The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 31, 1898, PART 2, Image 4

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- The Weekly Ghroniele.
Wednesday' Dally.
A. Henderson went to White Salmon
'thii morning.
C. R. Deems, a teacber in the Dnfnr
schools, is a visitor in the city today.
G. W. McClore is in from Boyd.where
he is a teacher in one of the district
schools. " .
Mrs. W. McCown came in from Tyeh
yesterday, and left this morning to vioit
her daughter near, Tacoma.
Hiss Aimee Newman arrived in this
city last evening from Portland, and will
remain for a few days visiting friends.
Mrs. Anna Walker and Miss Ida
Walker, of Rutledge returned last
night from a visit with friends in the
Valle7, and left for their home today.
Florence Williams came no from Fort
land last night and is visitinz her sister,
Mrs. H. W. French. Misses Jeannette and
Pearl Williams are spending their holi
days in New York.
Body Cradlebaueh came np from
" Eugene last night and will visit friends
here for a few days, tie is a etudent at
the state university and is taking a
special course in mining engineering. -
Mr. L. Butler and Miss Carrie Butler
v will leave this evening for Spokane,
'. where Miss Carrie will remain for a
short time, hoping that her health,
which is somewhat impaired, will im
prove. Dr. P. L. Mckenzie, of Portland, was
in the city yesterday and returned this
morning. He informs us that in the
near future he, or a friend of his, who is
a homeopathic physician, will locate in
The Dalles.
Miss Lou Aldrich, the only ona of the
mother students of Christian Science in
Orecon. was in the city yesterday and
was the guest of Mrs. Lord. A r umber
. of Scientists spent the evening with Mies
Aldrich, who gave theni a very interest
ing talk on the subject, she leu thi
. morning for Portland. j
Thursday'! Daily.
. . Savage is np from Hood River
E. Butler is registered at the Uma
till from Hood River.
A. L. Hodson and G. W. Billington
are visitors from (joldendale, in the city
D. H. Stegman arrived from Portland
last night and returned to Uenterville
H. Brash has returned from a trip
through the country in the interest of his
J. Fargher left on the boat this morn
ine for Trontdale. whither he goes with
a band of hogs for the Union Meat Com
Prof, and Mrs. John Gavin left this
morning for Portland, where Mr. Gavin
will attend the educational meeting
which is in session there.
Mr. H. Stryker, who was formerly em
ployed in the Oregon Telephone Co.'e
office here, came np from Portland last
night, and has accepted a position in M
Z. Donnell's drug store.
Mr. E. Parsons, representing the
Evening Telegrao, is in the city today
in the interest of that paper, which is a
very popular journal with Dalles people,
and becoming more so every issue.
County School Superintendent Gilbert
went to Portland yesterday morning to
be present at the meeting ol schcoi
superintendents and others interested in
he proposed changes in the school laws
Mrs. John Lane, wife of a prominent
Portland druggist, and little daughter
arrived in the city last night and will re
main for a few weeks in the hope that
the climate will benefit the health of the
latter, who is recovering from malarial
fever. i
Thursday. .
Rev. W. V. Boltz left this morning for
Centralia on an evangelistic tour.
Prof. John Gavin was a ''homing
passenger from Portland last night.
Miss Valesca Liebe went to Portland
yesterday to spend the remainder of the
Holidays. . .
F. W. Wilson, who has been in Port
land for a short time, returned on the
boat last night.
Rev. G. A. Webb, who arrived frorh
Dayton, Wash., yesterday, left this
morning for Portland.
' Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Cable, who spent
yesterday at the home of their friend, H.
U. Parkins, returned to Portland today
Mrs. Wilson returned last evening
from Portland, where nt,e has spent the
pa9t few days visiting her daughter.
Jflrs. Jr. r. Mays. .
Supt. C. L. Gilbert returned from
Portland last night. He reports an in
teresting and lively meeting ot . superin
tendents and other educators.
Ferd Dietzel leaves in the morning for
Portland, from there, be will take the
Southern Pacific route, stopping at Los
Angeles for a few days and then going
on to SL Louis, and later to his old home
near there. .
