The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, February 01, 1899, PART 1, Image 2

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The Weekly Cbronfefc.
ttf - ' '
4,.- .u- i VMO JX
U) Ua ft i-cJ. i'y 7 j
tt.n ti ic-i rii '.r c ti
K.ttL tJ vtfMuA, J is.
tril'j. i.AiittLu Lli d.fpkUiiti ptrttin in tie fcrt m fcL:p3 ci
Tl or-i Iit Im e iffcs Wktik ettci. Tie iIIb. Ut tie rcl ii tiw E;de
tie Yi-Xa tfe tki Ae S Vja.i AX d.ri frcaa tUtjit rIci tca- Tili we
u iu Uxt, i4 rf4 j w.rt we !vi i to tre te Spirit Ui -" jeTtHeiJ lit
M3j.ttvtUTti f- j t"i Uger L:f of To! U Tr statile La wstti
tljuJ oa lie a.t'vJi'iii wit J tit y.. ja LIt -ctur ttr Kn-- ! tilt? tic fTC!Jt-J to get it for
Ia'aIi Ure cf tiir V'Y- A X lr (A huvfjt II .n' ' Umlf-
AVr FS'r Si tlyjcifcVxV. Fi:;fo ortUvm. of 31- Fortius! " esuUiiled tj
KLe ti cU'.se. ti ut
W8 ca ri.'.4i U tie wij
vWv:j inw- -J exert
tviw.t f'c Xit Uu tVr.t tie J -
i;.'ed ett.
A ft jr a evieuc oiore
K.nt tet tLfut tte lfe'fl
ktr.;, fcd a tta'rr of
u& were ivrttd doo fr i&yie .
yAl'A's. lie 'o1 le - i
A..,. eurr r3"t '
tAt tie ms bvt or. cocjuje UM bx .. tU:0urtmt:ttt mi
W(KUl, drowd it f'r'Ur. titberto vibrated between
Ar '.bi'JjQ. A 1 t,u derlaed
for fi'i;j tTek. ad TTailer D'g and
I;Ue 0e re tWe 1 a pricoi
tire and utfrfjetje.
Ky. IiV 0eo bi adbered, and
k till lie Kaft of a ooetofii';. I&
"eed, Modi rvm reaJoi for Ito- ,f til norr.rila'urc o' )
' '
Org'fi, Lub ihdude io iU litl of
lVj1Tu:iA toe tr, of Burnt liauc-b,
Co'elerry, IfavHtk, IUter, Ial
Ton. JIuie, hlikle, Sb;rk, h'.aryecut
aiid fiac rk-r.
A few ne in I libo too Id le
iirojjed f Ide bet'.er, tasfux tbeoi
Jboie. Corral, G'.a,!frt, Gebtile
Valley, Sawtli aad Veiloa jacket.
Ia t'iia reject WatbitUn ba
lof; ; cffendirsz than l!t lter
ute, afcd U.ere if bti dly an offen
ie Mtuk Ut a joufTice iu Ibe autc.
- Uut wliiie tbe Utetzy went La fie
rt,'ii'ii I H iU rioiiieitclalure, It baa
hot of!ni l) more gnevouily in thia
way ilutt bare l)e (am neration
U atucbed to lyndon j'iinU u.b 1
well known nanie aa Cb-aide, Mile
Knd, Vbitethairl. IliyinafVet, If am
itf;i.illi, Itland.Tbreadneedle,
Ms'.klieatli ar.d WoiriiWo'i'l fScrut.
Sketman Itriew,
Another leal farce i to be euACt
d in bn Fraacin'io. on a modified
lii witk the i.oloriiu Uurthut cae.
