THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 1, 1SS9 :e Weekly Ghroniele. u It TFIC1AL PAPER OF WASCO COL STY. Uiliihed in two parts, on Wed.muiiyi JSaturdavt. J 81'BsSCHIPTIOX BATES. T MAIL, rosTAoI rKXfAlD, IK ADVAKCS. rear II M tuutLl 75 a munuit 60 rertlstna: rates reasonable, and made known cucatioa. lr all communications to"THF CHRON the Dallea, Oregon. LOCAL lUiEVlTlES. i Saturday 1 Dully. ' imember Maunattan Shirts 9Sc A. IX. Wiiliamt St Co. ' T ro cars of cattle belonging to Chas, II sr are at the stockyards and will be : i jed to Port Townsend tonight. ? f ve Russell, one o( the morphine : i who haa been confined in the , ci' 7 jail, was this morning sent to Van c er, where bis relative! reside. ; 1 j Mascots ol the minstrel show may tb3 least in stature of ail the coui- ;i i, but their cake walk is immense, is . you'll say so tonight. he total actual enrollment of The I -Ilea public schools for the present we:k following the semi-annual promo tion, is even 800, and 98 of this total are in t high school department. Ij the fall ttrm of chool ending laet mtiCik the total number of pupils en rol! i was 890, a gain of 30 over the cor responding period last year; the average . number belonging was 719, a gaiu of 37; ' the average daily attendance was 081, i gain 01 29. R. F. Barnes, deputy collector of cos toms, is up from Portland today taking the measurements of the Regulator. A sew ruling has been made whereby own era may name their vessels after the lonci port. The Regulator will, there fore, In the future be termed the Regu latorof Dalles City, inetead of Portland, m formerly. I Tomorrow in the morning and evening at the Methodist church Chancellor Tbobnrn will be present and address the audience. At his laet visit his congrega tions were delighted with the chancel lor's sermons and are anxious to hear kim again. Rev. Warner will also be present, as will also the pastor, Rev. , Woodj and the revival services, which are steadily increasing in interest, will continue during the coming week. f School Clerk Schmidt is now busy taking the annual enumeration for die- irict No. 12. The total number this rear ii expected to be in the neighbor 1 hood of 1400. For the pust several years numeration has shown a steady in' crease from vear to year. In March '93 the total was 907; in '94, 1058; in '95, 1212; In '90, 1282; In '97, 1309; in '98, ( 1347. : j At the State Horticultural Society t held at Corvallis, Emile Schanno of this J jlty, was elected vice president. Mr. I Schanno no dodbt will be an excellent i iflker, for there certainly is not a man in the state who takes a greater interest j in horticulture than bo does. His ad rice Is always timely and greatly ap preciated by the people of The Dalles tnd viciniiy. I Today is indeed a perfect day, and ! low is the time for some newspaper to mt:k that the "spring has come, jen'.!j Annie ;" the "frogs are croaking," r words to that effect. Already the fill f Jwers are beginning to make their if; ance and some of our residents ire v, king on their gardens. This, . Jowever, seems a little premature, for (older weather is sure to make its ap pearance before "summer comes again." ? TLe Endeavorera of the Christian Jhorch will conduct an unusually in ter: '.log service tomorrow evening, JK: .:encing at 7:30. The day is gener ally known as "Endeavor Day;" and l;, lOprinte addresses will be delivered tnd papers read by leading Endeavor jrorkera, upon various topics touching Upon the great work of Christian En ieavor. Special songs will be inter Ipersej in the program, and it will be a iervice well worth one's time to attend. 1 ' Mr. David Creighton, of 3-Mile, is in receipt ol a paper which gives an account if the celebration of the sixtieth wed iing anniversary of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. David Creighton, of Vacaville, Calif, This is an unusual oc- . jurrence, particularly when the couple Ire as young in appearance and lively la this couple is said to be. Mr. Creigh ton is 85 years of age, and said to be as Ipritely as a man of half his age, while bit wife, who ia 79, is lull of life, itnd not I grey hair has made ita appearance. t their fiftieth anniversary, forty-three relatives were present, only one having kassed away since that time. I A few days ago the inmmer residence , it Leod Juston, near the Cascade Lucks, Mi destroyed by fire nnder peculiar lircumstances. The place was occupied 9y Mr. King and wife who were en laced to look after the place. The King family lost all their clothing ind jewelry, and all the furniture ex jeptlng a few pieces were burned. The building was valued at $.1000 and the 'tarnlture at $1500. The total Insurance Iras but $1800. The fire originated in ihe kitchen. Mr. King and' his wife Here at dinner at the time. Mrs. King Iras "trying out" sonit lard on the kitchen stove. During her absence the fat took nre and the blaxe was soon t yond control. Mr. King sustained a cumber of painful burns about