The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 17, 1898, PART 2, Image 1

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NO. 9
The Coloiiizatioii Project Evoi?cfl liy tbG
' Diaz GoTcmisnt.
Transportation Offered Them to Mexico
If They Will Emigrate There, and
Additional Small Houses, Tqols.ctc,
With Which to Work.
Skw Yore, Dec. 13. A dispatch to
the Press from Washington ears:
The Mexican government has sub
mitted a colonization project to the
Spanish authorities in Havana, by
which it proposes not only to aid the
Spanish government, but to give great
assistance as well to the Spanish soldiers
who have served in Cuban welfare and
are soon to evacuate Cuba.
The proposition of the Mexican gov
ernment is to organize bands among the
Spanish soldiers and provide them with
free passage to Mexico, where necessary
tools, seeds and implements for agricul
tural work will be furnished, and in ad
dition oxen and small houses will be
given to the immigrants and a certain
tract of the public lands in Mexico will
be provided tor colonization purposes.
The government, in turn, is to take
a lien npon the products, and exact a
return of 20 per cent each year until the
supplies are paid for by the colonists,
after which the land will become their
For those who do not care to accept
tha proposition, arrangements have
been made by the government of Mexico
to supply a large number of Spanish
soldiers with labor on the public works
and in the mines, at the rate of $ 18 per
The .Spaniel) authorities in general are
in favor of the proposition, for the ex
pense of transportaion is thus saved, as
well as the necessity of caring in some
manner for the soldiers on their return
to their native country. It is also con
tended that besides doing a generous act
the Mexican government will itself be
benefited, as its population will be in
creased by persons of the same race
largely, and large sections of the public
lands will be utilized by a substantial
agricultural class.
Kills Five aod Entombs Twenty-Tree
Men, Near Shotcau, I. T.
Shoteau, I. T., Dec. 13. A few min
utes before 9 o'clock last night in urine
No. 2, of the Indianola & Rath way Coal
Company, three miles from this place, a
terrific explosion took place. Five men
are known to have lost their lives from
its immediate effects, and twenty-three
more are imprisoned in the shaft.
The explosion was caused Dy the igni
tion of of coal dust after a blast had been
fired. Over one hundred men were at
work in the mine at the time of the ex
plosion, and only about half -of these
have been accounted for. There seems
to be little hope of rescuing the en
tombed miners. A hundred men are
working valiantly to rescue their com
rades. ... .
It ia probable that the interior of the
mine is burning., although at present
' this cannot be determined. . Jt is aim
impossible tn- ecrtain- the names of
those who have tieen killed and bureid
in the minw. ,
Farmers Holding Wheat
Colfax, Dec. 12. Carefully gathered
statistics , of .', wheat produced and
: destined for export from Whitman
county shows that there is still in. the
warhouees along the railroads of the
county 7,000,000 bushels. Shipments of
wheat so far this season 'have aggregated
1,200,000 bushels. Of the wheat still in j
the county not to exceed 1,000,000 bush
els hiva been sold by the farmers. Ad
ditional sales this winter at present
prices will not be much greater. Farm
ers generally express a determination to
hold their wheat for 60 cents or better
per bushel.
Weather ia Washington is Most Se
vere Ffteen Degrees Below Zero
at Republic.
Spokane, Wash., Dec. 13. This was
one' of the coldest mornings in Spokane
for more than two years. The temper
ature fell to 12 below zero.
The present cold wave is one of the
most protracted in the history of the
eection. In this cDuntry the cold has
been intensified by dense fogs, which
roll up from the fairs and rapids every
evening. . Colder weather is reported
froui the surrounding plains and moun
tains. In the Palouse country the tempera
ture has repeatedly fallen to zero ' and
The coldest point has been Republic,
where 15" below zero has been experi
enced. The cold weather is interfering with
mining operations by freezing the rivers
in the mountains and cutting off the
power with which to run mills and con
centrators. atrocTties
in formosa
Rebels Attack1 a Village, Massacre the
Inhabitants and Burn Their Homes
to the Ground.
Ran Fbancisco, Dec. 13. Terrible at
rocities ate reported from Formosa.
Two hundred rebels recently attacked a
village and looting the place. They
burned thirty-seven houses. . A Japa
nese police inspector and six constables
perished while attempting to repel the
One constable was captured alive. The
insurgents fastened on his neck the
bloody heads of his companions and
drove him before them into the woods.
Reinforcements were sent to the village,
where the mutilated bodies of the vic
tims were found.
CneconBtable who escaped killed bis
own wife and child with his Japanese
sword to prevent them from becoming
captives. He was then killed by the
savages. .
The Lookout for Cattle.
Baker City, Dec. 12. The cattle out
look lor Eastern Oregon, and for that
matter for the whole country, is better
now than it has been in the last 20 years.
