The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, January 25, 1899, PART 1, Image 4

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as doe dc oaly to the orieinality and
aim pli city of the combination, but also
to the care acd iill with which it is
sssanufactured by ck-ntie process
knows to tte Caufobxia Fj SrCT
Co. oo!v. td ire wiih to impress upo
01 tie iaiportaace cf rrn-chaiiEjr the
tree and original remedy. As the
. gmnine Syrtip cf Fis is manufactiiie!
tvy the CiUfOKiriA Fi STXn Co.
eoly. knml2?e cf that tart will
assist otse in avoid;!; the worthies)
imitations tesmf&ctvred by other pa
ties. Tbe hi;h slamiiE of the Caii
pokxla Fv brr.rr Co. with the medi
cal profesJjo, and the aatisfactkaa
w iikh the pennine Syrup of Fig ha
given to millions of families, make
the bux of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy. It is
far in advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritatinjr or weaken
ing; them, and it 4oes not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the same of
the Company
sax rtaxcuc. cL
raruruj lally.
J. W. Mjore ii in the city from
H. M. len came op from Portland
T. A. HadKm returned from Sa'em on
latt n-fhl't tra.n.
Mr. sod Mrs. Hanns, of Arlington,
are visitors in the city.
J. E. Lifter, of Prineviie, i regUtered
at the L'ani.'.a lioaie.
Mr. E. Julian is Terr daogerout'y iJ
at her ho.xe on Court street.
Geo. At'ott and Frack Lee, wool
barer, leix lie city last n:gtt for
Mi Sad'e AHen ft for Portiaod on
the boat this morsirr. &he wiil enter
the hospital ia t?.at city.
B. S. Hoctiitptoa, who spent a few
day at tLe capital City, rartorned on the
evening train yesterday.
A. W. Giey, of Salem, eame ssp from
Portland .ai nicrit on a busines trip,
retamicg tuis a;:rnoon.
M'. E. E. Hictoc. of BakeoTes, and
fann y, are in th city. Mr. Uintoo
t-aoe in to attend the meeting of the
Wool Association next Toesday.
Dr. J. A. other:aod eame down from
hpokane on the mornicf fain and will
spend a short tioe in the city. The Dr.
now o:af;:e one of the finest offices in
t-pkane and already bat a large practice
Moalar i DaUy-
Mr. Frank Menefee wa a passenger
on the afternoon train for Portland.
Mi Lnra TVimpxa is confined to
ber bwjit it.- a -erere attack of grippe.
Mrs. M. S.oiLer cime in from Dafur
tJay ani le.'t on the train for Portland.
Etf. D. B. Griy retnrned to Portland
toiar, afver speLdinf yesterday in the
F. P. May and Edwin May, who
cams op from Pertiand yesterday, re
tnrned this alrrcoon.
E. M. Wiliiamt, accompanied by bit
little sister, Florence, ieft on the aher
noon train fur Portland.
Vr. FjUon and lister. Mist
Anna Fa tr-n. of Bigjcs, left tins alter
noon for a trip ti Hot frpriegs, Artanta.
J. B. P.'i-r. one of Baker Citt's
prominent citizen", came djwn cn the
afternoon train and wi.l spend a (hurt
time in the city.
Miss Stella Patty, tf McI;nniue, ar
rived in the city on Saturday evening's
train, and will spend a week with Mr.
and Mrs. C. F. .Stephens.
Mr. and .Mrs. J. II. Clark, who have
been gaet of Mr. an 1 Mrs, C. W. Diet
Eel since Tuesday, left thii afternoon for
their horce in San Francieco.
Mr. S. French left for Portland yester
day to make arrangements with Dr.
Gertru.le (or thir etern trip, to foe
made in hope of beteling the health of
the htter.
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Lanolin and
children left this aftermvn for a iix
weekj viait in fan Francisco. At
Saiem thy will be joined by Mr. and
Mrs. W. I., llinkle, who will accompany
Miss Alice I.jle left on the afternoon
train for Portland, and will leave there
on tomorrow eveninti's train for .San
Francipco, where she will remain lor a
month or more in the hope of regaining
her health.
Mlese Elsie and Bertha Jones, of
Heppner, returned home fcatordav. The
latter has been attending (it. Mary'
Academy in this city, but being taken
ick, was compelled to give np her
tudiet and return home.
