THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 17, 1898 The Weekly Chronicle. H0BR0ES OF THE SKAGUAY. Hardships of Men Who Gone Over the Trait Har One Haa Works Eight Weeks Orer tke T", i m , . n .1 v- f A . n a 1 1 to Give It Up and Tin Back. The horrors of the Skaguay trail haw only half been told. A number of men have recently returned from the White pass (which will hecectcrward be -knovR as the Bteck past) stories - fit to sicken the stoutttt heart and sub--due the hottest courage. One man, L. . J. Eickard, of Seattle, a blight and in--telligent young fellow, wilU plenty of ,pluck and perseverance, u;sd his very best efforts to get ever uza. uiii nas j-eturned to a mere fiicaCi.v the winter, and will n-kc asc'.hti trir.l in the snrir.p-. He will leer, ro lv- '-n-athcr route. He has had c'l cf'tbt Ckagiiay trail that he wants. To b?g:a wiih, the trail was never ready f:r travel, ard the "promoters" who are responsible for all the waste of time and money should be prosecuted. Eickard arrived at Skaaruay on the Islander, which de- posited its passengers on August 1, and so was among- the earliest earners. He had an- ordinary miner's outfit, weigh- ice' 1,200 pounds, two horses and J20O. He considered himself fairly well equipped. He helped the others cor duroy the trail and bridge the rivers, By the time this necessary work had been done crowds of .wayfarers had arrived, end soon the trail was worse lhan ever. In eight weeks of the hardest work he had ever done Eickard managed to get his goods to the summit of the last hill. Then his money was gone, his horses exhausted, and he had the choice of wintering hi the timber by the lakes. while his food supply diminished, or of returning to California and earning more money to again attempt the trip noi Hi ward. He figured that if he camped the winter, as so many are counting upon coin 2 he would have an early start in the spring, but would by that time have only two months pro visions left at the outside, and he was already peuniless. Eickard spent his money for food and shoes for his horses. He says the difficulty of feeding horses on the Skagnaj- tra"l is enormous. It was necessary tj go ail the way back to Skaguay for hay, and by the time it was brought back to the hungry ani mals waiting for it the other animals met on thetrail, by each taking a pass- ing nip, had reduced the quantity about -au per ctm. me nurses are iudq oi m -. a T-1 1 r , a birch leaves, but they soon contract mc6 fever, and, as they are insufficient Jy 12-2 and not sheltered at all, theyisoon bee:n-c worthless. Not so many are lost on tee trail as is supposed. They really die from lack of care. Horses are a good deal better on the Skaguay trail than- burros, although the best thing of all would be an ox, whBch is very, good for muddy travelingandcanearry a big load. The burros taken tip are almost a failure. They are good over the rocks, but no good at all in the. rwamp, which forms about two-thirds of the distance. Eickard reports the packers have lost money on account of the mortality among the horses. They would tart cut -with 20 and return with 17. The most trying place below thesummit has been fittingly named Dead Horse milch. Instead of one short, steep hilL as at me cniiitat, there are five long hills, and Eickard thinks-it isharder than the Chilkat itself. Jiunareds ot disappointed-men at Skaguay in September were making herculean efforts to reach the timber that lies beyond the summit with their goods, there to spend the winter and get a very early start down the river in the spring. They must make haste, for snow had already fallen. on thesum mit, and they must make their camp and build their log huts, before snow flies, otherwise they cannot procure the moss with- which to wedge the chinks cf .Jteir houses. It takes a strong back and a weak -TfldrKU to become a successful packer, "Eickard says. "Ht alsoeays that, though -quiet and orderly, the Skaguay country U the meanest in the world. It rains there all the time except when it stops long enough to snow. Mabel C. Craft, in Leslie's Weekly. A I n T7"l GMDIIDDKU I r r mriinnu - ww wwnwj-tlll b 1V1 C V W n la Device Employed by Wires to Ke- mf iid Husbands rtl Errands. Talking- of memory systems," said the suburbanite on the accommodation train, "I can't for the life df ime sec tow a man wfoora unable to remember one thing is helped by having: to re member two. If I tie a string' around my finger I must recail the purpose of wearing' it--whlch I never can do. If I must always think of rain- when: I watrt to carry an umbrella, I have dou ble work. Now, any