The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 17, 1898, PART 2, Image 5

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The Weekly Ghfoniele.
Published in two part, on Wednesday
and Saturday.
One year
Six months . .
ii ou
Three months.
Advertising rate reasonable, and made known
"YdKaommunication. to "THE CHBON.
' ICLE," The Ualles, Oregon.
The nose is red, the lips are blue,
The toes are tingling in the shoe.
Von long to kick the idiot who
Says, "Fine, clear, frosty morning!"
Wednesday's Daily.
Last night the freight which had been
transferred from the Ioland Flyer ar
rived in this city oyer the O. B. & N.
License to marry was today granted to
J. Richard Reese and Emma Janet
Fisher of this city, and Edwin Burlin
gameof this county ,and Sadie Surface of
Clackamas county.
Captain Lewis has chosen December
28th as the date on which to deliver his
lecture on "Life in Libby Prieon." It
will be given in tha .Congregational
church. A good audience is assured.
Mr. J. A. Walden, who filled I. H.
Keffer's place as night operator at the
depot during his absence in the east,
will return and again accept the posi
tion, while Mr. Keffer will leave Friday
to act as agent of the Coiambia South
ern at Moro.
Great difficulty has been encountered
in attempting to move the D. P. & A. N.
wharf boat up to the harbor. It is now
stationed but a short distance above its
former position, and workmen are at
tempting to place it where the ice jam
will cause it to be beached instead of
pushing it down the river.
A very fair boose for a second night's
performance g-eeted the "Dazzler" last
night at tha Vogt.and the audience was
equally as well pleased as that which at
tended on the previous night. At the
Baldwin a good sizad crowd listened to
Mahara's Minstrels, which were not
first-class, he opening chorus being the
best part of the show.
Columbia Chapter No. 33, Order of
Eastern Star, elected the following
officers at its meeting last night,
the remainder to be appointed later:
Emily Sanders, W. M.; C. W.
Dietzel, W. P. ; Elmira Burget, Associate
Matron; Virginia Marden, Secretary;
, Salina Phirman, Conductress; Nettie
Wood, Associate Conductress.
Remember that Christmas induce
ments are in store for you and that ev
ery day is a bargain day when you pur
chase your holiday present of the Jacob
een Book & Music Co. All goods marked
in plain figures. Poet yourself on prices
elsewhere and our prices will convince
you that we are asking thirty per cent
less than any of our competitors.
The weather moderated somewhat
during the night, and this morning a
slight sprinkling of snow covered the
ground and acted as a sort of a pall over
the spirits of the skaters. However not
enough of the beautiful fell to spoil this
favorate sport. Observer Pazue, whose
weather eye is always peeled, be it warm
or cold, predicts snow with a vengeance,
saying that when it does start he fears
it will not know when to stop.
Mrs. Frank Forrester left for her
home in Mitchell today, and expects to
return in the course of two weeks and
remain nntil her husband's trial. It has
been a pathetic eight each day to wit--ness
the wife and little boy standing at
- the prieon bars couvereing with the
prisoner. This morning she was allowed
to bid him good bye, . the doors being
unbarred. If only the guilty had to
bear the consequences of crimes com
mitted it would seem but justice ; but
the innocent are of necessity compelled
to suffer alike with the criminal.
Colonel R. W .'Mitchell's life has been
saved again. This time it was a collar
button that saved it, and this 'is how it
happened : Colonel Mitchell was a pas
senger on tbe eastbound passenger train
.that had a rear-end collision on the line
o' the O. R. & N. Co., about eight miles
east of Pendleton, Sunday morning.
Mitchell 'was in a washroom just be
fore the collision took plaoe, and the
loss of bis co'llar-button was the occasion
ot his leaving the washroom. When
' the crash came the washroom got the
worst of it. Mitchell was safe in the
middle of the car, thanking his stars
that collar-buttons were so easily lost.
Telegram. .