Bow to Look Good.
Good looks are really more than skin
deep, depending entirely on s healthy
condition of all the vital organs. If the
liver be inactive, you have a bilious look ;
if your kidneys be effected, yon have a
pinched look. Secure good health and
yon will surely have good looks. "Elec
tric Bitters" is a good Alternative and
Tonic. 'Acts directly on the stomach
liver and kidneys. Purifies the blood,
cures pimples, blotches and boils, and
gives a good complexion. Every bottle
guaranteed. Sold at Blakeley & Hough-
ton's drag store. 50 cents per bottle. 5
Pains in the cheat when a person hat
a cold indicate a tendency toward pneu
monia.' A piece of flannel dampened
-with Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and
bound on to the' chest over the 'seat ot
pain will promptly relieve the pain and
prevent the threatened attack of pneu
monia. This same treatment will cure
alamo back in a few hocrs. Sold by
Blakeley & Houghton.
Preliminary Rbports of - toe Nicaragua
.. : Canal Commission. ' -i
Senator Morgan Estimates That the
Excavating on the Big Ditch Can
Be Done for 100,000,000. .
Washington, Dec. 29. Copies of the
preliminary report r.f the Nicaragua ca
nal commission, of
which Admiral
Walker is bairman,bave been furnished
Senator Morgan and others interested
in the bill now pending in congress on
that subject.
Three routes are sjoken of; namely
The old low level, the high level, or
Menocal route, and the intermediate
route, and all of these. Senator Morgan
savs. the commission considers feasible
of construction. '
For the purposeof arriving at an esti
mate of probable maximum cost,' the
commission submitted figures on the
low Uvei route, which the- senator says
is considered the longest and most ex
pensive. For this route Admiral Walk
er estimates the cost will be $124,000,000
and Professor Haupt $123,000,000, while
General Haines added twenty per cent
to the figures because of various condi-
tions, chiefly the question of the cost of
labor, which he thought it was impose!
ble to figure definitely.
The report, says the senator, shows
conclusively that the project is an en
tirely feasible one, and that in its con
struction thegorvernment has the choice
of any of the three routes
The senator believes, however, that all
of these figures are high, and expresses
the belief that $100,000,000 will cover the
entire cost of construction
Only About Four Hundred Dollars
Worth of Property Recovered.
Washington, Dec. 28. Not much of
value has been obtained from the wreck
of the Infanta Mai ie Teresa, according
to a report from United States Consul
McLain, at Nassau, who was charged by
the state department with the task of
recovering such of the property as could
be saved. His report just received at
the navy department, shows that the
marshal of the admiralty court had
gathered a lot of miscellaneous articles,
such as pieces of ropes, boxes of candles,
groceries, canned goods, lanterns, etc.
The valuation placed upon them was
$400, half of which sum would, under
the law, belong to the salvers. The con
sul reported that he should withhold
from sale an American flag, and in ap
proving his recommendation to that ef
fect, the navy department cabled him
also to preserve with the American flag
a British ensign which was among the
articles recovered.
' Drydock on Columbia.
WA8HiNGTON,Dec.27. Senator McBride
has offered an amendment to the naval
bill, which provides for the construction
of a stone drydock on the Columbia river
and appropriates $200,000 for immediate
use in beginning the work. ' According
to the provisions of the amendment, the
dock shall be 700 feet in length, and its
other dimensions shall be sncb as to
accommodate the largest vessels in the
regular or auxiliary navy, either-existing
at the present time, or likely to be con
structed in the future.' The cost of the
dock when completed is not to 'exceed
$1,025,000. Provision is also made for a
board of naval officers, to be appointed
by the secretary of the navy, to select a
suitable location for the dock, $1000
being set aside to defray the expenses of
such a board.
Roberts Likely to be Expelled.
