FILIPIXO ASSEMBLY MAKES1PR0TEST Presiflcnt McKinley War dl leant Forcible Hears. to At- AMERICAN CLAIM IS PREMATURE United States Xot the Possessor of the Philippines Until the Peace Treaty is Ratified. Loscdcv, Jan. 9. Tbe Filipino com mitter in Paris, London, and Madrid tWrrhed hatordar to McKinley. The , r - Paris dispatch reads as follows: "We protest against tbe disembarka tion of the American troops at Iloilo. The treaty of peace is unratified. Tte Americin claim is premature. Pray consider the resolution concerning Iioilo The Filipinos wish for tbe friendship of America, and they abhor militarism n I dtceit." A representative of the associated Press learus that the Filipino pnta at Paris bag received a dispatch from a Filipino agent at Hcng Kocg. dated Sat nrdiT. savin f. "Figbt with the Americans unavoida ble. We are not the aggressorf." A telegram from an English house at Manila teddy says the situation is very ttraine, and there is much anxiety there. The dispatch also contains news from II jilo, the subttance of which is that tte American troops have not yet landed. ar Department Reticent. Wasuixgtos, Jan. 9. A good deal of reticence is exhibited at the war depart ment relative to the state of affairs at Iloilo. The government's instructions to General Miller at Hollo were to land and get in communication with the in surgents. This is as far as Ins orders have gone, except that when he has es tablished a communication with the in urgent officials and the people, be is to make pnblic tbe purpose of the United States. Not a shot is to be fired by the forces of this country unless they are attacked or unless further orders are wot from this country, '"The program was agreed upon between McKinley and alger several days ago. Alger was at the white bonse some time this afternoon. He stated in tbe most emphatic terms that no alarming news had come from General Otis, and he did not believe a shot bad been fired so far, or that one would be fired. He is confi dent General Miller will be able to ban die the situation successfully and obtain possession of Iloilo without bloodshed. He is of tbe opinion that the ioeurgenti have been so long imposed noon that they are r.atuia ly suspicious, and fear tbe worst if they sui render their strong holdi iDto the bands of the United States. The policy to be adapted now is a gen tle one. Persuasion will be nsed before powder. Tbe president, it is said, also views tbe situation in a similar light. Memorial at Manila. San Francisco, Jan. 9. Tbe Singa pore Free Press says that Spencer Pratt, consul-general for the United States, has aent to General Otis, United States mil itary governor st Manila, a proposal that a memorial should be erected at Manila to tbe memory of all Americans who fell in tbe captor- of or died of disease dur ing the campaign. Th-t prop' til is that all Americans now resilent in the fir East, of whom there is a very considerable number, should be invited to contribute toward this object. A WRECK IN NEBRASKA Firemen Killed, Two Persons Missing and Several Hurt. Sidney, Neb., Jan 9. At Sunola, 15 miles east of here, on the Union Pacific railroad a bad wreck occurred this morn ing at 4:15 o'clock. Train No. 3, fast passenger, double-header, which left Omaha yesterday afternoon, in charge of Engineer C.iarle Ell and Engineer Reese, ran into train No. 2, in charge of Engineer Dell Bonner. Bonner had orders to meet No. 3, and t'e hraVeman waa in the art of uipo!no tlio v. .i Ju i j. along at 45 miles an hour, ;.,uliu:tli.. I Both trains I were on the main track. Tbe engines were badly demolished and the entire THE DALLES train destroyed, except tbe mail cat --.i ... m ,wr. On So. 2 th com ll .nn.r sras in poena car i.uiui-u. -- i ternaliyif'jiwd, anJ several of his rib ere Woken. Fireman Coleman killed. K.I sVAlueJ.bat not serioos.T. Sever' pafecrw """re tort bad i. n. vam ?''it !' T-rt cb Sow i 3,and.:i