It U the mailer of the convicted jf i
oner, Cornelia Hotkin, who U about
moving for a new trial. In the
event of a derlal and thft refual of a
revenlon by the aupreme court of
(.'alif'rnia, tliln womiin'i courju-1 will
fpruii; a a lant rcnort, the abiencc
fcf jiirivlicliou on mti of California
tiibuiiaU to tike jjdicial co((riinncc
of b r crime," Thl i Indeed a u
euliar ro-fningling of tr&c ly and
biirlirt'jiie, will ever dioracc
tho (ioldcn Ut n ou'4 a lu ctitr.
iiial crxte U tiot changed that pet
fKHU lawyer may not toy with It.
The victim of Mr. ISotkln' bclliili
act died In I);lnwaro from polnoned
enn'ly a nt to her from California by
thl woman, liovcrnor Itudd re
fumil to rccoriiKC extradition paper
for tlm prmoner from iJi'luware, flof,
011 the jruiid that lm wa not a fu
(itivu from Juitlco, dcalnated in
tlm rc(piiition, and aiT-oiid, ln-cmino
lie, In projiria pt'Mona, committed
no crime in that atute. A un cvt
Id nee of the various cotiHtructiont
that can be placed on the cilinlnul
colo of Culifornia, eminent couiRel
In Una Francinco originally gave, it
n their opinion that Mr. Itotkln
could be convicted only of trannmiU
tinif polsonoua matter through the
mail, tho maximum puniahment for
which wa ton ycar'i impiliorimcnt.
Tkli opinion, under the condition
, W " - J
'Jj tl it. a !-L Lfr V.
C-f tiil t J
Oj ctrt b.t drt? tLwg UT,i
.,.;. T-r tr two. ft
y tiki hOTert
r.-.r tie
J ivtir.
tin l ioe feta Ii2a ec-'ecI
5fctiit lie cAiiit of tbe g-Trt-J.'erc!J tbe p'iia in ox crti cdj
tJij re to to'e gi:ul
f-'tU trety, tV-gb tie Jfnk
t,Jfe TJ(., latDaw5., tLe otber
T. U pti? ful ute of ?ir fcr
AjTjitaW'i. TLe day Learj .
a it n 00 fj tcojaU of t ytcp;lit:c el
,iVtbfx f mm ibe 10
ysjj.Vt ciuiier oa tLe Fat:,
Geo. Ou LoUt tU cable i1 bu '
ir'rz'l ite tender cord, of a
Aguinaido and Lu backers ia the
Atnericaa rte.
In addition to tbi benuabic blow
Agoifiil'lo ba ditcovered that Le
can no loiter import rifle and am
tnunitioD from Hong Kong. What
it t'-ie un of grabbing a historic tov
ereigoty if Lil trouaerlcH army can
not jet x'jm and cartridge to aatit
io negotiating a national debt and
getting appropriation? Aguinaldo'
army ii undemvxl to numler 12
000, cbitSy Lfy who Lave no
j propei ty of their own to loee. They
receive no pay. but exrect plenty of
booty when tbe United htate is
f.-ared away and they proceed to
help ;beoe!ve to whatever they
war,t io 5Iai.ila a the only true
; original representative of tbe con
sent of the governed. Tbey know
this is so, because they uted to have
a daily asuuratce of it from Washing
ton befoie tbe cable wa cenored,
thus severing the genial current that
added each day to Aguinaldo'a de
mand and the size of b:t hat. In
the acred name of liberty Hoar, Ms-
son and Hale should demand tbe in
stant opening of the cable, so that
their burning words may reverberate
in Aguinaldo's camps nerving his
street boys, uniformed in a straw bat,
to open Are upon the American flag.
Kastern capital Is something to
which the ordinary wentcrn com
munity affixes a most extraordinary
value. From the Inception of a new
town the necessity of enlisting the
aid of eastern capilbl to develop the
resources tributary thereto Is dinned
into the cars of the townsnconlc
J steadily and unceasingly. A tour of
western chambers of commerce and
boards of trade would leave one with
the impression that it is absolutely
impossible to develop tho latent
wealth of tho west unless eastern
capital is poured Into the country In
a large and golden stream. To that
end the fears of the timid eastern
capitalist must bo allayed, he must
not be told tho bare truth but must
have it dished up to him In some
cunning diaguiso that will nroure all
the covetousnf ss there Is within him.
lie must be pampered and smooth
ed. lint after oil, what successful
northwestern community has benefit,
cd greatly by the incoming of eastern
cspltal? True, there has been a
largo benefit but I it not small In
proportion to tho benefit that has
been derived from tho Individual
energy, pluck and faith of thr suc
cessful community.
