2LT CHEO-TICLIX ATTTHSDAT. JAyTABT 21 1553- XH2 DJLLLSS SherifTs Sale. ' . .... ...n.i. it rL ii -mui r;i is 1HF c: t--:T -y.-rKT f tte mrit kC iVTt l'j f f Ik'. j v. -!.-.-: (4 irw . Jit. It If m nr. CfUijn ' rf- W7 NKut K1( 111. tto tttj .s.-i , Urf 4 u. rnT Dwih-blM twin ut 1,. JT S--.li f j i--4i-. !w. r fiat-n i.SJ nti -n drum ! ' . vetitj,. jil ejii.-"r 64t-Tt4, 1 1 4 me i Jl 41 f hiimrr, IS. j U Urf ij-jt o 9 i'ri f n. j Mjd dr. 134,. Jar fcuru'm t it 1ii t-a'-fr lr ruh , ? 04uait(iru turn on th nu Cy 4 Juic 1.-- t.r 4a tr A IJbe wrv (mt-C mA tms. or v Ln mu 4 (&rbiat r nr of a k-ifcOJji tmiii, et ae,uird.i)r ctiuMd t4 iitizif ta . cuuutr 1 AT 5 ' .n" ' pmlHM''.t T: if ti ri- - -- ;taj-v..i : t r. Xtl- . s-. Hjj- , 5E3Kicii if liTiiiraiu: If I v- iruUM-t J --w 7mirlT.r;i. Ota. K! .u?t. r-i tit. iurm .'IV. J u.v.it '- m'J "'.i- ri ",v yn ift BRITISH WARSHIP OFF FOR APIA i . in c2L?a if sir? ? ns mxyiz?.j "A -t- tr.m-v.w.iti. ibut ta w r l J fcarw vv si r.Ltvxit-. tn rtr:r Cm AtlCr. ,t. v -& W i&ttJf rv Uut j-;t:i! rrmtox?. A A ealvy,, i.JrVW r 4 .is It "Jl fjabit vut j vvj.-a - wr-U t k?r'A t'4( t fry V -rttrt iilijj, ti 4 m 4.jt;.'4jir i. rtturtj. It My CXUKSZJIX TV UK? CO. 'r:'L.-t a .V J n ....... V, f.4 aw t .-- : it r it if ) rvrt - ,; VA-Jtf, Hi. . X'yfjp. f4y m tiU itrort Urn Miyut, Mi. A T. J. fcmUuB f. 4 frv kvtutf iH ytrutf.f ftr tvJa t a'.ta'l ti. tabrl ' Mr, fcmti fatfcr( Jv. Urvk- W, A. CaiftoUt'S, rt f Fa, Mai ltni,tM .,( fn l)ti tJ7. Mr, Vu,pt'l I'M inatf A, K, Ma A!ltr op fr'M th wrtryyii yi')jf a'f', Wi.l Ittfi. ( ra4 v iMllM tl"ii'f I fet, Vinl r,ltl, afd ('nh'l U,a mAiut, Mr, iinnitt alkcl lwrt rtiui with .lm, tlUM ! t Crt I (t'lirim tA milt "rr f' (f, '.). I j'rtJt)r. T. A, HfJ'ii lft yifJy on s lvrt I4Imm4 trip Ut halia, A, K, ('!, ri(rtIK I), 1. Yrf, lUm fc.Utu lfiitii, ti in ti :lty tlf . f K. H'rf af.'i C. 1, Jiflffl rj up tt'iut V,lui halri'jf) ttntriijaf , r- A- Oiclli an-l A, U, It, wxra la llilt eirrly front leavinf fr fflfanl tt.l fiioioliiK. W, A. Wltl,rr rurri-l Utt rlv.t ffii '(,ftlaf,l, lavln Mr. Walltiftr UbiUr llii!rof liyii:iri la thatcliy, O J. I'.rri.t( a iftiiiicK man from f fcwflw'), H, I In tlia rlty tKly. II lia tumim an aliiv trip lnU tl Or.U'M-.o futility, and I ratiiriiln lioin W, fyr-l fl al iii.tit tut StUntUm K.J-'iU(( at lilglit on a lnl trip i II' i-ii r. t;iimtr W, H'arr r-aitiM in from I)iifur iraioMUy, aiil U iiIiiik a aluirt lima In ilia i.iiy, Ira I'ir, Jr., 1 In tli city t 1ajr in inlwmit n( llvyau'iU IJr.Hi., In 11 itnrn i-uli of rortlaiHi, T. H. M'HitH'iiiii'rf , ririntinii 11 lai I'l 1 (.,, ( llliimia, i In Him rlljr Klay In Ilia lnirt til M i!ommii Aui'intf Ida vli iiim nf ll.u uiIiitiH in our cily I U'llil, 'J'ttatfim, wliii la uiialila V) 1)11 lil pialiluii at Joliinon A raulk liar' Nloia, MMtM. ' In I !'i1 rlvnr valluy, Jar.nary I.lilKI. ti l(v, aii'l Mr. Krault HiauliiiiK, a 'in. Snln' (Ircntrnt Need. Mr. It. I'. (lllvU, llarcflona, Hpaln, .-inU til wlntar at Alkmi, H. 0. Wk hri liai) caiutvl Kvira (mint In Ilia lark nf III (mail. (In mini Kln:trlc llltlrrt, Anmrlia' uraalrrt IiIuimI ami nmva romaily, all pain tmin llt him. IN yi tlil" Kraml iiiniliuliia I what hli foumry mfl. All Aiiirii a know that It curat llvnr ami kiilnoy trouhla, purl fin Id hliioil, ton up tli itmnauli, trungtliaii tha narvaa, put vim, vigor ami naw III Into avary tnntdn, nnty ami organ of Iha Imily. If wak,llri or ailing yuu 11rr.1l It. K.vrry UitiU guaraiilnail, only rim', HulJ hy llakliy A lloiihtiiii, ilrugglat. A DrumM' Scrlou MUtnke Cm. vai, Wash,, Jan, 17. ln-t night .U .M l . - I 1. f 5 i ! It:. I'lpsiini aalt. II returned wllli pack age id inivllrlii, and the woman took a 4 , Very soon .he was In a srrlous 'J . .vtrfc 4 . . xt it .4 li- -y tta.i'i - , ... r TruJ Wtf Jrt) j fc A Jivvjf -vi' AfftU-J iTm jl AtV5t 1 -J( l-Vil tii. iA VH&t a.