The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, March 11, 1899, PART 2, Image 4

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M3 Has Been Quiet an Orderly
Since American Occupation.
Battalion of Troops From the St. Paul
Also Set Down on the Island
Officers Magnificently Received and
Entertained by the Natives.
Manila, March 9. The Maritime
Steam Navigation Company's steamer
U intra Zenodel Rio baa arrived bere
frjm Iloilo and reports all quiet there,
although skirmishes are frequent in the
outlying districts.
Tbe Xegros commissioners landed Fri
day last at Bacold, and have been doing
excelled work since.
The St. Panl landed a battalion of
troops at Xegros March 4. Colonel
Smith and other officers were magnifi
cently received and entertained by the
natives, who were extremely kind and
courteous. Within an boor of landing
the signal corps had established com
munication with Iloilo. Captain Tilly
reporting news of the reception of Gen
eral Miller.
Goodall's battalion was subeeqnently
landed at Cebu without opposition, and
is quartered in the city.
Tbe steamer Gloria, which baa ar
rived bere from Curimac in the northern
part of Luzon, reports that the steamer
San Joaquin is stranded, that her cargo
baa been jettisoned and that her native
crew mutinied and murdered the Span
ish officers of the vessel, tame of the
mntiners are reported to have been ar
retted at Vigan.
The British first-class cruiser Power
ful, baa arrived here troin Hong Kong,
in order to relieve the first-class cruleer
Tbe United States transport Arizona
lias sailed.
All is quiet at Manila.
Not Officially Informed.
Washington, March 9. Regarding
the Vancouver story to tbe effect that
Dewey is in ill bealtb, Secretary Long
says be has no official information on
tbe subject. Reports are all traceable to
private reports, and. though the officers
of tbe navy who have returned recently
from Manila state that Dewey's bealtb,
so far as it could be gauged from appear
ance, was about tbe same as it bad been
for the past Tear, they agree that the
private reports probably have a fair
basis of fact. The admiral, however,
recently stated that he thought it his
duty to remain at Manila, and finiah
the work be began in the Philippines.
Dewey has the president's permission
to return to the United Statea at any
time be deems such course necessary.
Do Not Be Alarmed, But Look For the
Ileirt troubles, at least among the
American?, are certainly increasing, and
while tbia may be largely due to the ex
citement and worry of American busi
ness life, it is more often the result of
weak stomachs, of poor digestion.
Real organic disease is incurable; but
not one case in a hundred of heart
trouble is organic.
The close relation between heart
trouble and poor digestion is because
both organs are controlled by the same
great nerves, the Sympathetic and
In another way, also tbe heart is ef
fected by the form of poor digestion,
which canses gas and fermentation from
half digested food. There Is a feeling of
oppression and heaviness in the chest
caused by pressure of the distended
stomach on the heart and lungs, inter
faring with their action ; hence arists
palpitation and short breath.
Poor digestion also poisons the blood,
making it thin and watery, which irri
tates and weakens the heart.
Tbe most sensible treatment for heart
trouble is to improve the diegestion and
t Insure the prompt assimilation of
This can be done by the regular ose
after meals of some safe, pleasant and
effective digestive preparation, like
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, which may
be found at mo;', drug stores, and which
contain valuable, harmless digestive
elements in a pleasant, convenient form.
It is sale to say that the regular per
sistent ose of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
at meal lime will cure any form of
stomach trouble exoept cancer of the
Full sired package of these tablets
sold by druggists at 50 cents. Little
book on stomach troubles mailed free,
Address F. A. Stuart, Co., Marshall,
Her Policy of Supporting That Empire
Against Aggressioo Not Modified
by Recent Concessions.
London, March 9. In the house of
commons today tbe parliamentary sec
retary for foreign affairs, Sir John
Broderick, said her majesty's govern
ment bad not modified its undertaking
to support China against any power com
mitting aggression in China because tbe
latter had granted British subjects per
mission to make or saptort railroads or
public works. But he added the govern
ment did not anticipate that a question
of this description would arise with re
spect to the British contract tor the
northern railroads.