but !J tr..n .ad . omiD, were tc-voited tut. Iter arej supposed to have been kil'.ed. A China- mia, do aokcon, til serer'. seTr 'scalp wcanJs and is tort in the chest, j Atoo in theSiniccrola... name onkno.n.bM Wnwo. I-r Caamot Cars by loc! pp:ictioo, as they cannot I reach the diseased portion of the ear Tbera is only one way to care deane and that is by ccnstitaliocal remedies) EVafne is ciued by aa inSa-ued con dition of the tuucoa lining of tbe Fas tarbian Tube. When this tube is in flamed yon bar a rombCing toond or imperfect bearicjt, and when it It en tirely closed. Deafoese ) tbe retu'.t, and aniens the inSamtuation can be taken j oni and tbia tabe reetored to iu normal condition, hearing will be detroyed for I .,,.. nineca&M out of ten are caused! , - " ty;atarrb, which U nothing bot an in- Caaed condition of the macoos car-1 face. We will give One Hundred Dollar for any case of Deafness (caused Dy catarrh! that cannot be cored by Uall'a Catarrh Care. Send for circulars; free. F. J. Cheset A Co.. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. 6-10 A Famous Bellringer. New York, Jan. 9. Ttie death is an nounced in Brooklyn of William Peake, tbe famous bellringer, aged 94. Previous to tbe Civil war, the Peake family, seven in number, toured the United States, giving performances in belirioeing, a form of entertainment much in vogue at that time. Mr. Peake conducted tbe tours of tbe family, and was always found in tbe center of tbe group. The others were arranged on either side, according to their height. Snow on Bine River. Blue River, Or., Jan. 7. During the past week there has been one of the heaviest enow storms ever experienced in this section. Tbe snow is fourteen inches deep on Lower Blue river. Tun snow has put a temporal y stop to the work of building the wagon road to the Lucky Boy mine. Considerable prospect and develop ment work was done in the district last fall, and everything looks encouraging for a good camp here in the near future. A Marrow Escape. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Groton, S. D. "Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough set in and finally termin ated in Consumption. Fcur doctors gave me op, saying I could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has .'cured me, and thank God I am saved and now a well and healthy woman." Trial bottles free at Blake'.ey & Houghton's drug store. Regular eir.e 50c and $1.00. Guaranteed or price refunded. 1 Within Six Leagues of the Capital. New Yore, Jao. 9. A dispatch to the Herald from Lima, Peru, says: Advices received here from Bolivia announce that President Alonz3's advance guard is within six leagues of La Pax, capital of the republic of Bolivia. It is likely a decisive battle will be fought soon between the government troops and tbe rebels who now hold tbe capital. The Sura La Orlppa Core. There is no me suffering from this dreadful maladr, if you will only get the right remedy, i'ou are having pain all through your tody, your liver is out of order, have no appetite, no life or ambi tion, have a bad cold, in fact are com pletely used up. Electric Bitters is the only remedy that will give you prompt and sure relief. They act directly on your Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, tone up the whole system and make yon feel like a new being. Tbey are guaranteed to cure or price refunded. For sale at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store, only 60 cents per bottle. ' 1 NOTICE. Came to my pines in May, on? bay mare, weight about C00 pounds, and branded with a caoittl Ai the crossline of tbe letter resembling tbe letter v, on the left shoulder. Owner can have the ame by cilling at mr place an 1 paying all charge;. B. E. Selleck, 16declm Boyd.Orecn. 5 REWARD Per head, for the return of twenty bead of cattle which were lost above Mill creek falls. Branded R-A on the left shoulder and two crops off the right ear. Return same to Saltmarshe's stock yards and receive reward. 