wife wanted me to remember something' to-day and she gave ime a word o say over to myself. And I've fongofcteii the word." "Pooh. It's easy enough to remem ber finings if you give your mind to it," said another suburbanite. "My wife told me to be sure to err die r some now, whattthemasehief wasit? Soalp? Blue ing? . "Well, that's funny. I thought I ' would be sure to remember!" ' He plunged his hands into his over coat pockets to cover his chagrin, and Bailed out of one a Touch bit of scant- bug; with a memorandum in lead pen cil attached. " "Well, I vow! , My wife must (have stuck that thing' in there. Oh, yes, I see. It was a load of kindling! she wanted me to order. But one could hardily be expected to remember a thing: like that.' "I -wish I could find a reminder of what I am to get- as easy as you dttdj bat my wife doesn't believe in giving a satrrrple to help out a poor anemory. Hul'o. old fellow, how's that?" Fie had pulled a little rubber sfnbeor.'t of Ms poekeit and was regarding' it with loving eyes. Gamany's overshoe, by all that's KiseerI And (here's something inside. 'Jieasth, five inches Bless his little heart, I'd have forgot, all about them it it hadn't been for this memory lesson. There's something in the system after all. Chicago Times-Herald. MODERN SCIENCE. Predictions for tbe Twentieth Ces. tary Are Broad. It may be that we are, -with.respect to the coming century, in the same imma ture mental condition in which the peo ple of the eighteenth century were with regard to the nineteenth, says the Pop ular Science Monthly. If some one in the preceding century had dared to pre dict the wonderful achievements of the nineteenth, he would probably have been declared a fool, and treated as was Eobert Mayer, in Germany, in this century, who, after the discovery of the law of the conservation of force, was put into an insane asylum. A like fate might befall the man who should dare now to cast a horoscope for the twen tieth century, and to predict the prog ress of the human mind in the various domains of scientific research. After 7L all, those may be right who, in spite of all those acquisitions on which we so justly pride ourselves, are of opinion ; Jersey, Pennsylvania, Nebraska, Ari that we are still moving in only the zona and the Dakots, one-fifth as much initial steps, in the leading strings of damage is charged to dogs as to the t.,: ,i ... . I other chief causes of loss. evolution, and that we are vet very far from the goal of those material and ideal aims which the human race in its unremitting onward struggle is des- tined to attain, or to show its capacity of attaining. The great Sir Isaac New ton used, perhaps, the most appropriate simile when he compared men with children who on the seashore are pick ing up here and there a curious pebble or colored shell while the great-sea of truth lies still unexplored before them. We can only conjecture as to the prob able progress, as we cannot know which position we occupy in the course of hu man evolution, whether we are still in its beginnings or well advanced. This lies hidden in the bosom of the future. STRICT BOARDING SCHOCL. Three Callers a Year nt Twenty Situ ates a Call for Girl Stndcuta. The young ladies cT the norma1 school in Winona were lately throwj. into a flurry of excitement, says the St Paul (Minn.) Dispatch. They wen called into one of the reeitation-roon: and put through a rigid examination about the number of callers each had and a description of each caller. They were told was highly impropes to receive a caller from out of the city, and that many of tLe young men of the city were not proper persons with whom to associate. . it was also considered highly im proper to receive a call which was 61 more than 20 minutes' duration. In all over a dozen questions were required tr be answered, all of which were in regnrcl to the subject of gentlemen cullers. A number of rules were giver to lb.' young ladies, which they ware told they must obey. Among them was one for bidding the same young m?ti to call upon them more than three times a year, and then the call must be purely formal and not exceed 15 or SO minutes' The young ladies were also requested to furnish a list of their callers and their characters, and as to the genera' subjects of conversation when calling or riding, and if the landlady where they boarded approved of the young men. Some of the young ladies are indig nant, and say they will not submit tc such rules, while others believe they are oil right, and propose to follow them. Little Attentions. If husbands only realized what the little attentions mean to