The questions and answer arose from
the Russian protest against the British
railroad contract and the statement of
the British minister at Peking, Sir
Claude McDonald, that any attempt to
repudiate the contract will be regarded
as a bleach of faith meriting retributive
measures. He at the same time recalled
Lord Salisbury's aesuranceof support for
China if another power attempted to
force her to repudiate the contract.
Railroad to Goldendale.
Goldendale, Wash., March 7. J. H.
O'Neill, of the O. R. A X. Co., J. J.
Devereaux, of the Santa Fe system, and
M. J. Roche, of the Rio Grande Western
visited Goldendale today. 7 heir visit to
Goldendale was particularly noted by
many citizens.
Mr. O'Neill declined to be interviewed,
but incidentally said be believed Messrs.
Lytle and O'Reilly were going to build
a railroad to Goldendale and that the
proposition was a (''sure go." Further,
he was positive the O. R. fc N. bad no
interest in the project, lurther than that
later they may make a traffic agreement.
Tbe other two gentlemen desired tbat
their visit receive no newspaper men
tion. Regarding a sorrel mare, reported to
be on government flat. Said mare is
branded L. O. on left shoulder; has star
in forehead ; is six years old. Party who
will deliver same to me at Endersby
postoffice will be suitably rewarded.
Address, AluusT Longren.
Feb.lo,lm-i Endersby, Or.
Vigilantes at Tacoma.
Tacoma, Wash., March 9. Citizens,
indignant at the many recent robberies
and hold-nps, beld public meeting at
the Chamber of Commerce rooms this
morning and decided to form vigilance
committee. The incompetency of the
police was denounced and a citizens'
patrol organized. A subcommittee of
ten called on Sheriff Mills after the meet
ing and asked him to act as head of tbe
vigilantes. It was decided tbat all sus
picious characteis must leave the city.
Scrofula, a Vile
Scrofula is the most obstinate of blood
troubles, and is often the result of an
inherited taint in the blood. S. 8. S.
ia the only remedy whioh goes deep
enough to reach Scrofula ; it forces out
every trace of the disease, and cures
the worst cases.
My son, Charlie, was afflicted from Infancy
with Scrofula, and ha raftered so that It was
Impossible to drags him
for three years. His -head
and body were a
mass of sores, and his
eyesight also became
affected. No treatment
was spared that wa
thought would rellAva
him, but he grew worse., r
until his condition wh
Indeed pitiable. I hail
almost despaired of his
ever being cured, when
by the advice of a friend
we pave him 8. H. 8.
(Swift's Srwlflcl Ado.
elded Improvement was the result, and after
tie had taken a riosen bottles, no one who knew
of his former dreadful condition would bars
recognised htm. All the sores on his body
have healed, his skin is perfectly clear and
smooth, and ha has been restored to perfect
health. Mas. 8. 8 Mabrt.
860 Kim St., Macon, Ua.
For real blood troubles it is a waste
of time to expect a cure from the doc
tors. Blood diseases are beyond their
skill. Swift's Specific,
reaches all deep-seated cases which
other remedies have no effect upon. It
,is tho only blood remedy guaranteed
purely Vegetable, and contains no pot
ash, mercury, or other mineral.
Books mniled free to any nddress by
Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.
Wednesday s Dally.
R. Sigmsn, of Dafur, is in the city.
A. E. Lake is a visitor from Waiuic.
J. X. Mosier is op from Mosier today.
M. P. Isenberg came op from Hood
River last night.
G. D. Woodworth came up from Hood
River yesterday.
Mr. L. Clarke came np from his farm
on l$-.VIile island last night.
Fred Clarke will leave for Moro this
evening, where he expects to remain.
D. S. Kimsey is in from Antelope, at
tendicg to his duties a oue ut the county
W.O. Calder, representing the Phunix
Ins. Co., is in the city in the interest
of his company.
Geo. C. Blakeley left this morning for
Portland to attend a meeting of the state
board of pharmacy.
F. W. Wilson left last night on tbe
late train to attend the Wool Growers'
convention in Pendleton.
