THS DALLE3 CHHOmCLE gATTIBDAT.. JAJTTAHT 2L 1569. Tie Weekly Chronicle. ' " " iVr -iw. n-.-i .f ' !Hlr ' ' (1 : .,.,;'. "iwt iin. ' 1 , , . .,,.4 tnt -.wl-lv.--, 1,1'ltr O'er W"i? .iwli : Mwt! ,ir iru-fl 2 e 1 0t tr-lve - i: fui-tur- potential eqiihls ,11 cnroliinution of all the Pol of the word." It i ur,4titioiuilily lute thai the chanter which tiiu Toted UWj add ed to tins world's history in 1HJ8 fins been a revolution t the rest of tlie fw nations, and lias iininenMirr.hly in itrfrmd m cvr of the trust. On this mailer ticnry - - - j . C oirs sV- power." Then it '-"!-: i f-r fi..i i- ' 3 ' .. .. ,. ',,.1. .;noiiL;nrf races, ilioro-'ardc'.'l ill .pitiw"" Uill "In inoM uiPY i- - 3 i.. . tuk.-n l.S'jr, are in HUM regarded as the in it PVii!.'L'i'mteil valuation ies ire :il'.sorfed with the evpe :.ta ,i.n ih-t :hy will ! kept inle-.o.d will" is capitalized t Actional tltjtiro ; and poults are proroiewl which am incompatible with the itiainteiwnw r ! r ,,,o fnr nmiiwrU In enough to Ls.iL-.t .w.,nhintrnni com- creased lh prestige of the Eiiish ' i . t? i IF . ' naa.Ml flit .WfliLtf a ( i tu,ti,i,m ftr ta tv off auhlic diti. si)"K.ns races, ikmuu , ,j p " General Itrooke has in.i2uratet a j w .. yj nr iul wilU tUe United Mates when the ivnm in Havana which will Ike a ,. ." , ni'icr nminnii i(ro mure or It! un- nowl innovation in American history rrl(.n(,y m8 ,Pf, the menus tr,pointmenii. to ortice wiihont a fo, , iu lft0 in. din on England, hy reaction. politick poll Iwhind -hem. The wis- . -nutation a a 1 liUlo of the tfnry which d.m of his proeedore : alrendy at) I ananom mnr:ot't4 Income in- ' Sut.w gained. Moreover, in the AfrU parent. Reims gathered around Uim' ,rIStrihntion of "an campaign England 2.i'' in the civil adminiiritionor the o:ty . -enritiwi NO INTEHE3TING LEOJSLATTON. , 'T'V'V m v - i. unnn such a hnnis as thes.' once to the position uiH.inriafiiU' r.. tiio ,nnf nan. 1 whii h she held at the opening of the jecm ineviUtJie present century, during the dayi or iU!tnoU8t cnnnm, rmvinj receiveu a CaWTO!., lfin. Jn. IK T.'n;rB was another sUi'rt sewion of tlie senate this mornini;. Routine iiiiMneM iftntiitiiBS, with hat measures uoiainn up tor aual iSKi!e. The Cottage Umi'S charter bill has lid aim the bill inthonzina ttin uajtees at the Jefferson institute to tranirter pmjrty. of ihed- rHnpaii,"I t!l ,tat fttir aPPra' . oriation was referred Ui the house com-1 - . I the "nited mnl"8 waM "u A uieasnre reiiucing the aaiarv of the district attorney of the Third district resloied her at : promises to cause a iiTeiy aituiusuiuu of iniluence nBn 11 "i" "P lor anai passaije. The assetnblv vriil attend tlie Woric- lime of Jast No. 7 W)oiIanJ N"o. 8 N'o. i Wooil Garla: it strive men w!io hsv the confidence of all j cU- of islnndprs. and half the hl- - ! :.... ; .i . i i u rn huna is; 1 ' nutcpgs. It WOU it won at uie winning oi u.e v- m,mt.. -t. no P.U. and about two-'hiivls of cen ernor-hip. ITe is wn free rein to ' ,'nt ' ' hnnnmft . htlPain(r Uirv Inter in the t.mes of I'.ilrner.ston Pwlal ivitation. ' i . r i Tt ts iripv iilc,iv llirt wnutA will defeat chooe the most competent men to ivformn and is not I 70 S7a j r.7 cook stj jv IoJ.O N'o. 8 Wood Gariaruf. jr.,. reservoir and ba.--e 25. 00 No. 8 Bridal Garland , 23Xi N'o. 8 BrldaL Garian(i and reservoir No. 8 Home Garland cook atove N'o. 8 Home Garland cook and reservoir . N'o. 8 Home Garland rane-. N'o. 8 Eorne Garland ranse and reservoir No. 8 Empire Garland steel ranje . ZZ. d) 2oJjt 2.J.C0 40jOO 45.00 45.CO Also a full line of Cole Hoc Blast Heaters just received.. Air Tlht rtvent. what would ne the Hitimiion or the -federal Wande and ! , . u.-i. f....i..- ,1...