20-d2t w3w Rock Allbry. Coughing injures and inflames tore l.lfi"" Ont Minute Conch ('nr Inri.m . Ji.. Quicklr. The best cure for children, harmless. Snipes-Kinersly i.erfectly Drug Company. WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 11. iTERRIBLEpLLISION IX NEW JERSEY ; f 2jpxi JjJJr f JJJ OlSeB M2T8 J LESS ICJlUttt. ... n 1 CCL7 N P 17 D j WU T AoOLIlU Lll TRAINS MEET Tbe Traias Split in Two, CarsPiline Vp On the Those Ahead. tbe Rear Debris of Xiw Yoke, Jan. 9. At 3:35 p. m. a dispatch iu received in this city from Bound Brook. S. J.. Hating that thir- . ... . J wen pawnsert naa Deen ainea nnu from tbi ty to fort lojared in a railway collision near Bound Brook. Twenty- five of the wounded were taken to Plain field and others to Elizabeth.N.J. There was a head-end collision. The collision is reported to have been between a local train and the Black Di amond express.. The local was bound from Bound Brook to Jereey City, while the Black Diamond express was on its way to Buffalo. The express does not stop, and the engineer was running un der a heavy head of steam when the ac cident occurred. Engineer Rich was in tbe cab of the local train. There were many passengers on the train on their way to New York. There had been a freight accident early in the day near the scene of the disaster. The first ac cident was responsible for the blocking of one of the tracks. The local was cross ing to get on the tlear track, when the express hit it at the railroad crossing. Tbe work of rescue was immediately be gun. Railroad officials were notified and a special train was sent to the scene. The injured were taken to the Muhlen berg hospital in Plainfield. Tbe train split in two, tbe rear cars piling up on those ahead. Scores of passengers were Imprisoned in the broken and twisted iron and wood work. Fire from the lo comotive communicated to the cars near by, and tbe horror of the incinera tion of those caught under the wreck was threatened. The forward car was split open and every soul in it was either killed or maimed. Bodies were lying in every direction. Two or three were piled on top of each other in places. Limbs were toru from the trunks of some passengers and hurled yards away. Under a tan gled mass of iron and steel of one of the engines could be beard the screams of the engineer or fireman pinned in an almost inextricable position with escap ing steam slowly boiling his torn flesh. The other inmate of tho locomotive cab was doubtless dead, aa was the engineer and fireman of the other train. (9 Maier & Benton will give away one For every One Dollar pur chase during January and T 1 -u reuruary we will give one chance free on the steel range, maier Gsmon -THE HAHDWHRE DEALERS.. 167 Seconi St THE DALLE3. OR. Free FIGB 5166 Range SatuMiy i Dti'.y. C. G. Roberts is in the city from Hoed Rivt-r unlay. Mrs. Bert Rrs of Antt!ope is a guest of the Umatilla House. Mm. E. E. Eaeton and daugbter.of Dufur, are sojournicg in this city. Senator John Mitbeil will leave for Salem tomorrow, as the legislature con venes Monday. Miss Grm-e Scott, who has been visi inn Miss El:zbth Schooling, letumed to ber home iq CorvalUx today. Miss Gnssie Lownedu'e arrived in the city last night and is a guest at the home of ner aunt, Mrs. J. M. Pattereou. R. J. Gorman was unions the paBSen arrs for Portland this morning. He will visit Stlem before reluming borne. Mrs. V. C. Gibson, who ai-companied her husband to this ci'y on a busines trip, is a guest of Mrs. Robt. Kelly. Monday Daily. G. J Farley left for Portland yester day evening. W. A. Bell, of Prineville, is In the city en route borne. B. E. Snipes left this afternoon for his home at (Seattle. Miss Marden and Miss Roe Michell spent Sunday in the metropolis. Mies Ella Huott returned last evening from an extended trip to California. Messrs. S. P. M. Briggs