Eider J. C. Baker, of Hsrtland, came
op from Portland last night, and will
probably remain in the city over Sun
( T T Cnnnn- liBDino ITtAnt till
I past ten days visiting relatives here,
will leave this evening I or runman,
Sam Hering, the traveling man who
for vears has been so well known to
Dalles people, is "doing" tbe city at
O. J. Alleboff, who wss formerly a
resident of this city, came np from
Portland yesterday. This is his first
visit in niue years.
Chas.A. Buckley came ia from Grass
Valley a few days since, and left last
night to atteud the Wool Growers' con
vention at Pendleton.
Thursday's Dally.
Representative J. B. Morton is in the
city from Hood River today.
Hugh Chrisman is in the city today
I rom Rufus. Hugh is postmaster at
tbat place.
Mrs. T. A. Hudson aud Mrs. Thorn
bnryawent to Portland today to bear
Ward and James.
Miss Myrtle Smith arrived in the city
from Pendleton yesterday, and will re
main here during tbe busy season.
Mrs. Angle, mother of Mrs. G. W.
Woodworth, came up las', night from
Portland, where she has been visiting.
Mr. and Mrs. Waters, who have been
visiting their daughter, Mrs. Herman
Falk, left this morning for their home at
Mrs. C. A. Campbell came up irom
Portland last night and spent today
with her son, Hamilton, returning on
tbe afternoon train.
Mr. and Mrs. Ledie Butler will leave
tomorrow for Portland, and from there
will go to Centralis to visit their daugh
ter. Some time the first of next week
they will sail for Skagwav, Alaska, to
spend the summer. Mr. Butler intends
to go into the Atlin mining country.
Friday's Dally.
Rev. J. C. Baker left this morning for
his home in Hartiand.
F. II. Rowe was a passenger for Lyle
on the boat this morning,
S. P. M. Brlggs and bis two children
are in the city today from Arlington.
Capt. Lewis, who for the past week
has been suffering with grippe, ia again
able to be out.
Geo. C. Blakeley returned last night
from attending a meeting of the state
board of pharmacy in Portland. "
Miss Ursula Ruch came np on the
boat last night from Portland, where
she has spent tbe past ten days with
F. W. Wilson returned this morning
from attending the Wool Growers' meet
ing at Pendleton. Mr. Wilson is secre
tary of the association.
Miss Minnie Michell will leave on
this afternoon's train for Poitland to
bear Ward and James in "School for
Scandal" and "Macbeth."
This morning Geo. A. Young, C. A.
Buckley and John Little retnrned from
Pendleton, where tbey have been at
tending the Wool Growers' convention.
Miss Mamie Smith, who has spent
the past five weeks with Mrs. L. Clarke
in thiscity, left tbis morning for Port
land on ber way to ber home in San
Ed Wingate and Will Crossen boarded
the boat this morning for Portland.
Somehow we think they had in their
minds an Elks' banquet' to be given to
ttie famous actors in tbat city tonight.
Among The Dalles Elks who will at
tend the reception to Ward and James
tonight In Portland are Judge Bradshaw,
P. DeHnff, Max Vogt, Dr. Sturdevani,
H. D. Parkins, T. J. Seutert. H. W.
French, A. Bettingen, and others.
Capt. and Mrs. Wand, with their son
and daughter, were paerengeis on the
hoat this morning for Portland. Mrs.
Wand and the children will remain in
that city, hut the Captain leaves tomor
row night for Alaska to resume his run
between Lake Bennett and White Horse
On 5-Mile, this mornine, March 9th,
to Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Williams, a
daughter. ,
At Blalock. Or.. Thursday. March 9th.
by Presiding Elder Warner, Geo. W.
Biggs, a merchant at Blalock, and Miss
Georgia M. Irby.
The marriage took place at the Bla.
lock ranch at 7 o'clock, and Mr. and
Mrs. Biggs cams down on tbe delsved
train this morning bound for Portland.
They will return Monday and make their
k n I i : .
iiuuia lu Arlington.
(llrl IV an ten.
A girl is desired who will do light
house work In a family of two. She
will be required to room at borne. Ap
ply at this office. 9-, 'it
DeWitf Little Carly Risers,
Tha tumtius little pills.