- u.M'wi'i' tU usjuJ. AIM fci arr-ri jin,iB vlm It jrejJt aoJ I A Uj ut. Tt fcUla trt4 f.iw W fiirg, ixMtiit.M ll train at gt a 5ri.k f tr ao3 fil trttiro. ifa da tnAntn ntnx Hrtiii Utuitn ttiacfSBtrr- Id M4a Tim Pyp' orx.ked tU lioporUuca of tcrrnatly ft.Sdl effect and r atUIS! itb tU transient ntwn; but that it ia c!ir:!9 ki.on that Hjrnpof Htt mi'.l pwwanefitly over- ttiiM kaMtoal wftupaiip f'rnl p(pla will t boy ither lai a- tiv. bkb at i time, bot finally nfira tU rtem, Uny the genome, wiaJa by tU California Fig fcyrop Co. A Majority ix Mr. Ueptw. Ai.v, Jan. 17. The -nte and a !.(! y In their respective ehaiulyer Ut- U v.juyl f'r L'biu4 htal D-titUir. la thaawK.ty'.y Chancer M. Iep :rep revived fe and Fliard Morphy -lm.) t). le the aenate Depew re- nvi27nd Morphy Ti. A Fretful IMundrr WJi; often ee a b'rrible born, Kld,eot or ;hrot. lincklen'a Arnli halve, the Ut In the wurld, will kill the iain and promptly heal it. Cure old or, fever aor, ulr, loII,eorn, felon and all kln aruptlon. IUM pile rore on earth. Only 2j el, a tx Core nil areu tend. Hold by Illakeley A I foUKhton. drovgikl. 1 VtttUia tm I'araaUaait uardloa.J llnglniiing elaaae will he organU'td In the Drat primary ilepartruent of th Ai'aileiny I'aik and Court Htreet w:hrol on Mou'Uy, January 23, 1HWI. All W ginnei who eipect to enter the public Mthool during the cprlng term (hould he prraeul lor enrollment next Monday. Jon Uavim, lH-4t City Kupt. of Hchool. I.a (irippe I again ephlmiili!. Kvery prerautlun ehould he taken to avoid It. Ii priMlIc cure I One Minute Cough Cure. A. J. Hiiepard, puhlUhor Agrl cultural Journal and Advitrlitnr, Kldnn, Mo., nayi: "No tin will hedUappoint- ail in luing One Minute Cough Cure for I, Orlppn." I'leaaant to tke, tpiick to act, Hnliiri, K irmrelnjr Drug Co, Mr. H. A. Fackler, editor of the Micanopy (Fla.), Hustler, with hi. wile and children, siill'iTed terribly from La (irippe. One Minute Cough Cure wa tlin only remedy that helped (hem. It ai'tud quickly. Thousand of other use thl remedy a a apeciHe for I.a Grippe, and It exhausting alter anVi't. Never fail. Hnlpes-Klnersly Ilrng Co. Wood -Wt -Wood. VVaean furnish you with strictly first class, dry, fir wood at the .nine price, whli'h jou have been paying for Inferior quality. 8ml tie vour order and get the beat. Phone .'.'). Mch. I Joa. T. Pxtaas A Co, H I t. . I . . M i.oiia-iimg injure ami iniiame .or ! '"4'. "i.f Mi 11 uIb CiiiKH Luro loohl'llS iue foni, ana iuu 4 ni !,!! quickly. The lst Ci..w iur children, perfectly harmless. bnipe.Klnersly lru Company. tit H-rtn Cwn iiv jtr ii 1 1 i.m.VwtiJ V.t 5Xi n-ti k4 ..... w l A:i.wa irc-: ;irx-t- ; , ,. ;. a9. W 1J jfrwtiBLi,t at T atfijear-fa- Wjv7', YiTX if- . trtu.t Lu 1i!o4 wJrrtotlis;btr ; Tlljwir'1" fwri tr caiiiVB 11 i ',coe. TL PUJa-'ie'ptiia, itti Aia-iia. Ki'i on Url, arriTJ at fraa LZ'J, C3., ti,U loonsitf frtn Atvo'.e'j, j WttHix. Ne Zealand. Jan. 19,-1 T a. . . I .1.4 . ' A 1. t J Infiiu-oa ttre Bntia wart.:p-t wia preei there, and cm American "-j,egVtiJIfJ0r. frtqatlltly depend, op .hip will .!.rt for the Wand, from Hon- mtiiht q h tnwAA (opp0ft 0-.3J0. I ,V U tAA f V.p..inal Otrmao Consul Evicted. Ls,u,s, Jan. Yi. A special from