- i mo .....t ! nreme cnurt, - t : . . i n ... .. ,r ii' hi airnni iiiii'm 1111 . Lfr linn L . isiki iim.i ,11 in the earrv out his hampered hy tlta listr.A Imnirrlt ftw nil mother country. General Vood j adopted the .wron methrwi in rutmo and hns ma !e a mo!el city in si! months out of material which as ; sear bveicw a a municipaii'.y can he. Flow loii! tlie administration will allow the1 splendid offlcerf to exercise tlieir unhiaxed judgment la 4 matter of conjee' lire. ft certainly wtll not be Ion? if there ara many iJOOO position to he :iv.n ont j lrr!mp the sncccw of General j "Wood in Sintidtro may eventually j sffect a change in appoiiMiv methods , in the Cnited States. ft ha" often been urcd that the appo'ntiva pownr be limited to-the chiefs of depart ments and the highest offices in the diplomatic and aonsolar service. This has been the aim of civil service re formers for twenty years. What theve is of the sy-item worked well mitd profewionat- politicians bean their systematic efforts to rnin it, and tliey are even now attaining that end. IW the eoh.ntes are not yet under the domination of tho wirepullers, n4 the administration of affairs tbera may lie ex pelted t- S clean f as honorable; a .a regular srmy ttffloer can make them. If General Brooke r,rt fenenl Worxl ar let ilone, there is no rtoobt of th oiti pacification ct most skepti'-al Civbaas. it they are hampered hy 'A prcfessKma' (xiticians, if will o tska lon Ut breet reat dis-y.ntel question in- polities; and, in that were found flooded with and Disraeli. The alory of the Entr-1 lih-reald races, however, dates hi!I ln i1"89 to l1'8 111a conn ooiuumMiuii will, however, receive moro favorahlB Evercbudy knn'.v thut "t5ar!and"' stove and ranjeir are the woriil' best niev combine fieiihiit finish,, durability, ant oa veniunco, w:theconom? of fuel, and ia spirwot ail enmpetjtion, holj their station mr in aitvance oi ad oihersi We take- pleasure- ia eail iuts attention U) our del oi -ituvesan hand.. 3iiid sxi:!aai?eiv by MATTER A FAflCE thpse ; had a far lurier shnra in that glory j than lite world then or since clearly ! wnwuwai.nn. Iff. CIws i entirely rlcUt. These I realized. "Wis are forced to Vik , CLERKSHIP- ! 'riiRts must at no distant dav. he- every mcrnini what victory there ' I come a burning question in politics. ; is," said Fforace Walpole, in I :), ; raum rimi-Kiiinoii .iiivriy i and when that day shall come the -'for fear wa may miss one." A I " -""""' American people must do battle with, strong basis of tnuh underbid that. Cacitol, Sslom,. Jan. 10. In the a cunning giant.- jocose remark, So other country ; bouse this momintr If ;.'n inirndunsd a Consider the possibilities of one of j had aver played so jjlorioua a part in ! m moriai ta ennrw relative to Ameri. these aiiantic trust,, that of the j toe history of the world a England , aan Mnstrnction, ownership, and enntml ' , . , , . . of nie Sicarauua canals American Steeled Wire Company, I nad been play for year or two ; organized last waek with a capital of at that time, and her American col-; aloptP(1 is a frtrR8-. clerks are allowed 4!)0,rt00,00. This single combina-' onies bora a prominent share in the j M any chairman asking fur them just tion could aiford to snend annually ! work which that country performed. ! the same as in former years.. $ 4 4 Will & Harawara arict Cracary Marcnant3 EIITOH, Tha Dalles, Or. t Aatl.TrMt BUI.. At the time when Walpole spoke several measnree relative- to railways .... i are reaiy to he intrmiuced.. the Victories h;vt just tiuen phice liJ , . . . Tha house paeseii the hid. amending which drove France out of North ,u4,k.