The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 17, 1898, PART 2, Image 2

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The Weekly Ghroniele.
Advertising Kates.
Per inch.
One Inch or less in Daily ...-1 60
O er two inches and under four inches 1 Ob
O rer four inches and under twelve inches. . 75
Orr twelve inches... , SO
One inch or less, per inch 2 SO
Orer one inch and under fonr inches 2 00
Orer four inches and under twelve inches. . 1 SO
Over twelve inches 1 00
The notable feature or the consu
lar reports now submitted to congress
is the bright outlook lor Oriental
commerce. The report from lion"
Konsr, England's door to China,
emphasizes two points in connection
with our trade at that port during
the first half of the year. First, a
genera! permanent increase in trade;
second, what is called "an unusual
activity in mercantile circles owing
to the great demand made on the
local market by the American squad
ron and army on the coast."
It might be thought that this would
only be a temporal advantage, and,
in a sense, it is, but some of the goods
brought into the market to meet the
special demand are consumed by the
natives, or by other foreigners, and
this sampling tends to create a steady
demand. "Our forces," we are told,
"have done more than conquer a
country ; they have made an lmpres
s ion on Asiitic markets which can
never be effaced."
Previous to this calender year
Americans exported to those markets
a little flour and a gcod deal of kero
sene, and not much else. The flour
crossed tbe Pacific mostly in British
ships, the kerosene was tanked over
the Atlantic through the Mediter
ranean sea and the Suez canal. But
now Asia has a taste of our canned
meats and some other American
staples. Even the sight of great
piles of unusual cargoes cn the wharfs
$7,200,000, the erection of a state in
that distant region was not given
serious thought. Remarkable changes
have taken place, and it is now among
the possibilities that 40 or 50 years
after the acquisition of Alaska a state
mav be carved out of that' vast ex-
panse. It is also among the possibil
ities that 25 or 50 years hence such
changes may be wrought in the Philip
pines as will justify tne admission of
the more progressive islands as
state of the Union.
That is a matter for time's de
termination. For the present it is
enough that a page of our glorious
history lies in the Philippine islands,
that our flag is above them, and the
United States can give the people
there better government and more
liberal institutions than they have
bad in three, centuries of Spanish
rule, or than they could have had
under three more - centuries of the
dying authority of Castile. Spokes
man Review.
For the Orst time in the history of
the country the United States is ex
porting more manufactures than it
imports. A table giving our imports
and exports of manufactures by
years from 1880 to 1898, inclusive,
shows this. Only a 3-ear ago the
showing against us was aboul $50,
000,000, almost a million a week.
Until 1894 we spent more than two
dollars for imported goods to one
dollar received for exports of manu
factures. The half-way point gainer,
in 1894 was lost in 189. In 1896
the balance against us was a trifle
over $100,000,000. Cutting it down
in one 3-ear to $50,000,000 was high
ly encouraging, but 1898 showed a
still more rapid gain, for this fiscal
year foots up, Imports, $226,212,635;
exports, $291,208,350, a favorable
the Philippines finds few friends
among the senators and members of
congress. Public opinion is so strong
ly against the proposition to give
away our trade on the islands that it
is almost certain that no open-door
clause Kill be inserted in the treaty.
Inter Ocean.
balance, in round numbers of $65,-
excites curiosity and tempts practical j 000,000, which is really a gain of
testing of the novelties.
If the consular reports are correct
every cattle man in the west may see
in Dewey's victory a personal profit.
The flour and kerosene trades show a
good increase, but the great advant
age is the new sample-package line.
Manufacturers of a new article know
how difficult it is even in a country
given to novelties to gel goods in-Jj-oduced.
In the far east, where
every wheel runs in a deep rut, the
--difficulty is incalculably greater.
Still another encouraging sign is
the demand for our cheaper grades
. of raw cotton. The report on this
vhead is full of promise for the south,
provided ouly the voyage were short
ened and cheapened as it would be
J)y the Nicaragua canal. There is
mow . sample shipment of 45,000
tales f upland cotten from Texas
on.itswayto Hong Kong. "Even
our usplaod cotton," the report ob
eTves, "is superior to the best cotten
India grows, and is laid down heie
as cheaply." The whole country
seems destined to share in the bene
fits of the new era in Oriental trade,
not excepting either the far south
west, with its prolific crops and vast
herds, or New England, with its
spruce gum and Yankee notions.