their wives there would be many happier unions. It is not the cost of a gift that makes it precious to the recipient. A tiny bunch of violets brought home at night betokens the thought given to her even while business occupies his attention, the most trifling- souvenir of a wedding or birthday anniversary becomes a sen timent underlying its proffering. Women may be foolish, they may be all heart and very little reason, but the man who understands their nature and caters to it is the one who stands higher in; their estimation, than the one who acta as though all they eared, about was material comfort :given with any sort of brusquerie. Of course- there -are many mercenary - women-thousands and thousands who can marry for a home and for rich raiment, -These pooh-pooh the violets and value only the diamonds, but the average feminine heart, the sort which a man. wants to be,at beside his own, the foundation of truest sympathy and love, is moved more by the little attentions in which sentiment is involved than by the great offerings representing only a stupen dous sum of money involved. N. Y. Ledger. '.. SEEP KILLED BY DOGS. Facts Ascertained Through cial Census Figures. Offl- The Dtuie Done by Worthless Cars Exceeds That Resnltlns; from the Fury of the Elements Showlnsr by States. The dogs in the United States kill nearly two per cent of the sheep in the country every year. They killed more than 600,000 sheep in the year ending June 1, 1S00, when the last sta tistics in regard to the flocks were gath ered. The damage done-by them is greater than that from any other cause except unexpected storms, in which whole flocks of sheep are killed, and dis ease. In . six states more damage was done to the flocks of sheep by dogs than by anything else. In Florida 9,833 sheep were "killed by dogs, and only 4,750 by the weather and disease. The number killed by dogs was about nine per cent, of the total number of sheep in i the state. The Florida sheep are not exposed to such changes in temperature us those oh the farms in Nevada, where 128,850 died of cold and disease. Only 7,372 sheep were killed by dogs in Ne vada in the census year. The enormous number of deaths from changes in the weather was due to unprecedented storms, which caught the breeders un prepared and almost halved their flocks. In South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana and Arkansas dogs do more damage to sheep than anything else, and inore than weather conditions and disease combined. In Massachusetts, Ehode Island and Connecticut the num ber of deaths in the flocks due to dogs is almost the same as that due to disease , wpather This is true in Wis- nd the weather 1 his is true in Jms sissippi, too. in mis staic,;, ; cw The dogs made the best showing in Vermont, where they killed 3.0m sheep, ! against 28,000 which died from disease and exposure in an averaare winter. The Ohio and Michigan, dogs have good records, too, for they killed only one sixth as many sheep as storms and dis- ease. North Carolina and Tennessee dogs are red with the blood of sieep. They killed four-fifths as many as the other causes of death combined, In Kentucky, Texas, West Virginia, In- diana, Minnesota and Iowa the dogs did one-half as much damage as other causes combined; in, Virginia, Missouri and Oklahoma, two-thirds as much; in Illinois and Wisconsin, one-third as much, and in Delaware, Maryland, Kan- . - r . . sas, California ana xsew nampsmre, one-quarter as much. If the winter of 1880-90 had not been a bad one for sheep in Nevada, Oregon, tj.i.. ir a v ir : T Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Utah, Washington and Wyoming, the dogs would make a worse showing in the cen sus tables than they do. In these states whole flocks on certain ranges were ex terminated, and thus the percentage of deaths due to exposure and disease : was raised to 6.95 for the whole coun- try. The dogs killed nearly two peri cent, of the total sheep population. - The sheep raisers don't like dogs as a general thing. Many states use the money received from dog taxes to pay for the damage they do. . In these states some of the farmers are not un friendly to the dogs. If a sheep dies or is killed by a wildcat or falls from a Iedcre of rock, the thrifty farmer re- turns it to thg proper officers as a sheep I Great excitement and discord fol killed by dogs. Then he geis paid for j lowed these tragic events, and finally it, . Sometimes a New England farm- er, wnen ne ioscb a snecp, vriu cuueci. the value of it from the county and from the owner cf the dog that killed it. Sheep-killing' dogs become well-known