New Tobe, Dec. 29. A dispatch to
the Herald from Washington says:
Representative-elect Roberts, the Mor
man congressman from Utah, will prob
ably be confronted upon his arrival at
Washington to take his seat in the 56th
congress by a proposition of expulsion
because of his alleged polygamous
practices. Some of the ablest consti
tutional lawyers in the house who have
studied this now celebrated case declare
there is nothing in the constitution of
the United States to prevent Mr. Rob-
tan-ta trrm raking Ma seat, bnt thev add
that the house, by a two-thirds vote,
may expel him on the gronnd that he
is living in violation of the general laws
which govern the TJnJted States.
Senator Fulton's Seaside Cottage De
stroyed By Fire. . .
' Astoria, Dec. 28. Word was received
from Seaside today pf the destruction by
fire of C. W. Fulton's summer residence
at that Dlace. The flames were first
discovered about 2:20 this morning,
The whole building was enveloped at
the time, and within a few minutes it
and the contents were in ruins; nothing
being saved. How the fire originated is
not known, but as the house was an
occupied and there had been neither fire
nnm lttit in if far anmn timA it in
, thonght to the work of an incendiary.
The cottage was one of the most pre
tentions at the beach. It was built last
summer at a cost of $1200, and contained
furniture yalued at about $700. There
was no insurance. ' Sheriff Williams left
this afternoon to investigate the matter,
and if poseible apprehend the guilty
parties. ' -'
Garcia's Daughter Dead. ;
Thomasville, Ga., Dec. 27. Miss
Mercedes Garcia,' daughter of the late
Calixto Carcia, the Cuban leader, died
atthe . Masuni hotel, in this city, this
evening, of consumption. Mrs. Garcia
and her two daughters arrived here the
day General Garcia died in Washington,
and while at dinner received intelligence
of the death of the bead of the family.
The contents of the telegram were never
revealed to Miss Mercedes, who was at
that time '.failing rapidly. All the
members of the Garcia family at present
in the country were at the bedside of
Miss Mercedes when the end came. The
body will be embalmed and taken to
Cuba on the warship which the United
States has designated to convey the re
mains of General Garcia back to his
native country.
Orecon and Iowa Honored.
New York, Dec. '27. The Herald's
correspondent at Callao telegraphed that
the arrival of the United States battle
ships Oregon and Iowa at that port has
caused the greatest excitement and en
thusiasm. They entered the harbor at
7 o'clock in the morning and great
crowds went out to see them during the
Delegations representing the Cuban.
residents of -Peru went to Callao to meet
the warships. They presented to each a
gold plate. With the - name changed,
each bore the inscription :
'All honor to the commander, the offi
cers and crew of the United States war
ship Oregon, victorious in the naval
combat off Santiago de Cuba on the 3d
day of July, 1898. This plate is given
as a testimonial of the patriotic gratitude
of all Cuban citizens of Pern."
Buried By Avalanche.
London, Dec. 28. Pari of Red Rock
mountain, according to a dispatch from
Airolo, a village of Switzerland, canton
of Ticino, has fallen into Airolo, destroy
ing a hotel and several houses. The
scene of the disaster presents a terrible
spectacle, the debris of the avalanche
covering a square mile. Tne hotel, with
eight bonses, and 12 other buildings,
were swept into a great heap of match
wood. A new terror was added bv the
outbreak of fire amid the ruins. Three
dead bodies have been recovered. It is
estimated that the damage will reach
Admiral Sampson's Daughter to
Gleneidqe, N. J., Dec. 26. The ar
rangements tor the wedding of Miss
Olive Farrington Sampson, daughter of
Rear-Admiral W. T. Sampson, and
Henry Harrison Scott, of San Francisco,
which will take place January 4, at' the
Glenridge Congregational church, have
been completed. The ceremony is to
take place at 8 o'clock. .
Two Pointed Questions Answered
Wbat is the use of -making a better
article than your competitor it you can
not get a better price for it?
Ans. As there is no difference in the
price the public will buy only the better,
so that while our profits may be smaller
on a single scale they will be much
greater in the aggregate.
How can you get the ' public to know
your make is the best?
