The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, February 08, 1899, PART 1, Image 2

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tL. Lu into nrtu
fot Cheap Goods,
but Good Goods Cheap.
V iMO w t0.wm
V "
wvm utcu
g ntt nut
'.vsu uC it ;.. wt
..C .u IWKiW'iu' Urt-f VVliW
',v tjKoi fr st .Vi'l' 5vrr :u itu
X-aV'.nV tUf! Ur iiiWU if S"
f '.- Z i V
j' ,cU'f,4t1U'?lti it? .. ,' Vitu-'
arViiW,, ituVA Xiiti w us w
vu0V wA- fcfvtrtjf
, oJ Si rnnjv -tuI if Si
hx t. tw, VUn Sis St-
VKt St iv Vl,, 'Aft
r-v-w 'itU vir jA
mil Ut lit )AT ItC tv 11 iiit
tu trtJiwiiiiir,? r uuuu; uBHiiliin.
X. v'uy ii5(vt' n. 3f.-
iilt W U ir IV tl 3 W .f "t JlUt. V
vi! iv iu t;iMJfl'k v
M,trur t. -tii4tu litu "Vv nnt
t;ta.utjr .v jKvjAi-iw av u
Hir fcJiti Unit. Ti imS tvtj-jruj
vf iiA u;i vc ii IaiC ;
nt Mma: la vt 1L ut 11 li "
yrvt jt U4St t t:tS JU-
yritt Hit- jtyuiuf -tt'j iuir wsuu.
ir vif ii 2uUgv'iw iE Waif
ii l' f 1-v - Tue i'
it .t -i ft ti to irjre V? iE A. m r!2 We a ivrg Brtwi. Tl-ir mr-
at!ir Wi -twtt .1j w .uv O: VJirtsa MV il 1--',U.
i ., bit errk4 oot a4 'Ml to iht
' mm 4 iff. At tt tin vt tU
!itf is ti Mf A Oe "7
krLtjt eTl lttfn th flifrf
tuvm HI -Ut ui '
v;..x UtiHVMVjrr but 11 cw1i4iltiM4
W;'(vt ti 'a fcviiAw vf r.lfl. . It i l
vw l-v v.hi v w- '- nrt l ,Jr-
, , , 8 " " - -
WVii t-r !l f Vl "l ;:Uc! :t -ct4-Xtit A Wjr. It the ptrol, hkb protect their in
Kt Enl 5'i. 3. J. L. Thotopwa, C.
E. nrrr. D. Wilder.
tk', Jfx I J. W. ruber. Jobn
llvk and lAlierf 5o. 1 II. Lieb,
T. Wrd, V. Mrdeo.
Colouibui Ha-H. A. F!lr, J. C.
He.-tz, A. Jobnttcu.
Mt. Hw!-C. L. Pbi!lip, Bea Efo,
Jnet Harper.
It kti bteo taifete4 Ibit the Tirioai
. tbesi.
Ksilwaf M t kt r4 Bwa Uont
wmr-'j fi?. vf WftjuhTiiir,
fci3 ii'jt, &leiD, Feb. 7. The
titvrlfhft ki iw aeeed tbe boate tbit
u-jri,iiif. It prvr'tdt for tbe exemp
Civa 'A ii4eUdoee. Altboagb it bad
J i?.t opimlkta, it uoted mocb debate.
ftb, A kutuiAmA tJ f'"r wm!
wA .''i'i bifbotif JL lo lb i
"KKtrtK lit UN WlfKA V
Uvn 'A rxiUic career b wu
'iktwA of Aikaukac, tr.Ur from
Uhii?A f' f '-u '4m ft4 r j ()!tf'4 ,.lt tU zr W ) li vnut 1t, ac! ftttzruer general
AtKrU, wi km Wt, (W A tv" hi dktu,Mtty Vr it crop; fb taolnet of 3Ir. Clerelaud.