in the community where their masters live. Sometimes the dogs are such gopd hunters that their masters refuse to allow them to be killed, and try to keep them from doing . any damage. Such a dog owner is an er-ey mark for the unscrupulous sheep breeders. Every time a sheep is killed, dies or disappears, the owner will go to the deg's master and demand pay for the dead animal, threatening' to have the dog killed if its owner does not pay up. The dog may be innocent, but because it bears a bad reputation its owner submits. If there are more owners of sheep killers than one, the farmer may collect from each and make a good thing of his sheep. He may collect from the Coun ty, too. - Most dogs that kill sheep- are bad dogs all the way through, and sports men and farmers unite in trying to get rid of them. . A sheep-killing dog is usually a tramp, untrained and worth less for hunting. Many of the dogs that kill sheep are ownerless. The fanners shoot them wnen they can, and sportsmen. anxioU3 that their dogs shall not be accounted bad because of the- misdeeds of ownerless curs, help them. Some farmers set t raps for sheep killers. The traps arc like wolf traps, and are set where a sheep is killed, the body cf the sheep being' used for bait. Sheep-killing dogs usually visit the scenes cf their depredations as a mur derer is said to -haunt the spot where he commits a crime. The farmers anil breeders count on this,, and set their traps accordingly... Son-.etimcs they put arsenic in the carcass to make sure that the guilty dog shall rot cs:-ape. When a real shcep-kiHir.g dog gets into a flock cf shdfp he kills as-many as he can. He does not kill for food, but for fun, apparently, and he finds his nrev easv.' for ''s uUocrj can't fishi hack, and don't know enough to run. They don't run fast enough to escape, anyway, and their only hope of salva tion lies in scattering. This the sheep won't do, but persist obstinately in fol lowing the bell wether while the. dog kills them. J. Y. Sun. . THE WOLF AND THE EAGLE. A Legend of Two Toons; Saranae In dian Warriors. When we think of the Indians, we are apt to remember only the harsh and cruel traits that they have shown; but in their stories and legends many noble qualities are hidden under their cruelty, like pearls in- the uncouth shell of the oyster. In one of these legends we are told that there used to be a great many wiz ards among the tribes, or sachems, as the Indians called them, who were coun selors in the camp, but whose chief de light was in doing evil. They worked so much mischief in the hunting grounds that at last the Great Spirit locked them in the hollow trees that grew along the trail. Some of them, in their struggles to es cape, thrust their arms out of the trees, but the closing wood imprisoned them, and they may be seen tathis day, twist ed and distorted in agony, as gnarled roots -and withered trunks and branches. Others survived this terrible trans formation, and among them was Oqua rah, a bent, decrepit, aged sachem, cruel and evil minded, and jealous lest his power should wane, or be eclipsed by that of a rival. The fate of his brother sachems did not arouse pity in his heart, nor did it soften him to know that he had been spared. Oquarah lived with a tribe of the Saranacs, in which were two young warriors, whose bravery and truth com- warriors, whose bravery and truth corn- miratinn ml lv of , "7 -" , , their companions. One of these braves was called the Wolf, the other the Eagle, and they were friendly rivals in all deeds of valor. One day, in the moon of great leaves, when the hunting grounds were starred with flowers, and the soft south wind blew over the land, the Wolf and the Eagle left the camp and set out upon a hunt. -The hours passed, and the Wolf re- . turned alone. Iud and angry cries greeted him as j he appeared thus, but he stood silent, j ill by the sternness of his look, he , quelled the tumult. Then he told them ; that he and the Eagle had hunted for hours together, but at last had become ; suparated; and that when the time came to return, he had searched in i vain for the Eagle, His words were received in silence; i . . . 