Mr. and Mri. John Weigel have re
turned from a wedding tour to Portland,
having spent ten day in that city. They
have rented a suite of rooms at the resi
dence of Mr. Weigel'i parents, Mr. and
Mr. Cuahing, where they wiil make
their home for the present.
Mi-s Hattie Rick came up from Bon
neville and (pent Saturday and Sonday
In the city, leaving la-t night fjr Logan,
Utah. Upon her return she will be ac
companied by ber mother, and sister.
Miss Koae Kicks, who will make their
borne with her at Bonneville.
TorlJ Daily.
G.W.Cr - forlalorooC;oD3oB -
S. B. Driver and Ii Drive-rare ltJt-
ort in tbe city wxlT. j
r. - - i J r nt JrLnstoo and U
Andersen are in from Dolor today.
Mr. an J Mr. W H. Da'cr came in
from I'afar tev.ridsv, remain :n over
1 Victor from Cer.tervi: todar are H.
', Sieeman. Cta., T- S- Crolujn and
1 J. H. Warner.
! r. tin J. H. fterowe'.s. of
Eovd. cime op froa Pctiand laM tigtit I
in I inent the cay in lie i.
V t.Fthel Mt:er. ho ha
ttend nt th P;.riAndl'niersi;y.eaai -
n on !at train and le.'t tot her
1 home at tioioecda today.
! Mr?. EJ-aabeth M. " i n itn on ir.e
i.hnnr.n itim iur Lot Acte-et. Ca.J-
; trtia, where she wnl visit me iami.
Fx-Gcvernor Juhn L. bevendire, aa o.d
' ertinol friend whoui be has Ejt seen fo
I neariv :ty years.
In thii citv. Sunday . Jan. 2"Jd. Mr. C.
L. "ieien. afrd 61. Funeral will take
piace tomorrow froin the fattily resi
dence on Mill Creek.
In this city, Toesday, Janosrv 2'.!.
to Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Harper, a
In this city, FriJay. Jan. 20tb, tc Mr.
and Mrs. Peter Agidius, a sou.
In this city, Saturday, Jan. 21st, to
Mr. and Mrs. J. Obnst. a son.
Tvo Idaho Fatalities.
Lxwistox, Idaho, Jan. 23. Mr.
Henry Tobin was drowned in the Clear
water river Friday night, joat after 9
o'clock. She deliberately walked into
the water with suicidal intent. A small
boy witnessed the tragedy. An alarm
was immediately given, but the body
ha not been recovered. The unfortun
ate womaa ii said to have lost her mind
over trouble, the lamiiy came here
from Wa"a Walla. They lost a fortune
by the E Jmitton bank failure three
year go. Henry Tobin tried to hoot
the banker but failed on account of hi
revolver being loaded with blank cart
ridge. Mrs. Tobin is said to have taken
the tall cartridge oat of the pistol to
save ber haebtnd from the coDseqoence
of murder. Tobin pursued and shot the
banker, but the blank load canted no
eerioas injory.
The little 2-year-old daughter of Mr.
and Mr. A. T. McCarty was burned to
death Friday at the borne of t'-ie family
at Melrose, on the reservation, about 20
mile from tbU place. The father w as
away from borne at the time. The
mother wa in th earral when the
beard the screamtof ber daughter, who
came running toward Mrs. McCarty
with ber dress afire. The child bad
been bornd to seriously that she died
within an boar.
Siral Ferccw E-joallj Divided.
New Yotx, Jan. 23. A dispatch to
the Hera'd from Washington aay: Ac
a retail of tbe assignment of .the battle
ship Iowa and Oregon to tbe Pacific
and Aliatic stations re pectfaily, and
the decision to despatch the cruiser
Xewark to the Pacific coast, the com
motioned naval force of tbe United
State it abt nt tqaallr divided between
tbe two oceac.
At tbe present time there are tta
tioned in Allant'c waters two battle
ships, two armoured cruisers, one
eecond-c'.as bstt!e-thip, six protected
and unprotected cruiser and twelve
Hit Llfa Wa "ave.
Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen
of Hatnibal, Mo., lately bad a wonder
ful deliverance from a frightiul death.
