PROCLAMATION T0TBEPHILIPK0S&S5- ' n a.xxl government for the Tat cf Iistmctl'.iix 13 fcrsnl C'j Futile. WE COME NOT AS INVADERS Bat. as Friends to Prottct the Native 1b Their Home. la Their Employ ment, a ad la Pcrsaal and Keli? ioas Rights. MA5ILA, Jan. 5. Preaidtnt McKin ley'a prociamation to the Filip;noe,cab:ed to Otia from WaaUDtfoo, baa bn if aned bere. WaaaixGTJS, Jaa. 5. The tx! of the icauoctiont tent to Gen Otla at Manila, to be proclaimed to the Fiiipiooo a to their fotnre treatment by the United Etaiea baa been made public. Aftrr eatio; the deetrocticn of the SpaoUb fleet io Mani!a harbor, the ccce of the American armi and the aignatore of tbe treaty of peace, and mentionicg li.e fact of the acqoieiiicn by "the United State and torertigly over the entire groop of tbe Philippine groop, the pra ident continue: "It will be the doty of the command er of the force cf occupation to pro claim in the oot public manner that are come, not a invader nor conquer ors, but a friend, to protect the native in tbtir borne, in their employment and in their pertooal and reh'giou rigbta. All peraons bo either by active aid or by Loneat tobmieaion co-operate with the government of tbe United Etatei to five iff--t to there benificent purpose will recsive tbe reward of its enpport ud protection. All otbera will be fcrxuht within the lawful role we bavo aammed with Griruet if need be. but without teverity eo lar a it maybe poaaibie. "Within the abtoloto domain of mill lary minority, which necetsarily i and tuna: ren.ain inpreme in the ceJed ter ritory until legiilation of tbe United State thail otterwiee provide, municipal law of territory in refpect to privtto right and property and repreieion of crime are to be coLaidered at continuing in f'. rre and to be adminictered by the ordinary tribunale a far ts possible. Tbe operation of the civil and monici pad governaieot are to be performed by ach officer a may accept the inprein ey of the Uuited fctate by taking the oaUii of allegiance or by tfTicera choeeo ao far aa practicable from tbe inhabi tant of the inland. "Whiio tbe control of a'.l public prop eety and revenue parse without cts aion, and bile ute end inanageoiei.t of all pabiic meana of tranrportaiiun are neceatarily teterved to the authority of the Utile! btate, private property, which belong! to individual or corpo ration, i to be respected except tor food and aotficient cause fully tstab hthed. "Taxe and dutie heretofore payable by tbe inhabitant to the late govern vent, become payable to the authori ties of the United Btate cnlec it be teen Gt to subetitute for them other rea sonable rates or modes of contribution to tbe expenses of the government, whether general or local. If private property be taken for mil itary u it shall be paid for when pos sible in each at a fair valuation, and when payu.ent in cash i not practica ble receipt are to be given. "All port and place In the Philip pine islands in actual possession of the land and naval forces of the United States will be opened to tbe commerce of all friendly nations. All good and wares, not prohibited for military rea son by due announcement of military authorities, will be admitted on payment of such dut'e and other cashes aa shall be in force at ihe time of their Impor tation. "Finally, it shall be the earnest and paramount aim of the military admin istration to win the confidence, respect and affection of the inhabitant of the Philippine by assuring to them in ev ery poaiible way tbe full measure of in dividual rights and literty which is the ftlw rf fre nwn, nd ila Ul llleill (ilH li.e llllrM.ll ol ti.H United States fa benevolent, substitut ing the inild sway of riicht and justice lor arbitrary rule. Ia fulfillment of the I 'high missioa sopporticf tba tenoperate ! administration ol affair foe the greatest ! f joJ ol the