNitoe, March 12. Destruction of
tbe "digger" squirrel is contemplated
by the farmers of Benton county. In
the precincts iu the south end of the
county a numerously signed petition to
the county court is being circulated.
The petition asks tbe Court to tlx a 4-cent
scalp bounty ou the rodents, and the pro-
spects of the ma! ter receiving favorable
consideration ar J good.