If both articles are brought prominent
ly before the public both are certain to
be tried and the public will very quickly
pass judgment on them and rise only the
better one.
This explains the large sale on Cham
berlain's Congh remedr. The people
have been using it for years and have
found that it can always be depended
upon. They may occasionally take np
with some fashionable novelty put forth
with exaggerated claims, but are certain
to return to the one remedy that thy
know to be. reliable, and for coughs,
colds and croup there is nothing equal
to Chamberlain's Congh Remedy. For
sale by Blakeley & Houghton. i
Slowly, bot surely, J. H. Cross with a magnificent stock ot staple
and fancy groceries. His constant and enormous daily'sales gives evi
dence ot satisfaction to the people. In-connection with his splendid gro
cery trade, he does a marvelous Hay, Grain and Feed business. He
carries in stock
Oat Hay
Wheat Hay,
Barley Hay,
Baled Straw, Wheat, Rye, Barler, Oats, Com, Buckwheat, Roll Bar
ley, Middling, Shorts, Bran and Shoi ts and Lite Bran.
. Pe '80 )ae tne largest and be-: i- assortment of garden and grass seeds
in EaBtern Oregon. Experience is demonstrated the wisdom of fall
planting in many lines of seeds, f -oh as onion, turnip, lettnee, spinach',
peas and others. He deals in Ch sans, Turkeys, Ducks and Geese.
Also daily buys and sells fresh i i us. All orders intrusted to bis care
will be filled with fidelity and dif natch and delivered free to any part of
the city. Thankful to the public for their confidence and patronage in
the past will endeavor by fair dealing to merit a continuance of the same.
Cor. Second and Federal Sts.,
The Dalles, Oregon.
Clearance Sale of Bieyeles
For Less than Half Price
We wish to clear out all old stock before mov
ing into new store and have some bargains.
This is an opportunity to get a bicycle cheap
All wheels sold at half regular price.
Mays cfij Orowe.
Rockford "Quick Shot"
12-Plate Magazine Camera,
"Turn the lever and vou are ready for
another." No plate holders with slides
to draw. No sleeve or changing bag.' No
cnance to tog piatee,
No failures.
If you want 12 pictures quick, buy the.
"Qnick-Shot.'I the only magazine cams
era that holds the plates securely after
they are exposed. No rattling or break
ing of plates. Best on earth.
3x4 .....$6.00
4x5 ... $9.00
With one dozen plate holders.
Manufactured tinder the Conley patents by the
Rockford Silver Plate Co.,
We sell only through local scents. Ask onr
(gents to show yon this "Quick bhot"
C. J. STUBlilflG
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agency for the Greatest American Liquor
V-ll -a 0-..
leiiuwsiuiuj auur
WHISKETfrom $2.75 to $6.00 per gallon.
IMP0BTED 0065 AO from $7.00 to $12.00
HOP GOLD BEER on draught, and Val
Imported Ale and Porter.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds;
Headquarters for Feed Grain oi?u kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, XTLfee,
Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle-
rTl "PlmiT This Flour is manufactured expressly for family
AViU-L. jjgg. every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Wa sell onr goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so
call and get oar prices and be convinced. - ,
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
fldveftise in...
tfye prorjt
Timothy Hay,
Wild Grass Hayyr
lfalfa Hayv
old stand.
Quick Sellers
No Complaints
it Ati :
I The Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co
I AGENTS, The Dalles, Oregon.
and Retail
lf-L 111
(4 to 15 years old.)
per gallon. (11 to 20 years old.
to $6.C0 rr gallon. (4 to 11 years old.'
Blatz and Hop Gold Beer in bottles
Sheriff's Sale.-
-i Oregon, lor Wasco County.