rover cJ there duI bo ed- ! prp; of the Peilippine islands coder I U.e fre flag of tt United Mate. II'.iiiiii V. ClMIV." DONT SATISFY SANTIAGOANS Brcol.e s Orders, Ther Declare. Discrim inatrt Aaiast Then in Fatorof L'aTsoa. Sisruoo, Jan. 5. Tbe explanation of the war department of its intentions reiarilnc the transfer of costom receipts from different porta in China to Havana is met here by s statement of the Ca bans tbat the plan ia similar to the one adopted by tbe Spaniards when requisi tions on Havana obtained less than 60 per ctt of what the reqaisition called for. Merchants, bosicess men and in fluential people here say Havana has grown rich and prosperous at tbe ex penee of the rest of tbe islasd, and the Cubans and government uncials at Santiago say the Cubans of Havana are responsible for General Brocke's order on the subject. Genera! Wood and De Caatel'.o left J Sew York today, ea route to Washing- loa ii sec iae president on '.im luujni. Though tbe situation is critical it is doubtful whether any overt art will be committed onlecs tbe populace is aroused by some further Irritating order from Havana. NO FAITH CURE A BOLT STUART'S DYSPEPSIA TAB LETS. They Cure Stomach Troubles and Indi gestion Anyway, Whether You Have Faith in Them or Not. Mere faith will not digest your food for you, will not give you an appetite, will not increase your flesh and strength en yoor nerves and heart, but Stuart's Dyssepsia Tablets will do these things, because they are composed of tbe ele ments "of digestion, they contain tbe juices, acids and peptone necessary to the digestion and assimilation of all wholeeome food. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest food if placed in a jar or bott'e in water heated to 93 degrees, and they will do it much more effectively when taken into the stomach alter meals, whether you have faith tbat they will or not. They invigorate the stomach, make pore blood and strong nerves, in tbe only way that nature can do it, and that is, from plenty of wholesome food well digested. It is not wbat we eat, but what we digest tbat does ns good. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold by nearly all droggists at 50 cents for full sized package, or by mail from F. A. Stuart Co., Marshall Mich. British and French Steamer Collided. Falmouth, Jan. 5. Fourteen mem bers of the crew of the British stenn er Rcsshire, Cardiff for St. Xazair, and 13 of the crew of the French steamer Dnjne?clin, Ronen for Stvancea, landed here today by pilot-boat. The steamers collided near Trever Iiead yesterday and satik. Eleven of the crew of the French vessel and one of the Rosshire's men were drotvued. Spain Will Have a New Cabinet. Madkid, Jan. 5. General Poliaveja, former governor-general of Cuba and of the Philippine islands, and Senor Silvda, the conservative leader, have agreed upon the formation of a new cabinet and have been summoned by the queen regent. The early advent of She conservatives to piwer is regarded as certain. . La Urlppa Sncarull 7 Treated. "I have just recovered from the sec ond attack of La Grippe this year," says Mr. Jas. A. Jones, publisher of tbe Leader, Mexia, Texas. "In the latter case I used ChatnberlaVa Cough Rem edy, and I think with considerable suc cess, only being in bed a little over two days against ten days for the former at tack. The second attack I am satisfied would have been equally as bad a tbe first bnt for the nse of this remedy as 1 had to go to bed in about six hour after being 'struck' with it, while in Ihe first case I was able to attend to business about two day before getting 'down.' " For tale by Blakeley & Houghton. A Cold Day la Spokane. Spokaxc, Jan. 5. This was tbe cold . rlv SnoV r v a ., r. l-ii r:- Thermometer i around town ranged as low as 32 below at 9 o'clocV this mora- In;. THE D AXLES WEEKLY CHfiOMCtK, SATURDAY. JAKPARY 7. 