VOL. IX THE DALLES, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1899. NO. 21 WASHINGTON BOYS IN II Stiroisl at lis Water Worts Near Manila. FIFTEEN FILIPINOS WERE KILLED Rebels Finally Fled in Wild Disorder General Miller Reports That the Filipinos in the Suburbs of Uoilo are Believed to be Disintegrating, New Yobk, Feb. 21. A dispatch to the Herald from Manila says: The enemy were concentrating all day at the water works and in front of King's bri gade. They became so nagging in front of King's position that the general sent two companies of the First Washington infantry over the Pasig river. They tweDt the country for two miles and then swung over the river bank, oppo site the insurgent trenches facing the American position at Macati, and opened a flank fire on the insurgents across the river. Two guns of the Sixth artillery, under Lieutenant Eoott, pounded the incur Kent positions, while the troops from Macati charged and drove the enemy before them. Fifteen Filipino dead were found and four wounded. Two American soldiers were wounded by the explosion ot Springfield rifles. The declaration of Aguinaldo that he has made a human war is a fabrication In the past few weeks the Red Cross has baen like a red flag to the insurgents. Captain Fierce, of McArthur's start, testifies that be has been shot at by sharp-shooters fifty times In the pro visional hospital. Not an ambulance or litter came which was not a signal for a shower of bullets. The surgeons of the hospital corps, who were giving aid to the Filipinos as well as to the American wounded, were a target for the sharpshooters. A wounded man who was being carried from the field was killed by insurgents concealed in tree. The Red Crof s peo pie are now going armed. ' All Quiet at Uoilo. Washington, Feb. 21. The war de partment has received the following: Manila, Feb. 21. General Miller un der date of February 19, reports that the insurgent forces of a few miles out from Uoilo are believed to be disintegrating. He can maintain his position with the present force. Business in the city is being resumed. He has sent Dp four representative men, officials of the cap Hal, from the Island of Negros, where the Americans raised their flag, and American protection Is requested against mall insurgent forces in the island. Affairs there and In Cuba, are very en couraging. Affairs here are quiet. A small insur gent force east of the city was driven way with a considerable loss to the the enemy. Manila, Feb. 21.-1:15 p. to. The transport Newport baa arrived from Uo ilo with dispatches from Miller to Otis. She reports all qniet at Hollo. The American troops there are occupying the suburbs of jaro and Molo, business hs been resnmed generally with the outside world, and there has been no fighting sincj February 12. All is quiet at Manila. The heat is eauiinj some Inconvenience, but no casualties have been reported. CONSIDERS TIME OPPORTUNE And Will Now ConMilt With His Party Leaders ns to the Advisability of a Monarchists Attemot. Rnua-tKLH, Feb. 21. The Duke of Or leans has uneipectedly arrived here. Jt Is reported that ho considers the moment Iprttine for a nioriarchitic attempt In France. He will consult with the lead ers of his party on the matter. New Yobk, Feb. 21. A special to the Herald from Paris says : Ihe iigaro save that M. Jules Le Maitre's letter is causing serious splits in the League Patrie Franeaise. The Figaio publishes this interview with Prince Henri of Orleans on the subject of votes for birn on Saturday : "Certainly I was not a candidate, but it undoubtedly gives me pleasure. have aU-aye worked simply for my country, bowinc before the government given to it by the national will eleven years ago. At preeent things are gieatly changed. I think there is a disagreement between the government and the feel ing of the people. That is what the last election has clearly shown. The period of humiliation abroad and disturbance at home, though just passed, shows the necessity of a change in the constitution. "The only form of government which conciliates the rights and needs of de mocracy with the exigencies of a great power that has neighbors, can be bad by the confidence of all in one to give satisfaction to the demands of the peo pie, the interest ot threatened trade and industry, and the feelings of honor and justice wbich we bear." "Would you consent to be the head of such a government?" "I am always at the disposed of my country." Ministers Met Today. Paris, teb. 21. The ministers met today. Loubet preeided. The preai dent communicated to them a meeeage to parliament which will bo read in the chamber of deputies and the senate this afternoon. The council ordered that all public offices, schools and bourses be closed on tho day of Fa u re's funeral. THE ENDING OF A SPREE Two Women and Two Children Suffo cated by Gas. Philadelphia, Feb. 19. Mrs. Charles Fahrenkarap, aged 33 years; her two children, Florence and William, aged 10 and 9 years, and an unknown woman, aged about 35 years, were found dead to day in a room in Mrs. Fahrenkamp's home, on North Fifty-second street. The gas was turned on and life had apparently been extinct for several days. Scattered about the first floor were