Matters Ar. Ofte- ts Blav-e tow
Their ' t-ek ! M
llaesa. No woman admires a babyish man,
jet one frequently sees a mother train
ns a babyUh boy. He comt s in pout
ing and crjing because one one treats
I i:n unfairly, or the fellows won't let
tim p!ay, or he has met wiiba fall, and
everyone is to blame but himself.
His mother coddles and pet him;
criticises the other boys; gives him a
piece of eake, and keeps him in with
The boys don't like to play with him.
They call him mother's darling and
baby boy, and they get rid of bim in
every way ns soon as possible. He is
peevish, selfish and overbearing at
home, but that is interpreted as a se
quence of his playmates spoiling him.
This kind of boy grow s up and take
his fretful, fault-finding, unlovable dis
position with Lim. He has co luck in
the world. His mother only is patient
with him, but even she cannot be proud
of. nor lean lovingly on, such a son.
How much better would it be for a
mother kindly to show her little son
his fault! And in so doing she need not
lose sympathy for any real hurt or
childish, sorrc-.v.
As a rule, mothers consider their own
offspring entirely superior to other chil
dren; they listen to a one-sided tale,
and harshly judge the ot'.-r side, and
in consequence neighbors fall out and
children are encouraged to disagree
a twofold injury.
"The other boy didn't mean to hurt
you, Johnnie," was a wise woman's re
ply to her complaining son. "I have
seen you throw the ball in the same
way, and very likely you do other
naughty things, so you really have no
right to get mad. Besides, it will only
make other children laugh at you and
call you names. Xow you must put a
stop to that by showing them that you
can be manly, and are willing to take
what you send. Go, my son; it really
hurts mamma to see you babyish."
Such a course as this mother pursued
was most sensible; it developed the
child's sense of right, of justice and un
selfishness, i
If you think it a slight thing,
mothers, you are mistaken. You take
the easiest way to rid yourselves of
the matter, really and metaphysically,
and caution him to "let those boys.
If his playmates are really bad, it
is your business to know it, and guard
your son from contamination; but you
do him an injury to kee-p him from the
company of other rollicking, sturdy,
good-natured bojs boys in the full
est sense of the word.
'Sometimehe mn&t match his strength,
physically and morally, with his kind;
he must battle with life and its prob
lems when mother is powerless to
shield him from the world's hard
Some time he and you must awaken
to the knowledge that it is only by
courageously meeting'disoppointments
and discouragements that manly
strength matures. Happy is tbe boy
who has had that wise help and that
sometimes wiser letting alone, when
occasion demands, which inures and en
nobles his moral muscle! Housewife.
An Island of Mmhronmi,
Washington possesses just now a
little wonder of the world in the form
of a most phenomenal growth of sev
eral edible species of mushrooms. This
wonder can be found on the inland in
tiie Potomac on the south side of the
bathing beach, r.nd west of the long
bridge. The rich soil made in recent
yeurs by the dredgings of the river
has produced a luxuriance cf growth
of fuuiri that can probably not be seen
nnywhere else, and if they continue
to inorenee in the ratio they have done
tbee last few months we may venture
to stnte that the entire inland will
soon be otic solid niHa of edible mush
rooms. Washington Star.
Bastsrss VITALITY,
Cures Im potency, Night Emissions and
wanting diseases, all effects of self-
abuse, or excess and indis
cretion. A nerve tonic and
blood builder. Brings the
pink glow to pale cheeks and
rPBtnrpa trip? fire of vouth.
By mail COc per box; boxes
lor fi'J.rti); with a written guaran
tee to cure or' refund tlio money.
Clinton A, Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL,
Ask your 1
for a generous
Ely's Cream Balm
contains no cocaine,
mercury nor any otlier
Injurious drag.
It is quickly Absorbed.
Gives heiief atones.
It opens and cleanses
the Naval Passages.
Allays Inflammation.
Duals and Protects th Mouibrana. Restores th
Hrnaes of Tasts and Hmell. Full elxaSOci Trial
Size IOC. t at Druggists or by sialL
LIBROTIiiUi.M Warrsa StreeUNewTork.