and Chas Lord returned to Arlington last night. John Bethune, miller for the Dufur Milling Co., is in the city on business, Henry North, representing the Racine u agon Co., is in the city in the interest of his nrin. Several traveling men are in tbe city, among whom we notice MeyerAhraham, L. O. La kin, J. A. Mever, and John S. Beall. Si Sichel came up last night from Portlaud and Itft this afternoon for Prineville where bis brother Herman is qnite ill. D. Goldstein, manager of the White House Clothing Co. of Portland, la in the city attending to business at their branc'j Etore in tuis city. C. S. Solomon, of Prineville, is in town today ou a business visit. G. J. Fa-lev returned last nieht from a short business trip to Portland. Tom Williams, the traveling man so well known to Dalles people, wag in the city last evening. C. F. Bartholomew of Portland, spent today in the city, and will leave on tbe east bound train tonight. Wm. Henry, who is in the employ of Blakeley & Houghton, returned last evening form a vi3it to friends in Weston. W. R. Norway, of the firm of Jones Paddock Co., came up from Portland last night and spent the day in tbe city representing his firm. He le.ives for Walla Walla this evening. To the Public. We are authorized to guarantee every bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and if not satisfactory to refund the money to tho purchaser. There is no better medicine made for La Grippe, colds or whooping cough. Price 25 nnd 50 cents per bottle. Try it. Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. Mr. S. A. Fackler, editor of the Micanopy (Fla.), Hustler, with hia wife and children, suffered terribly from La Grippe. One Minute Cough Cure was tbe only remedy that helped them. It acted quickly. Thousands of others use this remedy as a specific for La Grippe, and its exhausting after effects. Never fails. Snipea-Kinersly Drug Co. Ch In Hour Cbecks. All countv warrants registered prior to Feb. 1, 1895, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases 'after Not. 14, 1898. C. L. Phillips, Countv Treasurer. WANTED. Any kind o' work by middle-aged man. Call at this office. Jau9-lw PROFESSIONALS. W. LUNDELL, B. M. Teacher of Vocal Culture. Bight Reading nl Harmony. Studio at Residence. Cor. 6th and Liberty, lnesgtioq oltoltei. THE DALLES, OR. JR- OEISINDORrrlH Physician and Surgeon, Bpeclal attention given to surgery. Rooms 21 and 22, Tel. 328 Vast Block JJ A. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Office over French & Co.'s Bank Phone t, THE DALLES, ORECON JJAN ROBERTS, Attorney-at-Law. Collections a Specialty. Seeond Street, THK DA 1. 1. EH, OREGON. OLLIE V- O LEARY, Art Studio. Room 3, Chapman Block. China painting a speelalty. I S HUNTINOTOM S WILSON T T IT NT! VflTnW A WltDnw Jl ATTOKNKYH AT LAW. ' . . TrIK DALLES, OKEOON on:i ovi y .at n i. vv.wir.80N, ATTOIt.NEY-AT LAW, Ofliccovct First Nat, Bink. J IS99. Regulator Line Ths Dalles. FertM ani kilm Navigation Co.' s?r3. Regulator Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE BITWIIS Tht Dalles, Pood Rtrer, Cascade Locks and Port land daily, " hunday. ( DOWN THE VALLEi Are tou going j EASTERN OREGON ? If an, save money and enjoy a beautiful trip on the Columbia. The wt-bund train arrives at Tbe Dalles in ample time for passengers to take the steamer. arrivliiK In Portland in time for the outgoing Southern and Northern traina: East- Douna passengers arriving in iue uatiua iu ujuc to take the East-bound train. For further Information apply to Or V C. ALLA WAY, Gen. Agt., The Dalles, Oregi n. HOETHWESTEEN TRAVELERS ARE North-Western" Advertisers bcauia la the Shortest and Best Route to CHICAGO and the EAST via MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL; And also, the equipment of its trains is the most modern of the car builder's art embodying all the luxuries, comforts and necessaries of travel. "THE HEW NORTH-WESTERN