1 7. - s -u . iicacmij uuanui spuic, vnjuiiniu, i the cruel sachem. "I hear a forked tongue," he said. "It says that the Wolf was jealous of the TTncrlA nnrl -fhnf hia -fth hflfx Mlt. lUttrt Eagle, and that his1 teeth have cut into the heart of his friend: " "The Wolf cannot lie!" answered the young chief, and then he stood pas sive, quiet. ' ' Then the sachem clutched his hatchet, ! and cried in rage: "Where is the Eagle ?" "The Wolf has spoken," answered the i young chief. I At that. Oauarah raised his hatchet and struck at the Wolf, but the Wolfs wife threw herself before her husband, and the hatchet sunk into, her head. Then, with a cry of rage, the Wolf drew his knife, and a moment laitefp the sav chem fell with a mortal wound in his ! heart. the tribe divided, half of them following' the Wolf down the Great Soundinjr river in search of new hunting grounds. ' But the Wolf was very unhappy. He had lost his friend and his wife, and his tribe had been broken up; all through the evil suspicions of the cruel sachem. Many years passed, and the Wolf be came great in his tribe. But when ever his tribe met the other, the ground between their hunting ground was wet with blood. One day the tribe on the Upper Sar anae saw a canoe appear on the Lake of the Silver Sky, and in it was the Eagle. He told them how he had been' sepa rated from the -Wolf, and had fallen into a cleft of a great rock, from which he was rescued by some soldiers from Canada, They 'had taken him with! them, and he had fought with the Brit ish against the French. As the years passed, and he grew old, however, his heart yearned for the people of his tribe, and he had come back to die among them. When he heard that the Wolf had been accused of his death, he was very sad. but he called a meeting of the war riors of the two camps, and peace was made between them. , So the Eagle died, at last; happy in. the knowledge that he had cleared his friend and re united his people. Philadelphia Times. The Gold Product. The preliminary estimates of the di rector of the mint indicate that the world's gold product for 1897 amounted to about $240,000,000. This is an in crease of nearly 20 per cent, over 1896. All of the great sources of supply show a gain. The United States leads the list, with a product of $61,500,000; but is . closely followed by Africa with a product of $58,000,000, and - Australia with $51,000,000. Russia, Mexico, Can ada and India follow in the order named Bussia with $25,000,000, Mexico with $10,000,000 and Canada and India each with $7,500.000. . NOW THE TUKKEY FOOT. New Charm That Is Worn by the Superstitious. The Rabbit's Foot, So Lone Popular, Has Been Displaced by the New . Mascot An Old Negro's Talk. The rabbit's foot is not in the race any longer as a charm. What has caused the downfall of bunnie's hind foot as a protection against all and an assurance of perpetual good luck for it3 happy possessor is rather a puzzling question and one which the fair sex and the advocates of the new fad would find it hard to explain. Per haps the late presidential campaign may have hod something to do with it. Every one knew that the silver candi date was presented with a rabbit's foot immediately upon receiving his nom ination, and that the mascot complied with all the requirements of the case, for it was "the left hind foot of a molly cottontail, that had been killed in the full of the moon, at 12 o'clock at night in a graveyard, by a red-headed nigger." Well, the rabbit having enjoyed so great and so long a run of popularity, in the natural course of events, the time has come for him to step down and out. He has done so, and his place has been taken by one of the kings of the farmyard the lordly turkey. Fashion decrees that in order to be lucky one must wear in some manner or possess in some shape or other a turkey's claw. This fad is so new that it has hardly reached the counters yet, except in one or two shops which pride themselves upon bringing out all the most ex clusive novelties. Of course, it will, eventually become as common as the craze for rabbits' feet, but to-day it is a very difficult thing to find a turkey's claw prepared in the proper style for a charm against bad luck. The most popular style at present is the natural claw, properly treated by a taxidermist, its shank covered by a sil ver or gold cap set with an amethyst, turquoise or the new green stone, which resembles an emerald. The tip of the nail is "covered with a gold or silver cap, with a fine chain to match the cap from the shank to what one might call the wrist of the claw, and a pretty scarlet ribbon bow with long ends tied just below the shank. These new mascots are 30 arranged that they can be hung up as ornaments, or used as paper weights or table orna ments. In one case I saw one Drof usel v bejeweled, which was intended for a cabinet. As dress ornaments they are, so far, but little used, though I was told they were being fashioned into clasps for fastening golf capes at the neck. I asked an old colored man if he had ever heard of the turkey's claw as