the hands and wrist. A correspondent from Goldendale saj s : Within the wee there bave been shipped to Lyle and the mouth of the Big Klickitat river two carloads of tools and railroad builders' outfit, and it is said a party of surveyors were recentlyjeen on the south side of the mountain, working towards The Dalles. Thursday a crew was seen driving stakes at a lively rate on a survey that had just been made through Farmer Daly's field, a point a few miles southwett of Goldendale. It is believed the surveying party of en gineer A. E. Hammond is the unknown party, and that it will be in Goldendale ln with the line of survey. Yonng America often gets dissatisfied, and putting the expansion theory into practice desires to take In new territory. Accordingly, yesterday afternoon Mike and John Bohan, aged 15 and 11 years, spread their wings and flew away, mak ing np their minds that home restraints were not "in it" with the liberty to be derived from traveling over the country with a horse and cart. They chose as their favorite direction the road which leads to Dufur, and at lastaccounts were heard of at that place. Learning of their whereabouts their paternal an cestor started after them, and will no doubt see that they return home. The Oregonian of last week reports Astoria as being confronted with a con stantly increasing school attendance and a constantly decreasing assessment list. The same condition exists in a lesser degree id The Dalles. In '94 tax es were assessed on a total roll of $1,413,- 434 by this district, with an average daily attendance in the schools of 414; in '95 the roll decreased to $1,280,370 and the dally attendance increased to 517; in '90 the roll decreased to $1,186,- 151, and the attendance increased to 584 ; in '97 the roll increased to $1,193,101, and the attendance increased to 590 ; in '98 the roll decreased to $1,172,479, and the attendance increased to 600. The present roll for collection of taxes this year has increased to $1,181,703, and the school attendance ia the largest In the history of the district. Two weeks ago we were sleigh riding; today we feel that a picnic would be the most appropriate pastime. In every community there are croakers, who, as the saying is, "shake hands with the devil before they meet him." These un fortunates are now borrowing trouble re. garding the fruit trees, saying that they are beginning to put forth buds, and that the cold weather, which is sure to follow, will nip them and so cause a fail ure of the crop. Those who bave made horticulture a study inform us that there is not the slightest cause for concern as yet, as there are no eigna of buds. One gentleman tells us that he has been a resident of this section since '03, and there has been but one failure of the fruit crop since that time, and that was in 1878, The peach crop has been partial failure in a few instances. Let us not cross the bridge before we reach it; but enjoy the pleasant weather, a. best we can. If the reporters who attended the re hersal of the minstrel performance last night were permitted to give it a genuine write-up today, and our readers would take our word for it, there wouldn't be an Inch of standing room to spare in the hall tonight. Every feature alone i worth the price of admission. We con less, that while we anticipated a good show, it far surpasses what we expected and Dalles people bave etui more rea son to feel proud of the local talent as a number who make their first appear' ance tonight prove themselves far ahead of most of the professionals who visit our city. The boys have taken no end of pains to give us an entertainment of merit and should be encouraged. Be sides no one can afford to miss seeing the show. From the opening overture to the cake walk at the close, each fea ture is particularly fine, and it is diffi cult to say which possess the most merit. Monday's Daily. A good strong wind baa been blowing for the past few days and at present writing our streets are comparatively dry. Saturday our streets were filled with farmers, who, taking advantage of the pleasant weather and good roads, came to town to do their early spring trading. There is an unfortunate disposition In man to attend mucti more to me muits of his companions which offend him than to their perfections which please him. At the residence of Geo, L. Mann, to dav at noon, Mr, Ira I. Decker was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Miss AlU M. Dnrh&u., justice Bayard officiating. Miss Michell is absent from school to day on account of sickness. Her place is being filled by Miss Mabel Collins. Miss Wrenn of the Court St. school is also on the sick list, Miss Ida Priday is her substitute. The following Is the high score at Estebenet & Eitping'e bowling alley for the week ending Sunday night: Mon day, Chas. Frank, 67; Tuesday, D. W. Mann, 00; Wednesday, O. Kelsay, Do; Thursday, H. Staniels, 50; Friday, W. W 11 helm, 55; Saturday, Speiceinger, 54; Sunday, Scot Cathcart, 50. Floyd