J. P. Shannon, Plaintiff, . ; . '
vs. ,
Mary V. Lewis, Wnyne F. Lewis and Wm. Mc D
Lewis, Minors, by II. A. Moody, their Ktiardia
ad litem, aad Z. F. .Moody, executors ol the ot
tate of W . ilc. D. Jjevele, deceased, Defendants
By virtue of an pxecution, decree and order O
sale, duly issued outof and under the seal of tht
circuit court of the state of-Orecon, for th
county of Wasco, to me directed and dated th
28th day of December, 1S98, upon a decree for the
loreciosure of a certain morfrare. rpnHmH ni
.entered in s dd court on the 20th day of Decern-
and cimmsndine me to make sale ol thn nJi
property embraced in sued decree of foreclosure I
auu uereiuauer aescriDed, i will, on the il
7th day of February. 1899,
at tne hour of 2 o clock p. m. of said day, and av i
the front door of the County Court House In
Dalles City, Wasco Count), Oregon, se'l at pub- i
lie auction to the highest bidder for cash iu
uaiiu. mi me nenc, nue and interest which th' ,
defendants or either of tbem had on the lltlJ
day of June, 1883. the date ot the mortgage fore-'t
closed herein, or which said defendant or any of
the defendants herein, have since acquired. o1
uun imve ia ana to tne following describe 1
property, situated and being In Wasco county,
Oregon, to-wit: '
The NWJi, and the fcK NRJ4, Section If
Township 5. south of range 12, East of Wil f
lamette meridian, containing 160.47 acres accord J
ing to the gorernment survey thereof, the sanv f
being known on the maps and pints of th 1
United States as Cash Entry Mo. 85, of John P A
Shannon ; or so much of said property as wi" I
satisfy said judumentand decree. Said propert i
will be sold subject to confirmation and re i
demption as by law provided. 1
Dated at The Dilles. Oitvnn. this 'Nth rtav nf I
1 ec31-ii Sheriff of Wasco County, Or.
order of sale, issued oat ot the Circuit Cmiri
of the state of Oregon, for Wasco county, to me l
uimmi, uaieu uwemoer z, low, upon a jaag I
ment and decree rendered and entered in sail??
court on ftovemoer ua, I898,ln favor of the plain
tirl', in a cause wherein Mre. E. E.:Thomson-Cal-
derwas plaintiff and against the defendants!
inerein. cnanes w. Denton, Elizabeth Denton,!
The Dalles Lumberin&r Comnanv. a lyinwintinn. i
and the Lombard Liquidation Company, a cor-J
puruuun, (.wnereoy it was decreed mat the plain
tiff have judgement against the defend
ants Charles W. and Elizareth Denton fori
$2191.50, drawing interest at ten per cent per an-i
num, and that themortca&re eiven hv RiiflribtHtj
named defendants to the plaintiff upon the lands r
hereinafter described, be lorclosed and said lundsf
sold to satisfy said small sum), and command i
ing me to make sale of said real property,.! will,!
l' suusiy buiu ueuree,- witn accruing costs, out
the .V
OthdlT ofjlnnm. mga k'
at 2 o'clock p. m., at the front dodr of the court
house, in Dalles City, Waeco County, Oregon,
sen uk puuiic auction, to tne nignesi Diaaer tor .
cash in baud, all the right, title, and interest '
which the said defendants, and each of them,t
naa on jjecemner il. Jb'.il, (tne date ot tne mort- .
gage foreclosed by said decrot). In and to the
following described lands, towit: Lots I and J,?'
in diock i: lots a, jj, c, u, t. nod in block 2: h
luisa,. o,!,!, nuu r , iu uiucn U. All Ul saiu
lots and blocks beta? in what was then and still
is mown as J-'ort Dalles Military Reservation,.,
ThpHnllfWi rtrotrnn rWiamh.r O 1QOQ S
Dec 10-11. . Sbeiiff of Wasco County, Oregon.
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT of the. 8tate of Ore I
gon for Wasco Countv. , ; A
Edgar 8. Pratt, Plaintiff, ' ' ', J
vs. - ' '.'''