Ankland, X. Z., fays: The EritUb and Ameiican conin'. were compelled ta force the dfyr. cf the supreme court at Apia, in which the ierman consol had establisberl himself, and to pus'i him into the street. All partie. at Apia, the dispatch continue, unite in condemning the German consul for the Cghtibg which ha taken place, but not ttieeiv! kings. It is pointed ont that in violation of all agreement, the consul accompanied Mataala' force when the claimant invaded the town and encouraged opposition to Malietoa Tanus. When the British and American con sul, were informed a to the situation they adjourned the court and locked the boilding. The German consul then de manded the key, and they were refued hiru. He then broke vpeii the doors, re moved the lock and replaced them with other. He afterward brought the (ier man municipal president into the cham ber, and the latter went npon the bal cony and shouted to the ISritlsh and American marine, assembled in the square: "I am the supreme court ; f arn the chief justice." The crowd re plied with jeer., and the Iiritish consul demanded the key. of the building, which were refused. A Bcotchmao nameu Macule thereupon ciuunea on top of the building and hoisted the 8a moan flag, while the Iiritish and Amer ican consul and number of marine. forced the door and hurried the Gorman consul Into the street. Then the two consuls formally and legally, according to thedlspatch,openeil conrt and Issued a warning against any further interference with it jurisdiction threatening to arrest and imprison any oue attempting to do so. lAter dispatches .ay the situation is now quiet and the German consul re main in hi consulate. German Officers to Blame. Washington, Jan. 11. It ha. been realized for a long time past that there wa need for a modification of the term of the tripartite treaty by which we a. suuied joint guardian. hip of Samoa with Kngland and Germany, hut up to thl. point It ha not been poniible to get all three nf the power to agree on any on project. Negotiation have been on foot in re lation to the succession to the Kamoan throne, and it I calculated to lead to 111 feeling, at least, that German officer hould resort to a coup d'etat at thl stage of the negotiation. It Is believed much of the responsibility for this arbl trary action must rest npon ItafTel, the German president of the municipal council at Apia, whose troublesome at titude of late h led to remonstrance. on ilie part of other powers. Tl.o United Ktatcn, Great !.'rli!r. srH tiermany.it i believed, could enily reach a tlsfactory solution of thocriai in Samoa If they could deal with the H ii3 ,trew 1 WORKING HARD FOR MEASURES . , I'm tii.' vr Ih tf lit rvt(. SiwJ liwl. Siiitl-ii-tic-In, iri Ira! Craxj Lsir- j jj-jiLi. J.3- i'. Fa.i":ar faot-i cf ! uiaty tro?t8d'ycal JoLlijrittj are appe-ar- 5c j alx-tat IS. capitol ttijidiLjf, and from frt - H - ct rJ;caiiouf, ttere mii! te qaite rrtpraj.e iij:n look iroia 1 naatn- eal ttanditt, tin tte gtor:nl btfeire tte clte f tte rt ion. Tle proftrttiooaJ lotbyist, provided te i Bt retained before Le arrive Lere, is gny fi3e of , e qoMtjon potl- tua opon a uieatare pending before the ,uk au ayrt a u t v-wai viiuii ava v pbiui it than npon the merit of the bill. There .re aorne lofcbyiets, however, who are above mercenary motive, and who appear in the arena of the legisla tive battle only from principle. Tbi cU cf lobbyist include thoee who have pet hob lie that they have been endeavoring to ride into legislative enactment for year. Money oiler