In telling of it be tayi: "I was taken
with t7pboid fever, that ran into pneu
monia. My longs became hardened. I
was so weak I couldn't even tit up in
bed. Nothing helped me. I expected
to soon die of consumption, when I
hetrd of Dr. King' New Discovery.
One tott'.e gave great relief. I con
tinued to nie it, and cow am well and
trong. I can't say too much in it
praise." Tbi marvellou medicine ia
the tnreat and quickest cure in the world
for all throat and lurg trouble. Regular
ix) 50 cents and 1.00. Trial tottle
free at Elikeley 4 Houghton' drug
store; every bottle guaranteed. 2
Hair-Raising Spectacle
River Gorge Great
Broke Loose.
Xiaaara Fall, X. Y., Jan. 23.
Whtle nearly 100 person were on the
great ice bridge in the gorge of tbe
Niagara river, the ice mass waa broken
loos from the bank at either end.
There were thousand of Sunday aight
seera In the parks and upon the npper
arch enjoying the beauty of the chryetal
like structure. They heard the cracking
of the ice and ow the great mass a it
wa moving by the swilt current of the
rirer, and hundreds shouted warning to
tnose on the bridge.
Some of thee venturesome ner.nna
had only gone a abort distance from tbe
river bark, while other were oat in the ,
an, vera crossicr
tb rTtr. Thoa. near tbe eni wni
fjon j mMt. bat further cut toward
vr a number of J boys. ,
Eefjre they were fairiy
tatted lor It. I
share the great briiije
at loosecrJ from 1
i: fastening. Then it beeaoe a race
I for l.'t, bot the yocr.Tter. aiuii j
1 ahsut. na".: reached the shore.
It was seen ifcen than that ail eic
'three persons bad reached place
One im a
Yerk side.
man not far from
TLe others ere a
the Xe
man acJ a
oman ho were teeieg
across the
ic to tie Canadian :Je.
Tt - .j, ne4r the e loik iote
. . Hi, eye vere
irftrected toward the tl aich under
which be would pa the iceconuuuej ,
to more djwn the river. Onward it!
went, and pt a it reached the bridge ;
he leapea jroia wc i-v. .........
aich a it ries not far out from tte
abutment. The man and woman made
record time meanwhiie and safely
reached the Canadian shore.
Spaoisb Schooner Deprived of Its Flag
as a Penalty for Insulting tbe
Auxiliary Cruiser Resolute.
New Yobk, Jan. A dispatch to the
Herald from Havana saya: Captain
Eaton, of tbe auxiliary cruiser Resolute,
captured a 20-foot Spanieh flag in tbe
harbor and incidentally taught the
Spaniard a lesson iu manners.
A Spanish schooner of aboat 70 tens
sailed alongside tbe Resolute, when it
hove to, and with a cheer of defiance
from the men aboard, an immense
Spanish flag was run np to the mast
bead, with tbe Cuban flag beneath it.
Captain Eaton was forced to recognize
tbe insult, and ordered Naval Cadet Nar-
rant and Marine Officer Thorp, with a
file of marines into a steam launch,
whlcb speedily overtook tbe Spaniard.
Tbe captain refused to obey the order
to lower the flag, whereon the marines
went aboard and took forcible possession
of tbe Spanish flag, leaving the Cuban
flag flying at tbe masthead.
Tb oocupakta of the schooner were
then compelled to give three cheera for
tbe Cuban and American flags after
wbich the vessel was allowed to proceed.
Tbe captured flag will be held as a
La Urlpp Barevfwrallr Treated.
"I have just recovered from the sec
ond attack of La Grippe this year," say
Mr. Jas. A. Jones, publisher of the
Leader, Mexia, Texas. "In tbe latter
case I used Chamberlain' Cough Rem
edy, and I think with considerable lac
cess, only being in bed a little over two
day against ten daya for the former at
tack. The second attack I am satisfied
would have been equally aa bad aa the
first brt for tbe use of this remedy as 1
bad to go to bed in about six bom a after
being 'struck' with it, while ia the, first
case I wa able to attend to business
about two days before getting 'down.' "
For tale by Biakeley A Houghton.
A Young Lady's Awful Fate.