"I do not deny," said Senator Vest
in a speech in the senate on Monday,
"the power of the federal government
. to acquire territory, but 1 do deny
its power to acquire territory peopled
by millions without their consent and
no intention of conferring upon them
This quixotisb view of the senator
from Missouri Las no support in our
territorial history. Since the original
13 colonies were leagued in the union
the United States has acquired a noble
expanse of territory. When has it
consulted the wishes of the inhabit
ants of this acquired territory ?
Never. When Jefferson bought
Louisiana in 1803 no plebiscite was
provided for the strange race mixture
which inhabited that country. We
have acquired new lands by purchase,
by treaty, by discovery and by con
quest, and we have never paused to
ask the primitive inhabitants to hold
an election to determine whether the
country should be annexed or not..
In every instance the possibility of
the erection of sovereign states from
the territory thus acquired has been
a remote consideration' . When Se
ward bought Alaska from the czar for j
$115,000,000 in one j-ear.
This showing could not have come
at a more opportune time, for, enter
ing as we now are upon a new era in
the foreign trade of the country, it is
reassuring to see that the larger that
trade is the heavier will be the favor
able balance. So long as we bought
more goods than we sold the op
ponents of expansion could say with
a strong degree of plausibility that
to enlarge our foreign trade would be
to increase the foreign indebtedness
of our commerce. But now with
even manufactures making a favor
able showing on the balance sheet
those objectors are without any solid
ground to stand on.
It is safe to say that none of the
newly acquired possessions will ever
develop any considerable manufac
tures, except in ; the tobacco line.
They are two near the equator. Tropi
cal peoples have never been ' indus
trially inclined. Nature is the toiler
throughout the tropics, producing
such prodigious quantities of what
is necessary to the support of life
that very little labor need be done
by man. The exchange of natural
products for manufactured goods
may be set down as the constant and
chief factor in the relations of our
new possessions with this country.
One would not think that war
taxes tended to the employment of
additional labor, but in one case at
least they have started a factory, and
in this way, the war tax on beer
caused the brewers to advance the
price. The saloon keepers couldn't
stand the raise, so they had new
glasses made, and this started one
Indiana factory in full. The new
glasses are exactly after old patterns,
but they hold just 10 per cent less.
So the drinker pays the tax, and the
class faccorv is far behind with its
orders. Cincinnati Commercial Tribune.
Should truth rest in the story of the
Red Cross nurse who arrived yester
day in San Francisco from Manila,
the officers of the United States army
stationed there need a more thorough
fumagation than the war department
is receiving, ere they again can look
their fellow-countrymen full in the
face, after returning to America. It
must be accepted as a fact that a
woman, freely sacrificing all the com
forts of civilization to nurse sick
soldiers in a far-off Oriental land, is
possessed of all the admirable traits
of character of her sex, among which
truthfulness should not be the least.
This nurse described a condition in
the military hospitals at Manila hor
rible in the extreme, all because of
the lack of proper nourishment,
medicine and medical attention. The
news columns of this paper last even
ing gave quite a graphic account of
this inhumnan situation, springing
out of petty official jealousies and
"squabbles about precedence." It is
a crying shame and an inerasible dis
grace that Americans will allow the
precious lives of their fellow-men-at-
arms to be sacrificed for a little gam
or a slight preferment in rank. It
reads so an American, yet it can
hardly be believed that a reputable
Red Cross nurse would cross the wide
expanse of the Pacific with a mon
strous, malicious lie incubating upon
her tongue. But if one-half of what
she tells is true most of the noble,
kind-hearted men who so recently
left America's shores for the Philip
pines, vowing to ttand by each other
as brothers, must have been meta
morphosed into semi-demons by the
privations sequent upon their sojourn
in a very unbealthful part of the
earth. A surprise, however, is that
none of the Oregon volunteers have
referred to the foregoing state of
hospital affairs, in their voluminous
correspondence to friends here.
supper and all left the echool house ex
pressing their regrets that such an en
juyaoie evening snouia pass awav so
swiftly. The evening's entertainment
was a success in every : way, with the
exception of the weather, which was
very chilly for the occasion, bat the neat
sum of $42 were obtained for the library,
' Pat.
We Io No? Censure, bat Commend the
Ladles of the Red Cross Society.
In a hundred years the United
States ha3 grown from thirteen states
to forty-five. The expansion of the
past is by no means a slight thing to
contemplate, and everybody is satis
fied that it was right and advisable.
Some of the Democrats are dis
couraged because they think the
president can get anything in con
gress that he wants. The last presi
dent found it difficult to get any
thing be wanted from his own party
in or out of congress.