Tho three most successful cities of
, . j T-. .
, .t.Vj -i
.... -, i- .: lit r-i
e-kiitA- tit ptt
Svtil e'en n.txT
twit XAtxs lr
irge j"Crt. i'tt!
Tlt-t ia tie 7 . Uiita tU J
Vs&rlAi. bt-l tiir c ls2i
tii, -t ii'-o tieir cs fcibe j
j prlttilive gyo traits. TLej Lnl
j oie euergj tin tLe eccigrmLts Lo
IwrJed tltewLere ia tLe ricinitj and
! Ieix Portlrnd u tent Lead l-y
their effort. Me aae Lemir a
great commercial cI CnaDcisJ cect?r,
an J to do o Le did wot ca'I on the
least Her eHh came from the soil
and from tbe effor! of Lc-r foun.lcrs.
Spokesman Review.
The Duke of Devonshire kept well
within bounds when be said that "at
no period within our recollection have
our relation with the United State
been more friendly than tbey are at
the present moment." He could
hive gone farther and said that at no
period mlthin thia century have .the
relations between the two coudries
been anywhere near so friendly as
they arc now. Some controversy
has sprung up every few years sinse
Uie war of independence and tbe war
of 1812 to create ill-feeling between
the two nations. The northeastern
and northwestern boundary disputes
in the days between the war of 1812
and the war of secestion created
several disagreements, extending
over a long scries of years. Then
came tbe Trent affair in 1&C1, the
Alabama claims controversy bait a
dozen years afterward, and the
various fishery disputes in more re
cent years, with the Venezuelan affair
in 189.. At no previous time since
17C3, when tbe war ended in whicb
England and her American colonies
expelled the French from North
America, was there so much real
cordiality between tbe two branches
of tbe Anglo-Saxon race as there is
at this moment.
DLtrlet school Koport.
The following school district of Wasco
county hive voted a special school tax to
be spread upon the tax roll of 1808, and
tlm district school clerks have reported
the results as follow :
fechool (list No 20 5m
(School dint No 6M 7m
Kchool dit No 43 15m
Hchool dist No 4 15m
Kchool dint No 21 6in
Kchool dint No (J , . . .l'im
Hchool dist No 17 'im
hchool (Jut No 3.1 4 in
hchool diet No 01 4'iru
Kchool distNo Vi 7)111
hYhool lint No !i 8m
Kchool dint No & 2in
Kchool rlUt No 3 14m
Kchool dist No Vi. 7m
hchool dist No SO 15m
Kchool diet No 4!) 2m
Hchool dist N'o 15 2m
Dalle City fitm
Dufur 2 k. uj
Union at the Capitol.
Kai.icm, Or., Jan. 31. Special to Til
CiiHONii.i.R : The motion to reconsider
the vote passing, re-apportionment was
ruUd out of order. Carter and Keeder
appealed to the honse and were tut
tallied by the epenker.
Lord I pushing the graft providing for
the purchase of ton acres of stumps near
KaiBin, for a location of the mote school
Tha consideration Is six thousand do!
Iui, while tha property is only esll
mated to bs worth about threa hundred
The house voted 200 to procure mora
slampf. Ths vote on Wheeler count
wa reconsidered ny the house and the
measure was passed.
The bill for tha sugar beet bounty was
reconsidered and passed tha bouse,
twenty-one voting aye.