Art Studio.
Room 3, Chapman Block.
China painting a speelalt7.
IRED. W.Wlt.uoN,
OBiee ovei First Nat. Bins.
hcxt1ngtos a wilson,
attoknkvh at law,
r, ... T'r. DAl.LLn, OREGON
Oflice oyer First Sak Hank.
The Toet (insinuatingly) 'Don t
you think we would make a good coup
let?" She (coyly) Tin not averse.
Brooklyn Life.
"Professor." said a graduate, trying
to be pathetic at parting, "1 am indebt
ed to you for all I know." "Pray do not
mention such a trifle," was the reply.
An Old City. Little Brother 'Is
Boston an old city?" Little sister (who
has been there)" 'Deed it is. Why, the
streets is bent 'most double with age."
-,X. Y. Weekly.
yiT c. "Tbey call him a one-horse
lawyer." Mr. Y. "How did he get that
came, do you suppose?" Mr. C "Be
cause he's such a tine charger, I imag
ine." Yonkers Statesman.
The Savage Bachelor "Men," said
the Dear Girl, "have a much idle curi
osity as women." "More," said the
Savage Bachelor. "Women's curiosity
is always active." Cincinnati En
quirer. "Some men," said Uncle Eben
"wouldn' hab no trouble 'tall 'bout get-tin'-rich
tf dey held on as tight to de
money dey earns as dey does to de
money dey borrows." Washington
Tutting Out a Feeler. "Papa, do
dreams always go by contraries?"
"Some people say so, Johnny." "Well.
I dreamed last night I didn't get any
new sled for Christmas." Chicago
Another Sufferer. "I was injured,
ma'am, by the bursting of a magazine."
said the wayworn tourist, who was eat
ing a cold luncheon in tbe kitchen "In
the war?" "So. ma'am " he answered.
"In Sew York city. The silent part
ner refused to put up for it any longer."
Chicago Daily Kecord.
She Knew Kim. Mrs. Potts "It was
rather late when you came home last
night. Where were you?" Mr. Potts
"Why, my dear, Wednesday night is the
regular weekly lodge meeting right
you know, and" Mrs. Potts "Yes, of
course., I know; but did you win or
lose?" Chicago News.
Geyaera of Ireland Spout Hot Mad
Oat of tbe Knrth and Barn
Barren as the place really is, the
artist's eye would revel in the beautiful
effects on the snowy jokulls, the twi
light softening shudes of mauve, greens
and grays on the distant lava peaks,
and the luminous midnight sky. The
intensity of the blue water of lake or
ocean is superb, and the mighty water
falls are grand. And the geyser fields!
All the warm tints, from cream to rus
set, are found in the mineral deposits
around the basin of the Great
Geyser, Little Geyser, Stokkr (the
churn), and the Little Stokkr, while
lilesi (the blue one) is lined with ex
quisite white, like porcelain, making it
a fitting vessel for the cooking of food,
and for furnishing boiling water for
our tea and coffee. It was so smooth
and beautiful that I seemed to be mu
tilating something rare and beautiful
when I chipped off pieces of its lining,
but I knew they would be valuable
souvenirs, and the uneasy, bubbling
water would soon amend the deficiency.
The mud pools on this plain are the
most dangerov.s, for they spout hot mud
diagonally out of the earth. Coming
upon them in one direction they are
not seen, and many a visitor has gone
home with a scalded foot,. The hydraulic
display is now very fitful and inconsid
erate tourists have Injured the spout'
ing fountains by loading stones into
them to see them cast out, so you must
take your tent with you and encamp
on the plain to await the plensure of
their majesties. Illesi will serve you
while waiting. The Great Geyser had
not spouted for a week when we were
there, and such surliness indicated a
near activity. The water spouted un
usually high when it finally appeared,
ISO feet, and showed all the tints of the
rainbow, majestie-at the same time and
mysterious. It played for 15 minutes
and then its beautiful cascades sub
sided in a feathery mist, a refined and
graceful withdrawal. International.
Farm for Sale.
(Pries a)4,0O.
