WZZELT CHKOXICLH "JVUDISXSDAY. JASrABT 25. 1529 THT D AT.TXS - 1 I i ; t i 1 : .it . w .i 5 1 t t i Tbe Weekly Chronicle. ox rr TO THEM. ,r (.,' iicu-4) w I"--" iw:m UAi-r sjj.- tUr ill""! K i W V.- Hon. muH UUUn ij.-i-WJl UU'-Bf Ui l"U iv: lii-C . t- li ii:vt i'Ml Tj til. 1: itiiiit be iuierrcd Uvw Uie rvau iu'.iuc it.iotiuued l-v freuau II -jar .:... ... ..f .'., ,:.--i- tiiii.! ii. tbe .wit. v lj . . .. , - . . . ... . . . .. i , : ,-n r,:i'iui. time tbat MiiO tutl .lit wur.f is iu (.reave a Ufw iiu-iuk. x- i ... j . t r.r.i. i T'r.tft'ri Srt.A ft '..fn . f'tltlltHAl-U U. i A jriuuet at tue nt-wspiipere u- enr &;ro tods r iniw:c cue l'-1" iuuuti;- iu tbe njajrur-ui.t uuil uuuuul uf liMiurv tuai bi fru(i(l into iie twelve wun'.b be tween tiit-m t.fd ui.w. A tear i.i vwietilpy iue tc-ul'-r jjuruuu of tue WOfid iauyiied Bt tbe JfWtlM;et uT &r between und te I'uiit-d biau. Wuiie m sr.tmiiuo vui u s.e vut tliere eiia:e(l Vu U tuutu uuie rvaa'jD Jt, Lciit vt; tiial !r wumd u ault ic Asia U-ittc tbe j;'111 i'u'w FUV IW - " - cent veai. 1b uuintamff witL ts.-, i-w-.u i- j.i.iu'' no eusifiur in eiliit-r braucU of euu- renwierexL iii. kick JuU'J'ufClUttliV IWJW K til pUOliCI-.C III OUU ur :i',O0v,lHiO iuLai.tiauU of rtiT-: iuc :et,-u: ;riU .Wifw,.vi,.g a group of'iuucb t'ue M it w tbon, o far lactic Usiai.0,, fear lue Aiu:ic cwuil. ti ca'.iot of uroj r cot- 0:br iari;e ta. feljuire o'.ucv auU , twueo. auu .c grrse. iarg'-st man Las bfccc i tbe m-'U-ait from Lie suae Biuve CouLIiug. lit W s crediibuie eui-tessur ;o VrijiuU I'lL-kiuaou, U.x. t-ward. I ibL. iMirjnc huuloc aud lb otbur Cr:V-tla nifB wiiuin cw York bat b l:fTretJl linn cbooec to tbe set Tbe ciasbiCcutioE of tbe cutvicte io tbe Crt" on uraniarj- ue to re Ilgiyij'" rill be rvad wr.L sdme eurioe ity. j: 'ue loiai iiumuer, i'.' cne Lalf subbcribe lt a religiouf crfct-d. Tbe Calbolit-e lead wi.b LI. or nearir one '.bird of tbe entire iium- mun fitiu fAU'.iout le!trnUOfc. I J. 18 MU-! ... . .i ' . ..t . vinr lillt It M OTef . . 1- !. t'jr Uuar e ojutnoii, uiav oe wiujrw uj' ' "-'t uer, ruie lue nu.-iiuu a.i uxm, i.pou i:bout tbeiiiiiiu'ebt dtiay or! A J tgo tbis week Admiral bul t,Iie t0 iu HiU or dmciedit-j tioubt. JJis nW.utioo dwiiart tLwtUiwdww w-u.bur.g Lis twt X-utberai6, MttbodiBli. aud Prwt'j- tbe hbilippiue. of rigbt oiif bt to be Key W est- 7 be Maine, mon'oiKe. j , lerUM ruu aB e, ec racc n ciu. fteeaud independent ; tuat tbey arelrtroit and two tvrpedo boale were 6lfic&tikm) wL:ie in beit lower ilrtao.v tbere ann to jvo mem vame 8caJe tUe Eeptietfi, Cbnstiau tbe Indian. Mascbuette. U-wa i u'.ieUL, Episcopt-Iiang and Jews Texas. A vear ago tomorrow ii wae on a ievel. 'ta-ided tjr tbe jirwifleut and cabinet: Dltuent ig aWTeJ OD, bui . . mm . If .... V) sena me wa.ne io ana iu Btudy reveltle nothing new, autne our pitisuut naval relations bbsoived from all connection witb 8pain, and '-bare, tbertfoie, full )Aer to do all aoU and tuii.o wbiub independent slate wny of ribt do: tbat it ie tbeir rigbt to institnte a new kovi-rntneni f'r tueuiseives, layings foundation on snob principles and or- will iin," as Assistant 8ecretary i ORG0N WOOLGROWErS meet inki! It power in aucb form as to Vy told tbe urtss. I alii J-ebruary , tu:in sbal! seem most likely to cfiet-t U'-u t-vents moved tlo !y, tut U tbeirsufety and UppinebS." Tbe Uuivg that nbt wben tbe Maine leavlutioo pledges ibe L'ntted btaK-s w blowu up iu tbe barbor of not to intetfeie wiib tbis formation tbey went forward witb ex- of a new weri.uK-nt, tbouf U it will ceeding sw iftness. be noticed tbat tbere is a decided Wal'y. also, tbere bas Ucn coa Amer.cKD interference in tbe first two i siderable bistoty making. A year A nr( AtiMdattwi au4 Muvli Xtitret xu 1H bruuif aeUua. I j TLe Oregon W&ol Orwwera Association I met in arpticial meeting tbis morning j in tut Club rooms. Tber was a j Urge attendsnce of etockgrowwe, some ;f tbeiu coming sixty aad seventy M-utc-Mrt. We