We are making progress in all
directions. The merchants of Santi
ago, through their chamber of com
merce, are acting up- to. their priv
ileges as American citizens and mak
ing recommendations as to tariff and
revenue. General Greene, in Havana,
has inaugurated measures to clean
the city and ti put it on the eanitary
footing of American cities. Admiral
Dewey has raised and docked three
of the Spanish cruisers sunk on the 1st
of May, and has sent them to Hong
Kong to be fully repaire J for active
service. The open door policy as to.
Trial shipments of American agri
cultural products are to be sent to
China, Japan and elsewhere in East
ern Asia. Our farmers are feeding
several foreign countries and, stand
ready to enlarge their orders indefi
nitely. School Bntertalnmeos at Liberty.
The pupils of the Liberty school,
under the direction of their teacher,
Mies Bessie Hastings; gave a verj suc
cessful and interesting entertainment at
their school honse last Friday evening.
The entertainment was given for the
purpose of starting a school library, and
the people of the district and surround
ing country responded very liberally and
by their actions showed that they con
sidered this a step in the right direction.
The evening's entertainment consisted
of recitations, sorjgs and dialogues and
the yery pleasing manner in which each
one performed their part was proof that
the teacher had token great interest in
their training. After the literary pro
gram was rendered the main feat a re of
thu evening was performed, namely, the
eati ig of the supper which had
bee.i piepared by the ladies of the dit
tricl. Several of the j oung ladies pres
ent had prepared baskets with lunch for
two, which were auctioned of! and sold
to the highest bidder. This created a
great deal of amusement and the young
men were wondering who their partner
would be. Some were succesful in secur
ing the one they wished, others, someone
else, and still others, who were not suc
cessful in securing a basket at all.
When the baskets were all sold a large
cake was cnt into thirty pieces and each
piece was numbered and sold for ten
cents apiece and the one who secured the
lucky number was presented with a fin
ger ring.. The cake was made by a lady
of the district and presented to the
school. On the top of the cake in larce
letters was .the word, "Santiago" in
hoDor of our naval victory. . "
Every one present was served with
We were very sorry to find the follow
ing letter from a Dalles resident in the
Oregonian yesterday, having baen re
ceived by the Bed Cross Society of Port
land :
"We are informed by good reliable
persons that food and other articles that
is sent to the soldiers is onened and
taken ont the food you say is too rich for
the soldiers, so you appropriate this to
your own use, strange to say that you
would run sach desperate chances with
that rich food ; the mail also has been
tampered with. Now if this pilfering
is noc stopped you will get nto serious
Being much surprised to find such
a complaint bad been made from this
city, we Immediately inquired as to
what the general opinion in The Dalles
is concerning the work of the Red Cross
Society in Portland and the action of
these noble ladies in regard to the mat
ter referred to.
As nearly as we cin determine, this is
far from being the sentiment of the
auxiliary in this city, or of any of
those whom we have questioned who
have eent boxes from here. On the con
trary, the work done by that society has
given entire satisfaction and their uc
tiringjefforte, given gratuitously, highly
commended. It is understood by all
that in some cases re-packing was quite
necessary and we are very grateful that
it was done.
Knowing that these ladiea belong to
the best families in Portland and are
certainly not in need of any of these
little glasses of jelly, etc., sent to our
soldier dovs, to assuage their own
hanger, we resent such a preposterous
in every community are found sore
heads, even in 1 he Dalles. Some peo
ple would kick were they to . be given a
seat next to the throne in heaven
(.which is not likely in this case). We
therefore beg the ladies of Portland to
give little heed to such complaints, re
membering that such peoplo are not
representative Dallesites. Neither do
our people commend such foolish ac
Only a few days ago the Emergency
Corps here received a request from these
same pilferers (?) that reading matter
be sent to the boys, as an opportunity
will be afforded to ship it the last of the
month. Their very acts have proven
that they are heart and soul in the
work for the good of our volunteers.
liine of
No. 7 Woodland k stove...... ".- $7 50
No. 8 ." " Z:'ZZ 8.50
No. .8 Wood Garla: jr., cook stove 15.00
jno. o wood Lrarland, jr., reservoir and base 25.00
No. 8 Bridal Garland '" oq nn
. . .
No. 8 Bridal Garland and reservoir 33.00
No. 8 Home Garland cook stove 25.00
No. 8 Home Garland cook and reservoir...... 35.00
No. 8 Home Garland ran?fi ' An cm
No. 8 Home Garland range and reservoir.. . 45.00
No. 8 Empire Garland steel range 45.00
Also a full line of Cole's Hot Blast Air Tight
Heaters just received.
Everybody knows that "Garland" stoves and ranges are the
world s best. They combine elegant finish, durability, and con
venience, with economy of fuel, and in spite of all competition hold
their station far in advance ol all others. We take pleneure in call
ing attention to our list of stoves on hand. Sold exclusively by
BKsa.nlGri,ce,y The Dalles. Or.