Sax Francisco, Jan. 22. Misa Jennie
Moore, daughter of the Irte I. C. Moore,
and a prominent aociety belle, died to
day at the family residence on Gougb
street, from the effect of Cre. tVbile
dressing for dinner the lace curtaica of
her room became ignited from a fas
jet. She attempted to extinguish the
blare, but ber clothing caught fire and
she rushed into tbe hall a mass of
flames, which were quenched with
difficulty by tbe family and servants.
Tbe young lady, who waa 23 years old
and noted br ber beauty and talents,
lingered in great agony for eeveral
boura, wbea abe expired.
Volcanic Eruptions
Are grand, but skin eruption, rob life
of joy. Bucklen' Arnica Salve curea
them ; also old, running and fever sores,
L leers, Boila, Felons, Corne, Warts,
Cuts, Bruise, Burns, Scalds, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains.. Best Pile cure on
earth. Drive out pains and ache.
Only 25 ct. a box. Cure cuaranteed.
Sold by Biakeley & Houghton, drug
gins. o
A Change of Front.
Sas Fbaxcisco, Jan. 23. The attor
neys for Mra, Cordelia Botkin appeared
before Ju lge Cook today, and asked for
a continuance, on the ground that Mra.
Botkin ha been convicted of a crime in
a state which lacken juris Isction in
tbe matter.
It will be remembered that when
extradition proceedings were in progress,
with the possibility of Mra. Botkin be
Ingaentto Delaware for trial, her at
torney fought atrenuoualy for the trial
to b held here, arguing, with success,
that Delaware lacked Jurisdiction.
Mr. S.
A. Fackler. editor of tha
Micanopy (Fla.), Hustler, with hie wife
and children, auflVred terribly from La
Grippe. One Minute Cough Cure waa
tbe only remedy that helped them. It
acted quickly. Thousands of others ue
thia remedy as a tpeciSc for La Grippe,
and ita ehausting after effect. Never
I fails
Snipea-Kinerily Drug Co.
-N9rth-V"es:?rn" AJvertlserf
; sr-.c.-.ff! ar.d D?;t Route to
Ci::jAC0 i.nJ 'J:e EAST
-1 . ff iutrsi nt
the mo
'l.n-."- c.'r c'a"j,r. r. ru ail
t t iii njadrr.4r;xiolirvei.
ttb c-rtrjr I ram'
t, '."! ! h '2:ie and out. as
-..uiij''.taa-aii-'iii ttu.t -imine libnkrj
-r t.vj.;.-z..-cl o.l K.ntirJ itrl m
fi r u ... :'! rvic'o; and on wbira
0" f TJA KAKE -f .-ia-.-rd II n-kr -
.3sii3'JtJifi: iad st Paul wiih MinbiT
f-fci.;Sc .rrat ;..rstc-ra and ec-Pacific"
trjr: a:, i ltav.- iSni.r Mil Dispell 7 Sfrp m ;
i. 1 ' p m : tEii arrive Chicago 3 a m.
for r-rrt aricna ntea. folder and
il'mtrairl bociift KKtLcf tne ' Finet Traia
in :ae v-!d ci.l t cr Ticket
OrB'etrfi hicirt-n St . Portland; SOS First
Avenue. Seatilr: 1-jS tJraaite Block Helena:
III J!Co"l Avenn? ::I.ntapoU; 6 Robert
st pii'l; V Vet superior St . Duluta,
r addre T W Tr KivxLr ttnerJ PasKSt
Agcol. at. Paul Visn.
Regulator Line
lis Ma MM 2ml Astoria
Navigation Co.'
strs. Kegulator E Dalles City
Tbe Dalles, Hond River, Cascade Locks and Port
laud dailjr, .-' Buody.
Are roa going
If n. iTe money and enjoy a beantlful trip on
tbe Colombia, lae wet-btund train arrive a I
Tbe Ixikt in ample time f or vLr u utie
tbe stt-ainer, arriviijg; in Portland in time for the
outojna tMutbern and Nortbern train; Et
tci'j;id p.'se!ferB arnvm? In The Xaiitaa in time
to tafe tbe tajft-rxHiod train.
for further information apply to
Or W C. ALLAWAY, Gen. A:t.,
Tne iidlc. orci n.
. 8. PCHEE.
.MJiu ,
First national Bank.