Pnsk B. Trsnt. tt vb CnmiA Ae, Drtrmt. Mkk, r: -At toe
aye f Imtmjj t to akc ear dascto- froai school oa n rwn of ill
She c(M obt poute,
aaid afar had t r t cm her Di. VkUiaw" riak for
rair resple. Ve akc had takes two hoars ahe traa atrosf eaoath to
feaie her bed. aa4 ia lea. toaa u aaoatoa vaa aomethiac Uke henelf.
Ta-d7 ahe a) eaueir cared, aad i a bif . atroac. healthr weirkiaj
XSi y"rr-- aad haa aner had a aicfc da; aiace-" Dtrmi Emtmf Anm.
The gtnomc Or .Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People arc
sold only n packages, the wrapper ) brng
the fU name. At all dvusts. v direct from the
Dr Williams Medicine Co. Sthcnectady.rl Y. SO'pcr bos.
citirlMT . Dai lj.
3. N. Poiadexter, ot Condon, Is :n tLe ,
city. j
Cbss. Bat'er, of Port Towneecd it in;
Chss. Lore", of Arlington, is in tbe
city today.
A. A. Jayne returned last night from a
short trip io Portland.
Fred W. Wil.on returned last evening
from a trip to Kberman county.
K. Boot en, a prominent cattleman
fr jin Shrrman county, is in the city.
Cbas. Clarke will arrive in tbe city
this evening to take part in the minstrel
Mcssrt. W. Spencer and Frank Natter,
of lleppner, passed through tbe city
Miss Rose D. Michel! left on this
afternoon's train for a short visit with
friends at Baleen.
Senators Michel 1 and Dufur returned
from Kalem lest evening and will spend
eunday with tbeir famines.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rom will leave
this evening for Wasco, where tbey will
spend hunday
lb Mrs. Eddon, Mrs.
Koss sister.
Airs. Bert Graham and Miss Grace
Grkharn came up from Hood River la-t
nigbt, and will probably remain over to
attend tbe minstrel.
Miss Laura, Thompson, who has been
confined to her home wilb the mumps
ror the pan ten days, is again able to
lesotne her position.
Hirnry Ktesman, of Centerville.Wash.,
was in the city today and states that
farmers in his vicinity are plowing and
sowing on the bih ground.
Mondajr't Daily.
Fred Wallace, of Antelope, is In the
T. H. Johnston, of Dufur, was in the
city today.
M. J. Monteitb. of Chicaeo. is in the
city on business.
Chas. B. Johnson and wife, of Mora.
spent hunday in the city.
W. W. Ames and son, Arthur, of
Columbus, are in the city.
Wm. Heisier, whols interested with
the Dufur Miling Co., is in tbe city on
Miss Mamie Smith, of San Francisco,
is visiting at the residence of Mrs. L.
H. Brash, manager for Bissinirer A
Co., in this city, returned last nigbt
Ironi a short visit to Portland.
Joe Howard returned this morning
from tho East, where he has been some
time. He will leave in the morning for
his home at Priueville.
Mrs. W. A. Kirby and little daughter,
Maude, who have been sojourning in
Portland for the past few days, returned
home Saturday evening.
Capt. Wand returned Saturday from
Alaska, where he has been for the past
few month. As the boat he Is master
of on the Yukon is frozen In, he will
Clearance Sale of Bicycles
For Less than Half Price
We wish to clear out all old stock before m v
ing into new store and have some bargains.
This is an opportunity to get bicycle cheap
All wheels sold at half regular price.
lSCcfV& tSo Crowe.
mi is ai;cvt rt tin f
yw e;ft.t.n mary c&
bitol is C8uicl iitfT & COUT
of matrrvent with Dt Vtilliwns,'
fhr.ft Pj f3T Fte Ptapit.
Tr.fct thu meins fiL b col net fce entirety cieaT iron
tM coctOT j ita.terr.tnt. but Wiy
c,rl who hi tTted the ptUj an ua
ysw tt mew rel lips, blight
eyti. gwl appetite. a.tse nee or
hea.ti.iche. and that it tnni
fOTrr.i the eaie anl wuov giTl
int a maiden. who gtows with
the beauty rhch peifect he&lin
alone can give.