remnants of cigars and cigarettes and empty beer and whisky bottles. The bodies were found by a next-door neighbor, who had forced an entrance to the bouse. The last heard from the in mates of the house was Thursday night, when the piano was kept playing until a late hour. Mrs. Fahrenkamp's husband, who ia a traveling salesman, left home about a week ago on business for his firm. Wheat Badly Damaged. Walla Walla, Wash., Feb. 20. Re ports from all sections of the country in dicate that a large percentage of wheat was frozen out by the recent cold weath er. The most aamsge was uooe u Eureka flat, and the farmers there have already commenced reeeeding. In a few sectioni the wheat was protected by tbe snow, bat a majority of the fields will be reseeded. An accurate estimate of the damage done cannot be made until the ground is thoroughly thawed out, but it is feared that it will be worse than was first reported. Advices from Uma tilla county are to the effect that much of the wheat there has also been destroy ed. Farmers are now bnsly engaged in making examination of their land, with different results. Each farmer will have to decide the question for himself, as there Is no well-defined district in which the wheat bas been de atroyed. . White Pass Railroad. .Skaoway, Alaska, Feb. 10, via Seattle, Feb. 2'), The tank of building a railroad along the precipitous side of the canyon from Skagwy to the summit ot White nass. an elevation of n-arly 30(H) feet, has been completed. The first carload of freight waa delivered on the summit yesterday. Tho event ws road the occasion of an exchnn.fn of courtesies be tween the railway and Canadian officials. From the mmmit t ) Lake Bennett the work of construction la comparatively eniy, and the track will be livid in a few weeks. FIRST OREGON BOY KILLED Private Edwin ff. Haijton Fell ftis in! at Manila. SHOT DURING A RECONNOISSANCE Private Hampton Was a Portlaoder, Well-Known and Highly Respected Several Washington Troops Were Wounded iu Same Engagement. Washington, Feb. 22. Oiis has cabled the war department as follows: Manila, Feb. 22. The following cas naltioBin the entrenchments were caused yesterday by the men exposing them selves to the enemy's fire: First California Sergeant Frank N. Turton, wounded, slight; Private James P. Cassidy, killed. The following were killed during a re connaissance this morning in tbe vicin ity of San Pedro Maccarti : First Washington Wounded slightly, company E, Privates Joseph H. Card ini(ton, Christian E. Horn, II. D. Haz ard. Wounded seriously, company H, Corporal W. B. Tucker. Killed Private Edwin W. Hampton, company II, Second Oregon. The following caeualties occurred in a skirmibh near the water works this morning: First Nebraska Wounded, Private John F. Alley, severe; Alonzo Pike and Charles Govrick, elight. Portland, Feb. 22. Edward W. Hampton, the first Oregon soldier to be killed in action at the Philippines, was a son of John Hampton, a furniture mover, who lives at 397 San Rafael street. Tbe deceased was 20 years old last October, end had lived in Portland since be was four years of age. His father moved here from Nebraska sixteen yea; a ago, and has raised his family in East Portland, where the dead soldier was well known and very pooular. The first intimation of the death of his son that Mr. Hampton .bad was when a Telegram reporter called at the house at 2 o'clock this afternoon. The blow was a sad one to bis father and his five children. They had a letter from the eon last Saturday iu which be said be was well and as well contented as one could be in Manila. He said that he would like to be at home, but was willing to remain there as long as his services were needed. The news was doubly surprising to Mr. Hampton, from the fact that com pany II had been on duty at the custom house. When he read in tbe news papers that the Oregon boys had been ordered to the front he consoled himself with the thought that the company his boy was in would not have to go. Young Hampton joined company II only a few days before it left for San Francisco. He had been employed for three years in the sash and door factory of the North west Door Company, where be is very highly spoken of by his em ployers. He recently sent some Spanish fi.tgs and several curios home to his father, which are highly prized by the Hampton household. PAUPER DEAD BEING BURIED Steamer Columbia Carries Over for Interment Kit Bodies at a Single Load. New York, Feb. 21. Packed awav. each In a refrigerator cell, amid tun of Ice, there were in the morgue until i day 170 bodie of the city' unknown and homeless dead, the largest number ever gathered tden Mnce the preneiu morgue waxbtii1!. The cause of thN that the city i nrylng ground on ll..ri' inland was hummed in it'i Ice, and could But be approached by the steamers of the charity department. The city euppcrts on Hart's island a colony of forty men whose duty It is to dig graves in the potter's fit-Id. These men for ten days have been without oc cupation. The tug Fidelity and the sidewbeeler Thomas S. Brennan, of tho charity de partment, both tried to break through the ice which surrounds Hart's islands, but failed. On Sunday, the big steam lighter Columbia was fixed np