1693. HUPISOS READY Tfi HA RITTI F IV IM1 ILL. . . .. a. T... a. J AMT'Cl r"l b "2 Ij J.J UIU till'" '" . ,- i ifLuiJ E-i U ie J.-Wa.U Ltwoffi.Wt afte.r which ail joined m a, fifl m a Str::2 Essta: AGAINST YIELDING TO GOV RNMEN I IU " . Firpioos Said to Be Fnllv Resolved to ' Resist By Force cf Arms the IK - enpatioo of Any of the Cities or i, ...... I., t Tronn Pabis, Jan. 5. An official telegram received ' y the Philippine junta here dated Mr nila, January 4, says Aguinaldo has gone to Ho Ilo at tbe request of the Insurgents, there to place himself at their bead with a view to fighting the Americans. The dispatch also gives facts as to the antecedents of members of the new Fili pino cabinet. Tbe following have ac cepted; President of tbe cabinet and minister of foreign affairs, Mabioi ; in- terior.Theodore Sandico.a civil engineer, wbo was educated abroad ; war, General Calomero Aguinaldo, cousin of Aguinal do, president of the so-called Pilipino government; finance, General Trias, a close ally of Aguinaldo; public works, Gregorio Consaga, a lawyer, formerly Spanish attorney-general of tbe Viacsyas, The cabinet is described as homoene ous, every member being pledged ac cording to those advices to resist the military occupation of the Philippines. Members of the Filipino junta here explain tbat Aguinaldo did not run away, bnt "left Manila for tbe mountain region behind Carite in order to make secret arrangements for Lis voyage to Ilo Ilo." The Filipino who furnishes this in formation also categorically and specific ally asserts tbat the latest telegraphic advices declare If the Americans insist upon tbe occupation of tbe principal cities by the American troops, the whole Filipino tribe will resist by force of arms. Joint Installation. List night Temple Lodie, Xo. 3, A. O. U. W. ami Fern Lodge No. Co, L. of H., held joint installation of officers. Tbe exercises opeued with a musical quin tette, by membe'S of the Guitar and Mandolin Club, followed by a piano solo by Miss Pearl Grimes. The following officers of Temple Lodge No. 3, were installed bv Deputy G. M. W., C. F. Stephens: P. M. W., J. M. Filloon; M. W., V. I.emkt; recorder, J. F. Hawortb; financial secretary, W. S. Myers; rec, C. L. Phillips; guide, H. Haneen. A vocal duet by Mr. Crandall and Mrs. Groat, after which Miss Hattie Cram de lighted the audience with a pretty solo, and w as compelled to respond to a hearty encore. The installation of officers of the Degree of Honor followed, with Mrs. Blakeney as installing officer and Mrs. J. M. Patterson pianist. The following of ficers were installed : P. C. of II., Mrs. M. V. Douthit ; C. of II.. Mrs. J. Mc Arthur; L. of H., Mrs. Zilla Sterling ; recorder, Mrs. C. F.Stephens; Fin. .Mis Ida Burchtorf ; rec, .vli?s Nettie Long mire; U., Mrs, K. Kreft; O. W., Mrs. M. Halfpapp. After a vocal duet by Mr. Dawson and Mrs. Stephens, re freshments were served, and a pleasant evening spent and it w as with reluctance that the members left the comfortable ball and went out to face the storm, and walk home, for, on account of the great depth of enow the street cars were un able to run, and the electric light plant, which fnrnihes onr street lights, was "friz" np, but with a "counselor" to guide us we reached home in safety. One or 'km. A. A. Bonney, stock inspector for Wasco county, presented hi report to the county court today. He reports the numW of sheep in the county 140,580, which valued at 2.50 a head, will make the total valuation $3CU,4jO. The average expenditure is about ninety cents a bead, making a total disbursement of 131.922 per annum. One hundred berdera are employed, their wage amounting to to4,000 a year. About 35,- 000 head of sheep and lambs have been sold out of this countyj since October 1st, bringiog about $2.35 ahead, making an income of 182,250. This