-j r.uii. m. - The mor fact thai, eov.e ant tiv elation U the M Sod nes esm paia:n the mora cme. Unds to- -lmire in Kitchener, tlv tij of Great an enormous sum to . secure for itself "friendly" consideration by the L'nited states senate. There are forty-uva states and ninety senators, j America, and saved the greater and ( measure admitting the Oregr.a City Cm an average fifieen senators ate j better part of the New Worht to'eharter, eleeterfanmmllv.. rialafion so m ii.l ' AnhvMaxon civilization, England I Jldiciary enmmittee reported advene- as to reduce the profits of this trust by i per cent only on its capital stock would mean to it 4.)00,yi0. Rather than endure, vigorous lexislation, rhis had bee a gaming victories fn Europe hill proviiliiiif trvr additional judges of the snpreme eonrt, Mr. Morton, of Wiumiu, has the follow-1 snowing tat amounts of all claitng pre- ina bill on the clerk's detk to knoclt out entlt tna najjiei of a.1 elmmants, the the budiness of treaduir: "That any I article or ciaiot foe which; payment is person whn shail in any saiuon or place j made, th moant allowed and the 1 where liquors- am sold, irv or tratl J cjnfciiiie.i or rejected at the $ another to any drink or other quantity I Ja- term, of tfc Coonty Coort o! I of spirituous,, malt t vinous liquors, with intent than the same shall be drunk or consumed by tue person: so trwateit, shall hejiii.'ty of misieixieaaorP and upon son 3u:Uiin thurwif,. shall be poa isheit by a 2ne of noc ie thaa o nor ar.ore than 121), or by ioipriscnmat ia and Asia as well ss in America, for : aftaafj)r!, micn M,t jr,!ky adressed . the coaaty jil of tne enaaty wfcere tveh close at that time of tlie .seven ! memorial service last Bibe, many of the sine trust could well afford to throw I Tears' WarT but the part of the, con-; ""t ami reprssenuuve tin m I'i0i00 annually into these fifteen I Hict which took place in the JTsw . tfn'"!' l , , 1 F5ith hon.si3 are rapid, y eleanex their senatorial elections a- corn tion j World was (hat part which tout fund of i50,ft00 for use before every legislature electing a senator I When one reflects on the corrupt ing possibilities of one trust,, the mind is staered by the thoolit of the evil which may he wrought hy the scores of trusts now iiv existence the strode which was drawing to a thoisani people at the Wrkmea" effte rs enmmitted. not 1 tba two not eicr than ten ds.rT Aa emerjeocr clause is aitUched. The Telegram sayt: "If the biU of Morf,oa of Waeo eoon'.y ta prohibit treatici ia barroon., tntr dac.vt in the boose yesterday, become U there will be many a beer ball losier who will bar lo fo dry. It it not be lieved, however, that the bilC will pats, ror the saloon men bi too many friend amoo g the legislator!, fsnea d it appear, however, that there is any probability of the bi I recetitn; favorable eooidera;ion greatest interebt for England. Ta-; the New World the colonies which a j NIGHT SESSION OF THE SENATE few years later became the- L'ftiterf i i.Mltlr,raM wrt r.r.. r States were far more, prominent in " r cuMmiiM. the stm?j'e than was England her-! self, and forced En.w into it. L ltm'U- , ! held a ftiifhtf session lael ni-jfhl, whea Twoth.rds of the army which fonjjht ,wtlM mAUn t.fA tbt ..teotio. of in this country. Spokesman Review,; England's battles iiv th New World i the tenanors. J j in- that con diet were- contributed by j This ftiorninjf th senate passed tw Gertersl Shafrer, on- his way Wesv! the colonies, th fes; of lb English - bi"' firM lor the right f to take charge of tlM department of officers, aside, from Wolfe, wer; '7' wno adfornia. mnnderng an oral; Amencans, 3oi00 srJdiers faih4 1 ft0(, ..... . si mi'.ar fo the on lieutenant Hobsrn j by the colonies bad lost their lives i ; f,ybi. underwent while crossing th con tinent. The wometv only ncontered uick to fpreciafe his merit and ess show if speciafion by givift fighting their ow and Enjrland'; After boldiag a (rtyminnt session battles, while It: ', t of the tx-th ' di'd H 2-) Monday. arrest dlfKcnlfy n their enthusiastic penditre of the war wa provided , . , T p M.bul p,'',',' oscuiatwy rci because, of the i; by A merica, and Jew than a third of u w.k-.. ' a Sfeaeral's enormryin circumference, ths sntn was ever refnndef! ,v the! onaV,tn with the rn.