Emily Piatt, Defendant
To Emily Pratt, the above named defendant
in the name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby reauired to anoear In the above en
titled court on or before the ss day of January
1899, then and there to answ er the complaint ol
plaintiff filed against you in the above entitleo - .
cause, and if you fail so to appear, aLd answei ',
said complaint, for want thereof , the plaintiff ."
will apply to the above entitled court for the re
lief prayed for in his complaint to-wit
For a decree of tbe above entitled court dis- '
solving the bonds of matrimony now existing '
between plaintiff and defendant. ;j
That plaintiff be awarded the sole care and
custody of their minor children. Katie Pratt and- '
Bcibin frott, and Jo such other and further re- j
uci ni m luc iuui 1 in n w iii 111 uuiiouic auu juev, , .
Tht. tm i. tk. oat '
Emily Piatt, by publication thereof, by order of
the Hon. W. L, Bradshaw, Judge of the above
entitled court, which order bears date tbe 12th
day of December, 1898, and direct-d that said
amount be published once a week for not less
thsn six consecutive weeks in the ' Dallks
Chronicle," a newspaper of general clrcula- J
tiou published in Dailus City, Wasco couuty, J
Oregon, end sold publication to begin w'th Sat-
V7 .
urvmt me iiii ua.v ui iwtwiurwi, low, nuuuiu
with Saturday the Ulst day of January, 1KU9.
Duron & Menefek.
12-13-1 Attorneys fr Plaintiff.
Notice Final Settlement, x
- Kotice is hereby given that the undersigned
administratrix oi tne estate ot ueo. w. Turner. ,
deceased, has filed her final account and report
in said estate wttn toeceritot tne county couctiv.. 4
of tbe state of Oregon for V asco county, and -
that Tuesday, the 3d day of January. 1899. at 10 J '
o'clock a. m., of said day has been fixed by stkl ,
court as tne time, ana tne county court room in i ,
the county court Douse at Dulles city, waaco ,
County, Oregon, has been fixed by said Court aa
tbe place for the bearing ot said final account
All persons interested in said estate are noti
fied to appear at said time and place, and show
cause, lfaav there be. wbv eaid report and ac
li a
count should not be in all things approved and,
allowed, and said administratrix discharged,
and her bondsmen exonerated. . '. -.
Dated this 30th day of November, 1898. ' - . i
rto5t-i M A R14A BET K SVCITB '-1 U
Administratrix of the estate of Geo. W. T-r-'
ner, deceased.
Notice Final Account.
Notice is herebr criven that the undersif
administrator -jot the estate of Oliva Er w;
deeeased, has filed bis final account -i
report in saia estate witn tne county cierK . t
Wasco County, Orecon. aud that Monday tbe : I
day of January, 1899, at 10 o'clock, a. m., btj
been flxrd as tbe time and tbe county cour)
room of the county court house, in Dalles Cit?(
Wasco County, Oregon, has been fixed as th!
place for hearing said final account. I
All persons Interested in said estate arc hereof
notified to be and appear at said time and plac:
and show cause why saidlromnfc should not fc ;
In ali things, allowed, t . ppraved an-
confirmed, and an order . I dischargic
said administrator and fits ooi., fjf"
Liini iiniiuiLV 1 1 1 saiu 1.1 nau
TOM. iMJ.lyn.Ej J.
renin. !
Aaminiscrator oi me estate ox uuvn nbpiuw
deceased. ;12-3-j
Notice Final Settlement
Notice is hereby criven that the undenriene.
mw1 with thaCikiintv r.lprk nf Whsro Count-i
his final account as Executor of the last wilN
and testament of Thomas Oleson, deceased, and
id i
the County Court of said county has fixed Tues
day, the 3d dav of January. 1899. at tbe hour
12 o clock p. m. , as tbe time and the County
court room ox saia oourt in inf uaiies, unsm
as the place for the earing of saia o
AAiint. and anv nhiMlTnhs thttlY TTlftV
be theretol'
" ' ' T A inrtv j 1
Physician and surgeon
: Special attention given lo surgery.
Rooms 21 and 22. TeL328 Vogt Block
8nk. ,f
Ofiioe ovei First Nat Bnk.
One. Minute Cough Cur's cur
.. riut U whet it wax made for.