report gives asplendid showing for the industry In this county, snd should be an incentive to tbe state to give it every protection necessary. Other stock throughout the county ia found to be in good condi tion, and it is not thonght the snow will 1 ..' , -i-. " y n-oir titi.t. Last night at Harmony 2 - the following officers were installed for the.n.uin.termbyilb.MinnieGosser'perbnps, being that of' Daniel Bolt,' acting a j cttcr ! ty I Mrs. Satie Phillips oJ Ethel K:dJe. : We btT, tiu a u 0f the early set P. C,. U::i Gavia; M. E. C, srnorig u'. but year by year the i Rnien:G. 5.. Eei'i Berger; E. J., Ju.iai ,t non(. will be left to '"r;M ofT-NrUi,W,0i: M;fR'!teu'of r-l experiences at Fort ,iJC..JIt!UJwri M.oir.. so 1 Walters; 1. ot i., i- Vina jioore, u. ! T.. Eica Carte; trustee. Vina lKulhit. I ... .. -- After thMnta,.ation a delicious iudiu I .v-K . K.11 h, thai oc:l dace. The feature of the evening ,v,.v. K.Mr. Waul an I wastheeake wa.k ry aire. "auiani Patterson. Though aomo of the lister weroaicktbey were t -t fvrjotten, and I1 went hoaie fnn trry happy and it hi great (acres. ' OmcerH. H. Hawiev arrived from I Portland on the delayed train this morn- ! ing and left on the wet-bound, taring j in charge the three ninawajs. The oldest boy, Fred Matson, be sava ia a j regular little tough, having caused much . roube ne will be sent to the reform school, while the two younger to tbe Boy. and Glrla Aid I Society. It is said tbat neither of tbe boys are innocents, having for a time lived in a little chant v on tbe river front, ana were veritable little tramps. Onr citizen became quite interested in the lads, deeming it a deplorable sight to see boys of that age adopt such a course. The ever enterprising firm of Pease & May hare mado another aggressive move and today purchased tbe clothing store of John Hertz. It is the intention to move the grocery department into the building now occupied by I. C. Nickel sen, wbo will move his good to the present location of Mr. Hertz, placing the gent's furnishing good in the room vacated by the grocery stock, and using tbe east side of their main building for a shoe department. This will add great ly to their present commodios store, and give them ample room for their entire stock. Mr. ;nil Schanno received a letter this morning from Spokane insisting on his attendance at the Fruit Growers' Convention which ia to be held at Spo kane about the 26th of this month. While he is anxious to attend, claiming that the meetings in Spokane are very interesting and that the people there are very enthusiastic on thia subject, le finds it impossible to attend the meet ing there and at Corvallis. which oc curs about the same time, and is he com pelled to be at the latter. AN OLD RECORD. Juror Summoned In 1S56, Among Whom Were Well-Kemem-berrcf Cltlxen. In looking over and classifying the old records at the court house, many very interesting documents have been dis covered, which (.all to mind events long past and gone, and revive memories of pioneer Dallesites, who have years ago passed to the beyond, or in a few cases are still living, but have taken up their residence in other places, perhaps oc casionally thinking of early davs in The Dalles and of friends wbo still reside here, Yesterday we stepped into the court room and found Judge Mays and J. O Mack perusing a list of grand jurors and petty jorors, which had been drawn on the 21st day of Jnne, 1S56, when Oregon was still a territory. Among tbe forty, nine jurors drawn we notice the follow ing who still reside in Tbe Dalles : Geo, Snipes, John Irvine and M. M. Cushing, Among the others, many of whom have long eioce joined the silent majority, tot whose sons are now prominent citizens, filling the positions made vacant by their demise, are: W. I). Biglow, N Coe, O. ilumason, Josiah