The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, January 07, 1899, PART 2, Image 1

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NO. 12
r.- IVJ They Arrive No Arosive Oj
i Derations Will Be Undertaken.
I Lack of Transportation Facilities in the
Pacific and Consequent Necessity
. ,of Sending Part of the Troops By
1C Way of the Suez Caual the Cause
5ft of the Delay.
r .
ifc: :'.
,i Washington, Jan. 3. General Otis,
at Manila, has been notified by cable of
Kr the arrangements that have been com-
pletcd to epeedlly reinforce his command
by the dispatch of six regiments of reg
"p: ular infantry. The Twentieth, now at
l'l Fort Leavenworth, will tail from San
Fraaoieco on the transport Scandia,
"j January 7th, and is timed to reach Ma'
i nila by the end of the month.
The force under General Law ton Is
, expected to reach the Philippinea tbe
second week in February. The other
regiments selected for garrison duty in
y the Philippines, the Third and the
?Z Twenty-second, will depart from San
Francisco as soon is transports are avail
Jjj,' able. The army steamer Senator, which
t left Manila December 15th with the As
' tor battery and other troops bound for
; Ean Francisco, is due there early in next
VI -
i i week, and will be ready to return with
Bn either the Third or the Twenty-second
regiment five days later.
;(M While everything is being done by the
war department officials to expedite the
' departure of the troops in compliance
m with rnpeated intimations from General
Otis that he is anxious to exchange his
, volunteers for regulars, it has been found
aluioBt impossible to start them much
earlier than January 15th, which was
Jf the time set when It was first decided
tw weeks ago, to send a portion of the
, . needed force by way of New York on ac
count of the lack of transportation faoil
s' ities in the Pacific.
Until these troops reach the Philip-
opines it is not believed by the authori
' ties that General Otis will undertake
jo any aggressive operations for the exten
sion of American sovereignty over the
, various provinces now held by the in
; eurgents, although he hns full directions
' in the matter, but will reserve bis forces
if for use in eineruencicn, should the in
M surgents grow unruly, particularly in
ihe vicinity ot Manila.
Confidence was expressed at the war
t department that there would be no bat-
tie at Iloilo until every resource oi pence-
m able negotiation to induco the rebels to
evacuate me city nan ueon exnausieu.
. . . .... . .
ChilCats, Crazed With Liquor, are Ter-
, rorizing the White Inhabitants
Two Men Frozen to Death.
Tacoma, Wash. Jan. 3. Passengers
who arrived on the Al-Kl from Alaska,
some of whom left Dawson as late as
December 3, report that the Chileat In
dians are terrorizing the white inhab
itants of Pyramid harbor, near Skagway
Had have threatened to massacre thorn.
The tight before Christmas whites ap
peared at the Chileat village with big
supply ot whisky, which was sold to the
Indians without reserve. The entire
tribe got drunk Christmas, and with
knives and guns compelled the whites
in the locality to leave. When the Al
Ki left Kksgwsy no blood had been
shsd, but trouble was imminent.
Oil reaching Indian river the miners
were Informed that two men, names nn
known, had frozen to death on the Yu
kon Muppii Vorf Nelk'rk and Dr. w Jon.
'r' ;.rm wiiMrdin a s cv; loarli.f froan
dre5ed beef, wm' VI cc. excep
tionally cold night In November.
Several hundred ton of mail for Daw-
son are blockaded at Lake Bennett,
awaiting ice transportation. The winter
has been so open that Lake Bennett re
mained unfrozen up to December 23.
In October speculators cornered the
butter and tobacco market at Dawson,
and since then both articles have been
bringing from $2 to 3 a pound.
Orders to the Oregon.