decree tbe indeed- o teunbhc tump was new and was o pre(jideuti Gw A yo(.0(!i bo bd isst.lv tU allegiance to j attracting coicjratively htt'e stten- . Xt uow in tltV eagti tJ ujeuibera were fpaic; and fnrtber back aie tbe battles foutbl by onr army and navy at Mi.uiia. Jiut now, if .Senator Hoar's plan is followed, we give tbe Kiiipiuo leader neareet at band carte tiancbe. and retiie. J-'erbiips isenator ll'.ar is not aware tbat educated twin of long experience wi'.b tbe i-ilipin. believes tbat tbey at fit f'r self-government. Ail ob servers oo tbe ground agiee cm tbis joint. A marked diversity of rue as well a tf interests txists on tbe isl ands. Around Manila tbe insurgents are Tagals, brja of Sjxiui-U or CLit.es latbtis and native uiotbers, Tbe 'is)ans, of tbe central gronp of ie Jande, tie mucb tester tbe native yje. Oo Miji'fimuo are f'ynnd tbe MobnuiarA-dao Moois, a wailike race Laving ro'.biog iu common witb tbe lirtLero islands, and never subdued ty Spain. AguinaMo Las no tr.Kp except oo tbe islands of Luzon. r;aoiar and I'auay, Jlis lepublic would begin on tbree islands out tf li')), and ven in tbese bis autbority U not desired or acknowledged by a Ujbjvrity of tbe inbabilants. Seni.Wr tsou. ibe mines of Kooteuay were ; ealitd to order by Fred W. Wilaoo, see the objects of absorbing interest in retarr of tbe atmociatioo, wbo euttd Hist jkaiie mining turtles. A year ago ' '"d sommimed at tbe - . .... . .ireuuestof Cpt. i. B. Ormeby, special tbe era of railroad budding w as just i .. , ' , , . ' , . ' j forest rr agent of tbe Department of comment-! tj. tbe contract Laving ; tLe iotwior. Capt. Ormfby bad written Ijeen let a year ago tbis week for tbe ; tbat tb department bad called upon construction of tbe Lewittoo t-xten- j t'jr a report as to tbe beet plan to lion of tbe 'ortbern i'ac-ific railway. ! 'egulate tbe summer grazing of sheep in , . , . , , . i tbe Cacde Keserve aud betore making It bas been a wonderful year id . . ..... . ' ! his report be a isned to learn tbe Tiema tbe Listory of tbe world and a partic-j,n4 aoestions of tbe sheep owners ularly gratifying erne iu tbe Inland ; nose bands graze io tbe Cascade moon Kmpire. Stkesman lieview. Jtaiui. ttr. A. K. Jhotnpsoo, of tbis city, was As tbe Ligbest officer in tbe army (jeu. Milts bas not maintained its cboseu temporary cbairman and a tele gram from Capt. Ormsby was tben read stating be would not be able to re&tb best traditions, nor are tbe tinpless- ! tbe city until tbe afternoon train. Tbe ant incidents iu wbicb be is involved ! association proceeded, took np eoms of entirely tbe result ,A tbe abortr orn- ! ttj P v' tb rB u.ue.tion "d the ings of otbers. Jle Las leen un- luorning was spent io a lively and intel ligent discussion of tbis important topic guarded iu wbat be said and tbe j Jt eeemed from tbe general expression of manner of saying it to a sutptising I tbe mem Ws present tbat tbe sheepmen degree, and, on tbe wbolf, irascible re "xius to Lave no misundernaud and aggtessi ve in Lis tree tment cf of-1 1" tba government regarding the . . .. ... .... . , Cascade Itoeerva and to 'jnforiu to tbe ncers be dis ikes. J be country Las i , .- . . . , ""B- wuuu' " " rule and regolatioue whitb tbegovern- oot been able to see tbat dev. Miles iu-ut will provide. deserved tbe furlber promotion I Among tb topics discussed weie tbose awgbt at tbe beginning of the war I inquiring wbetherit would be better to nvr any occasion for it now. j a!;ot tu r,n la eralty or issue , , . . . pwmits to tbe ebeepmen to occupy at 1 I larice those nortions of the reserve hich Hoar refers to tbe Filipinos as if tbey !titut for successful campaigns. It, have been thrown open for grazing- c reyaru io .ir nianner iu w nicb our iaw-makers are peTiorming ttieir du:i. V'but toere no doubt ie more truth than poetry in nk statements, it lias aiwuya been, and ; ri!! euctinnt in he the rule tiiat tbie it authority or in uu!ic piacee of tru