' HVir-J ia ' t t:jrf of IWl'it, U o 1410-1 l'f,,Ukhtmy be lock advance! tabk
y jffc,fc.t Us tpu-Ui UtU4, IV f v:tly Jnf,'j w il-a'liftx ft caw; In Ibe high
IIAVwm ikittm r;tt I" A proCt U Arks'.ttcotirt in tbe lanl wbn tbe end
tMtU'h, A & AiKU o.M UHfifc'i'(), tby! arly hi bole Jife wa
lUifft Kic t fit Vi tUjvtUtMl'ft j(r tut;ejpHl to AfktOM. He will go Into
tb nuyiw-ki ist4 li- iriojft(rt?( t trje, tb ' ib. bUury of tins Ute at ft natural
tv4 U of U ytt ts io4 mi ' oHrto of tb fi wr o'bl t b-j.r ptiblic man of eiception-
If tU K'ffiiUu i fcot ((oi
( o(m ,!) wi r)Mkk, lo of lU ft
of vxtiii, it W gSA Ut
ii ii'A t.1 bfif of fri'liif
w,jt.i.y tut rivrt ftX'l JHt,--
t'AHMHU Of AHMY 1111,1..
'H,n poMoe of tin Mil! army dill
ill ll llOMMI Of fJ'prMlfiUIIVft )!
ly liy ft ntnJ My of foMy-tlne
tif1 flint in"iiiifii V) tlitt Mial n ii
tii r iif4:it'y (ioit'ltiioii. 'I lf
nnj'irl'y f Unji-r tbao iu oppoiiftiit
i0ll'IK'l"t ftl.'l IU flltsflltt ipt'l It
W'lilit liiv, (it tbtt four week ftli'l
ti liulu ovr of llm llfi of (It pre
iil i iiyii'M wlil li riMimlii tlitt bill
will iftv i joii iliftiiit to (jo
tltroiiili lli ttiU, I'owi'iful oiio
tHi'iii w 'nmii lo tlitt ttiitaaiirn in
tbtt It will itUt bit titili(('iil;4il
pi'Mu ly In (lit I'liiitu, Mort'iivi r, Urn
K''iiiUli'iUi, liV0 not A 1 1' nl linij'f
iiy Id Unit i Iinih'x i, ('(iiim iiii'mly
tU fni'inU will lntvti a liNfl IiujkIm
In oritur In i arty II, 'I btt cliniirni,
Ddyiil'llii'luM, artt III lU fnvor, tlioligli
It mny lid I'liniiii'il from lit pi'"iit
fol in, Tim hii li, tun, of any iiidUhxI
J tn ry poCioi Vt Aiffc farm
r. tuif'rtty, In (itriMuy, very
Ure tfttulHy hi t'jtr I obtain c!
frow lb b"- raiwl or s &utt
Uvtiy trill m of lart'l. In tbe
terop yar fcrl by Ukj return, a
pobllU't In WiiUU A ;ry't or j
trflK Journal, tin-re w-r I 0,25
a.rr Mti'lfr ujar let in Oerriany,
ii'l lb bU wotke'l" jfrt;'l
Z,l';i',H'.n totit, 'Ibeiffia jii-JJ,
a:totdiiiK (o Ibe official UUe, wa
l2 22tont(r acr. Tbem wr
Vii;ntly Otli 1'iii(;tl';li tii'lf, a
i ho fcvrnj( r:lly f1urt out toron
tiling more Ihiii (li In, Tbe tuur
iro'in;tloii, bat') on rtw Ka'' It
lven ftt ,84,.rjJ tout, ait'l it It
nU'eiJ llml yli-l hitman ,'!7';.'J
poiuiilt of iiir pi'r ft':ii',
Tlittt flurft !tn lin butter under
alooil by companion, In the I 'rilled
hUttt iba niiir fttutorlct pay w
Iwi?pii 4 and I4.A0 pt-r ton for tuur
kiMtt, Utu liont'd at lliuto rali't and
piitlliijj tlitt ybrld at 1 2.22 toi.n per
MCie tint lifft fitrincr would obtain
liilwpfii r,l and tr,!i for the minr
bffU mmiiil on nn acre of land, or
more limn four timet ut iimk h n the
nvfriiun valiio per acre oblnlnfd by
the whiMit fiirmtT fm tho product of
thtdr flidiln In H'J7, when condltloiu
fnvorixl an iiinuumlly profllnblo mar
ket. It tuny l.o mid Ihut beet culture
tif fnrclnjf vhIm at any pH'Uculur
llinti U lulf a dnreii pt raont alirnnptj lint lien minced to n tclenco In Cer
to prevent It will oernto kuliuit Ihu limiiy, Kclutiva hunted nrra In Hint
bill in thti m"iale, Mill, il N info to . con nlry, touelher wild tho fuel that
pimllnt lint it will pMM tlml body,
I ' nfoi liiii'iltily Ilia iiii'ttiura In the
hiipii III whlili It paid (lie Imiiuu U
not at goo l it lull at It wn when rn l.