Phypicjans are now somewhat puzzled
- to determine jast what is the nature of
the disease that is causing so much sick'
ness at Athena and Adams. Tbe schools
have been closed at both places, and
. some of the physicians give it as their
opinion that it is diphtheria. It resem
bles that malady, being accompanied by
core throat, and, in one case, death has
resulted. : Perhaps, it is tonsiletia in
tbe same form that lias visited this city,
. which the physicians in Portland as well
". The Dall9, pronounce, as an. nnusnal
type of tbe disease, and not to be gene
rally expected.
W. H. Bates, superintendent of the
Marine Iron Works, of Chicago, arrived
in this city this morning, His firm hav
ing supplied the macLinery for the In
land Flyer, he is here for the purpose of
investigating the matter to ascertain,
if possible, wherein the diffculty lies
which canses her te fall short of what
was expected of her, and to adjust any
deficiency which may have arisen in
fulfilling their part of the contract, if
any there be. Tomorrow morning Gen.
Agt. Allaway and Captain Sherman will
accompany him to Stanley Rock, near
Hood River, the Flyer having been
brought over to this eide of the river.
Thursday's Daily.
P. Limeroth is a visitor in town today
from Boyd.
Get your skates sharpened at Charles
Burchtorf's. 10-15
Miss Rose Bloch is a guest at the home
of Mrs. D. M. French,
Dr. Siddall left for Portland yesterday
morning, to be absent a few days.
F. W. Schmidt, who made a short trip
to Portland, returned last evening.
Mrs. H. W. French, lett this morning
for a short visit with , her mother in
Mr. Bernie Selleck, who spent yester
day in the city, returned to his home in
Boyd today.
Mr. D. Waffle arrived in the city this
morning and is visiting his sister, Mrs.
W. H. Fowler.
Tbe temperature has moderated great
ly today and the report for tonight and
tomorrow is fair.
Dr. Frazier left on the early morning
train to attend the State Dental Asso
ciation at Portland. He will return
Agent Allaway, Captain Sherman and
W. H. Bates left this morning for Stan
ley Point to look over the Inland Flyer.
They will return tonight.
J. W. Sherwood, supervising deputy of
the Knights of Maccabees, is in the city
today in the interest of the order. He
attended the meeting here last night. '
The school report published today,
shows that the average daily attendance
has been reduced about foity by reason
of. the prevalence of mumps. ine
teachers say it Is a general occurrence
at present for several pupils to be absent
each day from this ailment.
M. Z. Donnell is already beginning to
receive Christmas presents, and the
other day was presented by the Cyclone
Camera Co. with a $40 camera. Mr.
Donnell has been very successful in his
sales of kodaks and cameras, which is
greatly appreciated by his company.
No entertainment was ever given in
the city that was so thoroughly enjoyed
as was Hi Henry's minstrels. Tbe first
part is grand, and the latter makes the
audience almost take the roof off of the
house. Cripple Creek paper. Aad we
are to hear this show Saturday night.
It has just come to our notice that Mr.
Michael Callaghan has purchased a res
idence in The Dalles for the purpose of
giving bis children a chance to attend
school. Tbere was a time wheu we
hoped Mr. Callaghan would buy a
home in Dufur, but his choice, all
things considered, was The Dalles.
Dufur Dispatch. . .'
A young man weighing about eight
pounds called at' tbe residence of Mr.
and Mrs. John Hertz this morning
about 6:30 o'clock, and he likes the
place, so be has decided to stay. He
didn't say bis name was Dewey, nor
Sampson, neither is it Bismarck, lor Mr.
Hertz says even these names are not
good enough for trim. .
Tbe many pretty calendars which
decorate The Cheosicle "parlors" and
add to our gorgeous surroundings, peer
ing out. from among the tapestry and
banging from every column, remind ns
that 1899 is at hand. Every year the
designs of these monitors of time grow
more beautiful and are calculated to
ornament any room or office.