Washington, Jan. 3. Secretary Long
cabled orders today to the Oregon, at
Caliao, to proceed to Honolulu, taking
the distilling ship Iris witb her. The
Iowa was ordered to San Francisco to
make repairs to her boilers and replace
a broken cylinder head. Witb ber wil!
go the supply ship Celtic and the col
liers Scandia and Justin. The Oregon
will get orders at Honolulu to proceed
to Manila, if the situation does not
change in the meantime. The gunboat
Castine has also been ordered to Manila.
Mrs. Mary Francis Porter.
Olymha, Wash., Jan. 3. Mrs. Mary
Francis Porter died in this city last
night of tumor of the brain, after
short illness. She bad lived in Olympia
since the date of ber marriage, in 1844,
to Judge M. S. Porter. She was a niece
of John McCullough, the tragedian, and
als" ot Hugh McCullocb, ex-secretary
of the United States treasury.
Last Member of the Pope Family Dan
gerously 111 Near Amity.
McMinnville, Or., Jan. 3. The dan
gerous illness of a young man named
Pepe, living east of Amity, in this
county, brings to light a sad story. Dur
ing the week both his parents have
The family were Italian Catholics, and
were known to neighbors as very quiet
and extremely reserved. Their circum
stances were not of the best, bin they
lived in reasonable comfort. From cur
rent reports it appears that about Satur
day or Sunday a neighbor saw the
younger Pope feebly waving a white
sloth, and on reaching the house found
him aud bis parents prostrated, him
self on the floor, unable to reach a bed.
They were not able to go tor help nor
assist one another. By a will born of
desperation the aged mother had re
mained out of bed. When a doctor was
called he at once ordered her to lie down.
At first she refused to do so, stating that
she feared if she did she would die, but
finally obeyed and was the first to die.
Friday of the same week the fether died
aad the eon's life was almost despaired
of, though now he is said to be gradually
It Is believed that the family were
rendered weak by insufficient food, it
being asserted that from religious and
other eccentricities they would eat no
meat, butter, cream, nor any bread ex
cepting that made from cornmeal or
coarse flour. This rendered them easv
victims of disease when it cuuie. Years
ago these people were quite well-to-do,
but they purchased laud, paying several
thousand dollars, the extent r.f their
wealth, down, and lost all by reason of
failure to meet subsequent payments.
Fatal Folding Ikd.
Si'itiNoriRi-D, III., Jan. 2. Mrs. Lu-
cretiu Kent, a widow, mot her death in
a manner horrible in Ihe extreme, Uer
fat wus revealed when a friend, enter
ing the house, found her dead body.
One hand was pinioned inextricably'un-
der a liravy folding bed. The body was
decomposed, showing that death had oc-
cured several days ago. When found,
the woman's broken hand was still
clasped in the bed as in a blacksmith's
vise. How the accident happened will
never be known definitely.
The woman lived alone in the house,
and that accounts for the tardy dis
covery of the body.
Heaviest in Spokane's History.
Si'okanr, Jan. 2. Spokane during the
last twe days has experienced the heav
iest snow in Its history. Since yester-
lay morning fifteen indies has fallen,
making twenty-five Inches on the
ground. Because of strong winds, tie
snow has drifted and it Is with difficulty
that street car linps are kept open. In
places the snow lias drifted to a depth
of 11 1 teen feet.
I) in (ley Is Improved.
WAsiiiso roM, Jan. 3. Dingley is a
littlo better thi nv.rn' tu .u;li hie
conditiou remains uccmeuiy
DeWUt'A Witch hael Salve
Curt mi. Soldi, ttura.
Mais Well fttei Witb New Cm
iilitns in Hams.
Civil Administration Gets Firmly on Its
Feet Autonomists to Have Xo
Representation in General Brooke's
Nkw Yokk, Jan. 3. A dispatch to the
Tribune from Havana says: American
rule in Cuba works smoothly. Generals
Brooke and Ludlow are beginning the
reorganization of the civil administra
tion satisfactorily. The Cubans are well
pleased. Pa it of the Spaniards ate sul
len, but the commercial classes are satis
fied with the new regime. .