-r,mt Mw. ia fees to private attorneys tor wRt::- days for America as well for Great moneys rto the stau, and provid- ft U f!.Ua-.A. atLrf t ,v.r- ,B m'' whereby state attorney Britain, X admtrab'e thing aboot Seriosly, tlgh, there should be an mother country. Those were glorious if ai! h tba the l!rlti-A Termt t ,mmfx)t 4-,pt!4 ad- flays for America as well a for Great1 1 miration for beroes of the wr. not a befitting act or (he yn of him pTMikoUf free Fwnd ir the f;f renting Amer.raft womsr, t publicly kits an atter stranger W governsseftf, t,i the re;on. The idea snegests itself Ibaf the I'aifed iita?es wiijjhi fcave showni as (treat wisIor "d i reeognizefl 'ewey' meril f,y giving kiwi a freer snd itt tfe iTfiilip p'.ne? an1 dons wi'h tbe asorsnc hn the trnst would not liate fen m!sp!scfI. I'.iif Kt-ffetary A lifer wants sr army ofTieef at (he !d of affairs, so this is n'd to be, Kltthpfier a whole f smpslgn In the So . dsn, lasting over two years, cost two ati'1 a Wf rdl!ions, and t fhe Jfl he bad a rsilway the flist crwt of whlf h Isesllirisfed at about two ndlllotis, thfi'iijh listing frpp ll,,r It flofs hot represent by any mpnns that eFtidilur, In addition Im lis Icltgrnpli lines, stumers on th! JS'ilo and Infge WoiksliMis, kitclirtipf and I)ewry enrli jossfs in a tilijli ilnurce fnllitary ghlus and the ability of administration. Kittli men art- fare. Few of tlirm aro ttorn in n tetituiy. When one Isdiscovrfd H lulifit ves a itjovrftimput to mnke the mist of ti I io. Great llriUlu's t. jierlerco has taught Imt this. The Ifnitnl Mates triay Imve the knowl- ilge, luit Ins not put It Into servic e, being lmndlfnpied hy liienibeis .f the admltiistrslioM. Spokeamnn lie lew, wau. nriwKr mahvkik n Wall a'r.'d is taking alarm i.ilm rotslli'l "Induilrisl" aecur ltlr, the olitfl word fur (lie stork! ways for American women 1o display their profound admiration for min bating performed valorous deeds tfin by hogging and kissing tbern, 1 his (tactic Is f.atiwous and subject U tl aet.;st criticism from a standpoint of detcficy, Telegram, There- arot!W and mora dedicate keep her colrmies in aw. They stand no longer In heed of her pro tection. Mi will call on them I.) contribute toward snpprting the bur dens they hive hel'l to bnn on her, and they will answer by striking off all dependence." The prophecy of that day became the. history of a dozen years later, ISut naturally those who then began to foresee America's greatness did not corn prebend Its full measure, ur drearn how quickly it was to assert Itself. America' influence on the current of the world' history, which l now manifest to all men, began to take effect at a far earlier period than Is commonly realized today. Globe Ilernocrat, ammuija'h wonut Europe Is ticginnlng to grajp Hi fact that the United Mat" Is nn in flucnthil member of the family of nation, but it doe not firmp the wholo lit the f id or apprehend It full aiiffiiflearice, The latest Issue of the London Spectator ha an article which snj that the "dominant fact of tlie year 1MH wns tl,0 ri'S In the position of the Kinjllsh-apenklng peo. pies." U rerntilks that "oil tho Oilier aide of the Atlnntlo the people of tho United Mate., moving n If they were forced .n by some Impulse from without, with a minute nrtny in be. ing, a president ecmlly rowed to pence, arid a minister of war most kindly desc ribed a a iliorlnlghted amateur, crushed the ancient mon archy of ?pBln almost without effort and sealed tlicmelvc(n great Islands In Ilia Caribbean and the Paclnc," and add that "A met lea has become within me year, In the eye of those who control armies and fleets, almost fthft'l An th mrV . statesmen already begsn to foresee j Tbe lobbiea still eontinne to be erowd America's rise, -En!and" said th ed with peopi norsinjr jt schemes, r'rer.cb diplomat, Connt Vergennes, Wstriet and dep-jty district attorneys cause he better served his eonrdry in will ere long ttju-ht having removed ' r" moch denee at the state boose times of danger than ,-Jid Ids brother, tb only check (France) which conld I '"iT'7' ... . m .