The reception given to Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Rees last evening at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. M. Parkins was very en
joyable. About fourteen guests were
present who spent the hours in a happy
way, congratulating the newly-married
couple, engaging in pleasant conversa
tion and listening to sweet music. A
delicious wedding lunch was also served.
The wife of a man named Moon, in
Arkansas, presented him with a tine
baby boy. This was a new Moon. The
father celebrated the event by drinking
himself full. This was the full moon.
When he awoke from his drunken
stuper ail be bad left in his pockets was
25 cents. This was the last quarter.
His mother-in-law beat him over the
bead with a club, thus giving him a
total eclipse. '. '
A slight accident occurred to the steam
shovel a . short distance, beyond La
Grande last evening. Having been used
in the mountains during tbe summer,
tbe shovel was being . brought down,
when an axle broke near one wheel,
causing both of them to fall to the mid
dle of the track and the car to' slide for
quite a little distance. But about four
hours were consumed in repairing the
damage, and No. 4 was delayed about
five hours.
Oar ignorance as to the Btrictness of
officers of the law caused ns to make a
misstatement in regard to the parting of
Mr. and Mrs. Forester yesterday. . Not
taking into consideration that the law
and justice demands that a murderer be
kept in solitude as nearly as possible and
that no visitor be allowed within tbe
bars, we have frequently considered the
officers cruel who would not permit the
wife to enter the cell and converse with
her husband. Yesterday upon bearing
that Mrs. Forester had bidden her hns
band good-bye, we naturally inferred
that love was not the only one who un
locked the bare, bdt that the jailer as
sisted. In this we were mistaken, and
thereiore apologize to Mr. Fitzgerald,
who might be considered remiss in his
duties, which accusation can never be
applied to tbe present jailer.
C. M. Finch, agent for the St. Louis
Art Metal Co. and C. W. Hodeon, of the
Irwin, Hodson Co., of Portland, are in
tbe city today superintending tbe work
of placing the steel furniture in the
vault at tbe county court house. This
vault will be tbe most substantial in tbe
state of Oregon. The furniture being of
steel, there will be positively no danger
to records and valuable papers in case
of fire. . It is certainly a move in the
right direction, and one which has long
been needed here. Tbe experience of
other towns in Oregon, such as Roseburg
and Dallas, which have recently lost re
cords which were invaluable, by fire has
.taught us a lesson and we are now profit
ing by it.
A letter received this morning by W.
H.Butts from I.J. Norman, who re
cently left for Roseburg, tells of his safe
arrival at that place and of the im
provement in his health. He also says
that he, with his family, are much
pleased with bis new home. Among
other things Mr. Norman tells of an aa
cident to Will Harper, who a few
months ago left this city and took a po
sition as mail carrier out from Rose
but g. Last week one morning early his
team ran away and dashing into a tree
threw him out and cut his face terribly
He was unconscious for four days; but
Mr. Norman said when he went out to
see him (nine miles from town) Fridav,
he was improving and it was expected
they would take him into the city soon.
Friday's Daily.
Miss Rose Bloch returned to her home
in Portland this morning.
G. A. Ward and Fred Ward are visitors
from Wapinitia today. .
Dufurites in the city today, are C.
Heisler, Claud Heisler and Wm. Heisler.
Miss Maie Enright came down from
Wasco yesterday morning, and left for
Portland today to remain a short time
Mrs. K. Fueett, who has been em
ployed in the Campbell & Wilson
millinery parlors, leturned last night to
her home in Pendleton.
This morning A. Hellbnry, who is
employed by Everding & Farrell in
their salmon cannery, caught his right
band in the cog wheel .of the machinery
and badly mashed his thumb. He
came to the city, where Dr. Holiister
dressed the wound.
This morning about 11 o'clock J. S.
Fish, received a telegram which an
nounccd that his mother was sinking
very rapidly at her home in Lafavette.
Mr. and Mrs. Fish left on a freight train
at 11 :30 for Portland, but it is not likely
they can arrive before dissolution takes
place. Mrs. Fish is well known in The
Dalles, having lived here for some time.