no temptation to them Perhaps the incut lobbying will be done in the interest of pilotage, liquor. insurance, railroad, ichoolbook, nickel. in-the !ot and loan and trust company legiai.tion A there are several measure, pending the passage o( whicn will prove a serious menace to the liquor interest, there is little question bat what the liqnor inter est will also be represented by a third honse delegation later in the session. The same may be said ot the anti-nlckel- in-the-nlot and anti-cigarette bill, it will require some effective work, per hap to kill these bill.. In regard to the bill to prohibit the telling of liquor in private boxes of restaurant, present indication point to a passage of the measure. Considerable progress i. being made in the matter ot getting bill into the hand, of committees. The state printer', force ha. been doing some hard work, and bill, are being ground out at a rapid rate in consequence, In the house alone there were yesterday 65 bill, read the second time, and committed into the band, of the proper committees. The various committee, a. wall a com mittee clerk, will be kept busy thereat of the week in consequence. The introduction of bill ii not pro ceeding at the rate that wa. evidenced the first week of the session, although a number find their way to the desk of the clerk in the two house each day. Kxtra ray for t'apt. Lewi. A dispatch from Washington to the Oregonian ha the following concerning a claim of Captain Lewis for extra services during his term as register of the land office here: "Commissioner Ilemann, of the gen eral land office, has just returned to the president, through the secretary of the Interior, a report npon the bill which recently passed congress, granting to Captain J. W. Lewis, former register of the United (Hales land office at The Dalles, Or., a payment of $521 for extra services rendered by him during the va cancy in the office of receiver occasioned by the death of Colonel Thomat 8. Lang. At technically constructed, the existing law refuses compensation to the register for the amount of fees which he other wise would have been entitled to receive had the receiver lived, and this bill is to compensate him for that which he would otherwise have received. The oiiiini.i.'.o.iur ,1 .:, ;i.ii t,.Tice wmtrm t'l!.: ipp.-;.-.: w; fM0 j,;-!.-We are informed the statement I. In a measure incorrect, the services being rendered after the death of Receiver "t i k ei:iJ, til m!; lirM t iulf Jtsii Ml it-; He in-. fT il e4, 4 :sl ii-.T, ni ii ;i t tt Uiui J. 1 j (p.t if i :ra, lir - f.K-1fi.t x A Mt' about li Kwii. w J4 iCT)i ta Inu i carr-n3 Ir-.vti tie titifk tiiJ tie i j lie tsb2 sriocS, asi ?u auesLber Ti Jia. Ijc tb fstera! ha ttrt yet ieo tt, bat ai.; jTobaWy uke ulaoe FriiaT. T frlc IaMe aalasala. The bill cf EpreAiitatiTe Grace, of Baker eonnty, to prohibit the poisoning of domestic animals, is receiving the1 favorable opinion of neariy every mem ber cf the legis'ature, and will on questionably become a law. The fail text of the bill is a follow. : "If any person (ball pat oat or place any poiron where the tame i. liable to be eaten by any torse, cattle, .beep, bog, or other domestic animal, of value, the property cf another, with intent to poison each animal, each person, npon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary not lets than one, nor more than five year. or by imprisonment in the county jail not lest than three nor more than 12 month., or by fine of not le. tbsn flOO nor more than (1000." Had some