The understanding Is that no mem
bers of the former autonomist cabinet
are to be included in General Brooke's
proposed council of advisors. They are
all unpopular, and lack confidence of
both elements.
Civil Governor de Castro, by order of
the military authorities, has abolished
the use of passports and of stamped
paper in the government office. They
were annoyances.
Prompt steps have also been taken for
improving the section of hygiene.
The postnffice service for the city and
the foreigu mail shows improvement.
The confusion still is due to inefficient
employes. Tbe demoralization in the
island service cannot be remedied im
mediately. Chief Director liathbume's
first order after taking charge was to
abolish the frankins privilege, which
has been grossly abused.
The police service is being slowly or
ganized. No general disorder exists.
Two or three homicides during the last
two days have been of the ordinary
kind, and bavo hud no significance.
Cubans and Spaniards are getting along
together pretty well. Some fears of social
demoralization, of which Americans
complain, will be corrected when thu
police organization is more advanced.
The military authorities do not want to
use troops for duty of this kind.
Foundered Off Tillamook Kock Only
One Man Drowned.
Astoria, Or., Jan. 3. The steam
schooner Protection, from Seattle with
a cargo of coal for San Francisco, foun
dered an J sank ofT Tillamook rock on
the evening of December 31. But one
man was lost, and he lost bis lifj in nn
attempt to tower a boat after it hud been
determined to abandoned the vessel.
The Protection, with a full cargo of
coal, including a heavy deckload. loft
Seattle Thursday, December i!()th at 2
o'clock. While the vessel was heavily
laden, she made fair Ihnr, and at five
o'clock on the morning of December 30,
was ofrCape Flattery. During that day
the wind was light, but there was a
heavy westerly swell that seemed to
strain the vessel, but it was not until
the morulng of the 31st, when the Pro
tection encountered the southeast gale
that had been predicted on shore, that
she began to make more water than
usual. It was not until late that after
noon that the necessity of taking to the
boats became evident, and at the time
it was blowing a southeast gale. When
Second Assistant Knglneer Kd Benson
finally left the engine room to turnoH"
tbe last cocks the water was up to his
In lowering one of the boats, First
Engineer Carver was knocked overboard
and sank almost Immediate'!-. .fti'
.! . V;r ' '
Hie hoaia wore loaereii, and, under
instructions from Captain Krickton,
Loth (toed by the Protection for a time,
until she was seen to take a deep star
board list and get deep in the water at
the stern, but she was not seen to act
ually disappear. As near as can be
figured, this was about 30 miles off Tilla
mook rock. This estimate of the sur
vivors, however, is very uncertain.
The boats soon separated", and neither
knew the whereabouts of the other, and
it was a bitter night. New Year's morn
ing broke with their boats tossing in
the face ot almost certain death. In
the afternoon, 2(5 hours after leaving the
vessel, the boat of Captain Erickson
sighted a ship and headed toward it.
From the ship the boat was soon sighted
and tbe occupants were picked up and
safely landed on board.
A Most Remarkable Wedding.
Canal Doveb, 0., Jan. 3. A most re
markable wedding has just taken place
at tbe villiage of Trail, 10 miles from
here, four brothers being married to four
sisters. The four knot were tied at the
home of the brides, who are the daugh
ters of a farmer named James floch
stetter. There ages' range from 1H to 28,
and the ages of their respective husbands
vary only slightly. Tbe grooms are four
sons of John Summers.
The ceremony o' marrying the four
couples occupied almost an hour, the
same cleigyman performing all.
Tbe four brothers and their wives wil)
live within a stone's throw of each
Colonel Baker, Who Was Sent to Hono
lulu Duriog tbe W ar, to Be Made
a Brigadier General of Volunteers.
Colonel Castleman Also Slated
for Promotion.