Messrs. Logan, Mitchell and Pratt, of
Montana, passed through here recently
for the purpose of purchasing cattle.
Mr. Mitchell, in an interview, stated
that they had failed to secure any cattle
in New Mexico, California, Wyoming,
Montana or Texas, as there was not
enough in any of those states to stock
their own ranges. He attributes the
scarcity to the late war and to immense
crops of corn and hay with no outlet,
for the latter. They secured about 1000
head here, paying from $20 to $34 for
steers, $20 for cows and calves, and $12
for calves, and had to travel 1500 miles
to get them.
To Fix the Blame.
Pendlkton, Dec. 13. Superintendent
J. P. O'Brien, of the O. R. & N. Co.,
this afternoen convened an official court
of inquiry into the cause of the wreck of
Sunday morning, when a freight train
ran into the rear end of a passenger
train at Caynse, near here. At 1 p. m.
a special train left here for the scene of
the wreck, bearing Conductor Barns,
Brakeman Jackson, Engineer Stephens,
ami Fireman Carlson, of the passenger
train, and the crew of the freight train,
Dispatcher Waish'and others., :A"care
ful inquiry was made as to the distances
and lapses of time . relative to the trains
both before and at the time of the
wreck. . .. -
Overcome eyil with good. Overcome
your coughs and colds with One Minnt
Cough Core. It is so good children cry
for it. It cures croupi bronchitis, pneu
monia, grippe and ail throat and lung
diseases. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Petty Officialism and Jealousy Override
all Otter Considerations.
The Sick Sigh For Death as a Release
From Their Sufferings, and Some
Even Take Poison to Hasten It,
According to the Nurse's Statement
Honolulu, viz. Sau Francisco, Dec.
14.) The United State9 transport Scan
dia has arrived from Manila, which
place she left November 15. She brings
a number of officers, 91 discharged and
furloughed men, two Red Cross nurses
and the largest mail that ever left Ma
nila, 213 sacks for San Francisco, and
one for Honolulu. The vessel will re-
same her voyage on or about the 10th
Miss Schafer, a Red Cross nurse, who
went from Honolulu to Manila, arriving
there September 2Gtli returned on the
Scandia. She makes startling charges on
the way the United States soldiers are
taken care of in Manila. Miss Scbafer
made the following statement for pub
lication :
"Scores of soldier boys are dying in
the hospitals at Manila just for want of
proper nourishment. They say the
government allows GO cents a day for each
patient. I could of saved dqzsns of
lives on a cent a day. Oh ! the utter woe
of the soldiers, and the helplessness ot
them. Men as bright and noble as God
ever made, giving up to death, hopine
for it, eeeking for it, taking poison, do
ing anything that will relieve the dis
pair- that comes upon them. Seeing
nothing before them but days of pain
and nights of wretchedness, without
proper care, witLont proper food, alone
with no one to give them sympathy, or
cheer or write to their friends, to soothe
their aching brows or moisten their
parched lips; if by sheer endurance of
nature, of obstinacy of vitality, they do
get better, there is before them nothing
bat a still more cheerless period of con
valescence, with the probability of a re
lapse and the old weariness of despair to
be suffered again. No wonder there are
six or seven funerals a dav. No wonder
the dead house is never empty.
"And outside of the hospital, and
even at it, such indifference. Pettv
consideration of rank and position,
squabbles about precedence, lack of con
sideration, in prescribing and preparing
food, while men are' dying, not merely
of heart hunger, but for want of nourish
day after day, and as I spoke to this one
and that one, and they poured out their
sorrows, men who do not wear their
hearts on their sleeve, cried for pure
agony of their loneliness and despair,
made pregnant and vivid by their own
telling of it.
"I got so I just could not go through
the wards. What could I.doT I eaw
need of care, of proper nourishment, of
the most ordinary hospital treatment,
and was utterly helpless to do anything;
joet one cog in a great, remorseless
grinding machine, whose material , was
noble men and whose grist was death.
"I do not mean that all in the hos
pitals are carol ess or indifferent. Many
are trying to do their best. There is a
lot of worthiness and unselfishness
among the attendants at the hospitals,
but in a whole ward there is not more
than one nurse with experience, and as
for the helpers, only one or two awk
ward boys, who prebaps, never saw a
sick room before.
It Has Been Thought by the Powers a
Wise Move to Make Some Show
. of Strength.