such bill been parsed year. ago many of oar sheep men would prob ably not have e offered each a loes from tbi. practice of potting out poison pro miscuously. Hundreds of dollar, worth of animals have been killed through the spite or carelessness of persons who take thit meant of "getting even" wttb a neighbor. The bill also refer, to do mestic animal, which are kept as pet. about the bouse. Many residents of our city have recently lost valaable dogs from poison carelessly set oat by a neighbor; bat bad no redress, and there fore the matter was passed over. If this bill pass, it will no doubt put a ttop to such proceeding. Bill to Legallx Marriage Contracted Biz Modi ha After Dlrorea. Stillman hat a bill before the home to legalize a certain class of marriage that are rendered invalid by the preeent law. These are marriages contracted within six months after the divorce of one of the parties. Notwithstanding the law does not permit such marriages, a considerable camber of them have been contracted, for the most part tbrosgh ignorance of tbe statute, and (he issue of inch marriages ia without power to inherit property, and in every way illegitimate in tbe eye of the law. Attorneys often ebtain decree, of di vorce but do not enter tbem of record until th court fee. are paid, knowing that tbe divorces are incomplete and holding tbe matter open in order to force payment of the fees. The divorced person may wait aix months after the granting of the decree, and then sup posing the law to be fulfilled, marry again. Bat the law requires tbe six month, to intervene between the enter ing ot the decree and the marriage, and thoit who reckon from the granting of the decree instead of from tbe entering of it in the records, make the mistake of contracting an illegal marriage. To core the defects of these marriage. Is the object of Ktillman'. bill, which i. to validate those contracted on decree! entered up to last August. Wool rroapecta for 1 809. Thereon K. Fell, manager of the Pen dleton Scouring mills and of the Pendle ton Woolen mills, gives an interview to the Kast Oregonian on the wool prospect for 18'.)!, saying substantially what he sent out to the growers in the form of a circular. Among other things he said: "It Is my impression that those who direct their wool to he told for market value during the next three montht will net better result! than those who hold for tpring tales, which will Inevitably be af fected by thefoffering of two dipt at once, depressing prices. "The past year has been most disap pointing to wool merchants, one which has brought heavy losses to wool specu lators, and it without . penny', profit to the average manufacturer. In our judg mpnt the only one. who will profit by llB fill. ttiMir ,.,,, 1,4 wimil jl pi u;ea I.iUCm h.v..w. u J.J.V mw O I J 1,! .1 1.U , are warehousemen, insurance companies ami banks, who receive the ttorsge, In surance and interest the wool has to pay. Ii r-r- '-;. txJ ti S'4', Section " Ttnri,.i. toe l A n: cr li jhiu( Will rnf v. li vmitoriit urrj urvo, the ianit. liaiu Jtin-m tm tue nw rU o uk T t-Vi r1I a C'a Eij'.ry "'j. fci, of J0t, p MiW inn w Mi urtt tA mi4 property u wil . H-i'r hud ; KM OoL-Rae. naia pmnertT vim br ika3 ta ovjtrtcauuii and Of n-Vtj:a, a bj mm prvriKA. j Ixlvmii m I t Onfm, U.U th djo(; EGBERT KELLY, I t.'3 S ttTiS ut M t-o County, Ot. ' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. r- UriOmti itThs Dlls, Orkiok,) Janriarv It, lKas.j ; !f;tioe H hereby flren tliat the i611owinf.. luunl art