A General Banking Engines transacted
Deposit received, subject to ticht
Draft or Check.
Collectiona cade and proceed prompt
remitted on dav of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold cr
Xew York, ban Francisco and port
D. P. Thompbox. Jxo. S. Scrx.ic x.
H. M. Beau
Sleeping Can
Dining Cars
Sleeping Car
Through Tickets
For InfnTTfltifion, tlznt Cru, map and ticktU,
V UH VI will Itl
W. C. ALLAWAY. Airent.
Tbe UaliL, Oieeon
ARLTOX. At. O. P. A..
i a
I a
Wagon and Carrlaga Work.
Fish Brothers' Wagon.
TiLI ii Mers:i. FtsnB 159
r jQ
Chronicle Pub. Co.
Dealneaa Cannot be Cared
by local applications, aa tbey cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is. only one way to cure deafness
and that ia by constitutional remedies
DeafDess U caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the Eus
tachian Tube. When this tube id in
flamed yon have a rumbling sound or
imperfect bearing, and when it la en
tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and
unle&s the inflammation can be taken
out and this tube restored to ita normal
condition, bearing will be destroyed for
eer; nine cases out of ten are caused
by ratarrb, wbich ia nothing but an in
flamed condition of the mucous sur
face!. We will give One Hundred Dollar for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall' Catarrh
Cure. Send for circular; free.
F. J. Chenby & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c. 6-10
Mo Klght to I'cllneaa.
The woman who ia lovely In face, form
and temper will always have friends,
but one who would be attractive must
keep ber health. If she is weak, sickly
and all run down, Bhe will be nervoua
and Irritable. If she has constipation or
kidney trouble, ber Impure blood will
cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions
and a wretched complexion. Electric
Bitters is the best medicine in the world
to regulate the stomach, liver and kid
neys and to purify the blood. It give
strong nervea, bright eyes, smooth,
velvety akin, rich complexion. It will
make a good looking, charming woman
of a run-down invalid. Only 60 cent
at Biakeley & Houghton' drug store. 2
How to Prevent 1'neumonla.
You are perhaps aware that pneu
monia always results from a cold or from
an attack of La Grippe. During the
epidemic of L Grippe a few year ago
when so many cases resulted in pneu
monia, it waa observed that the attack
waa never followed by that disease when
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was used.
It counteracts any tendency of a cold or
La Grippa to result in that dstngeroua
dleeaae. It I tbe beat remedy In the
world for bad colds and La Grippe.
Every bottle warranted. For sale by
Biakeley dc Houghton, druggists.
Notice to Parent! and Unardlana.
Beginning claesea will I organised in
the first primary departments of the
Academy Park and Court Street achool
on Monday, January 23, 1899. All be
ginners who expect to enter tbe public
schools during the epring term ahould
be present for enrollment next Monday
Jons Gavin,
lS-4t City Supt. of School.
Blamarck's Iron Nerve
Wa the resnlt of his splendid health,
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found where tomacli, liver,
kindey and bowel are out of order.
you want these qualities and the snccee
they bring, nee Dr. King' New Li
Pills. They develop very power
brain and body. Only 25c at Biakeley
dt Houghton drng (tore.
L Grippe 1 again epidemic. Every
precaution ahould be taken to avoid it
It specific cure ia One Minute Cougl
Cure. A. J. SueparJ, publisher Agri
cultural Journal and Advertiser. Elde
Mo., aay : "No on will be dleappoin
ei in using One Minute Cough Cure
La Grippe." Pleaaant to take, quick
SHERIFF'S SALE, i is hekeby given that rw '
aod by virtu of an eaeeuuon datoi
lothdar of November. lis iurd outii "
t ircuit Court of tb ffUte of Oregon
Cu-juty, uoon judgment aiven and teadii
therein on the 5:h day of oouer. 1 ,VT"'
ei:l of a bk-b wa 61d and diaraeied in
Hit M-unty e!?rk of Waaro County, OniT'
me '.' d dy October. In.) ia iarot ( !