LIMITED" (aoth Century Train) ts electric lighted both inside and out, an equipped with handsome buff et-amoking-librarc car, compartment and standard sleepers, fret cnair car ana modern uay coacn; ana on wnicu no EXTRA FAKE is charged. It makes connec tions at M inneapolis and Ut. Paul with Northern Pacific, Great Northern, and "Boo-Pacific" trains; and leaves daily Minneapolis 7 80 p. m. St. Paul 8.10 p. m.; and arrives Chicago .30 a.m. For berth reservations, rates, folders and Illustrated booklet FREE of the "Finest Train In the World." call at or address Ticket Offices 248 Washington St.. Portland: 60S Fi rat Avenue, Seattle; 205 Granite Block. Helena; IS Nicollet Avenue, Minneapolis; 395 Robert St., St Paul: 406 West SuDerior St.. Duluth. or address T. W. Teasdalm. General Passenger 4ffiub, at, raui, Minn. WE DO Job.... Printing FIR3T-CLAS3 WORK. REASONABLE PRICES. Chronicle Pub. Co. THE DALLES, OREGON. ..CHAS. PRAM- Butchers and Farmer's ..Exchange.. Keeps on draught the celebrated COLUMBIA BEER, acknowl edged the best beer In The Dulles, attbeiiKiial price. Come In, try It and be convinced. AIo the Kiiient brands of Wines, Liquor and Cigars. Sanduuiehes of all Kinds always on hand. BROS. GENERAL .AND. is. Wagon and Carriage Werk. Flan Brothere' Wagon. IT hi nil y i nun a mi i ii Hiinnu inu JHrrtneh OflM Oregon mi .::.;;.:, Kooin 7, over Fronch's flsnk. Ofllce hours, 2 to 4 p. in Charlotte F. RohcrU. Local Mansgor. BlacKsmiins Horsesnoe SHERIFFS SALE. VOT:cE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I vtj.J a:id by virtue of au execution dt, f, loth dav of November, lx-n, iau out o( , Cni'iiil Cotiit t.f the state oi lirrgoii l,w" County, upon a judgment given and remwi therein ou ihe .V.Si rtny of (x iooer, I'm.,, , r' cript ol whli ii was lii.d and docketed iu ,rh ihe county clerk of Wasco County, trcgn the .' d day oi October. in lavor If t' I'enlield and ai;uiut Mary D. He. fr ttl ! of :vv4", and the fii'ther sum of M tin uey s fe.aiid lll.uuctts and disburse . " tilt h snid execution is directed 'onieanaet! : inimdiug me to levy upou and sell the t.ruiJ!5 uf ti.e said Jmigrneiit debtor, Mary D. HeT so uiucQ thtrtoi us may be necessary to ii.f said judgment alorraid with interest therm t tbeiKleof ten -rccMt peranuuin froruiuS! itb diiy of October, 1, and the costs audi,' peii-en of and upon thU nt I old on e'aiunh. : the IT'.h day ot December, IsL'j, levy upon ul ' on ihursdaj Hie 19th day of January, f at one o'clock p. m. nt the County CourtoonJ door. In W aiico County, Oregou, v. in sell, totZ bighot bidder for cmi in hand, for he puru, ot satisfying said judgment, interest, cwum expenses, the uudh idod one fifth Interest the mid judgment debtor in and to the folio. -iug described lands and premises, to wit- , All ot sections HI, 2. ii und X: the tooth cast quarter aim tne north nulf of the northwai quarter of section Ji: the northwest quarter ir section ; the west half of the wet hall nd ih, south half of the south half of section i- o south half of the nor tn west quarter of sectioi M, all In township 7 south, rauge 17 east, and of section 3 iu township 8 soutn, range l; . Willamette meridian, in W asco Comity, Oregon containing 4i)00 acres more or less. ; Dalles City, Oregon, December 10. lMs). HuliV. KfcLLEY, f Sheriff of Wasco Ccuuty, Oregon I By 7. V. Shxton, Deputy. Dean. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COC RT of tha State of On. gon for Wasco Countv. . Eugur S. I'riut, 1'laltl till, vs. ; Emily Piatt, Defendant. ; To Emily fratt, the auove mimed defendi In the name of the State of Oregon, you n hereby required to appear ill the ahovs ta titled court on or before the 3S day of Januin DM, then and there to answe-the complaint plalntilt' tiled against you in the above enmw cause, and if you fall so to npiear, ai d aniw mill complaint, for want thereof, the plaiuiit wilt apply to the above entitled court for then lief prayed for in his comi luint to-wit. I Kor a decree of the ubove entitled court 4 solving the bonds of matrimony now exhtiL between plHintitt'cnd defendant. ; ' That plaiutilf be iiwtndcd the sole care sr custody of their minor children. Katie Pratt m Reubin Pratt, and for such other and further lief as to the court may seem equitable and jug This summons is nerved upon you, the uia Emily Prait, by publication thereof, by orders! the Hon. W. L. Itmdshaw, Jude of tho abiivi entitled court, which nrd'r beara date the 12ti d:iy of December, lwi, mid direct d that uM amount be published once a week for not lot thsn six consecutive weeks in the ''Daui Chronicle," a newspaper of general circuit" t on published in liailcs City, Wasco count Oiegou, and xsid publication to begin w'th Ml uriiKy. the 17th day of December, IMis, Mud end with Saturday the 21st day of January, m, DtTri'R Ai MKNKrci, 13-13-1 Altoriiuva ftfr I'laimlT. I NOTICE OFJjRESIGNATIOX. f i- Notice Is hereby given that the nndernlsnsr has tiled bis resignation as one of the sdrainii trutorsof the estate of Perry Walkins, deceated. and the county court of the state of Oregon for Wasco county, has appointed the Silth diy ol January, lMf , at the hour of 10 o'clock, a m. t the time for hearing the same and the-account) of said admiiilHtiator up to said date. Ail net sons interested in said estate are hereby notltlal to appear in said court at said time to tow caue, if any exists, why said resignation ttmull not be accepted and said administrator ditchari ed. Dalles City, Or., Deo. 27, 1M. ' Kknk Watkixk, One of the Administrators of the K.wts o Perry Wutkins, Deceased. d4 NOTICE. U. 8. Land Offici, The, Ob.,1' iN'OVSBiBKK, il, lf,l. i Complaint having tieen entered at this offlw" by Frank C. Wilson against Uustave A. Brock man for abandoning bis homestead entry, No. 4'M't, dated Oct. 21, lfim, upon tho ', toE'i it tlon twenty-two and the N'.j Nh'i auction twenty-seven, township five south, range ten east, W. M. In Wasco countv, Oregon, with I view to the cancellation of said entry, and naiid parties ar hereby summoned to appear st til" otllce on the loth day of January, 1MKI, tt Itl o'clock a. m., to resiond and furnish testimoii; concerning said alleged abandonment. ' UKU-1 JAY P. LUCAS, Kegl-tw. Executor's Notice. Notice ts hereby given that the undersigns! has been duly appointed executor of the Is) will and testament ot Harnh McAtec, deceasol by said will and by order of the county court fo Wasco county. All persr ns having claim against said estate are hereby notified to preset! the same to me, with the proper vouchers then for, at the nthce of Hui.tlngtoii & W ilson, Tin Dalles, Oregon, within six months from .tit date of this notice. Thomas Nukval, NovKM. Executor. J. 8. Schbni, President. H. M. BkaI , Cashier First national Bank.l THE DALLES OREGOr- A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Hight Draft or Chock. ' Collections made anfl proceeds nromptlj reniitted on dat of nollecuon. ; Sight and Telefrraphic Ezctiauire sold oi Nw York, San Francisco ani port land. ; DIHUOTOHS D. P. Thompson. Jko. 8. BcHKrici Eo. M. Win, jams, Uho. A. Liibi. II. M. Bjai.i.. J Tfi3 Columijia PacKingCo.; PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF M ANUFACTCK.K ok Fine Lard and Sausage; Curers of B AND HAMS & BACO a)RIED beef. etc. i " vVk44 BO YEARS' I EXPERIENCE , (Mia ,... Tradc Ma stat, uiaiaNa CosvsiiaMTa AC Anvons sending asksfrh snii iiMuHntinn msf llnlosif ssesrlsln our ocinlon frs whslhof ss liiTsnllon Is pnihahly piumtnhls. Conimiinl' tlonaslrlotlyconnilsiillsL llsndlsmkon PatsuW sent, free. Oldest ssnnry for securing pstsnl. n., iwn inrouun siunil JS I tptrttti fkrtfcs, without olisrve. In tho K,r.,,.t,1lH,t , , . ,.()f. Fiilpitlon f mnr aoinlHc fmirtint, Tcrmi, ifir: fi.tir mcntiit, $L ia by ftll tiw MUNN & Co.a8,Br-d-. New York liruch Oltlcs. IM t m WaahlBgton. D. U !