Wasco W
arehouse Company
Here's Wbat Ton Want
for Christmas
Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot j-u kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, Sm?"l feed
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton FlOUr Thia Flonr 18 manufactured expressly for family
. , use: every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Wa sell our goods lower than any honse in the trade, and if you don't think so
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats.
Rockford Quick Shot"
12-Plate Magazine Camera.
Quick Sellers
No Complaints
Harry C. Liebe at 170, Second street
in the Vogt block, carries a full line of
ladles' .gentlemen's, and boys' watches in
solid gold, gold filled, silver and nickel;
lorgnette, silk, vest and fob chains.
Chain bracelets, shirt studs, scarf and
tie pins, brooches, link and lever but
tons, collar buttons, lockets and emblem
charms, 1847 Rogers Bros', knives, fork
and spoons ; chocolate, tea and coffee,
child's, and smoking sets ; cracker jars,
berry, bon bon and butter dishes, bread
and pin trays; napkin rings, berry
spoons, sugar shells, butter, bread, cake
and pie knives; manicure and toilet sets,
Rings of all sizes and descriptions, nail
files, book marks, paperknives, Salve
jars, and numerous other Sterling silver
novelties; wood, bronze and iron clocks,
souvenir spoons. Spectacles fitted to
suit. 13-tf
Wheat, Etc.
The wheat market is still in a dull
condition, the price at present being 62
cents, with no hopeftri outlook.
Oar local markets are as follows:
Hay and grain Wheat, . $10 a ton.
Timothy, $12. Oats, $24. Barley, (rolled)
$24. Bran and shorts, $14.
Potatoes 55 cents a sack.
Cabbage lucent a pound.
Cauliflower 75 cents a dozen.
Celery 50 cents a dozen.
Onions $1.35 a sack.
Carrots, beets, turnips and parsnips
1 cent a pound. .
Eggs Eastern, 25; Oregon, 30 cents.
Butter Creamery, 55 ; dairy, 40 and
50 cents. .
Chickens, $3 a dozen.
Turkeys, 10 cents a pound.
Bow to Look Good.
Good looks are really more than skin
deep, depending entirely on a healthy
condition of all the vital organs. If the
liver be inactive, you have a bilious look ;
if your kidneys be effected, you have a
pinched look. Secure good health and
you will surely have good looks. . "Elec
tric Bitters" is a good Alternative and
Tonic. Acts directly on the stomach
liver and kidneys. Purifies the blood,
cures pimples, blotches and boils, and
gives i good complexion. Every bottle
guaranteed. Sold at Blakeley & Hough
ton's drug store. 50 cents per bottle, a
Chamberlain's Colic, . Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy can always be de
pended upon and is pleasant and safe
to take. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton.
"Turn the lever and vou are readv for
another." No plate holders with slides
to draw. No sleeve or changing bag. No
chance to fog plates. No failures.
If you want 12 pictures Quick, bov the
"Qnick-Shot.'J the only magazine cams
era that holds the plates securely after
they are exposed. No rattling or break
ing of plates. Best on earth.
3x4J ...$6.00
4x5 $9.00
With one dozen plate holders.
Manufactured under the Conley patents by the
Rockford Silver Plate Co.,
We sell only through local agents. Ask onr j
agents to show you this "Quick Shot."
Ij.iV?;- X
The Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
AGENTS, The Dalles, Oregon.
Jaekson Engine Gompany 1,
Friday Evening. Dec. 30, 1898.
Chas F Laner, Geo A Liebe, W H Butts, 1 John Blaser, A. Sandrock.
MT Nolan, F S Gunning, TJSeufert, J B Crossen, J S Fish,
H J Maier,
L Heppner, J P Mclnerny, E Schanno,
W L Bradshaw.
Grant Mavs. J Hampshire, H Lonsdale, R B Sinnott, J Fisher,
PSti tran, F Chrisman, N J Sinnott, FASeufert.
Wholesale and Retail ' '
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agency for the Greatest American Liquor
Yellowstone Sour . Mash Whiskey.
WHISKEY from $2.75 to $6 00 per itallup. (4 to 15 years old.)
IMPORTED 00GNA0 from $7.00 to $12.00 per itBllon. (11 to 20 ybars old
ALIICItIA IB.OI1U tn n. 3.25 to t6 00 per gallon. (4 to 11 years old.'
HOP GOLD SEES on draught, and Val Blatz and Hop Gold Beer in bottles
Imported Ale and Porter. . - . ' ' -' 1