The weather is much wanner today ,
and it seems hardly possible with the
sun ebiuing so brightly, that tbe river
running by ns is blocked with ice, and
yet this morning it was solid enough to
admit of a two-horse team and wagon
passing over, white a short time after
ward a band of hogs was driven over
from the other side. Al Graham is en
gaged today in shoveling a path so that
he can bring over some freight tomor
row on hand sleds, which is the way the
mail is brought.
Mrs. Christina Kirn, who died at the
Good Samaritan hospital Tuesday was
the wife of Fred Kirn who lost his life
on Mt. Hood less than a year ago when
attempting to reach the summit with
out a guide. During the past three
years the family, consisting of three
members, have departed this life. Three
years ago an onlv daughter, aged 18,
was accidently shot, dying from the
wound ; then the father, and now tbe
mother pasees away, the latter meeting a
more peaceful death.
Tbe Columbia Southern railway has
completed its road to Moro. The last
epike was driven Wednesday amid tbe
blowing of whistles and the ringing of
bells, at 6:30 p. m. Tbe citizens who
have been watching tbe rapid progress
of the work under numerous trying cir
cumstances, tbe worst of all being tbe
cold weather and frozen ground, dnring
tbe past ten days, could scarcely wait
for the time when tbey could say with
out doubt, "We have a railroad." Tbe
men who so faithfully carried on the
work, despite the inclement weather,
were that evening treated to a royal
spread at the city hotel, given by tbe
railroad company. ; .
A telephone message from Dufur this
morning informs us that we were badly
misinformed as to the marriage which
was reported in yesterday's Chronicle
as happening at Dafur Wednesday even
ing. Having no suspicion as to the
veracity of our informant and not being
acquainted with tbe parties' referred to,
no investigation was made. Thb
Cheoniclk $s far from having any de
sire to join in the "holy bonds" any
who may not so desire, and regret very
much that the mistake occurred. How
ever, as even a newspaper is not au-
thoiity on such subjects, the couple are
not necessarily married. Certain it is,
that anyone who would tamper with the
truth in regard to so serious a matter, is
capable of all kinds of villainy.
Messrs. S. L. Brooks, Geo. Liebe,
and Geoago W. Miller who went
to Hood River yesterday for the pur
pose of appraising tbe land adjacent to
the river, preparatory to the building of
the saw mill there, and other improve
ments to be made by tbe Lost Lake
Lumbering Company, were compelled
to remain over until today, their work
not being completed yesterday. If tbe
plans formulated by the company are
carried ont, they will make a great
transformation at that - place, among
which will be grading and practically
removing tbe steep hill which must be
climbed in reaching the town from the
boat landing. A dispatch from Hood
River says: "An informal reception
was tendered Messrs'. P. S. Davidson,
sr., and jr..' at tbe Mount Hood hotel
Wednesday night, prior to their leaving
for their home at La Crosse, Wis. It is
their intention to arrange for the re
moval of a saw mill at La Crosse to this
place as soon as possible. R. C Jud
son of the O. R. & N. Co., wus present.
Tbe Davidsons are receiving tbe co
operation of tbe citizens of Hood River
in their effort to establish the mill here."
Good Attendance at the Fair Miss Bloch
Slogs "Star Spangled Banner"
Tonight's Program.
A larger crowd than was present the
night before attended the fair last even
ing, and remarks were heard from every
direction in regard to their surprise at
finding the ball so comfortable; indeed
it might have been considered by many
as too warm.
The program opened with an instru
mental duet by tbe Misses Nickelsen,
who at a late hour kindly consented to
fill a place which was unavoidably
vacated. They were more than well re
Miss Bloch has fairly won The Dalles
audiences not alone by her singing, but
by her charming personality, which is
wholly devoid of affectation. While
every selection given by her was beauti
ful in the extreme, enthusiasm reached
its bounds when as her last encore she
sang "St&r Spangled Banner." Tbe
wealth of sweetness, power and wonder
ful expression which her voice contains
were shown to the best advantage in this
selection which even under ordinary cir
cumstances, stirs every American heart.