New Yokk, Jan. 4. A special to the
Herald says :
Governor Roosevelt, of New York, is
to receive the brevet rank of brigadier
general for gallant and meritorious serv
ice during the battle ot Sun Juan. A
board of officers consisting of Generals
Swan and Boynton and Colonel Carter,
adjutant-general, which had been con
sidering the question of the officers en
titled to brevets for heroism, have rec
ommended thai Colonel Roosevelt be
breveted. Secretary Alger baa brought
the recommendation to the attention of
the president, who directed the noiuiiiH.
tion of Governor Roosevelt for the brevet
President McKinley has also deter
mined to reward Colonel T. IJ. Barker,
commanding the First New York, who
was sent to Honolulu during the war.
Colonel Barker will be'promoted to the
grade of brigadier-general of volun
teers. For the same reason it has been deter
mined to promote Colonel J. B. Cattle
man, commanding the First Kentucky
regiment, who has seen urduous duty in
Porto Rico, In performing gtneral po
lice duty.
Major-General Wade, chairman of the
American evacuation commitsion of
Cuba, will be invited to Inform the de
partment of his wishes respecting the
duty to which he shall be assigned in
the future.
The department of the Missouri, with
headquarters at Chicago, will he offered
to General Wade, with the understand
ing that upon the return of Major-Gene-ml
Brooke tho latter officer shall be al
lowed to resume his station.
Il is believed that General Wade will
prefer the department of Dakota, in
which event he will be assigned to its
command, with headquarters nt St.
It is generally understood in army
circles that practically all of the camps
in tho South will he broken tip as quick
1 as troops are assigned to Cuba, and
Porto Rico, aud tbe volunteer regiments
now in the section are mustered out of
An ample number of vacancies exist
for the West Point cadets, who, in ac
cordance with the order of the secretary
of war, will le graduated on February
1st. There are seventy members in the
class. No action has been taken as yet
by the administration looking to the
appointment of civilians.
er regular appointments, and if there
should be any vacancies, applications of
civilians will receive consideration.
Santiago Penis Uj In irms Ataitst
tie Americas Aiimistralijj.
Only a Spark Needed to Plunge the
Province Into Insurrection Gen
eral Brook Ignores General Wood.
Santiago, Jan. 4. Meetings were
held at all of the political clubs !ast
night, and even tho most conservative
people, thofe favoring the annexation
of Cuba to the United States, wero as
tounded by the orders from Havana for
the centralization of the customs money
The past forty-eight hours have com
pletely altered the situation of affairs
here. Tha province had gradually set
tled down and was contented with the
with the order of tilings prevailing, rec
ognizing the benefits conferred. Now
there is a complete change, and there is
no exaggeration In saying that the sit
uation is critical, and that a spark would
set up a blaze that would plunge tbe
entire province into a state of insurrec
tion. It is generally admitted that if 1,000
men wero suddenly discharged from the
public works, Buch an action would
probably cause a revolt which would be
hard to quell.
Major-General John R. Brooke, governor-general
of Cuba, is apparently ig
noring General Leonard. Wood, in com
mand here, and is cabling direct to his
subordinates. lie lias ordered the col
lector of customs to bank no money, and
the commanding general of the province
has ordered his officers to close several
minor offices, including that at Bayamo,
practically shutting off the mail of the
regiments there.
Dr. Castillo will accompany General
Wood to Washington, representing Brit
ish interests in Santiago, to lay these
matters before the president.
Wood's work here is now thoroughly
appreciated by tho Cubans.
A Well-Known Plumber Killed By a
Cot.rAX, Wash. Jan. 3. At about
noon today a fatal uflVay occurred In
tween W. G. Campbell, a well known
plumber, mid James Hardwick, bar
keeper in Hagan's saloon. Campbell,
who was drunk, wanted to pay for
drinks with bar checks, which Hard
wick refused to accept. A wordy alter
cation followed. Hardwick become very
angry, cursing Campbell, and finally
striking him a terrific blow on the head
with a heavy beer bottle. Campbell
staggered back, then drew a revolver,
and shot Hardwick through the heart.