for rua'.i through the Ice. One hundred and sixty-one bodies were loaded on her, and she (teamed np for Hart's uland In spite of all tbe captain could do, he was not able to force a passage. The forty grave diggers watched the Coluui bia struggling with the Ice. The Columbia tried it again yesterday, however, and reached Hart's island after a hard battle with tbe ice. CHOSEN TO SUCCEED GROSS Bishop Christie Reported to Be Chosen to the Archdiocese of Oregon. Portland, Feb 22. The New York Irish World, of February 18tb, which arrived here yesterday, contained the announcement, under date of Rome, February 12tb. that Bishop Christie, of Vancouver island, had been appointed to tbe archdiocese of Oregon, made va cant by the death of tbe late Archbishop Gross. Catholic residents were inclined to credit this report, but a dispatch from Vancouver, B. C received late last night, in wbich Bishop Christie ex pressed doubts of its authenticity, gives it the appearance of being premature. Bishop Christie, however, is said to be the most favored ot tbe aspirants for Archbishop Gross' vacant seat, end it is generally believed among Catholics in Portland that he will be the next arch bishop of Oregon when the choice is made. The dispatch in the World reads as follows: "Rome, Feb. 12. Bishop Christie, of Vancouver, has been transferred to the arcbiepiscopalseeof Oregon. "Right Rev. Alexander Christie takes the place of Archbishop W. II. Gross, of Oregon, who died in Baltimore, Nov. 14, 1893. He recently succeeded Bishop John Nicholas Lemmens as bishop of Vancouver. Before receiving this ap pointment Fr. Christie was pastor of a church in St. Paul, Minn. "Tbe diocese ot Vancouver includes Vancouver island and adjacent islands. The archdiocese of Oregon comprises the state of Oregon, embracing nearly 100,- 000 square miles. "Bishop Christie is comparatively a young man, who has done most of his ctnrvb work in the Northwest. Has Not Yet Heard of It Victoria, B. C., Feb. 21. Bishop Christie said toniiiht that he bad re ceived no news of his appointment as archbishop of Oregon, to succeed W. II. Gross, deceased. He doubted the accu racy of the report. Fighting With Fire. Manila, Feb. 21,-6:35 A. M. The natives of the village ofPaco made a bold attempt last night to burn tbe quarters of the First Washington volunteers by setting fire to the huts adjoining their quarters in the rear. Fortunately the wind changed at the moment the fire was discovered, and, fanned by a stiff breeze, the flames sprea 1 in the opposite direction, destroying fully 20 shacks and houses opposite the ruins of the church. The Incendiaries escaped. Mysterious signal were frequently made along the enemy's lines during the night, and tliis led to the belief that an attack had been arranged, but nothing happened. Tbe rebels are leaving the vi.iinity of San Pedro Macati In small parties, and are reported to be moving toward Sing alon. California's Hot Wave. Sam Francisco, Feb. 20. Not since 1870 has California been visited by such a spell of fine weather as 1 now prevail ing throughout the state. The temperature on Saturday In this city reached 80 degrees, and the mercury has been hovering around that point ever since, at night the winds from the ccean iiiHkingnleep possible. There is dangerin tn warm weather, however, as the fruit ire are blossoming, and should IroMs 'ii l. ,ihe (Ihiiihl'k would be irreparable. In Mime country districts the ther iniiiiit'ti'r registered (12 decrees. Pro i.c..r llaiiiiiiun, of the United States im ii-i bureau, doe not look for rain n r several days or possibly a wetk. ABSOLUTELY Makes the food more delicious and wholesome OVl ftAKFMO THE PEOPLE ARE PACIFIED MabitaMs if Us Islaai ot Neps Satisfied. SO SAY THE COMMISSIONERS Informs Otis That the People Are Ready and Anxious to Accept Any Proposition the Americans Might Offer. Manila, Feb. 22.-12:45 p. m. -While the guns on the city wall and those on board the ships of Dewey's fleet in the bay fired a salute in honor of Washing ton's birthday, four oranuistioners from the island ot Negros had an interview with Otis, and informed him that tbe Amarican flag had already been raised over the island, and that its inhabitants were ready, anxious and willing to ac- cept any proposition the Americans might offer. The insurgents have been driven from the island entirely. Although the Uoilo rebels have given the people of Negros much trouble, es pecially in tbe matter of financial as sistance made by tiie rebel leaders, tbe inhabitants of Negros have persistently held aloof, and now through the com missioners they announce that they want the advice aud help of Otis. The latter assured them that the Americans would provide an acceptable government, and in the meantime be instructed them not to pay the rebels anything. The Negros commissioners were delighted with the reception. The United States cruiser Charleston is coaling here, preparatory to starting on a cruise. The Uuited States gunboat Benning ton arrived here today from the island of Guam. Tbe United States transport St. Paul has arrived from Iloilo, but did not bring any news of importance. Fire I a a Courthouse. Salem, Or.. Feb. 21. Fire was discov ered in the Noulhwest