Miss Bessie French's rendition of
"That Old Sweetheart of Mine." was
very taking, and seemed just euited to
her sweet manner. However, her en
core, of an entirely different nature, was
equally as well given.
The twelve little Indian girls, in
costume, who came out and after going
through a drill, sang an Indian song,
seemed to capture tbe audience.' Indeed
they wore perfect in their actions 'and
could not have impersonated the klootch
man in a better manner.
Tonight will be the last night of the
fair, when the following excellent pro
gram will be given :
Instrumental Duet Messrs. Benton and Long
Scotch Song "When Yere Gang Awa, Jamie"
-Geo. Weigel and Hilda Beck.
Kegro Sketch ,...Wm. Crosseu
Lantern Swinging
Messrs. Van Korden, Campbell and
Dutch Sketch '
.v Messrs. Hampshire and Clark,
(Accompaniest A. W. Baldwin.)
When Jackson Says So, It Must be So.
The East Oregonian says of Hi Henry's
Minstrels: .
It is an aggregation of talent, a com
pany of artists, a combination of clever
people. There . were only cultivated
voices. . There were none but really
funny ccmedians. There wa9 originality
in the arrangement of the program,
which was brimful of first-class work
from the rise of the curtain to the drop
at the end of the cleverest contortionist
turn ever seen here.
Were one to mention the features
wortLv of special ' commendation, it
would be to po through tbe entire en
tertainment and compliment every
member of the com pan v from Hi Henry,
the master spi'it of it all, to the last one
of the chorus singers. The orchestra of
15 pieces was well nigh perfect, from a
musical stand point, magnificent. . Hi
Henry's talent for looking after details
in the execution of his own broad guage
plans appear at every turn. Tbe per
formance moved as smoothly as a finely
adjueted chronometer.
Use Clarke & Falks Rosofoam for the
teeth. tf
Use Clarke & Falk's Floral Lotihe for
sunburn and wind chafing. tf
Use Clarke & Falk's Quinine Hair
Tonic for dandroff and falling hair. tf
You need have no boils if you will
take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils.
Aek your grocer for Clarke & Falk's
pure concentrated flavoring extracts, tf
Furnished rooms to rent. Steam heat
and electric lwbts." Apply to Max Vogt
& Co. Chapman block.
.Constipation prevents the body from
ridding itself of waste matter. De Witt's
Little Early Risers will remove the
trouble and cure Sick Headache, Bili
ousness, Inactive Liver and clear the
Complexion. Small, sugar coated, don't
gripe or cause nausea. Snipes-Kinerely
Drug Co.
Wm. Jaeger Forges s Check for SI 35
and la Taken Up.
Saturday morning a man called at the
D. P. & A. N. office and purporting to he
a marine engineer, engaged in conversa
tion with Agent Allaway, who among
other things informed him that he was
expecting Mr. Bates, superintendent of
the Chicago Iron Works, and that he
would arrive Tuesday morning. Aside
from a short conversation nothing fur
ther passed between them, and Mr.
Allaway heard nothing more of his
visitor nntil last evening, when tbe
bartender at Fonts ecJobnnesen's called
him up over the 'phone and inquired if
he held a check on French Co. payable
to Wm. Jaeger. Upon being answered
in tbe negative, investigation was at
once made, which developed the follow
ing facts :
Monday morning Jaeger entered the
saloon, and after informing them he was
the agent for the Chicago Iron Works
who had come bere to examine tbe In
land Flyer, he presented a check for $135
on French & Co. signed by W. C. Alla
way, and received $45 on it. He left the
check with them ; but yesterday morn
ing called again and explaining that the
number was wrong and that Mr. Alla
way desired to correct it, was banded
the check. Jt seems that after banking
hours yesterday afternoon he appeared
at the brewery and showing the check
to Mr. Buchler said that he was in need
of money and as it was too late to get
into tbe bank he aeked for $10. Suspect
ing nothing, tbe money was given him.