-, n'..i P. . , will Vllin Uft IOr consideration Monday, the bonne having aJj inrned antd 1 :Z0 Monday. The fortieth anniversary of the admis sion cf the state of Oregon to the Union will be fittingly observed by the two de partments of th Oregon legislator, as sisted ry the resident of the Capital City, no Tnesdsy, V& tmtj 14th. In fact the celebration will be of a dual chsrscter, inasinnch as Febroary 14th marks the fiftieth anniversary of the ex tension of United States laws over the then territory of Oregon. It is proposed to bold the erclr-es in the legislative chamber of the honse. There will be a morning session, fur whic h three ad drcaxes have been arranged, one each to be delivered by representatives from the expcutlve, Judicial and lectslative de partments of the state. In the after noon It is proposed to have an oration delivered, tho exercises Including vocsl music. A banquet will probably be held In the evening. VVaaco county, Orrgoa. The lollowing list, however, cloea not contain any f claim for which the salary or fee ars provided fur by statute: it Vincent's Hospital and Was- ' ' co eonaty poor f i5 50 1 Irwin-Hodsoo Co, soppiie 62 25 Cha H Crx-ker. sappliee 72 00 Chroaici Pub Co, printing and pabliiQing ;i 50 ' M ays A Crowe, supplies and la bor., 112 30 f Oregon TAT Co, meteag and rent 0 30 . Snipes-Kmersly Drug Co, medi- ' einu for pan per 1 93 i W H Wilson, proiesetonal er $ vices 30 00 j J T Peter A Co, sapplie county roa i 15 57 Boy' and Girls' Aid ocietr. S car Wajro co children W'irJ 4 Kobertsoo use of teaui (i PCrowell, sapplie paoper . J Cargrat?. meals, juror A E Latr. lumber : vv vr 1 rv., a. effc, will be made to .pt 'hon 1 pVof ser"ceV . . bill 5o. 104" from th operation of th I M Z Donneil. medicine for pan- Us." I per Should the bill pas, its effects would 9 5.Uto-T neaiing lumber be more far reacbiag thaa say temper sue pledge. Kli'Kant new Pullman pulses le-pcri between Portland an I Chlc igo have Just been placed in service via tho O. U. A N., (irrgon Short blue, Union Pacific an I (Jhieano A Northwestern railway dally every clay in the yesr. Car are of the very latett pattern, In fsct being the most 1 in nro veil np to date sleeping ear turned nut by the Pullman Company. These new palaces will leave Portland on th verdng fnst train of the 0. It. A X. arriving at Chicago the morning of the onrth day ami running through with out chunga via (irangnrand Omaha. 19tf T Ours a 'nl.1 m Dm lis, Take bsxailve P.romo Quinine Tab let. All druggist refund th money if it fall to cure, 2oe, The noted evasie'iat, Sam Jone, has the right idea in regard to the criticisms on liobaon' kineing tour. However, be certainty could not hate' takes as hi text upon the occasion ten be made the following statement, the word of the Bible. "Greet all the brethren with a holy kit," which wonld excuse the sister for Ibeir conduct and compel Hobaon to receive them witbont a mar mar. He lays: "The newspaper may decry Hobeon and (peak ill cf him, bat he ha tbe pro found sympathy of my heart. Why, to kiss everybody that comes alenz, from tbe old maid with most on her lips to the gay widow; to kis the old eister whose nose and chin are meeting ; to kis the good, the bad and the Indifferent. "Gentlemen, I like kissing, bat I want to pick tne time, place and case. Poor Ilobson. He needs the prsyers of tbe church and the sympathy of bi com rades." Woodnia Installation. SO 00 4 CO 3 23 36 S4 10 00 24 30 13 25 15 0i) 5 76 This Is Your Opportunity. On receipt of t'n cents, cnh or stamps. a Uftanrout siiimilo will