wing of the court house at 9 o'clock this evening, and be fore it was extinguished the building bad been damaged to tbe extent of about $500, principally by water. Tbe cause of the fire is unknown, but it is supposed to have been a defective flutf, which burned out at about 4 o'clock this after noon. The fire started under the floor of tbe top story in the county surveyor's otice, but" was checked soon after the fire department not to wrk. All the maps and records in the surveyor's office will probably be a total less aud new ceilings and floors will have to be put in. Sheriff Durbin, whose office and living rooms are liroetly underneath those of the survey or, the latter being on the ground floor, succeeded in saving nil bis records and household good, except carpets and curtains, wbich wer badly damaged by water. His personal Iocs is about (100. The building wa erected in the early 70i, at a cost of about $125,000. It is in sured for abnut $30,(100. Damage To Fruit Trees. Oregon City, Feb. 20. At first hasty examination did not reveal the fact that prunn trees in this county were severely injured by the late cold snap, bnt it is now evident that tbe loss will be considerable. Deputv County Recorder E. P. Dedumn and Iiolcomb Bros., of Clackamas, made a close t xamination of their orchards at Clackamas yectcrday, and believe that hundreds of trees are killed. A Mirface i xamination did not reveal theextent of the damnge, but on cutting into the tree, it wa ft nnd that the wood had turned black, and tho trunks wero blistering on the sides ex posed to the eun. Mr. Dedman has 1200 'API IMKBN Powder tURE OWOC CO. NFW VfMW. 5-year-old prune tree, and is confident that the fruit crop for the coming year will not only be a failure, but the trees are almost a total loss. Very little grain is reported to have been frozen. FAURE BURIED ' YESTERDAY Remains of the Late President of France Laid to Rest In the Cemetery of Pcre la Chaise. Paris, Feb. 23. The remains c! President Fa nre were laid to rest in the cemetery of Pere la Chaise with military honors. President Loubet, army and government officials, members of all for eign missions, the papal nuncio and other distinguished persons took part in the'processiou to Notre Dame cathedral, where the ceremonies took place. The streets along tbe route to the church were lined with soldiers, back of whom surged many thousand specta tors. At times there were shouts of 'Vive la armee," but nothing was said to Loubet, At the conclusion of tbe ceremonies at the cathedral, the procession, with the remains, proceeded to the cemetery. The whole way was traversed withuut unpleasant incident. The military and police arrangements were admirable. Service at Washington. , Washington, Feb. 23 Fureral ser vices in memory of the lata President Fa ore, of France, were held ben today, tbe president, cabinet, diplomatic corpa and a large part of official Washing ton attending. Egg Famine in Chicago. Chicago, Feb. 22. Eggs have broken the season's record for bigh prlecs. The extreme scarcity of that article bas caused the wholesalers to put up the price to 28 cents, while retailers and smalt grocers demand 35 cents a dor in. Strictly fresh eggs were so few and far between that they wero curiosities. Nearly all of the offerings were from California, These eggs represented eight carloads received from California so far this week, and they went to the groceries. The wholesale price in Chicago was 3 cents higher than in New York. One prominent egg dealer, in speaking of the shortage of eggs said : "It seems ridiculous that California should have to save our lives just now by shipping eggs to our markets." Grass Springing Up. Pbndi.kton. Or., Fb. 22. It is learn ed that in the extensive livestock region south of this city, extending into South Umatilla, and Into Grant and Morrow counties, tbe necessity for feeding cattle and sheep is about past. Grass o i all the lower levels is springing np, and many bands are now browsing on tho hillelJi a and lower h othilK II id cold weather continued any longer, tbe loss) would have been extremely heavy. Hay was almoH exhausted, some ranchers) havi-ig fed every pound. The other day a thrifty rancher at Ridge, who usually has a surplus of hay in the spring, bought a large quantity at $9 a ton. The ordinary price is $4 to f 5. Farther west, in Gilliam and Sherman counties, so re ports say, the loss of 1 ves'.oik has been heavy. Snow Storms Raging. Omaha, Neb., Feb. S3 A furious snow storm ia raging thionliout Nebraska. In Omaha terrific wind accompanies tbe snow, but out in the state there is not to much niuJ, and the indications are that tbe fall will be q lite ineflcial to stock and winter wheat. Several inches of snow have fallen. Reports from vaiioua towns in Kansas show that a bliztvid is raginj in that state. La Grippe ts ayaiii epidemic. Kvery precaution she u d lie taken in avoid It. Its specific cure is O le Mil uie Cough Cure. 'A. J. Shepard, publisher Agri cultural Journal and Advertiser, Elden, Mo., says: "Noon will be disappoint ed in using One .Minute Cough Cure for La Grippe." Pleasant to take, quick to act. Snipe. Kbftsler Dti C. DeWitf Witch Hazel Salvo Cure Pile. ScalJ. Uurn.