iiuilly ft Mined, It piovldud for n
minimum of Ml.lioO and ft mnkliiuiin
.f InOiiii). T, pnmldent U lvtn
llnt rrlluti to limit fiili-tiiic rit to tlin
minimum or In Inoienaa them to lh
mtklmum. Of rour.n Dili will ntertn
tlml (h (M),iioi) flu urn will bit
rcaekud, fur the pri'tldi'iit will tto
W. (lilt niiMilmr It inucmtiry, mid
women and chlldriMi woik afield, !
illici t luteimiva nKrUiultnie In ft do
(jio of which Ihu great Went, ut
loAt, tif our own counti) knowi nolli.
! 'I'll" po-xlbilllle In tlili )jio,
the proUbllltlm, Indeed, nt nhown by
llio fljtiif pictenlcd, lend to the bo.
Ilef Hint in due time the tunr-bect
Indiutry of tho ciuintty may outclnt
Hie wheal inJunlry In profit, mid Ihu
old term "better than wheat" find
verification In tho cipcrlcnco of the
Lrt farmer, -Orrgonln n.
al cp;lly.
Tbe fttteupt to rnakt radical
tAmti'f.t fa tbe complexion and ityle
of tli Amt-ricn flag will not be iuc
cttoful. Tbe ople are willlag that
tK-ir territory tbould be added to tbe
country and new plant of govern
ment devicd, but "Old Glory" ad
tnltt of do Improvement.
Out ;rr4at Air III Vltm Con-
Flztt't bid appropriating f2000 relief
for Majne. who wa lojared in tbe
peniteotiary, ba paed.
A general appropriation bill for tbe
ezpoe of tbe ttate for two year wa
introduced yetterdajr and carried for
nearly a million, a third of wbftb tbe
aaylom get.
The ten ate today I baay witb local
meaaore and routine work.
Tbe boa e yeelerday paised a meaa
ore relative to placing district attorney
on a talary. Alio one requiring the
fencing of tbe railway between Portland
and Huntington.
7Te are detemtnei to sell the
entire stock of Dry Goods,
Colhizig, Notions. Groceries
Cheap for Gash.
SfllVlUEIi li. BHOOIS,
Soceeteor to E. J. A Co.
Wholesa'e and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agency for the Greatest American Liquor
Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey
Rl$it1Tirom(f.7!flo '6o7r italTon. 4 to li y-art oid.
IMPOBTED COGIAO from 7.00 to 112.00 per rallon. (11 to rJ rrt old.
A LIIGtUA IBilUIE 'm 3 15 to .6 tO r raben. Ulo U year old.
HOP GOLD BEES on draught, and Vai Blatz and Hop Gold Beer in bottl
Imported Ale and Porter.
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
s and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
Todes apd pabrie
KIIU4 a Cougar.
KM., Or,, Feb. 6 -IKpecIal to Tue
CiiKOic;i.a ) Tbe pre statement bare
that Jim. A, Wright, of Union comity,
wa to turtl tbe preaent auperln
tendentof the penitniitlary, I very pre
irialur, and, In fact, I liable to be alto
gether talk.