Later in the day, being under the in
fluence of liquor, he missed the evening
train, which he evidently expected to
take and escape; and in the evening
again Bhowed up at Fonts' saloon, where
he was questioned in regard to the check.
Making some answer about it being in
Allaway's hands, the bartender, becom
ing snspiciou,at once called him up and
finding that something was radically
wrong they at once sent for Marshal
Laner, who arrested him.
This morning a complaint was sworn
charging him with uttering a forged
writing, and his case came up be
fore Recorder Gates at 2 o'clock this
afternoon, when he was bound over in
the sum of $'250 to appear before tbe
grand jury. A. A. Jayne appeared for
the state and Sam. E. Van Vactor for the
defendant. It is understood he failed to
secure bondsmen.
Hill Bloch, the Center of Attraction,
, Delights Everyone.
The Vogt opera house preeented a
very pretty appearance last night, tbe
different booths being very artistically
arranged, the daintiest perhaps were
the crepe paper, flower, doll and candy
booths. Besides these are tbe fancy
articles, the domestic booth, cooking
depot, refreshment stand and fish pond
In the left hand corner is "The Old
Curiosity Shop," which contains any
amount of interesting curios dating back
for over a hundred years, and is pre
sided over by Mrs. Collins and Mrs.
' On tbe right as you enter is the gypsy
tent, surrounded by fir trees. Here re
sides tbe gypsy who has made palmistry
a special study, and was said last night
to be an adept in delineating character
and giving pointers as to your future.
A large crowd attended last evening,
eager to bear Miss Bloch sing, for Dalles
people who Ijave already listened to her
in Portland were as anxious to bear her
again as were those who have never had
the opportunity. She posesses a very
attractive personality, and her beauty
alone would demand tbe attention of the
audieuce ; but what a voice. No singer
in the Yogt has ever so successfully
made it vibrate with musical sound.
While her selections were perhaps more
classic, and charmed everyone, the en
cores were just as pleasing from the fact
that tbey were simpler and adapted to
the tastes of everyone in the house. She
was ably accompanied by Miss Alma
Schmidt. Tonight Miss Bloch will sing
"Star Spangled Banner," for the rendi
tion of which she has become so famous
in Portland.
Tbe program opened with an instru
mental duet by the Misses Nickelsen,
which was a catchy selection and well.
received... The lantern swinging by
Messrs. Van Norden, Campbell and
Pruyne, so much enjoyed at the club
minstrels last year, was repealed last
evening and received applause after
applause, until tbey were compelled to
respond to an encore. By request they
will again favor the audience tomorrow
Tbe fair is a suceess. . . V '
Catholic Knights of America.
The state council of tbe Catholic
Knihts of America convened in the hall
of St. Peters' branch in this city last
evening. Beside abont twenty-five mem
bers from this city, tbe following dele
gates were present: Kev. A. Bronegeest,
spiritual director, The Dalles; M. Zan,
president, Portland; E. Hanafin, vice
president, Oregon City ; F. Nesser, secre
tary, Portland : M. T. Nolan, treasurer,
The Dalles; E. G. Sharratt, Portland;
P. J. Boiler, Eugene; M. J. Hammel-
gard, Oregon City; M. Mclnnis, The
Dalles. A very eojvyable meeting was
held, speeches of welcome being made
and reiponded to eloquently by visitors.
The business council was also beneficiat
and interesting. This Is also an insur
ance organization, having a sinking fund
at present of $400,000, making it a very
substantial one in which to insure.
New state officers were elected last
night hs follows: B. Orth,' spiritual
director; M. Zan, president; M. Boiler,
vice president; E. G. Sharratt, secre
tary; M. T. Nolan, treasurer. F. Dresser
was elected a delegate to the supreme
council, which meets in Kansas City
next June.