mu-t of nejewaity be a U'get for the ; ctimpiaictc and kicks of those w b" bave . placed them there. Jo matter bow much confidence we placed in tne jruuit ; ; judgment and bunor uf the: same men j when tnev were mereiy citiaeus, tbe var- j Biflb aeems to wear off and we begin to , auspicion them as soon ns titer receive i i the titie feunator or LepTenta;:ve. The ; ; question is. what would we no were we , i in tbeir places? j j Our correspondent aayi : ! fiAl-EK, Oregon, Jan. "u. The twenti ' etb biennial session of onr r.ate legisia ture ie not a bowling success as a reforir . body in useu tbe emill sense of tbe word. Ie blind tbe people w bo pay tRSee in tbe state, tbe soions introduced a resolu tion to reduce tbe number and pay of clerks, to tbat tbe sum to to be paid out at tbe regular aesaion would be smaller by some M.01K) for tbat purpose than would bave otherwise been the case. Each day eince tbat resolution was passed, bas witueeeed a abort squabble occasioned by some clerkship talk or other, tbe time alone taken np in sucb controversy being approximately lor tbe two weeks now gone by, about as long as two working days as uaually held by tbe assembly. As tbe cost of each day's sitting is about flUtK), tbe saving if tbe resolution stood, could be readily esti mated, but tbat same resolution don't stand. Iustead, there are just akout as many clerks as ever, so tbe result of tbe whole farce bas been a loss to tbe etat of $2,000. "Consistency tbou art a jewel indeed," but sucb jewels are not found at Oregon's state capitol. Grafts, and those locking after a polit ical berth are lords of creation and recognized as sucb by our law-makers here. There is talk of a boiler inspector, a game warden and goodness knows bow many different commissions, with some outride counties yet to bear from. Tbe wortby measures are sleeping the sleep of the just, dreaming as they lay in the bosom pocket of some astute member, of becoming great laws, in tbe sweet bye and bye. Members sworn to tbeir constituents, to reform matters at Baiem, wink tbeir eyes at grafting schemes, and call for another pretty committee clerk. One man can do nothing, neither can a dozen, but when a party sworn to redeem tbe state from such things is overwhelm ingly in power it really looks as if just a little in tbe right direction at least, ought to be accomplished. With tbe same contempt for the man wbo puts up tbe money to run tbe state witb, in tbis as in the other, tbe legis lative body will consume forty days do ing work tbat could easily have been done in twenty. Ktill there's no uee to kick. A charm ing little committee clerk beats a full hand In Kaleui. Diamonds are trumis, and tbe clerks bold all the trumps. SALMONIIN IT AT SALEM. were one tieople, capable of u.et!ng together to adopt a constitution an4 set iu ider tbe functions A a repub lic. Nothing could i further fiote tbetiutb. Tbe mot tbat could U done under tb senatci's lewIctlon 'br ir-ttances aigbt b giveo of a would Lav U-n enough for Geo. what charge would be a reasonable one Milts to testify tbat be Relieved cer- . i0 ,,"n stockmen as rental for the UioUef furnished tbe army was'gr"zili 1nd,J "sr ' a ii i j .1 . . I better to allot tbe range at auction to bad. He prtferred the cootemptu- , , , ,, ' the highest bidder or allow those who OU jybase "embalmed beef," and! occupied tbe different territories last would be to surrender tbe sovereignty taken from hpain on tbe th battle field into the bunds of some lota' revolutionary t-bicf trusting to Lis uu trained Malsy statesmanship for tLe rest, Anotber sitigulaily weuk point In Mr. Hoai's argument on t ie subject of the I'hllippiiies is bis femotkab1 txaggeratlon of what It would cost tins government to keep them. His estimate Is 1 1 50,000,000 a year, and be dwelt upon tbe figures witb all tb tkill of an alarmist. Tbey are simply ridiculous. A regular army of 100.. 