be ing an unlucky or lucky charm. "Why, yes," he replied. "Down south, where I come from, it is better and luckier to steal your Thanksgivin' or Christmas turkey. I don't hold with the fashion of stealing anything, but if ' you can only steal your turkey for the holiday dinner you will have good luck all the rest of the year. In the old (fays the 'massa would put away a lot of tur keys, and the darkies would go in the night, just at 12 o'clock, and steal the birds." . "But what about the claw? What good luck does that bring?" "Why, bless your heart, don't yon know that the turkey s foot is an aw ful lucky thing? You must take the claw after you have cleaned your tur key a stolen one, mind you dip it in salt, bury it, you better say, in a dish of salt for a whole week, and let it lie there, so that all the bits of flesh which stick to it are cleaned away, and your foot is just as sweet as a nut. Then you take it out and scrape it and clean it and polish it, until it just shines like a piece of stone. Then you put it up over your door, and no bad luck, sick ness or anything can come in during the year." "Will ii keep out death?" "No, ma'am, it will not. Don't you konw sometimes death is the biggest piece of good luck that can happen to you?" "But do you know why turkey's foot is lucky?" " "I never heard but one reason, and that was that after the devil had tempted Eve" and was crawling away after getting her to eat the apple, he came across the turkey's path and the turkey lifted up his right foot and struck at his head. The blow was so hard that the devil was stunned for a moment. And that is the reason of the turkey's right foot being lucky against ad fortune." N. Y. Herald. Enterprising- TJraeglsts. To ere are few men more wide awake and enterprUing than Blakeby & Hough on, who spare no pains to secure the best of everything in their line for their many customers. They now have the valuable agency for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. This is the wonderful remedy that is producing such a furor all over the country by its many etartling cures It absolutely cures Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all affections of the throat, cheat and lungs. Call at the above drugstore and get a trial bottle free or a regular size for 50 cents and $1. Guaranteed to care or price re funded. ' " Oi B & f3, CO Repast time schedule. Arritb fob Fboh Dalles. - From. . Fast Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Fast Mull Worth, Omaha, Kan- Hail. 11:50 p.m. gas City, St. Louis, 3:10a.m. Chicago and East. Spokane Walla Walla, Spokane, Spokane Flyer Minneapolis. St. Paul, Flyer. 5:30p.m. Du lut h, Milwaukee, 6:50 a.m. Chicago and Fast. 8 p.m. From Portland. 4pm. Ocean Steamships. All Bailing dates subject to change. For San Francisco . Nov. 28, Dec. 3, 8. 13, IS, 23, 2&, Jan. 2, 7. 8 P- m- 4 p. m. Ei. Sunday Columbia Rv. Steamers. Ex.Sunday , To Astoria and. Way Saturday Landings. 10 p. m. 6 a. m. Willamette Riveb. 4:30 p. m. Ex.buuday Oregon City, Kewberg, Ex.sunday Salem & Way Land's. 7 a. m, Willamette and Yam- 3:30 p. m. lues.fhur. hill Kivers. Mon.,Wed., and bat. Oregon City, Dayton, andFri. and Way-Landings. 6 a. m. Willamette River. 4:30 p. m. Tue..Thur, Portland to Corvallis, Tue., Thur and Sat. and Way-Landings. and Sat. . , , Leave Lv Riparia Snake River. Lewiston. daily Riparia to Lewiston. daily racept except Saturday. Friday. For full particulars call on O. K. & K. Co.'s agent The Dalles, or address W. H. HDELBNRT, Gen. Pas. Agt., Portland, O O'RTHERiM PACIFIC RY. H s Pullman Elegant Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car 8T. PAUL, M1NNKAPOI.I DCLCTH FAKGO GRAND FOB Tourist . TO -CKOOK9IOS WINNIPEG HELENA an BUTTE Through Tickets CHICAGO 10 WASHINGTON rHlI.ADEI.PHl A SEW TOEK BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH For Information, time cards, maps and Ucluta, csl on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalits, Oregon A. D. 25 ARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., rrison Cor. TMid. Portland Oiecon WE DO. Job.... Printing FIRST-CLASS WORK. REASONABLE PRICES. Chronicle Pub. Co. THE DALLES, OREGON. Are You Interested? The O. K. & H. Co'a New Book On the Resourses of Oregon, Washing ton and Idaho ia being distributed. Oar readers are requested to forward the addresses of their Eastern friends and acquaintances, and a copy of the work will be sent them free. This is a mat ter all should be interested in, and we would ask that everyone take an In terest and forward each addresses to W. H. Hdblbprt, General Passenger Agent, O. E. & N. Co., Portland.