Marsh, P. Crate, L. P. Hendprson. John Stevens, D. Bolton, Geo. Mitchell, Vic Trevitt, Wm. C. Laughlin, Justin Chenoweth, 11. P. Isaacs, Wm. Logan, J. P. Boo'.b, John Chapman, Johti Marsh. To those of ua who cannot realize what great changes have taken placo in The Dalles since the early resideiiters came here, it is extremely interestiiigto listen to the recital of events which took piece at that time and during the years which bavo followed. Many younger ones, however, remember well when they were just tall enough to reach up to tbe delivery window when the postoffice was in the old Waldron drug store at the foot of W aihington street, and ask Dr. Craig if there was anything for "me." lie always had a smile for them, and was loved by all the little ones for his kindly treatment. Then thoy re member when Mr. O. Ilumason died, of how the children were impressed by the tolling of the bell, and of the Immense funeral procession which followed his remains to the cemetery, and of how ail the city mourned. We have all heard time and atrain of the dreadful accident when the "Brother Jonathan," on its way between Portland and San Francisco, on the 30th of Jnly, 1865, ran into a rock near Cresent City and was lost with nearly all on board. and among the passengers were Wm, l-ogan and wife, father and mother of Dr. Logan. Vic Trevitt was well known to all later residents, and many attended his funeral, when the remains were taken down by boat and buried on Memaloose island, In deference to a re- Ti"l road-hy him many year before. Vr: of tbo others whoe name c,-e uwiitioned, died in this city within the memory of our readers, the last death, I . h of s Bolton. r-,. . . ..... : nt A J'J- " be dre red than was spent at tne rae cir.tri i.,m dir-ie,i na o." . . . ...uJ1'" '''"''Sj . Mamie Driver , 1 Christmas. Jiin jiauiie xn.c , . -nterta n. i ... ..... ment which furnirbed amusement . . the audience, numbering about 150, for foor hours, music being furnished bv the Woodcock orchestra, which made theattbehourof2o'clnrk p. m. ofaaid day time between scenes pass quickly. j Tbe entertainment consisted of reclta- i tions, solo and dramas. A solo rendered ! by Claud Roberts, "My Father was a j Soldier on tbe Maine" was very good. A hoop drill by eight girls dreesd in blue, carrying each a hoop in pink with a pink bouquet and bow of ribbon, keeping time to music, was one of tbe prettiest selec tions of tbe evening and was highly ap plauded. A song "Merry Christmas Bells," was well rendered, and many other selections tbat gave great credit to the teacher wbo trained tbe scholars who took part and made it the most pleasant evening enjoyed in Wamic for some time. An admittance of fifteen cents was charged lor the purpose of getting money to continue tbe school. The receipts were $19. On Monday after Christmas a dance was given by tbe district for the same purpose, which was well attended. Fifty-fonr dollars was received, making a total of seventy-three dollars for the district, which will make Pine Grove school equal to any district school in Wasco county. U. T. In Olden Times People overlooked the importance of permanently beneficial effects and were satisfied with tbe transient action ; but now that it is generally known that Syrup of Fies will permanently over come habitual constipation, well in formed people will not buy other laxa tives, which act for a time, but finally injure the system. Buy the genuine, made by the California Fig Syrup Co. For every One Dollar pur chase during January and February we will give one chance free on the steel range. 161 -THE HflRDWAfjE DEALERS.. 167 SecOui St. THE DALLES, OR. PROFESSIONALS. A W. LUNDELL, B. M- Teacher of Vocal Culture. V Bight Reading and Hamony. Studio at Residence. Cor. 6th and LiVnj, tnwgtloii olfcitai 'IHE DALLE., OR. Physician and Surgeon, Special attention given lo surgery. Rooms 21 and 22. Tei. 828 Vogt lllock IJA' STUfDEVANT, Dentist. Orflce over French & Co.' hank Phon, THE DALLES, OREUON )AN ROBERTS, 1 it . 