lenrield nd imiMl Mary It. Heas, It tk. '
of -v.4.v. d tbe furtber ram of l-unjL
tome? a ie-.aod lll.uo evU and difburseiJL'
wbicn aau execution la directed to me aiiai
manditif me to levy upon and aeli the pnml
of lb aaud ludrtnent debtor, Slarr li. iioi
ao much tbervof aa may be nemtary to tL
aaid judamrnt aforeMid with In terra t tW
at the rate of ten r cent per annum InmZ
5th day of txtober, 14)6, and tbe oxts aaa-pea-a
of and upon tbi ant I aid on 8ain
the ITta day of ioember, lsw, lery npuat
lhoraday tk ltk day of Jaanary, uh
at one o"clocE p. m. as the County Coortbor
dnor, in W aaco County, Oregon, will nell. to
highest bidder for cb in hand, for ihe punk"
of aauafyiua a. id jiidament. Interest,
expenaea, tbe undivided ou filth tntenatl
tbe aaid Judgment debtor in and to tbe foliav
in( dexribMl lands and preoiiae. to if
All of aectiona 31, 2s, 3j. z7 and i"; tbe an.-.
east quarter and tne north balf of tbe north a '
quarter of aection Ji: tbe northwest qnarujr -aeclion
di: tbe west balf of the weat half and t',
couth balf of the sou IB ball of aection 21- t,
.uth half cf tbe northwest quarter of Mrti
Jt.. all in township south, rane 17 east, and.
of aection S in township 8 south, range 17
Willamette meridian, in Waaco Ccuntr, Orwi.
continuing i acre more or leas. "
iJallea City, Oregon, lecmber 10. 198, !
Pherlffof Waaeo Ctuuty, ore '
By r. C. Sextos, JJeputy. Ittxi.
V. 8. LiSDCmri, Th Dli,0 '
llKl EMBIK, 1J, l8ys, 'J
Notice ia berebv given that th followin,
named aettler has filed notice of his intennoa t
make final proof in su ort of hi claim, an
that said proof will be n.ade before tbe Knritb.
and Receiver at Ihe lalle, Oregon.
Tueaday, January Si, 1M9. via: .
Lcwla A. Bear., Th Dallas,
Homestead Applioatfon No. 5310, for the swi
SV . bectl d 31, Township 1 north. Ranee .
Et W. M. '
He names the followirg w Itnenrs to prore b,
continuous residence upon and cultivsiiou 0
said land, vit:
Newton fatterson. of The Dalles, Oregot
John Kergtison, of The Dalles, Oreg-oa: Henr
Kyan, of The lallea, Oregon; Andrew McCabe
of Tbe Dalles, Oregon.
lw-14-i Jay P. Lrcas. Register, r
Notice Is hereby given that the nrdersign
has tiled bis resignation as one of the sdmtim
trators of tbe estate of ferry Walking, deceased
and tbe county court of the state of Onon to
Wasco county, ha appointed tbe 30th day 0
January, 1kci, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a m.u
the time for bearing the same an1 ths accounti
of said administrator up to said date. All pet
sons interested in said eatate are hereby notltisc
to appear hi said court at said time to ttm
cau-e, if any exists, why said resignation (hnui;
not be accepted and said administrator dlscbirg
Dalles Citv. Or.. Dee. 27. 1S9.
One of the Administrators of the fcatats 0!
Perry Walklns, Deceased. d4
Laud Office at The Dalles, Oreoosv
Jaui'.ary , ljS.t
Notlcfl la herphv a-lvpn that Ihn fitllnwlnr
named settler has tiled notice of tils Intentio:
to make linsl proof in support of hia claim, sit
that said proof will be made bt fore the Korisb
and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, -on batu:
day, cb. 'Ii, viz:
Harmon S. Chevsman, j
of The Dalles, Oregon. H. E. No. H6. fortb-.
lota 1 and i, and the E 4 N W W, w. 1.
1 north, range 12 east, Vv M. r
He names tne following witnesses in pro
his continuous residence upon and cultivatlrm
of said land, viz: J. V. Johnston, W. H. (''
vln, D. Hunuell, H. Readel, all of Th ballei"
Oregon. JAY P. Ll'CAS, Register.
Jan-l-ii f
U. S. Land Owe, Vancodver, Wabh.,-''
jAMvaav M, IW19. !