be mnllod of the Tuesday night at Fraternityball, Mt. Hood Camp. W. of W.f and their auxiliary, Cedar Circle, Women of Wood craft, Installed their officers for the en suing term. After a piano solo by Mrs. K.J. Collins, Mr. Ja. Snines Installed tbe following officers of Mt. Hood camp: Con. Com., C. T. P.aweon; Adviror, C. F. Stephens; Hanker. C. L.Phillips; Clerk, W. I). Harper ; Escort, S. I). Gar ner; Watchman, R. G. Wilson ; Sentry, D. W. Mann. Tho officers of Cedar Circle nere then installed by Mrs. Anna Iilskeney: Guardian N., Mrs. Ollie F. Stephens; Advisor, Mrs. Inex Fllloon ; Clerk, Mis most popular Catarrh and Hay Fevsr Cure! Kt,a Wrfin Banker, Mm. Ella Dawson ; (Kly's (trnara ltalm) sufficient to demon strate tlis Krimt merits of the remedy. ELY JlKOTIIEim, CC Warren Ht., New Tork City. Hev. John Ttold, Jr., of Grout Falls,Moiit., recommended Fly's Cream Halm to me. I can emphasize Ins statement, "Itisaposi tlv euro for ratnrrh if nsd as directed." list. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Prof. Church, lli'lena, Mont. Ely's Cream Palm Is Hi acknowledged enrs for entnrrh and contains no mercury a or any injurious drug. Price, 00 cents. DcWItfj Witch Mazel Salvo Uirts PlUs. bcaldi. Dura. Magician, Mr. Pell Merger: Attendant, Ml-s Emma William; I. 8., Miss Lena Jackson; O. H., Mr. Jus. Tuylor; Capt. of Guards, M iss Kaclu l Morgan Man ager, Mrs. Viola Itorden. A vocal duet by Mesdume Jayne and Groat, select reading by Mr. Inex Fll loon, Instrumental duet, piano and man dolin by Mlssr Eola and Lela Kelsay, after which refreshments were eorved, and asocial time followed. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That Is what It was mads lor. IaUs Lumber Co. tambor.. Mrs Porter, eoatesmg Mr Pra- ther to insane asylum Wm Heozie, baa. log M Luddeman, pmeecuticg atty fee, not allowed.... H Gleno. work on e h Irwia-Hodson G. jpp:ie S M Pulton, ue of toiing place M F Shaw, examining insane. . Ray None, homing criminal, not a: lowed Owen Babcock, hunting criminl, not allowed Ward A Sons, lomber Harbison Bros, lumber Perry McCrsy, lumber F S Smith, labor oa vault H Clough. do Wm Michel!, burial of Pauper.. W H Butts, boldineinaaest M M Cashing, board and care of non res paupers J O Mack, work on records .... Frank Hill clerical serv F 8 Gunning, material for vault Grinning Hockman, labor J E Hardy tarnishing bookcase 8 D Fisher, lumber for bridge. . J T Elliott, labor or road A B Billings, lumber Lane Bros, blacksiuithtng J L Kelly, rebate on taxes Baldwin Rest, meals lor jury. . . Oregon TAT Co, rent and rue age Johnston Bros, supplies for pau pers Maud Gilbert, clerical ert Wm Frtzier. lervlnir aubnoenas In Multnomah co 12 00 T W (sweeten, arrest and keep ing prisoner Jobn Doyne, lumber G B Woodworth, material for roads W K Garretson, repair of clock." k Mays, transportation oi pau- . per 40 00 I, A. M. Kelsay, County Clerk for Wasco countv. Ststo of (Iretron. do hereby certify that the above and fore- I going is a full and complete statement 4 of the claims presented and ac tion taken thereon by tbe County Court of Waico '. 1 county, Oregon, sitting for the transac tion of countv l"i''iin's at the Sept. teiin, iH'tf, tlr-rcof, nine and except all s claims the salary or fees fu.'ahich ar ( , provided lor by etiiiuic. t Witness my liaml ami the seal of the f j County Court anixnl, this 21st clT ? t Of Januarj, IS'J'.I. A. M. Kklbay, County Clerk. 5 00 6 3j 500 72tiO I 4 l i 2 50 5 00 J 40 00 j 35 00 ? 220 35 1 8-S r 5 50 f 6 00 t 24 40 I 18 00 8 00 ? 19 00 I 26 00 ! 24 00 y 8 10 1 1 00 ! 1 00 ; 6S 80 f s 00 i 30 30 I 5 00 I 14 53 J lb 50 I 8 70 f 13 00 j 78 00 ' 3 11 13 45 t 2-1 00 f 1 Cash In Hour marks. All countv warrant registered prior f T to Melt. 14, lH!)r)( will U Pni,j t mj a Office. Interest cease after Jan. lb 1'-W. C. L. Pittr.Lif. i a County Treasurer,