1 T miuriiey-ai-Law. Collections a Specialty. Second Street, THK DALLES, ORKdON. AJOLLIE V- O'LEARY, Art Studio. Room , Chapman Bloc. China painting pedal t7. HUBTlXOTOa TIUNTLNOTON A WILSON. WILSON -. ATTORNKYs! AT LAW, , THE DA1.LKH, ORK'i'iN I .""RED. W.WM.HON, ATTORNEY AT T AW Ionic ovt Firat Mat. bVii. VMU,M' TIIR hil I tfu Ani-,.n., Free Free 2) (9 Maier & Benton will give away one n GarlanQ steel Banpe 1 mm Sheriff's Sale. TN THE CIRt'T'IT COCRT OP THE Tit 1 Oregon, lor Wasco oc?ity. J. P. Shannon, Plaintiff, . r. Mary V. Lewis, Wayne F. Lewla and ., UlnoM. br M. A. M.x1r. tar Uieol W. JJe. D. Ii.lrt-vM.1. lx.(L, I Hy rirtue ol an rxcrutioo, aw re ortT" ' I duly iuel out of nd under tlK MZ'K i clrcu.t court Mbe,l,i,P regon? entered in said court on ihe 2oth day ofuUl'' jn nc above ,,,.,., I the ..iitir....i .i-n-n-t i'.. .:' ; oi l ruriy-iwo nuo'ireu mm r my-toiir doW loMhir protvrtr euibrno-a in mott dtcree o( ortvlo."1 and bereinalter deM-ribed, 1 ill, on Uie 7th day of February, 1899, lalli- City, Waeo ( iint. Orecou, ae lat fJ: lie auction lo the blxnet bi.icer for n band, all tbe right, title and Inten-st which il defendants or either of tfiem had on thru day of June, Imi. the dtc of the mortgage , Honed herein, or whir a Mid defendant or auy7, have since acijutrn I , now hare in and to tbo following dewriL property, situated and being iu Waj-oo cmiiih Oregon, to-wit: Thef-'i. MV'4,and the I-',' .M';, Sor-doa, . Township 5. south of ranne l., Kastof : lamette meridian, containing h'ts.n arret stemt ing to the government survey thireof, tbenj, being known on the maps and plats of u. United BtatJ as Cash Kntry So. n of Shannon: or so much of .nid property air satisfy said judmnent and decree, haid pronnr will be sold subject to continuation aui , demption aa by law provided. f Dated at Tbe u.lles, Oregon, thia 'th da,, December, lsis. ROBERT KELLY. ' I lecSl 11 fiheritt of Wasco County, Or. Notice Final Settlement Kotice is herely given that the uwlersljn administratrix of the estate of lieo. W. Tumi ,' deceased, haa tiled her final account and rf'. in said rotate with tlieCkra ot the County tut of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, n that Tuesdny, the i day of January, lMiy. i o'clock a. in., of said dny bus been fixed by Court as the time, and the County Court wore, the County Court bouse at Dalles City, V County. Oiegou, ban been tiled by aaid Coum the place for the hearing ni said final account All peraons interested in said eta!e are rut fied to appear at aaid time and place, and ih cause. If any there he, why said report and i count should not be ii all things approved a allowed, and said administratrix dlschurp. and ber bondsmen exonerated. Dated thia ol'th dav of November, 189X. dec:t-ii .MARt.AKET K. BYKK9. : Administratrix of the ft Ute of Ueo. W. Ti ner, deceaaed. SHERIFF'S SALE, i BY VIRTCE OF AN EXECUTION jiM order of sale, issued out oi the Circuit Com of tbe state ot Oregon, for Wasco county, ton directed, dated Decemlier 2, INN, upon a Juty merit and decree rendered and entered in w court on November i favor of the plain tilf, iu a cause wherein Mrs. K. E.i'honison-Cii derwaa plulntitt' and against the defendm therein. Charles V. Denton, Elizabeth Dentoi, The Dalles Lumbering Company, a corporation and the Lombard Liquidation I'omnanv, a Mr- j poration, (whereby it was decreed that the plain- tin nuvu jiiagument against tne derail Kilts Charles W. and Eluaieth Dentin In IJ191.50, drawing Interest at ten per cent pera num, anu mat me mortgage given ty aaiaiun named defendants tothe tiTaintitr utxm thelinJi hereinafter described, be lorcloaed and said Undi sola to sttiiMty aula small sum), and commana- -ing me to make sale of taid real property, 1 ail to satisfy said decree, with uecruing costs, ot s. the . 