Four miles from Dnfnr and 14 miles
frmn The Dalles. 40 acres under cultl
Tatlon; half the crop in. 400 bearing
I I. . n ... . r
imiiirees; nnsastortment oi small trait.
Some good-meadow land ; plenty of oak
wood on the place. Fine stream of water
rannimr through th nl.n (irmA nnu
for stock. 280 ncres of this land is nnder
tence. quaeres of deeded land. School
bonse on the place.
The following list of live stock, imple
ments, etc., go with the place :
Four young horses; one cow and young
calf, one good brood sow. 100 good bens,
One horse rake, nlnw and l.rrn all
new ; 25 stands of bee, 60 good bee
hives, one new cook stove, one hack, one
cultivator; blacksmith tools. All farm
ing tools and household furniture with
the place. Good house with good tire.
nlain. Well nf water nn Mm nr.h
Good barn and onthuildings. Inquire of
L. Klinqkr, of Dnfnr, or Bus Socth-
wki.l, on r.igni Mile ureek, at the place.
A Beautiful Skin.
l.adlrs, ir Tmi desire a transparent, elear anrt
frrKh complexion line lr. Mounlon'a Knueh
Arnenli! Coinnleilnn Wnlera. ... i.
Imply magical. p.mHsslnir the wizard touch
In producing and preserving a hemmiul trans
parency and pellucid rl-arnrxs of complexion,
shapely contour of form, hrllliant eves, unit
and miKHith ln where the reverse oxlxla Even
the eoarnest and innM repulsive kin, marred by
freckles, moth, Mackhemla, pimples, vulgar
ridness, yellow and muddy kln are.rmanent
ly removed, and a elear and refined
complexion sHKtireir
friee r .mall Ihix, .V) rents; large box,
six large boxes, ay H,.nt U( ,T ;,r,. ,
ptd and under plain wrapper upon receipt of
ttiu ahove amount. Wrlu lor free circular.
The Parisian Drug Co.,
l:il Montfomury Ht San Francisco , Csl
Notice.Timber Cult)
u..Liorrc..T Dmx,,,,,
. c"",P1ln'h?T,nf heen enteral uT
failur to comply win, Uw to ni ?H
Kniry No. WJh, dated September . , ' i
the (t. E. - beclloa 10, Townhit't1,, J
Willamette Meridian. It.,.. ' -
County, State of Oregon, with a vImJ1 '
........ v. wmeaiani siW, t
said et-y summner never ploww"" )
said tract except about six acres ai1'
tives or cuttings, or seoda, and alsou?. !
ley hummuer about tbe month of Frbnll
duly relinquished aaid tract to tb liT '
aud delivered saia rellnquisbment Ii.k
V. H. office of The Dalles, Orevor .15 'l
....... f ..l,lu.uauil(m
snd has never since Mid lime returns
or claimed any light or latere.! la auj
The said parties an hereby sumnoilB . I
pear at tbis office ou the 2oih dav ol Air, I
at 10 o'clock a. m., to retpui'd ,J
testimony concerning as id alleged fiii, J A
ll-U JAY P.LL'cas l
Notice Is hereby given tbat tha
has tiled bis resignation as one of th K
trators of the estate of Perry Watklpt
anrt ill. MllintV VII 1 rf of thu .1.1.. ..I
- , - - ... un-.
Wasco county, haa appointed the DOta .
January, 1W9, at the hour of 10 o'clock i J
the time for hearing tbe same and tbe T
of "aid administrator up to said date. . J
sons Interested in said estate are beret 9,J
to appear lu said court at said time k J
caui-e, if any exists, why said resignation,
not be accepted and sold administrator au3
ilalles City, Or., Leo. 27, 1898. I
Ekns Wuin.l
One of the Administrators of the hj
Perry Watklns, Deceased. &
U. 8. LAiin Office, t Vntcoi'Vsn.wJ
k'.UUTI . II U lu 1 ..... 1
Notice is hereby given tbat the (oiwj
uaineu twiner iihb iiicu uou-e ui uie uuvoc
make final proof In support of his i-lun
that said proof will be made before W.B.N
unuea eiaies iommissiouer ror imuv
Washington, at bis office in Uoldeniiale, i,
lngtun, on baturdny, April 8, 1MW, vir;
Thorraan E. Wright,
Homestead Entry, No. 10R29, for the W
tlon 82, Township 4 north, of Range li',
Will. Mer.