and Robert, of Seattle, will leave for Dawson City, Alaska, February loth, and will carry letters for fifty cecls each. Forward letters to 105 Cherry Street, Seattle, Wash. D. C. Floyd is a former resident of this city. 30 td There will tut a cattle men's meeting held at the court house in this city on Saturday, February 4th at 1 p. m. The object is in regard to protecting their right in the f.irest reserve. All interested in the matter Are earnestly requested to be present. At the fire last evening it was again shown that the fire department is in need of an efficient hook and ladder truck and rigging. A committee has been appointed to solicit funds for the purchase of a suitable outfit and it is nfel'ess to state they will meet with Buccess. A very pleasant dancing party waa given last Saturday night at the resi dence of Micheal Doyle on Chenowitb creek. About twenty-five couples were present and a most enjoyable time waa had. Excellent music waa furnished and the lunch aerved waa one of the finest. It baa been mentioned by one of our citizens that some compensation be ren- j dered to those who at fires ruin their clothes. For some cause or other the fires in thia city lately have occurred on Sunday when the majority of people bave on their best. In many instances men render valuable assistance to prop erty ownera and the city and by so doing damage their wearing apparel to a great extent. It has often been noticed and commented on numerous times, that those who have the least at stake do the larger part of the work at fires. It Is suggested that either the property owu- ers or the city should make some com pensation for the loss sustained by hav ing clothes ruined by water and other wise. Our fire companies are volunteer and their services are always at the dis posal of the city. However, a man working for small wages can ill affoid to lose several dollars for clothes ruined at each conflagration. Somebody has got to do the work. Who usually does it? We will leave it with you. Give those who are willing to work and save prop erty for others, as good as they had when they went to the assistance of those who needed It immediately. Tuesday's Daily. It makes a woman shudder to think bow happy she could bave made you. This morning The Dalles waa visited by a warm rain which again made our streets rather muddy. All bills outstanding against The Dalles Club Minstrels will be paid on presentation to R. II. Lonsdale. The timbers under the building occu pied by J. P. Mcluerny as a dry goods store, are being replaced today by new ones. At a special school meeting held in the Court street school house yesterday afternoon those present from school dis trict No. 12 voted a tax of 7V 'mills Thia is the same tax as was levied laBt year. While alighting Irom the passenger train laet night Elmer Jones fell and sustained a double fracture of his right arm. vr. iiollieter was called and re lieved the patients suffering and he I resting easy today. About a week ago near John's mill, Ralph Long had the misfortune to chop off one of his big toes. He was brought to town today and sought the services of Dr. Hollister, who is treating the wound, which is quite a bad one. The handsome steel ceiling and trim mings lor Mays & Crowe a atore are being put np and add a great deal to the appearance of the interior of the build ing. When finished this will be one of the handsomest and best equipped buildinga in the northwest. O-viug to the increase in business The Dalles Steam Laundry found that their old boiler was not sufficient to do their work, so they were compelled to send below and gut a larger one which has just been put in place. They are now prepared to do all work given them iu a speedy and satisfactory manner. The squirrel which ha? beenagreit pet at Parkins' barber shop died yesterday from wounds received while in an altercation with a cat. Ha was buried this afternoon in a stone coffin, the gift of Louie Comini. (Marcus Long played a funeral dirge and there was general sorrowing among those present. An exchange says inasmuch as you would like that your paper be a good local paper, just reflect a moment and see how' much local news you have fur nished for it. As you would like that your homo paper would speak a good word about you, just reflect how many good words you hare spoken for the paper. On February 14th, St. Valentine Day, Cascade Lodge No. 30J, B. P. O. Elks will give their grand ball. Parsons orchoNtra of Portland haa been engaged and every detail to make the affair a success has been looked alter, ibe committees are hard at work and un doubtedly those fortunate enough to be present on the night of the ball will be agreeably surprised and delighted. Polk Mays, a prominent cattle man of Wallowa county, unloaded four carloads of big ateera at the stockyards last Fri day that he bad shipped up from The Dalles to eat tome of his surplua bay on his Wallowa county ranch. This is a little out of the usual line In stock