000 men would cost 1X2,000,000 a year, Tbe cost of the entire navy this yesrU plated at 117,000,000. Wa might charge against Die Philip. Jilnes the c ntiie cost of the navy and a greatly enlarged army and still fall aboit of Mr, Hoar's estimate. The per capitii tout of government in the JJ"lt'd NUte is tr. Mr. Hoar ns sens that to govern the Filipinos would cost over 18 n r capita. To put forward sucb wild (lechtrstions Itidicutes a consciously weak esse. Keeping (he Philippines will but slightly affect the cost of tho navy. Wa now bave 20,000 troojis in tho Philippines. It is nearly enough for any contingency. Tako from Hena tor Hoar's recent speeches what Is Visionary and what is grossly r xs. geruted and so little would be left Unit It might bn dismissed without further attention. (iloho Democrat. sensational tendency. It is to be hoped that the nut ranking officer of the army will be a tnao of more poise and broader qualities. Globe Democrat. Representative Stillman'sbill legal izing imperfect divorces should be killed with a unanimous vote. The divorce laws of Oregon are too lax, as they are, without granting im munity to such people as will secure a decree one day and wed anotber man or woman the next, figuratively speaking. Tbu great difficulty In Oregon is that there are too many nursery marriages, between girls of fifteen and sixteen yeun old and boys of twenty yean, none of whom have bad any experience In life, and bave not the remotest conception of the grave responsibility the marriage sUte curries with it. And It is not a random guess, either, when we say thut at least 75 per tent of these mar riages at ono time- or another, but usually very early, wind up In the divorce court. Telegram. The nomination of Chauncey M. Depew by tho Itrpublicnn for sena tor, which Insures bis election, menus that New York is going to be repre sented In the upper branch of con gress for the next few few years by a man who will renew some- of tbe tra. ditions of the best days of the Kmplro state in (Militics. As an orator Mr. Depew will be the cijuttl of any man season to bave the preference In obuin- ing the respective portions again during the coming summer. Various opinions were expressed by the members present, but all wished to lesrn from Csptain Ormsby wbat the intentions of tbe government are before taking decided action. A letter from fitate Representative A S. Roberts, who is now in ffaletn, was read expressing bis regret at sot being able to attend tbe convention, and ex pressing the hope tbat tbe association would prepare some memorial asking that tbe National Congress take some action which would determine upon the leasing svstem and which would state the rights of tho government and tbe lessees so that tbey would be fixed and certain. Many wool buyers from different points were present, though there is no change in tbe tone of tbe market. Among the members present were: II. C. Kooper, liidgfwsy; F.N. Jones, M. J. Lauder, J. M. Davie, fcherar's Iiridgw; J. C. O'l.aary, I'.utle.lge; J. JI. Smith, J. V. O'Leary, Crass Valley; Frank Oahel, Waplnitia; A. A. Uonney, Tyghj C. A. Uhea, Heppner; A. M. Kel.ay, J. V. Iwis, A. H. MacAllister, D. M. French, A. H. Thompson, F. W. Wlbon, Tbe Dalles. Interest in the association Is steadily Increasing, and tbe following new names were added to the list today: I. V. Ketcbam, Ilobt. Myf, Tho Dalles ;C. P. Itagslale, Moro; K. It. Ifinton, llakeoven j I'. J. Walsh, Ants lope; Horatio Fargher, Owen Jones, Nantene; John Ksrlen, Crass Valley; W. K. Hunt, Antelope; Frank Ie, Heppner; C. C. O'Neal, Donald Mi I.ennan, Antelope. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That U h. u mid for. Meek IJIseasslua Over Their Wcirara Light) Hoaarrd tor Addi tional Clerical Aid. Capitol, balem, Jan. 24. The bill re districting tbe state relative to stale represenlives and senators was sent to tbe bouse committee on counties. A measure making legal certain mar riages consummated within six months after one or both of tbe contracting parties bad previously been divorced, psised tbe house tbis morning. Curtis' bill appropriating t23,000 for tbe annual propagation of Salmon cre ated a warm discussion. Whitney as sailed tbe scheme as a graft, at which Curtis expressed much surprise that members were so obtuse that they could not see beyond there own door ysrds. He says when a man votes sgainit sucb a measure he votes to take the bread out of the uouths of 6000 people. He also expressed tbe opinion tbat in Linn county tbey raised noth ing but suckers, and tbat tbey don't know wbat a salmon is. Young also sarcastically scourged tbe member from Linn, and others paeied like comment. Tbe bill passed tbe bouse, votes stand ing Zt to 22. The senate passed the supreme court fizzle this morning. The whole meas ure limmered down to $1803 yearly for additional clerical aid. The senate bas adopted the bouse Joint resolution, providing for the con stitutional amendment authoriz ng the governor to veto sections of the appro priation bills. Word from Jlosebmg confirms the re port that I!yers, commandant of the Soldiers' Home, has been dismissed, to take effect February 1st. No particulars. T the I'nblla. We are authorized to guarantee every bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and if not satisfactory to refund the money to the purchaser. There is no better medicine made f';r La Grippe, colds or whooping cough. Price 25 and 60 cents per bottle. Try It. lllakeley A Houghton, druggists. Aft er- Effects o.f the OTP Grip i a treacherous disease.' You think it IfZJ t cured ivni Ce slightest cold brings on A I fJJ rtUltsCVttims are tvlways left i a e&.K.ene4 condition blood impure And impoverished j chatts-red . Pneumonia., heart disease Zm r,. nitration &re cFttn the (V r" OYVilliamr Pink Pills fr Pale People s-iil drive every traw or r"-- - - . the system, tou.ld vp and enrich the blood and strengthen the nerves. A trial will prove this. -Read tha evidence U9 oTHll W. klUD HL. Jettarsou. Mo wil-ano D oonvsov Dt w . .... k .. .1 ttm hid alnn lMW,n ImtlhkMl i -u u tali, uid to ni oblurefl w OwounuiiiMi work. Xluu to !LJy iiv. uh. aimo!- niiio B ;. ,.,1 'I wit tTouofca vim bluj-i.u" w mi p .p. beart ana neral aauUity. Mr back aiao m mtrrrrmj. 1 srletl on duaur h- suiotuer ud numerous remMtxa nmnm b, my trMincU. bnt wlitoont rirDl benefit, and toSTo ST1 up hop.nrhn 1 w Lx. Vliiiam.- nk Inii. n7hle J-.p txutid lasSi boats paper, and aflsrliia. tifUlm ttaoiOd to aw ttwm a u-ial. . -A.turr uh1u tn 0"t bo 1 ' sunilsi fully rwiweea sma ww atianed ttuu uw pill wn putunc m on th road to r eovarr. 1 bouirnt two more bose and ontlntt1 taktni m. -A.fi,tT tuKma ronrbonf In. Williams Pink Uls for ai Pwpl I am iMmd to (rood health. 1 feel like a new jnan, and bavin th win and anergv of my former ours mnrw lMi OBputiTe of transamlnc niv business wllb lnnrewd amblUon. "lrr. WUiiams- rink P1IW mr Pal People ar a wonoerfol madlrtne and any on sufTorlnr from the aflerjffjcw tne Tip wUl find that tti pill ar th epBclfle. H. M- JtTavLaa. Mr. Eveier will riadiv unw any Incjalry rwardinr Uus tamp is enclosed. PromCDi Co. ltrmoeral. Jrfurmnt ivy. Ma. Look lor the full name on the package. Al direct iron the Dr.Vilhams KxdiciM Co, Schenectady, N.Y. 50c. per box. a boxca $20. Mt Vogi 0 pera House SATURDAY, JAN. 28. Be Dales u Hels. 3. Latest Songs, specialties AND CAKE WALKS. Reserved Seats 75c. General Admission 50c. Reserved seats on sale at tbe Snipes Kinerslr Drug Co.s' store, commencing Tuesday morning, Jan. t'4,18W. Hot Cheap Goods, but Good Goods Cheap. We are determined to sell the entire stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Notions,5 Groceries Cheap fop Gash. SflJVlUEli Lt. BROOKS, Successor to K. J. Collins A Co. DEALERS IN All kinds of Funeral Supplies Grandall S Burget UNDERTAKERS tf EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Robes, Burial Shoes, Etc. J