MetheT whose daughten
eron debilitated a they pa
fTom ciTlhood into womanhood
should not neglect the pill beu
adapted fot thu particular ill.
was pajt aad aBo aad toe doctor
probably remain ia the city until tbe
first ot March.
Tuesday lHA'.f.
Mrs. H. Baxter, of Ki&zt'ey is in tbe
B. L. M archie, of Portland, is visiting
in the city.
Clyde Bnnv; of Hood River, i in
the city c-n bushier.
' A. J. Dufur. of Portland, i in the city
atlt-nding to bis interests.
L. O'Brlan and wife of GolJendaie
are guests at the Umatilla House.
Mrs. S. E. Van Vactnr and daughter
left last evening for Co) am bus where
they will vieit for a few days.
Dr. K. II. Frazier, wife and family,
left on the afternoon train for Oakland,
Calif., where they will reside ia tbe
Mrs. Chat. Alisky and daughter,
Irene, arrived on the boat lat evening
and are vieitiof at the residence of W.
11. Butts.
Frank feinnott, of Unga, Alaska, who
has been visiting relatives in the city
for some days, returned to Portland
yesterday evening.
fr and fra RmllK Franoh an.! iKa!.
, daughter. Dr. Gertrnde French, left on
last night a train for New lork, wbere
they co to seek medical aid for the
L. Clanton. of Centerville, Wash., bas
been in the city for the past wevk laid
op witli a Sfige of the gripe. He has
so far recovered that he will leave for
hi borne tomorrow.
To Whom It May Concern : I have
thi day disposed of tbe dental office
heretofore occupied by me, to Dr. G. E.
Sanders, who will continue the same In
the 100ms formerly occupied by me in
tbe Chapman block, Tbe Dalles, Oregon.
I lake pleasure in recommending Dr.
Sanders to all my old friends and
patrons and ask for him a continuous of
tbe liberal patronage heretofore given
I have teen Dr. Sanders work for tbe
last four years and I most tay it places
him among the best operatorj of the
present time. And I am sore th.t he
will treat all who call npoa him kindly,
patiently, intelligently and fairly.
S. II. Fbazier,
TLe Dalles, Oregon, Jan. 31, 1809.
. Jan31-lk
ire You Interested?
Tha O. R. Si N. Co'i New Book
On the Resourses of Oregon, Washing
ton and Idaho is being distributed. Our
readers ere requested to forward the
acquaintances, and a copy of tho work
will be sent them free. This is a mat
would ask that everyone take an In
H. Hl rlbcbt, General Passenger Agen,
O. R. A N. Co., Portland.
old stand.
j ILAjiVTJiCmiLh Ut J
Fina Lard and Sausages i
I toscf BRAKD j
' : -: BEEF. ETC
Letten of Credit issued available ia th
Eutern Sutea.
Sigbt ExebADgt) aad Te'urraphic
Traaclen add on New Tork, Chka
St. loais, Sn Fraaciaco, Portland Or
ron, att Wajh,, and variooi poiatt
in Oreoa and Waahingtoa.
Co'.,ectionf uutla at ail pointf oa Iit
orable term.
arjd tpdtrs
Day UeH cr
Tito. f $r?eu,
J Qor. 4tj? and Uijbr). j'
$6.50 PER TON
For car load lota call on
E. KURTZ, Agent,
Tel. 38. The Dalles, Or.
Wagon and Carrlago Work. I
Fish Brothers' Wagon. . J
TMrd ani Jeitan. Fnone 159 2
Sleeping Cars j
Dining Cars
Sleeping Car
MT. PA 111.
Through Tickets
For Inform. fl.n Hn.. m... m..A tlr-k.S
eel ou or write to '
W. C. AI.LAWAY. Airent.
The Dallue, Uref '
A. D. ARLTON, Asst. O. P. A.,
24 rrltoa Cor. Third. Portland Oro