9th day of January, 1800, ; at 2 o'clock p. m., at bc front door of tbe eonrt 'i house, iu Dalles City, W asco County, dreg', sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cu-h in band, all the tight, title, and lutetesl . which Ihe said defendant, and each of tbeaj, had on Decern tier 21. lwi, (the date of the mort- gage foreclosed bv said decre), in and to lb following described Inula, towit: IxU I andJ, ' in block 41: Iota A, 11, (', D, K hi d K, lit block tl; lots A, U, C, D, E and F, In block 7(1. Allof Hid lota nud blocks being In whiit was then and lUll is anowu a Kort Dulles Military Reservation, In Dalles City, Wasco Countv, Origon. Tie Dulles, Oregon, December tl, lS'.H. ROI1K1U' KELLY, Dec 10-11. (heilff of Wasco County, Oregon. Notice Final Account. Notice is hereby given that the undersign administrator of Hie estate of oliva Ksplnl, deceased, nan tiled his tlnal account aud r.-jsirt In said estntc with the County Cleik fur Wasco County, Oregon, and tbat Monday field dny of January, lswi, at JO o'clock, a. :n., h been rlxid ns the tune and the county court room of the county eourt house. In Dalles City, , Wasco County, Oregon, has been fixed aa the place for hearing said li mil account. All persons interested in an Id estate am herebv notilied to he and annear at aaid Uiiio nnd id ait mid show cause why aaid aecoiintklionld not b( In all, allowiil, rulilied, approved and conijriiird, ami an order bo irtuio discharKiuf sain administrator and his bofiusmo" tiler liability In aaid trust. ' WM. MICHELL, Administrator ol the estate of Oliva Esping, r,. deceased. 12 J-ii ' Notice Final Settlement. Notice la hereby given that the undersigned ' Las liht with the Cmiiilv CI, ik of it tcoCnunrv 1 his rinal account na Executor of the last will aud testitui-nt of Thomas oleson, deceased, and i he County oiirt of aaid county has fixed Tiiei-, 4y. Cie :id dny of January, is.;-), nt the hour of , L.oc,,ek p. m., aa the tlino and tne County ..irt riim of snld Court in The Dalles, Oregon,. !.'. place for the , earing of said final aa- ;' o,i'.tl. and auv objections there ir.iy le thereto.? n r. i,iiiw--, Executor. NOTICK OF PUBLICATION. i L". . Land Ornr . VAUrouvgR, Va.hH..I Novum una, 2i., Imis. I ' Notfr-e is hcrchv trtv..n ihni ti.M r..niwlng-- . ( fiai.-il settler haa tiuii notice of his In trull" to rnar t,nni pri--f In sut'iiott of his claim, ana that said piuof will be made la (ore W. B. fres by, I nitni -UiN CmniWriom r (,,r i,irlrtil Washington, at hla i.ihce In lioldendale, Waak inrton, on Friday, January 6lh, Isiri, ; (.oImv llrnnaa Kihas, H'Tne-tr-ad Entry N,i. Mi'i, fr.r the Hi; of tM ' St't. and r', of the NW .-lt ection eleven, town- i shin three north, ol raugo thlrl.s-n. EastW.M-? .lie names the follnwliig witneaars to pr i his coiiiinuiais residence Usn, and cultlva lo t of said land, vi: 3 August Campbell. Dnvld K. I lark, ol llnrtlnrut , Wasblngion, Wendel la-idl, l.eorvo li. l.lndTi i of lioldeudalc. W ashington. j l--l W. K. Ditnrab, Register. K A Narrow Kaeapa. i Thankful word written by Mrs. AJ K. Hart, of Groton, S. D. "Wastakal with a bad cold which settled on mj lniu; cough set in and finally termhv ated in Coinumption. Four doctor! I gave me np, saying I could live but a short tirne. I gave myself np to oiff Savior, determined if I could not staf j with my friend on earth, I would me' my absent ones above. My hushani . was advised to get Dr. King' New Di ; covery for Consumption, Coughs and! Colds. I gave it a trial, took In all eight bottles. It has Toured me, and thank 1(V' T m aavpd and vow a well "! ' '' ' -.'' Uo;.a t.e.'"' Blakeley A Hongliton's Idrug sdns. Regnlar site oOc and f 1.00. Guaranteed or price refunded. 1 f i