He names tho following witnesses to jm;.
continuous residence upon and culUv
said land, vis:
George B. Lyle, of Fulda P. O., WashU
Nils J. Heiine, jonn u. mitimimi, Fm.
Kevnolds. of Lyle 1'. O.. Washington.
Feb KM W. K. DL'NBAK, RcfiiJ
Lamd Office atTue Dalles, Oik!
February ft, ;tj
Notice is hereby given that the toll
named settler baa filed notice of her loitl
to make tliml proof in support of her clais)
mat nam prooi win no mane Dtioremer.aj
and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on 1
uay, April i:, iw, viz:
Llssla Belat, of Tha Dalles:
Homestead Application, No. 4722, for tbt
t&c. Do, Tp. 2 north, ltimge 12 east, Wlll.ll'
tihe names the following witnesses
her continuous residence upon m. d cull
of said land, vis: J. W. Johnston, I.
uuis, Jacob Weltle, G. A. I'liDmiin, all
Dalles.Oregon. JAY P. LUCAS, Kef4
Land Office at The Dalles, Obiv
Notice is hereby given that the fl4
named settler has tiled notice of his hit
to make final proof in support nf his clav
that a dd proof will be made before th Ml
and receiver ut The Dalles, Oregon, on ti;i
April , lew, viz:
Kdwln A. Learned, of Tha Dalle
Homestead Application Nn. 4778. for tb
I!W'iaiid NU HtV'i, Section 24, Towns
north, Hange 12 E, W. M. 1
He names the following witnesses to'f
nis conitnuous residence upou aud culti's
oi saic una, viz;
H. M. Learned. Oliver Bowers. Pern
Camp, J. P. Agidlus, all of The Dslles, Onrl
Administrator's Notic
Notice Is hereby given that the unites"
has been regularlv s. pointed by thsc
court of theMtate p Oiegon for Wasco cmaj
administrator of 'he estate of John brouf"
deceased. A!i persons having claiinnc
said estate art. nerebv notified tb ureas: U''
with the proper vouchers, to me stlsiN
oi motion rttnnott, in Danes t Ity, wi
witnin six months Horn the date ol tilt
Dalles City, Oregon, JantiHry 20, 1M.
K. J.tiOKMA.N, AdmlalitW
Offers travelers choice of the folli
routes east. They are all fatnooi
their sennm attraction
rv If At N n...ian . .i runa
Shasta Route view
and Denver. I
Shasta Ronte view Sacramento, A
Angeles and Alberqnerqne. I
A dailv line of thnmirli PULLW
raLAtii and JUUKisr BLfct
irom ban rrancisco and Los Aug1
Chicago. This is
The Short Lin
from southern California
To the East
Anr.1v tA aisctiia tit Ci XL k
Co. or the undersigned, for folder"1!
ueeunpiive literature.
en. Agt. Worcester, Bldg. Portland,'
D nmCl
A nvona sondtng a sketch snd de'T,'('",T
qnlrklr aseftrtaln our opinion frss
Invention Is prohahly put notable.
I Ions t riot ly n mmient lal. 1 1 and lionk oa r
sent frea. Oldest agmw-y for iwwlirlna' VZm
I'nloms tasen throuuh Munn A C0.
tprrlttl not its, without glinrga, in tha I
scientific flmeiw
1 hsndsnmsly Itlnatrstad wssklv. 'tJTc
rulsllon of sny srisntlll'?
' seism ulc Journal. I
tin. SL Mold by all ns'Ty
rotir mon
M si -
rn aetBrcsdwaew it
Hrauvb ontea, 2t r t. Washing"
One Clydesdale stallion for '
he seen at Ward's ranch, near D"
For terms apply to Ward Bros..l,,ir'
(23 I"1'
DeWitt'a Witch Mazel Sflv'
Cures Pllrs. tcll. Uwrns.
Sap Fe Do