Ban Francisco, Dec. 14. A dispatch
from Apia, Samoa, says:
. Considerable excitement was created
here on November 10th, by the landing
of a patty a blue jackets from British and
German ships. V'tiile no serious troub
le is anticipated r j-r-esent, the repre
sentatives of the ; ers thought it wise
to make a deinoi - Uien, owirg to the
number of nativi . ho have congregated
at Mulinuu, so to show that the pow
ers were detern !iied to protect the white
residents. The party landed at Mautu
and marched through the town h'aded by
a German band from the Buzzard with
drum und fife corps from the H. M. S
Porpoise. After making a display to the
natives, both parties returned to their
respective ships.
The chiefs supporting Mataafa have
notified the chief justice that they have
elected Mataafa as kins of JBamoa, and
that a protest has been entered by cer
tain other chiefs who dispute this elec
tion. High Chief Tair.asaee has been
nominated for Die vacant throne by the
opposition, and the whole matter ' has
been referred to the chief justice for de
cision. Upon that official will depend
the selection of the new king of Samoa
One of These Will Most Probably Suc
ceed Bliss as Secretary of the
New York, Dec. 14. A Washington
special says: .
It is the opinion of leading members
of the administration still in the city
that the vacancy to be caused by the
resignation of Secretary of the Interior
Bliss will he filled by promotion. In
this connection the names of Bingcr
Hermann, commissioner of the general
land office, and Assistant Secretary of
the Interior Webster Dayis are being
considered. Both of these are personal
friends of the president, and have given
excellent service to the party. .
For geographical reason?, it is thought
that Mr. Hermann's chances are the
better. There is no representative in
the cabinet from the Pacific coast, and
on account of the vote of Oregon in the
recent elections it is thought highly
probable that the president will confer
the office of secretary of the interior
upon Mr. Hermann.
Mr. Davis, however has' Riven ranch
valuable campaign service in many
states, for which the president feels yery
Statement Made By President Mellcn ol
the Northern Pacific.
New Yobk. Dec. 14. President C. S.
Mellen, of the Northern Pacific, today
gave out the following statement :
"The Northern Pacific company is
not constructinp.nor does it contemplate
constrncting, lines for the parpose of in
juring other companies, nor do I bvlieye
that any other company intends to build
lines for the purpose of injuring the
Northern Pacific.
"The only construction which the
Northern Pacific has in proress is about
seventy-five miles in the Clearwater
country, in Idaho. The Northern Pacific
is the only line in that country or within
fifty miles of it. A question has arisen
between the Northern Pacific and the O.
R. & N. as to whether the O. R. & N.
should not also be allowed to occupy
that territory without being considered
as in fading country of the Northern Pa
cific. . ' '
"Excefjt the seventy-five miles in
question, no construction has been au
thorized by the Northern Pacific board,
and none will be undertaken without its
authority. I have none to recommend
at present. ,
Military Governor of Cuba.
Washington, Dec. 13. Major-Gen
eral Brookearrived in Washington today
and was closeted for more than an henr
with Alger. He then proceeded to the
White House, and when he returned to
the war department it was formerly an
nounced that the president had desig
nated him to be military governor of
Cuba. ' '- ;
Each of the six provinces will bare
its own military governor, and all will
revive their instructions directly from
Brooke. A-
One Minute Cough Cure, cures,
I oat u what It was aad for.
Tag Title to Vast Property in Our New
Possessions Not Clear.
But as the Spanish GovernmentPaid for
It With Money Wrung From the
People of the Islands, It is Claimed
By William Henry Roberts and
Others That the Property Should
Revert to the Government.
Washington. Dec. 15. At a meeting
of the National Christian Citizenship
convention a letter was read from Wil
liam Henry Roberts, a prominent Pres
byterian and secretary of the Alliance of
reformed Churches, on the subject of
church property in the newly acquired
possessions. The letter Eays in part :
"In all these territories, acquired as a
result of the war with Spain, there are
large church properties which have
been heretofore ' under control of the
Roman Catholic church as the estab
lished church of Spain in her colonies.
These church properties are claimed by
tho Roman Catholic authorities, but to
a large extent with no show of right.
There doubtless are properties given by
will or direct donation under the control
-of Riman Catholic church authorities in
Porto Rico and the Philippines, but" in
addition to such properties there are
other properties, especially church edi
fices, which were paid for out of the
public fund and maintained at the ex
pense of the Spanish government. The
latter properties are not the properties
of church but of the people. This Is the
fact in all countries where there are es
tablished churches.
"The ' ecclesiastical situation, there
fore, as it lies in many minds, is this :
"The church property m Porto Rico
and the Philippines, being to a large ex
tent the property of the state, is not
rightly the property of the Roaian Cath
olic church. The Unitfd States govern
ment, therefore should take possession,
of all church property, should carefully
determine what moiety of the property
actually belongs to the Roman Catholic
church as such, end retain theremainder
under its own control for the benefit of
the people of the new territories.