ship ments but Mr. Maya evidently conclud ed he could make it pay or he would not have made the shipment. La Grand Chronic e. The Dalles Club Minstrels repeated their performance last night to a boot two hundred people and were warmly received. There were a lew slight changes from the previous evenlog but practically the same show was given as on the first nigbt. Everything ran somewhat smoother than on the open ing night as thn boys were more familiar with their turns. They were exceeding ly good and merited all the patronage bestowed upon them. The following children can be bad for adoption by addressing I. F. Tobey, sup erintendent of the Oregon Childrens' Home Society at 606 Marquam building, Portland, Oregon : One girl baby, aged three months. One boy baby, aged four months. One baby boy aged twenty two months. One boy aged three and a half years. One girl eleven years old These are all desirable children. Several good bomea are wanted for older children, and by writing t the above address full particulars will be given. About oar Rasldonti. We clip the following from yesterday's Oregonian : Victor Ward, youngest aon of "Long" Ward, an old-time aettler, and one of the wealthiest farmera of Wasco county, and Miss Lottie E. Baker, of The Dalles, wero married nt the Columbia hotel, Vancouver, at 9 o'clock Saturday even ing. They were very sly about it, in tending to surprise friends. Mr. Ward has been in the city for about three weeks, and Mies Baker came down about a week ago, and found all the arrange ments for the wedding complete. With out eaying anything to their friends they went over to Vancouver Saturday even ing, and were quietly married. At this style of getting married deprived the friends of the couple of the opportunity of making the usual wedding present, Mr. Ward presented bis bride with a check for $1000, to make np for this. The happy pair will return to The Dalles this morning, and will take up their residence on the old Ward homestead, twelve miles from The Dalles. . Charles Hilton, ex-joint senator of Gilliam and Wasco counties, and a suc cessful sheepralser.bas about completed a beautiful ten-room cottage on Irving street, between Twenty-second and Twenty-third, at an expense of $5000, This building is modern in all respects, lighted by forty electric jets, and heated by the newest hot-air system. It con tains large, roomy and well-lighted halls, closets, wardrobes and convenient reces ses everywhere throughout. There are vestibules, cloak-rooms, linen closets, stationary, medicine cupboards, laundry fixtures, bathrooms and old-style fire places. Mr. Hilton has decided to make his home in Fortland on account ot su perior school facilities. ClCTelaud Bloyclea for 1800. The models for the coming season will be No. 61, men's roadsters, $50; No. 62, wo. nan's special light roadster, $50; No. 60, men's regular roadsters, $75 ; No. 07, woman's regular roadster, $75; No. 69, men's roadster thirty minute wheel, $70. Quality ia Cleveland throughout, not a part slighted not a machine un worthy of a Cleveland name plate. 1899 changes Wider handle bars, with new internal expanders, improved auto matic citing device, flush frame head, increased guage of tubing, longer frame and new reinforcements, new ball bear ing spokes, also new hubs. The Bumell detachable tire, more air, more comfort; special bearing along new lines. Crank yoke changed, doing away with disc on chain side; dust proof nedels: im proved Cleveland gear case; new saddles. The 1899 models are superior to any Cleveland ever offered to the public, they Lave more original ideas. We have just receved some '99 models. Call and see them. It's quality that talks these days, and Cleveland quality is talking loud. Maikr A Bknton, Sole Agents for Cleveland Bicycles. May II lteconnldered. It'is said that the bill to create the county of Wheoler may be reconsidered having lacked one vote of ber,. passed. It received just 30 votes. Had there been a full attendance it is believed it would have passed, and it is not at all im probable even yet that the vote by which it was defeuted will not be recon sidered and the bill put to another vote. Hawson led the opposition to the bill. He was loaded for bear, and in his speech aiiainst it probably made the oratorial effort of his life. He claimed that the new county would cutoff the beet third of Gilliam county, Including nearly all of the county's best timber and water supply. He characterized the bill as an injustice to the people of his county who had remonstrated against It, and would be left with nothing but debt with which to carry on business if the dismembering were permitted. His plea waa that the question of dismem berment be left to the public of his county. To I' ura Cold In Ono Day, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c, COLUMBIA HOTEL FIRE. A rtaaa CoBftagelion Narrowly Averted ltllt Work Draa by Ihe Vol unteer firemen. At 5:15 last evening the shrill whittle ing of a locomotive