As the latter was falling, Campbell shot
him in the back. Hard let's death was
almost instantaneous. Campbell is in
jail. He will be given a preliminary ex
amination tomorrow. Il is reported
that a few minutes before the affray,
Campbell left the saloon and gjt his re
volver, saying he was going to practice.
Campbell was a married man, about
40 years old, and had lived in Colfax
many years. He had always hben very
quiet and peaceable. Hardwick was
much younger, and had resided here less
than a year. He has a brother in busi
ness in Pendleton, Oregon.
Campbell's head was badly cut by
Hardwick' blow.
No Inquest was deemed necessary.
Reported Massacre Confirmed.
1., ,1, JJt. ) Llftiei ttl iti'iH l.U'it .)
an the Spamartla ai ii
of the Philippine group, oi) unles aouLh
of PaUwan, have been aiaftseinated, witb
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum.
Alum baking powders arc the greatest
mcnacers to health of tha present day.
the exception of the women, whose re
lease is beiug asked for.
Died Suddenly in Portland of Brain
Fever He Went there to Stand
Pohtland, Jan. 5. Captain Edward
Murphy, late of the American ship
George Stetsen, died at 8:20 this morn
ing at the Quiuiby housa on Firet and
Madison streets, of brain fever.
He, in company with his former mats
George Harvey, left Sao Francieco last
week, on the steamship Columbia, and
overheated himself. While profusely
perspiring he engaged in conversation
with the master of the Columbia on the
bridge of the steamship, where he con
tracted a cold. From this it is supposed
arose his fatal illness. But those inti
mately acquainted with the deceased
captain believe that the brain fever is
resultant from bis brooding over a ser
ious criminalr-charge pending against
him in tbe United States court, tor
which he and Harvey were to have been
tried next Monday by Judge Bellinger,
Captain Murphy was 45 years old,
having been a master 20 years, most of
that time in the Arthur Sewall line. lie
was a widower, leaving a mother and
three daughters residing in Alamada,
Cal. In the event of his acquittal be
was to have taken command of the ship
Shenandoah, now in San Francisco, of
which his brother bad been master.
The latter days ot January, 1807, the
ship George Stetson,' of which E. S.
Murphy was captain, and Geo. Harvey
was first officer, arrived at this port from
Boston. They had aboard a young sea
man named Amos Stone, who, it is
alleged, had been so brutally handled
on the trip that be was imbecile when
the vessel arrived iiere.
In May they wero indicted by the
United States grand jury, but as they
were abroui at Unit time, their tria's
co'nld not proceed. In the meanwhile.
United States District Attorney Halt
detained three jurors of that term, hop
ing the accused would appear before
the end of that term. They not appear
ing, though, he mofed tho forfeiture of
their bonds, which at that particular
period, was overruled.
In the meantime, and up to this mo
ment, tbe entire crew of the George
Stetson was taken iu custody by the
United States marshal, a part of whom
are in the county jail here, and the rett
in an outsids jaii, where they are being
held 89 witnesses for the prosecution.
These receive 1 per diem for each day
of their detention, and board and lodg
ing. Tho victim of the outrase, Amos
Stone, bad to be removed to the insane
asylum at Salem, where he has teen
ever since, ttut now, it is said, he has
recovered his mental, if not altogether
his physical health.
Choate Will Secure the Plum.
Washinuton, Jan, 4. The announce
ment was made today on the highest
authority that Hon. Joseph II. Clioate,
of New York, would be nominated am
bassador to Great Britain. The nomi
nation will not be snt to the senate for
a few days, but those near the president
say the delay does not indicate any pos
sibility of a change of plans.
Tv th I'ublle.
We are authorized ta guarantee every
bottle of Chamberlain's Cungh Remedy
and if not satisfactory to refund the
j.-'...'.' i.i"iUcin nitda for f ,
50 cents per bottle. Try it. Blakeley k
Houghton, drtt gists.