Notice is berebv given that the followlm
named settler has tiled notice of hlslntenli':
to make final proof In support of his claim, ir
that said proof will be made before W. U. Pis
bv, United states Commissioner for District -Washington,
at bis orltce In Uoldmidnle, Wail
lngton, on Fridny, March luth, lHW, viz:
van j. Frasua,
Homestead Entry No. 7H, for the frsctlmu
Viii of UW4, section thirty, township thre
north, of range thirteen Kaat, W. M.andS1, 0,
HK4, aection twenly-Mve, township three uorit
of rungs twelve east. W. M. '
Ha uamea the following witnesses to prof)
his continuous residence upon, and cultivation
of said land, viz:
bteohen Marlett. Porter Hardlson. Robert Ar-
derson, Lyle P. O., Washington: Gabriel Hard.
son, of llartlund P. O., n axhington.
1-lt 1 W. 11. DUNBAR, Register.
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State of Or5
gon for Wnco County. I
KagarS. Pratt, Plaintiff, I
vs. r
Emily Piatt, Defendant. !
To Kmily Pratt, the abov named defendant
In the name of the State of Oregon, you ar
hereby rwiulred In appear In the abov
titled court on r before Ihe day of Janiisr, then and there toanawe-the complaint"
platntllt flleI against you la the above entitle
cause, and if you fall an Pi appear, at d answ
snui complaint, lor want tiiervni, uic pi-in..
will apply to the above enlltled court for tbe re
lief prayed for In hl com laint lo-wlt. ;
Kor a decree of th abov entitled court d!
solving Ihe bonds of matrimony now existlij
between plain lilt nnd defendant. I
That pi hI m I II b awaiilMt the sole rare si'
cuspaly of their minor children. Katl Pratt si
Ken 111 11 Pratt, and for such other and further re
lief sa to th court may seem equitable and )u
Thla auinmons la served niton you, the m?
Emily Prait, by publication thereof, by orilerf
the Hon. W.U Mriulshaw, Jiiilu of the atH'J
entlllol court, which older bears date the 1-'
day of IHrcemhvr, lh'i, and direct d that
aiiioiinl be published once a ees. for not lr
Ihsn alx consecutive weeka In the ''Iialw
ChboNicle," a newspajier of general cltrin
lion publishd In Daili-s City. Wasco couui
Oregon, and said publication to begin wMh sit
tltilay, the 17th dav of Hocemlier, !". atidf
with Saturday the Jlst day of Jauiiarv, l-- j
Drrra ic MaKErrE. I
13 13 1 Altonieys fvr fiitlutlff
Lakd Ofvic at VAai'ofvsa. Wah -I
jA!i'av 11, lwJ. ' '
Notice la herehy given that the foil""
named sctth rs have niel notice of their l"1''
lion to make final proof In support ol tb'
el.ilms, and that said pro.. (a w ill no made IkI1'
W. H. 1'rfH.liT, United States I onunlssloiicr '
Dlstilctof M ashltigton. at hlaolllce In MW
dale, Washington, on Thursday, March 1, 1"
Ell O. rnpeland. j
Hnmestend Entry No. 777d, for the south nsl j
northeast ouartt'r, and lots I and I, sxlt'j
township i, north of rang 1,1 East, Vt III. M I
He names the fol lowing witnesses to pn!
contliiuitna resldeuc Uain, and cultlvalloE
aaid land, viz;
Charl E. Berrr. Hamnel roitrtner, Aw,
(', C mpla'l, all ol linrtland P.O. Wash", " L
dvlin U'iill, 'f oilileiitlnlH P. .. Wash. Alw t
lharle K, lierry. , J
Homestead Knlry No. M,ll. for the soiltn
quartar of section 2, lowiishlp , north ol ri'.
1.1 Kast, Will. Mer.
1(4 name Die following wtncsea t"F.
his c mtliiiious resilience upon, slid cultl'' 1
of, said land, viz. : ,f
Ell (. Co land, Angus C. ramphelt, s"Jfi
Courtney, of HartUml P. O., Waliingl,n; 't
delln U-ldl,f tioliletldal P. ., Waalllng"
l-l I W. K. Dl. Ml A K, RiK',ir J
l ook Wanted.
A goo! female cook cn get a P0"1' f
in a restaurant in lb city. Ari., "j
rrin Cor. TUM. Portland Oregon
act. enipe, Hmeraley Drug Co.