waa heard and al most Immediately the peala of the fire bell rang out aunonncing to our citizens another fire. It waa found that the Columbia hotel was in flames and with in a few minutes the Hook and Ladder Co. was on the scene, followed closely by the Columbia Hose Co., who in six minutes from the time the alarm sounded, had a stream of water playing on the flames. The Jackson Engine Co, had their engine located at the intersec tion of Second and Court streetaand did most effective work. The fire caught from aparka falling on the roof from a flue in the northeast portion of the building, Mr. Toomey, proprietor of the hotel, formed a bucket brigade and was doingj effective work when the wind which waa blowing furiously at the time caught the flames and spread them rapidly, so when the firemen arrived it appeared as though the whole east side of the hotel waa on fire. Many ex pressed themselves as confident the building waa doomed and also a great portion of that end of town. However, the firemen worked gallantly and too much praise cannot be given them, for it waa one of the best 'ought fires that ever occurred in the city. Inside of fifty five minutea from the time the alarm waa Bounded the fire waa out. Th would have been good work for a paid department. Our water commissioners are to be congratulated, for yesterday's fire proved that the new system which was recently put in is a decided success. There were seven streams from the city water worka playing on the building, and at the time, the indicator at the engine house ahowed ninty-five pounds presaure. This alone is undoubtedly the cause of laving a greater portion of the town from a conflagation similiar to the ones of '91 and '98. During all the other large fires there has always been a lack of water but from present indications we need have no further fears in this line for na aoon as all streams were cut off the resevoir showed that the water bad fallen but four inches. The O. R. & N. Co. did most excellent service and the pressure from their pump house was sufficient to blow several of the nozzles off. With this greatamount of water pour ing into the building the house was fair ly flooded and the flames checked. The entire roof of the east wing of the hotel was burned and charred but the rest of j the building was not damaged only by water. As yet the actual losses cannot be ascertained, but it is estimated that T. T. Nicholas, owner of the building will sustain a loss of between four and five thousand dollars. No insurance. J. A. Toomey, lessee, will lose about $400 with no insurance, while numerous roomers lost a great deal of their belong ings. Estebenet and Esping'a bowling alleys were flooded with water buttbey went to work immediately after the fire and drained their building and today the alleys are in as fine condition as nsnal. Chas. Frank, proprietor of the Butchers and Farmers Exchange will sustain a loss of about $500, mostly caused by breakage and leakage, for everything in his place of business was taken out. He is fully covered by insurance. Some things were removed from Wra. Jones' cigar store but his loss waa ao trivial that it ia not estimated . Further partic ulars in regard to the losses will be given as soon as we are able to ascertain them. A MERITORIOUS PRODUCTION. The Vallea Clnb Minstrel I'lay to Crowded Honna Maoy Word of 1'raUa In their Uehair. More than the unexpected happened Saturday evening when The Dalles Club Minstrels presented their show to the public. The production has been looked forward to for some time as one of the events of tne season and a more happily surprised audience could not have been The boys acquitted themselves in a man ner that showed they were far superior to many traveling troupes that visit our city and by coming belore the public more frequently would undoubtedly be come artists in their respective lines. The Vogt opera house was crowded and it is estimated there Here four hundred and fifty people present. This is noth ing more than a show of appreciation which is right and proper, for no matter when called upon, by whom or for what purpose, the "boys" have always lent a helping band. At 8:40 when the curtain arose and ahowed the entire company on the stage they wero greeted with rounds of ap plause. After the opening overture the first thing announced on the program by the interlocu tor, N". J. Slnnott, was the comic so.ig, "Mr. Johnson Don't Get Gay," by J. F. Hampshire, who ac quitted himself in his usual facinating way. Next was a bass solo by William Frank, who, indeed, has a fine yolce and without doubt will be a singer of some note. Arthur Clark followed with a comic song entitled "I Don'tCare if You Nebber Come Back" and was well re ceived. That beautiful song, "She Was Bred in Old Kentucky," was then ren dered by Cbas. Clarke in bia aweet voice, and brought down a storm f applause. He very gracefully responded to an encore and sang "Just One Girl," and when through was greeted