"I would not advocate that the Unit
ed States government should takejjpos
session of church property in the new
territories, selling the same at public
sale and placing the money in its own
treasury; but I do say that the people of
this new territory in each of their cities
and towns should have an opportunity
to determine what use should be made
of these church edifices. They were
built by them by moneys, forced from
tbem by oppressive methods of the Span
ish govern men?, and they are morally,
and they tbiiik legally, the property of
the inhabitants of these territories. Let
there be a voice for instance, in each of
the towns and parishes of Porto Rico, as
to the disposal of the church edifices."
The Result of Imperfect Digestion of
Every living thing, plant or animal,
contains witbin itself the germs of cer
tain decay and death. : , ,
.In the human body these eerms of
disease and death (called by scientists
Ptomaines), are usually the result of im
perfect digestion ofiood;the result of
indigestion or dyspepsia..'.
The stomach, from abuse, weakness.
does not promptly and thoroughly digest
the fond. Th rwmlt a hvy, nodden
mass which ferments (the first 'process
of decay) poiBonlog the blood, making it
thin, .weak and lacking in red corpuscles :
poisoning the brain causing headaches
and pain in the eyes.
Bad indigestion irritates the heart,
causing palpitation ?nd finally bringing
on disease of this very important orgna.
: Poor digestion poisons the kidneys,
causing Bright's disease and diabetes.
And this is 60 because every organ,
every nerve depends upon the stomach
alone for nourishment and renewal, and
week digestion shows itself not only in
loss of appetite and flesh, but in weak
nerves and muddy complexion.
The great English scientist, Huxley,
said the best start in life is a sound
stomach: Weak stomachs fail to di
gest food properly, because they lack the
proper quantity of digestive Rcids flactic
and hydrochloric) and peptoeonic pro
ducts; the most sensiblo remedy in all
cases of indigestion is to take after each
meal, one or two of Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets, because they supply in a
pleasant, harmless form all the elements
that weak stotnschs lack.
The regularise of Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets will cure every form of stomach
troubles except cancer of the stomach.
Thev increase flesh, insure pure blood
and strong nerves," a bright eye and
clear complexion, because all these re
sult only from a wholesome food well
Nearly all druggists sell Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets at '50 cents full sized
package or by mail by enclosing price to
Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich., but ask
your druggist first.
A little book on stomach diseases
mailed free. Address F. A. Stuart Co.,
Marshall, Mich.
Series of Fatal Accidents on the White
Pass Railway.
Victohia, B. C, Dec. 15. The
steamer Danube, arriving from Lynn
canal, reports a succession of fatal acci
dents during the construction of the
White Pass railway, caused by ava
lanches. First officer Lawrence, of the
Danube, while at Skagway, was told of
six of these fatalities cccuring within a
week; be obtained no names, but was
assured that no fewer than 15 or 20 bad
lost their lives on the railway eince the
advent of winter.
A number of deaths are also spoken of
indefinitely as having occurred on the
trail to Benpett, oniy one, however, be
ing positively confirmed. In this the
victim was Ferrow, the well known
packer, who was found froz?n to death.,
on the summit.
Remains of Volunteers.
Washington, Dec. 9. The Oregon
senators saw Adjutant-General Corbin
and the assistant secretary of war in
relation to requests they have received
for tfie return of the remains of the
Oregon volunteers now buried in the
Philippine islands. It has been the in- '
tention of the secretary of war to have
all the remains of volunteers returned
to their relatives for burial at home, the
only question arising as to whether the
remains of those dying of the smallpox
can safely be brought home. The
others will certainly. be brought to thia
country. Adjutant-General Cotbin told
Senators Simon and McBride that he
wonld be glad to do all he could in this
mitter, but probably nothing can be
done until in the .winter, when the colder and the transfer
made under better circumstances.
California Drought Ended.
San Fbancisco. Dec.13. The weather
and crop reports gathered by the Asso
ciated Press today show that the rain
which . commenced on the coast last
night has reached almost every section
of the state, and all danger ofdrought
for the time being ia passed. The pre
cipitation comes in the nick of time.
Cattle .have -been starving in many sec
tions, and the grtund has been too dry
Ijt tilling, and water Eupplies for many
cities and towns have reached a very
low ebb. Today's rain will prove suffi
cient for present needs.
Pain 8 in the chest when a person has
a cold indicate a tendency toward pneu
monia. A piece of fltnnel dampened
with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and
bound on to the -chest over the seat ot
pain will promptly relieve the pa hi and
prevent the threatened attack of pneu
monia. This same treatment will cure
a lame back in few hours. Sold by
Blakeley A Houghton.
A little of Schilling's
spices . -.bakiny powder .
soda 'and flavoring extracts
goes a long way. They are
strong. :-...- 12S
. . For sale by,.., v . t a.-.-i-.', - , , .
Vandugn, Adams & Co.