tier baa filwl not lie of bis Intention tv oiaJte tsaj proof in support of hi claim, m,l lxt ad pf'MA will tie ma'le 1m tore the Keitlsler ai kiwiia at The Lialle. Oregon, ou tuii flay. Ft. VSA, viz: Baraaoa B. Cbaeaaaan, of Tbe IJIe. Oregon. H. K No. W6, forth K.l 1 un x. una trie K li K w Sec. 21. Twi J conk, range li eaat, M M. lie came toe loiiowtii witnesses to provi rnuiiuol residence uDon and cultivation (i said luxl. rit: J. W. Jubniton, W. H. ('! Tin. li. HoDDell, H. Readel, all of Tbe Dm lei, Oreecm. JaV Y. LUCAS, Register. iaa-J-ii Administrator's Notice. Notice is herebr siren tbat tbe nnderalrnn) a been rvvnUriT appointed br tbe countv eourt ot the suie of Orettoo for Wuco eoanty,u aamiowirax'roi loeeauteoi Jonn Brooltbouw, dereaaed. Ail persona navinf claimi against nid esute are hereby notilied to .recent them, : with the pmper voucbers, to me at the oftee of i-ianotlA: Binnott. in Dalle City. Oregon,. wunm aix montna trom tbe date 01 this notice. OaJJea City, OreD, January JX 1V9. . B. J. dOKXAN, Aduuaistiator. La Urlpne Saceaatfallj Treated. "I have just recovered from the sec ond attack of La Grippe thit year," taji Mr. Jas. A. Jones, pnblisher of tbi Leader, Mexia, Texas. "In the latter case I need Chamberlain's Congh Rem edy, and I think with considerable suc cess, only being in bed a little over twt days against ten dayt for the former at tack. The second attack I am satisfitf would have been equally at bad at thl. first bnt for the use of thit remedy ail bad to go to bed in about six hours afte being 'struck' with it, while in the fin case I wat able to attend to basinet about two days before getting 'down.", For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. j ' NOTICE. Came to my place last harvest, 1 brown horte, three white feet, star li forehead, rope mark around left hind 1( above knee, branded H. 8. with W ow S. (connected with the H.) Owner c have same by proving property at paying all charges. t Apoc.t Follmir, j Dec. 21-i Near Five Mile.! I 5 KEWAKO. j Per head, for the return of twent; bead of cattle which were lost abo Mill creek falls. Branded R-A on tt left shoulder and two crop, off tbe rigb ear. Return same to Saltmar.he'a stock yards and receive reward f ? f 20d2tw3w Rock Ali.rst. I Has Finally Passed. i Victoria, Jan. 18. The act to pr bibit aliens from owning placer niinr In British Columbia finally passed tV provincial lgilatnre this afternoov and receivetl the formal assent of tt lieutenant governor. The act goes In' sfJact at once. i The smallest things may exert t greatest influence. De Witt'. LIU1 Eirly Riser, are unequaled for overcoP ing constipation and liver trouble. Frni pill, best pill,. ale pills. iSnipes-Kii er.ly Drug Co. No Announcement Today. Wa.iiinoton, Jan. 18. It wat tt at the war department that no annouv ment would be made today of the del of the court martial in the case Ragan, ? Oraod Opening. There will be a grand opening of 'k new Midway, on becond ttreet betwe Federal and Laughlln, Saturday T ing. A splendid lunch will be tert both before and after the theater. V( Mardert, the proprietor, invite, all 1 be present at. the opening. 1?' Horrible agony i. caused by ri' burnt and skin diseases. These ' immediately relieved and quickly en" by De Witt's Witch Hazel Halve. wareot worthies imitations. Snip Klnersly Drug Co. One Minute Cough Cure, cut lllil la ..!. a- 1 Tien auuilers has puri-iiascd ,( wood business of J. T, Reynolds i" city. Those desiring good wood will him by ringing up 'phone number It 1