with r.mnd.4 ci applause. W. C. Croseen 'My Ann Elizer" and made a vn-Kt hit. This ended the first part, bat hetwren songs the tnd men, who were Hollister, Crossen, Hampshire and Arthur Clarke, made some very clever local hits, which were appreciated f-ir their originality and appropriateness. The second part opened with a duet by Haxel Waud and Lela Kelsay, en titled "How I Love My Lu." They were warmly received but when they finished the house simply went wild with applause. For such young children they did better than was expected, ia fact it was one of the best number on the program. The "Quaker City Quartette," composed of W. Barrett, F. Snipes, C. Heppner and Wm. Erank, then appeared on the stage and sang several selections which pleased the au dience greatly and waa all that could be desired. The famous "Lorenzo Brothers' locally known as Carey Ballard and Claud Kelsay were the next attraction, and from their first appearance on th stage bad the entireattention of the au dience. Their tumbling, jumping, somersaults, and feata in thia line wm well worth the price of admission alone. The Legerdemain act by Messrs. Daw son and Herouxwasone that held every one in suspense for one trick so closely followed by another required the utmoat attention. It will be but a short time until Mr. Dawson will rival the famous Hermann. A clever character sketch by Messrs. Crossen and Frank "The Warmest Babies in Coon Town" is especially de serving of mention. They acquitted themselves gracefully and were perfectly at ease while on the stage. Their tarce tragedy was cleverly executed and waa warmly applauded, which showed that the audience more than appreciated their efforts. J. F. Hampshire and Arthur Clarke in their original sketch "Life in Alabam" were superior to any time they hare yet appeared before a Dalles house. The are always good but this waa the time they excelled themselves. Ia the first of their sketch they took the part of on oldcoupleand sang an old time song, and then Mr. Clark in a ligbtniog change appeared as a dandy and amus ed the audience with a monologue for a few minutea until Mr. Hampshire.tbefe- male impersonator, put in an appearance when they sang several songs in their usual pleasing way, receiving rounds of applause, and as an encore did some very pretty dancing, introducing many new and difficult steps. The cake walk, which waa the grand finale of the play was one of the beat ever produced in the city. It is thought by some had the "walkers" partaken ia the grand cake walk given at the Irish fair in Portland Friday, our "coons" would have surely carried away the prize. Fred Van Norden, in an excel lent and easy manner, as master ol ceremonies, introduced the couples aud led the way. The first to appear were the little girls, Hazel Waud in full dress costume with Lela Kelsay on ber arm. They did very creditably and held the audience in a spell for no more graceful couple were seen on the stage, Meesra. Crossen and Barrett then came upon the scene and from the applause they re ceived one would bave thought the cake was theirs. Next came Messrs. Parkins and Ileroux and executed some very pretty steps and were awarded several rounds of applause. Messrs. Snipes and Heppuer appeared in very pretty coa tumee and with grace and cleverness gave the spectators one of the prettiest dances of the evening. They were followed by Messrs. Frank and Gilford and from the moment of their entrance were given re peated applause. Their make-up waa exceedingly good and they did more than justice to themselves. Last, but not least, were the stars of the evening, Messrs. Clarke and Hampshire, who executed a most difficult dance and were received with a most cordial greeting. After the grand march the contestants lined up and as the cake was presented betore eash couple they were given re peated applause. The last In line were the little Misses Kelsay and Waud and when the cake was placed before them he building fairly shook with the ap plause by the audience. As announced on the program the couple receiving the most applause was to be awarded the cake, so the last named couple was the successful one. The orchestra, nnder the direction of Prof. A. T. Baldwin, discoursed sweet music during the performance and the audience listened to it with great pleasure. Besides the players much praise iadue R. II. Lonsdale, who is business man- sger of the company, for a great deal is due to his efforts that the show waa the decided success it was. As a part in we will say, boys, you have worked hard to give the public a good time, and we crm candidly say you have succeeded to the uttermost. . . La Grippe is again epidemic. ; Every precaution should be taken to avoid It. Its specific cure is One Minute Cough Cure. A. J. Sheparc!, publisher Agri cultural Journal and Advertiser, Elden, Mo., says : "No oni will be disappoint' ed in using One Minute Cough Cure for La Grippe." Pleasant to take, quick ta act. Snipes, Kinersley Drug Co. r