Tho fact of thecaae ar that (iovernor
Oner ba proinUfiil no appointment In
Hi at direction, ami all tucli runori
emlnate fiom tho who believe that
they have all powir with the ttate'
chh f exni'iitive, ami by their wind and
gjll can f'irra or coerce bini to do their
nl'lillng. We do not doubt that Mr,
Wright would innkrt an virellent t.lllcer
at tbut, yet w are inclined
to ilulruat the ttuternent of audi choice
a being a litllti abort of the truth.
lli nt week lia lieen takuu Up at
the atnle capital by meamiroa, the mure
polnlrd of whii h have been ullher back
e.I or burked by lobbylt. Aiming the
moot roiiapli iiou I'ni'i were the Daly
acbonl bill, the cugiir beet bounty bill,
the bill Using taUrlm of dlatriet altor
lie)a, ami the grt meilieal bill. Thl
latter measure I a aeheinf, whereby the
the o-clled "regular M:h(Mil"pbylclain
were tu be declared by law "Iho only"
doctor which might practice medicine
In the ttate. The matter will bo prop,
erly tat upon when It r.cho the home.
Tho dlilrlct attorney aro very eager
for that law to be enacted whereby they
can receive mora money for their er
Icm, from (he public Ireaaury, but they
may getetlampeiier put on their un
holy ambition a hen an augiitt tMcinhly
of lawmakers any. "nit."
Thl will apply alto to the gang that
I trying to run the tugar licet bounty
ateal through the temtte. It won't go,
W. R, Winan killed bi eeventeenth
eongar, or mountain lion, at Green Point
on West Hood river. Mr. Winan got
on tbe animal' trail and found where
be bad killed a deer and waa dragging it
to bit lair. He bad no difficulty in
tracking It in tbe now, and toon found
bi game np tree. He came npon tbe
eougar aooner that be expected, and
when be taw biin in tbe tree tbe ani
mal' eye were gleaming at blm, while
bi tail played like that of bouie cat
when ready to spring upon it prey. A
center abot between the eye brought
him to the ground.
He i the largett cougar, Mr. Winan
ay, be ever killed. Hi weight wa
about pound and bi length eleven
feet from tip to tip. He waa an old let
tier and hi ear were torn in three's,
bowing that be bad been in many bat
tles. Jim Crow, an old Indian hunter,
ay be has teen the same cougar many
a time and is glad be is dead. Mr. Wi.
nan will send tbe skin to Portland and
have it made Into a rug, Glacier.
Candida- Luck Water I'lpet,
The hydraoilo fotce which operate
the lock at Caacade come from high
mountain stream through pipe. In
the hurry to open the lock by the
(perilled time these pipe were left ex
posed, and under orJinary circumstance
did n well thl way a any. The cold
nap laat week, however, hat proven
that It I necessary to put theto pipe
well under ground.
It ha been nggesled that steam bo
nbstiluted for die hydraulic preMiire,
but It I not likely that this wi be done.
It is the ImpreK-iori that all that
will be neceasary li to place water pipe
woll under ground. The hydraulic force
I moro eflcriive ami less expensive than
team, and with proper protection the
lock need never be doted again from
tbe chimo that cloud them this winter.
Laat night the thermometer tepped
np a little and alood at V degree above.
About 10 o'clock now began to fall, and
at noon today Ave incheibad fallen. The
"beautiful" I all right, but I making
It appearance a little loo often lobe ap.
predated, especially by itockmen. who
lear the remit of tilth a protracted
We are ready to show them in Dry
Goods, Notions, Clothing, Boot and Sboet,
Ladies' Cape and Jacket. "Time enough"
i poor principle. Those who make the
earlieat selection secure beet results. The
stock is complete and new and we invite
you to look at it.
fill kinds of
Funeral Supplies
Crandall & Barget
The Dalles, Or.
Robes, '
Burial Shoes,
Rockford "Quick Shot"
12-Plat. Magazine Camera.
"Turn the lever and you are ready for
another." No plate holder with slide
to draw. No sleeve or changing bag, No
chance to fog plates. No failures.
If you want 12 pictures quick, buy the
"Qnick-Hhot,', the only magazine cam
era that holds the plates tecurely after
they are exposed. No rattling or break
ing of plates, liest on earth.
4x5 $9.00
With one dozeu plate holder.
Miiniifiietiirnl under the ( on ley patents l the
Rockford Sliver Plate Co.,
We wll only thrnnirh local agont.. Auk our
agent to ihow jrou thin "yulex bhol."
Quick SelleH
No Complaint
' vMh' ' .ibivr.'i vi
The Snlpes-Klnersly DruC
All E NTS, lhe Dalloa, Orefm.
fldvertisc in...