The meeting being adjourned, all pro
ceeded to Keller's oyster parlors, where
a grand banquet was served and greatly
enjoyed by all, the toasts and speeches
being unusually brilliant.
Kees-Flsher Wedding.
This afternoon at 4 o'clock, at tbe
residence of the' bride, on Thirteenth
street, Mr. J. Richard Rees and Miss
Emma Janet Fisher were united in.
marriage by Rev. Poling. Mr. H. D.
Parkins acted as best man, in which
office he has become proficient, this be
ing the third time he has filled a like
Rosition. MisB Cora Joles was brides
maid. .This evening at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. M. Parkins a reception will be
tendered tbe bride and groom, who hav
ing rented a portion of the Parkin',
residence, will begin housekeeping at
Mr. Rees has been in the employ of
Mr. Parkins for the nast vear. having
come to this city a year and a half ago.
He is known by all to be a young man
with the best of habits and thoroughly
The Chbonicle, which is a good
position to judge of the meriis of the
bride, she having been an employee of
this office nntil recently, congratulates
the groom on his excellent choice of a
wife. Of a good disposition and admir
able in every particular, she will no
doubt make an excellent companion.
Our best wishes attend them.
An Evening ot JBnjoyment.
Hi Henry's Big Minstrel Company
arrive Saturday, December 17tb, and
exhibit at Vogt's opera house in the
evening. This is one of the largest in
the country, numbering .fifty white per
formers and are recommended as the
best ever seen in Sail Lake City, where
they were re-engaged for the second
week after the first performance, play
ing fourteen performances to tremend
ous houses. They go direct from here
to Marquam Grand, Portland, then to
San Francisco. Everybody should turn
out, as you are guaranteed a first class
Dalles Public Schools.
Following is the report for the quar
ter (5 weeks) ending Friday Dec. 9, '98
East Bill Primani:
Miss Nan Cooper 1 and 2
Mrs. Koche 3, 4 and 5
Court Street.
Miss Douthit... 1st
40 4
4fl 3
Miss E Cooper 2U
Miss Roberts 3d,
Miss Wreun 4thi
Academy Parft.
MissThrrinau lsU
Miss Flinn 2B-3H
Miss Mnrtin 4B-5B
MibsBall ....6th
Htah School.
Mrs.Baldwin B
Miss U Rintonl 6A-7
Miss T. Rlntoul 7tb
Miss Michell 8tb
. S. Depart em,
Miss Hill
Mr. Landers
S3 1
78 7
Totals 12)748i706 60
Number of days of school, 18.
Per cent of attendance on number be
longing, 94.
Total enrollment gain over previous
quarter 29; gain ever similar quarter in
.Total average daily attendance Loss
from previous quarter 18 ; gain over
similar quarter in 97 40.
- Money, like' men, is locked np when
t is tight.
Peter banes out a green light to the
Tbere is no reduction of "tbe wages
of sin" in hard times.
No man knows how much' be is capa
ble of until he isn't in love.
A woman's idea of religion is to have
kindly tbobghts of her rival.-
Sme men are so stingy that they re
fuse to' use bait when they fish.
No man was ever convinced against
his will and no woman was eyer con
vinced at all.
Bob And so they agreed to marry at
last? John Yes; and it was the last
thing tbey agreed on.
The people who insist most violently
on their abilitv to paddle their own
canoe, usually have to borrow tbe canoe.
He One doesn't look to a plumber
to mend a broken heart. She I don't
know.' They eay plumbers are often
"Where was Magna Cbarta signed?"
asked a teacher in a board school.
"Please, sir, at the bottom," replied tbe
dunce of the echool.
"What did you do at Sunday school T"
said mamma to little Bessie, who had
attended for tbe first time. . ','They
asked questions out of tbe pussy-book,"
replied Bessie. "The pussie-book?'
aeked mamma, vastly puzzled." I think
she must mean the catechism," added
Mabel, who is several years older.